159 Peace Gardens Around the World
N.B.: The difference between "garden" & "park" can be subtle. | Click here for peace parks (both small & large). | Click here for peace trees, forests, groves & prairies. | Click here for article on early Japanese gardens in Europe.
Here are the logos & names of three associations which have sponsored peace gardens in the USA & other countries:
1984 - International World Peace Rose Gardens (IWPRG), Sacramento, California (USA). Has placed 5 International World Peace Rose Gardens in 3 different countries (USA, Italy & Mexico). Original idea of T.J. David and Sylvia Villalobos. ![]()
1988 - Gardens for Peace (GFP), Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Has placed 16 Gardens for Peace in 4 different countries (Kenya, Republic of Georgia, Spain & USA). Original idea of Dr. Laura Dorsey. ![]()
1992 - International Peace Garden Foundation (IPGF), Batavia, near Rocheser, New York (USA), Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) & Colomelles, Normandy (France). Has placed 21 International Peace Gardens in 20 different countries. Original idea of Paula Savage. Right click image to enlarge.
1910 - Garden of Peace / Heiwa-en, Hammersmith Park, South Africa Road, White City, Shepherd's Bush, London (England). "Created in 1910 as a part of the great Japan-British Exhibition in which Meiji Japan fully demonstrated her technology & culture to the West for the first time." Restored for its centennial in 2010. "What remains of a much larger garden... the oldest traditional Japanese garden in a public place in Britain... renovated in accordance with the ancient principles & techniques that dictated its creation 100 years has created two new play spaces with a distinct Japanese inspiration." Chick here for story about "an ecstatic Japanese Matsuri-style garden party in the newly restored Heiwa-en (Japanese Peace Garden)" on May 23, 2010. World's first peace garden?
N1913 - Peace Palace Gardens, The Hague (Netherlands). Surround the Vredespaleis / Peace Palace (qv). "Considered among the most successful designs of the English landscape architect Thomas Mawson [1861-1933]. Mawson cleverly used a natural watercourse through the terrain, the famous Haagse Beek [Hague Creek], for the ponds. This brook rises in the nearby dunes & still flows along a watercourse under- neath the ponds to a large pond in the centre of The Hague, the Vijverberg." Include World Peace Flame (qv) since April 18, 2002.
EAugust 28, 1913 - Vredespaleis / Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, The Hague (Netherlands). Constructed just before World War I by the Carnegie Foundation -- and still owned by the Carnegie Foundation. (Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie [1835-1919] previously paid for the Pan American Union building -- now the Organization of American States (OAS) -- in Washington, DC (USA) in 1910.) The Peace Palace is now home of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or World Court, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), the Peace Palace Library, and the Hague Academy of International Law.
After 1912 - International Friendship Garden at "Comely Bank," Ridge Historic District, Chicago, Illinois (USA). House constructed in 1905. Rotary International founder Paul P. Harris [1868-1947] & his wife Jean Thomson Harris [1881-1963] acquired Comely Bank in 1912 & lived there from 1912 until his death in 1947 & her death in 1963. Garden established sometime after 1912. House & garden purchased by Paul & Jean Harris Home Foundation (PJHHF) & opened to the public in 2005.
June 19, 2005 - Japanese Stone Lantern, "Comely Bank," Chicago, Illinois (USA). From International Friendship Garden of Rotary founder Paul P. Harris [1868-1947]. Reinstalled by Paul & Jean Harris Home Foundation (PJHHF) and dedicated by businessman Yoshio Gotoh and a Japanese delegation.
February 1, 1929 - Bok Tower & Gardens, Historic Bok Sanctuary, Lake Wales, Florida (USA). National Historic Landmark. Gardens by Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. Built by Dutch-born Edward W. Bok [1863-1930] & Mary Louise Curtis Bok [1876-1970]. "Symbolizes [their] concern for World Peace and Beauty, themes which are interwoven throughout [their] concept for creating this gift, the overall design including landscape & architecture, and in the small details. The dove, a symbol of peace, recurs in many styles and materials throughout the tower and gardens." (Stephenson 1990)
1955 - Japanese Stone Lantern, Historic Bok Sanctuary, Lake Wales, Florida (USA). Plaque "This Japanese stone lantern was a gift of Usaburo Tsujita of Tokyo, member of Edward Bok's staff 1922 from to 1925. The lantern, representing seven years of his savings, is placed within direct sight of the grave of Edward W. Bok [1863-1930] as a tribute and symbolizes, with its encircling doves, humanity's universal hope for world peace."
July 14, 1932 - International Peace Garden, Dunseith, North Dakota (USA) and Boissevain, Manitoba (Canada). "Proposed in 1928 by Dr. Henry J. Moore of Islington, Ontario, while attending a gathering of gardeners in Greenwich, Connecticut, so 'the people of the two countries could share the glories found in a lovely garden & the pleasures found in warm friendships.'" /// Now a "2,339 acre botanical garden on the world’s longest unfortified border." Various monuments built over the years, including Peace Cairn (far right), Peace Carillon (qv), Peace Chapel, two 20-story concrete Peace Towers (see below) & 9/11 Memorial. Lower left image is air view looking to southwest; border crossing highway is in foreground. 1 of 40 monuments in "Peace Symbols" by Zonia Baber (1948), pp. 74-75. Entry #1209 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). Click here for Wikipedia article.
1932 - Cairn, International Peace Garden, Dunseith, North Dakota (USA) and Boissevain, Manitoba (Canada). Text of plaque: "To God in His Glory we two nations dedicate this garden and pledge to ourselves that as long as men live we will not take up arms agtinst one another."
1935 - Garden of Peace, Theodore Roosevelt Senior High School, 456 South Mathews Street, Los Angeles, California (USA). Inscription on plaque: "GARDEN OF PEACE. A dedication ceremony was held in June 2005 to commemorate the naming of the restored Japanese Garden built in 1996 by Roosevelt HS Alumni and friends. The gardern was named "HEIWA-EN", garden of peace, to reflect our hope for future generations. The original garden was build by the RHS Japanese Club students in 1935, led by Shigeo Takayama, Club president. // Through Mr. Saigeo Tskayama's generosity the garden underwent a major upgrade in 2005, designed by Haroo Yamashira, an award winning landscape contractor..."
1936 - International Friendship Gardens, US Highway 12, Michigan City, Indiana (USA). Permanent spinoff of the "Old Mill Garden" at the Chicago World’s Fair (“A Century of Progress International Exposition.”) in 1933-34. Theme of the "Old Mill Garden" was "Peace and Friendship To All Nations." Has Chinese, German, Native American, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian & Scottish gardens. Right image shows Rotary Gerden with Rotary International logo at left & peace pole in center. Photo by EWL.
1936? - Peace Bell, International Friendship Gardens, US Highway 12, Michigan City, Indiana (USA). Before & after deterioration of the frame holding the bell. Right photo by EWL.
November 1936 - Jardin de la Paz / International Peace Garden, La Plata, Buenos Aires Province (Argentina). "Es un jardín conformado por las flores nacionales de cada país con representación diplomática en Argentina. Junto a la planta, hay una placa con el nombre del país, de la flor y su imagen. Al lado, la bandera nacional respectiva. Es un semicírculo, como dejando abierta la entrada a otras flores. Un bonito llamado a la paz, donde las flores y las banderas confraternizan en una ciudad que es un gran jardín. Un grandioso jardín, que también podría abrazar el canto de las aves nacionales." 1 of 40 monuments in "Peace Symbols" by Zonia Baber (1948), pp. 42-43. According to Babar, the park contained both a "Mast of Nations" & a museum.
1936 or 1939 - American Legion Peace Gardens, Cleveland Cultural Gardens, Rockefeller Park, Cleveland, Ohio (USA). Created by the American Legion after World War I. Inscription: "Here may the intermingled soil from historic shrines of the nations of the world...symbolize the united effort of their peoples as they advance to a better understanding. These gardens, planned by men who know the horrors of war, are dedicated to the brotherhood of men and peace throughout the world." (Rockefeller Park opened in 1897, & the first of more than two dozen "Cultural Gardens" opened in 1916 or 1926.) /// See "The Peace Path of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens: Making Place for Cultures of Peace" by Berbrier, Mitch (July 2012).
