1596-1650 - René Descartes - Philosopher, mathematician & writer. Dubbed the "Father of modern philosophy."
1603-1683 - Roger Williams - Theologian. First American proponent of religious freedom & separation of church & state. "Arguably the first abolitionist in North America."
1611-1660 - Mary Dyer - Quaker martyr. Duplicate statues in Boston, Philadelphia & Richmond, Indiana.
1624-1691 - George Fox - Religious dissenter. Founded Quakerism after climbing Hill of Vision.
1632-1677 - Baruch Spinoza - Enlightenment philosopher & rationalist. Lay groundwork for 18th century Enlightenment. Magnum opus Ethics published posthumously.
1632-1704 - John Locke - Philosopher & physician. Regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers. Known as the "Father of Classical Liberalism."
1642-1726 - Isaac Newton - Physicist & mathematician ("natural philosopher"). Recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time. A key figure in the scientific revolution.
1644-1718 - William Penn - Quaker. Champion of democracy & religious freedom. Founded Pennsylvania. Signed peace with Indians.
1647-1706 - Pierre Bayle - Philosopher & writer. Best known for his seminal work the "Historical & Critical Dictionary" published beginning in 1697. Advocated the toleration of divergent beliefs.
1654-1725 - John Bellers - Education & peace theorist. Wrote "Some Reasons for an European State..." Bought land for Hugenots in America. Friend of William Penn.
1658-1743 - Abbé de Saint-Pierre - Writer & radical. One of the first to propose an international organisation for maintaining peace.
1673-1743 - Cornelius van Bynkershoek - Jurist & legal theorist. Contributed to international law, particularly Law of the Sea.
1691-1768 - Conrad Beissel - Charismatic religious leader. Came to America in 1720. Founded the Ephrata Community in Pennsylvania in 1732.
1694-1746 - Francis Hutcheson - Philosopher born in Ireland to a family of Scottish Presbyterians. A founding father of the Scottish Enlightenment.
1694-1778 - Voltaire (pen name of François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire) - Enlightenment philosopher & writer. Advocated civil liberties including freedom of religion & free trade.
1711-1776 - David Hume - Enlightenment philosopher, historian, economist & essayist. Empiricist. Wrote "A Treatise of Human Nature" in 1739.
1712-1778 - Jean Jacques Rousseau - Philosopher. For religious toleration. Influenced French & American Revolutions.
Wrote "Emile" in 1762.
1713-1784 - Denis Diderot - Philosopher, art critic, writer & atheist. Prominent during the Enlightenment. Edited the Encyclopédie with Jean le Rond d'Alembert.
1714-1770 - George Whitefield - Popular Anglican minister. Helped spread the Great Awakening in Britain & America. A founder of Methodism.
1715-1779 - Israel Pemberton, Jr. - A founder of Friendly Association for Regaining & Preserving Peace with the Indians in 1756.
1720-1772 - John Woolman - Merchant, tailor, journalist, itinerant preacher & early abolitionist. Wrote "A Plea for the Poor" & "Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes"
1724-1804 - Immanuel Kant - Enlightenment philosopher. Wrote "Towards Perpetual Peace" in 1795.
1725-1807 - John Newton - Sailor & slave ship captain. Convert to evangelical Christianity. Clergyman. Renounced slavery. Wrote "Amazing Grace" in 1779.
1729-1797 - Edmund Burke. Statesman, author, orator, political theorist & philosopher. Statue in Washington, DC (USA).
1731-1809 - Benjamin Banneker - African-American surveyor & mathematician.
1733-1804 - Joseph Priestley - Minister & scientist. Discovered oxygen.
c1735-1807 - Prince Hall - Abolitionist. Founder of "Black Freemasonry."
1737-1809 - Thomas Paine - Wrote "Common Sense" in 1776 & "Rights of Man" in 1791.
1738-1794 - Cesare Beccaria - Criminologist, jurist, philosopher & politician. Best known for "On Crimes & Punishments" (1764) which condemned torture & the death penalty.
c1738-c1822 -
Nancy Ward - Nanyehi in Cherokee. Sat in councils & made decisions, along with chiefs & other "Beloved Women." Helped her people as peace negotiator & ambassador.
1741-1815 - John Murray - Founder of Universalism in America. Husband of Judith Sargent Murray (qv).
1743-1826 - Thomas Jefferson - Wrote the US Declaration of Independence in 1776. 3rd US president 1801-09.
1745-1813 - Benjamin Rush - Doctor. Proposed Department of Peace. Click here for monuments in Pennsylvania (USA).
c1745-1797 - Olaudah Equiano - Slave. Purchased own freedom. Author, merchant & explorer. Influenced Slave Trade Act of 1807. See Joanna Vassa.
1746-1818 - Absolom Jones - Abolitionist. First African American ordained in the Episcopal Church of the US. Purchased his own freedom.
1748-1832 - Jeremy Bentham - Theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law. Influenced the development of welfarism. Body on display at Univ College London.
1751-1820 - Judith Sargent Stevens Murray. Wife of John Murray (qv).
1751-1836 - James Madison - Introduced the US Bill of Rights in 1789. 4th US president 1809-17.
1759-1805 - Friedrich Schiller - Poet. Wrote Ode to Joy ("All men will become brothers.") - 4th movement of Beethoven's 9th symphony - in 1785.
1759-1833 - William Wilberforce - MP & philanthropist. Evangelical Christian. Campaigned 26 years against slave trade until passage of Slave Trade Act of 1807.
1759-1797 - Mary Wollstonecraft - Wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" in 1792.
1760-1825 - Comte Henri de Saint-Simon - Socialist theorist. Wrote "On the Reorganizaiton of European Society" in 1814.
1760-1846 - Thomas Clarkson - Abolitionist. Helped found Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1787.
1766-1844 - John Dalton - Scientist. Atomic theory & colour blindness pioneer. Where he taught is now part of Manchester Peace Garden.
c1767-1843 - Sequoyah - Cherokee silversmith. His 1821 syllabary pioneered reading & writing a Native American language.
See Sequoyah Birthplace Museum in Vonore, TN.
1769-1811 - William Emerson - Pastor. Founded Philosophical Society & Boston Athenaeum. Father of Ralph Waldo Emerson (qv).
1770-1843 - William Allen - Scientist & philanthropist. Opposed slavery. Engaged in schemes of social & penal improvement. Founded London Peace Society.
1771-1858 - Robert Owen - Reformer. Helped found New Lanark (Scotland) in 1786. Founded New Harmony, Indiana (USA) c.1824. Father of Robert Dale Owen (qv).
1774-1852 - David Low Dodge - Teacher & factory manager. Helped found world's first peace society in New York in 1815.
1775-1863 - Lyman Beecher - Presbyterian. Co-founder of American Temperance Society. Father of many other peacemakers (qv).
1778-1841 - William Ladd - Early anti-war activist in Maine. Founded American Peace Society in 1828. Proposed Congress & Court of Nations in 1840. Called "Apostle of Peace." P
1780-1845 - Elizabeth Fry - Helped make treatment of prisoners more humane. Depicted on £5 note since 2002.
1780-1849 - Edward Hicks - Painted many versions of "Peaceable Kingdom." Click here for peace art.
1781-1865 - Andrés Bello - Humanist, poet, legislator, philosopher, educator & philologist.
1781-1869 - Rebecca Gratz - Educator & philanthropist.
Established Female Association for the Relief of Women & Children in 1801.
1782-1820 - Elihu Embree - Quaker minister. Worked in Jonesborough, Tennessee. Published first anti-slavery newspaper, the "Manumission Intelligencer."
1782-1839 - Jean-Jaques de Sellon - Wealthy Geneva philanthropist. Ended death penalty.
Built Temple of Friendship & Peace in 1820. Founded Société de la Paix de Genève in 1830.
1783-1835 - Obadiah Dogberry - Born Abner Cole. Newspaper editor & freethinker. Criticised the Book of Mormon even before it was published in 1830 by Joseph Smith.
1785-1830 - David Walker - Abolitionist. Wrote one of the first abilitionist texts ("To the Coloured Citizens of the World") c.1829. Died in Boston "possibly assassinated by the slaveocracy."
1786-1866 - Chief Seattle (Si'ahl) - Reputed for speech c.1854 advocating Native American rights & environmental values.
1787-1875 - Guillaume Henri Dufour - Army officer, engineer & topographer. Click here for monuments related to the Red Cross.
1789-1839 - Benjamin Lundy - Abolitionist. Established several anti-slavery newspapers. Started the abolutionist movement in 1815.
1793-1859 - Joseph Sturge - Abolitionist. Helped found Free Villages in Jamaica. Funded British & Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (now Anti-Slavery International).
1793-1880 - Lucretia Coffin Mott. - Abolitionist, social reformer & proponent of women's rights. Click here for Quaker monuments.
1795-1852 - Frances (Fanny) Wright - Freethinker & abolitionist. Lover of LaFayette. Founded interracial commune of Nashoba in Tennessee (USA) in 1825.
1795-1857 - Joanna Vassa - Only surviving child of former slave & anti-slavery campaigner Olaudah Equiano (qv). Her grave rediscovered, but little is known of her life.
1795-1879 - Rowland Hill - Teacher, inventor & social reformer. Campaigned for postal system reform including penny postage & the postage stamp.
1795-1884 - Joshua Reed Giddings - Statesman from Ohio. Prominent opponent of slavery.
1796-1859 - Horace Mann - Advocate of educaton reform & women's rights. First president of Antioch College.
1797-1856 - Heinrich Heine - Romantic poet. Wrote "Where they burn books, they will ultimately also burn people" in 1821.
1797-1874 - Gerrit Smith - Social reformer, staunch abolitionist, temperance campaigner, politician & philanthropist. Supported John Brown.
c1797-1883 - Sojourner Truth - Abolitionist & women's rights activist. Born into slavery. Delivered "Ain't I a Woman?" speech in 1851.
1798-1874 - Josiah Warren - Inventor, musician & author. First American anarchist. Edited "The Peaceful Revolutionist" in 1833.
1799-1872 - Joseph Pease - Railway manager. First Quaker MP. President of the Peace Society 1860-1872.
1800-1859 - John Brown - Abolitionist. Led Pottawatomie Massacre & Harpers Ferry Raid. Called "misguided fanatic" by A.Lincoln. Executed
1800-1884 - Mary Ann McClintock. - Women's rights advocate. Attended Seneca Falls convention.
c1800-1889 - Jane Hunt. - Women's rights advocate. Attended Seneca Falls convention.
1800-1889 - Erastus Hussey - Leading abolitionist. "Stationmaster" on Underground Railroad. A Republican Party founder.
1801-1876 - Samuel Gridley Howe - Educator of the blind. Husband of Julia Ward Howe (qv).
1801-1877 - Robert Dale Owen - Helped his father Robert Owen (qv) found New Harmony, Indiana. Editted the Free Enquirer (a socialistic & anti-Christian weekly) with Frances Wright (qv) 1828-32.
1801-1882 - George Perkins Marsh - Diplomat & philologist. Considered to be America's first environmentalist. Spoke many languages. Minister to Italy for 21 years.
1802-1837 - Elijah P. Lovejoy - Presbyterian minister & journalist Edited abolitionist newspaper "Alton Observer." Killed by pro-slavery mob.
1802-1880 -
Lydia Maria Child - Abolitionist, women's & Indian rights activist, novelist & journalist.
Opposed male dominance & white supremacy. Wrote "Over the River and Through the Wood."
1802-1885 - Victor Hugo. Poet, novelist & dramatist. One of the most well-known Romantic writers. Presided over 2nd International Peace Congress in 1849.
1802-1887 - Dorothea Dix - Activist on behalf of the indigent insane.
1802-1889 - Amy Post - Hicksite Quaker, freethinker & spiritualist. Active in abolition, woman suffrage & other causes. Co-founded Western NY Anti-Slavery Society in 1842.
1803-1844 - Flora Tristan - Socialist writer & activist. A founder of modern feminism. Grandmother of Paul Gauguin.
c1803-1868 -
Black Kettle - Leader of the Southern Cheyenne after 1854. A peacemaker who accepted treaties to protect his people. Survived the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864.
1803-1880 - Adin Ballou - Universalist then Unitarian minister, pacifist & socialist. Founded the Hopedale Community in 1842.
1803-1882 - Ralph Waldo Emerson - Lecturer, essayist & poet. Leader of Transcendentalist movement. Champion of individualism.
1804-1865 - Richard Cobden - Helped found Anti-Corn Law League. Click here for peace monuments in England.
1804-1878 - George Thompson - Abolitionist & civil rights advocate.
1804-1865 - William Gaskell - Education reformer. Husband of novelist Elizabeth Gaskell.
1805-1854 - Thomas Wilson Dorr - Governor of Rhode Island 1842-43. Best known for leading the "Dorr Rebellion" to achieve universal white male suffrage.
1805-1872 - Giuseppe Mazzini. Politician, journalist & activist for the unification of Italy. Called "The Beating Heart of Italy."
1805-1879 - Angelina Grimké Weld - Abolitionist & suffragist.
1805-1879 - William Lloyd Garrison - Abolitionist. Helped found American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833 in Philadelphia.
1806-1873 - John Stuart Mill - Philosopher & proponent of utilitarianism. Contributed to social theory & political theory.
1806-1875 - Martha Coffin Wright. - Abolitionist & women's rights advocate. Sister of Lucretia Coffin Mott.
1806-1885 -
Maria Weston Chapman - Abolitionist. On exec cte of American Anti-Slavery Society. Editted anti-slavery journal "Non-Resistant" & The Liberty Bell. Married to Henry Grafton Chapman.
1809-1965 - Abraham Lincoln - 16th US president 1861-65. Led the USA through the Civil War. Preserved the Union while ending slavery.
1809-1882 - Charles Darwin - Naturalist. Famous for "theory" of evolution." Published "On the Origin of Species" in 1859.
1810-1850 - Margaret Fuller Ossoli - Transcendentalist. Wrote Woman in the Nineteenth Century in 1845.
1810-1860 - Theodore Parker - Preacher, abolitionist & Transcendentalist. Supported John Brown (qv).
1810-1865 -
Elizabeth Gaskell - Novelist & short story writer. Wrote about the lives of many strata of society, including the very poor.
1810-1874 - Tolbert Fanning - Preacher & pacifist. Opposed War with Mexico.
Published Gospel Advocate. His views led to split between Church of Christ & Disciples of Christ in 1906.
1810-1879 - Elihu Burritt - Opposed slavery, worked for temperance & tried to achieve world peace. Burritt College named for him in Spencer, Tennessee, in 1848.
1810-1892 - Ernestine Louise Polowsky Rose - Feminist, freethinker & atheist. Intellectual force behind women's rights movement.
1810-1898 - Robert Purvis - African-American abolitionist..
1811-1984 - Wendell Phillips - Abolitionist & advocate for Native Americans. Namesake of William Lloyd Garrison's son. WEB DuBois spoke about Phillips at his HS graduation.
1811-1889 - John Bright - Helped found Anti-Corn Law League. Click here for monuments related to slavery.
1811-1996 - Harriet Beecher Stowe - Abolitionist. Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852. Sister of Henry Ward Beecher (qv).
1812-1888 - Henry Richard - Secretary of Peace Society 1848-1885. Called "The Apostle of Peace." Wrote 600-page bio of Joseph Sturge (qv).
1813-1887 - Henry Ward Beecher - Clergyman, social reformer & abolitionist. Tried for adultery. "The Most Famous Man in America."
1813-1887 - Johannes Ronge - Defrocked priest. Opposed antisemitism. Founded Freireligiöse / Freethinkers.
1814-1882 - Henry Whitney Bellows - Unitarian minister. Planner & only president of US Sanitary Commission 1861-1878.
1815-1874 - Charles Gilpin - Orator, politician & railway director. Published proceedings of 1848 & 1850 peace conferences.
1815-1902 - Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Suffragist. Presented "Declaration of Sentiments" to first women's rights convention in 1848.
c1815-1904 - Chief Tecopa "Peacemaker of the Paiutes". State memorial at his gravesite in Pahrump Valley, Nevada.
1816-1884 - William Wells Brown - Abolitionist & writer. Former slave.
1816-1895 - Thomas Longmore - Army surgeon. Main promoter of the Geneva Convention & the Red Cross
in Britain.
1817-1862 - Henry David Thoreau - Transcendentalist. Wrote "Resistance to Civil Government" in 1849 & "Walden" in 1854.
1817-1892 - Bahá'u'lláh - Founder of the Bahá'í Faith. Prophetic fulfilment of Bábism & eschatological expectations of Islam, Christianity & other religions. P
1818-1882 -
DeRobigne Mortimer Bennett - A Shaker for 13 years before evolving into a "freethinker." Founded Truth Seeker (a radical freethought & newspaper) in 1873.
1818-1894 - Amelia Bloomer - Women's rights & temperance advocate. Her name became associated with bloomers ("emancipation dress") because of her early & strong advocacy.
c1818-1895 - Frederick Douglass - Abolitionist. Former slave. Wrote "classic" autobiography in 1845. See slavery monuments.
1818-1898 - Louis Appia - Surgeon. Member of "Committee of Five" (precursor of Red Cross). Influenced Clara Barton. Proposed the Red Cross flag.
1818-1906 - Lucy N. Colman - Embraced abolition & woman's rights. Arrested for selling a birth control tract. Renounced Christianity in 1852. Taught in a "colored school."
1819-1897 - Julia Ward Howe - Abolitionist. Wrote "Battle Hymn of the Republic" 1862 & anti-war Mother's Day Proclamation 1870. Wife of Samuel Gridley Howe (qv).
1820-1871 - Alice Cary - Sister of Phoebe Cary (qv). Poet. First president of Sorosis, 1st professional women's club in USA. See Jane Cunningham Croly.
1820-1887 - Edward Douwes Dekker - Novelist known as Multatuli. Wrote Max Havelaar (1860) denouncing colonialism in Dutch East Indies.
1820-1906 - Susan B. Anthony - Suffragist. Pivotal role in women's rights movement. Averaged 75-100 speeches per year.
1820-1910 - Florence Nightengale - Nurse. Dubbed "The Lady with the Lamp" during Crimean War.
1820-1913 - Harriet Tubman - African-American abolitionist & humanitarian. Helped run Underground Railroad. See slavery monuments.
1821-1900 - Charles De Berard Mills - Abolitionist. Wrote on Oriental thought including Buddhism. Father of Harriet May Mills (qv).
1821-1910 - Elizabeth Blackwell - First woman to receive medical degree in USA. First woman on UK Medical Register. Social & moral reformer in both countries.
1821-1912 - Clara Barton - Teacher, nurse & humanitarian. Organized American Red Cross in 1881.
1822-1896 - Thomas Hughes - Lawyer & author. Wrote "Tom Brown's School Days" (1857). Founded Rugby, Tennessee, as a Utopian community in 1880.
1822-1903 - Fredrick Law Olmsted - Journalist & social critic. "Father of American landscape architecture." Exec Sec of US Sanitary Commission.
1822-1907 - Baron de Staal - aka Georg Friedrich Karl von Staal. Head of Russian delegation & President of 1st Hague Peace Conference in 1899. Conf
1822-1909 - Edward Everett Hale - Author, historian & Unitarian minister. Son of journalist Nathan Hale. Wrote "The Man Without a Country" in 1863.
1822-1909 - Mahpíya Luta (Red Coud) - A chief of the Oglala Lakota 1868-1909. Led Red Cloud's War. Signed Treaty of Fort Laramie & led his people in transition to reservation life.
1822-1911 - Elizabeth Smith Miller - Activist & financial supporter of woman's rights. Dress reformer. Invented skirt over pantaloons known as "bloomers." Daughter of Gerrit Smith (qv).
1822-1912 - Frédéric Passy -
Economist. Co-founded the Interparliamentary Union in 1889.
1901 with Henry Dunant Conf
1823-1892 - Ernest Renan - Philosopher. Defined nationhood in 1882 ("avoir fait de grandes choses ensemble, vouloir en faire encore").
1823-1911 - Thomas Wentworth Higginson - Minister, author & militant abolitionist. Colonel in 1st federal African-American regiment.
1823-1912 - Robert Collyer - Clergyman. Opposed slavery. Worked for US Sanitary Commission during Civil War.
1824-1864 - Thomas Starr King - Minister & orator. Helped keep California in USA. Helped organize US Sanitary Commission.
1824-1871 - Phoebe Cary - Sister of Alice Cary (qv). Poet & champion of women's rights.
1824-1894 - Ranald MacDonald - Adventurer. First person to teach English in Japan. Click here for Japanese-American monuments.
1824-1899 - Ludwig Büchner - Philosopher, physiologist & physician. Founded Deutsche Freidenkerbund / German Freethinkers League in 1881.
1824-1907 - Hodgson Pratt - Pacifist. Founded the Intl Arbitration & Peace Association in 1880. Painted by ter Kate. P Conf
1825-1901 - Laura Matilda Towne - Abolitionist, educator & homeopathic physician. With Ellen Murray founded Penn School for freed slaves on St. Helena Island, SC, in 1862.
1826-1894 - John Bedford Leno - Chartist, radical, poet & printer.
Leader of Reform League. Called "Burns of Labour" & "poet of the poor."
1826-1898 - Matilda Joslyn Gage - Suffragist, Native American activist, abolitionist, freethinker & prolific author. "Born with a hatred of oppression."
1826-1910 - Gustave Moynier - Jurist & social activist. Co-founded "International Committee for Relief to the Wounded." Rival of Henry Dunant.
1828-1902 - Julian Pauncefote - Baron. Perm Under-Sec of State for Foreign Affairs 1882-89. Head of British delegation to 1st Hague Peace Conf in 1899. Conf
1828-1907 - Costantino Nigra - Classical scholar. Made count in 1882 & senator in 1890. Served in Paris, St Petersburg, London & Vienna. Headed delegation at 1st Hague Peace Conf. Conf
1828-1908 - William Randal Cremer - MP & pacifist. Co-founded the Interparliamentary Union in 1889.
1828-1910 - Henry Dunant - Businessman. Organized ICRC in 1863. Received first Nobel Peace Prize. Painted by ter Kate.
1901 with Frédéric Passy
1828-1910 - Leo Tolstoy - Novelist. Wrote "War & Peace" in 1869 & "Anna Karenina" in 1877. Helped Doukhobors move to Canada.
1828-1912 - Albert K. Smiley - Owner of Mohonk Mountain House in Lake Mohonk, New York. Hosted Conference on International Arbitration in 1895 &
Peace Conference in 1912.
1829-1892 - Patrick Gilmore - Composer & bandmaster. Wrote "When Johnny Comes Marching Home." Ran National Peace Jubilee in 1869 & World Peace Jubilee in 1872 (both in Boston).
1829-1901 - Jane Cunningham Croly - Born in England. Organized Sorosis, 1st professional women's club in USA, New York City, 1868.
1829-1906 - Carl Christian Schurz -
Statesman & reformer, Minister to Spain, etc. Said "My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." Husband of Margareth Meyer-Schurz (qv).
1829-1912 - Auguste Beernaert - Attended Hague Peace Conferences in 1899 & 1907. Helped found Permanent Court of Arbitration. Conf
1830-1885 - Helen Hunt Jackson - Poet & activist on behalf of Native Americans by the U.S. Wrote "A Century of Dishonor" (1881).
1830-1913 - Alfred H. Love - Helped found Universal Peace Union (UPU) in 1866 & headed it until his death.
1830-1913 - Lide Smith Meriwether - First generation feminist & social activist. Pres of Tennessee Woman’s Temperance Union 1884-97. Organized 1st Equal Rights Assn in Memphis in 1889.
1832-1896 - Charles B. Reynolds - Minister turned freethought lecturer. Best known being defended by Robert Green Ingersoll (qv) in an 1887 New Jersey blasphemy case.
1832-1907 - Moncure Daniel Conway - Abolitionist & author. Minister of South Place Ethical Society in London (England).
