Selected Monuments
Related to Abraham LincolnClick here for a biography of Abraham Lincoln [1809-1865].
Click here for peace monuments related to slavery & emancipation.Right click image to enlarge.
April 14, 1865 - Ford's Theater & Lincoln Museum, National Park Service (NPS), Washington, DC (USA). Became iconic the moment President Lincoln was assassinated in the theater on April 14, 1865.
1874 - Lincoln's Tomb, Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois (USA). Includes reproductions of Lincoln statues in Chicago & Washington, DC. Mary Todd Lincoln and sons Tad, Willie & Eddie are also buried here, but not son Robert (who is buried in Arlington National Cemetery).
April 14, 1876 - Emancipation Memorial, Lincoln Park, East Capitol Avenue & 12th Street, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC (USA). Dedicated by Frederick Douglass & President Ulysses Grant. Sculpted by Thomas Ball. "Depicts Abraham Lincoln holding his Emancipation Proclamation and standing over Archer Alexander [1828-1880?] breaking the chains of slavery. Alexander was the last slave captured under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850." Right image shows this monument on the cover of "Standing soldiers, kneeling slaves: Race, war, and monument in nineteenth-century America," by Kirk Savage (1999).
1887 - "Standing Lincoln" Statue, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois (USA). By Irish-American sculptor August Saint-Gaudens [1848-1907]. A favorite of Hull House founder [& Nobel Peace Prize laureate] Jane Addams [1860-1935] who once wrote, "I walked the wearisome way from Hull-House to Lincoln Park ... in order to look at and gain magnanimous counsel from the statue."
1920 - Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Parliament Square, London (England). By Irish-Americn sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens [1848-1907]. Copy of statue (qv) in Chicago, Illinois (USA). One of 309 London monu- ments in Kershman (2007), page 65.
1887 - Home of Abraham Lincoln & Mary Todd Lincoln, National Park Service (NPS), Springfield, Illinois (USA). Abraham Lincoln & Mary Todd Lincoln lived here 1844-1961. Donated by their son Robert to State of Illinois in 1887 and immediately opened to public (making it one of the earliest publicly held historical sites in the USA). Donated to National Park Service in 1972.
1894 - Detail, Cuyahoga County Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument, 3 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio (USA). Shows Lincoln removing shackles from a slave and handing him a rifle.
1911 - Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site, National Park Service (NPS), 2995 Lincoln Farm Road, Hodgenville, Kentucky (USA). A Beaux-Arts neo-classical memorial building designed by John Russell Pope. Cornerstone was laid by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1909, and the building was dedicated in 1911 by President William Howard Taft. A reconstructed log cabin is inside the shrine. Another resconstruced cabin is outdoors at the Knob Creek Unit of the historic site.
September 2, 1912 - Lincoln Statue, Nebraska State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska (USA). "The Gettysburg Address [November 19, 1863] is carved into the granite backdrop, and Abraham Lincoln is depicted as just having finished that memorable speech. Sculptor Daniel Chester French [1850-1931] collaborated with architect Henry Bacon [1866-1924] to provide the statue's setting. French and Bacon are most famous for their work on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. At the statue's dedication, Nebraska orator William Jennings Bryan [1860-1925] spoke to a crowd of thousands."
1918 - Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Square, Mancheser (England). Replica of a statue originally exhibited in New York City in 1916. Cleaned for 200th anniversary of end of the Atlantic slave trade in 2008.
1918 - Statue of Abraham Lincoln, State Capitol (2nd Street side), Springfield, Illinois (USA). Sculpted by Irish-American sculptor Andrew O'Connor [1874-1941]. Depicts Lincoln on February 11, 1861, as he boarded a train for Washington, DC. Behind the statue the entire text of Lincoln's Farewell Address is carved on the huge granite slab.
1930 - Bust of Abraham Lincoln, Shopping Complex, Royal Exchange, London (England). Sculpted by Irish-American sculptor Andrew O'Connor [1874-1941]. One of 309 London monuments in Kershman (2007), page 210.
May 30, 1922 - Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC (USA). Contains famous seated statue of Abraham Lincoln by Daniel Chester French [1850-1931].
August 28, 1963 - Inscription, Steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC (USA). Marks where Martin Luther King, Jr., stood when he delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech on August 28, 1963.
July 4, 1943 - Statue of Abraham & Mary Todd Lincoln, East Park (now Gateway Technical College), Racine, Wisconsin (USA). First statue of Lincoln with his wife Mary Todd Lincoln [1818-1882].
1944 - Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, Lincoln City, Indiana (USA). Lincoln lived here 1816-1830. "The centerpiece of the memorial is an one-story limestone ashlar memorial building completed in 1944 that features five sculpted murals of the different phases of Lincoln's life." Right image shows reproduction of Lincoln's boyhood cabin.
June 1996 - Mary Todd Lincoln House & Beula C. Nunn Garden, 578 West Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky (USA). Bult c.1803-6 as an inn called 'The Sign of the Green Tree,' operated by William P. Monteer who sold the property to Mary Todd's father in May 1832. She was 13 years old when the Todds moved there, and this was her home until she left to live with her sister Elizabeth Edwards in Springfield, Illinois, in 1839."
October 20, 2001 - Kentucky Memorial, Kentucky Avenue, Vicksburg, Mississippi (USA). "Soldiers from Kentucky fought on both sides of the Battle. The Memorial is a statue of Presidents Lincoln and Davis (both Kentucky natives) with words from both of them calling for reconciliation between the North and South. At the start of the war Kentucky declared itself to be neutral and only sided with Union after a Confederate invasion. Even so, the Conferderacy still had support there and was able to recruit soldiers both then and during a later invasion in 1862." Built by State of Kentucky.
October 14, 2004, & April 19, 2005 - Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum, Springfield, Illinois (USA). Displays all aspects of Lincoln's life & presidency, including the emacipation of American slaves.
February 18, 2008 - President Lincoln's Cottage, Soldiers' Home, Washington, DC (USA). The cottage with about 2.3 acres (9,300 mē) of the Home was proclaimed a National Monument by President Bill Clinton on July 7, 2000. Now managed through a cooperative agreement between the Armed Forces Retirement Home and the National Trust for Historic Preservation in consultation with the National Park Service, the cottage was restored & opened to the public on February 18, 2008.