1774-1852 - David Low Dodge - Teacher & factory manager. Helped found world's first peace society in New York in 1815.
1778-1841 - William Ladd - Early anti-war activist in Maine. Founded American Peace Society in 1828. Proposed Congress & Court of Nations in 1840. Called "Apostle of Peace." P
1810-1879 - Elihu Burritt - Opposed slavery, worked for temperance & tried to achieve world peace. Burritt College named for him in Spencer, Tennessee, in 1848.
1842-1921 - Henry Pettit - Architect. Designed peace flag used by American Peace Society & the Universal Peace Union.
1846-1936 - Charles C. Glover. Financier & philanthropist. Built house in Washington, DC, which became headquarters of American Peace Society 1911-1948.
Judge William Jay [1789-1858] President of APS 1848-1858
1847-1916 - Benjamin Franklin Trueblood - Gen. Sec. of American Peace Society 1892-1915. Wrote The Federation of the World in 1899. Conf
1851-1929 - Theodore E. Burton - Congressman. President of American Peace Society. Hosted 13,000 at First World Conference on International Justice in Cleveland in 1928.
1868-1947 - Anna B. Eckstein - Teacher. At peace conferences. Born & died in Germany. Called "Champion of World Peace" & "Co-Founder of the League of Nations." P Conf
David Low Dodge
Arthur Dean Call
James Libby Tryon 1864-1958, Prof at MIT.
George C. Beckwith, William Jay, Howard Malcom, John Field, William C. Brown