1940 - International Peace Gardens, Jordan Park, Salt Lake City, Utah (USA). 24 gardens covering 8.25 acres. Initiated by Mrs. O. A. Wiesley of the SLC Council of Women. Developed by local ethnic & national groups 1948-1989. Includes Little Mermaid from Copenhagen, the Matterhorn, Olmec Head from Mexico, "Peace on Earth" statue (far right), Japanese Garden & 84 peace poles from the 2002 Winter Olympics (qv). Upper image shows Japanese garden added in 1950. Entry #996 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
July 1, 1947 - "Peace on Earth" Statue, American Garden, International Peace Gardens, Jordan Park, Salt Lake City, Utah (USA). "This statue in the Peace Garden is symbolic of the hope that we can leave a more peaceful future to our children." Garden (qv) was initiated in 1940 by by Mrs. O. A. Wiesley of the Salt Lake Council of Women and developed by local ethnic & national groups 1948-1989. Front inscription says, "Our hope for the children." Side inscriptons say, "Peace on Earth" & "The dawn of a new era." Sculpted by Monmon sculptor Avard T. Fairbanks [1897-1987].
Date? - Sunken Peace Garden, Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Panmunjon (Korea). Contains Unification Monument. This garden was the scene of a shootout on November 23, 1984, when a Soviet interpreter (Vasily Matusak) defected during a visit to the DMZ. Right image shows a scale model of Panmunjom: Sunken Garden is surrounded by driveways. The largest building is the South Korean "Peace House," built for families of both sides to meet. None have done so, as the North refuses to allow their citizens to cross over. To the right are the bright blue conference rooms, with the light bulbs signifying the Military Demarcation Line passing right through. Top left is the Bridge of No Return & the site of the Axe Murder Incident in August 1976.
1950 - Peace Memorial Rose Garden, Stirling Highway, Nedland, Western Australia (Australia). Near Perth.
1958 - Jardin de la Paix (Jardin Japonais) / Garden of Peace (Japanese Garden), UNESCO, Paris (France). 1,700 square meter masterpiece by Japanese-American landscape architect Isamu Noguchi [1904-1988]. Restored in 2000. Noguchi also designed a bridge in the Hiroshima Peace Park.
March 1995 - "Symbolic Globe," UNESCO, Paris (France). "Since November 1995 situated on the piazza of UNESCO in Paris, surrounded by the flags of all nations, pointing out that this is the headquarters of the international organization. Originally conceived for the UN Summit on Social Development, March 6-12, 1995. During the Summit it was built in the centre of Copenhagen by the delegates, who had come from every corner of the earth. It is inspired by the logo of the UN and formed as a minimal structure, 15 meters in diameter. Conceived by Erik Reitzel [1941-2012]. The Danish Ministry of Culture financed its realization."
1963? - Shrine & Gardens, Baha'i World Centre, Haifa (Israel). Many of the locations at the Baha'i World Centre, including the terraces and the Shrine of the Bab which constitute the north slope of Mount Carmel, were inscribed on the World Heritage List in July 2008.
October 1965 - Japanese Friendship Garden, Kelley Park, San Jose, California (USA). "Patterned after Japan's famous Koraku-en Garden in Okayama (one of San Jose's sister cities)."
1965 - International Friendship Garden, Thunder Bay, Ontario (Canada). "A city park located at the south end of Chapples Park, at the corners of Victoria Avenue & Hyde Park Avenue. Organised in 1967 [sic] as a Centennial gift by the Soroptimist Club of Fort William-Port Arthur. Showcases unique monuments representing 18 ethnic groups in the Thunder Bay area, laid out in a 15-acre (61,000 m2) garden featuring man made ponds, floral displays, picnic tables, benches & walking trails." Images show the Italian & Polish monuments. Entry #1318 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1966 - Pacem in Terris, 96 Covered Bridge Road, Warwick, New York (USA). Sculptures & sculpture garden created by Dutch-born Dr. Frederick Franck [1909-2006]. Dedicated to Dr. Albert Schweitzer (with whom Dr. Franck practiced dentistry in Gabon 1958-1961), Pope John XXIII (whom he sketched during the Second Vatican Council), and the Buddhist sage Daisetz T. Suzuki (who "taught me to think"). Images show entrance sculpture, St. Francis sculpture, Seven Generations, & Hiroshima--The Unkillable Human. See Harrisburg, PA (USA).
1990 - Peace Garden, Riverfront Park, Susquehana River, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (USA). Placed by Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), an affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) which received the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize. "Three statues by Dutch-born Dr. Frederick Franck [1909-2006] are especially notable: Hiroshima--The Unkillable Human, Death and Transfiguration, and Seven Generations (shown in image)." Entry #866 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). See Pacem in Terris in Warwick, NY (USA).
1967 - Friendship Bell, Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden, Lethbridge, Alberta (Canada). "Established during Canada’s Centennial in 1967, Nikka Yuko was built to recognize contributions made by citizens of Japanese ancestry to the multi-cultural community of Lethbridge & as a symbol of international friendship. Its name was created from the Japanese words Ni (from Nihon meaning Japan), ka from Kanada or Canada, and Yuko, which translates as 'friendship' to mean 'Japan-Canada friendship'... The bronze Friendship Bell, which hangs in the bell tower, was commissioned specifically for Nikka Yuko & cast in Kyoto [by Iwasawa?]. The bell’s deep tones ring a friendship call to all visitors."
May 1977 - Seiwa-en, Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, Missouri (USA). "A 5 ha (14 acres) Japanese strolling garden. Largest such garden in North America. Features a large lake, modest traditional buildings, bridges, islands, carp, dry gravel landscaping & other symbolic features. Designed by Dr. Koichi Kawana [1930-1990], a professor of Japanese architecture & landscape design at UCLA. He was originally from Hokkaido island & taught ikebana, a Japanese style of flower arangment in his spare time. Dr. Kawana was a pioneer in the design of traditional Japanese gardens that integrate local or native plants into the garden's structure. He designed more than one dozen Japanese style gardens in America after becoming a US citizen in 1971, Seiwa-en is his largest work." /// N.B. No indication that this is a "peace garden," but it & other traditional Japanese gardens may help illustrate the evolution of the peace garden. Click here for a detailed description. "The very name for this garden comes from the principles of Zen aesthetics. Sei means purity or clarity, not just cleanliness but naturalness as well. Wa means harmony & peace. In addition to being an aesthetic principle, Wa is also a political principle. Koichi Kawana said that this Japanese Garden was created as a result of Wa between the people of St. Louis & the people of Japan."
1981 - Temple of Tolerance, 203 South Wood Street, Wapakoneta, Ohio (USA). "I've seen many amazing visionary art sites, but none quite like the one James R. (Jim) Bowsher has created. His home is an incredible museum -- a Grand Central Terminal for the Underground Railroad, an invisible library of unwritten books on Freemasons, Harry Houdini & and Neil Armstrong. Over several backyards are massive glacial boulders forming the central monument dedicated to tolerance, a stage for summer music performances, a Vietnam War memorial, and a Tree of Life. Throughout the grounds you'll also find the archeology of good and evil -- Boundary markers from a Shawnee Indian reservation, slab steps from a Klan meetinghouse, stone dragons from Ireland, fragments from the first baseball park in Cincinnati, even a marble countertop from a bank that John Dillinger robbed. Perhaps more than anything, the Temple stands to remind us, as well as future generations, to have compassion for others as we continue to explore our dreams, follow our spirit, and search for answers in the hope of scaling new heights." [Cathy J. Schreima, Wapakoneta Evening Ledger, April 7, 2001.] /// Bowsher's temple is further described & illustrated on NarrowLarry's World of the Outstanding & RareVisions Road Trip.com. For YouTube videos of the temple, click here for 11 minutes on a sunny day, and click here for 5 minutes in the snow. Also click to see Bowsher explaining why he believes in innate goodness and telling the story of rivets.
1982 - Mandela Gardens, Millennium Square (SE corner), Calverley Street, Leeds (England). "Officially reopened" in April 2001 by Nelson Mandela. Feature a 16-foot bronze statue entitled "Both Arms" by Leeds-born sculptor Kenneth Armitage [1916-2002]. "The arms express a feeling of welcome and are envisaged as a monument to friendship."
July 14, 1982 - 20-cent US postage stamp commemorating the 50th anniversary of the International Peace Garden, Dunseith, North Dakota (USA) & Boissevain, Manitoba (Canada).
1982 Peace Towers, International Peace Garden, Dunseith, North Dakota (USA) & Boissevain, Manitoba (Canada). 120 foot (36.6 meters) tall with four columns representing people from the four corners of the world coming together to form two similar but distinct nations with a common base of democracy & beliefs.