1832-1913 - Jacobus Catharinus Cornelis den Beer Poortugael - General & statesman. Authority on laws of war. Attended many conferences including 1st Hague Peace Conf in 1899. Conf
1832-1918 - Andrew Dickson White - Diplomat, historian & educator. Co-founded Cornell University. Led US delegation to First Hague Peace Conference in 1899.
1833-1876 - Margarethe Meyer-Schurz - Opened the first German-language kindergarten in USA. Wife of Carl Schurz (qv).
1833-1896 - Alfred Nobel - Industrialist. Posthumously instituted the Nobel Prizes. Click here for monuments related to the Nobel Peace Prize.
1833-1899 - Robert Green Ingersoll - Orator during "Golden Age of Freethought." Noted for broad range of culture & defense of agnosticism.
1833-1906 - Elie Ducommun - Peace activists. First director of International Peace Bureau (IPB) in 1891.
1902 with Albert Gobat
1833-1917 - Felix Stone Moscheles - Peace activist. Painted H.Pratt & H.Dunant (qv). Pres of London Esperanto Club & Intl Arbitration & Peace Assn. He & wife Grete known as "The Grelixs." P
1833-1918 - Ernesto Teodoro Moneta - Journalist & pacifist. See statue in Milan (Italy). P
1907 with Louis Renault
1833-1931 - Priscilla Peckover - Peace campaigner. Founded & financed "Peace & Goodwill" in 1882 & edited it for 50 years.
1835-1910 - Mark Twain. Born Samuel Clemens. Humorist. Author, orator & political satirist. "Father of American literature."
1835-1919 - Andrew Carnegie - Peace philantrophist. Built Pan American Union, Washington, DC, 1910, & Peace Palace, The Hague, 1913.
1835-1926 - Olympia Brown - Suffragist. First ordained woman minister in USA (Universalist). Voted in 1920 at age 85.
1836-1902 - Jan Bloch - Banker. Wrote "La Guerre Future" in 1898. Opened world's first peace museum in Lucerne (Switzerland) in 1902.
1836-1910 - Alexandre Ivanovitch de Nelidoff - Diplomat. Ambassador to France. President of 2nd Hague Peace Conference in 1907. Laid cornerstone of Peace Palace.
1836-1925 - Abraham Pieter Cornelis van Karnebeek, Sr. - Politician. Minister of Foreign Afs. Pres Carnegie Foundation 1904-1923. Honored by fountain near Peace Palace. Father of Herman.
1836-1926 - Joseph Rowntree - Chocolatier, businessman & philanthropist. Champion of social reform. Set up charitable trusts.
1837-1922 - Fredrik Bajer - A founder & 1st president of International Peace Bureau. Conf
1908 with Klas Pontus Arnoldson
1837-1930 - Mary Harris "Mother" Jones - Labor & community organizer. Co-founded Industrial Workers of the World.
1838-1913 - Tobias M. C. Asser - Jurist. "Dutch Moses." Created Permanent Court of Arbitration at 1st Hague Peace Conference in 1899. Conf
1911 with Alfred Fried
1838-1914 - Edwin Ginn - Rich textbook publisher. Peace philantrophist.
Established World Peace Foundation in 1910.
Rival of Andrew Carnegie.
1838-1927 - Victoria Chaflin Woodull - Suffragist. Colorful & notorious symbol for women's rights. Exposed Henry Ward Beecher (qv).
1839-1897 - Henry George - Economist & "single tax" theorist. Inspired communities like Arden, Delaware, & Fairhope, Alabama. Huge funeral in NY City.
1839-1903 - Eugenio Maria de Hostos - Puerto Rican educator, philosopher, lawyer, sociologist & independence advocate. Known as "Citizen of the Americas."
1839-1917 - Emma Miller - Trade unionist, suffragist, freethinker & founder of the Australian Labor Party. Statue in Brisbane.
c1840-1864 -
Seth Laughlin - Refused Confederate military service during Civil War. Arrested, tortured & died in prison.
1840-1904 -
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce leader. Renowned as a humanitarian & peacemaker for his principled resistance to Indian removal. Said "I will fight no more forever."
1841-1907 - Edward VII - King of England. Called "Peacemaker" for fostering good relations w/France & other countries. Settled Argentina/Chile dispute in 1902.
1841-1932 - Ferdinand Buisson - Academic, pacifist & Socialist. Directed Human Rights League 1914-1926.
1927 with Ludwig Quidde
1842-1910 - Wlliam James - Psychologist & philosopher. Wrote about education, religious experience, mysticism & pragmatism.
1842-1921 - Henry Pettit - Architect. Designed peace flag used by American Peace Society & the Universal Peace Union.
1842-1932 - Anna Elizabeth Dickinson - Orator, abolitionist & suffragist. First woman to speak before the US Congress.
1843-1914 - Baroness Bertha von Suttner - Radical pacifist. First woman to receive Nobel Peace Prize. Wrote "Lay Down Your Arms!" in 1889. P
1843-1914 - Albert Gobat - First secretary general of Interparliamentary Union. Conf
1902 with Élie Ducommun
1843-1918 - Louis Renault - Jurist & educator. Famous international arbitrator.
1907 with Ernesto Teodoro Moneta.
1843-1918 - Jenkin Lloyd Jones - Organized 1st Parliament of the World's Religions (Chicago 1893) & Abraham Lincoln Centre (1905).
1844-1916 - Klas Pontus Arnoldson - Author, politician & pacifist. First head of Swedish Peace & Arbitration Society in 1883. P
1908 w/Fredric Bajer
1844-1920 - May Wright Sewell - Teacher, suffrigist & art patron. Chair of International Council of Women. Proposed "Peace Day." Lived in Indianapolis.
1844-1931 - John W. Burgess - Pioneering political scientist. Studied in Germany. Law professor at Columbia University.
Helped found first PhD program in USA.
1845-1909 - Feodor Martens - Diplomat & jurist. Represented Russia at the Hague Peace Conferences in 1899 & 1907 (during which he drafted the Martens Clause).
1845-1927 - William O. McDowell - Financier. Founded SAR in 1889. Initiated Columbian Liberty Bell in 1893. Nobel Peace Prize nominee in 1913.
1845-1937 - Elihu Root - Senator from New York. Prototype of the 20th century "wise man." President of Carnegie Endowment for Intl Peace 1910-1925.
1846-1919 - Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis - Lutheran preacher who lost his faith, then started a political fight for workers. First socialist in Dutch parliament. P
1846-1936 - Charles C. Glover. Financier & philanthropist. Built house in Washington, DC, which became headquarters of American Peace Society 1911-1948.
1847-1898 - Christoph Moritz von Egidy - Prussian officer, pacifist, Christian reformer & moral philosopher. Wrote "I Have Dared It." Memorial in Potsdam. P
1847-1916 - Benjamin Franklin Trueblood - Gen. Sec. of American Peace Society 1892-1915. Wrote The Federation of the World in 1899. Conf
1847-1919 - Anna Howard Shaw - Physician. Leader of suffrage movement & League to Enforce Peace. First female Methodist minister in USA.
1847-1929 - Dame Milicent Fawcett - Suffragist & early feminist. Worked with Emily Hobhouse (qv).
1847-1934 -
Kate Sheppard - Most prominent member of suffrage movement in New Zealand (first country to introduce universal suffrage).
1848-1887 - Albert Parsons - Labor leader. Hanged after the Haymarket Riot (Chicago 1886). Husband of Lucy González Parsons (qv).
1849-1912 - William Thomas Stead - Journalist. Same peace monument in London (Victoria Embankment) & New York City (Central Park). Died on Titanic.
1849-1914 - Jacob Riis - Reporter, photographer & reformer. Exposed substandard housing in NYC slums. Wrote "How the Other Half Lives" in 1890.
1849-1923 - Rui Barbosa - Senator, Minister of Finance & diplomat. Earned the nickname "Eagle of The Hague" at the 2nd Hague Peace Conference in 1899. Conf
1849-1935 - Bernard Loder - Jurist. On Dutch Supreme Court 1908-1921. First president of Permanent Court of International Justice 1921-1924
1849-1937 - Edwin D. Mead - Reformer.
Leader of World Peace Found, Intl Peace Bureau, School Peace League & Amer Peace League. Married to Lucia Ames Mead (qv). p
1850-1898 - Edward Bellamy - Author & socialist. Most famous for utopian novel "Looking Backward" set in distant future of 2000. Inspired over 160 "Nationalist Clubs."
1850-1924 - Samuel Gompers - Cigar maker. Founded American Federation of Labor (AFofL) & its president 1886-1894 & 1895-1924.
1850-1935 - Charles Richet - Physiologist. Received 1913 Nobel Prize for his work on anaphylaxis. Wrote book on history of the peace movement.
1850-1937 - Johanna Waszklewicz-van Schilfgaarde - Baroness. Peace organizer. Founded Alliance of Women for Peace in 1899. "Pupil" of Bertha von Suttner. Spent last 35 years in Rome.
1851-1925 - Léon Bourgeois - Statesman. President of the Council of the League of Nations after WW-I. Conf
1851-1926 - Lizzie Crozier French - Suffragist in Tennessee (last state to ratify 19th Amendment in 1920). See Tennessee monuments.
1851-1929 - Theodore E. Burton - Congressman. President of American Peace Society. Hosted 13,000 at First World Conference on International Justice in Cleveland in 1928.
1851-1931 - David Starr Jordan - Scientist & eugenicist. President of Indiana Univ., Stanford Univ. & World Peace Foundation (1909-11). VP of World Peace Conference (1913).
1851-1933 - Felix Adler - Professor of political & social ethics, rationalist, popular lecturer, religious leader & social reformer. Founded Ethical Culture movement in 1877.
1851-1939 - Henry Stephens Salt - Writer & campaigner for prison, schools, economic, & animal treatment reform. Introduced Mahatma Gandhi to works of Henry David Thoreau. P
1852-1924 - Paul Henri d'Estournelles de Constant - Diplomat & politician. Advocate of international arbitration. Conf
1853-1895 - José Martí - Poet, essayist, journalist, revolutionary philosopher, professor, publisher & political theorist. "Apostle of Cuban Independence." Warned of US expansionism into Cuba.
1853-1902 - Cecil John Rhodes - Businessman, mining magnate & politician. Set up the provisions of the Rhodes Scholarships which are funded by his estate.
1853-1920 - Heinrich Lammasch - Scholar, publicist & diplomat. Professor of penal & intl law. Last PM of imperial Austria. Strongly linked to peace movement.
1853-1942 - Lucy González Parsons - Labor leader. Probably born a slave. Outlived husband Albert Parsons (qv) by 55 years.
1854-1929 - Aletta Jacobs - Organized Women's Peace Congress in 1915. Helped found Women's International League for Peace & Freedom.
1854-1938 - Bolton Hall - Lawyer, author & activist. Worked on behalf of the poor. "Father of back to the land movement." Founded Free Acres in 1910.
1854-1943 - Henri La Fontaine - International lawyer. President of International Peace Bureau 1907-1943. Founded Mundaneum with Paul Otlet.
1855-1909 -
Eugene M. MacDonald - Journalist & freethinker. Editted Truth Seeker (a radical freethought & newspaper) 1882-1909. See D.M. Bennett & his brother George E. MacDonald.
1855-1926 - Eugene V. Debs - Socialist. Repeated presidential candidate. Co-founded Industrial Workers of the World.
1855-1944 - Fannie Barrier Williams - Addressed Parliament of the World's Religions in 1893 about the "Colored Race."
1855-1947 - Richard Robert Wright - Army officer, college pres, banker & civil rights advocate. Born a slave. Created National Freedom Day.
1856-1915 - Keir Hardie - A primary founder of the Independent Labour Party as well as the Labour Party.
1856-1915 - Booker T. Washington - Educator, author, orator & political leader. Headed Tuskeegee Institute from 1881. First black invited to White House.
1856-1919 - L. Frank Baum - Children's books author known for "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." Son-in-law of Matilda Joslyn Gage (qv).
1856-1924 -
Woodrow Wilson - US President 1913-21. Helped found the League of Nations in 1919.
1856-1936 - Lucia Ames Mead - Reformer. Leader of Woman's Peace Party, Nat Council for Prevention of War, Nat Council of Women & WILPF. Married to Edwin D. Mead (qv). p Conf
1856-1937 - Frank Billings Kellogg - US Secretary of State 1925-29. Co-authored Kellogg-Briand Pact in 1928.
1856-1940 - Harriot Stanton Blatch - Suffragist. Daughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton (qv).
1856-1950 - George Bernard Shaw - Playwright, ardent socialist & co-founder of London School of Economics. Angered by exploitation of the working class. Wrote brochures for Fabian Society.
1856-1963 - Arthur Judson Brown - Presbyterian clergyman, missionary & prolific author. Attended world conferences in 1910 & 1925. Died at age 106.
1857-1892 - Ueki Emori - Part of Freedom & People's Rights Movement. Honored at Kyoto Museum for World Peace.
1857-1903 - Frederick Holls - Diplomat. Convinced Pres McKinley to attend 1st Hague Peace Conf in 1899. "Father of the Permanent Court of Arbitration."
1857-1929 - Theodore Veblen - Economist & sociologist. Leader of institutional economics movement. Wrote "The Theory of the Leisure Class" (1899).
1857-1930 - William Howard Taft - US President 1909-13. Founded League to Enforce Peace. Wrote "The US & Peace" in 1914.
1857-1935 - Frank A.Miller - Founded Mission Inn in Riverside, California, & World Affairs Council of Inland Southern California. Honored by peace tower.
1857-1936 - Harriet May Mills - Led suffrage campaigns in California, Michigan, Ohio, etc. Daughter of Charles De Berard Mills (qv) & Harriett Smith Mills. Never married.
1857-1937 -
George E. MacDonald - Journalist & freethinker. Editted Truth Seeker (a radical freethought & newspaper) 1909-1937. See D.M. Bennett & his brother Eugene M. MacDonald.
1857-1938 - Clarence Darrow - Lawyer. Leader of American Civil Liberties Union. Defended Leopold & Loeb in 1924 & John Scopes in 1925.
1857-1941 - Robert Baden-Powell - Army officer. Founded the Scout Movement in 1907. See Juliette Gordon Low.
1857-1942 - Charles M. Sheldon - Congregational minister. Leader of Social Gospel Movement. Introduced "What Would Jesus Do?" (WWJD).
1857-1943 - Anita Augspurg - Lawyer, actor & feminist. Germany's 1st female jurist. Partner of Lida Gustava Heymann (qv). At Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom (1915).
1857-1944 - Ida Tarbell -
Teacher, author, journalist & muckraker of the Progressive Era. Exposed monopolist John D. Rockefeller, Snr.
1857-1949 - S. S. McClure - Publisher. Investigative or muckraking journalist. Co-founded & ran McClure's Magazine 1893-1911.
1858-1919 - Theodore Roosevelt -- US president 1901-09. Received Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating end to Russo-Japanese War.
1858-1919 - Rachel Foster Avery - Suffragist. Organized the International Council of Women in 1888.
1858-1927 - K'ang Yu-wei - Prominent political thinker & reformer of the late Qing Dynasty. Wrote Da Tong shu/Book of Great Unity.
1858-1928 - Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst - Suffragist. "One of 100 Most Important People of 20th Century." Mother of Christabel, Sylvia & Adele (qv).
1858-1941 - Ludwig Quidde - Pacifist. Opposed German militarism from Emperor Wilhelm II to Hitler. P
1927 with Ferdnand Buisson
1858-1942 - George Mathias Paraf-Javai - Intransigent individualist. Founded Ligue Antimilitariste. Wrote "Les faux droits de l'homme et les vrais" in 1907. P
1858-1943 - Beatrice Webb - Economist & social reformer. Co-founded London School of Economics. Coined "collective bargaining." Wife of Sidney Webb (qv).
1858-1946 - James William van Kirk - Minister from Youngstown, Ohio. Designed a peace flag with rainbow stripes, stars & globe. Twice made a peace tour of Europe.
1859-1914 - Jean Jaurès - Pacifist & Socialist deputy. Defender of Alfred Dreyfus. Assassinated in a Parisian café at outbreak of World War-I. P
1859-1917 - Ludwik Lazarus Zamenhof - Creator of Esperanto, the most successful constructed language designed for international communication.
1859-1940 - George Lansbury - Politician, socialist, Christian pacifist & newspaper editor. Called "Public Pacifist Number One." P
1859-1947 - Sidney Webb - Socialist, economist & reformer. With George Bernard Shaw made the Fabian Society pre-eminent. Husband of Beatrice Webb (qv).
1859-1947 - Carrie Chapman Catt - Suffragist & peace activist. Founded League of Women Voters & International Alliance of Women.
1859-1952 - John Dewey - Philosopher, psychologist, educational reformer & atheist. Influenced education & social reform.
1859-1953 - Frank Stephens - Sculptor & political activist. Co-founded Arden, a utopian single-tax community near Wilmington, Delaware.
1860-1922 - Margarethe Lenore Selenka - Zoologist, anthropologist, feminist, peace activist & pacifist. One of the first female scientists whose work was widely recognized. P
1860-1925 - Hjalmar Branting - See Branting Monument in Stockholm (Sweden).
1921 with Christian Lange
1860-1926 - Emily Hobhouse - See below. Sister of Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse. Worked with Dame Milicent Fawcett.
1860-1927 - Juliette Gordon Low - Youth leader. Knew Robert Baden-Powell in England (qv). Founded Girl Scouts of the USA in 1912.
c1860-1927 - J.G.D. Wateler - Banker. Bequeathed his estate to found Wateler Peace Prize awarded by Dutch Carnegie Foundation & renamed Carnegie-Wateler Prize.
1860-1935 - Jane Addams - Pioneer settlement worker. Founded Hull House & WILPF.
1931 with Nicholas Murray Butler
1860-1935 - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Sociologist, writer, utopian feminist & advocate of euthanasia. "Chose chloroform over cancer" for herself.
1860-1945 - Sidney Gulick - Missionary. Caused US & Japan to exchange dolls. Click here for Japanese-American monuments.
1861-1916 - Will Price - Architect. Co-founded two utopian communities: Arden near Wilmington, DE, & Rose Valley near Philadelphia, PA.
1861-1930 - Fridtjof Nansen - Athelete, explorer, zoologist, diplomat & humanitarian. League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 1921. Nobel Peace Prize.
1861-1941 - Rabindranath Tagore - Bengali polymath. Reshaped literature & music. First non-European to win Nobel Prize in Literature.
1862-1931 - Ida Bell Wells-Barnett - Journalist & anti-lynching activist. Edited "Memphis Free Speech." A founder of the NAACP in 1909.
1862-1932 - Aristide Briand - Co-authored the Kellogg-Briand Pact in 1928.
1926 with Gustav Stresemann
1862-1947 - Nicholas Murray Butler - Diplomat & educator. President Carnegie Endowment for Intl Peace.
1931 with Jane Addams
1862-1951 - Ella Reeve "Mother" Bloor - Labor organizer & long-time activist in the socialist & communist movements.
1862-1955 - Zonia Baber - Geographer, geologist & teacher. Mapped peace monuments. Wrote "Peace Symbols" for WILPF. Lifelong association w/Flora Juliette Cooke.
1863-1902 - Swami Vivekananda - Introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the World's Religions at Chicago (USA) in 1893.
1863-1927 - Shiga Shigetaka - Widely traveled geographer & internationalist. Popularized the Japanese landscape.
1863-1930 - Edward W. Bok -Edited Ladies Home Journal. Pulitzer Prize. Created Amer Peace Award. Built Bok Tower w/peace symbols Florida.
1863-1935 - Arthur Henderson - Held many politcal offices. Chaired the Geneva Disarmament Conference in 1932-34.
1863-1937 - Sir Austen Chamberlain - Architect of Locarno Treaties to preserve peace after WW-I.
1925 with Charles G. Dawes
1863-1937 - Pierre de Coubertin - Pedagogue & historian. Founded International Olympic Committee. Father of modern Olympic Games.
1863-1944 - Victor Basch - Professor & Zionist. President of
Ligue des droits de l'homme 1926-1944. Assassinated by antisemitic Vichy French Milice Française. Wife also killed.
1863-1947 - Mary Emma Woolley - Peace activist & suffragist. First female student at Brown Univ. Pres of Mount Holyoke College.
1863-1947 - Henry Ford - Famous industrialist. Chartered "Peace Ship" (Dec. 1915-Jan. 1916) to end World War I.
1863-1950 -
Black Elk - Oglala Lakota religious leader. Became a Christian & shared his faith with other tribes. Published his visions & tribal lore.
1863-1952 - George Santayama - Writer. Best known for "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
1864-1921 - Émile Arnaud - Lawyer, notary & writer. Proposed the term "pacifism' in 1901 to summarize the peace movement in general. P
1864-1921 - Alfred Hermann Fried - Pacifist, publicist & journalist. Co-founded German peace movement.
P Conf
1911 with Tobias Asser
1864-1922 - Nellie Bly - Pen name of journalist & charity worker Elizabeth Jane Cochrane. Faked insanity to study mental institutions. Made record-breaking trip around the world.
1864-1929 -
Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse. Liberal politician. Brother of Emily Hobhouse (qv).
1864-1952 -
Frances Benjamin Johnson - Photographer & photojournalist. Exhibited in Paris at the Exposé nègre of the Exposition Universelle in 1900.
1864-1958 - Robert Cecil - Lawyer, politician & diplomat. Architect of the League of Nations in 1919.
1865-1915 - Edith Cavell - Nurse. Executed in Belgium for allowing German prisoners to escape.
1865-1931 - Othilie Tonning - Social activist. Oslo town councillor. Her work in slums led to 70 institutions managed by the Salvation Army.
1865-1936 - Minnie J. Reynolds - Newspaper reporter & women's rights activist. Helped pass woman's suffrage in Colorado in 1893.
1865-1945 - Monsignor John A. Ryan - Catholic theologian. Promoted "social justice".
1865-1951 - Charles G. Dawes. See Dawes house in Evanston, Illinois (USA).
1925 with Sir Austen Chamberlain
1865-1955 - John Raleigh Mott - Leader of YMCA & World Student Christian Federation. CPU in 1914.
1946 with Emily Greene Balch
1865-1959 - Laurence Housman - "Grand Old Man of the pacifist movement." Opened Housmans Bookshop in 1945 in London.
1866-1919 - Alice Wheeldon - Suffragist & anti-war campaigner. Falsely convicted in 1917 of conspiracy to murder Prime Minister David Lloyd George.
1866-1931 - Nathan Soderblom - Archbishop of Uppsala. Hosted Universal Christian Conference on Life & Work in 1925.
1866-1936 - Lincoln Steffens - Journalist. Investigated municipal corruption. Wrote articles in McClure's later published as "The Shame of the Cities."
1866-1944 - Romain Rolland - Dramatist, novelist, essayist & mystic. Received Nobel Prize for Literature. P
1866-1946 - H. G. Wells - Prolific writer & outspoken socialist. Wrote "In the Fourth Year" in 1918 proposing a United States of Europe.
1866-1957 -
James P. Warbasse - Surgeon. Founded & directed the Cooperative League of the USA 1916-1941.
1867-1919 -
Kurt Eisner - Politician & journalist. Declared Bavaria a free state & republic in 1918. Blamed Prussia for bringing about World War I.
1867-1922 -
Walther Rathenau - Industrialist & statesman. Foreign Minister during Weimar Republic. Assassinated two months after signing Treaty of Rapallo.
1867-1936 -
Finley Peter Dunne - Humorist. Created Mr. Dooley who expounded upon political & social issues from his South Side Chicago Irish pub. Published "Mr. Dooley in Peace & War" (1898).
1867-1944 -
Isaac Newton Phelps Stokes - Architect. Housing reformer. Wrote NYC Tenement House Law (1901) & 6-volume "Iconography of Manhattan Island" (1915-1928).
