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88 Peace Monuments
Related to Doves![]()
"And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off:
So Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth."
Genesis 8:11 (King James Version).Click here for "The Dove and Olive Branch as a Symbol of Peace."
Click here for Wikipedia article entitled "Doves as symbols."
Click here to see peace doves represented on postage stamps.N.B.: The dove is one of the most universal symbols of peace. This webpage depicts 86 dove monuments in 30 different countries.
About 500 AD - BINCENTIA IN PACE, San Sebastiano Catacomb, Rome (Italy). Inscription (not shown in image) flanked by the Chi-Rho symbol, basket (indicating good works), and dove with olive branch (from Genesis 8:11).
About 500 AD - Grabplatte der Irene mit der Taube, San Callisto Catacomb, Rome (Italy). A grave plate depicting the dove of peace bringing an olive branch to a child.
6th century CE - Mosaic, Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Emilia-Romagna, Ravenna (Italy). "Byzantine umbraculum or bower in form of a shell with doves as a sign of peace." Right image shows multiple such mosaics above the windows on the north side of the nave.
1181 - "Noah Receiving the Dove," Augustinian Monastery, Vindobona, near Vienna (Austria). Part of panel #15 of 17 tripartite panels known as the Altar of Verdun. Created during the short interval between the 2nd and 3rd crusades.
Circa 1660 - "Dove of the Holy Spirit" by Gianlorenzo Bernini [1598-1680], Throne of St. Peter, Basilica of St. Peter (Vatican City).
17th century - Picture Depicting Peace, Justice & Plenty, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (USA). Textile from England. Not on display. Peace holds dove and laurel. Justice holds sword and balance. Plenty holds fruit-filled corucopia.
EApril 10, 1910 - Dove of Peace, Hagia Maria Sion Abbey, Mount Zion, Jerusalem. In a Benedictine abbey just outside the walls of the Old City near the Zion Gate. Known as the Abbey of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary until 1998.
1919 - "Peace Commemoration Stamp," (Japan). "In Japan, the first stamps to carry a peace theme were issued in 1919 (the 8th year of the Taisho era). Doves and olive branches were featured in both of the designs issued to celebrate the end of World War I. We were impressed by the fact that these stamps were issued not to celebrate victory but the end of the war. According to the Postal Museum in Tokyo, it was very rare for a dove to be used as a peace symbol at that time. Overseas, the only case of a "peace dove" in connection with World War I appears to be a stamp issued in the former Czechoslovakia in 1918."
1929 - Bok Tower & Gardens, Historic Bok Sanctuary, Lake Wales, Florida (USA). National Historic Landmark. Gardens by Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. "Symbolize Edward Bok's concern for World Peace & Beauty, themes which are interwoven throughout his concept for creating this gift, the overall design including landscape & architecture, & in the small details. The dove, a symbol of peace, recurs in many styles & materials throughout the tower & gardens." (Stephenson 1990)
1940 - "The Return," Musée René Magritte, Hotel Altenloh, Place Royale, Brussels (Belgium). By Belgian surrealist René Magritte [1898-1967].
January 1949 - Colombe à l'olivier" (aka Carré Picasso), Paris (France). "En janvier 1949, un gigantesque Congrès de la Paix se tient à Paris organisé par le Parti Communiste qui demande à Pablo Picasso [1881-1973] de dessiner une affiche symbolisant le Mouvement de la Paix (MVP). Picasso trace le profil d’une colombe, comme les pigeons blancs qu’il garde en cage dans son atelier et ceux des arbres de son enfance en Espagne. Au printemps de la même année, la colombe de Picasso est apposée sur les murs des villes d’Europe. Le 19 avril 1949, une autre colombe apparaît dans la vie de Picasso -- sa fille Paloma ("colombe" en espagnol)."
Circa 1949 - "Blue Dove with Yellow Sun" by Pablo Picasso [1881-1973]. Lithograph 30 x 22 inches. Where is the original?
April 20-23, 1949 - Congres Mondial de la Paix / World Congress of Peace, poster by Pablo Picasso [1881-1973], Paris (France). Picasso drew many doves of peace during this period.
November 13-19, 1950 - Second World Peace Conference, Sheffield (England). Poster by Pablo Picasso [1881-1973] says "Second World Conference of the Defenders of Peace." Picasso is the only international intellectual allowed into the UK by the Labour government for this conference, and he consequently refuses to attend. "The World Peace Congress (WPC) emerged from a Communist-led peace congress held at Wroclaw (Poland) in 1948. A subsequent congress in Paris & Prague in 1949 set up a World Committee of Partisans for Peace, and a congress in Sheffield & Warsaw in 1950 reconstituted the Partisans as the World Peace Council (WPC)."
