64 Peace & Other Monuments
Using the Symbols of Hands
& HandshakesRight click image to enlarge.
Date? - Segnende Hände der Kohanim auf einem Grabstein, Baisingen (Germany). "On Jewish tombstones you will sometimes see a symbol showing two hands arranged for the Priestly Blessing like the example here. This is a symbol of the Kohen or Cohen (Hebrew for priest). The plural form is Kohanim or Cohanim. Kohanim are assumed to be direct male descendants of Aaron, who was the first Kohen and the brother of Moses. Some Jewish surnames frequently associated with this symbol are Conn or Cohn (Kohn), Cahn (Kahn), and Cohen (Kohen), but you will find the symbol on the grave markers of people with other surnames."
1910 - New York Peace Monument, Point Park, Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA). Depicts soldiers from North and South shaking hands. Click here for other Civil War peace monuments. Built by State of New York.
1950 - German Democratic Republic. Anti-nuclear 12 pf stamp featuring a dove of peace. Probably issued in connection with the 3rd World Festival of Youth & Students for Peace (WFYS) which was attended by 26,000 participants from 104 countries. The fetival motto was "For Peace and Friendship - Against Nuclear Weapons."
August 1951 - Commemorative scarf of the 3rd WFYS, East Berlin (German Democratic Republic). By Pablo Picasso [1881-1973].
1963 - "Hands of Peace," Chicago Loop Synagogue, 16 South Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois (USA). Abstract bronze work by Israeli sculptor Henri Azaz [1923-2008]. Welcomes visitors in both English & Hebrew, quoting a blessing from the Bible’s Book of Numbers: "The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make His face to shine upon thee… and give thee peace."
After 1963 - Memorial to Grigoris Lambrakis, Corner of Ermou & Eleftheriou Venizelou, Kentro, Thessaloniki (Greece). "If you've read the 1966 novel Z by Vassilis Vassilikos (or seen the 1969 Costas-Gavras staring Yves Montand film about the murder of Grigoris Lambrakis [1912=1963], a leftist member of Parliament, by rightists), this monument is especially moving. The murder precipitated the events leading to the 1967-74 dictatorship of the colonels. A dramatic bronze head & arm, above which flutters a sculpted dove, marks the spot of the murder." /// "On May 29th 1963 a statue of Harry S. Truman is unveiled in Athens. Created by Felix W. de Weldon (creator of the US Marine Memorial of the US flag being raised at Iwo Jima), the Truman statue is a gift from the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA). The statue becomes a popular target of political expression & is blown up numerous times, as well as spray-painted with anti-US slogans. The sad irony is that the dedication of Truman's statue takes place the day after the massively attended Lambrakis funeral."
After 1963 - "Gregoris Lambrakis, a Martyr for Disarmament and Peace!," Agrinion (Greece). Statue.
August 1, 1964 - Flame of Peace, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima (Japan). Eternal flame designed by Kenzo Tange. Pedestal suggests the shape of a pair of hands with open palms. The flame Has burned continuously since 1964 and "will remain lit until all nuclear bombs on the planet are destroyed and the planet is free from the threat of nuclear annihilation."
August 3, 1965 - Friendship Monument, Hiroshima (Japan). Depicts hand holding by people from all four quarters of the globe. Erected by Japan Association of Casualty Insurance Underwriters. Info from Pocket Peace Guide.
About 1965 - Open Hand Monument, in "The Ditch of Consideration," Chandigahr, Punjab (India). Heavy copper hand 100 feet high rotates in the wind. Also looks like dove of peace. By French architect Le Corbusier [1887-1965] who said, "This sign of the Open Hand is a sign of peace and of reconciliation. [It] is meant to receive the created riches, and to distribute them to the peoples of the world. That should be the symbol of our epoch." Corbu made the overall plan for Chandigahr and designed some of the original buildings. Click here for air view.