1867-1945 - Käthe Schmidt Kollwitz - Painter & sculptor of victims of poverty, hunger & war. Three museums in Germany. Son buried in Belgium.
1867-1950 - Fanny Fern Andrews - Advocate of peace education. Founded Am Peace League in 1908. Attended Paris Peace Conf in 1919. Advised Inst of Intl Ed & Intl Peace Bureau.
1867-1954 - William Pierson Merrill - Presbyterian minister. First president of Church Peace Union in 1914.
1867-1961 - Emily Greene Balch - Academic, writer & pacifist. Supported League of Nations. P
1946 with John Raleigh Mott
1868-1918 - Nicolas II - Tsar (emperor) of Russia. In 1998 proposed a conference on peace & disarmament, leading to the First Hague Peace Conference in 1899.
1868-1942 - Paul Percy Harris - Attorney. Founded Rotary International in 1905. Planted Friendship Trees in nearly 50 cities worldwide.
1868-1943 - Lida Gustava Heymann - Prominent in bourgeois women's movement. Partner of Anita Augspurg (qv). Attended Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom in 1915.
1868-1944 - Paul Otlet - Author, entrepreneur, visionary, lawyer & peace activist. "Father of information science." Wrote "La Fin de la Guerre" in 1914.
1868-1945 - Yorozu Oda - Lawyer, academic & judge. Appointed in 1921 to Permanent Court of International Justice, where he heard 30 cases, dissenting from main judgment only once.
1868-1947 - Anna B. Eckstein - Teacher. At peace conferences. Born & died in Germany. Called "Champion of World Peace" & "Co-Founder of the League of Nations." P Conf
1868-1951 - Émile-Auguste Chartier (Alain) - Philosopher, journalist & pacifist. P
1868-1960 -
C. Judson Herrick - Biologist & humanist.
1868-1963 - W.E.B. DuBois - Civil rights activist, sociologist, historian, author & editor. Taught in Wilberfore, Ohio. Organized 1st Pan-African Congress in 1919.
1869-1923 - Claude Kitchin - US Congressman. Amassed 50 votes against US entry into WW-I including Jeannette Rankin [qv].
1869-1928 - William (Big Bill) Haywood - Labor organizer. Led strikes. Co-founded Industrial Workers of the World. Fled to Soviet Union in 1921.
1869-1938 - Christian Lange - Historian & political scientist. Foremost exponent of internationalism.
1921 with Hjalmar Branting
1869-1940 - Emma Goldman - Anarchist, writer & renowned lecturer. Created "Mother Earth" magazaine in 1906.
1869-1948 - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - "The Great Soul." Leader of Indian independence movement. Pioneer of satyagraha.
1869-1956 - Louis Raemaekers - Artist. Drew the horrors of war. "The supreme cartoonist of WW-I." Widely published.
1869-1970 - Alice Hamilton - Peace activist & first woman on faculty of Harvard Medical School. See Jane Addams.
1870-1919 - John Mitchell - US labor leader & president of the United Mine Workers of America (UMW) from 1898 to 1908.
1870-1926 - Hendrik Coenraad Dresselhuys - Politician. Chaired Nederlandsche Anti-Oorlog Raad (NAOR) & tried to stop WW-I. Conf
1870-1938 - Ernst Barlach - Pacifist after WW-I. Made anti-war sculptures including Güstrower Ehrenmal & Magdeburger Ehrenmal. Most confiscated by Nazis as degenerate art.
1870-1952 - Maria Montessori - Physician, educator & humanitarian. Created the Montessori system of education.
1870-1957 -
Arthur F. Bentley - Political scientist & philosopher. Contributed to the development of a behavioral methodology of political science.
1870-1965 -
Bernard Baruch - Financier, philanthropist & statesman. Adviser to US presidents Woodrow Wilson & Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1871-1919 - Rosa Luxemburg - Marxist theorist, philosopher, economist & revolutionary socialist.
1871-1944 -
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi - Educator. Founded Soka Gakkai in 1930. Opposed Japanese militarism in WW-II.
1871-1945 - Hermann Kallenbach - Architect & Zionist. Had intimate & long lasting friendship Mahatma Gandhi starting in South Africa.
1871-1949 - Lou Tseng-Tsiang - Diplomat & Roman Catholic monk. Twice premier of Republic of China. Led Chinese delegation to Paris Peace Conf of 1919.
1871-1955 - Cordell Hull - Longest serving US Secretary of State. "Father of the United Nations" (per FDR).
1872-1934 - Blaise Diagne - First black African in French National Assembly. Mayor of Dakar. Helped W.E.B DuBois w/1st Pan-African Congress in 1919.
1872-1949 - Oswald Garrison Villard - Journalist. Pacfist. Wealthy. A founder of the American Anti-Imperialist League.
1872-1950 - Leon Blum - Socialist theoretician. Three times prime minister of France.
1872-1951 - Hamilton Holt - Editor. CPU & LEP in 1914. President of Rollins College. Built anti-war monument on campus in 1938.
1872-1967 - Sir Norman Angell - Helped found Union of Democratic Control in 1914.
1872-1970 - Bertrand Russell - Philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian & social critic.
1873-1945 - Alfred Salter - Doctor & Labour MP. Opposed RAF bombing. Wrote "The Religion of a CO." Statue on bench in Bermondsey. CO
1873-1954 -
Gertrud Baumer - Politician who actively participated in the Feminist movement. Reichstag member 1919-1932.
1874-1936 - Karl Kraus - Writer, journalist, playwright & poet. Foremost satirist.
Wrote witty criticism of the press, German culture & politics.
1874-1940 - Lewis Wickes Hine - Sociologist. Used camera as a tool for social reform. Helped change US child labor laws.
1874-1942 - Herman Adriaan van Karnebeek, Jr. - Politician. Minister of Foreign Afs 1918-27. President League of Nations 1921-22. Pres Carnegie Foundation 1935-42. Conf
1874-1942 - Shaver Woodsworth - Methodist minister. Pacifist. Pioneer in the Canadian social democratic movement.
1874-1947 - Nicholas Roerich - Artist, mystic, philosopher, scientist, writer, traveler & public figure. Created Banner of Peace.
1874-1952 - Harold L. Ickes - Headed Chicago NAACP. Secretary of the Interior 1933-46. Implemented 'New Deal.' Caused Marian Anderson to sing at Lincoln Memorial.
1874-1960 - John D. Rockefeller Jr. - Philanthropist. Pivotal member of Rockefeller family. Paid $8.5 million for land on which UN Headquarters were constructed in New York City.
1874-1964 - Herbert Hoover - Mining engineer. Chaired Commission for Relief in Belgium 1914-19. Fought Flood of 1927. US president 1929-33.
1874-1970 - Frederick J. Libby - Minister & AFSC official. Founded National Council for Prevention of War in 1921. Wrote "War on War" (1922). Husband of Faith Ward Libby. P
1875-1908 - Albert Libertad - Individualist anarchist militant & writer. Edited the influential anarchist publication l’Anarchie. P
1875-1944 - Lola Maverick Lloyd - Friend of Rosika Schwimmer (qv). Mother of Georgia Lloyd (qv).
1875-1955 - Mary McLeod Bethune - Educator & civil rights leader. Started what became Bethune-Cookman Univ. Advised FDR.
1875-1955 - Jessie Wallace Hughan - Educator, socialist activist & radical pacifist. Co-founder of Alpha Omicron Pi. A founder & 1st secretary of War Resisters League. P
1875-1955 - Thomas Mann - Novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist & essayist.
1875-1956 -
Anton J. Carlson - Physiologist.
1875-1965 - Albert Schweitzer - Theologian, organist & physician. Missionary in Africa. Promoted "Reverance for Life."
1876-1928 - Eglantyne Jebb - Social reformer. Founded Save the Children in 1919.
1876-1956 - Maude Royden. Founded the Society for the Ministry of Women.
1876-1958 - Mary Ritter Beard - Historian & suffragist. Friend of Rosika Schwimmer (qv).
1877-1933 - Henry Hodgkin - Co-founded Fellowship of Reconciliation (England) in 1914. First director of Pendle Hill (USA) in 1930.
1877-1948 - Kate Richards O'Hare - Socialist. Anti-war activist during World War I.
1877-1948 - Rosika Schwimmer - World federalistst. Born in Hungary and lived in USA but became stateless.
1877-1949 - Peter Maurin - Co-founded Catholic Worker Movement with Dorothy Day (qv). Played by Martin Sheen in "Entertaining Angels."
1877-1964 - Jeanne Melin - Pacifist. Worked for peace & women's rights. "Conferenciere remarquable, organisatrice infatigable." P
1877-1968 -
Oscar Riddle - Biologist. Devout atheist. Convinced that religion is a serious threat to scientific advancement.
1878-1916 - Francis Sheehy-Skeffington - Suffragist, pacifist & writer. Click here for monuments in Ireland. P
1878-1919 - Charles John Cobb - Conscientious objector. Imprisoned five times between 1916 & 1919. CO
1878-1929 - Gustav Stresemann - Liberal politician. Chancellor & Foreign Minister during Weimar Republic.
1926 with Aristide Briand
1878-1929 - Kästle, Klaus (20xx & ongoing), One World - Nations Online.
1878-1942 - Janusz Korczak - Doctor & educator. Acccompanied Jewish orphans to Treblinka where he was murdered. Monument at Yad Vashem.
1878-1959 - Carlos Saavedra Lamas - Academic & politician. First Latin American to receive Nobel Peace Prize.
1878-1965 - Martin Buber - Philosopher. Best known for the I-Thou & I-It distinctions. Moved to Israel.
1878-1968 - Upton Beall Sinclair, Jr. - "Muckraker" & politician. Wrote "The Jungle" in 1906. Had Helicon Home Colony in 1906. Ran for governor of California in 1934.
1878-1975 - Arthur Ernest Morgan - Civil engineer. Headed Antioch College 1920-36, TVA 1933-38 & intentional communities 1948. Recruited CO's for Celo Community.
1879-1915 - Joe Hill - Labor activist (Industrial Workers of the World) & songwriter. Wrote "There'll be Pie in the Sky By-and-By." Executed after mysterious trial.
1879-1917 - Frank Little - Labor activist (Industrial Workers of the World). Lynched in Butte, Montana.
1879-1945 - Pierre Creesole - Engineer. Founded Service Civil International or International Voluntary Service for Peace (IVSP) in 1920. P
1879-1951 - Ralph Eugene Diffendorfer - Clergyman. Secretary of Methodist Young People's Missionary Movement. Helped design & promote the Christian flag.
1879-1954 - Leon Jouhaux - Trade union leader. Helped set up International Labour Organization (ILO).
1879-1955 - Albert Einstein - Physicist. Opposed WW-I. Did peace work in 1930s. Issued Russell-Einstein Manifesto in 1955.
1879-1958 - Lionel Charlton - Air Commodore in Royal Air Force (RAF). Objected to bombing of Iraqi villages in 1923. CO
1879-1964 - John Haynes Holmes - Minister & social activist. Declared Gandhi "The Greatest Man in the World" in April 1921.
1879-1966 - Margaret Sanger - Suffrigist. Coined "birth control" in 1914. Founded American Birth Control League in 1921.
1879-1968 - Otto Hahn - Chemist & Nobel laureate. Pioneer in radioactivity & radiochemistry. "The father of nuclear chemistry." Campained against nuclear weapons.
1879-1966 - Lucy Burns - Suffragist & women's rights advocate in USA & UK. Close friend of Alice Paul (qv) with whom she founded the National Woman's Party (NWP).
1880-1937 - Richard (Dick) Shepard - Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields. Helped found Peace Pledge Union in 1934 & Euthanasia Society in 1935.
1880-1958 - Christabel Pankhurst - Daughter of Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst (qv). Suffragist. Buried in California.
1880-1971 - Lord Boyd Orr - Teacher, doctor, biologist & politician. 1st Director-General of UN Food & Agriculture Organization.
1880-1973 - Jeannette Rankin - Pacifist. First woman in US Congress. Voted against US entry into World Wars I and II.
Statues in MT & DC.
1881-1920 - Hans Paasche - Navy officer, politician, big game hunter & "combative pacifist." Attempted to change the Prussian Deutschland-über-alles military mindset. P
1881-1928 - Crystal Eastman - Co-founded Women's Peace Party in 1915 & American Civil Liberties Union in 1920.
1881-1940 - Smedley Butler - General. Most decorated Marine in US history. Outspoken critic of US militarism. Wrote "War is a Racket" in 1935.
1881-1942 - Stefan Zweig - Novelist, playwright, journalist & biographer. One of the most famous writers in the world. Left Austria 1934. Arrived Brazil 1940. Suicide.
1881-1942 - Titus Brandsma - Catholic priest & philosophy professor. "Apostle of Peace." Vehemently opposed Nazi ideology. Killed at Dachau.
1881-1953 - Lewis Fry Richardson - Scientist & pacifist. Used math to improve weather forecasting & to determine the causes of war.
1881-1963 - Pope John XXIII - Author of the encyclical Pacem in Terris in 1963.
1881-1965 - Willhelm Lamszus - Teacher. Wrote novel "The Human Slaughterhouse – Pictures of the Coming War" in 1912 anticipating horrors of WW-I.
1882-1944 - Arthur Stanley Eddington - Astrophysicist. Conscientious objector during WW-I. Validated Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
1882-1945 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Also known as FDR. 32nd President of USA 1933–1945. Husband of Eleanor Roosevelt (qv).
1882-1950 - John Rabe - Businessman. Tried to stop Japanese atrocities during the Nanking Massacre. "The Good Nazi."
1882-1953 - Wilbur Kelsey Thomas - Pacifist. Exec Sec American Friends Service Committee 1918-29. Director Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation 1930-46.
1882-1960 - Sylvia Pankhurst - Daughter of Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst (qv). Suffragist. Communist, then devoted to anti-fascism. Buried in Ethiopia.
1882-1965 - Alice Herz - Peace activist. Fled Germany in 1933. Immolated herself in Detroit to protest Vietnam War. Mother of Helga Herz (qv).
1882-1967 - Greenville Clark - Wrote "World Peace Through World Law" in 1958 with Louis B. Sohn.
1882-1972 - Rose Schneiderman - Labor union leader, socialist & feminist. Coined phrase "Bread and Roses." Friend of Eleanor Roosevelt. On 2007 mural in Augusta, ME.
1882-1973 - Jacques Maritain - Catholic philosopher. A drafter of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Friend of Saul Alinsky (qv).
1883-1931 - Kahlil Gibran - Artist, poet & philosopher. Wrote The Prophet in 1923.
1883-1938 - Bartholomeus (Bart) de Ligt - Clergyman. Published De Wereldvrede magazine & worked in Christen-Socialisten party (BCS).
1883-1958 - Bishop George Bell - Theologian, ecumentalist & Member House of Lords. Condemned aerial bombing in WW-II.
1883-1979 - Cyrus S. Eaton - Investment banker. Founded the Pugwash Conferences which received Nobel Peace Prize.
1883-1983 - Scott Nearing - Husband of Helen Knothe Nearing with whom he co-authored "Living the Good Life" in 1954.
1884-1915 - Leo Frank - Factory superintendent whose lynching by prominent citizens in Marietta, Georgia, drew attention to antisemitism in the USA.
1884-1956 - Zeth Höglund - Communist politician, anti-militarist, author, journalist & mayor of Stockholm 1940–1950. Wrote "Down with Weapons!"
1884-1957 - James D. Mooney - General Motors executive. Attempted to defuse build up to World War II.
1884-1962 - Jacob ter Meulen - Peace historian. Librarian of the Peace Palace in The Hague. Became Mennonite peace activist.
1884-1962 - Eleanor Roosevelt - Wife of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (qv). Chaired Univ Declaration of Human Rights drafting committee.
1884-1965 - Clarence E. Pickett - Directed American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) which received Nobel Peace Prize.
1884-1966 - Kees Boeke - Helped start FOR, SCI & WRI
at his home in Bilthoven. Wrote "Cosmic View" in 1957.
1884-1968 - Norman Thomas - Six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.
1967 ![]()
1910-1998 - Earle Reynolds - Constructed the "Phoenix of Hiroshima." Husband of Barbard Leonard Reynolds (qv).

src="http://z2.cheggcdn.com/sites/default/files/2011/04/18/blufftonbeavertear.jpg" width="25" height="25">
1885-1961 - Adele Pankhurst - Daughter of Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst (qv). Suffragist. Communist. Buried in Australia.
1885-1962 - Charles Francis Potter - Advocate of women’s rights, birth control, civil divorce laws, humanism, euthansia & end to capital punishment.
1885-1967 - A. J. Muste - Clergyman & political activist. Worked in labor, pacifist & civil rights movements.
1885-1968 - Muriel Lester - Operated "settlement house" (Kingsley Hall) in London (where Gandhi stayed in 1931). P
1885-1969 - Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze - Co-founded Fellowship of Reconciliation with Henry Hodgkin in 1914.
1885-1974 - Richard Gregg - Philosopher of nonviolence. Lived with Scott & Helen Nearing. Influenced MLK, Aldous Huxley, Bayard Rustin & Robert Swann.
1885-1977 - Alice Paul - Suffragist & women's rights activist. Knew the Pankhursts in England (qv). Wrote the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
1885-1985 - Nichidatsu Fujii - Founded the Nipponzan-Myohoji order of Buddhism. Called Guruji by Gandhi. Click here for Peace Pagodas.
1886-1916 - Inez Milholland Boissevain - Suffragist, labor lawyer & opponent of World War I. P
1886-1918 - Randolph Bourne - Public intellectual. Wrote "War is the Health of the State." Died at age 32. See RBI & antiwar.com.
1886-1941 - Minnie Vautrin - UCMS missionary. Saved many at Ginling Girls College during the Nanking Massacre in 1937-38. Suicide in Indianapolis. Monument in Illinois
1886-1950 - Olaf Stapledon - Philosopher & SiFi author. Attended World Cong of Intellectuals for Peace in 1948 & Conf for World Peace in NY in 1949 (only Briton granted a US visa).
1886-1954 - Ellen Starr Brinton - Feminist & internationalist. First curator of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection (USA). Collectred ">peace stamps.
1886-1965 - Paul Tillich - Theologian & existentialist philosopher. Wrote Courage to Be in 1952 & Systematic Theology in 1951–63.
1886-1967 - Radhabinod Pal - Jurist. Only dissenter on Japanese war crimes tribunal in 1946. Honored at Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo.
1886-1967 - Siegfried Sassoon - Author & soldier. A leading poet of WW-I. Described horrors of trenches. Satirised those responsible for a vainglorious war.
1886-1977 - Ralph Borsodi - Decentralist & communitarian. Wrote "This Ugly Civilization" in 1929. Founded School of Living.
1887-1920 - Hector Hodler - Journalist. Pursued social questions, pacifism & animal protection. Helped create World Esperanto Association (UEA) in 1908. P
1887-1940 - Marcus Garvey - Publisher, journalist, entrepreneur & orator. Staunch proponent of Black Nationalism & Pan-Africanism.
1887-1943 - Sue Sheldon White - Feminist leader & lawyer. Originally from Henderson, Tennessee. National leader of women's suffrage movement. Called "Miss Sue."
1887-1944 - Max Josef Metzger - Priest. Established German Catholics’ Peace Association in 1919. Executed by Nazis.
1887-1967 -
Sir Julian Huxley - Evolutionary biologist. Sec Zoo. Society of London. 1st Director UNESCO. A World Wildlife Fund founder.
1887-1976 - Rene Cassin - Jurist, law prof & judge. Formed pacifist veterans Union Fédérale. Memorial in Forbach (France). P
1888-1942 - Emil Flusser - Pediatrician. His 1932 "War as Illness" (w/forward by Albert Einstein) said war is a physic epidemic.
1888-1960 - Toyohiko Kagawa - Christian pacifist, reformer & labor activist. His desire to help the poor led him to live among them. Established schools, hospitals & churches.
1888-1976 - Theodore Lentz - Wrote "Towards a Science of Peace" (1955) & "Towards A Technology of Peace" (1972).
1888-1979 - Jean Monnet - Political economist & diplomat. Never elected to public office. "Father of Europe."
1888-1988 - Fenner Brockway - Born in Calcutta. Anti-war activist & politician. Statue in London.
1889-1932 - Benjamin Joseph Salmon - Pacifist, Roman Catholic, conscientious objector & outspoken critic of just war theory who believed no war could be morally justified. P CO
1889-1938 - Carl von Osietzky. Journalist. Exposed Germany's Treaty of Versailles violations. Opposed Hitler. P
1889-1952 - Stafford Cripps - Labour politician & ambassador. Opposed appeasement with Nazi Germany. Negotiated with Gandhi in India. P
1889-1964 - Jawaharlal Nehru - First Prime Minister of India. "Architect of the modern Indian nation-state." Father of Indira Gandhi & grandfather of Rajiv Gandhi.
1889-1968 - Pitirim Sorokin - Political activist in Russia. Then founded Department of Sociology at Harvard. Called communism a "pest of man."
1889-1977 - Gertrude Harding - Suffragette. Moved to London in 1912. Remained as one of the highest-ranking members of the Women's Social & Political Union.
1889-1979 - A. Philip Randolph - Civil rights leader. Founded Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Video | Museum
1889-1982 - Philip Noel-Baker - Politician, diplomat & academic. Athlete. Renowned campaigner for disarmament. P
1890-1922 - Michael Collins - Politician. "Sought to bring an incremental peace to his troubled native land. Killed by the Irish Republican Army (IRA)."
1890-1935 - Kurt Tucholsky - Important journalist of Weimar Republic.
Satirist. Warned against National Socialism. His books burned by Nazis.
1890-1967 -
Herman J. Muller - Geneticist & educator. Frequently warned about radioactive fallout.
1890-1969 -
Dwight D. Eisenhower - General & US President. Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe during WW-II. Atoms for Peace in 1953.
1890-1970 - Quincy Wright - Political scientist. Pioneering work in intl law & intl relations. Wrote "A study of war" in 1942.
1890-1988 - Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan - Pashtun political & spiritual leader. Lifelong pacifist. Organized "Nonviolent Army" to oppose British rule. Grave in Afghanistan suffers neglect.
1891-1916 -
Harry Farr - British soldier. Executed for cowardice at age 25 during World War I. "Shot at Dawn" memorial unveiled by his daughter in 2001.
1891-1939 - Mark Gurtler - Artist. Became consciencious objector & painted anti-war "Merry Go Round" in 1916.
1891-1942 - Edith Stein - German-Jewish philosopher, nun, martyr & saint of the RC Church. Holocaust victim.
1891-1949 - Damaskinos Papandreou - Archbishop of Athens. Only senior churchman in Nazi occupied Europe to condemn Holocaust.
1891-1950 - José Brocca - Pacifist & humanitarian. Sought non-violent ways to resist fascism during the Spanish Civil War. P
1891-1956 - B. R. Ambedkar - Jurist, political leader, philosopher, anthropologist, historian, economist & teacher. Drafted Indian constitution. Untouchable. Became Buddhist.
1891-1960 - Zora Neale Hurston - Folklorist & novelist. Worked in NY, Florida, Jamaica & Honduras. Politically conservative.
1891-1971 - Reinhold Neibur - Theologian & commentator on public affairs. Archetypal intellectual of the Cold War era.
1891-1981 - Mary Parkman Peabody - Civil rights activist & civil volunteer. Mother of Massachusetts governor. Arrested in St. Augustine, FL, in 1964.
1892-1973 - Pearl S. Buck - Writer. Lived in China until 1934. Her novel The Good Earth won Pulitzer Prize in 1932.
1892-1982 - Archibald MacLeish - Poet & author. Wrote "The Young Dead Soldiers Do Not Speak" about 1941.
1892-1982 - Marabehn - Nee Madeleine Slade, daughter of Rear-Admiral Sir Edmond Slade. Spent much of her adult life in India as a devotee of Gandhi who named her Marabehn.
1892-1984 - Martin Niemöller - Anti-Nazi theologian & Lutheran pastor. Wrote "First they came for the.." in 1946.
