Peace Mosaics Around the World
Click here for "Peace Murals & Walls" including a special section on mosaic "World Walls for Peace" (WWFP) by Carolyna Marks [1942-2011] .
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2600-2400 BCE - Peace Panel, Standard of Ur, British Museum, London (England). "Peace" [upper image & detail] portrays a banquet scene. Attendants parade animals, fish, and other goods (possibly war booty) before seated figures, while a lyrist entertains the throng." "The 'standard' is a hollow wooden box and a mosaic inlaid with red limestone, lapis lazuli and shells. Its original function is not understood, but it has been suggested it was born upon a pole as a standard, thus its common name, 'The Standard of Ur.' Another suggestion was its use as a carrying case for a musical instrument. Excavated in what was the old royal cemetery in what had been the ancient city of Ur, which was located in modern-day Iraq, south of Baghdad. There are two larger panels – one side depicting peace and the other side war [lower image]."
6th century CE - Mosaic, Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Emilia-Romagna, Ravenna (Italy). "Byzantine umbraculum or bower in form of a shell with doves as a sign of peace." Right image shows multiple such mosaics above the windows on the north side of the nave.
1896 - "Minerva of Peace," Library of Congress, Washington, DC (USA). By Elihu Vedder [1836-1923]. As photographed by Carol M. Highsmith. "Minerva was the Roman goddess whom Romans from the 2nd century BC onwards equated with the Greek goddess Athena. She was the virgin goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts & magic. She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl usually named as the 'owl of Minerva,' which symbolizes her ties to wisdom." A statue of Minerva is atop the dome of the US Capitol Building. Her image is on the Seal of the State of California.
August 28, 1913 - Main Entrance & Large Vestibule, Vredespaleis / Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, The Hague (Netherlands). The floor mosaic is Italian marble. It is inscribed "Sol justitiae illustra nos / The light of justice shines upon us." The grand staircase is directly in front of the main entrance, i.e. to the right of the vestibule as seen in the middle image. Note reception desk just to the left of the main entrance, as viewed from inside. /// The motto of Utrecht University is "Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos / Sun of Justice, shine upon us." This motto was gleaned from a literal Latin Bible translation of Malachi 4:2. Rutgers University in New Jersey (USA), having a historical connection with Utrecht University, uses a modified version of this motto: "Sol iustitiae et occidentem illustra / Sun of righteousness, shine upon the West also."
S1920-1932 - Arc de Triomphe, Cinquantenaire Park, Brussels (Belgium). "On both sides of the arch are 'galleries of the columns' with mosaics representing and glorifying the 'peace-loving nation of Belgium'. These mosaics were made between 1920 and 1932."
1965 - "Produktion im Frieden / Production in Peace," Eisenhüttenstadt (Germany). "East German artist Walter Womacka [1925-2010] created this mosaic in 1965 for the exterior of the former Magnet Department Store. The building designed by Otto Lopp & Otto Schnabel was constructed in 1958-1960 & has since become the Linden Center, which houses a store & library. Originally known as Stalinstadt, Eisenhüttenstadt is a small industrial city on the border of Germany & Poland that was built in the 1950's by the Germany Democratic Republic (GDR)."
1975 - The stamp of Walter Womacka's Produktion im Frieden was issued in 1975.
1967 - "Hand of Peace," Walnut Creek, California (USA). "A monument to peace by a famous artist, who reportedly cut off his trigger finger and sent it to President Woodrow Wilson to protest World War I, may soon adorn a Walnut Creek park. The nearly 5-ton sculpture is made of copper, mosaic & stained glass. The 30-foot-tall open-hand figure has stained glass around the fingers & a mural in the middle of the palm featuring a group of children. Above them, an inscription reads, "The children of the world shall inherit the earth." The sculpture sat relatively unnoticed in an office park in Walnut Creek on Quail Court from 1967 to 2009, when it was taken down for restoration. Four years after Italian-born artist Beniamino Bufano [1890-1970] installed his massive sculpture in Walnut Creek, he died. But now [2012] the family that owns the sculpture has offered to let the city display it prominently for at least the next 25 years. The chosen spot is in downtown's Civic Park."
1968 - St. Francis of the Guns," Science Building, City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, California (USA). After the 1968 shootings of Bobby Kennedy & Martin Luther King Jr, San Francisco's Mayor Joseph Alioto led a voluntary gun turn-in program that accumulated a conveniently symbolic 1,968 weapons. Benny Bufano [1890-1970], an Italian-born Bay Area artist, was tapped to sculpt something with the melted gun metal (he mixed in some bronze so it wouldn't rust in the S.F. Bay dampness). Bufano sculpted "St. Francis of the Guns," a nearly 9-ft tall figure of a robed Catholic saint, his arms spread in peaceful greeting. On his robe, Benny created a mosaic mural showing the glowing heads of four of America's greatest assassinated leaders: Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy & John F. Kennedy. The naive caricatures capture all four with worried frowns.