1983 - Peace Garden, Spirit of the Earth Centre, 5871 Bells Road, London, Ontario (Canada). "An organic 50 acre sanctuary. The Centre offers the most comprehensive Ayurvedic Live-Food Lifestyle training in Canada." /// "A peace pole is in the center of their Peace Garden. Entry #1285 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
March 21, 1984 - John Lennon Memorial, Strawberry Fields, Central Park, New York City, New York (USA). Reproduction of a mosaic from Pompeii (gift from Naples, Italy) & 2.5-acre knoll dedicated by Yoko Ono on what would have been Lennon's 45th birthday. Entrance on Central Park West at West 72nd Street, directly across from The Dakota apartments, where Lennon lived for the latter part of his life and where he was murdered. "Designed by landscape architect Bruce Kelly..Yoko Ono contributed $500,000 to the establishment of the garden [of peace], as well as an equivalent amount for its ongoing maintenance. It has become the tranquil meeting point for fans the world over, many of whom sing Beatles and Lennon songs on summer afternoons."
October 9, 1985 - Plaque at John Lennon Memorial, Strawberry Fields, Central Park, New York City, New York (USA). Text: 'The restoration of this part of Central Park as a Garden of Peace, endorsed by the above [named 121] nations, was made possible through the generosity of Yoko Ono Lennon."
1984 - International World Peace Rose Garden, Gandhi World Peace Memorial, The Lake Shrine, Pacific Palisades, California (USA).
August 20, 1950 - Gandhi World Peace Memorial, Lake Shrine, Self-Realization Fellowship, Pacific Palisades, California (USA). The focal point of the memorial is a thousand-year-old stone sarcophagus from China, in which a portion of Gandhi's ashes are encased in a brass and silver coffer. The sarcophagus is flanked by two statues of Guan Yin.
October 1984 - Peace Garden, Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto, Ontario (Canada). Created for Toronto's sesquicentennial. "Measures 60 square metres & consists of a small sculptured structure, an Eternal Flame of Peace, a pool, stone platforms & wall. In September 1984, His Holiness Pope John Paul II lit the flame using a torch ignited at the Hiroshima Peace Shrine & poured water into the pool that was taken from the river that flows through Nagasaki. The Peace Garden was formally dedicated a month later by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II." /// "The sundial, which was installed on Nathan Phillips Square in 1969, was designed by G.R. Johnson (in consultation with City Property Commissioner H.H. Rogers & architect John C. Parkin) and fabricated by F. Caruk, Master Welding Limited." Entry #1330 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
August 6, 1985 - The Peace Gardens, Sheffield (England). Laid out in 1938 and formally called St. Paul's Gardens. Officially renamed "Peace Gardens" on Hiroshima Day 1985. Rededicated on December 9, 1998. " Overlooking the city’s gothic town hall, the garden is bounded by several cascades & occupies an area of 0.67 hectares. The Goodwin Fountain with over 80 jets of water is dedicated to Sir Stuart Goodwin, the founder of an important Sheffield steel & toolmaking firm." Click here for the Wikipedia article.
1980's? - Peace Garden, Tilgate Park, Crawley, West Sussex (England). "In the 1980's, Crawley was declared a nuclear free zone. The Peace Garden is an incredibly serene & beautiful place to spend some time and reflect." Inscription: "THE PEACE GARDEN. Let all who stand here and read remember those in the past who made our present possible. // Now we are the guardians of the future. // Let us ensure that generations to come can look back to us as the people who put an end to the nuclear arms race which had placed the very existence of humanity at risk." One of 13 sites on the MAW Peace Map of the British Isles as of January 2009.
1985 - Fountain, Peace Gardens, Sheffield (England). "Sheffield Town Hall is at the heart of the city & its beautiful architecture is complemented by the adjacent Peace Garden fountains & moden art sculptures." /// "The Gardens were first laid out in 1938, following the demolition of St Paul's Church. Originally named St Paul's Gardens, they were immediately nicknamed the "Peace Gardens", marking the contemporary signing of the Munich Agreement [signed by Germany (Hitler), France (Dedalier), the United Kingdom (Chamberlain) & Italy (Mussolini) on 30 September 1938]. The Gardens were originally intended to be replaced by an extension to the Town Hall, but due to World War II, this was never built. In 1985, the space was formally renamed the 'Peace Gardens.' The Sheffield gardens are a fine example of the network of similar gardens created between the two world wars & presage later gardens & community spaces in London & other urban centres."
1985 - Manchester Peace Garden, St. Peter's Square, Mosley Street (Princess Street), Manchester, (England). Part of "Manchester City of Peace." Manchester became the world's first nuclear-free city in 1980. "The city also expressed their feelings in the creation of the Peace Gardens to the rear of the Town Hall, which, after a competition in 1985, also includes a physical embodiment of their commitment to peace, Barbara Pearson’s sculpture 'Messenger of Peace' (qv)." // "The far right-hand corner of the Peace Garden was once home to the Manchester Academy, set up to train Nonconformist ministers at a time when the traditional universities were only open to members of the Church of England. Quaker John Dalton [1766-1844] came here in 1793 to teach chemistry, natural philosophy & mathematics."
October 24, 1987 - London Peace Garden, near the Forks of the Thames, London, Ontario (Canada). Plaque: "Dedicated to global peace based on justice, freedom, truth and love. Oct. 24, 1987. United Nations Day. Initiated by Ploughshares London. Funded by citizens of Greater London. Designed by Winnie Lee..." /// First envisioned by London community activist Joe Bath. Entry #1284 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1987 - Ro Ho En / Japanese Friendship Garden, Phoenix, Arizona (USA). "Created to express the positive bond between the peoples of the USA & Japan. Phoenix has had a sister city relationship with Himeji (Japan) since 1976. In 1987 the Mayor of Himeji proposed the garden. Representatives from Himeji have been instrumental in the garden's design & development ever since."
1988 - National Garden of Peace, behind the Temple of Peace, Cardiff (Wales). Marks the 50th anniversary of the Temple of Peace. Home to a number of commemorative trees & plaques, including a colourful plaque to mark the 20th anniversary of the walk from Cardiff to Greenham Common.
November 23, 1938 - Welsh National Temple of Peace and Health (Temple of Peace), Cardiff (Wales). A non-religious civic building designed by the architect Sir Percy Thomas. Across the street from the National Assembly. 1 of 40 monuments in "Peace Symbols" by Zonia Baber (1948), pp. 44-45. One of 13 sites on the MAW Peace Map of the British Isles as of January 2009.
May 15, 2005 - Welsh monument to Conscientious Objection, National Garden of Peace, Cardiff (Wales). Inscription: "If the right to life is the first of all human rights, being the one on which all other rights depend, the right to refuse to kill must be the second."
November 15, 1988 - German-American Friendship Garden, Constitution Avenue between 15th & 17th Streets, Washington, DC (USA). "Commemorates the 300th anniversary of German immigration to America. Symbolizes the positive & cooperative relations between the USA & the Federal Republic of Germany. Features plants native to both countries."
1988 - International World Peace Rose Garden, Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City (Mexico).
April 1988 - - The Peace Tree, Garden for Peace #1, Swan Woods Trail, Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). 14-foot life-size bronze statue created by Georgi (Gia) Japaridze, an artist from sister city Tbilisi (Republic of Georgia).
May 24, 1989 - Garden for Peace #2, Tibilisi (Georgia). Created by sister city Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Image shows Atlanta mayor Andrew Young.
N1989 - Peace Garden, Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba (Israel). "Before the actual Peace process in the Middle East started, Yaël Artsi (a resident of kibbutz Sdot-Yam) came up with the idea to create a park in Eilat to attribute to a situation of peace. She was the curator and organised the complete project herself. She chose four sculptors from all over the world, arranged the materials needed, found the sponsors. Together they created five marble sculptures which have been placed in honour of the city of Eilat, sitting on the borders of Israel, Egypt & Jordan."
1989 - Nederland Peace Garden #1, Nederland, Colorado (USA). "By the pedestrial bridge across from the Visitors' Center. Contains a blue spruce in memory of Liz Caile, a local writer on peace & enviornmental subjects, and a Peace Pole made by woodcarver Scott Harrison in memory of Stanley Wright." Entry #192 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). According to Bennett (p.6), "Nederland has a peace park [sic] at each end of town."