1892-1986 - Herbert W. Armstrong - Radio evangelist. Preached British Israelism. "Ambassador without portfolio for world peace."
1893-1918 - Wilfred Owen - Soldier. Leading poet of WW-I. Wrote on horrors of trenches & gas warfare.
1893-1970 - Vera Brittain - Writer, feminist & pacifist. Wrote "Testament of Youth" in 1933.
1893-1971 - Daniel West - Teacher & Brethren. Conceived the Heifer Project while doing relief work in the Spanish Civil War. Called "a practical mystic." CO
1893-1988 - Spurgeon Milton Keeny - Directed UNICEF & family planning in Asia. UN relief in Italy & Russia. YMCA in Siberia, Estonia & Poland.
1894-1943 - Maria Restituta Kafka - Nun & nurse. Beheaded by Nazis. .
1894-1963 - Aldous Huxley - Writer & pre-eminent intellectual. Wrote "Brave New World" in 1932.
1894-1967 - Ernst Friedrich - Anarchist. Wrote "War Against War!" in 1924. Operated Anti-War Museum in Berlin 1925-1933. Reopened in 1982. P
1894-1972 - Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi - Geopolitician & philosopher. Founder of Paneuropean Union. Model for Victor Laszlo in film "Casablanca."
1894-1977 -
Pierre-Marie Theas - Resisted Nazi occupation. First Bishop President of Pax Christi in 1945.
1894-1980 - Rudolph Pabus Cleveringa - Professor at Leiden University. Led resistance during WW-II.
1894-1983 - Ghanshyam Das Birla -
"Dean" of Indian industry. Built Birla Mandir/Birla Temple w/Gandhi in 1939
for all people including harijan/untouchables.
1894-1986 - Lucile Atcherson - Suffragist. In France 1917-1921. First female US Foreign Service Officer 1922-1927, serving in WDC, Bern & Panama City.
1895-1948 - Folke Bernadotte - Middle East peace mediator. Assassinated by militant Zionist group Lehi.
1895-1961 - John T. Neufeld - CO sentenced to 15 years hard labor at Fort Levenworth. Paroled to do dairy work & released after 5 months. Mennonite pastor. CO
1895-1967 - Gladdys Muir - Brethern. Founded world's first peace studies program at Manchester College, Indiana, leading to many others.
1895-1982 - Vinova Bhave - Advocate of nonviolence & human rights. Considered to be spiritual successor of Mahatma Gandhi.
1895-1983 -
R. Buckminster Fuller - Systems theorist, author, designer & futurist. Second president of Mensa.
Invented the geodesic dome.
1895-1986 - Jiddu Krishnamurti - Writer & speaker on philosophical & spiritual issues.
1895-2001 - Floyd Schmoe - Peace activist. Built houses in Hiroshima (1949-52) & Sadako Sasaki Peace Park in Seattle (1990). See Aki Kurose. P
1896-1948 - Thomas C. Wasson - US Consul General in Jerusalem. Murdered while returning from meeting of the UN Truce Commission.
1896-1968 - Trygve Lie - Labor leader. Foreign minister in London 1940-1945. 1st Secretary General of the United Nations 1946-1952.
1896-1971 -
George Brock Chisholm - Medical practitioner. First Director-General of World Health Organization (WHO). Advocated religious tolerance.
1896-1978 - Truus Wijsmuller-Meijer - War hero & resistance fighter. Probably 2nd greatest savior of Jews (after Raoul Wallenberg).
1896-1980 - Gaston Bouthoul - Sociologue français spécialiste du phénomène de la guerre.
1896-1984 - Ralph T. Templin - Missionary & teacher. Acquainted with Gandhi in India, Ralph Borsodi in New York & Arthur Morgan in Ohio.
1897-1944 - Jane Haining - Missionary. Cared for Jewish children in Budapest. Killed at Auschwitz. One of only 10 Holocaust victims from Scotland.
1897-1957 - Shoghi Effendi - Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. Developed the Baha'i World Centre in Haifa (Israel). P
1897-1972 - Lester Bowles Pearson - Organized UN Emergency Force to resolve Suez Canal Crisis. Only Canadian recipient of Nobel Peace Prize.
1897-1978 - John D. MacArthur - Businessman. Created John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for strengthening stability in Asia-Pacific region & other goals.
1897-1980 - Dorothy Day - Journalist & social activist. Co-founded Catholic Worker Movement with Peter Maurin (qv) -
1897-1978 - John D. MacArthur - Businessman. Created John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for strengthening stability in Asia-Pacific region & other goals.
1897-1993 - Marian Anderson - Celebrated Contralto. Sang at Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after DAR refused use of Constitution Hall.
1897-2001 - Shidzue Kato - Feminist. One of first women elected to Diet. Pioneer in birth control movement & strong supporter of labour reform.
1898-c1920 -
Clayton Kratz - Mennonite relief worker in Ukraine. Disappeared from village of Halbstadt in the German Mennonite settlement of Molotschna during the Russian Civil War.
1898-1940 - Hermann Stohr - Pacifist & anti-Nazi resistance fighter. P
1898-1964 - Leo Szilard - Atomic scientist. Drafted Einstein letter warning President Truman about German A-bomb in 1939. See Eugene Rabinowitch
1898-1967 - Chief Albert Lutuli - Anti-apartheid movement (South Africa).
1898-1970 - Erich Maria Remarque - Wrote anti-war "All Quiet on the Western Front" in 1929 & Three Comrades in 1936.
1898-1976 - Paul Robeson - Athelete, concert singer & actor. Social justice activist. Recd Stalin Peace Prize in 1952.
1898-1987 - Septima Poinsette Clark - Educator & activist. Ran literacy & citizenship workshops. Known as "Queen mother" or "Grandmother of American Civil Rights Movement."
1898-1990 - Hugo Enomiya Lassalle - Missionary. Built Memorial Cathedral for World Peace in Hiroshima in 1954.
1898-1993 -
Edwin H. Wilson - Unitarian minister. Helped write both the Humanist Manifesto I of 1933 & the Humanist Manifesto II of 1973.
1899-1939 -
Johann Nobis - Conscientious objector. Executed in Plötzensee Prison (Berlin, Germany) with five other Jehovah's Witnesses. CO
1899-1968 - Aldo Capitini - Philosopher, poet, political activist, anti-Fascist & educator. Known as the "Italian Gandhi." First used international peace flag in 1961.
1899-1977 - Alice Franklin Bryant - Peace activist, world traveler, prolific writer & lecturer. Inturned in Phlipppines during WW-II.
1899-1981 -
Howard Thurman - Theologian & civil rights leader. Dean of Theology & chapels at Howard & Boston Univs. Taught MLK, Jr.
1899-1992 - Friedrich Hayek - Economist & philosopher.
Defended classical liberalism & free-market capitalism.
1974 with Gunnar Myrdal
1899-1995 - Ryoichi Sasakawa - Businessman & kuromaku (power broker). Known throughout Africa for his wide-ranging philanthropic programs.
1900-1940 - Rudolf Redlinghofer - Jehovah's Witness draft resister. Executed in Plotzensee Prison. Rehabilited in 1998.
1900-1958 - Josei Toda - 2nd president of Soka Gakkai. See Tsunesaburo Makiguchi.
1900-1959 - Raphael Lemkin - Lawyer. Proposed defending peace through criminal law. Coined the word genocide in 1944.
1900-1965 - Adlai Stevenson - US representative to UN. Two-time Democratic candidate for president of the US.
1900-1980 - Erich Fromm - Humanistic philosopher & democratic socialist. Wrote "The Fear of Freedom" in 1941.
1900-1982 -
Hudson Hoagland - Neuroendocrinologist. Helped form the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology in 1944.
1900-1986 - Chiune (Sempo) Sugihara - Japanese vice consul in Vilnius (Lithuania) during WW-II. Saved several 1,000 Jews.
1900-1992 - Mildred Jansen Loomis - Decentralist. Successor to Ralph Borsodi (qv). Operated School of Living (SOL) in OH, MD & PA.
c1900-19?? - John Walter Clarke. - Philanthropist & trustee. With wife Maude donated Clarke Peace Memorial (Pro Patria et Pace) to University of Notre Dame in 1986.
1901-1971 -
Cyril of Bulgaria - Successfully resisted deportation of 1,500 Jews on March 10, 1943. Later named Patriarch of Bulgaria.
1901-1973 - Eugene Rabinowitch - Biophysicist. Urged 6/45 that US not use atomic bomb (Franck Report). Founded Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. See Leo Szilard.
1901-1975 - Eisaku Sato. PM 1964-72. Persuaded US to return Okinawa. Only Japanese to receive Nobel Peace Prize.
1974 with Sean MacBride
1901-1978 - Margaret Mead - Cultural anthropologist. Featured writer & speaker. Wrote "Coming of Age in Samoa" in 1928.
1901-1982 - René Jules Dubos - French-born microbiologist. Pulitzer Prize for "So Human An Animal." Said "Think globally, act locally."
1901-1990 - Harry Bridges - Union leader. Led Intl Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) over 40 years. Prosecuted in 1930s, 1940s & 1950s.
1901-1990 - Fritz Eichenberg - Illustrator. His work concerned religion, social justice & nonviolence.
1901-1994 - Linus Pauling - Chemist, biochemist, peace activist, author & educator. Recd 2 Nobel Prizes.
1902-1967 - Langston Hughes - Poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, & columnist. Best known for work during Harlem Renaissance.
1902-1979 - Jayaprakash (JP) Narayan - Gandhian independence activist & political leader. Led opposition to Indira Gandhi.
1902-1983 - Eric Hoffer - Moral & social philosopher. Wrote "The True Believer" (1951). "The Ordeal of Change," & 10 other books.
1902-1986 - Alva Myrdal - Supported disarmament. Wife of Gunner Myrdal.
1982 with Alfonso Garcia Robles
1902-1987 -
Carl Rogers - Psychologist. A founder of the humanistic approach to psychology & of psychotherapy research
1902-1988 - Edita Toll Morris - Peace activist. Wrote "The Flowers of Hiroshima" in 1959.
1902-1990 - Elizabeth Evans Baker - Subject of "Peace is Everybody's Business" by Marta Daniels (1999).
1902-1995 -
Corliss Lamont - Socialist philosopher. Advocate of various left-wing & civil liberties causes. Chaired National Council of American-Soviet Friendship.
1902-1998 - Bert Bissell - Mountain climber & peace campaigner. Created Peace Cairn on Ben Nevis in Scotland on VJ-Day 1945.
1902-1999 - Tomin Harada - Medical doctor & peace activist. Led the "Hiroshima Maidens" to USA in 1955.
1902-2001 -
Mortimer Adler - Philosopher, educator & popular author. Wrote "How to Think About War & Peace" in 1944.
1903-1971 - Ralph Bunche - Political scientist & diplomat. Mediated in Palestine. First person of color to receive Nobel Prize.
1903-1985 - Maude C. Clarke. - Nurse & philanthropist. With husband John donated Clarke Peace Memorial (Pro Patria et Pace) to University of Notre Dame in 1986.
1903-1986 - Ella Baker - Civil rights & human rights activist beginning in the 1930's. Helped found Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
1903-1988 - Hiram Bingham IV - US Vice Consul in Marseille (France). Helped >2,500 Jews flee as Nazi forces advanced.
1903-1988 -
Benjamin Spock - Pediatrician. Wrote "Baby & Child Care" in 1946.
1903-1991 -
Lester A. Kirkendall - Sociologist. Pioneer of sex education. Drafted American Humanist Association's "Bill of Sexual Rights & Responsibilities."
1903-1994 - Yeshayahu Leibowitz - MD & polymath. For separation of religion & state. Said occupation would cause Israel's moral stature to decline.
1904-1942 - Lidia Zamenhof - Youngest daughter of Ludwig (qv). Promoted Esperanto, Homaranismo & Bahá'í Faith.
Taught in USA. Murdered at Treblinka.
1904-1961 - Marcel Junod - Field delegate of International Committee of the Red Cross. See monument in Hiroshima.
1904-1967 - John Courtney Murray - Jesuit priest & theologian. Helped draft & promote "Declaration on World Peace" in 1943.
1904-1980 - Hans Morgenthau - Academic critic of US foreign policy. Wrote Politics Among Nations: Struggle for Power & Peace in 1948.
1904-1981 - Emery Reves - Writer, publisher & world federalist. Literary agent of Winston Churchill. Wrote "The Anatomy of Peace" in 1945.
1904-1981 -
Federick Lewis Schuman - Professor of history at Williams College. Political scientist. Analyst of international relations.
1904-1984 - C. Maxwell Stanley - Engineer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, peace activist & world citizen. Funded the Stanley Foundation, an intl relations think tank, in Muscatine, Iowa.
1904-1988 - Sean MacBride President of Intrnational Peace Bureau 1974-1985.
1974 with Eisaku Sato
1904-1990 -
B. F. Skinner - Behaviorist, author, inventor, social philosopher & poet. "Most influential psychologist of the 20th century."
1904-1993 -
William Shirer - Journalist, war correspondent & historian. Wrote "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" in October 1960.
1904-1995 - Helen Knothe Nearing. Wife of Scott Nearing with whom she co-authored "Living the Good Life" in 1954.
1904-1998 -
Mary Calderone - Physician. Advocate for sexual education. Medical director of Planned Parenthood.
1974 w/Joseph Fletcher
1904-2005 - George F. Kennan - "Dove" in US government. Received Albert Einstein Peace Prize.
1904-2012 - Atonio Dobrowolski - Teacher. Taught defiance of Nazi occupation. Oldest known survivor of Auschwitz death camp.
1905-1935 - Gareth Jones - Journalist. Revealed Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33 (Holodomor) to Western world. Killed in Japanese-occupied Manchukuo (by Russian agents?).
1905-1961 - Dag Hammarskjöld - UN Sec Gen 1953-1961. Born as his father helped negotiate dissolution of union between Sweden & Norway. Shot down?
1905-1964 - Vasily Grossman - Writer & journalist.
Exposed starvation in Soviet Ukraine.
Saw many WW-II battles & Nazi camps. Wrote the novel "Life & Fate" in 1959.
1905-1967 - Charles Coward - Soldier captured during WW-II. Rescued Jews. Smuggled himself into Auschwitz. Testified at Nuremberg trial.
1905-1968 - Shinzo Hamai - Mayor of Hiroshima 1947-1955 & 1959-1967. Created Hiroshima's image as a city of peace.
1905-1972 - Chiyoji Nakagawa - Mayor of Uwajima (Shikoku Island). Gave Japanese Peace Bell to United Nations in 1954.
1905-1976 - Dalton Trumbo - Screenwriter & novelist. One of the Hollywood Ten. Monument in Boulder, Colorado.
1905-1982 - Canon John Collins - Anglican clergyman. Helped found Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in 1957.
1905-1984 - Dorothy Hewitt Hutchinson - AFSC published her "A Call to Peace Now: A Message to the Society of Friends" in l943. Helped start the Peace Now Movement.
1905-1990 - Myles Horton - Founded Highlander Research & Education Center in Tennessee in 1932. Husband of Zilphia Horton (qv).
1905-1991 -
Joseph Fletcher - Bioethicist involved with abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, eugenics & cloning. Founded "situational ethics."
1974 w/Mary Calderone
1905-1995 - Senator J. William Fulbright - US senator 1945-1974. Staunch multilateralist. Created Fulbright scholarships in 1946.
1905-1995 - Margaret E. Kuhn - Activist. Founded the Gray Panthers in 1970 to work for rights & welfare of the elderly.
1905-1997 - Viktor E. Frankl - Neurologist & psychiatrist. Holocaust survivor. Founded logotherapy. See "Statue of Responsibility."
1905-1999 -
Ashley Montagu - Anthropologist & humanist. Popularized topics such as race & gender & their relation to politics & development.
1905-2001 -
Stephen Wang - At Bluffton College 1930-32. First American-trained Chinese in Chinese Mennonite Church. Victim of Great Cultural Revolution.
1906-1945 - Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Theologian & pacifist. Lived twice in NY City & once in London. Nazi resister & Holocaust victim.
1906-1957 - Rudolf Kastner - Zionist leader. Negotiated "Kasztner train" with the Nazis. Tried in Israel. Assassinated in Tel Aviv.
1906-1975 - Hannah Arendt - Political theorist. Fled to France in 1933. Fled to USA in 1941 on visa issued by Hiram Bingham IV (qv). Wrote "The Origins of Totalitarianism" in 1951.
1906-1984 - Hilda Murrell - Rose grower. Campaigned against nuclear energy & weapons. Murdered mysteriously.
1906-1985 - Bert Röling - Jurist. Founder of Dutch polemology. On Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal 1946-1948. Helped found Intl Peace Research Association in 1964.
1906-1993 - Albert Bigelow - Freedom rider in 1961. Click here for peace monuments related to boats.
1906-1999 - Nikkyo Niwano - Helped found Rissho Kosei Kai Buddhist order in 1938.
1906-2005 - Hans Bethe - Manhattan Project physicist. For Partial Test Ban Treaty & peaceful use of nuclear energy.
1906-Alive - Edgar Wayburn - Environmentalist. Five time president of the Sierra Club.
1907-1943 - Franz Jägerstätter - Nazis executed. RC Church beatified in 2007. Monuments in Austria, Germany & USA (Philadephia).
1907-1944 - Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg - Army officer. Central figure of Resistance movement within the Wehrmacht.
1907-1945 - Helmuth James Graf von Moltke - As a draftee acted to subvert German human-rights abuses. Jurist. Resisted Hitler. Home is now Conference Center for European Understanding.
1907-1964 - Rachel Carson - Marine biologist & nature writer. Wrote "The Sea Around Us" in 1951 & "Silent Spring" in 1962.
1907-1972 - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Rabbi & widely read Jewish conservative theologian. Marched with MLK in Selma in 1965.
1907-1989 - I. F. Stone - Investigative journalist. Best remembered for his self-published newsletter, I. F. Stone's Weekly.
1907-1990 - William R. Huntington. Architect. American Friends Service Committee activist. Sailed on "Golden Rule" to protest US nuclear tests.
1907-2002 - Astrid Lindgren - Author & screenwriter. World's 18th most translated author.
1907-1995 - U Nu - Burma Prime Minister 1948-56, 1957-58 & 1960-62. Built Kaba Aye/World Peace Pagoda in 1952.
1907-1997 - Katherine (Kit) Tremaine - Author, philanthropist & anti-war activist. Created Sunflower Foundation. On Nixon's enemies list.
1907-2007 - Ralph K.White Wrote "Fearful Warriors: A Psychological Profile of U.S.-Soviet Relations" in 1984.
1908-1951 - Takashi Nagai - Doctor & writer. Survivor of the Nagasaki A-bomb. "Saint of Urakami."
1908-19?? - Lawrence Scott - "Radical Quaker." Co-founded CNVA in 1957, AQAG in 1966 & MNS in 1971.
1908-1970 -
Abraham H. Maslow - Professor of psychology. Created "Maslow's hierarchy of needs."
1908-1974 - Oskar Schindler - Industrialist credited with saving over 1,100 Jews. Buried in Israel. Subject of the film "Schindler's List."
1908-1981 - Catherine T. MacArthur - Wife & business partner of John D. MacArthur (qv). Co-founder of John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
1908-1981 - Peace Pilgrim (Mildred Lisette Norman) - Pacifist, vegetarian & peace activist. Walked 28 years for peace. P
1908-1983 - Jean Lasserre - Peace theologian. Felowship of Reconciliation.
Wrote "War & the Gospel." Influenced Bonhoeffer (qv).
1908-1986 - Simone de Beauvoir - Existentialist philosopher & political activist. Significantly influenced feminist theory. Wrote "The Second Sex" in 1949. Lifelong relationship w/Jean-Paul Sartre.
1908-1986 - Dana McLean Greeley - 1st pres. of Unitarian-Universalist Assn. 1961. Helped found World Conf. of Religions for Peace in 1970.
1908-1993 - Sam Levering - Orchardist. See "Citizen Action for Global Change: Neptune Group & Law of the Sea." Husband of Miriam Levering (qv).
1908-1993 - Tadeusz Pankiewicz - Rescued Jews in Krakow. One of 6,125 Polish "Righteous Among the Nations."
1908-1998 - Martha Gellhorn - Novelist, travel writer & journalist. One of the greatest war correspondents of the 20th century. Third wife of Ernest Hemmingway.
1908-2000 - Julia Pirotte - Photojournalist known for work with French Resistance. Covered 1948 World Congress of Intellectuals for Peace in Wroclaw. Click here.
1908-2003 - Edward Schempp - Sued in 1963 to end prayer in public schools. Father of Ellery Schempp.
1908-2005 - Joseph Rotblat - Manhattan Project scientist. SecGen of Pugwash Confs 1957-1973. See video.
1992 P
1908-2005 - Simon Wiesenthal - "Nazi hunter" in Linz & Vienna. Click here for peace monuments related to the Holocaust.
1908-2006 -
John Kenneth Galbraith - Keynesian economist. public intellectural. Author & bureaucrat. US ambassador to India.
1909-1943 - Simone Weil - Philosopher, Christian mystic & social activist. P
1909-1944 -
Adam von Trott zu Solz - Lawyer & diplomat. Played central role July 20 Plot against Hitler. Plaque in Postdam.
1909-1972 - Saul Alinsky - Founded modern community organizing. "One of the great leaders of the nonsocialist left."
1909-1974 - U Thant - Diplomat. Secretary of 1st Asian–African summit (Bandung 1955). 3rd Secretary General of the United Nations 1961-1971.
1909-1990 - Lotta Hitschmanova - Journalist. Wanted by Nazis. Founded Unitarian Service Committee of Canada.
1909-1997 - Virginia d'Albert-Lake - Born in Dayton, Ohio. Hero of the French Resistance. Freed from Ravensbrück concentration camp.
1909-1999 -
Dom Helder Camara - Archbishop, social worker & human rights organizer. Advocate of liberation theology.
1909-2002 - Marion Gräfin Dönhoff - Journalist & intellectual. Member of anti-Nazi resistance.
1909-2011 - Milton Rogovin - Documentary photographer. Father of Mark Rogovin (qv).
1909-2015 - Nicholoas Winton - Rescued 669 children (Czech Kindertransport). Called "the British Schindler." Recd highest Czech honour in 2014. See "Nicky's Family."
1910-1939 -
August Dickmann - First conscientious objector executed by the Nazis in Germany during World War II.
1910-1956 - Zilphia Horton - Civil rights activist & folklorist. Wife of Myles Horton (qv).
1910-1969 - Father Georges Pire - Helped Displaced Persons. Founded L'Université de Paix in 1960.
1910-1989 - Larry Mellon - Philanthropist & physician. Son of financier William Larimer Mellon. Co-founded Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti in 1956.
1910-1991 - Alfred Hassler - Executive Director, Fellowship of Reconcilation.
1910-1993 - Glenn Smiley - Methodist minister & civil rights activist. Field secretary for Fellowship of Reconciliation.
1910-1993 - Kenneth E. Boulding - Educator, peace activist & cofounder of General Systems Theory. Husband of Elise M. Boulding.
1910-1993 -
Leo Pfeffer - Scholar, humanist & lawyer. Supported religious freedom in the USA.
1910-1994 - Dorothy Hodgkin - Chemist. Developed protein crystallography. Presdient 1976-88 of Pugwash which received 1995 Nobel Peace Prize.
1910-1997 - Mother Teresa - Albanian nun. Founded Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta. Click here for Wikipedia biography.
1910-1998 - Earle Reynolds - Constructed the "Phoenix of Hiroshima." Husband of Barbard Leonard Reynolds (qv).

1910-2008 - Irena Sendler - Smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto.
1910-2010 - Doris "Granny D" Haddock - Politician & liberal political activist. Walked over 3,200 miles to advocate for campaign finance reform.
19??-Alive -
Gerald A. Larue - Professor of religion.