April 28, 1974 - "Hands in Prayer, World in Peace," Business Route 71, Webb City, Missouri (USA). "An inspirational piece that symbolizes the need for spiritual awareness. It was concieved and completely created by artist Jack (J. E.) Dawson. It stands well above its surroundings at thirty-two feet high and weighing 110 tons."
May 4, 1977 - Joods monument / Jewish Monument, Groningen (Netherlands). "Remembers the 3,000 Jewish people from Groningen who were deported and killed during World War II. Made by Eduard (Edu) Waskowsky [1934-1976] out of six hands each having their own expression. The first clearly depicts anger or resistance. The other hands all have their own meaning like fear, sadness, acquiescence, prayer, and blessing. In the fifth hand an opening for the menorah is seen. The seventh hand is uncompleted as the artist died premature. With one pedestal left empy, it is leaving an unintentional completeness to the monument."
April 4, 1978 - Befrielsen / Liberation, Upsalla (Sweden). "In a Medieval plaza facing the city’s university, artist Olof Hellström depicts two large fists removing rods from the ground, symbolizing Dr. Martin Luther King’s message that the best way to solve a problem is to remove the cause. Or perhaps it is two large hands breaking prison bars. It was dedicated in 1978 on the 10th anniversary of King’s assassination. The plaza was also renamed in his honor." This is "Monday's Monument" #129.
1978 - Peace, Folk Art Collection, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Crayon & pen on paper by Nellie Mae Rowe [1900-1982]. "For Rowe, drawing was a form of worship. She said, 'I try to draw because [God] is wonderful to me. I just have to keep drawing until He says, "Well done, Nellie, you have been faithful." Then I will know that I have finished my work.' In Peace, Rowe represented her own industrious hands, which seem to invoke benediction for the blue animal just beyond."
1980 - Praying Hands, main entrance, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA). "Stand 60 feet high and weigh 30 tons, the largest bronze sculpture in the world. Evangelist Oral Roberts outsourced their casting to Juarez, Mexico in 1980. ...originally called 'The Healing Hands,' they stood in front of Oral's 'City of Faith,' a medical center devoted to faith healing. But the City of Faith declared bankruptcy in 1989. The hands were then moved to the entrance drive of the university. The City of Faith is now known as CityPlex Towers, and it houses corporate tenants. Its central tower stands 640 feet tall, which reportedly is the same height as the Jesus who appeared to Oral in a dream and told him to build it."
1980 - "The Awakening," Hains Point, East Potomac Park, Washington, DC (USA). A 70-foot five-part statue depicting a giant trying to free himself from underground. Created by J. Seward Johnson, Jr. and installed "temporarily" for the International Sculpture Conference Exhibition. Moved to National Harbor, Prince George's County, Maryland (USA), in February 2008. "To celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall, the sculpture is now in Rome, near the Marconi Obelisk. On October 10, 2009, a second casting was unveiled in Chesterfield, Missouri (USA). The second sculpture is 70 feet long & 17 feet tall at its highest point."
1982 - Mandela Gardens, Millennium Square (SE corner), Calverley Street, Leeds (England). "Officially reopened" in April 2001 by Nelson Mandela. Feature a 16-foot bronze statue entitled "Both Arms" by Leeds-born sculptor Kenneth Armitage [1916-2002]. "The arms express a feeling of welcome and are envisaged as a monument to friendship."
1986-1991 - Arctic Arc, Cape Dezhnev, Naukan (Russia) & Cape Prince of Wales, Wales, Alaska (USA). A joint project by Michigan sculptor David Barr and Alaskan artist Joe Senungetuk. Two "sculpture installations" evoking a bird, a boat, and a hand extended in friendship. About 60 miles (97 km) apart on each side of the Bering Sea at sites of the first human migrations into North America. According to Barr, "the two sculptures are a peaceful symbol for a border of international tension."