D O V E S ![]()
February 1, 2012? - Peace Doves, opposite Peace Gardens, St. Paul's Parade, Sheffield (England). "Stainless steel sculpture by Sheffield artist Richard Bartle. Features seven life-size doves perched on chimney of Bar Ha!Ha! (now Browns Bar & Brasserie) next to the Peace Gardens. Inspired by Pablo Picasso’s visit to the Second World Peace Congress held in Sheffield in 1950. Pablo Picasso [1881-1973] arrived at Sheffield Midland railway station carrying a bouquet of chrysanthemums & wearing an old raincoat & blue beret. He was welcomed by members of the local communist party, the press & the public, and taken on a tour of the city. He ate a bacon sandwich at Thorpe's cafe in Fargate; had his hair trimmed at Peckitt's barbers, and drew a 'dove of peace' on a napkin in Butler’s Dining Rooms. The Congress was to be a special debate on the Korean War, but the Government at the time refused to allow important speakers into the country, & it was abandoned. Picasso gave a short speech, recalling that he had learnt to paint doves from his father, and ending by saying 'I stand for life against death; I stand for peace against war.' Later whilst returning to London he drew another Dove of Peace on a napkin, which he gave to the bodyguard who had accompanied him around the city. This drawing is now part of Sheffield Galleries & Museums Trust’s collection and is now on permanent display at Weston Park Museum. Richard Bartle has used the original poster [from 1949], designed by Picasso, as a template to create the sculpture, in celebration of the memory of Picasso and the cause of peace that he introduced into an already radically thinking Sheffield..."
August 1951 - 3rd World Festival of Youth & Students for Peace (WFYS), East Berlin (East Germany). Attended by 26,000 participants from 104 countries. Its motto was: "For Peace and Friendship - Against Nuclear Weapons." /// Image shows scarf to commemorate the festival by Pablo Picasso [1881-1973]. "During the late 1940's and early 1950's, Picasso was actively involved in the communist-supported International Peace Movement and attended congresses in Poland, Italy & England. In 1950 he was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize, but his art was not generally approved by the Communist Party. Picasso avoided using overtly communist symbolism in his work and refused to work in the socialist realist style favoured by the party."
1952 - World Peace Congress , East Berlin (East Germany). Image shows Picasso's dove above the stage.
May 4, 1969 - "Peace on Earth" fountain, Los Angeles Music Center, Los Angeles, California (USA). By Cubist Jacques Lipchitz [1891-1973]. "Portrays a dove descending to earth with the spirit of peace, symbolized by the Madonna, standing inside a tear shaped canopy, supported by a base of reclining lambs. The architects opposed placing sculpture in the plaza between the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion and the Mark Taper Forum. Today, no work of public art in Los Angeles is more photographed." "Water jets shoot out of holes in the paving tiles. The fountain jets radiate out of the side forming a cross."
After 1963 - Memorial to Grigoris Lambrakis, Corner of Ermou & Eleftheriou Venizelou, Kentro, Thessaloniki (Greece). "If you've read the 1966 novel Z by Vassilis Vassilikos (or seen the 1969 Costas-Gavras staring Yves Montand film about the murder of Grigoris Lambrakis [1912-1963], a leftist member of Parliament, by rightists), this monument is especially moving. The murder precipitated the events leading to the 1967-74 dictatorship of the colonels. A dramatic bronze head & arm, above which flutters a sculpted dove, marks the spot of the murder." /// "On May 29th 1963 a statue of Harry S. Truman is unveiled in Athens. Created by Felix W. de Weldon (creator of the US Marine Memorial of the US flag being raised at Iwo Jima), the Truman statue is a gift from the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA). The statue becomes a popular target of political expression & is blown up numerous times, as well as spray-painted with anti-US slogans. The sad irony is that the dedication of Truman's statue takes place the day after the massively attended Lambrakis funeral."
After 1963 - "Gregoris Lambrakis, a Martyr for Disarmament and Peace!," Agrinion (Greece). Statue.
May 30, 1979 - "Congregations for Peace," Monroe County Courthouse, Bloomington, Indiana (USA). Statue of female "Peace" holding a dove and a book inscribed "BLESSED are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Children of GOD" (from Matthew 5:9). Sculpted from local oolitic limestone by William T. Dahman. Visited by EWL.
1979 - "Dove of Peace," General Assembly Lobby, United Nations, New York City, New York (USA). Reproduction of a mosaic in the Constantinian Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican City. Presented by Pope John Paul II. Entry #749 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1981 - Monumento à Paz Universal / Monument to Universal Peace, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brazil). The beautiful monument to universal peace was donated by LC4 District [of the Lions Club] when he was Governor PDG José de Abreu Duarte LC BH Itacolumi. It was inaugurated with the presence of the International President, the Japanese Murakami, after a long battle of our governor for him to come." [Google translation]
1982? - La Columbe de la Paix / Peace Dove, Place de la Colombe de la Paix, Lomé (Togo). "C’est l’un des endroits les plus touristique de Lomé par son monument dédié à la Paix symbolisant une colombe perchée sur un globe, tenant un brin de laurier dans son bec. C’est aussi un gros carrefour reliant quatre des plus grands axes de Lomé : Le boulevard du Mono, le boulevard des armées, le route de l’aéroport et l’avenue Maman N’danida. Le voyageur pénètrant dans la capitale risque fortement d’y passer ce carrefour étant situé juste à l’entrée de la ville." /// "Lomé abrite depuis 1982 le Bureau régional de l’Afrique de l’Ouest de l’Agence intergouvernementale de la francophonie." /// From "Togo Today and in 1970" by Mark G. Wentling (Foreign Service Journal, October 2013, page 42): "The Dove of Peace statue on the road leading to the airport still stands, as if it is waiting for a genuine period of peace that has not yet arrived." /// Compare similar monument in Central African Republic (2010).