1990 - Nederland Peace Garden #2, just West of Hwy 119 & South of E 3rd Street, Nederland, Colorado (USA). "Simple Gift", The Nederland Peace sculpture, was presented to the town of Nederland by the Mountain Forum for Peace. David Current, a local artist, created this sculpture with the following inscription: "To those who in all periods and places reach out to one another in peace." The sculpture portrays two life size figures, a pioneer child & a Native American girl passing a feather as they reach out in friendship. Entry #193 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1990 - Peace Garden, Fresno State University, Fresno, California (USA). Created by Prof. Sudarshan Kapoor. Includes statues of Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez & Martin Luther King, Jr. Entry #65 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
December 1990 - Jardines de la Paz de La Molina, Rinconada Alta, Lima (Peru). "El más hermoso Camposanto de la ciudad... Sus 20 hectáreas están ubicadas en Rinconada Alta, la zona más residencial de Lima."
April 13, 1991 - First International Peace Garden, near the Tidal Basin, Washington, DC (USA). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. 4000 tulip bulbs presented to Washington, DC, by Ottawa (Canada).
1991 - Jardin de la Paz / Peace Garden, Tlatelolco, Mexico, DF (Mexico). Created by Medicos Mexicanos para la Prevencion de las Guerra Nuclear, a chapter of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) & linked to Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). Large garden contains agora, peace bell, children's statue & other peace monuments. Near site of the 1967 anti-nuclear Treaty of Tlatelolco and the Tlatelolco massacre just prior to the 1968 Olympic Games. Entry #1384 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). Photos by EWL.
1991? - Japanese Garden of Peace, Corregidor Island (Philippines). "Funded by a private Japan-based group that wished to have a memorial to the fallen Japanese soldiers that fought in the area. Garden includes a 10 foot high Buddha made of stone overlooking a reflecting pool, shinto Shrine & other Japanese memorial markers & shrines. For the Japanese war veterans, the Garden serves as a praying area honoring & paying their respects to the soldiers who served or died in Corregidor in WW-II. Anti-aircraft guns have been put on display in the Garden as well as small pavilion houses that display Japanese memorabilia & photographs of WW-II."
1991 - International World Peace Rose Garden, Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Asssi (Italy).
November 7, 1991 - Garden for Peace #3, Real Jardin Botanico / Royal Botanical Garden, Madrid (Spain).
1991 - Sunken Peace Garden, Christchurch Place at Nicholas Street, Dublin (Ireland).
1992 - Mount Pearl Bahai'i Peace Garden, Mount Pearl, Newfoundland (Canada). "The Bahá'í community was formally established in this province in 1949 when three Bahá'ís from mainland Canada settled in St. John's. As the local Bahá'í communities grew large enough, Spiritual Assemblies (elected administrative bodies) were formed in St. John's (1969), Corner Brook (1971), Mount Pearl (1971), Happy Valley-Goose Bay (1989 ). At the present time Bahá'ís are found in a dozen communities across the island & in five localities in Labrador." Entry #1266 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1992 - International World Peace Rose Garden, Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Visited by EWL.
Date? - National Peace Garden, Parque Morazan, San Jose (Costa Rica).
April 17, 1993 - Second International Peace Garden, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Warsaw (Poland). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Warsaw by Washington, DC (USA).
1993 - International Holistic Tourism Education Centre (IHTEC) & International School Peace Gardens (ISPG), 3343 Masthead Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario (Canada). Dame Julia Morton-Marr founded IHTEC in 1993 & ISPG in 1994 following the "Peace Parks Across Canada" initiative of Louis D'Amore (qv) in 1992. See video. Entry #1288 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1993 - Peace Garden, West Humber Collegiate Institute, 1675 Martin Grove Road, Etobicoke, Tononto, Ontario (Canada). "First garden of Louis D'Amore's 'Peace Parks Across Canada' initiative." /// "Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) was signed on February 15th, 1994, at West Humber Collegiate Institute. The EBR was the first of its kind in Canada & was linked to the International School Peace Gardens (ISPG) project by students at the EBR launch... The first Peace Tree was presented to the Premier & subsequently planted in West Humber's School Peace Garden." Entry #1288 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
September 5, 1993 - Garden for Peace #4, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia (USA). EWL searched the campus for this garden but could not find it (or anyone to ask).
April 1, 1994 - Fourth International Peace Garden, Budapest (Hungary). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Budapest by Berlin (Germany).
April 17, 1994 - Third International Peace Garden, Berlin (Germany). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Berlin by Warsaw (Poland).
1994 - International Peace Garden, Strasbourg (France). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Strasbourg by Budapest (Hungary).
1995 - Seventh International Peace Garden, Ljubljana (Slovenia). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Ljubljana by Strasbourg (France).
1995 - St. Thomas's Peace Garden, St. Thomas Church, Bath Row (off Broad Street), Birmingham (England). "Grounds laid out in 1955 to commemorate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II & redesigned in 1995 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of WW-II." /// "Built around the tower & west porticos of a church which was half demolished by enemy action in 1940 & never restored. Garden created when "The Colonnade" was moved to St. Thomas Church from what is now Centenary Square. Railings with doves of peace sculpted by Anuradha Patel." Left image shows Gate of Peace.
1995 - Peace Garden, Pinner Memorial Park, Pinner, Middlesex (England). Marks the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. One of 13 sites on the MAW Peace Map of the British Isles as of January 2009.
August 6, 1995 - Sadako Peace Garden, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara, California (USA). Designed by Isabelle Greene & Irma Cavet. A project of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation & La Casa de Maria. Dedicated on 50th anniversary of Hiroshima. Joined the Gardens for Peace network on June 30, 2002. Entry #154 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
NDate? - Peace Garden, Neve Shalom / Wahat-al-Salaam (NSWAS) (Israel). Equidistant from Jerusalem & Tel Aviv-Jaffa. NSWAS is "a cooperative village, jointly established by Jewish & Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, engaged in educational work for peace, equality & understanding between the two peoples."
1996 - Butterfly Peace Garden, Batticaloa (Sri Lanka). "Provides counseling & support to children traumatized by civil conflict in the region. In late 2004 the BPG also became a centre for helping victims of the tsunami which devastated the Batticaloa area. Supported by a variety of local & international agencies and charities, including the governments of Canada & the Netherlands, WarChild International and Ashoka International, which named BPG co-founder Paul Hogan a fellow in 2003."
1996 - Peace Garden, Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington (USA). "A quiet place of contemplation. Included in the site, just west of the Space Needle Turnaround, is a Peace Pole (one of hundreds located around the world by the Goi Peace Foundation of Tokyo, Japan); The Conflict Resolution Table, designed by the teenagers of the Seattle Center Peace Academy; the Aki Kurose rock (honoring Aki Kurose [1925-1998], a Japanese American educator and peace activist, in 2002) and the Middle East Peace sculpture installed in 2003. The garden was created by Seattle Center staff with a varied combination of materials including the cobblestones from the original International Fountain."
1996 - Peace Garden, Saint Agnes Catholic School, Chatham, Ontario (Canada). Entry #1274 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
April 21, 1997 - Peace Garden, Johnsview Village Public School, Thornhill, Ontario (Canada). "Our school's millennium project to honour & celebrate 'peace' in our world & in our schools... We began with a Sod-Turning Ceremony on April 21, 1997. Since then, the garden has grown into a beautiful outdoor classroom..." Entry #1317 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1997 - Eighth International Peace Garden, Pretoria (South Africa). "Dedicated to the end of apartheid." One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Prsented to Pretoria by Ljubljana (Slovenia).
1997? - Peace Garden, Central Campus, HUB Area, Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania (USA). "Donated by the class of 1997 as an open space for study, conversation & relaxation away from the hectic areas of campus. Features 28 London Plane trees, Pennsylvania blue flagstone walkways, teak benches & limestone boulders."
Spring 1998 - Garden for Peace #5, Lakewold Gardens, Tacoma, Washington (USA).
June 1, 1998 - International Peace Garden, Rideau Canal, Ottawa, Ontario (Canada). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries.
1998 - Peace Garden, Lyndale Park, Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA). Includes a peace rock garden (qv) and stones from Hiroshima & Nagasaki (qv). Designated an International Peace Site in 1999. Entry #523 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1998 - Peace Garden / Fire Circle, Campbell's Island, Quad Cities, Illinois (USA). Lead artist is Kinhild Blacklock. "Designed to honor the Native American history of the site & intended to contrast with the existing War Monument at the site."