M1987 - Monument to Disarmament, Work & Peace, University for Peace (UPAZ / UPEACE), Ciudad Colon, 30 kms southwest of San Jose (Costa Rica). By Cuban artist Thelvia Marín. Honors Costa Ricans who have made outstanding efforts in building & maintaining peace. "World's largest peace monument." The central slab is topped by two hands releasing a dove of peace..
1987 - Manos / Hands, Madrid (Spain). Mario Irarrázabal’s sculptures of a hand in search of liberty.
N1989 - Verdraagzaamheid Monument / Tolerance Monument, Stationsplein / Station Square, Hilversum (Netherlands). "By Edo van Tetterode... Between 2006 & 2010 it was removed due to construction works. The sculpture is a monument for Michael Poyé who was killed in 1986 by an act of violence [because he had long hair]." "Stones hands folded in two glass dragonflies. Established following the murder of Michael Poyé from houses by right-wing extremists. The statue is an initiative of friends of Michael. The act of senseless violence took place at the station on 26.9.1986." Inscribed in four languages: English, Dutch, Russian & ?
August 8, 1989 - "Hands of Victory," Baghdad (Iraq). Quote from site: "To celebrate his 'victory' over Iran, Saddam decided to build a triumphal arch. The concept of a triumphal arch is a European import, without precedent in the Middle East since Roman times. The colossal Hands of Victory monument has dominated Baghdad's skyline since the end of the Iran-Iraq war [1980-1988]. Built in duplicate, it marks the entrances to a large new parade ground in central Baghdad, towering 140 feet above the highway. The triumphal arch is shaped as two pairs of crossed swords, made from the guns of dead Iraqi soldiers that were melted and recast as the 24-ton blades of the swords. Captured Iranian helmets are in a net held between the swords. And surrounding the base of the arms are another 5,000 Iranian helmets taken from the battle field. The fists that hold the swords aloft are replicas of Saddam Hussein’s own hands. The German company that built the monument, H+H Metalform, said it was given a photograph of Saddam's own forearms to use as a model."
February 1990 - Holocaust Memorial, Dade Boulevard at Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida (USA). Enlarge image to see victims covering the arm. Click here for reviews.
1990 - Peacemakers Monument, Federation of Peace and Conciliation, 36 Prospect Mira, Moscow (Russia). Commemorating the handshake between President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev on December 7, 1987.
October 22, 1992 - Peacemakers Monument, Shenandoah University, Winchester,Virginia (USA). Commemorating the handshake between President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev on December 7, 1987.
March 23, 1991 - "Infinity," Peace Symbols Zone, Nagasaki Peace Park, Nagasaki (Japan). From Ankara, Republic of Turkey. "The figure of a man and woman joined hand in hand symbolized peace and peace and harmony among the entire human race."
1992 - "Hands Across the Divide" Statue, west end of Craigavon Bridge, Londonderry (Northern Ireland). Produced by Maurice Harron. An image of the statue illustrates the website and brochures of the "Ulster Project" in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA).
1996 - "A Landmark for Peace," MLK Park, one block west of 17th Street & College Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana (USA). Marks the spot where presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy [1926-1968] announced on April 4, 1968, to a large, mostly Black audience that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. [1929-1968] had just been assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. (Kennedy was assassinated on June 6, 1968.) Designed by Indiana artist Greg Perry, the monument includes busts of King & Kennedy sculpted by controversial artist Daniel Edwards from handguns melted down after a police buy back program. Click here for a description by Rev. Chris Buice of Knoxville, Tennessee, including text of Kennedy's speech which helped prevent race riots as occured in at least 110 other US cities. Click here for a 2009 video about the event and monument. Click here for air view of the park & monument. A plaque credits Diane Meyer Simon and various Simon family interests as major contributors. The plaque also says that the monument is "Dedicated to the memory of Larry Conrad" but says nothing about Conrad (a local lawyer and Democratic politician who died in 1990). Visited by EWL 08Aug09.