September 21, 1982 - First International Day of Peace. Observed at UN Headquarters by ringing the Japanese Peace Bell. Henceforth, the bell is rung on the Vernal Equinox and on 21 September to coincide with the opening of the UN General Assembly and the International Day of Peace.
1983? - Peace Fountain, Showa National Memorial Park, Tachikawa, Tokyo (Japan). "Depicts a young family, parents and two children, releasing doves into the sky. It is meant to symbolize our sincere hope for world peace. To see the statue, you should enter the park from the Tachikawa gate." Opened in 1983, the park had been a military airfield until 1977.
1984 - Dove of Peace, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada). "This dove was built in commemoration of the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1984."
1985 - Monument du souvenir et de la paix, Saint Gely du Fesc, Hérault department, Languedoc-Roussillon region (France). Hauteur 5 m, pierre.
July 1, 1985 - Monument to Multiculturalism, Union Station, 65 Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario (Canada). "Presented to Toronto on the occasion of its sesquicentennial by the national congress of Italian Canadians on behalf of the Italian Canadian Community. Unveiled on Canada Day by the mayor of the city of Toronto, Arthur Eggleton, in the presence of the premier of the Province of Ontario, David Peterson." Sculpted by Italian artist Francesco Perilli. Base by Nino Rico. Four identical sculptures are located in Buffalo City (South Africa), Changchun (China), Sarajevo (Bosnia) & Sydney (Australia). A sixth has recently been added in San Diego, California (USA).
Before 1986 - Manchester Peace Gardens, St. Peter's Square, Manchester, England (UK). Part of "Manchester City of Peace."
April 1986 - "Messenger of Peace," Manchester Peace Gardens, St. Peter's Square, Manchester, England (UK). Sculpted by Barbara Pearson. Also called "peace statue" and "the pigeon woman."
January 15, 1991 - Peace Monument, Harrison County Courthouse, Corydon, Indiana (USA). Conceived by Mark Stein to balance seven war memorials on all other sides of the courthouse. Simple stone slab with a dove & inscribed only "Dedicated to the Peaceful Resolution of Conflict", plus this quotation: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone, it is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower [1890-1969]." Dedicated on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. Visited by EWL 09Aug09.
About 1991 - Statue of Peace, Citizen's Plaza, Tokyo Municipal Government Building, Shinjuku District, Tokyo (Japan). Left image by EWL. Click here for other photo.
Dates? - Statue of Man with Dove & Statue of Two Children with Dove, on riverbank opposite Genbaku Dome, Hiroshima (Japan). What's the meaning of these statues?
1992 - Monument de la Paix / Peace Monument, Central City, Bamako (Mali). Arch is two arms supporting a sphere (the earth?) topped with a dove of peace. Photographed by Lowell & Marge Owens.
Date? - La Columbe de la Paix / Peace Dove, Lomé (Togo).
Date? - Dove of Peace Window, Abundant Grace Lutheran Church, 2425 South Emerson Avenue, Greenwood, Indiana (USA). Dove in circular window.
1992 - Disappeared - La Paz (Peace Dove), HemisFair Park, San Antonio, Texas (USA). Sculpture of a dove with its wings wrapped around the world. Sculpted by Cuauhtemoc Zamudio. "I have a request in to our San Antonio Parks & Rec department to find out what they did with the lovely peace dove, a gift from our sister city of Monterrey, Mexico, that disappeared from HemisFair Park a while ago." /// Information courtesy of Susan Ives (San Antonio Peace Center).
1992 - Monumento à Paz / Peace Monument, Avenida Beira-Mar Norte, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina (Brazil). Erected by the Bahá'í faith. "It is possible to read another phrase that Bahá'u'lláh says. "Peace is not only possible, but inevitable is the next stage in the evolution of this planet." [Google translation]
Date? - Monumento da Paz / Peace Monument, Guarapari, Espirito Santo State (Brazil).
Date? - Monumento a Paz / Peace Monument, Parque Infantil / Playground, CER "Leonor Mendes de Barros," Rua 13 Maio 900, Araraquara, São Paulo State (Brazil). "The playground is the site most commonly used for walking with special programs of physical activity."