Member Academie Intl. d'Humanisme. Wrote "Playing God" & "Freethought Across the Centuries."
1911-1960 - Krishnalal Shridharani - Gandhian. On Salt March in 1930. Wrote "War Without Violence" in 1939. Influenced CORE.
1911-1972 - Paul Goodman - Sociologist, poet, writer, anarchist & public intellectual. Activist on the pacifist left. P
1911-1977 - E. F. Schumacher - Economist. Wrote "Small is Beautiful" in 1973. His library at E. F. Schumacher Foundation in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
1911-1986 - Robert LeFevre - Libertarian businessman, pacifist & radio personality. Primary theorist of autarchism. P
1911-1990 - Le Duc Tho - Signed Paris Peace Accords in 1973. Declined Nobel Peace Prize.
1973 with Henry Kissinger
1911-1991 - Alfonso Garcia Robles - Diplomat. Caused Treaty of Tlatelolco (nuclear-free zone in Latin America).
1982 with Alva Myrdal
1911-1996 - Bruno Hussar - Founded Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam/Oasis of Peace, a Christian/Muslim/Jewish village near Latrun (Israel).
1911-1998 - Sam Marcy - Marxist. Co-founded the Workers World Party in 1959. Helped organize first demonstration in USA against the Vietnam War.
1911-1999 -
Mary Morain - Therapist, social reformer & secular humanist. Co-author with her husband of "Humanism As The Next Step."
1994 w/Lloyd Morain
1911-2000 - Gwen Grant Mellon - Hospital administrator. With her second husband Larry Mellon (qv), founded Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti in 1956.
1911-2004 - Czeslaw Milosz - Writer & translator. Wrote The World. Wrote The Captive Mind in 1953.
Nobel Prize in Literature in 1980.
1911-2007 - Anatol Rapoport - Mathematical psychologist. Contributed to general systems theory & social modeling.
1911-2010 - Lucile Longview - "Liberation feminist, futurist & change agent." UU Women & Religion Resolution in 1977.
1912-1963 - Greigoris Lambrakis - Politician, track & field athlete & medical school faculty member. Assassinated at anti-war meeting in Thessaloniki. P
1912-1967 - Woody Guthrie - Singer-songwriter & folk musician. Sought justice for workers. His best-known song is "This Land Is Your Land."
1912-1986 - Sidney Lens - Labor leader & political activist. Best knows for his book "The Day Before Doomsday" (1977) about nuclear annihilation.
1912-1987 - Bayard Rustin - Leader in social movements for civil rights, socialism, pacifism, non-violence & gay rights. Advised Martin Luther King, Jr.
1912-1947 - Raoul Wallenberg - Architect & diplomat. Rescued Jews from the Holocaust in Budapest in 1944. Many monuments.
1912-1969 - Clarence Jordan - Founded Koinonia Farm near Americus, Georgia (USA), in 1942.
1912-1991 - Jean Goss - Evangelical advocate of nonviolence. Husband of Hildegard Goss-Mayr [b.1930] (qv).
1912-1992 - Karl Duetsch - Social & political scientist. Studied war & peace, nationalism, co-operation & communication.
1912-1993 - H. Charles Grawemeyer - Industrialist, entrepreneur, investor & philanthropist. Created Grawemeyer Awards at University of Louisville, Kentucky (USA).
1912-1996 - Marion Coddington Bromley - Secretary of A.J. Muste [qv]. Tax resistance & civil rights activist. Married Ernest Bromley [qv]. Arrested desegregating Coney Island in 1952.
1912-1997 - Ernest Bromley - Minister. Civil rights & peace activist. Founding member of Freedom Riders, Organized rallies in Cincinnati which protested the Vietnam War & segregation.
Bromley was also a pioneer of the modern American--> tax resistance movement & Peacemakers. Married Marion Bromley [qv] in 1948."
1912-2000 - David Brower - Founded Friends of the Earth & many other environmentalist organizations.
1912-2006 - Vashti McCollum - Atheist or Humanist. Sued to end religious instruction in public schools. Son is John Terry McCollum.
1912-2008 - Louis (Studs) Terkel - Author, actor, broadcaster. Famous for oral histories. Won Pulitzer Prize for "The Good War: Oral History of WW-II."
1912-2010 - Dorothy I. Height - African-American civil rights activist. Received Congressional Gold Medal.
1912-2011 - Sayadaw U Thila Wunta - Buddhist monk. Constructed Peace Pagodas on all continents. Also click here.
1913-1960 - Albert Camus - Author, journalist & key philosopher of the 20th century. Wrote L'Étranger/The Stranger" in 1942.
1913-1980 - William Richard Tolbert, Jr. - 20th President of Liberia 1971-1980. Initiated some liberal & economic reforms. Killed in coup d'état of Samuel Doe.
1913-1991 - Miriam Levering - Orchardist. See "Citizen Action for Global Change: Neptune Group & Law of the Sea." Wife of Sam Levering (qv).
1913-1992 - Willy Brandt - Chancellor 1969–1974. Espoused Ostpolitik to improve relations with East Germany, Poland etc.
1913-1992 - Menachem Begin - Led Zionist underground. PM 1977-83. Signed peace treaty w/Egypt.
1978 w/Anwar al-Sadat
1913-1998 - William Denson - US Army lawyer. Proscecuted all Nazi war criminals in US Zone of Occupied Germany.
1913-1999 - Georgia Lloyd Berndt - World Federalist. Daughter of Lola Maverick Lloyd (qv).
1913-2005 - Rosa Parks. "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement." Sparked bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama.
1913-2007 -
Albert Ellis - Psychologist.
Developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in 1955.
1913-2010 -
Michael Foot - Labour Party politician, journalist & author. Led first march by Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in 1958.
1913-2010 - Helga Herz - Peace activist. Fled Germany in 1933. Received German reparations in 2000. See Helga Herz Peace Archives at Wayne State Univ.
1913-2010 -
Theodore (Ted) Herman - Geography professor. Founded Peace & Conflict Studies Program (P-Con) at Colgate Univ.
1914-1985 - Gerald Holtom - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Designed the CND peace symbol in 1958.
1914-1993 - James Peck. Click here for peace monuments related to boats.
1914-1995 -
Jonas Salk - Medical researcher & virologist. Discovered the first safe & effective polio vaccine.
1914-2000 - Sister Maria Isolina Ferre Aguayo - Nun. Called "Mother Teresa of Puerto Rico."
1914-2004 - Rainer Hildebrandt - Anti-communist resistance fighter. Founded Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie ("1st museum of intl nonviolent protest"). Wife=Alexandra Hildebrandt (qv).
1914-2006 - Harry Mister - Helped run Peace News 1936-71. Managed Housmans Bookshop in London 1945-76.
1914-2006 - Louis B. Sohn - Law Professor. Wrote "World PeaceThrough World Law" in 1958 with Greenville Clark.

1914-2008 - Ralph DiGia - Lifelong pacifist & social justice activist. Staffer at War Resisters League for 52 years. P
1914-2009 - Norman Borlaug - "Father of the Green Revolution." Video | Museum
1914-2010 - George Willoughby. Advocate for world peace. Click here for peace monuments related to boats. CO
1914-2010 - Theodore W. Kheel - Lawyer in New York City. Labor negotiator and arbitrator.
1914-2010 - Irwin Abrams. Academic expert on Nobel Peace Prize; click here for article. Collected peace stamps.
1914-Alive -
Marjorie Ewbank - Peace activist. Treasurer of Peace Now Movement, NY City as of 1944. Clerk of Tract Association of Friends, Philadelphia. Wife of John Ewbank (qv).
1915-1968 - Thomas Merton - Catholic writer, social activist & student of comparative religion.
1915-1990 - Norman Cousins - "Tireless advocate of liberal causes." Subject of 1st US monument in Hiroshima in 2003.
1915-1990 - Barbara Leonard Reynolds - Founded WFC & PRC. Subject of 2nd US monument in Hiroshima in 2011.
1915-2004 - David Dellinger - Influential radical, pacifist & activist for nonviolent social change. P
1915-2005 - Philip Morrison - Professor of physics. One of the very few Manhattan Project scientists to visit Japan & observe effects of the bomb. He said he was a "crime & a sin."
1915-2006 - Alvin Weinberg - Physicist & administrator. Manhattan Project scientist. Proposed "Sanctification of Hiroshima" in 1985. Click here for Wikipedia bio.
1915-2011 - Sargent Shriver - Statesman & activist. Founded Peace Corps, Job Corps & Head Start. Architect of War on Poverty. US Amb to France.
1915-2012 -
John McConnell - Founded Earth Day, the Earth Day Proclamation, the Earth Day Flag & International Day of Peace (Sept. 21).
1915-2012 -
Albert Otto Hirschman - Economist. Wrote "Exit, Voice, and Loyalty" & "The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy."
1915-2013 -
Maria Dehn Peters - Resident of Bryn Gweled Homesteads. Daughter of mathemetician Max E. Dehn (buried at Black Mtn College, NC). Widow of Ted Peters (Friendsville, TN).
1915-Alive - Joseph Abileah - Israel’s first conscientious objector. Biography by Anthony Bing.
1915-Alive - John Burton - Helped found International Peace Research Association in 1964.
1916-1945 -
George Maduro - Born in Curaçao. Student & army officer. Nazi resister. Madurodam Miniature City in The Hague is named for him.
1916-1962 - Tom Slick - Texas busnessman. Wrote "Permanent Peace: A Check and Balance Plan" in 1958.
1916-1980 - Masahisa Goi - Philosopher & peace campaigner. Wrote >30 books. Created "May Peace Prevail on Earth" & Peace Poles.
1916-1993 -
Homer A. Jack - Secretary General of World Conference of Religions for Peace 1970-1983.
1916-1994 -
Hind al-Husseini - Educator & feminist. Rescued 55 orphans of Deir Yassin massacre in 1948. Started orphanage & women's college.
1916-1999 -
H. Stuart Hughes - History prof & activist. Applied psychoanalysis to history. Opposed Ted Kennedy for Senate. Co-chair of SANE w/Dr. Benjamin Spock.
1916-1994 - Takeshi Araki - Mayor of Hiroshima 1975-1991. Founded Mayors for Peace in 1982.
1916-2002 -
Stephen G. Cary - American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) administrator. Ran CO camps & European relief.
1916-2006 - Adam Curle - Peace activist. First professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford (England).
1916-2006 - Anton Rupert - Billionaire entrepreneur. Founded Peace Parks Foundation (PPF)
to promote transfrontier conservation areas (peace parks) in Southern Africa.
1916-2012 -
John R. Ewbank - Lawyer, communitarian, world federalist & decentralist. Wrote "A History of the World Government Movement" about 2001.
1917-1963 - John F. Kennedy - US senator 1953-1960 & president 1961-1963. Created
Peace Corps in 1961.
1917-1977 - Fannie Lou Hamer. Civil rights activist. Democratic delegate. Click here for peace monuments in Alabama (USA).
1917-1980 - Óscar Romero - Fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. Spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations & torture. Assassinated while offering Mass.
1917-1984 - Barbara Deming - Writer. Gandhian. Open lesbian. "Created a body of non-violent theory centered on the women's movement."
1917-2000 - Ion Ratiu - Outspoken critic of Nicolae Ceausescu [1918-1989]. Lived many years in London as elected leader of World Union of Free Romanians.
1917-2004 - Seymour Melman - Professor of industrial engineering & operations research. Wrote extensively for 50 years on "economic conversion" from military to civilian production.
1917-2010 -
Lloyd Morain - Businessman, philanthropist, writer, environmentalist & film producer. Pres of Am Humanist Assn.
1994 w/Mary Morain
1917-2012 - Barry Commoner - Professor & environmentalist. Wrote "The Closing Circle" & "The Poverty of Power." Ran for president in 1980.
1917-2017 - Huub Ernst - Eighth bishop of the diocese of Breda.
Vice President of Pax Christi International. Info courtesy of Gerard Lössbroek.
1918-1943 -
Hans Scholl - Student. Opposed Hilter in non-violent White Rose resistance group. Executed with his sister Sophie.
1918-1981 -
Anwar al-Sadat - Visited Israel. Signed Camp David Accords in 1978.
1978 w/Menachem Begin
1918-1986 - Sr. Corita Kent - Artist & educator. Artwork particularly popular during social upheavals in 1960s & 1970s. Designed the 1985 annual "love" stamp.
1918-1994 - Oka Masaharu - Protestant minister. Helped Korean A-bomb victims. Oka Masaharu Memorial Peace Museum in 1995.
1918-1997 - Cheddi Jagen - Politician. Leader of opposition during Burnham regime. Husband of Janet Rosenburg Jagen (qv). President of Guyana 1992-1997.
1918-2000 - Morris Abram - Lawyer, civil rights activist & president of Brandeis University. Father of Ruth J. Abram (founder of ICSC).
1918-2002 - Elisabeth Mann-Borgese - "Mother of the Law of the Sea Treaty" (1982). Daughter of Thomas Mann.
1918-2003 - Robert Swann - Anti-nuclear communitarian. Created EF Schumacher Soc & Voluntown Peace Trust. See autobio & wife Marjorie Swann Edwin. CO
1918-2007 - Kurt Waldheim - Wehrmacht intelligence officer during WW-II (causing controversy in 1985). Diplomat. 4th UN Secretary General 1972-1981.
1918-2008 - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Guru. Developed Transcendental Meditation (TM) & Global Country of World Peace (GCWP). Lives in Fairfield, Iowa.
1918-2013 - Nelson Mandela - Anti-apartheid activist. Pres of S.Africa 1994-99.
1993 w/F.W.de Klerk
1918-Alive - Gordon Kiyoshi Hirabayashi - Conscientious objector. Lost case against Japanese internment in 1943 but exonerated in 1987.
1919-1943 -
Mordechai Abniewicz - Instrumental in the first act of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Subject of monuments in Israel & Poland.
1919-1943 - Kristaq Tutulani - Student & Communist. Captured in anti-Nazi resistance with sister Margarite. Shot & hanged at age 24.
1919-1957 - Lewis Hill - Co-founder of first listener-supported US radio station & Pacifica Radio network. Committed suicide.
1919-1995 - William Kunstler - Self-described "radical lawyer" & civil rights activist. Co-founder of Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR).
1919-1995 - Madalyn Murray O'Hair - Atheist activist. Founded American Atheists. Sued to end official Bible-reading in public schools. Murdered.
1919-2000 - Pierre Trudeau - Prime Minister of Canada 1968-79 & 1980-84. Worked for peace.
1919-2001 - James W. Bristah - Founded Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center & Gallery, Detroit, Michigan (USA), in 1986.
1919-2005 - Fred Korematsu - Civil rights activist. Objected to internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. January 30 is Fred Korematsu Day in California.
1919-2006 - Desmond Doss - Seventh Day Adventist. First US conscientious objector to receive Medal of Honor & one of only three so honored. CO
1919-2010 - Gene Knudsen Hoffman - Counselor, poet, actress, writer & international peacemaker. Founded Compassionate Listening.
1919-2010 - Walter Isard - Principal founder of Regional Science & a main founder of Peace Science.
1919-2010 - Bill Sutherland - Pacifist & liberation advocate. "Unofficial ambassador between Africa & the Americas for over 50 years."
1919-2013 - Doris Lessing - Novelist, poet, playwright, librettist, biographer & short story writer. Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature.
1919-2014 - Pete Seeger - Iconic folk singer & social activist. Rang Japanese Peace Bell at United Nations headquarters in 19___.
1919-Alive - Frances Crowe - Peace activist pacifist from the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts. P
1920-1969 - Eduardo Mondlane - Anthropologist. Sociology professor at Syracuse University. President of FRELIMO from 1962. Assassinated in Dar-es-Salaam.
1920-1992 -
Isaac Asimov - Biochemist & humanist. Wrote >500 books & about 90,000 letters. One of the "Big Three" science fiction writers.
1920-1997 - Benno Premsela - Designer. Helped form world's first gay rights organization (COC) in 1946. Came out on TV in 1964.
1920-1998 -
Bella Savitsky Abzug - Lawyer, Congresswoman, social activist. Founded National Women's Political Caucus w/Gloria Steinem & Betty Friedan in 1971.
c1920-c1998 - Harold Josephson - Prof of History, Univ of North Carolina Charlotte. Published "Biographical dictionary of modern peace leaders" in 1985.
1920-1999 - James L. Farmer, Jr. - Co-founded Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in 1942.
c1920-2002 -
Kenneth McCaleb - Flew B-17's over Germany & did nuclear work in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Donated $150,000 in 1998 to establish the "McCaleb Initiative for Peace."
1920-2005 - Pope John Paul II - See monument commemorating his Appeal for Peace in Hiroshima (Japan).
1920-2006 -
Peter Brock - Peace historian at University of Toronto. Specialized in history of pacifism & Eastern Europe.
1920-2009 - Janet Rosenburg Jagen - American from Chicago. Wife of Cheddi Jagen (qv). President of Guyana 1997-1999.
c1920-2009 - Kimani Maruge - Mau Mau freedom fighter. Holds Guinness World Record as oldest person to start primary school (at age 84). Spoke to United Nations.
1920-2010 - Elise M. Boulding - Important scholar & activist in multiple fields. Wife of Kenneth Boulding (qv).
1920-Alive - Javier Pérez de Cuéllar - Diplomat. 5th Secretary General of the United Nations 1982-1991. Member of Club de Madrid.
1920-Alive - Bemjamin Ferencz - Lawyer. US Army Prosecutor of the Einsatzgruppen Trial in Nuremberg at age 26. Vocal advocate of Intl Criminal Court in The Hague.
1920-Alive -
Thomas Szasz - Psychiatrist. Criticized modern medicine. Co-founded Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR).
1921-1943 -
Sophie Scholl - Student. Opposed Hilter in non-violent White Rose resistance group. Executed with her brother Hans.
1921-1976 - Zuzu Angel - Fashion designer. Famous for opposing Brazilian military dictatorship after forced disappearance of her son Stuart. Killed in suspicious car crash.
1921-1989 -
Andrei Sakharov - Nuclear physicist. Dissident & human rights advocate. Husband of Yelena Bonner (qv).
1921-1990 - William Appleman Williams - Revisionist historian of American diplomacy. Called "the favorite historian of the Middle American New Left."
1921-1992 - Alex Haley - Author. Wrote "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" in 1965 & "Roots" in 1976. See monuments in GA, MD & TN.
1921-1997 - Paulo Freire - Educator & theorist of critical pedagogy.
Wrote "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" in 1970. Published conversation with Myles Horton (qv).
1921-2005 - Peter Benenson - Lawyer. Founded Amnesty International in 1961. Coined term Prisoner of Conscience.
1921-2006 -
Betty Friedan - Feminist activist.
Wrote "The Feminine Mystique." Founded NOW & Women's Strike for Equality.
1975 w/Henry Morgentaler
1921-2011 - Matthew J. Perry - First Black from Deep South to be Federal judge.
(Born in Columbia, SC. Appointed by Jimmy Carter.)
1921-2012 - Young Seek Choue - Founding chancellor of Kyung Hee University (1949). Founder of
university's Graduate Institute of Peace Studies (1984).
1921-Alive - Garry Davis - Peace activist. Renounced US citizenship in Paris in 1948. Created first "World Passport." Began "World Citizen Radio" at age 91.
1921-2016 - Daniel Berrigan - RC priest, peace activist & Christian anarchist. Brother of Philip Berrigan (qv).
1921-2013 - Gene Glick. Real estate "mogul." With wife Marilyn built
Glick Peace Walk in Indianapolis ("a homage to peace in a city whose icon is Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Monument").
1921-Alive - Macy Morse - Peace activist. Helped create NH People Concerned About the War in Vietnam. Participated in Avco Plowshares. Entered office of Secretary of State in 1981.
1921-Alive - Joseph Lowery. 3rd pres. of So. Christian Leadership Conf. Husband of Evelyn Gibson Lowery (qv).
1921-Alive - Bernard Lown - Cardiologist. Founded Physicians for Social Responsibility & Intl Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War.
1922-1992 - Ernesto Balducci - Catholic priest and peace activist.
1922-1995 - Yitzhak Rabin. - Israel PM 1974-77 & 1992-95. Signed Oslo Accords in 1993.
1994 with Yasser Arafat & Shimon Peres
1922-1996 - Thomas Kuhn - Professor of the history of science. Published "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" in 1962.
1922-2001 - Leon Sullivan - Civil rights leader & anti-Apartheid activist.
1922-2007 -
Kurt Vonnegut - Writer. Wrote "Slaughterhouse-Five" in 1969. Honorary president of American Humanist Association.
1922-2010 - Howard Zinn - History professor & activist. Wrote "A People's History of the US" in 1980. Worked two days before he died.
1922-2011 - Fred L. Shuttlesworth - Minister & civil rights leader. Co-founded Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
1922-2012 - James Gower - Catholic priest & peace activist. Active in Pax Christi. Co-founded College of the Atlantic (1969) which teaches"human ecology."
1922-2012 - George McGovern - Historian, US Senator & Democratic Party presidential nominee in 1972. "Exemplar of modern American liberalism." Opposed US in Vietnam War.
1922-2014 -
Hitoshi Motoshima - Mayor of Nagasaki 1979-95.
Said Emperor Hirohito bore some responsibility for WW-II & Japan deserved atomic bombings.
1922-2016 - Boutros Boutros-Ghali - UN Secretry General 1992-1997. Issued "An Agenda for Peace" in 1992.
1922-Alive - James F. Colaianni - Author, publisher, first anti-Napalm organizer.
1923-1967 - Lorenzo Milani - Roman Catholic Priest. Educator of poor children & an advocate of conscientious objection.
1923-2002 - Philip Berrigan - RC priest. Peace activist. Brother of Daniel Berrigan (qv). Married Elizabeth McAlister (qv).
1923-2009 - Ed Grothus - Machinist. Protested US atomic bombs. See monuments in Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA).
1923-2011 - Yelena Bonner - Nurse. Human rights advocate. Exiled to Gorky. Wife of Andrei Sakharov (qv).
1923-2011 - Hushang Ansary - Diplomat, businessman & philanthropist. Paid for roof (Amsary Peace Dove) of US Institute of Peace in 2011.
1923-2012 - Jozef Goldblat - Diplomat. Preeminent authority on law of arms control & disarmament. On staff of Stockholm Intl Peace Research Inst (SIPRI).
1923-2012 -
Amy Swerdlow - Historian & peace activist. Director of Women’s Studies at Sarah Lawrence College. A founder of Women Strike for Peace (WSP).
1923-2014 -
Nadine Gordimer - Writer & political activist.
Active in anti-apartheid & HIV/AIDS causes. Received 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature.
1923-2016 - Robert Hinde - Leader of British Pugwash. Succeeded Joseph Rotblat as president of Movement for the Abolition of War (MAW). Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
1923-2016 - Shimon Peres - Israel PM 3 times. Supported Oslo Accords.
1994 with Yasser Arafat & Yitzhak Rabin
1923-Alive - Uri Avnery - Peace activist & journalist. Two-time member of Knesset. Founded Gush Shalom in 1993. Received Right Livelihood Award.
1923-Alive - Henry Kissinger - US Secretary of State. Signed Paris Peace Accords in 1973.
1973 with Le Duc Tho
1923-Alive -
Henry Morgentaler - Physician. Prominent pro-choice advocate who has fought numerous legal battles for that cause.
1975 w/Betty Friedan
1923-Alive - Robert Muller - "Philosopher of the UN." Founded UN University for Peace in 1980 in Costa Rica. Chick here for his personal website.
1923-Alive - Juanita Nelson - Activist & war tax resister. Co-founded Peacemakers in 1948. Wrote "A Matter of Freedom & Other Writings" in 1988.
1924-1943 - Margarite Tutulani - Student. Captured in anti-Nazi resistance with brother Kristaq (journalist & PKSH member). Shot & hanged at age 19.