1996 - Jane Addams Memorial Park, 600 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois (USA). Near Navy Pier. Honors Jane Addams [1860-1935], founder of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and first US woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize (1931). Park includes black granite statue "Helping Hands" by Louis Bourgeois. Entry #272 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1996 - "Helping Hands / A Touch of Jane Addams," Women's Park & Gardens, 1827 South Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Illinois (USA). By French-American sculptor Louise Bourgeois [1911-2010]. "The work entails six rough hewn stone bases which each support a hand or series of carved black granite hands representing a broad range of people of different ages & backgrounds. The current installation reflects the artist’s original arrangement of the sculptures & their positions." First dedicated on the city’s lake front in 1996. "The Chicago Park District team completed the relocation of the group of sculptures on June 24th, 2011."
Date? - "La paz en nuestras manos / Peace in our hands," Mexico City (Mexico). Adopted by the Movimiento Mexicano por la Paz y el Desarrollo / Mexican Mouvement of Peace & Development (MOMPADE) as a national symbol of peace. Image shows monument from above with its hands casting a shadow with the shape of a dove.
About 1996? - Peace Monument & White Rose, Courtyard, Palacio Nacional de la Cultura / National Palace of Culture, Guatemala City (Guatemala). Former National Palace. "They have a tradition concerning peace and a symbol of peace, the White Rose. To celebrate another day of peace in their country and the ever-fresh peace process, at about 11:30 AM, the Army Honor Guard, changes a white rose that has been placed on a monument in the court yard with another fresh white rose. The day old white rose, symbolizing 24 hours of peace, is then given to a guest of the country in a ceremony." NB: Guatemalan civil war lasted from 1960 until 1996.
Date? - Peace Monument, Haghtanak Park (Victory Park), top of Cascade, Yerevan (Armenia). "The park is named Victory Park in commemoration of Soviet Armenia's participation in the second World War. The park is a large forested area with an artificial lake, an amusement park, cafes, the Mayr Hayastan statue & museum, and sweeping views of central Yerevan."
Date? - Hands sculpture, Lake Superior waterfront, Duluth, Minnesota (USA). Six pairs of cupped hands supporting a dove of peace.
Date? - "Hands" statue, Abdi Ipekci Park, Ankara (Turkey). By sculptor Metin Yurdanur.
Date? - Hand of Peace Monument, Kusadasi (Turkey). On the main tourist Marina. Kusadasi is Major Tourist attraction in the Aegean and is visited by about 650 cruise ships per year.
Date? - Rotary Mural, Culiacan, Sinaloa (Mexico). Depicts the fight against polio. Includes dove of peace & handshake of friendship.
Date? - Hands statue, Nathan Road (near the eastern entrance to Kowloon Park), Kowloon, Hong Kong (China). By Van Lau. Gift of Rotary Club of Kowloon West.
Date? - Hand Monument, in a desert, but where? (Bolivia or Chile). On "Desert Horizons" tour by Tucan Travel ("Take the adventure of a lifetime.").
Date? - Hands Monuments, Dili (East Timor). "Een monument in Dili, de hoofdstad van Oost Timor." The capital, largest city, chief port, and commercial centre of East Timor, Dili has approximately 150,000 inhabitants.
May 23, 1998 - "Prayer for Peace," National Peace Site, Peace Garden, Ragle Ranch Regional Park, Sonoma County, California (USA). "A spectacular sculpture created by world-renowned artist Masayuki Nagase." "Selected from 52 entries. Masayuki Nagase says,"The standing granite slabs represent hands, so that a person can stand between them while facing the third piece with carved water waves symbolizing the source of human spirit and consciousness." Entry #161 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
June 1998 - Peace Wall, 29th & Wharton Streets (southwest corner), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA). Mural by Jane Golden & Peter Pagast. Inscribed "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God" from Matthew 5:9. Note children in foreground of the image.