February 23, 1993 - Peace Monument Project of Rotary Club of Wagga Wagga, NSW (Australia). Similar monuments in Australia, India, Spain, Thailand, USA & other countres. Each monument is based on a dove of peace. Click here for further information.
1993 - Doves, Sea Promenade, Rishon LeZion (Israel). Four stylized doves forming arches, cast in polymeric substances by sculptor Eliezer Weishoff.
Date? - Japanese peace monument, "World Peace Praying Park," New Bilibid Prisons Reservation (NBP), Muntinlupa City, near Manila (Philippines). Twin towers with simple medalion featuring a dove of peace (zoom image to see detail). Adjacent to Japanese bell, peace pole, historic Japanese Cemetery & shrine for Japanese dead. Sign above bell says "Ring the bell, praying for world peace" in Japanese. At Muntinlupa Prison in which Japanese prisoners were incarcerated after World War II. Information courtesy of Michio Hamaji, Tokyo, 13-17Mar2016. Images from website of Bureau of Corrections & Michio Hamaji. /// FYI: "A poem by two Japanese prisoners of war was made into a song [entitled "Muntinlupa"] by popular Japanese artist Hamako Watanabe [1910-1999] in the 1950’s. The poem was dedicated by prisoners Gintaro Shirota & Masayuso Ito to their executed comrades in the hills of Muntinlupa. The song, was said to have been the reason President Elpidio Quirino [1890-1956] pardoned the remaining Japanese prisoners (at time of the signing he was in the US seeking medical attention). He was quoted saying 'We share the destiny to be good neighboring countries' after signing the release papers."
1994 - Prairie Peace Park, Seward, Nebraska (USA) -- 7 miles west of Lincoln on Interstate Highway 80 (exit 388). Peace museum primarily for children, created and owned by Don Tilley. Closed in 2005, but some of its outdoor displays remain. Included open globe (with doves of peace) and 16 sculptures of Sadako Sasaki. Entry #582 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). <
VEDate? - Kalapati / Dove Monument, Olongapo City, New Cabalan (Philippines). "Mr. Kasanobu Miyazaki, a Japanese owner of an accounting firm in Aioi City (Japan), requested that a shrine be built where his brother, Capt. Masanobu Miyazaki, died in battle at the Zig Zag Pass. Mayor Gordon suggested instead a peace monument dedicated to the Filipino, American & Japanese lives that were lost in that battle. The monument was thus built at the junction of the national highway and the road into New Cabalan. It is surmounted by a dove of peace. This monument welcomes travelers who will pass the first barangay of Olongapo City from the province of Bataan." /// Sign says "World Peace Memorial of Olongapo City; this memorial is a tribute to the persons who perished during WWII, and is dedicated by the people of Olongapo City to World Peace, Friendship and Cooperation."
May 5, 1995 - Cesar Chavez mural, San Francisco State University, Malcolm X Plaza, San Francisco, California (USA). Lead artist Carlos (Cookie) Gonzalez. Dedicated about seven months after the SFSU Student Union was renamed after Chavez. The United Farm Workers (UFW) logo of an eagle was taken [by Cesar Chavez [1927-1993] & his brother Robert] from the Mexican flag. (The UFW was the first successful farm workers union in US history with a membership of 100,000 at its peak.) Logo colors represent hope (white), struggle of workers (black) & sacrifice (red). In his left hand Chavez holds a dove, which symbolizes his belief in non-violent resistance. Also present in the mural are the “Grapes of Wrath,” which resemble skulls to signify the harmful effects of pesticides on farm workers. The grapes also represent the first consumer boycott of the UFW, the 1965 Delano strike.
1995 - Vietnamese-American Peace Park, 30 miles north of Hanoi (Viet-Nam). A project of the Madison Quakers. Image shows Dove Mound, inspired by the Native American mound at the Highground Veterans Memorial Park, Neillsville,Wisconsin (USA).
1997 - Peace Monument, Peace Circle, National Field of Honour, Last Post Fund, Pointe-Claire, Québec (Canada). The National Field of Honour is a cemetery for Canadian & Allied veterans & their loved ones. "The Peace Circle was dedicated in 1997, after Canada changed its designation of Veterans to include those who had served on duty around the world in the service of peace. The Peace Monument was designed by the artist Jean Bernard, a World War II Royal Canadian Air Force Veteran. Atop a simple block of pink granite is perched a white dove which symbolizes peace. The words 'Paix & Peace' are inscribed in the granite."
February 8, 1998 - Peace Grove, Perth, Western Australia (Australia). Honoring Nobel Peace Prize laureates Anwar Sadat and Yatzhan Rabin.
1998 - "Sprinkle the Joy of Peace," by Alexandra Nechita, young Romanian artist known as the "Petite Picasso." Painting is for sale.
2004 - "Let There Be Peace," by Alexandra Nechita, young Romanian artist known as the "Petite Picasso." Painting is privately owned. Sculpture is for sale (edition size is 49 plus 8 Artist Proofs and 8 "Monumental" works).