1924-1993 - E.P.Thompson - Historian, socialist & peace campaigner. Wrote "The Making of the English Working Class" in 1963.
1924-1997 - Danilo Dolci - Sociologist, educator & poet. Opposed poverty & the Mafia. Promoted non-violence. Called "The Gandhi of Sicily."
1924-2003 - Ernst B. Haas - Political scientist. Authority on international relations theory. Founder of neofunctionalism.
1924-2006 - Anne Braden - Civil rights advocate in Kentucky. Worked to desegregate hospitals & housing.
1924-2006 - Wiliam Sloane Coffin - Chaplain at Yale University. President of SANE/FREEZE (now Peace Action).
1924-2008 - Pierre Weil - Psychologist, author & educator. Founded City of Peace Foundation in Brazil in 1986.
1924-2010 -
Paul Conrad - LA Times political cartoonist. Syndicated worldwide. See video. Designed "Chain Reaction" (anti-nuclear mushroom cloud).
1924-2011 - Samuel Ruiz Garcia - Catholic liberation theologian. Bishop & peacemaker in Chiapas (Mexico).
1924-2012 - Paul Fussell - Cultural & literary historian, author & professor. Wrote "The Great War & Modern Memory" (1975) & other books about World Wars I & II.
1924-2012 - Robert S. Yasui - Japanese-American physician. Interned during WW-II. Erected Peace Tower in Williamsport, PA. Subject of "The Stubborn Twig" by Lauren Kessler.
1924-Alive? - Mary Berg - American citizen, Holocaust survivor & author. Witnessed Warsaw Ghetto & published book about it in 1944. Later refused interviews & disapeared.
1924-Alive - Irvin J. Borowsky - Publisher & philanthropist. Founded National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia in 2000.
1924-Alive - Jimmy Carter - Navy officer, peanut farmer & Georgia Governor. 39th US President. Founded Carter Center 1982.
1924-Alive - C. T. Vivian - Minister, author & close friend & lieutenant of Martin Luther King, Jr., during Civil Rights Movement.
1924-Alive - Gerda Weissmann Klein - Author, humanitarian, historian & inspirational speaker. Holocaust survivor. Academy Award. Pres Medal of Freedom 2011.
1925-1963 -
Medgar Evers - Civil rights worker. Shot & killed in his driveway in Jackson, Mississippi, on June 12, 1963, by a member of the White Citizens' Council.
1925-1965 - Viola Liuzzo - Civil rights volunteer. Murdered just after voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. Monument on highway. See James Reeb.
1925-1968 - Robert F. Kennedy - US attorney general 1961-1964 & senator 1965-1968. Assassinated (2 months after MLK) in Los Angeles while running for president.
1925-1989 -
Malcolm X - Muslim minister & militant human rights activist. Gunned down at meeting in NY City.
1925-1989 -
John T. Walker - First African American bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Washington, DC. Arrested while protesting apartheid at South African Embassy.
1925-1998 - Aki Kurose - Japanese-American educator in Seattle. Pacifist & peace activist, Inturned during WW-II. See Floyd Schmoe. P
1925-2006 - Sidney Hinkes - Priest & peace campaigner. Became pacifist during 1956 Suez War in 1956. In first Aldermaston March (1958). Became chair of Christian CND in 1964.
1925-2009 - Kim Dae-jung - President of South Korea 1998-2003, Called "Nelson Mandela of Asia."
1925-2011 - Frank Kameny - Led "Herculean struggle" after being fired in 1957 for being gay. Filed 1st civil rights claim based on sexual orientation.
1925-2012 - Paul Kurtz - Philosophy professor & skeptic. "Father of secular humanism." Founded Council for Secular Humanism. Edited Free Inquiry magazine. See Tom Flynn.
1925-Alive - Nat Hentoff - Historian, novelist, jazz & country music critic.
Civil libertarian, free speech activist, anti-death penalty & anti-abortion.
1926-1960 - María Argentina Minerva Mirabal Reyes - Opposed dictator Rafael Trujillo. Assassinated by his henchmen along with two of her three sisters.
1926-1987 - Margaret Laurence - Novelist. Outspoken supporter of peace, women's rights & other progressive causes.
1926-1997 - Allen Ginsberg - Poet. Leading figure of Beat Generation & counterculture. Opposed militarism, economic materialism & sexual repression. Wrote "Howl."
1926-2001 -
Samuel H. Day, Jr. - Journalist. Free speech & anti-nuclear activist. Founded Nukewatch. "We shall overcome Sam Day."
1926-1990 - Ralph Abernathy - Civil rights movement (USA).
1926-1998 - Vasili Arkhipov - Soviet naval officer & "the man who saved the world." Cast single vote preventing a nuclear strike & all out nuclear war during Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
1926-2012 - Jesse Hill, Jr. - Cvil rights leader, business executive & actuary. Confidant of Martin Luther King, Jr. Helped desegregate Georgia University System.
1926-2012 - Sr. Anne Montgomery, RSCJ - Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), original Plowshares 8 at King of Prussia 1980 & Disarm Now Plowshares at Trident sub base 2009.
1926-Alive - Jim Bohlen. - Engineer. Peace activist in British Columbia (Canada). Helped found Greenpeace.
1926-Alive - Thich Nhat Hanh - Monk, teacher, author, poet & peace activist now based in France.
1926-Alive - Sanford Gottlieb - Executive Director of SANE (now Peace Action).
1926-Alive - Frieda Menco - Knew Anne Frank in Amsterdam, Westerbork & Auschwitz. Interviewed in "Amsterdam" by Russell Shorto.
1926-Alive - Peter G. Peterson - Businessman, investment banker, fiscal conservative, author & politician. Founded Peter G. Peterson Foundation in 2008.
1927-1965 - James Reeb - UU minister. Killed in Selma, Alabama, while supporting Black voting rights. Two monuments in Selma. See Viola Liuzzo.
1927-1986 - Olof Palme - Two-term prime minister. UN mediator in Iran–Iraq War. Steadfast in non-alignment & against apartheid in South Africa. Assassinated.
1927-1989 - Edward Abbey - Author. "Thoreau of the American West."
1927-1993 - César Chávez - Labor leader & civil rights activist. Co-founded National Farm Workers Association. Husband of Helen Chávez (qv).
1927-1997 - John Howard Yoder - Mennonite theologian, ethicist, Bible professor at Goshen College, radical pacifist. Wrote "The Politics of Jesus" in 1972.
1927-2006 - Coretta Scott King - Wife of Martin Luther King, Jr.
1927-2008 - Abie Nathan - Humanitarian & peace activist. Operated Voice of Peace radio station offshore Tel Aviv 1973-1993.
1927-2012 - Larry Ross - Founded NZ Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Cte in 1981, achieving 105 nuclear free zones & leading to the Nuclear Free Zone Act of 1987.
1927-2013 - Evelyn Gibson Lowery. Wife of Joseph Lowery (qv). Has erected many monuments honoring individudal civil rights leaders.
1927-Alive - Lyudmila Alexeyeva - Historian, leading human rights activist, founding member of the Moscow Helsinki Watch Group.
1927-Alive -
Carl Coon - Foreign Service Officer. US Ambassador to Nepal. VP of American Humanist Association. Essayist.
1927-Alive - Simone Veil - Politician. Survivor of Auschwitz. Honorary President of Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.
1928-1944 - Petr Ginz - Wrote an Esperanto-Czech dictionary. Gassed at Auschwitz age 16. His moon drawing carried aboard Space Shuttle Columbia.
1928-1967 - Ernesto (Che) Guevara - Marxist revolutionary, physician, & guerrilla. Fought in Cuba, Congo & Bolivia. A ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion in popular culture.
1928-1985 - William Stringfellow - Lawyer, lay theologian & social activist. Harbored fugitive Daniel Berrigan (qv).
1928-2003 - Joan B. Kroc - Philanthropist. Third wife of McDonald's founder Ray Kroc. Endowed
institutes for peace studies at Universities of Notre Dame & San Diego.
1928-2007 -
Sherwin T. Wine - Rabbi. Founded first congregation of Humanistic Judaism in 1963 & Society for Humanistic Judaism in 1969.
1928-2014 - Shirley Temple Black - Child movie star from 1932. US ambassador to Ghana 1974-1976 & Czechoslovakia 1989-1992.
1928-2014 - Maya Angelou - Poet. Wrote "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" (1969) & 6 other autobiographies.
1928-2016 - Larry Egbert - Anesthesiologist. Physicians for Social Responsibility. Final Exit Network. Acquited in Arizona. Husband of Ellen Barfield.
1928-2016 - Elie Weisel - "Messenger to mankind." Professor & holocaust survivor.
1928-Alive - Blase Bonpane. Activist. Former Maryknoll priest. Co-founded Office of the Americas with wife Theresa in 1983.
1928-Alive - Hans Blix - Diplomat & Liberal People's Party politician. Head of UN Weapons Monitoring, Verification & Inspection Commission 2000-2003.
1928-Alive - Helen Fabela Chávez - Labor activist. Arrested four times. Wife of César Chávez [1927-1993] (qv).
1928-Alive - Noam Chomsky - Cognitive scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "A father of modern linguistics, political dissident & anarchist."
1928-Alive - Daisaku Ikeda - Author & president of Soka Gakkai International (SGI). Founder of several educational, cultural & peace research institutions.
1928-Alive - James Lawson - Civil rights movement (USA).
1928-Alive - Charles A. Reich - Social scholar. Yale Law School professor. Wrote paean to the 1960's counterculture & youth movement "The Greening of America" in 1970.
1928-Alive - Gene Sharp - "The greatest theorist of nonviolence since Gandhi."
1928-Alive - Jean Vanier - Catholic philosopher turned theologian, humanitarian & founder of L'Arche, an international federation of group homes for people with developmental disabilities.
1929-1945 - Anne Frank - Holocaust victim. Died of typhus at age 16 in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Famous for diary published in 1947.
1929-1968 - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights.
1929-1995 - Arna Mer-Khamis - Human rights activist. Mother of Juliano Mer-Khamis (qv). "Arna's Children" shows her work at Freedom Theatre in Jenin (West Bank).
1929-2003 -
Dorothee Sölle - Writer & liberation theologian. Coined the term Christofascism in 1970 to describe fundamentalists.
1929-2004 - Yassar Arafat. - Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Signed Oslo Accords in 1993.
1994 with Shimon Peres & Yitzha Rabin
1929-2009 - Franz Deutsch - Founded the First Austrian Peace Museum, Wolfsegg (Austria), in 1993.
1929-2011 - Vang Pao - General. Ended forced repatriation of Laotian refugees. Opposed human rights abuses in Laos.
1929-2012 - Sr. Rosalie Bertell - Nun. "Raised public awareness about destruction of biosphere & human gene pool, especially by low-level radiation."
1929-2012 - Adrienne Rich - Poet, essayist & feminist. Credited with bringing "the oppression of women & lesbians to the forefront of poetic discourse."
1929-2012 -
Thomas Wechs, Jr. - Founded Peace Museum-Lindau 1980, Peace History Museum-Bad Hindelang 1999 & on-line Friedenshistorisches Museum-Augsburg 2009.
1929-2014 - Luis Nieves Falcón - Sociologist, scholar, writer, lawyer & activist for human & civil rights. Campaigned to release Puerto Rican political prisoners in USA.
1929-2017 - Glenn Paige - Professor of political science at the University of Hawai‘i. Developed concept of nonkilling. Chair of Governing Council of the Center for Global Nonkilling (CGNK).
1929-Alive - Krishna Ahooja-Patel - Gandhian. Worked for International Labor Organization 1962-1987. President of WILPF.
1929-Alive - Evgueni Chazov - Cardiologist. Co-founded International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in 1980.
1929-Alive - Israel Si Dresner - President of Education Fund for Israeli Civil Rights & Peace. Friend of MLK, Jr. Called "the most arrested rabbi in America."
1929-Alive - Ralph Dull - Co-founded Dayton International Peace Museum, Dayton, Ohio (USA), in 2005, with wife Christine Ralph Dull.
1929-Alive - Jules Feiffer - Cartoonist. "Particularly unyielding in his attack on LBJ's Vietnam politics & on Richard Nixon, his most constant target."
1929-Alive -
Murray Gell-Mann - Physicist & linguist. Developed study of complexity. A founder of the Santa Fe Institute.
1929-Alive - Bruce Kent - Priest. Gen Sec of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1980-85. Click here for recent article. Married Valerie Flessati (qv) in 1988.
1929-Alive - Staughton Lynd - Radical & author. Subject of "The Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd & Cold War Dissent, 1945-1970."
1929-Alive - David McReynolds - "Peace movement bureaucrat." Worked 40-years for Liberation magazine & War Resisters League. First gay man to run for President.
1929-Alive - Betty A. Reardon - Founded Peace Education Center at Teachers College (Columbia Univ) & Intl Institute on Peace Education.
1929-Alive - Maurice Strong - Oil executive. First Exec Director of UN Environment Programme. President of Council of UN University for Peace.
1929-Alive -
Edwin O. Wilson - Sociobiologist & myrmecologist (study of ants). Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction. Known forsecular-humanist & deist ethics.
1930-1978 - Harvey Milk - Politician. First openly gay man to be elected to public office in California. Assassinated.
1930-1986 - Barry Mitcalfe - Leader of the New Zealand movement against the Vietnam War. After the war ended he became a leader of the New Zealand anti-nuclear movement.
1930-2006 - Norma Becker - Chaired War Resisters League 1977-1983. Founded 5th Avenue Vietnam Peace Parade Cte & Mobilization for Survival coalition. Click for photos.
1930-2009 - Chrles Morgan, Jr. - Civil right lawyer. Incurred hatred by telling Birmingham day after 4 girls were killed that "we are all guilty."
1930-2010 - Lucius Walker - Baptist minister. ExecDir of Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization in 1960's. Persistent advocate for ending the US embargo against Cuba.
1930-2013 - Chinua Achebe - Novelist. Best known for "Things Fall Apart" (1959). Supported Occupy Nigeria in 2012.
1930-Alive - Warren Buffett - Investor. World's richest person. Pledged 10 million Berkshire Hathaway Class B shares to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2006.
1930-Alive - Derek Humphry - Euthanasia advocate. Founded Hemlock Society in 1980 & ERGO in 1993. Advisor to Final Exit Network.
1930-Alive - Johan Galtung - Called "Father of Peace Studies." Helped found the Intl Peace Research Inst (PRIO) in 1959. Click here for 2012 report.
1930-Alive - Hildegard Goss-Mayr - Hon. president of Intl FOR. Sponsor of Intl Decade for Culture of Peace. Wife of Jean Goss (qv).
1930-Alive - Bishop Thomas Gumbleton - Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in Detroit. Founded Pax Christi USA in 1972.
1930-Alive - Dolores Huerta - Labor leader & civil rights activist who, along with César Chávez, co-founded United Farm Workers (UFW).
1930-Alive - Megan Rice - Nun. One of 3 Transform Now Plowshares activists who cut fence in 2012 at Y12 National Security Complex & painted protests on Highly Enriched Uranium Facility.
c1930-Alive - Paul Rogers - Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford (England).
1930-Alive - Marshall Sahlins - Anthopologist at Univ of Chicago. Protested Vietnam War. Resigned 2013 from National Academy of Science in part due to its work w/US military.
1930-Alive - George Soros - Native speaker of Esperanto. Billionaire investor & philanthropist. Created Open Society Institute in 1993.
c1930-Alive - Eve Tetaz - Public-school teacher. Peace & justice activist. Arrested 11 times in 2007 for nonviolent civil resistance during protests against the war & occupation of Iraq.
c1930-Alive - Michael True. - Professor at Assumption College. President of International Peace Research Assn.
c1930-Alive - Tomijiro Yoshida - Businessman. Founded World Peace Bell Association in 1982. Has placed 5 World Peace Bells in Japan & one in each of 15 other countries.
1931-2005 - Dorothy Stang - Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. Outspoken on behalf of the poor & environment. Received death threats & murdered in Amazon Basin.
1931-2011 - Jean-Claude Bajeux - Professor of Caribbean literature. Political activist. Director of Ecumenical Center for Human Rights.
1931-2011 - Clive Rosher - Political activist. A founder of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).
1931-2012 - Marv Davidov - Activst & professor of nonviolence. Founded the Honeywell Project c.1968.
1931-2013 -
David Hartman - Rabbi & philosopher. Moved to Israel in 1971 & founded Shalom Hartman Institute. Helped build a more pluralistic & tolerant Israeli society.
1931-2014 - Vincent Harding - Historian, professor of religion & social activist. Knew & wrote about Martin Luther King, Jr.
1931-Alive - Fernando Henrique Cardosa -
Sociologist & professor. President of Brazil 1995-2003.
1931-Alive - Daniel Ellsberg - US military analyst. Leaked the Pentagon Papers about the Viet Nam War in 1971.
1931-Alive - Adolfo Perez Esquivel - Sculptor, architect & pacifist. Protested against FTAA & Argentine paramilitary squads.
1931-Alive - Billy Frank, Jr. - Environmental leader & advocate of Native American treaty rights.
1931-Alive - Mikhail Gorbachev - Last head of state of USSR 1988-91.
1931-Alive - Martin Harwit - Astronomer. Headed National Air & Space Museum but forced to resign in 1995 over proposed display of Hiroshima bomber Enola Gay.
1931-Alive - Toni Morrison - Novelist, editor & professor at Princeton University. Wrote "Beloved" in 1987 about a slave.
1931-Alive - Pierre Nora - Intellectual. Criticized "pieds noirs" in Algeria. Editor of multi-volume "Les Lieux de Mémoire" ("Rethinking France").
1931-Alive - Peng Qi'An - Victim of Cultural Revolution 1966-76. Founded Cultural Revolution Museum in Shantou in 2005.
1931-Alive -
Pete Stark - Member of Congress since 1973. Early opponent of Iraq War. First openly atheist member of Congress.
1931-Alive - Bishop Desmond Tutu - Anti-apartheid activist. First black Archbishop.
1931-Alive - Shigeko Yoshino Uppuluri - Born in Kyoto. Lived in Shanghai 1936-45. Worked to acquire International Friendship Bell in Oak Ridge (USA).
1932-1985 - Diane Fossey - Primatologist. Studied mountain gorillas of Rwanda for 18 years. Murdered in Ruhengeri by unknown assailants.
1932-1996 - Henri Nouwen - Dutch-born Catholic priest. Worked with mentally challenged people. Wrote 40 books about spirituality. P
1932-2001 - David McTaggart - Athelete & environmentalist. Helped found Greenpeace International. Sailed own boat
in 1972 to protest French nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific.
1932-2008 - Miriam Makeba - Singer & civil rights activist. First artist from Africa to popularize African music in US & around the world. Campaigned against apartheid.
1932-Alive - Dennis Banks - Native American. Depicted on peace mural in St. Paul, Minnesota (USA).
1932-Alive - Branko Lustig - Auschwitz survivor. Film producer, eg Schlindler's List. Honored for Holocaust education. Celebrated bar mitzvah at Auschwitz in 2011.
1932-Alive - Cornelio Sommaruga - Humanitarian, lawyer & diplomat. Pres of the Intl Cte of Red Cross ICRC) 1987-99. Chair of Geneva Intl Ctr Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD).
1932-Alive - Father Louie Vitale - Priest & anti-nuclear activist. Co-founded protest group Nevada Desert Experience in 1983. Arrested more than 400 times.
1932-Alive - Andrew Young - Disciple of MLK, Jr. Congressman. US Rep to UN. Mayor of Atlanta.
1933-1965 - Norman R. Morrison - Commited suicide at Pentagon to protest Vietnam War.
1933-1999 - Eqbal Ahmad - Journalist, teacher & anti-war activist. Taught in USA. Criticized US Middle East strategy & the "twin curse" of nationalism & religious fanaticism.
1933-2007 - Andrzej Werner - Journalist, trade specialist & social activist. Founder of Jean de Bloch Foundation in Warsaw.
1933-Alive -
Louis Appignani - Owned Barbizon Intl Modeling & Computer Education Inc. Funded Appignani Center for Bioethics & Appignani Humanist Legal Center.
1933-Alive - Ela Ramesh Bhatt - Founded Self-Employed Women's Assn (SEWA) in 1972. Recd Niwano Peace Prize in 2010.
1933-Alive -
Werner Fornos - President of The Population Insitute. "The foremost spokesman on global population issues."
1991 w/Lester R. Brown
1933-Alive -
Giuseppe Grattapaglia - FIAT executive. Works at Bona Espero in Brazil since 1974. Secretary of Esperanto Rotarian Fellowship (RADE).
1933-Alive -
Ursula Grattapaglia - Esperantist. Works at Bona Espero in Brazil since 1974. Active in Esperanto Rotarian Fellowship (RADE).
1933-Alive - George J. Mitchell - US Senator. Negotiated "Good Friday" peace agreement in Ireland.
1933-Alive - Yoko Ono - Artist, musician, author & peace activist. Known for avant-garde art, marriage to John Lennon (qv) & several peace monuments.
1933-Alive - Colin Scott - Bishop of Hulme 1984-1998. Prominent member of Anglican Pacifist Fellowship.
1933-Alive - Sulak Sivaraksa - Initiator of social, humanitarian, ecological & spiritual movements, eg Intl Network of Engaged Buddhists.
1933-Alive -
Steven Weinberg - Theoretical physicist.
1934-1996 -
Carl Sagan - Astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, science popularizer. Broadcast Cosmos: A Personal Voyage in 1980.
1934-2002 - Yayori Matsui - Journalist & women's rights activist. Founded Women’s Active Museum of War and Peace in Tokyo in 2005.
1934-Alive - Wendell Barry - Prolific novelist, poet, environmental activist, cultural critic & farmer.
1934-Alive - Lakhdar Brahimi - Diplomat & UN adviser. Member of Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor & Global Leadership Foundation.
1934-Alive - Lester R. Brown - Environmentalist. Founded Worldwatch Institute in 1974 & Earth Watch Institute in 2001.
1991 w/Werner Fornos
1934-Alive - Peter Dougherty - Catholic priest. Founded Michigan Peace Team in 1993. Received 'Intl Award for promoting Gandhian values outside India.'
1934-Alive - Christine Dull - Co-founded Dayton Interntional Peace Museum, Dayton, Ohio (USA), in 2005, with husband Ralph Dull.
1934-Alive - Marjorie Swann Edwin - Nuclear resister. Co-founded Cte for Nonviolent Action in 1957. Wife of Robert Swann (qv).
1934-Alive - Arun Gandhi - Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. Founded M.K. Gandhi Institute of Nonviolence (USA).
1934-Alive - Susan George - Political scientist. Anti-war & anti-corporate activist. Pres of Transnational Institute in Amsterdam.
1934-Alive - Jane Goodall - Primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist & UN Messenger of Peace. World's foremost expert on chimpanzees.
1934-Alive - Bill Moyers - Liberal television commentator. A trenchant critic of the US media.
1934-Alive - Ralph Nader - Attorney, author, lecturer, political activist & four-time candidate for US president.
c1934-Alive - Mark Pilisuk - Academic. Expert on poverty. Co-edited 3-volume "Peace Movements Worldwide" with Michael Nagler (qv).
1934-Alive - Marcus Raskin - Social critic, political activist, author & philosopher. Works for progressive social change.
1934-Alive -
Gloria Steinem - Feminist & journalist. Social & political activist. Leader of women's liberation movement in the late 1960's & 1970's.
1934-Alive - Cora Weiss - President of International Peace Bureau & Hague Appeal for Peace. Daughter & heir of philanthropist Samuel Rubin.
1935-2003 - Edward Said - Palestinian-American literary theorist & advocate for Palestinian rights. A founding figure in postcolonialism.
1935-2005 - Elmer Maas - Philosophy professor & anti-war activist. One of the Plowshares Eight in 1980.
1935-2009 - Millard Fuller - Founded Habitat for Humanity, Americus, Georgia (USA), in 1976.