1999 - "The Hand of Peace," British Legion Barnards Green Garden of Remembrance, Barnards Green, Malvern (England). Sculpture in Portland stone by artist & author Rose Garrard. "Commemorates the people who were killed in wars and conflicts."
Date? - Mano de la Paz / Hand of Peace, Malaga (Spain). "We must reach out to peace. Hay que tender una mano a la Paz. 'No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino.' Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)."
June 2000 - "Hands & Molecule," Royal Esplanade, Eastcliffe, Ramsgate, Kent (England). Broze "millenium sculpture" by David Barnes. Sponsored by Pfizer Ltd. (the famous pharmaceutical company). A landmark on the "National Cycle Network" which links Ramsgate to other cycle paths all over the UK.
2000 - "Our Hands," Municipal Center Building, 411 Main Street, Chico, California (USA). Twelve-feet tall. "A $65,000 Chico public art project by artist Donna Billick" of Davis, Caliornia.
Date? - Hands, Statue Park, Budapest (Hungary).
September 12, 2002 - "Handspan" (Wanganui Culture of Peace Sculpture), Wanganui, North Island (New Zealand). A double-spiral pathway whose walls are covered with more than 4,000 clay hand casts. Created by "Peace Through Unity," an international NGO based in Wanganui. Designed by local artist Ross Mitchell-Anyon.
2003? - Uhuru Monument, Uhuru Gardens, along Langata road, Nairobi (Kenya). Near Wilson Airport. "Uhuru Gardens is Kenya's largest memorial park. They "are the biggest home to Nairobi memorial tombs of all the Independence freedom fighters. The Uhuru monument is built on the spot where the (Uhuru) freedom was gained from the British rule and was declared at midnight on December 12th, 1963. The column of the Uhuru monument stands 24 meters high & supports a pair of clasped hands as well as the dove of peace plus the column of the statue of a group of freedom fighters raising the flag. In 2003 however, the Uhuru Gardens was the site of a public damage of arms [sic]. This representational ceremony took place on the third anniversary of the signature of the Nairobi Declaration on Small Arms & Light Weapons."
September 2003 - Halabja Martyrs Monument & Museum, Halabja (Iraq). A 100-foot-tall modern structure with a museum inside. Honors the thousands of people killed in 1988 when Saddam Hussein's army infamously attacked the town with chemical weapons. Opened just six months after the US invasion of Iraq. Secretary of State Colin Powell & other US dignitaries attended opening ceremony and were received by cheering crowds in the streets. Demonstrators set the monument on fire March 16, 2006, in protest against lack of government assistance. .
October 8, 2005 - Tree of Life Memorial, St. Martins in the Bull Ring, Birmingham (England). Statue of a pair of hands holding the world sculpted by Lorenzo Quinn. Dedicated to the victims of the Blitz in Birmingham during World War II. "They suffered hundreds of air raid warnings and over 70 direct bombing raids."
May 2008 - Hand Sculpture, Sculpture Park, Governors Island, New York City, New York (USA). Most of Governors Island was transfered from federal to state control on January 31, 2003.
May 2008 - "Healing Hands," St. Peter & St. Paul Cathedral, Ennis, County Claire (Ireland). Pair of hands sculpured from Threecastles limestone by local artist Shane Gilmore. Six plaques give various interpretations, e.g. peace ("marking a new era of peace on the island of Ireland"), welcome ("acknowledging the presense of immigrants..."), cooperation, healing, and faith, and quoting Isaiah 49:15 ("I will not forget you. I have carved your name on the palm of my hand."). Info courtesy of Julie Obermeyer (Bradford, England).