1998? - Ninth International Peace Garden, Maputo (Mozambique). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries.
March 13, 1999 - Garden for Peace #6, Pastoral Institute, Nairobi (Kenya).
May 1, 1999 - Tenth International Peace Garden, San Jose (Costa Rica). Rededicated on September 11, 2003, to "honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks"? One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to San Jose by Maputo (Mozambiue).
May 13, 1999 - Samten Kyil / Tibetan Peace Garden, Tibet Foundation, Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, London (England). Next to the Imperial War Museum. Opened & consecrated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Contains a "Language Pillar" ("replica of a 9th century treaty stone in Lhasa acknowledging the rights of Tibetans and Chinese to co-exist in peace") and sculptures by Hamish Horsley of New Zealand. 1 of 45 monuments in "Peace Trails through London" by Valerie Flessati (2012), page 9.
823 - Tang-Tubo Alliance Monument, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Square, Lhasa (Tibet). "Was erected in 823 to mark the meeting between the two sides." /// "Monument inscription reads in part, 'The two sovereigns, uncle and nephew, having come to agreement that their territories be united as one, have signed this alliance of great peace to last for eternity! May God and humanity bear witness thereto so that it may be praised from generation to generation.'" /// "i kinda get the feeling that the translation u quoted is kinda biased, do any tibetan websites or sources actually translate it like that?"
1999 - Peace Pole & Garden, Wanup Public School, Sudbury, Ontario (Canada). Entry #1315 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
March 30, 2000 - Garden for Peace (GFP), Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia (USA). One of several GFP's sponsored by Gardens for Peace, Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
April 17, 2000 - International Peace Garden, Peace Palace, The Hague (Netherlands). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to The Hague by Canada.
May 6, 2000 - Garden for Peace , Garden for Peace, Oakhurst Community Garden, Decatur, Georgia (USA).
2000 - Northeast Interfaith Peace Garden, St. Anthony of Padua Church, Baltimore, Maryland (USA).
May 2000 - Ronald Reagan Peace Garden, Ronald Reagan Museum, Eureka College, Eureka, Illinois (USA). "Dedicated on the 18th anniversary of what is known as 'The Eureka Speech.' Includes a bust of Mr. Reagan, sculpted by nationally-recognized artist, Lonnie Stewart. In designing the bust, Mr. Stewart commented, 'There are many different images of Ronald Reagan but I think the one that's most dear to the hearts of all the millions of Americans who loved him, is that Ronald Reagan smile. A smile of reassurance, of dignity and integrity, and one that we all know and love.' Also includes a large remnant of the Berlin Wall. It is only fitting that a piece of the symbolic barrier between East & West that Mr. Reagan helped bring down has found a place at Eureka. The garden was a gift to the College from Mr. and Mrs. David J. Vaughan of Peoria Heights, Illinois."
2000 - Leahi Millennium Peace Garden, Diamond Head, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA). "Created by teens from around the globe to promote peace and cultural understanding and now stands as a symbol of solidarity and hope."
Date? - Paleaku Peace Gardens Sanctuary, Captain Cook, Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawaii (USA). "A seven acre botanical garden that facilitates educational, spiritual, and cultural programs. Our mission is to offer a sanctuary for the advancement of individuals toward peace and harmony." Image shows Galaxy Garden, "a meticulously planned garden spanning about 30 meters providing a relatively accurate map of our Milky Way Galaxy. Different plants depict stars, globular clusters, and even nebulas. Many bright stars visible in Earth's night sky are depicted on leaves surrounding the marked location of the Sun. Plant rows were placed to represent arms of our Galaxy, including the Sun's Orion Arm, the impressive Sagittarius Arm, and the little discussed Norma Arm. A small bar runs through our Galaxy's center, while a fountain has been built to represent the central black hole. What a stellar use of space! Credit & Copyright: Garden by Jon Lomberg; Kite Aerial Photography by Pierre and Heidy Lesage; NASA website."
August 11, 2000 - UN Peace Bell Garden, United Nations, New York City, New York (USA). Designed & built by Shinichiro Abe, ZEN Associates, Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts (USA). Symbolically represents the seven continents of the globe, as depicted on the UN flag. Surrounds the Japanese Peace Bell (qv).
June 8, 1954 - Japanese Peace Bell, West Court Garden, Secretariat Building, United Nations (UN), New York City, New York (USA). Cast (including coins & metal from about 60 UN member countries) by Chiyoji Nakagawa [1905-1972] on October 24, 1952, at "the Tada Factory" (Japan). Gift to the UN from the UN Assn. of Japan. Rung on the Vernal Equinox and on 21 September to coincide with the opening of the UN General Assembly and the International Day of Peace. Click here for Wikipedia article. Entry #756 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). Click here for Japanese website about the bell.
October 14, 2000 - Garden for Peace , Culberson Asiatic Arboretum, Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Durham, North Carolina (USA).
April 17, 2001 - International Peace Garden, Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima (Japan). Near the Peace Bell. One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Hiroshima by The Hague (Netherlands).
May 4, 2001 - Garden for Peace, Caroline C. Black Garden, Connecticut College, Thames River, New London, Connecticut (USA).
2001 - Peace House, Gladdys Muir Peace Garden & Peace Pole, Manchester College (MC), North Manchester, Indiana (USA). Peace House was established in 1988 & is now the residence of the Peace Studies Coordinator, a venue for peace & social justice movies & a gathering place for meetings & event planning. Peace Garden was added in 2001 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the college's Peace Studies Program, the first peace studies program at any college or university in the entire world. Named for Gladdys Muir [1895-1967], founder of the Peace Studies Program. Date of peace pole unknown. Entry #311 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). Right image courtesy of Zach Washington, Peace Studies Coordinator. Visited by EWL.
October 7, 2001 - Windrove Peace Garden, Tasmania (Australia). Created by Tasmanian sculptor/naturalist Peter Adams.
April 29, 2002 - International Peace Garden, Rathauspark, Vienna (Austria). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Vienna by Hiroshima (Japan).
May 2002 - Millenium International Peace Garden, Peace Palace, The Hague (Netherlands). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries.
May 2002 - Mandel Peace Garden, Brandeis University, Walham, Massachusetts (USA). "There are approximately 70 different language bricks (including American Sign Language & Braile), various cultural symbols of peace, a dedication plaque & a 'peace tree.'" The dove mosiac is now the logo of the university's Peace, Conflict & Coexistence Studies Program.
May 2002 - Gandhi, King, Ikeda Peace Gardens, Leadership Cultural Park, Tinian Island (Northern Marianas Islands). "For the members of Soka Gakkai, an international group that believes in humanistic principles based on Buddhism, the three deserve emulation as they are the paragons of non-violent change." Daisaku Ikeda [right image] is president of Soka Gakkai International (SGI).
June 30, 2002 - Garden for Peace , Sadako Peace Garden, La Casa de Maria Retreat Center, Montecito, Santa Barbara, California (USA). Entry #154 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
2002 - Peace Garden, Epiphany Chapel & Church House, Odenton, Maryland (USA). Honors the 2,929 military chaplains who served in World War I. "'The garden is a crowning tribute to the faith and courage of chaplains who served the needs of more than 100,000 men and women that passed through Camp Meade [now Fort Meade] on their way to the trenches in France,' said the Rev. Phebe McPherson, rector at the chapel for 22 years. The garden, with benches and five bronze plaques bearing the names of every World War I chaplain, is located under shade trees by the chapel's front door." One of 100 "sacred spaces" created by the TKF Foundation 1996-2008.
September 5, 2002 - Garden for Peace , State Botanical Garden of Georgia, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (USA)
April 4, 2003 - International Peace Garden, Parco di Cellio, Rome (Italy). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Rome by Vienna (Austria).
Easter Sunday 2003 - Crawford Texas Peace House, Crawford, Texas (USA). "Facilities include a full kitchen, outdoor barbecue, AC, press room, indoor and outdoor meeting space, and limited overnight accomodations. The first big physical project undertaken at the site was the creation of a 40 feet-diameter labyrinth...with a Peace Pole at the center. “May peace prevail on earth” is inscribed in English, Hebrew, Arabic & Spanish on each of its four sides. In the fall of 2005 the Casey Sheehan Memorial Peace Garden was added. It includes a large sandstone monument ["Sheehan's Stand"] carved and donated by Ron Teska of Pennsylvania & a statue of Mary Mother of Peace. On December 31, 2006, another monument was placed inside the garden to commemorate the 655,000 Iraq civilians who have died since 2003... Crawford is the rural community in Central Texas, where President George W. Bush made his home in 1999 and thus became a key location in formulation of U.S. foreign polity leading to war." Click here for more photos.