1998 - Monument of Peace & Unity, City Hall, San Pedro Street, Davao, Mindanao (Philippines). Unveiled during the celebration of the Philippine Centennial. Depicts the peaceful relationship of the migrant and indigenous inhabitants of Davao in the last 100 years.
November 11, 2001 - Ring of Peace, First United Methodist Church, Beech & 2nd Streets, Casper, Wyoming (USA). By Chris Navarro. "You may remember that Matthew Shepherd, a young gay man, was murdered by homophobes in Laramie, Wyoming, in the late 1990s. There's nothing in Laramie to commemorate him, but if you visit the website his parents created, they recommend you see a statue called the Ring of Peace in Casper, that's dedicated first to Matthew, and also to the victims of the Columbine shootings [and 9/11]... a nice idea, but it's just sad how run down and crappy it looks. It was possible for me to take a nice picture of it, but only if I was very careful to crop out almost all the surroundings."
May 2002 - Mandel Peace Garden, Brandeis University, Walham, Massachusetts (USA). Dove mosiac is now the logo of the university's Peace, Conflict & Coexistence Studies Program. "There are approximately 40 different language bricks [and] hopes to add approximately 20 more language bricks (including American Sign Language & Braile), various cultural symbols of peace, a dedication plaque & a 'peace tree.'"
2002 - "Children of Peace" by Gary Price, Garden Walk, Public Library, Downers Grove, Illinois (USA). Click here to see the statue's installation.
September 5, 2002 - Garden for Peace (GFP), State Botanical Garden of Georgia, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (USA). One of several GFP's sponsored by Gardens for Peace, Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
Date? - Dove of Peace, Outskirts, La Paz, Baja California Sur (Mexico). "A peace dove or a whale's tail, this monument greets you as you enter La Paz." La Paz means peace in Spanish.
Date? - Dove of Peace, Sumgait, Sumqayit Sahari (Azerbaijan).
Date? - Mano de la Paz / Hand of Peace, Malaga (Spain). "We must reach out to peace. Hay que tender una mano a la Paz. 'No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino.' Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)."
Date? - Dove of Peace, Malécon, La Paz, Baja California Sur (Mexico). Bronze dove. La Paz means peace in Spanish.
1991? - La Poloma / Dove, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO), Monterrey (Mexico). By artist Juan Soriano [1920-2006]. 18 feet (5.5 m) tall, weighs 4 tons, and is made of bronze.
1998? - Las Palomas / The Doves, Parque Central “El Palomar,” Avenue Independencia y Teófilo Borunda, Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico). "Monumento integrado con tres palomas de bronce, cuyo proyecto fue realizado por el escultor Fermín Gutiérrez. Constituye un símbolo de la plaza del mismo nombre." Visited by EL.
Date? - Paintings by Christopher Calle. Left image depicts the Japanese Peace Bell at United Nations in New York City. Colors of both paintings represent the United Nations.
November 1, 2002 - Peace Memorial Gymnasium, St. John the Theologian Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 353 East Clinton Avenue, Tenafly, New Jersey (USA). "Sporting new art and a new name, Peace Memorial Gymnasium is adorned with 63 recently unveiled gold plaques etched with well-known words of peace from Greek Orthodox & other leaders..., circular stained-glass windows, and a 60-by-16-foot mural, its centerpiece a large white dove outlined in 24 karat gold and painted in oil. The dove, carrying an olive branch, was painted by Guillermo Esparza of New York City.
2003 - Statue de la Paix, Fonsorbes, Haute-Garonne (France). "Sculptée dans le tronc d’un cèdre en 2003." Also called "Colombe de la Liberte"?
2003? - Uhuru Monument, Uhuru Gardens, along Langata road, Nairobi (Kenya). Near Wilson Airport. "Uhuru Gardens is Kenya's largest memorial park. They "are the biggest home to Nairobi memorial tombs of all the Independence freedom fighters. The Uhuru monument is built on the spot where the (Uhuru) freedom was gained from the British rule and was declared at midnight on December 12th, 1963. The column of the Uhuru monument stands 24 meters high & supports a pair of clasped hands as well as the dove of peace plus the column of the statue of a group of freedom fighters raising the flag. In 2003 however, the Uhuru Gardens was the site of a public damage of arms [sic]. This representational ceremony took place on the third anniversary of the signature of the Nairobi Declaration on Small Arms & Light Weapons."
June 6, 2004 - World Peace Monument, Memorial de Caen, Colleville-sur-Mer (France). Ten meter statue of world peace dedicated on 60th anniversary of the D-Day landing in World War II. Donated by China. Note man in right image for scale.
July 30, 2004 - Peace Mural, Bogside, Derry (Northern Ireland). In 2007, brothers Tom & William Kelly and their friend Kevin Hasson from Derry, collectively known as the 'Bogside Artists', recreated their famous 'Peace' mural on the Mall in Washington, DC (USA). The original depicts a dove of peace. Click here for distant view.