2008-2011 - Monument to Humanity, Kars (Turkey). "For Naif Alibeyoglu, the former mayor of Kars whose idea it was, supposed to represent the victory of peace over enmity, its flood-lighting visible from neighbouring Armenia, 40 kilometres away. In Kars, opposition was led by Oktay Aktas, local head of the Nationalist Action Party, or MHP. “Why is one figure standing with its head bowed, as if ashamed," Aktas asks. Today, it stands unfinished. Its three-metre high hand, supposed to join the two figures, was never attached. It lies fingers up in the gravel in front. /// Reuters 12Jan 11: " The row centres on the prime minister's right to demand the removal of an artwork on aesthetic grounds. His comments come at a time when rapprochement between Muslim Turkey and Christian Armenia is at a standstill. Erdogan's comments have been seized on by Turkish nationalists who condemn the monument's message of understanding. A bid to normalise ties between neighbouring Turkey and Armenia suffered a blow last April when Yerevan froze ratification of a US-brokered peace accord. /// Armenian Weekly, March 11, 2011: "The demolition began on April 26 while Armenians worldwide commemorated the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. In the presence of riot police, the heads of the statues were dismounted & trucked away. Thus, a conciliatory symbol has itself become a target of intolerance - a fate sculptor Mehmet Aksoy has likened to the destruction of Buddhist relics by the Taliban.""
August 2008 - Monumento a la Sardana / Monument to the Sardana, La Sardana Circus, Montjuic, Barcelona (Spain). Statue of dancers holding hands by Josep Cañas. "La Sardana is a typical Catalan dance, and this is its monument." There must be a very similar monument on the beach (right image).
November 28, 2010 - Peace Monument, Barangay Sta. Maria, Zamboanga, Mindanao (Philippines). In front of Edwin Andrews Air Base. "Led by Peace Advocates Zamboanga (PAZ) & Interreligious Solidarity Movement for Peace (IRSMP)." At the dedication, one of the organizers said, "we commit to live in a new space for peace, peace within ourselves, peace among our neighbors, peace with nature & peace with our Great Provider." Local newspaper said this is "the first ever peace monument in the country... The 'First Peace Monument' was created by Tausug artist Rameer Tawasil [a Muslim]. It is shaped like a peace dove & hand extending peace." /// "Individuals, groups & institutions led by Peace Advocates Zamboanga (PAZ) & Interreligious Solidarity Movement for Peace (IRSMP) gathered yesterday to unveil a peace monument. Fr. Angel Calvo, PAZ president, accompanied by Dr. Grace Rebollos, president of Western Mindanao State University (WMSU), & Prof. Ali Yacub, chairman of Golden Crescent Consortium of Peace Builders & Affiliates (GCCPBA) officially unveiled the first ever peace monument in the country."
April 4, 2011 - Monumento a Paz / Peace Monument, Luena, Moxico Province (Angola). Dedicated on the 9th anniversary of the Luena Accords of 2002 which brought together the FAA & UNITA military forces, ending 27 years of civil war after the death in combat of Jonas Savimbi [1934-2002] on 22 February of the same year. /// "Near the site where Unita rebel leader Jonas Savimbi was killed in battle on February 22, 2002. Savimbi's death paved the way to a peace deal signed in the capital Luanda on April 4, 2002, ending the 27-year civil conflict that erupted soon after independence from Portugal in 1975." The monument is about 30 metres tall & is made up of copper & iron. It has two arms holding a white dove which symbolises Peace." /// Apparently also dedicated on April 4, 2012, by President Jose Eduardo dos Santos.
August 2013? - Museum of Peace, Polkovnichiy Island, Semey (Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan hosted an international conference “From a Nuclear Test Ban to a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World”, August 27- 29, 2012. August 29 was the the UN International Day against Nuclear Testing on August 29, 2012. Part of the conference was held in Semey, including a ground-breaking ceremony for the unique Museum of Peace. The crystal-ball-shaped building will be five stories tall, with a height of 34 metres & a diametre of 24 metres, & will rest in the palms of hands, demonstrating the fragility of life & the need for careful stewardship of the environment. The foundation of the ball in the form of two palms of hands will be made from iron & granite, while the building itself will be constructed of glass. The construction process is scheduled to be completed one year later. Construction costs are estimated at more than one billion tenge & will be provided by the government.
