Past TED presenters include Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Malcolm Gladwell, Al Gore, Gordon Brown, educator Salman Khan, Google founders Larry Page & Sergey Brin & many Nobel Prize winners.
TED Prizes were awarded: In 2005 to Bono, Edward Burtynsky & Robert Fischell . In 2006 to Larry Brilliant, Jehane Noujaim & Cameron Sinclair. In 2007 to Bill Clinton, Edward O. Wilson & James Nachtwey. In 2008 to Neil Turok, Dave Eggers & Karen Armstrong. In 2009 to Sylvia Earle, Jill Tarter & José Antonio Abreu. In 2010 to Jamie Oliver. In 2011 to JR. In 2012 to City 2.0.
1937-Alive - Joseph Nye - Co-founded international relations theory neoliberalism & wrote "Power & Interdependence" with Robert Keohane. TED lecture: "On global power shifts."
1941-Alive -
Richard Dawkins - Ethologist, evolutionary biologist & author. One of the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism." Acclaimed TED lecturer.
1941-Alive - Robert Thurman - TED lecture: "We can be Buddhas."
1948-Alive - Hans Rosling - Medical doctor, academic & statistician. Makes amazing statistical graphs. Acclaimed TED lecturer. Founded
Gapminder Foundation.
1950-Alive - Jody Williams - Teacher & aid worker. Received Nobel for International Campaign to Ban Landmines. TED talk: "A Realistic Vision for World Peace."
1951-Alive - Dean Kamen - TED lecture: "Previews a new prosthetic arm."
1954-Alive - Josette Sheeran - Vice Chairman, World Economic Forum. TED lecture: " Ending hunger now."
1955-Alive - Michael Pollan - Professor of Journalism, UC Berkeley. TED talk: "The omnivore's next dilemma."
1957-Alive - Chris Anderson - Born in Pakistan. Attended Woodstock School. Host of TED Conferences (owned by his Sapling Foundation).
c1960-Alive - Jacqueline Novogratz - Founder & CEO of Acumen Fund which uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve global poverty. Wife of TED host Chris Anderson (qv).
1962-Alive - Thomas P.M. Barnett - Military strategist. TED talk: "Thomas Barnett draws a new plan for peace," June 13, 2007.
1969-Alive - Jeremy Gilley - Actor & filmmaker. Founded the charity Peace One Day in September 1999. TED lecture: "One day of peace."
c1970-Alive - Brené Brown - Research professor, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. TED talk: "The power of vulnerability."
c1970-Alive - Lisa Margonelli - Director, New America Foundation Energy Policy Initiative. TED talk: "The political chemistry of oil spills."
1975-Alive - Emiliano Salinas - TED lecture: " A civil response to violence."
1980-Alive - Julia Bacha - Filmmaker. TED lecture: "Pay attention to nonviolence" about 2003 protest in Budrus (Palestine).
19??-Alive - Asher Hasan - TED lecture: "Message of peace from Pakistan."
19xx-Alive - Inge Missmahl - TED lecture: "Brings peace to the minds of Afghanistan."
19xx-Alive - Jehane Noujaim - Launched Pangea Day. TED lecture: "Wishes for a global day of film."
19xx-Alive - John Hunter - TED lecture: "The World Peace Game."