2003 - Garden for Peace , Cheyenne Botanical Gardens, Lions Park, Cheyenne, Wyoming (USA).
June 8, 2003 - Garden for Peace , Chandor Gardens, Weatherford, Texas (USA)
2003 - Burton Street Community Peace Gardens, Ashville, North Carolina (USA). "...a peaceful response to the current war in Iraq & heavy drug activity in the neighborhood...a growing labor of love in the heart of the Burton Street Community. From its humble beginnings as an overgrown lot filled with discarded 40-ounce bottles, the Gardens have grown to include two vegetable/flower gardening sites, stage area, fire pit, cob pizza oven, greenhouse & sculpture gardens. With a focus on environmental and community responsibility, the garden design & sculpture park have been created using found/reused items (most from the immediate neighborhood). The greenhouse frame was constructed using steel poles from a discarded McDonalds playground. Brick, block & concrete used to build the fire pit, garden beds, & cob oven are all sourced from residences or sidewalks that were demolished and headed for the landfill... The sculpture park is the creative endeavor of artist & poet DeWayne Barton/B Love along with other local artists. The installations, like the gardens, are created with found/reused items & each tells a separate and compelling story of social & environmental justice."
2003 - International World Peace Rose Garden, State Capitol Park, Sacramento, California (USA).
October 13, 2003 - Garden for Peace , Charlottesville Historical Society Garden (downtown), Charlottesville, Virginia (USA).
September 18, 2003 - Jardin de la Paix / Peace Garden, Domaine de Trembley, rue Moillebeau, Geneva (Switzerland). Jardin impressionniste de Moillebeau renamed in memory of Brazilian Sergio Vieira de Mello [1948-2003] and 21 other Unied Nations employees who were killed in Baghdad (Iraq) on August 19, 2003.
October 27, 2003 - First Children's International Peace Garden, Pope John Paul II Cultural Center, 3900 Harewood Road, NE, Washington DC (USA). "Honors Pope John Paul II’s Peace Efforts...during the Silver Jubilee of his extraordinary pontificate." One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries.
Date? - Yushien / Japanese Peace Garden, between Kirby and Webster Halls, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts (USA). Recognizes the special relationship between Doshisha University & Amherst College.
April 17, 2004 - International Peace Garden, Athens (Greece). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Athens by Rome (Italy).
2004 - Garden for Peace , Serenity Garden, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
September 23, 2004 - "Garden of Peace Memorial," Boston, Massachusetts (USA). Commemorates all victims of homicide. Right image shows ibis sculpture.
Date? - Rotary Peace Park, Vegreville, Alberta (Canada). Near the Ukrainian pysanka (giant Easter egg).
Date? - Rotary Peace Park, Downtown on Yukon River, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory (Canada).
2004 - Rotary Peace Park, Parksville, British Columbia (Canada).
2005. - Rotary International Peace Park, RIM Park, Waterloo, Ontario (Canada).
Date? - "Nobel Field/Peace Garden," Nobels Fredssenter/Nobel Peace Center, Oslo (Norway). One of several indoor exhibits at this museum (qv). When installed? In this image "you see some of the 96 screens which are surrounded by 1000 sparkling LED-stalks of the Peace Garden. Each screen displays information about a different Nobel Peace Prize winner. The screen responds when a person approaches and talls the winner’s history and work." /// Click here for video.
Date? - Sister City Garden, Kiwanis Community Park, Tempe, Arizona (USA). Renamed the Dick & Jane Neuheisel Sister City Garden in 2010. "Recognizes Former Delegates’ Adventuresome Friendships. More than 600 plaques line the walkway leading into the Sister City Garden, marking the footsteps of our student delegates who eagerly & courageously dared to participate in cross-cultural exchange & build friendships with their peers in our sister cities. Each plaque displays the names of both the Tempe student delegate & their sister city host side-by-side, symbolizing the friendships built during the exchanges..." /// ("In 2005, the US State Department selected Tempe as one of five US cities to be a 'Partner in Peace' with a city in Iraq, pairing us with Hilla, Iraq, the capital of Babylon.")
April 17, 2005 - International Peace Garden, Nicosia (Cyprus). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Nicosia by Athens (Greece).
May 4, 2005 - Peace Garden, York St. John University (YSJ), Lord Mayor's Walk, York (England). "The Japanese-style Peace Garden is a special haven & contains the 'Hiroshima' tree. The entrance gate is next to Chaplaincy." "Contains the Hiroshima Peace Tree which was grown from the seed of a tree which survived the Hiroshima bombing." One of 13 sites on the MAW Peace Map of the British Isles as of January 2009. /// Left image shows Yukari Ino & Aya Tarutani with origami peace cranes in the Peace Garden." Right image shows the Hiroshima Tree in 2015. It was obtained in 2005 by Hisashi Nakamura (expert on Japanese constitution). He also changed the name of the garden from Chapel Garden to Peace Garden against the strong protest from some Christians at YSJ.
June 11, 2005 - Peace Garden, Amaru Shakur Center for the Arts (TASCA), Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation (TASF), 5616 Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain, Georgia (USA). "Peace trail, Tupac bronze statue that rises from a Gothic Cross Water Fountain, Maze of (with a Water fountain Centerpiece, Bricks Memorial, Peace Pavilions & Youth Gardens." /// Tupac Amaru Shakur [1971-1996] dealt with great obstacles such as homelessness, hunger, & pain, amongst other situations before his murder at the age of 25. He formally trained at the 127th Street Ensemble & Baltimore School for the Arts. Tupac was cast in several feature films & recorded several chart topping albums. He released the first ever double hip-hop CD. Today, he is still the second highest selling Hip-Hop artist of all time."
Date? - Statue of Tupac Shakur, Herford (Germany).
September 11, 2005 - Peace Garden, St. Anthony of Padua Church, Falls Church, Virginia (USA). "Eleven Peace Poles create a dramatic entrance into the sacred space. Christian and Muslim faith communities, as well as public and private schools, participated in the creation of the unique poles. The Peace Poles are crafted of various media and incorporate into their design symbols of peace from many different cultures." One of 100 "sacred spaces" created by the TKF Foundation 1996-2008.
After 2005 - United Nations Peace Garden, St. Mary's Cathedral, Bridge Street, Limerick, Munster (Ireland). Plaques name Irish soldiers killed in Congo 1960-63, Lebanon 1978-2000, Cyprus 1965-71, etc. Most recent death was in 2005.
April 26, 2006 - International Peace Garden, St. Patrick's Park (beside St. Patrick’s Cathedral), Dublin (Ireland). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Ireland by Nicosia (Cyprus)
May 31, 2006 - Portland Peace Memorial Park, just south of Steele Bridge, Portland, Oregon (USA). Surrounded by expressways. Dedicated on Memorial Day. "Orchestrated by the Oregon chapter of Veterans for Peace. ...thought to be the largest memorial to the idea of peace in America [sic!]." Or called Portland Memorial Peace Park?
June 15, 2006 - Marion Nakashima Peace Garden, Chandler Hall, Newtown, Pennsylvania (USA). Near Nakashima Foundation for Peace in New Hope, Pennsylvania.
2006 - International Peace Garden, Coral Springs Museum of Art, 2855 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs, Florida (USA). /// "Stroll through the garden & you can't miss the towering stone sculptures created last year by a trio of stonecutters. Two more sculptures soon will be underway when the museum's seventh Artist in Residence program kicks off at noon Jan. 27 [2007] at a free Break the Block ceremony open to the public." /// Left image shows "Gateway to Peace" by Peter King.