1935-2009 - Marilyn Clement - Executive Director of Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) 1976-1989. Founder of Healthcare NOW!
1935-2011 - Jackie Hudson - Dominican Sister. Missioned to Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action near Bangor Trident Naval Base. Arrested at Y-12 in 2010.
1935-2012 - Walter Wink - Theologian. Coined "Myth of redemptive violence." Contributed to discourse on homosexuality & religion, pacifism, psychology & Biblical studies.
c1935-Alive - Gerard Cafesjian - Businessman & philanthropist. Gave $17.5 million for Armenian Genocide Museum of America in Washington, DC (USA).
1935-Alive - 14th Dalai Lama - Spiritual leader. Exiled from Tibet in 1959.
1935-Alive - Rajmohan Gandhi - Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. Wrote "Mohandas: A True Story of a Man, His People..."
1935-Alive - Jack Gilroy - Veteran & teacher. Sentenced 90-days for protesting US drone attacks at Hancock Air National Guard Base.
1935-Alive -
Richard D. Lamm - College professor & lawyer. Governor of Colorado 1975–1987. Co-Director of Public Policy Studies, University of Denver.
1935-Alive - Janet Rae Johnson Mondlane - Wife of Eduardo Mondlane. Co-founder of FRELIMO "Godmother of the Mozambique Revolution"
c1935-Alive - Don Tilley - Operated
Prairie Peace Park, Seward, Nebraska (USA), 1994-2005.
1935-Alive - Peter Watkins - Film & TV director. Pioneer of docudrama. Made Colloden, Edvard Munch, La Commune & "The Journey" (14.5 hrs about the arms race) in 1987.
1936-1994 - James Stoll - First ordained minister of any religion in USA or Canada (& possibly the entire world) to come out as gay.
1936-1995 - Mary Moylan - Nurse-midwife. Worked in Uganda. "Most elusive" of the Catonsville Nine in 1968. Remained in hiding until 1979.
1936-2005 - Dahlia Ravikovitch - Poet, translator & peace activist. Her poetry has been translated into 23 languages.
1936-2008 - Nader Khalili - Architect, writer & humanitarian. Invented Superadobe. Translated Persian poetry.
1936-2009 - Mary Travers - Social activist. Member of trio Peter, Paul and Mary.
1936-2011 - Václav Havel - Playwright, essayist, poet, dissident & politician. Czech president 1989-2003. Chair Human Rights Foundation. Pres Medal of Freedom 2003.
1936-2011 -
Gustavo Parajon - Medical doctor & pastor of First Baptist Church in Managua. Peace mediator with John Paul Lederach.
1936-2014 - Marion Barry - Civil rights leader in Nashville & Knoxville. First chair of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Later disgraced when mayor of Washington, DC.
c1936-2015 - Anthony Bing - Professor of English & peace studies. President of Peace & Justice Studies Assn. Expert in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
1936-2016 - Concepcion Picciotto - Lived in a peace camp opposite the White House since 1981. Longest protest in US history.
1936-Alive - Gar Alperovitz - Professor of political economy. Wrote "Decision To Use the Atomic Bomb," "Making a Place for Community," "America Beyond Capitalism" & "Unjust Deserts."
1936-Alive - Morris Dees - Co-founded Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, Alabama (USA), in 1971.
1936-Alive - F.W. de Klerk - Last apartheid-era president of South Africa 1989-1994.
1993 with Nelson Mandela
1936-Alive - Wes Jackson - Chaired one of 1st environmental studies programs in US. Founded Land Institute in 1976.
1936-Alive - Joel Kovel - Scholar & author. Critic of capialism, war, Zionism, environmentalism, etc.
1936-Alive - Robert Scheer - Journalist. Editor of Ramparts & Truthdig. Opposed war in Vietnam.
1936-Alive - Olzhas Suleimenov - Poet, Kazakhstani politician & Soviet anti-nuclear activist. Led establishment in 1989 of Nevada-Semipalatinsk to abolish nuclear test sites in USA & USSR.
1936-Alive - David Suzuki - Academic, science broadcaster & environmental activist.
1936-Alive - A. B. Yehoshua - Novelist, playwright & professor. Active in Israeli Peace Movement. Attended signing of Geneva Accord in 2003. Critic of Israeli occupation.
1937-2011 - Facundo Cabral - Argentine folksinger & peace activist. UN Messenger of Peace. Assassinated in Guatemala City.
1937-Alive -
Martti Ahtisaari - President of Finland. Helped solve conflicts in Namibia, Indonesia, Kosovo, Iraq, etc.
c1937-Alive - Riane Eisler - Scholar, writer & social activist. President of Center for Partnership Studies.
1937-Alive - Jane Fonda - Actress. Opposed Wars in Vietnam & Iraq. Co-founded Women's Media Center in 2005. Wife of Tom Hayden (qv).
1937-Alive - Robert Fulghum - Minister. Wrote "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" in 1988.
1937-Alive - John Hume - Enabled the the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement of 1998.
1998 with David Trimble
1937-Alive - Sister Mary Dennis Lentsch - Anti-war activist. Emprisoned for protesting at Y-12 bomb plant in Oak Ridge, TN.
1937-Alive - Edward W. Lollis - Foreign Service Officer. Webmaster of Peace Monuments Around the World. Editor of this web page.
1937-Alive - Marian Marzynski - Documentary filmaker. Survived Warsaw Ghetto. Presented "Never Forget to Lie" on public television in 2013.
1937-Alive - Michael Nagler - Academic & peace activist. Founded Peace & Conflict Studies (PACS) program at UC Berkeley. Brother of Eric Nagler (qv).
1937-Alive - Eleanor Holmes Norton - District of Columbia delegate to US House of Representatives. Civil rights activist. Aide to Bayard Rustin (qv).
1937-Alive - Tom Paxton - Folk singer & songwriter. Involved with causes that promoted human, civil & labor rights. Associated with Pete Seeger (qv).
1937-Alive - Kirkpatrick Sale - Scholar. Writes about environmentalism, luddism, technology & decentralism. Called "Leader of the Neo-Luddites."
1937-Alive - Tom Smothers - Comedian & singer. Opposed Vietnam War on TV show with brother Dick 1967-69.
1937-Alive - Noel Paul Stookey - Social activist. Member of trio Peter, Paul and Mary.
1938-1994 - Jerry Rubin - Social & anti-war activist in California. One of the "Chicago Eight" in 1968. Killed jay-walking.
1938-1998 -
Paul Smoker - Scholar/activist. Analysed peace problems scientifically. Applied them in his own personal life & politics.
1938-2012 - Juan Valdez - Land grant activist in New Mexico. Helped spark the Chicano Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's.
1938-Alive - Kofi Annan - Diplomat. UN Secretary General 1997-2007. Founded Global AIDS & Health Fund.
1938-Alive - Father Roy Bourgeois - Priest & Human rights activist. Founded School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch) in 1990 to protest US militarism in Central America.
1938-Alive - Helen Caldicott - Founded Women's Action for New Directions in 1982.
1938-Alive - Peter Edelman - Lawyer & law professor. Husband of Marian Wright Edelman (qv).
c1938-Alive - John Gittings - Author. Known for work on China & Cold War. Guardian corresondent. Wrote "The Glorious Art of Peace: From the Iliad to Iraq" in 2012.
1938-2013 - Aleksander Gudzowaty - Businessman. Gave $4 million for Tolerance Park & Monument on Haas Promenade, Jerusalem, to promote peace & tolerance.
1938-Alive - Saad Eddin Ibrahim - Sociologist & author. Egypt's leading human rights & democracy activist. Critic of Hosni Mubarak.
1938-Alive - Colman McCarthy - Journalist, teacher, lecturer, pacifist, anarchist & long-time peace activist. Directs Center for Teaching Peace in Washington, DC. P
1938-Alive - Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf - First woman freely elected as a head of state in Africa.
2011 with Leymah Gbowee & Tawakul Karman
1938-Alive - Lilly Ledbetter - Plaintiff in employment discrimination case Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Later became women's equality activist.
1938-Alive -
Joyce Carol Oates - Novelist & atheist. Professor of humanities at Princeton University since 1978.
1938-Alive -
Ted Turner - Media mogul & philanthropist. Founded Cable News Network. Gave $1 billion to UN causes. Chairs UN Foundation.
1938-Alive - Peter Yarrow - Social activist. Member of trio Peter, Paul and Mary.
1939-1964 - Michael (Mickey) Schwerner - Civil rights worker. Murdered by Klu Klux Klan near Philadelphia, Mississippi, with James Chaney & Andrew Goodman.
1939-2004 - Toma Sik - "Peace activist, anarchist, libertarian socialist, vegan, world citizen & pioneer of the Israeli-Palestinian search for peace." CO
1939-2010 - Arthur Gish - Peace activist, preacher, writer & public speaker. Opposed Vietnam & Iraq Wars. Served on Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron & At-tuwani (West Bank). CO
1939-2012 - Russell Means - Oglala Sioux activist. Leader of American Indian Movement (AIM). Helped lead uprising at Wounded Knee in 1973.
1939-Alive -
Margaret Atwood - Poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist & environmental activist. Among the most-honoured authors of fiction in recent history.
1939-Alive - Gro Harlem Brundtland - Physician & diplomat. PM 1986-96. Intl leader in sustainable development & public health.
1939-Alive - Elias Chacour - Archbishop in Haifa (Melkite Eastern Catholic Church). Promotes Arab-Israeli reconciliation. Author of "Blood Brothers."
1939-Alive - Marian Wright Edelman - Founded Childrens Defense Fund in 1973.
1939-Alive - Bernie Glassman - Zen Buddhist master (roshi). Co-founder of Zen Peacemakers (previously the Zen Peacemaker Order).
1939-2016 - Tom Hayden - Activist in
animal rights, anti-war & civil rights movements. Chicago Eight in 1968. Husband of Jane Fonda (qv).
1939-Alive - Rabbi Marvin Hier - Filmmaker. Dean & founder of Simon Wiesenthal Center & its Museum of Tolerance.
1939-Alive - Amos Oz - Novelist & journalist. Prof at Ben-Gurion Univ in Be'er Sheva. Advocate of a 2-state solution to the Palestinian conflict.
1939-Alive - Sister Helen Prejean - Death penalty opponent. Wrote "Dead Man Walking".
1939-Alive - Lynne Stewart - Attorney. Represented controversial, poor & often unpopular defendants. Sentenced in 2005 for conspiracy & providing material support to terrorists.
1940-1962? -
Daniel Amstutz Gerber - Mennonite Central Committee missionary in Vietnam. One of 3 abducted from leprosarium by Viet Cong in 1962 & mssing ever since.
1940-1980 - John Lennon - Singer-songwriter. Original Beatle 1960. Married Yoko Ono (qv) 1969. Wrote "Give Peace a Chance" & "Imagine."
1940-1994 - Wilma Rudolph - Athlete in 1956 & 1950 Olympic Games. "Fastest woman in the world." Civil rights & women's rights pioneer.
1940-2011 - Wangari Maathai - Environmental & political activist. Founded the Green Belt Movement.
1940-2011 - Paul Prebys - Speech Therapist. A founder of Alaskans for Peace & Justice (AKPJ) in Anchorage, Alaska (USA).
1940-2011 - Burhanuddin Rabbani - President of Afghanistan 1992-1996. Assassinated by suicide bomber at home in Kabul. President Hamid Karzai gave him title of "Martyr of Peace".
1940-Alive - Ikuro Anzai - Physicist. Professor of international affairs. Founded Kyoto Museum for World Peace in 1992. See bibliography.
c1940-Alive -
Sybila Arredondo - Anthropologist. Imprisoned in Peru as human rights activist.
c1940-Alive -
Norman Bent - Minister of the Moravian Church of Puerto Cabezas. Member of the Misquito community. Peace mediator with John Paul Lederach (qv).
1940-Alive - Ela Gandhi - Granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi. Dedicated peace monument in Independence, Missouri (USA).
1940-Alive - Ina May Gaskin - "Mother of Authentic Midwifery." "The most famous midwife in the world." Wife of Stephen Gaskin (qv).
c1940-Alive -
Lawrence Hart - A traditional Cheyenne peace chief. An authority on Cheyenne history & culture.
1940?-Alive - Akio Komatsu - Industrialist. President of Komatsu Electric Industry. Founded Human Nature & Science Institute Foundation in 1994.
1940-Alive - Bernard Lafayette - Civil rights movement (USA).
1940-Alive - John Lewis - Civil rights leader. US Congressman.
1940-Alive - Elizabeth McAlister - Roman Catholic nun. Married Philip Berrigan (qv). Co-founded Jonah House in 1973.
1940-Alive - Vijay Metha - Textile manufacturer. Co-Founded Uniting for Peace w/Philip Noel-Baker (qv). Promoted UN Millennium Development Goals. Wrote "The Economics of Killing."
1940-Alive - Edmund Morris - Writer. Biographer of Beethoven, Ronald Reagan & Theodore Roosevetl (qv).
1940-Alive - Óscar Rafael de Jesús Arias Sánchez - Pres of Costa Rica. Helped end civil wars in Central America.
1940-Alive - Martin Sheen - Actor. Arrested 66 times for protesting & acts of civil disobedience.
c1940-Alive - Nicholas D. Snider - Vice president of United Parcel Service. Founded National Museum of Patriotism in Atlanta, Georgia, based on his collection of sweetheart jewelry.
1940-Alive - Tommy Spree - Nephew of Ernst Friedrich (qv). Reopened Anti-Kriegs/Anti-War Museum in Berlin in 1982. Click here for more information. P
Named by Gerard Lössbroek.
1940-Alive - Muhammad Yunus - Banker & economist. Founder of Grameen Bank.
1941-1955 - Emmett Till - African-American boy from Chicago. Murdered in Mississippi at age 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman.
1941-1995 -
Ken Saro-Wiwa - Writer, TV producer & environmental activist. Received Right Livelihood Award. Hanged by the military government.
1941-2002 -
Stephen Jay Gould - Paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science & writer of popular science>
1941-2010 - Richard Holbrooke - Diplomat. Negotiated Dayton Peace Accords ending war in Bosnia. Helped Dayton Intl Peace Museum.
1941-Alive - Joan Baez - Folk singer. Civil rights activist. Had relationship with Bob Dylan (qv). Married to David Harris (qv) 1968-1973.
1941-Alive -
Richard Dawkins - Ethologist, evolutionary biologist & author. One of the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism."
1941-Alive - Bob Dylan - Singer-songwriter. His "Blowin' in the Wind" & "The Times They Are a-Changin'" were anthems for the civil rights & anti-war movements.
1941-Alive -
Barbara Ehrenreich - Feminist, democratic socialist & political activist. Called "a veteran muckraker." Author of 21 books.
1941-Alive - Svetlana Gannushkina - Mathematician & human rights activist. Contender for Nobel Peace Prize.
1941-Alive - David Hartsough - Anti-war activist. Co-founded Gandhi-like Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) in 2002 after attending Hague Appeal for Peace.
1941-Alive - James Hansen - Phyicist. Foremost climate change activist. Directed NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies 1981-2013. Wrote "Storms of My Grandchildren" (2009).
1941-Alive - George Lakoff - Cognitive linguist. Famous for identifying underlying metaphors, e.g. argument is war; government is family.
1941-Alive - Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold - Athropologist & MP. Named 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.
1941-Alive - Brian Willson - Peace activist & lawyer. Member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War & Veterans For Peace. Documented US war policy in nearly 24 countries.
1941-Alive - Lawrence S. Wittner - Peace historian, St Univ of New York Albany. Wrote "Peace Action," "Confronting the Bomb" & Memoirs.
1942-1981 - Liudmila Jivkova - De facto head of Bulgarian culture. Built Natl Palace of Culture. Produced Banner of Peace world children's assembly under UNESCO in 1979.
1942-1996 - Mario Savio - Leader of Free Speech Movement at University of California Berkeley in 1964-65.
1942-Alive - Tadatoshi Akiba - Mayor of Hiroshima since 1999. President of Mayors for Peace.
1942-Alive - Muhammad Ali - Heavyweight boxer. Born Cassius Clay. UN Messenger of Peace. See museum in Louisville, Kentucky.
1942-Alive -
Daniel C. Dennett - Philosopher, writer & cognitive scientist. One of the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism."
1942-Alive - Mohamed ElBaradei - Law scholar & diplomat. IAEA Director General 1997-2009.
1942-Alive - Garrison Keillor - Broadcaster & story teller.
1942-Alive - Jeffrey S. Wigand - VP of R&D, whistleblower. Revealed that Brown & Williamson intentionally increased Nicotine. Portrayed in "The Insider." Married to Hope Elizabeth May.
1942-Alive - Eric Nagler - Musician & TV personality. Moved to Canada in opposition to Vietnam War. Acquitted in 1972. Brother of Michael Nagler (qv).
c1942-Alive - David Krieger - Attorney & political scientist. Founded Nuclear Age Peace Foundation in 1982.
c1942-Alive - Gillian Miller Sorensen - Asst UN SecGen for external relations. Senior Adviser to UN Foundation (Ted Turner). Husband of Ted Sorensen [1928-2010].
1943-1955 - Sadako Sasaki - Hiroshima victim. Attempted to fold 1,000 origami cranes before her death at age 12.
1943-1964 - James Earl Chaney - Civil rights worker. Murdered by Klu Klux Klan near Philadelphia, Mississippi, with Andrew Goodman & Michael (Mickey) Schwerner.
1943-1964 - Andrew Goodman - Civil rights worker. Murdered by Klu Klux Klan near Philadelphia, Mississippi, with James Earl Chaney & Michael (Mickey) Schwerner.
1943-1997 - John Denver - Singer-song writer. Supported humanitarian & environmental causes. Founded Windstar Foundation & Plant-It 2020.
1943-2002 - John Wallach - Journalist, author & editor. Foreign Editor for Hearst Newspapers 1968–95. Founded Seeds of Peace (SOP), an international camp in Maine, in 1993.
1943-Alive - Mubarak Awad - Psychologist. Founded Palestinian Ctr for Study of Nonviolence (now Holy Land Trust) in 1985. Father of Sami Awad.
1943-Alive - Elaine Brown - Prison activist, writer & singer. Former chair of Black Panther Party. Founded Mothers Advocating Juvenile Justice.
1943-Alive - Scilla Elworthy - Political scientist. Founded the Oxford Research Group in 1982.
1943-Alive - Todd Gitlin - Public intellectual. Writes on mass media, politics & the arts. President of Students for a Democratic Society in 1960's.
1943-Alive - Michael Lerner - Rabbi. Wrote "The Politics of Meaning" in 1996. Edits Tikkun Magazine. Chairs Network of Spiritual Progressives.
1943-Alive - James E. Muller - Cardiologist. Exchange student in USSR 1967. One of 3 US founders of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).
1943-Alive - Jonathan Schell - Visiting fellow at Yale University. Writes primarily about campaigning against nuclear weapons. Wrote "Fate of the Earth" in 1982.
1943-Alive - Lech Walesa - Trade-union & HR activist. Co-founded Solidarity. Pres of Poland 1990–95.
1943-Alive -
Faye Wattleton - President of Planned Parenthood 1978–1992. President of Center for the Advancement of Women.
1943-Alive - Betty Williams - Cofounded "The Peace People" to help end "The Troubles" in Ireland.
1976 with Mairead Corrigan
1944-1985 - Alex Odeh - Regional director of American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC). Killed by bomb as he opened his office door in Santa Ana, CA.
1944-1988 - Chico Mendes - Rubber tapper, trade unionist & environmentalist. Fought for Amazon rainforest & advocated for indigenous peoples. Assassinated by a rancher.
1944-Alive - Karen Armstrong - Author on comparative religion. Wrote "A History of God" in 1993. Received TED Prize in 2008.
1944-Alive - Mairead Corrigan - Cofounded "The Peace People" to help end "The Troubles" in Ireland.
1976 with Betty Williams
1944-Alive - Angela Davis - Civil rights activist, educator & author.
Member of Black Panther Party. Founded Critical Resistance in 1998.
1944-Alive - Ban Ki-Moon - Career diplomat. 8th Secretary General of the United Nations since 2007.
1944-Alive - George Lakey - Professor of peace studies. Nonviolence organizer. Cofounded Movement for a New Society in 1971.
1944-Alive -
Richard Leakey - Paleoanthropologist & conservationist. Son of Louis & Mary Leakey.
1944-Alive - John Marks - Foreign Service Officer 1966-1970. Founded Search for Common Ground in 1982.
1944-Alive - Timothy S. Miller - Professor of religious studies. Writes about history of communitarianism.
1944-Alive - Leonard Peltier - American Indian Movement. In prison for deaths at Pine Ridge IR. A political prisoner according to many.
1944-Alive - Lindis Percy - Nurse, midwife, health visitor & peace activist. Founding member of Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases.
1944-Alive - Jessica Reynolds Shaver Renshaw - Author. Sailed with parents Earle & Barbara Reynolds (qv) into atomic test area in 1958.
1944-Alive - Mary Robinson - President of Ireland 1990-97. UN High Commissioner for Refugees 1997-2002.
1944-Alive - David Trimble - Enabled the the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement of 1998.
1998 with John Hume
1944-Alive - Jakob von Uexkull - Lecturer, activist & politician. Established Right Livelihood Award (aka "Alternative Nobel Prize") 1980 & World Future Council 2006.
1944-Alive -
Alice Walker - Author, poet & activist. Best known for "The Color Purple" in 1982.
1944-Alive - Jesse Winchester - Singer-songwriter. Moved from USA to Canada in 1967 to avoid the Vietnam War draft. CO
1944-Alive - Howard Zehr - Codirects Ctr for Justice & Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite Univ, Harrisonburg, VA (USA).
1945-1971 -
Ted Studebaker - Brethren, pacifist & conscientious objector. Agricultural worker during the Vietnam War. Executed by North Vietnam. P CO
1945-1975 - Anna Mae Aquash - Mi'kmaq from Nova Scotia. Highest-ranking woman in American Indian Movement (AIM). Killed on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
1945-1981 - Bob Marley - Singer-songwriter & musician. Spread reggae music & Rastafari movement worldwide. Awarded Peace Medal of the Third World by the UN. Died age 36.
1945-1990 - Joseph Doucé - Psychologist & Baptist pastor in Paris. Among founders of Intl Lesbian & Gay Association. Killed by French secret police?
1945-2007 - Iccho Itoh - Mayor of Nagasaki from 1995. Testified at World Court against nuclear weapons. Killed by a senior member of Yamaguchi-gumi, an organized crime group.
1945-Alive - Ruth J. Abram - Writer & artist. Founded Lower East Side Tenement Museum in 1988 & Intl Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC) in 1999. See video.
1945-Alive - Hizkias Assefa - Professor & reconciliation mediator. Founded African Peacebuilding & Reconciliation Network.
1945-Alive - Andy Barrie - Host of CBC Radio's Metro Morning. Deserted US Army in 1969 after being ordered to Vietnam. CO
1945-Alive - Michael Berenbaum - Scholar, professor, rabbi & film-maker. Holocaust specialist. Project Director of US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
c1945-Alive - Harry E. Blythe III - Philanthropist. Donated statues of Ignacy Jan Paderewski to Univ of So California, Polish Embassy & Jagiellonion Univ in Krakow (Poland).
c1945-Alive - Dr. Kali P. Chaudhuri - Doctor. Owns hospitals & KPC Group of Companies. Donated Gandhi Statue in Riverside, California, in 2005.
1945-Alive - Aung San Suu Kyi - General Secretary of Burmese National League for Democracy. Released from house arrest in November 2010.
1945-Alive - Graça Machel - Advocate for children's & women's rights. Widow of Samora Machel & 3rd wife of Nelson Mandela.
1945-Alive - Paul Rivero - Poet, journalist & dissident. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Václav Havel.
1945-Alive - Neil Young - Singer-song writer. Advocate for environmental issues & welfare of small farmers. Co-founded benefit concert Farm Aid. Helped found The Bridge School in 1986.