Date? - Peace Monument, Ma'aleh Adummim, east of Jerusalem (Occupied West Bank). Opposite the Ma'aleh Adummin shopping center. Large white dove with world globe between its wings. No information on-line. Ma'aleh Adummin is an illegal Israeil setttlement according to international law. Lower image by EWL.
Date? -Peace Dove, Faqua, Jenin District (Occupied West Bank). "The dove sculpture abandoned in a field in the village of Faqua stands for the abandonment of the peace negotiations between Palestine & Israel." /// "A village of about 5,000 residents, Faqua is blighted by a security barrier set up by Israel that separates it from Ma'ale Gilboa, a religious kibbutz that is home to 400 Israeli settlers. The village is not connected to any piped supply. Instead, Faqua has to rely on exorbitantly expensive water brought in by tankers. This water still does not meet the village's needs."
2005? - "White Dove With Olive Branch," Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 902 Battelle Boulevard, Richland, Washington (USA). "PNWNL is an Office of Science laboratory within the US Department of Energy; this image was created there to illustrate the idea that 'Education is an important part of advancing nonproliferation.'" Does dove exist, or is it just a pretty graphic?
October 14, 2005 - Rosa and Mo, live doves who animate the Dayton International Peace Museum, Dayton, Ohio (USA). Named for Rosa Parks and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
Late 2005 - Dove and Gandhi on billboard for Dayton International Peace Museum, Ludlow at Fifth Street (facing southbound traffic), Dayton, Ohio (USA).
October 22, 2006 - Peace Monument, Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 271 Van Horne Street, Sudbury, Ontario (Canada). Stainless steel. Erected by Les Jésuites de Sudbury in celebration of a triple jubilee: The 450th anniversary of the death of the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, as well as the 500th anniversary of the birthday of two well-known Jesuits, Francis-Xavier & Pierre Favre. Peace is represented by a dove, a Christian Cross, and symbols in the letters A(lpha) and O(mega) representing the 12 world religions. The dove and Cross are distinctly at the top.
Before 2007 - Globe with doves of peace, Sarab (Irân). Who built this, when & why? On-line note by Steve Fryburg: "While traveling in Iran in 2007 we passed through a small town that had this beautiful monument in the center. So much nicer than the cannons & war memorials typically seen in towns in the US." NB: Dayton International Peace Museum publishes a post card with an image of this monument.
Before 2007 - Peace Dove, where? (Iran). On-line note by Steve Fryburg: "While traveling in Iran in 2007 we passed through a small town that had this beautiful monument in the center. So much nicer than the cannons & war memorials typically seen in towns in the US."
June 29, 2007 - Tehran Peace Monument, City Park, Tehran (Irân). Unveiled on the 20th anniverary of the chemical attack on the town of Sardashi in northwestern Iran. Depicts a white dove mounted on a marble pedestal and decorated by a message in six languages: "That terrible suffering gave us a new understanding of the cruelty of war, the terror of weapons of mass destruction, and the importance of peace. Until the day when all people on Earth can live in peace, we will continuously send messages of peace to the world."
Date? - Colombe de la paix éclairant le monde, park-e-Eram, Tehran (Iran). Image apparently shows a speaker tied to the dove/s neck.
2007 - "Memorial To The Civilians of East London [in the] 2nd World War 1939-1945," Hermitage Memorial Garden, Wapping, London (England). Dove of peace sculpted by Wendy Taylor. 20,000 ordinary Londoners lost their lives during the Blitz, with a further 10,000 being killed by the infamous V1 and V2 rockets later in the war. "Sadly, the memorial has fallen victim to vandalisation by local youths." Image looks east from the Thames Riverside Path with the shape of the Dove's wings mirrored in the building to the left.
August-September 2007 - Dove of Peace on the "35W Bridge Memorial Wall," Minnesota State Fair, St. Paul, Minnesota (USA). The bridge carrying Interstate Highway 35W over the Mississippi River collapsed on August 1, 2007, killing 13 people.
Late 2008 - "Monument to Life and Disarmament," Tercer Milenio Park, Bogota (Columbia). "Built out of the metal from thousands of weapons which were donated & melted down. When completed, the figures were carrying about a dozen doves, but today only a few are left. They were apparently torn off by scavengers who wanted to sell the metal, which perhaps turned back into weapons."
February 27, 2009 - "Peace," Yorkwoods Public School, Toronto, Ontario (Canada). "Students unveiled a beautiful eggshell mosaic entitled 'Peace' in the school’s front foyer. They came up with the idea of creating the mosaic as a way to show how by being peaceful at school, children from the 27 different cultures represented at the school can get along & be friends. Students chose the dove of peace as the central focus for the mural. Grades 1 to 5 students in the Yorkwoods Public School Art Club worked under the guidance of art teacher Alla Saidakovsky to produce the piece by painstakingly gluing each piece of eggshell--one tiny piece at a time--to their working board." Links courtesy of Alla Saidakovsky 08Dec2013.