2006 - Peace Garden, Charlton House, Charlton Road, London (England). "Just south of Greenwich. A walled garden opened as a 'Peace Garden' in support of two major programs supported by Amnesty International – the campaign to stop violence against women & to control arms. Has a central sculpture & offers a quiet place for contemplation. Designed by Andrew Fisher-Tomlin. Contains a sculpture by Margaret Higginson, titled 'Portage' & a Japanese Peace pole donated from an artist in Tokyo. Portage statue [depicts] a woman carrying a boat above her head, and is designed to portray the strength & spirit of women worldwide as it portrays how indigenous women travelled between the lakes of Canada. The peace pole has the quote 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' in both English & Japanese." /// FYI: This "house was built between 1607 & 1612 for Sir Adam Newton, Dean of Durham & tutor to Prince Henry Frederick Stuart, heir to the throne, and son of King James I (VI in Scotland)." /// Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
2006 -- Vandalized January 2007 - Peace & Memorial Garden, Central Park, London Borough of Barking & Dagenham, Essex (England). "The designs are based on the themes of Persecution, Despair & Hope. The Garden, Gates and Seats have been designed by artist/designer Anuradha Patel in collaboration with London Borough of Barking & Dagenham design team. Colour, as a universal visual language, is a very important aspect of the designs, ranging from purple to yellow. This colour scheme conveys a passionate range of emotions from that of despair and pain to that of optimism & hope." /// "A memorial garden to remember victims of oppression, torture & brutality was defaced as the country marked Holocaust Memorial Day. Borough dignitaries expressed dismay & disgust after learning the peace & memorial garden near Dagenham Civic Centre had been sprayed with graffiti. Deputy Mayor Cllr Marie West, who opened the garden last year when she was Mayor, said: 'I’m so distressed that anyone could even contemplate doing such a thing. I can’t understand the mentality. I’m very upset.'"
September 6, 2006 - Peace Garden for Charlene and Letisha, St. George's Centre, Birmingham (England). "Seventeen-year-old Letisha Shakespeare and 18-year-old Charlene Ellis were caught in the crossfire between rival gangs as they were enjoying a New Year's Party on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, in the Aston area of the city."
May 1, 2007 - International Peace Garden, Bern (Switzerland). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Presented to Bern by Dublin (Ireland).
Date? - Peace Rock Garden & Arboretum, Fayetteville, Arkansas (USA). Click here for set of photos from the "OMNI Peace Garden Tour 2007." OMNI is Omni Center for Peace, Justice & Ecology. Click here for a list of privately owned peace gardens on the 2008 tour.
Late May 2008 - International Peace Garden, Kyiv (Ukraine). One of many International Peace Gardens in different countries. Prewented to Kyiv by Bern (Switzerland).
September 2008 - Place of Peace, Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina (USA). "Connect with the environment, reflect, and achieve a deep calm. The Asia Garden, water feature & an authentic Japanese temple harmonize to create the Place of Peace [from campus map]." /// "Once a family temple in Japan, the Place of Peace is part of the Asia Studies Program & is used to teach Japanese architecture & culture. Reconstructed in 2008, one can see an authentic Japanese temple, look inside upon appointment & be surrounded by Japan in South Carolina." Gift of the Tsuzuki family of Nagoya (Japan).
March 26, 2009 - Serenity Garden, DPU Centennial Park, Orangeburg Memorial Gardens, Seeboard Street, Orangeburg, South Carolina (USA). “I want all of the citizens from Orangeburg and the surrounding areas to have a place to come and meditate and have peace,” said Theo Martin, administrator of UniHealth Post-Acute Care. “I think in all of our lives, we need to have peace and have that inner peacefulness.”
April 2009 - Celtic Peace Garden, IOSAS Centre, on Derry/Donegal border (Northern Ireland). IOSAS = "Island of Saints & Scholars." "The culmination of The Columba Community's work of reconciliation over the past 20 years. It is built near The White Oaks Centre & brings serenity & healing to visitors & to the residents of the Centre. Inspired by the 5th-12th Century spiritual renaissance in Europe, which followed the fall of the Roman Empire. The Garden, with its representations of the Cross of Patrick, the Boat of Brendan, the Island of Columba & the Oratory of Canice, inspires visitors to a spiritual re-awakening & renewal following the recent Troubles in this land. Also, a rough pathway round the perimeter affords Christian Pilgrims ample opportunity for reflective prayer." /// Image shows "Statue of The Risen Christ with the straw bale thatched roof oratory dedicated to St. Canice in the background. It has 21 beautiful stained glass windows telling the story of the saints of Ireland. The Statue & Windows were all designed by a Community Member, Maurice Harron, an internationaaly renowned sculptor."
July 14, 2009 - Desmond Tutu Peace Garden, Chinbrook Meadows Park, Chinbrook Road, Grove Park, Lewisham, North Kent (England). Archbishop Desmond Tutu lived in Grove Park in the 1970's & received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. In 1972 Tutu was appointed vice-director of the Theological Education Fund of the World Council of Churches at Bromley in Kent. He returned to South Africa in 1975 & was appointed Anglican Dean of St. Mary's Cathedral in Johannesburg -- first African to hold that position. He will dedicate the park, & schoolchildren will read messages of peace & perform traditional African songs during a 90-minute ceremony.
July 19, 2009 - Jardin Roerich / Roerich Garden, Mile End, St-Viateur, Montreal, Quebec (Canada). "Red clover and bee balm in the shape of a 20-foot wide Roerich symbol -- the symbol of cultural preservation which was placed on the roofs of schools, museums, and historical monuments during WWII to deter aerial bombers. Emily Rose Michaud, the artist behind the Roerich Garden – which has grown from art project, to gardening collective, to political statement – says her work is a message to the community and city officials that this meadow is culturally meaningful."
Date? - Peace Gardens, Perry Victory & International Peace Memorial, Put-in-Bay, South Bass Island, Ohio (USA). "'Planting the Seeds of Peace' is an annual event [on the Canadian holiday of Queen Victoria Day] at Perry's Victory that commemorates the long-lasting peace between Canada, Great Britain & the United States through the arts, music, gardening & educational activities for all ages. In the afternoon, area gardeners young & old are invited to help plant the park's new peace gardens on the corner of Toledo & Bay View Avenues & the corner of Hartford & Bay View Avenues." /// "Park Superintendent Blanca Alvarez Stransky explains 'Gardens are synonymous with peace & transcend all language barriers. The planting of a peace garden at the Memorial is the perfect method for expressing the park’s dual mission - commemorating the War of 1812 & honoring the long-lasting peace between countries.'" /// When were "the park's new peace gardens" first created? Are they permanent?
June 4, 2010 - Memorial Peace Garden, International School of Minnesota (ISM), 6385 Beach Road, Eden Prairie, Minnesota (USA). "Last Fall, ISM inaugurated its Memorial Peace Garden in conjunction with "...celebrating the 125th anniversary of the founding of SABIS® [International School Network]. The Garden was for a brief time a focus of our attention, but the weather soon changed, ushering in, what to many of us has seemed, an exceptionally long winter. As the Peace Garden lay under its blanket of snow, the idea of a network of gardeners, would-be gardeners, or simply folks who enjoy taking a rake in hand from time to time, began to germinate. And so it was that the 'Friends of the Peace Garden' volunteer group took shape, & an initial call for volunteers was made at the May [2011] all-staff meeting, with 15 or so individuals signing up & others expressing their possible interest. As the Peace Garden belongs to the entire ISM community, it seems only right that we cast a wide net amongst our ISM families & alumni for persons who might be interested in joining this association..."
2010 - War of 1812 Bicentennial Peace Garden, 468 Elizabeth Street, Grimsby, Ontario (Canada). "Many annual & perennial plants, including native varieties, grow in this public garden, located on the site of a crucial encounter – the Engagement at the Forty – that occurred in June 1813 between opposing forces in the War of 1812. The garden also has a period gazebo & is the starting point of the Forty Mile Creek Trail. Architect: J.A. Irish/B. Atkinson."
September 10, 2011 - Manitoba Conscientious Objector Memorial, Bethel Heritage Park, Winkler, Manitoba (Canada). "The Wall of Remembrance, a peace memorial & teaching aid recognizing all 3,021 Manitoba conscientious objectors during World War II,... is part of a concerted community effort, supported by donations, to do the right thing with a hectare (acre) of land in the middle of town. When their old Bethel Hospital was demolished 5 years ago, the city council heard proposals, from which emerged an educational park showcasing their diverse community. The result was an outdoor classroom along a walking path with: An entrance gate similar to Mennonite villages in Ukraine, storyboards depicting Winkler's history, war memorial for veterans, peace memorial to conscientious objectors (CO's) & garden features (fountain, gazebo, flowers). Though the majority (55% in 2001) are of Mennonite descent, with 10 of 19 churches being Mennonite, other denominations of Germans from Russia & Jews have co-existed for generations."