November 7, 1977 - Reformers Tree Memorial, North Section, Hyde Park, London (England). "Commemorates the Reformers Tree which was burnt down during the Reform League riots in 1866, after which the remaining stump became a notice board for political demonstration and a gathering point for Reform League meetings. On 7 November 1977 Prime Minister James Callaghan planted a new oak tree on the spot where the Reformers Tree was thought to have stood."
October 2, 1979 - "Dove of Peace," General Assembly Lobby, United Nations, New York City, New York (USA). "Presented by Pope John Paul II [1920-2005], on the occasion of his visit to the UN. The original mosaic was executed in the Constantinian Basilica in the Vatican during the pontificate of Pope Innocent III [1198-1216]. The enamels were made in 1727. The gilt bronze frame was made in 1796." Entry #749 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
March 21, 1984 - John Lennon Memorial, Strawberry Fields, Central Park, New York City, New York (USA). Reproduction of a mosaic from Pompeii (gift from Naples, Italy) & 2.5-acre knoll dedicated by Yoko Ono on what would have been Lennon's 45th birthday. Entrance on Central Park West at West 72nd Street, directly across from The Dakota apartments, where Lennon lived for the latter part of his life and where he was murdered. "Designed by landscape architect Bruce Kelly..Yoko Ono contributed $500,000 to the establishment of the garden, as well as an equivalent amount for its ongoing maintenance. It has become the tranquil meeting point for fans the world over, many of whom sing Beatles and Lennon songs on summer afternoons."
1985 - Golden Rule Mosaic, United Nations, New York City, New York (USA). Presented by first lady Nancy Reagan for the UN's 40th anniversary. A creation of Venetian artists based on a painting by American artist Norman Rockwell [1894-1978]. Depicts people of all races, religions, creeds & hues. Imparts the message of the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"). Entry #750 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
CAfter 1985 - Greenpeace Memorial, Marsden Wharf, Auckland (New Zealand). "The Greenpeace anti-nuclear protest ship Rainbow Warrior was berthed at Marsden Wharf when, on July 10, 1985, it was bombed by agents of the French secret service." Information courtesy of Margaret Thomson, Denedin (NZ): "Mosaic in memory of the sinking of the ship 'Rainbow Warrior,' by French saboteurs - a terrible event in our history - July 1985. I was in Auckland. A camerman lost his life."
1991 - Al-Aqsa Islamic Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA). Its vibrant mosaic-and-mural exterior is known as "Doorways to Peace." "The result of an interfaith, collaborative project between Al-Aqsa members, local artists, local Muslim & non-Muslim schoolchildren, neighbors, churches & synagogues. Housed in the former Dubin Company furniture warehouse, Al-Aqsa encompasses a mosque & cultural center for the neighborhood's close-knit Palestinian community & other Arab Muslims in the area. Has grown beyond the mosque to include a grocery & an elementary & high school that provides Islamic studies & Arabic language lessons."
2002 - Piedmont Peace Wall, Playground at Austin & Newbury Streets, Piedmont Neighborhood, Worcester, Massachusetts (USA). 12 ft. x 5 ft. By Hillary Sloate Mosaics. Created with Piedmont neighborhood residents.
H2002 - "Seat of Peace," Ngataringa Park, Devonport, Auckland (New Zealand). Also known as the "Dragon Seat." By Karen Kennedy. "Where I used to live. A mosaic piece with a message [on the back] from the late yachtsman Sir Peter Blake [1948-2001]: "Live in Your Dreams." He was murdered by pirates in Brazil while on a peace mission to save our oceans." Left image & information 16Oct12 courtesy of Margaret Thomson, Denedin (NZ). Front inscribed "Sit ... Be at Peace With Nature. Hear the Song of Ngataringa." /// Right image shows "Lyndsay Brock [who] says there have been about 14 attacks on the seat in seven years. The North Shore City Council parks department & the working party have met & a new spot is being discussed. Ms. Brock says a lot of drinking & antisocial behaviour goes on in the park, & she thinks the culprits are locals." DSC00901
2005 - Arab American National Musuem, 13624 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Michigan (USA). "First museum in the world devoted to Arab American history & culture. By bringing the voices and faces of Arab Americans to mainstream audiences, we continue our commitment to dispel misconceptions about Arab Americans and other minorities. We brings to light the shared experiences of immigrants and ethnic groups, paying tribute to the diversity of our nation." Entrance mural designed by Dr. Fayeq Oweis of California. A Smithsonian Affiliate.