June 27, 2009 - Monument of Reconciliation, Poltava (Ukraine). "Marks the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava [June 27, 1709]... Symbolizes the reconciliation of the peoples of Russia, Sweden & Ukraine who fought in the Great Northern War [1700-1721] – the largest military conflict of the 18th century...Designed by architect Valery Tregubov. Consists of three joined arches under a common cupola or dome with a bell of unity. Three pillars of the monument are decorated with mosaic flags of the Russian Federation, Sweden & Ukraine created by artist Leonid Totskiy. Each pillar bears the inscription 'Time heals all wounds' in the appropriate language. At the center of the monument is a short column crowned with the dove of peace created by sculptor Seiran Margaryan."
2010 - Monument de la paix / Peace Monument, place de la réconciliation au rond point marabéna, avenue Koudoukou, Bangui (Central African Republic). According to this websie, Bangui is "ville des monuments." Compare similar monument in Togo (1982?).
October 9, 2010 - John Lennon Peace Monument, Liverpool (England). "18-foot monument by by 19-year-old American artist Lauren Voiers. Unveiled by Lennon’s son Julian as part of Liverpool's two-month season of events commemorating the former Beatle’s 70th birthday and 30th anniversary of his murder. Second of a series of monuments commissioned by California-based organisation Global Peace Initiative. (The first monument was by Romanian artist Alexandra Nechita and was presented to Singapore on behalf of the people of Asia in 2005.) Presented to The Beatles Story, which came up with the idea of a landmark in Liverpool, and sited in a prominent city centre location yet to be agreed."
November 28, 2010 - Peace Monument, Barangay Sta. Maria, Zamboanga, Mindanao (Philippines). In front of Edwin Andrews Air Base. "Led by Peace Advocates Zamboanga (PAZ) & Interreligious Solidarity Movement for Peace (IRSMP)." At the dedication, one of the organizers said, "we commit to live in a new space for peace, peace within ourselves, peace among our neighbors, peace with nature & peace with our Great Provider." Local newspaper said this is "the first ever peace monument in the country... The 'First Peace Monument' was created by Tausug artist Rameer Tawasil [a Muslim]. It is shaped like a peace dove & hand extending peace." /// "Individuals, groups & institutions led by Peace Advocates Zamboanga (PAZ) & Interreligious Solidarity Movement for Peace (IRSMP) gathered yesterday to unveil a peace monument. Fr. Angel Calvo, PAZ president, accompanied by Dr. Grace Rebollos, president of Western Mindanao State University (WMSU), & Prof. Ali Yacub, chairman of Golden Crescent Consortium of Peace Builders & Affiliates (GCCPBA) officially unveiled the first ever peace monument in the country [sic]."
March 22, 2011 - Amsary Peace Dove, US Institute of Peace (USIP), Constitution Avenue at 23rd Street, NW, Washington, DC (USA). "Between the Lincoln Memorial & Capitol & passing by the Kennedy Center stands the USIP with its white roof that evokes the wings of a dove. Visible as a dove only from above. World's largest peace dove? The structure has been named after Hushang Ansary, the [Iranian-American] philanthropist & business leader from Houston, Texas." By coincidence, the monument was inaugurated by President George HW Bush at exactly the time US warplanes had started bombing Libya on orders from the incumbent Barack Obama. At a ceremony the following night, all four former presidents still living were present. The guests might have remembered that, in one way or another, all four had been involved in wars. In fact, all 44 men who have served as US president so far have been involved in at least one war." Click here for article from Middle East Spectator.
EApril 4, 2011 - Monumento a Paz / Peace Monument, Luena, Moxico Province (Angola). Dedicated on the 9th anniversary of the Luena Accords of 2002 which brought together the FAA & UNITA military forces, ending 27 years of civil war after the death in combat of Jonas Savimbi [1934-2002] on 22 February of the same year. /// "Near the site where Unita rebel leader Jonas Savimbi was killed in battle on February 22, 2002. Savimbi's death paved the way to a peace deal signed in the capital Luanda on April 4, 2002, ending the 27-year civil conflict that erupted soon after independence from Portugal in 1975." The monument is about 30 metres tall & is made up of copper & iron. It has two arms holding a white dove which symbolises Peace." /// Apparently also dedicated on April 4, 2012, by President Jose Eduardo dos Santos.
EDecember 24, 2011 - Unhate Dove, University of Tripoli, Tripoli (Libyas). "Following on from the launch of its Unhate Project in November, Benetton has unveiled its first monument to peace through Colors Magazine. The publication donated the large dove sculpture to the Libyan capital on Saturday, which marked the country's first Independence Day in 42 years. Made by Fabrica, the Unhate Dove art installation is composed of over 15,000 spent shell cartridges picked up in the world’s 'hot spots' & symbolises newfound peace in the region. 'The official handing-over of the dove is the UNHATE Foundation’s first act, both concrete and symbolic,' said Alessandro Benetton, Benetton Group’s executive deputy chairman, on behalf of the Foundation."