June 2012 - Monumento Fair Play y Jardín por la Paz Mundial / Fair Play Monument & World Peace Garden, Plaza de la Paz, Cancún, Estado de Quintana Roo (México). "Donated by the World Organization for Peace (WOFP) and built in ten days." "As part of the Maya World Cup 2012,... the monument figure soccer ball, made over a period of 15 days, was inaugurated in this city, which it was declared in Geneva, the capital of peace for two years." [Google translation]
2012 - Honorary International Peace Garden, Holland Land Office Museum, Main Street, Batavia, New York (USA). Created for the bicentennial of the war of 1812. "11,000 sq ft 350' long by 25' X 30'. [Includes] a memory/celebration walk, a monument of Paulo Busti who was responsible for the settlement of the area, a military monument with a globe of the world, a design of a mill stone to honor the placement of the early setlement as it is along side a creek, several benches for a peaceful safe place to relax right at the crossroads of western New York, 23 flags flying that will respresent each country that has a [IPGF] garden & a three sided information kioas [sic] to announce community events." /// Part of the War of 1812 Bicentennial Peace Garden Trail.
2012? - Peace Garden & Memorial Site, Frenchman's Island, Sunnyside, Newfoundland (Canada). "A group in Sunnyside is interested in learning more about the living history of their community. The first recorded meeting between the English & [the extinct] Beothuk in Sunnyside occurred in 1612. To commemorate the meeting, the Sunnyside Heritage Association has created a peace garden. 'The garden is dedicated to the meeting between Beothuk & Europeans, but the whole thing is also dedicated to ancient people & peace between cultures,' said Susan Khaladkar, deputy mayor of the town. Ms. Khaladkar is now looking for someone who knows their stuff when it comes to traditional plants of Newfoundland & Labrador. The heritage association is planning to add some naturally occurring plants & herbs around the garden, with a focus on those that were used by the Beothuk for medicinal purposes or as food sources."
April 13, 2014 - River of Peace Mural, Ghost Ranch Education & Retreat Center, Abiquiu, New Mexico (USA). "A 35 foot ceramic tile mural on the East outside wall of the Lower Pavilion. Faces the Peace Garden [& peace pole]. The mural shape echoes the Fibonacci curves contained in the layout of the Peace Garden. Clay slips in natural hues on the tiles relate to the colors of the rocks, sky & earth at Ghost Ranch. Permanently fired into the surface, a visual river of spiritual symbols from around the world is integrated into a mosaic of hand-written poems, prayers, intentions, quotes & original writings. /// Because of widespread interest in the mural & the participation of the community, Barbara Campbell & Judy Nelson-Moore decided to create 6-inch tiles using the methods & imagery from the River of Peace Mural. This is a way for people to have a 'piece of the Peace Mural' to take home. These tiles are all unique & made by hand. They provide a lovely remembrance of the mural & Ghost Ranch. Tiles are $18 & are available in the gift shop at the Ghost Ranch Welcome Center."
January 27, 2015 - Peace Garden, Abbey Gardens, Bury St. Edmunds, West Suffolk (England). "Features a new one & a half metre tall teardrop sculpture unveiled on Holocaust Memorial Day. The Memorial Garden Trust raised more than £11,000 for the project. Rob Lock, of the trust, said: 'In addition to providing a more dignified setting for the annual holocaust service the Peace Garden is also designed to commemorate the murder of 57 Jews in our town on Palm Sunday, 19 March 1190. It is an event in our town’s history that the trust felt needed to be publicly acknowledged. The teardrop is a natural & universal symbol of pity & persecution, of human suffering & sorrow. It is made from polished stainless steel; its mirrored surface reflects back to us the role we all must play in opposing humanity’s inhumanity.' The Peace Garden, which is being installed by Urban Forestry, includes 57 cobble stones - one for each of the victims of the 1190 massacre. The trust was formed by local residents & supported by the borough council, St Edmundsbury Cathedral & members of Suffolk’s Jewish community." /// Plaque inscribed: "This garden is the venue for the annual holocaust memorial day service held each year on 27th January for all victims of genocide. It also commemorates the massacre of 57 Jewish reidents near to this place on Palm Sunday 19th March 1190." /// Information courtesy of Peter van den Dungen. GARDENS 2015 STAINLESS_STEEL HOLOCAUST ENGLAND SCULPTURE
July 18, 2015 - Mackinac Island Peace Garden, Mackinac Island Michigan (USA). Includes "Be Still" sculpture by Gareth Cartiss (statue of Indian standing on a Great Turtle & flanked by an American eagle & a British lion). "This peace garden & statue represent the War of 1812 and the now lasting peace between the nations involved." Dedicated exactly 200 years after Britain peacefully returned control of the island to the United States.
Date? - Taangh Peace Garden, Sargodha District (Pakistan). "A serene environment where people find an opportunity to think about peaceful co-existence by exchange of ideas & experiences among people of different faiths. Flowers of every hue make the garden a burst of color in a landscape of browns & green. Floral plants & fruit trees invite birds that sing their harmonious songs of life to the oasis of peace. Designed by Rubina Feroze Bhatti - a woman peacemaker & general secretary of Taangh Wasaib Organization. /// In the center of the Peace Garden we have a peace monument. Here the word 'peace' is written on colorful pebbles in different languages: Afrikaans, Arabic, Dutch, German, English, French, Irish, Latin, Persian & others. At the top of the peace monument is a peace wheel [& peace well] that is a symbol of peaceful & smooth running of our human journey. The monument wouldn't be complete without cactus, Taangh Wasaib's logo, a constant reminder of survival in harsh environments – of perseverance through difficult circumstances. /// On the brick walls of the garden, you will find the poetry of Sufi poets on bamboo pages. The verses are from the poetry of Bully Shah, Baba Farid & Shah Hussain. Sufi poetry that has served to unify and synthesize the diverse cultural heritage of the people & their folk wisdom. Sufi mysticism still informs the daily lives & shared understandings of millions of people around the world, with its message of love, tolerance, peace, equality & respect for all creation. /// Surrounding the peace monument, we have trails of concrete & granite. Alongside these trails are the Garden of Sight, Garden of Touch, Garden of Hearing, Garden of Smell & Garden of Taste. Here you can focus on personal peace through the five senses. While the peace tree in the west invites us for collective peace. The signs of different religions on peace tree convey a message of hope & peace to everyone who comes here as well as to all human beings in the world."
Future - Kawashima Japanese Peace Garden, Simpson Garden Park, Bowling Green, Ohio (USA). Half acre. Designed by Mark J. Cyr, a leading designer of Japanese gardens in the United States. "Intended to open minds to a different culture while offering visitors a place of peace & tranquility, where they will find hdealing, renewal & inspiration... Will honor Dr. Fujiya (Fuji) Kawashima, a widely respectred professor of Asian History at Bowling Green State Univerisity who passed away in 2006." Image shows Kawashima's grave, not the garden.
Future - Peace Garden, Gatehouse Drive, Carmelite Monastery, Aylesford (England). "Will feature tiles containing the word 'peace' in more than 250 languages and Zimbabwean sculptures made from recycled oil drums. Will contain five individual gardens on the three themes of fire, wind, and earth/water, each containing different types of plants and features."
Future - Coretta's Global Peace Garden, former Bellwood Quarry, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Proposed July 23, 2006. Would be world's largest peace garden. Named for Coretta Scott King.
Future - National Peace Garden, Hanes Point, Potomac River, Washington, DC (USA). Congress authorized this memorial in 1987. The waterfront site, approved in 1988, embraces 10-acres about two miles south of the Jefferson Memorial. The concept of the garden by the landscape architecture firm of Royston Hanamoto Alley & Abey was approved July 1993." This project displaces the popular statue of "The Awakening" (right image).
Future - Peace Garden, Hitchin Quaker Meeting House, Hitchin, Hertfordshire (England). From "The Friend," March 11, 1916: "Friends [i.e. Quakers] have been planning the garden for more than a year. [There will be] a seat bearing an appropriate inscription [and an] information plaque that explains conscientious objection in the first world war... Other faiths may contribute a point of interest, or a quotation about peace, if they wish to be involved in the project." /// "In all there were an estimated 20,000 COs to the First World War [in the UK], some motivated by religious faith, others by political or socialist convictions, or by a combination of beliefs." /// Information courtesy of Peter van den Dungen. GARDENS CO's UK-ENGLAND WW-I
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