Date? - "Choose - Restore - Peace," Uptown, Chicago, Illinois (USA).
Date? Peace Mosaic, Bret Harte Middle School, Oakland, California (USA).
April 6, 2008 - Peace Mosaic, Peace Lutheran Church, 3201 Camino Tassajara, Danville, California (USA). "Created as a 50th Anniversary Commemorative Art Piece to honor the 50 years of Peace Congregation’s ministry in the San Ramon Valley. We wanted something that would be significant, beautiful & a Community-Building experience. We hoped to capture a sense of the spirit and history of Peace & convey a compelling vision of what our future could become. The Smalti/Byzantine tiles are produced by the Perdomo Family in [Cuernavaca] Mexico who provided tiles for all the works of of Diego Rivera. 43,000 pieces of tile were used. It took 6 months to complete – from Pentecost to Reformation. The Installation on the exterior wall of our Sanctuary took another four months."
February 27, 2009 - "Peace," Yorkwoods Public School, Toronto, Ontario (Canada). "Students unveiled a beautiful eggshell mosaic entitled 'Peace' in the school’s front foyer. They came up with the idea of creating the mosaic as a way to show how by being peaceful at school, children from the 27 different cultures represented at the school can get along & be friends. Students chose the dove of peace as the central focus for the mural. Grades 1 to 5 students in the Yorkwoods Public School Art Club worked under the guidance of art teacher Alla Saidakovsky to produce the piece by painstakingly gluing each piece of eggshell--one tiny piece at a time--to their working board." Links courtesy of Alla Saidakovsky 08Dec2013.
S C U L P T U R E June 11, 2009 - "Entropa," Prague (Czech Republic). "A €373,000 over-sized mosaic map of Europe...commissioned to mark the start of the Czech Republic’s six-month presidency of the European Union. Each of its interlocking segments was supposed to celebrate the union’s 27 member nations but instead offered satirical depictions: Italy was represented with a soccer field; Romania was shown as a Count Dracula theme park; a series of toilets stood in for Bulgaria."
August 13, 2011 - Salem Peace Mosaic, Salem Family YMCA, 685 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon (USA). "A participatory mosaic which involved over 600 people creating a 60' long mosaic with porcelain, glass & stone tile. Workshops were held at many locations involving participants from age 3 to 85 in making art and writing poetry to express that Salem means Peace... Mosaic artist Lynn Takata, poets Eleanor Berry & Marilyn Johnston, & spoken word artist Miguel-Loredo Reyes led workshops that involved the public in creating art and poetry about Peace. In addition, Oregon Poet Laureate Paulann Petersen contributed a poem written specifically for this project."
August 13, 2011 "River of Peace," Salem Family YMCA, 685 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon (USA). "Mosaic on YMCA housing structure" near Oregon State Capitol. "A participatory mosaic which involved over 600 people creating a 60' long mosaic with porcelain, glass & stone tile. Workshops were held involving participants from age 3 to 85 in making art & writing poetry to express that Salem means Peace... A poem was written for the Salem Peace Mosaic by Oregon Poet Laureate Paulann Petersen. The poem 'Capital' was created in ceramic tile and runs along the 40' glass mosaic river." "KMUZ volunteer DJ Lee Coynea...spearheads the Salem Peace Mosaic with the Salem YMCA, possibly the only mural on the West Coast actually designed by kids." Information courtesy of Michael Romy, Bloomington, IN.
September 14-23. 2012 - The Peace Mosaic, Revelation Hall, Miracles Healing Center, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin (USA). "We invite you to join us in creating The Peace Mosaic as part of International Forgiveness Week and the Weekend of Perfect Peace. Composed of innumerable “pledges for peace,” the Peace Mosaic will bring together contributors from around the world, from a myriad of nationalities, religious callings, race, political leanings, and economic backgrounds, all sharing a single purpose: the dedication to act upon and ‘pay forward’ a pledge for peace."
Future - "Pieces for Peace mosaic." "An Israeli-Palestinian art-dialogue project for children. More than 150 Palestinian & Israeli youth have met over the last 3 years to create 330 square feet of mosaic. This work of art is being painstakingly created from thousands of mosaic tiles. The finished mosaic project will be placed in a park on the Israel-Palestine border. The mosaic promises a fear-free future, and we hope it will be a meeting place for the peoples of the region and the world."