December 12, 2014 - "Football Remembers," National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire (England). "A memorial to the World War One Christmas Truce, when some British & German soldiers stopped fighting & played football, has been dedicated by the Duke of Cambridge. The memorial was designed by 10-year-old Spencer Turner from Farne Primary in Newcastle after a UK-wide competition." /// "The Duke of Cambridge & England forward Theo Walcott picked out the memorial's design from thousands of entries in a competition held in schools throughout the UK. Prince William told guests attending the dedication ceremony: 'We all grew up with the story of soldiers from both sides putting down their arms to meet in no man's land on Christmas Day 1914 – when gunfire remarkably gave way to gifts. It remains wholly relevant today as a message of hope and humanity, even in the bleakest of times. Football, then as now, had the power to bring people together and break down barriers.'"
Date? - "Statue of 'Peace," World Sculpture Park, Changchun (China). "From a distance, looks like a statue of a human hand. It's just great shape almost as tall as a human body. This statue is unique because the shape of the hand with three fingers folded & middle finger index finger too upright. Yes, this sculpture is shaped like human fingers to symbolize peace. ...made by Joseph de Angelis of bronze material. The exterior of the metal wire wrapped around the statue in all parts of the statue." [See other de Angelis stulpture in Monroe, Michigan (USA).]
Late August or early September 2015 - "Hands of Peace," International Peace Garden, North Dakota (USA) . "On a pedestal of white granite from Cold Spring in a fountain surrounded by shooting sprays of water in dedication to the continuation of the peaceful border the US & Canada have shared for over 200 years. By New London sculptor Art Norby." Paid for by Wally Byrum RV Club.
October 20, 2017 - Peace Monument, Detroit River Waterfront, Windsor, Ontario (Canada). "A project of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. Donated to the City & distinguishing features include the motto 'Love for all, Hatred for none.' Includes two plates, one with the Jama’at history. Four benches surround the structure, each with a Khalifa name & biography. They were added to offer a place of rest along the riverfront trail. On its website, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama‘at is presented as'a dynamic, fast-growing international revival movement within Islam. Founded in 1889, AMJ spans over 200 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. AMJ is the only Islamic organization to believe that the long-awaited messiah has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad [1835-1908] of Qadian...'" /// Image shows skyline of Detroit, Michigan (USA), in background.
Future - "Peace Offering," Artist's studio, Hopkinton, Massachusetts (USA). Bench in form of a dove with outstretchd hands and the tail of a hawk (representing hostility). By Michael Malfano. "This sculpture represents some of the many aspects of attaining peace. It is a expression of Michael's Soka Gakkai Buddhist practice, with the intention of contributing to peace and culture." (5'7" x 2'9" x 1'7" Bronze, $25,000, Ltd. Ed. of 25, Resin, $6,000, Ltd. Ed. of 100)
Future? - "Building Peace One Piece at a Time," Studio of David Fichter, 20 Worcester Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA). Project by students of muralist David Fichter. Intended for permanent installation?
Future - El Mano de la Paz / The Hand of Peace, Jardin Binacional / Bi-national Garden, Playas de Tijuana, Baja California (Mexico). Hand showing the peace sign. "By Chaa Youn Woo, [Korean-American] Artist. Significant sculpture that will add positive inspiration to a major port of entry to Latin America. Will be located in a high poverty area. Located at the northern most point of Latin America, approximately 20’ from the border of the United States (San Diego) and 60' from the Pacific Ocean. Latin America refers to those countries that speak romance languages like Spanish, French & Portuguese all derived from Latin. Countries in South America, Central America & the Caribbean make up Latin America. In 2008 the Latin American population was estimated at 570 million. The sculpture will become a generator for peaceful energy. A whimsical yet thought provoking peaceful environment will be created for tourists & locals who visit or live in the area, giving the public the opportunity to interact with the Art installation on a daily basis."