D O V E S ![]()
February 1, 2012? - Peace Doves, opposite Peace Gardens, St. Paul's Parade, Sheffield (England). "Stainless steel sculpture by Sheffield artist Richard Bartle. Features seven life-size doves perched on chimney of Bar Ha!Ha! (now Browns Bar & Brasserie) next to the Peace Gardens. Inspired by Pablo Picasso’s visit to the Second World Peace Congress held in Sheffield in 1950. Pablo Picasso [1881-1973] arrived at Sheffield Midland railway station carrying a bouquet of chrysanthemums & wearing an old raincoat & blue beret. He was welcomed by members of the local communist party, the press & the public, and taken on a tour of the city. He ate a bacon sandwich at Thorpe's cafe in Fargate; had his hair trimmed at Peckitt's barbers, and drew a 'dove of peace' on a napkin in Butler’s Dining Rooms. The Congress was to be a special debate on the Korean War, but the Government at the time refused to allow important speakers into the country, & it was abandoned. Picasso gave a short speech, recalling that he had learnt to paint doves from his father, and ending by saying 'I stand for life against death; I stand for peace against war.' Later whilst returning to London he drew another Dove of Peace on a napkin, which he gave to the bodyguard who had accompanied him around the city. This drawing is now part of Sheffield Galleries & Museums Trust’s collection and is now on permanent display at Weston Park Museum. Richard Bartle has used the original poster [from 1949], designed by Picasso, as a template to create the sculpture, in celebration of the memory of Picasso and the cause of peace that he introduced into an already radically thinking Sheffield..."
P A I N T I N G Early 2012 - Painting of peace & war, Mogadishu (Somalia). By Somali artist Abdullah Abdirahman Abdullah Alif. "A teenage boy - half flesh, half skeleton - stands in the middle of the painting, one hand clutching a dove, the other a rifle. Behind him are two very different futures: verdant fields, juicy melons & pretty buildings versus flames, graves, vultures & fire. 'We made this real simple,' explained Mr. Alif. 'A young boy is the backbone of society, & we want young boys to look at this & understand they have a choice right now, death & destruction or peace.' Mr. Alif, 40, is part of a team of artists who just emerged from years in hiding & have been commissioned, by a Somali nonprofit group, for the respectable wage of $400 a month to make giant paintings promoting peace. Their work will be displayed on busy street corners, the two-dimensional equivalent of a public service advertisement in a society without many TVs. During the Shabab years, Mr. Alif had a price on his head for drawings that were deemed un-Islamic. When he finally fled his neighborhood, looters snatched his file cabinets housing all his artwork. 'Twenty-six thousand drawings,' he said. 'Gone.'"
November 26, 2012 - Monument to Victims of Chemical Weapons, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), The Hague (Netherlands). "Given to the OPCW by the Islamic Republic of Iran & unveiled by Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for International Affairs, H.E. Mohammad Mehdi Akhoundzadeh on first day of the 17th Session of the Conference of the States Parties. Represents a victim gradually losing his/her life from the effects of chemical weapons whose body is simultaneously converted into peace doves. Created by Taher Sheykh-ol-Hokamaii, instructor at the University of Tehran’s faculty of fine arts."
March 9, 2013 - Peace Dove, Dubai (United Arab Emirates). " Biggest peace dove: Dubai breaks Guinness world record. A 19x19-metre white peace dove, made of 1.2 million buttons in the colours of the UAE flag was completed in Dubai; it was sponsored by Emaar Properties & is spearheaded by Iraqi extreme sportsman Captain Fareed Lafta, 33, a goodwill ambassador & peace-campaigner who roped in Dubai's school children from March 2 to build the dove over seven days, the work sets the new world record for the Biggest peace dove, according to the World Record Academy.
March 6, 2016 - Transportation Hub, World Trade Center (WTC), New York City, New York (USA). Also called the "Oculus." "This 150-foot-tall winged creation [said to resemble a peace dove] is the work of Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. It serves as a connector between the subway lines, the PATH trains & the ferry terminal in Battery Park City. Its centerpiece is a skylight set to open every September 11. It also features a public plaza, set to open when 3WTC is completed. The Oculus has been plagued by years of delays, design cutbacks, cost overruns & roof leaks; it eventually cost $4.4 billion."
Date? 2016 - Ashgabat International Airport, Ashgabat (Turkmenistan). Shaped like a peace dove. TURKMENISTAN
Future - "Peace Offering," Artist's studio, Hopkinton, Massachusetts (USA). Bench in form of a dove with outstretchd hands and the tail of a hawk (representing hostility). By Michael Malfano. "This sculpture represents some of the many aspects of attaining peace. It is a expression of Michael's Soka Gakkai Buddhist practice, with the intention of contributing to peace and culture." (5'7" x 2'9" x 1'7" Bronze, $25,000, Ltd. Ed. of 25, Resin, $6,000, Ltd. Ed. of 100)