1946-1977 - Stephen Biko - Founder & leader of Black Consciousness Movement. Died in police custody.
1946-Alive - Hanan Ashrawi - Christian legislator, activist & scholar. Protégé of Edward Said (qv).
1946-Alive - Bill Clinton - 42nd US President 1993-2001. Started William J. Clinton Foundation in 2001 & Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in 2005.
1946-Alive - Michael D. Knox - Professor of Psychology. Founded the US Peace Memorial Foundation in 2005.
1946-Alive - Ron Kovic - Anti-war activist. Paralyzed Vietnam War veteran. Wrote "Born on the Fourth of July."
1946-Alive - Dennis Kucinich - Mayor of Cleveland. Congressman. Proposed a US Department of Peace.
1946-Alive - David Harris - Journalist & author. Protested Vietnam War. Married to Joan Baez (qv) 1968-1973. CO
1946-Alive - Roméo Dellaire - General, senator & humanitrian. UN peacekeeper in Rwanda. Ordered not to stop Hutu/Tutsi genocide in 1994.
1946-Alive - Jeff Halper - Anthropologist, author & political activist. Co-founded Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD).
1946?-Alive - G. Simon Harak - Jesuit priest, peace activist & professor of theology. Director of Center for Peacemaking at Marquette University.
1946-Alive - Libby Hostetler - Teacher. Education Professor at Bluffton University in Ohio. Founded Lion & Lamb Peace Arts Center in 1986.
1946-Alive - Mo Ibrahim - Mobile communications entrepreneur & billionaire. Set up Mo Ibrahim Foundation in 2006 to encourage better governance in Africa.
1946-Alive - Peter Singer - Moral philosopher. Professor at Princeton University. Proponent of biocentrism. Wrote "Animal Liberation" in 1975.
1946-Alive - Steven Spielberg - Film director, screenwriter & producer.
Used profits from Schindler's List to set up Shoah Foundation that interviewed c.52,000 Holocaust witnesses.
1946-Alive - Jo Vallentine - Peace activist & politician. Elected to Senate 1985-92 as member of Nuclear Disarmament Party.
1947-1983 - Emil Grunzweig - Peace activist. Member of Peace Now. Killed by grenade thown at a peace rally in Jerusalem.
1947-1992 - Petra Kelly - Helped found German Green Party after living in USA 1959-70. Murdered at age 44.
1947-2008 - Linda Kraeger - Co-authored "Trust & Treachery: A Historical Novel of Roger Williams in America." One of 2 UU's randomly killed in 2008 at UU church in Knoxville, TN.
1947-2009 - William Thomas Hallenback Jr. - Known as Thomas. Anti-nuclear activist & simple living adherent. Maintained 27-year vigil at White House from 1981.
1947-2012 - Richard Adams - Gay rights activist. With partner Anthony Sullivan, one of the first gay couples to receive a marriage license (Boulder, CO, 1975).
1947-Alive - Hawa Abdi - Gynaecologist & lawyer. Helps internally displaced persons (IDP's). Nominated for 2012 Nobel Peace Prize by AFSC.
1947-Alive - Shirin Ebadi - Lawyer & human rights activist. Founded Centre for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran.
1947-Alive - Arthur Eyffinger - Classicist & historian. Peace Palace Library 1985-1988, Intl Court of Justice 1988-2002. Founded JUDICAP in 2003.
1947-Alive - Sylvia Baraldini - Radical activist. Emprisoned 17 years in USA + 7 in Italy. See 2009 film "Freeing Silvia Baraldini."
1947-Alive - Schera Chadwick - Biologist & entrepreneur. Married Edward W. Lollis in 1990. Active in FEN.
c1947-Alive - David Cortright - Scholar & peace activist. Director of Policy Studies at the Kroc Inst for Intll Peace Studies at Univ of Notre Dame. Chair of Fourth Freedom Forum.
1947-Alive - Alfred-Maurice de Zayas - Lawyer, writer, historian & peace activist. UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic & Equitable International Order.
1947-Alive - Gene Robinson - First openly gay Episcopal bishop.
1947-Alive - Terje Rød-Larsen - Diplomat, politician & sociologist. Directed Fato Inst during Oslo Accords. UN Special Coordinator in Occupied Territories.
1947-Alive - Peter Wolf Toth - Wood carver. Sculpted a "Whispering Giant" statue of an Indian in every US state.
1947-Alive -
Baldemar Velasquez - Labor union activist. Co-founder & president of Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO. MacArthur Fellow ("Genius Grant") in 1989.
1947-Alive - Ann Wright - Peace activist. One of only three US Foreign Service Officers to resign over the war in Iraq.
1948-2003 - Sérgio Vieira de Mello - UN peacekeeper. Killed in Iraq. Click here for UN peace monuments.
1948-2010 - Tony Judt - Historian. Public Intellectual. Founded Erich Maria Remarque Institute in 1995.
1948-2011 - R. Scott Kennedy - Co-founder of Witness for Peace (WFP), the Resource Center for Nonviolence & Interfaith Peacebuilders.
1948-2011 - Laura Inés Pollán Toledo - Teacher & opposition leader. Founded the dissident group Damas de Blanco.
1948-2017 - Hans Rosling - Medical doctor, academic & statistician. Acclaimed TED lecturer. Founded
Gapminder Foundation.
1948-Alive - James R. Bowsher - Writer,
archaeologist, collector & lecturer. Master of the Temple of Tolerance, Wapakoneta, Ohio.
1948-Alive - Benjamin Chavis - Civil rights leader. Led Wilmington Ten in 1971. Active in NAACP, Million Man March, Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, etc.
1948-Alive - Al Gore - 45th US vice president 1993-2001. Made the film An Inconvenient Truth in 2006.
1948-Alive - David Krieger - Founder & President of Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.
1948-Alive - Lewis M. Randa - Founded Life Experience School & Peace Abbey (Sherborn, Massachusetts (USA), 1988).
1948-Alive - Feisal Abdul Rauf - Sufi imam in New York City. Wrote "What's Right with Islam Is What's Right with America."
1948-Alive - Cat Stevens - Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, humanitarian, education philanthropist & prominent convert to Islam.
1948-Alive - Peter van den Dungen - Born in Haarlem. Peace historian. Founded Intl Network of Museums for Peace 1992. See bibliography.
1948-Alive - Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo - Made "efforts to hinder oppression."
1996 with Jose Ramos-Horta
1949-1997 - Judi Bari - Environmentalist & labor leader, feminist & principal organizer of Earth First!.
1949-2011 - Brian Haw - Peace campaigner & "Symbol of anti-war movement." Lived almost 10 years in peace camp in Parliament Square protesting UK & US foreign policy.
1949-2011 -
Christopher Hitchens - Author, columnist & literary critic. World's 5th top public intellectual. One of "Four Horsemen of New Atheism."
1949-2012 - Gerd Greune - Teacher & peace activist. Key figure in Inst for Intl Assistance & Solidarity (IFIAS) & European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO). CO
1949-Alive -
Kiran Bedi - Social activist. First woman officer in Indian Police Service (IPS).
1949-Alive - Chip Berlet - Paralegal investigative journalist & photographer. Exposes the religious right, white supremacists, etc.
1949-Alive - Kathy Calvin - Journalist & PR professional. President & CEO of UN Foundation (Ted Turner).
1949-Alive - Alan Phillip Gross - International development professional. Emprisoned 2004-14 for taking communications gear to Jewish group in Cuba under contract to USAID.
1949-Alive - Katherine Josten - Founder/Director of Global Art Project for Peace (GAP). "My work would be considered 'new genre public art.'"
1949-Alive -
Aaron David Miller - Historian, Middle East analyst, & negotiator. In US State Dept. 1978–2003. President of Seeds of Peace 2003-2006. Now at Woodrow Wilson Intl. Center.
1949-Alive - Holly Near - Singer song-writer & anti-war activist.
1949-Alive -
Katha Pollitt - Feminist poet & writer. Focuses on political & social issues, including abortion rights, racism, welfare reform, feminism & poverty. Columnist for The Nation.
1949-Alive -
Jose Ramos-Horta - President of East Timor. Made "efforts to hinder oppression."
1996 with Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo
1949-Alive - William F. Schultz - Minister. Headed UUA 1985-1993, Amnesty International 1994-2006 & UUSC from 2011.
1949-Alive - Michael R. Walli - One of 3 Transform Now Plowshares activists who cut fence in 2012 at Y12 National Security Complex & painted protests on Highly Enriched Uranium Facility.
1950-2012 - Carlos Vargas - Professor. VP of Intl Assn of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms. Helped draft "Model Nuclear Weapons Convention" for UN Gen Asby in 1997.
1950-Alive - Richard Branson - Controls Virgin Group of more than 400 companies. Sent "Reconciliation" by Josefina de Vasconcellos to Belfast, Berlin, Coventry & Hiroshima.
1950-Alive - Mel Duncan - Helped organize Advocating Change Together (ACT) in 1979. Co-founded Gandhi-like Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) in 2002 after attending Hague Appeal for Peace.
1950-Alive -
Rebecca Goldstein - Novelist & professor of philosophy. Wife of Steven Pinker.
1950-Alive - Wei Jingsheng - Chinese democracy movement. Wrote "Fifth Modernization" on "Democracy Wall" in 1978.
1950-Alive -
Ivo Markovic - Franciscan priest. Founded interfaith peacemaking choir Pontanim in Sarajevo. Lives in exile in Zagreb.
c1950-Alive - Mark Rogovin - Muralist. Son of Milton Rogovin (qv). Co-founded The Peace Museum, Chicago, Illinois (USA), in 1981.
1950-Alive - Jill Stein - Physician & politician. Green Party nominee for US President in 2012. Endorsed by Noam Chomsky & Chris Hedges among others.
c1950-Alive - Harry Targ - Director of peace studies program at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
1950-Alive - Jody Williams - Teacher & aid worker.
1997 with International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)
1950-Alive - Rowan Williams - Poet & theologian. Archbishop of Canterbury since 2003.
1951-2006 - Tom Fox - Member of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). Killed in Iraq in 2006.
1951-Alive - Gilbert Baker - Artist & civil rights activist. Designed the Rainbow Flag (often used as a symbol of gay pride in LGBT rights marches) in 1978.
1951-Alive - Phyllis Bennis - Journalist & political commentator. Critic of Israel. Advocate for Palestinian rights. Directs New Internationalism Project at Inst for Policy Studies.
1951-Alive - Vallerie Flessati - Secretary of Pax Christi in the UK. Created "Peace Trails Through London." Married Bruce Kent (qv) in 1988.
1951-Alive - Bob Geldof - Singer-songwriter & political activist, especially anti-poverty efforts in Africa. Founded Band Aid & Live Aid. See Bono.
1951-Alive - Martin Indyk - Foreign policy expert. Twice US ambassador to Israel. Conducted Israel-Palestine peace talks in 2013.
1951-Alive - Alexander Ogorodnikov - Chairman of the Russian Orthodox Argentov Seminar, peace activist, Gulag survivor & founder of several humanitarian organizations.
1951-Alive - Ahmet Üzümcü - Diplomat. Director General of Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) which received Nobel Peace Prize in 2013.
1952-Alive - Medea Benjamin - Political activist. Co-founded Code Pink & fair trade advocacy group Global Exchange.
Received US Peace Memorial Foundation prize in 2012.
1952-Alive - Salam Fayyad - Economist. Prime minister of Palestine 2007-2013. US & Israeli retaliation for Palestine's bid for UN membership led to his resignation.
1952-Alive - Francis Fukuyama - Political economist. Wrote The End of History & the Last Man in 1992.
1952-Alive - Kathy Kelly - Peace activist & pacifist. A founding members of Voices in the Wilderness. Co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. Traveled to Iraq 26 times. Arrested more than 60 times. P
1952-Alive - Dorothy (Dot) Maver - Helped found National Peace Academy (NPA) in 2009.
1952-Alive - Oswaldo Paya - Political activist. Considered Cuba's most prominent political dissident. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Václav Havel.
1952-Alive - Vandana Shiva - Ecofeminist. Founded Navdanya in Northern India. Leader of International Forum on Globalization.
1952-Alive - Laszlo Tokes - Politician & bishop of the Reformed Church in Romania. Move to remove him Sparked overthrow of Ceausescu in 1989.
1953-1980 - Jean Donovan - Maryknoll lay missionary. Raped & killed with 3 American nuns by Salvadorian army.
1953-1999 - Lenny Zakim - Religious & civil rights leader. Boston's Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge is named in his honor.
1953-Alive - Norman Finkelstein - Political scientist. Author of "On 'From Time Immemorial'" (1984) & "The Holocaust Industry" (2000).
1953-Alive - Douglas P. Fry - Anthropologist. Leading authority on aggression, conflict & conflict resolution.
1953-Alive - Kassym-Jomart Tokayev - Kazakhstan Foreign Min 2003-07. Chaired Senate 2007-11. Director Gen UN Office at Geneva since 2011.
1954-1995 - Jon Garth Murray - Son of Madalyn Murray O'Hair (qv). President of Am Atheists 1986-1995. Murdered with his mother & niece Robin Murray O'Hair by David Waters.
1954-Alive - Roger Mayou - Art historian. Was artistic advisor at UBS. Director of International Red Cross & Red Crescent Museum in Geneva since 1998.
c1954-Alive - J. Fred Arment - Director of marketing firm. Novelist. Wrote "The Elements of Peace." Founded International Cities of Peace.
1954-Alive - Mustafa Barghouti -
Democracy activist. Ran for Palestinian president in 2005 & finished 2nd to Mahmoud Abbas.
1954-Alive - Betty Bigombe - Administrator & parliamentarian. Mediated with Ugandan rebels.
1954-Alive - David Grossman - Novelist, essayist & peace activist. Wrote the anti-war novel "To the end of the land" in 2010.
1954-Alive -
Steven Pinker - Experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist & popular science author. Husband of Rebecca Goldstein.
1954-Alive -
Kailash Satyarthi - Children's rights & anti-slavery activist. Founded Save the Childhood Movement (BBA) in 1980.
2014 with Malala Yousafzai.
c1954-Alive - Linda Stout - Activist. Created Piedmont Peace Project & Spirit in Action. Wrote "Bridging the Class Divide" in 1997.
1954-Alive - Mordechai Vanunu - Nuclear technician. Revealed Israeli nuclear program in 1986. CND headquarters named for him in London.
1955-2017 - Liu Xiaobo - Human rights activist. Pres of Independent Chinese PEN Center. Sentenced to prison 2009-2020.
1955-Alive - Johanna Berrigan - Medical assistant. Catholic Worker. Co-founded House of Grace in Philadelphia. Visits poor in Haiti & Iraq.
1955-Alive - Gregory I. Boertje-Obed - One of 3 Transform Now Plowshares activists who entered Y12 National Security Complex in 2012 & painted protests on Highly Enriched Uranium Facility.
1955-Alive - Tom Flynn - Executive Director of Council for Secular Humanism. Editor of Free Inquiry magazine. Created Freethought Trail in Western NY State. See Paul Kurtz.
1955-Alive - Bill Gates - Invented Windows. Chairman of Microsoft Corporation. Husband of Melinda Gates (qv). Co-founded Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
1955-Alive - Adam Keller - Israeli "refusenik." Cofounder of & spokesman for Gush Shalom / Peace Bloc. CO
1955-Alive - Barbara Kingsolver - Novelist, essayist & poet. Writes about social justice, biodiversity & human interaction.
1955-Alive - John Paul Lederach - Founded Ctr for Justice & Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite Univ. Now Prof of Intl Peacebuilding at Univ of Notre Dame. Mediator, negotiator & peacebuilding practitioner.
1955-Alive - Cynthia McKinney - 3rd "Peace Thru Conscience" Award of Munich American Peace Committee in 2010.
1955-Alive -
Bill Nye - Science educator, comedian, mechanical engineer & scientist. Broadcast Bill Nye the Science Guy 1993–1998.
1955-Alive - Bob Raeside - Teacher at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Director of Flags of the World (FOTW) database.
1955-Alive - Jigme Singye Wangchuck - King of Bhután 1972-2006. Reformer. Established Gross National Happiness in 1972.
1956-1979 - Solomon Mahlangu - ANC member. Trained as “The Spear of the Nation” soldier. Wrongfully accused of murder & terrorism. Executed by hanging at age 23.
1956-Alive - Nafez Assaily - Founded Library on Wheels for Nonviolence & Peace (LOWNP) in Hebron (Palestine).
1956-Alive - Ellen Barfield - Peace activist. US Army 1977-81. Peace Farm. In Veterans for Peace, WILPF, WRL, SOAW & NCNR. Wife of Larry Egbert [d.2016].
1956-Alive -
Judith Butler - "Feminist theorist." Philosopher at Univ of California, Berkeley. Leader of Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) against Israel.
1956-Alive - Chris Hedges - Socialist journalist. Wrote "War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning" in 2002 & "The World As It Is" in 2011.
1956-Alive - Anita Hill - Attorney & academic. Advocate of women's rights. Accused Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991.
1956-Alive - Ralph Hutchison - Presbyterian minister. Anti-nuclear activist. Coordinator of Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA).
1956-Alive - Geshe Thubten Phelgye - Buddhist lama & peace activist. Promotes vegetarianism & humane treatment of animals. Active in Sulha Peace Project.
1956-Alive - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Exponent of Advaita Vedanta & spiritual leader of Art of Living Foundation.
1957-2004 - Theo van Gogh - Film director, writer & critic. Opposed Muslim treatment of women. Murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri.
1957-Alive - Chris Anderson - Born in Pakistan. Attended Woodstock School. Host of TED Conferences (owned by his Sapling Foundation).
1957-Alive - Billy Bragg - Singer-songwriter & left-wing activist. His lyrics mostly deal with political or romantic themes.
1957-Alive - Carol Brouillet - Political activist & organizer. Active in Green Party, 9/11 Truth Movement, International Media Project & Who's Counting Project.
1957-Alive - Amy Goodman - Broadcast journalist & author. Principal host of Democracy Now! on Pacifica Radio.
1957-Alive - Greg Mortenson - Wrote "Three Cups of Tea" & Pennies for Peace. Ran Central Asia Inst but mismanaged money in 2011.
1957-Alive - Laurence Overmire - "Poet, author, actor, educator, genealogist, peace activist, civil rights, human rights & animal rights advocate & environmentalist."
1957-Alive - Robert Rivas - Civil rights attorney. ACLU. Counsel for Final Exit Network (FEN). Advisor to Rick A. Ross Institute.
1957-Alive - Peter Rühe - Scholar. Foremost Gandhian activist. Founded & heads Gandhitopia & GandhiServe Foundation.
1957-Alive - Cindy Sheehan - Anti-war activist. Maintained protest outside President Bush's Texas ranch in August 2005.
1957-Alive -
Paul Zachery Myers - Evolutionary biologist. Public critic of intelligent design (ID). Widely regarded as a confrontationalist.
1957-Alive -
Mazin Qumsiyeh - Geneticist, teacher & spokesperson for Palestinian rights. Professor at Duke, Yale & 3 Palestinian universities.
1957-Alive -
Ai Weiwei - Artist & political activist. Prisoned for investigating government corruption & cover-ups. Subject of 2012 documentary "Never Sorry."
1957-Alive - Roy Zimmerman - Singer-songwriter. Satirist. Wrote "Hope, Struggle & Change."
1958-2006 - Anna Politkovskaya - Journalist, writer & human rights activist. Known for opposition to the Chechen conflict.
1958-2009 - Natalia Estemirova - Human rights activist. On board of Russian human rights organisation Memorial. Abducted from her home in Grozny, Chechnya.
1958-2011 - Juliano Mer-Khamis - Actor & political activist. Murdered in Janin (Occupied West Bank) at Freedom Theatre which he founded in 2006.
1958-Alive - Kathy Mattea - Singer-songwriter & social activist. Promotes HIV/AIDS-related charities & Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth."
1959-Alive - Father John Dear - Priest, pacifist, author & lecturer. Arrested over 75 times in acts of nonviolent civil disobedience against ref="war, injustice & nuclear weapons.
1959-Alive - Alexandra Hildebrandt - Artist. Director of Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie ("1st museum of intl nonviolent protest"). Widow of Ranier Hildebrandt (qv).
1959-Alive - Ravindra Kumar - Political scientist, peace-worker & educationalist. Editor of "Global Peace International Journal." Author of many works on Mahatma Gandhi & others.
1959-Alive - Jeanmarie Simpson - Peace activist & actress. Wrote plays about Jeannette Rankin ("A Single Woman") & Mary Dyer (qv). Member of WILPF. P
1959-Alive - Rigoberta Menchu Tum - Promotes rights of Guatemala's indigenous peoples.
1960-Alive - Rabbi Arik Ascherman - Moved to Israel in 1994. Now Executive Director of Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR).
1960-Alive - Bono - Singer & musician. Social activist. Called "the face of fusion philanthropy."
1960-Alive - Bill McKibben - Environmentalist activist. Writes extensively on global warming. Founded 350.org. One of Fortune's "100 most important global thinkers."
1960-Alive - Jafar Penahi - Filmmaker. Smuggled "This is Not a Film" out of Iran in 2011 to protest his being banned from filmmaking.
1960-Alive - Yulia Tymoshenko - Economist. Twice prime minister of Ukraine. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
c1960-Alive - Colin Archer - Secretary-General of the International Peace Bureau in Geneva since 1990.
c1960-Alive - John H. Brown - Writer & teacher. One of only three US Foreign Service Officers to resign over the war in Iraq.
c1960-Alive - Wendy Chmielewski - Curator of Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania (USA).
c1960-Alive - David Grossman - Wrote "On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War & Society" in 1995.
c1960-Alive - John Brady Kiesling - Writer & lecturer. One of only three US Foreign Service Officers to resign over the war in Iraq.
c1960-Alive - Steve Leeper - Chair of Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. From Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
c1960-Alive - Jacqueline Novogratz - Founder & CEO of Acumen Fund which uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve global poverty. Wife of TED host Chris Anderson (qv).
c1960-Alive - Bob Reuschlein - Futurist. Called Dr. Peace. Wrote “Peace Economics” in 1986 & “Real Economy” in 1999. Attended Hague Peace Conference in 1999.
c1960-Alive -
Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou - Author, documentary filmmaker, public intellectual, organizer, pastor & theologian. Click here for his FOR blog.
1961-Alive - Óscar Elías Bicet - Medical professional. Advocate for human rights & democracy. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Václav Havel.
1961-Alive - Kathryn Bolkovac - Police officer. Exposed prostitution & corrupt UN police in Bosnia. Subject of "The Whistleblower" film.
1961-Alive -
Greta Christiana - Blogger & author.
1961-Alive - Barak Hussein Obama II - 44th US president. First African-American US president.
1961-Alive - Miko Peled - Peace activist, author & karate instructor. Opposes the wall. Advocates one nation for Jews & Palestinians.
1961-Alive - Scott Ritter - Chief UN weapons inspector in Iraq 1991-98. Then anti-war author & talk show commentator.
1961-Alive - Leyla Zana - Turkish politician emprisoned for speaking Kurdish.
1962-Alive - Mark Colville - Peace activist. Member of Amistad Catholic Worker in New Haven, Connecticut. Arrested in 2014 while protesting US drone murders at Hancock Air National Guard Base.
1962-Alive - Taslima Nasrin - Physician. Author of 33 books. Supports human rights & criticizes religion. "All religions are antiwomen." In exile since 1994. Has received many intl awards.
c1962-Alive - Laura Poitras - Filmmaker. Made films about Iraq, Guantanemo & Edward Snowden (qv). Now part of First Look Media.
1962-Alive - Alyn Ware - Peace activist. VP of Intl Peace Bureau. Coodinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation & Disarmament (PNND) in NYC.
1963-2002 - Daniel Pearl - Journalist. Dual citizenship (US & Israel). Decapitated by Al-Qaeda member Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Pakistan.
1963-2011 - Sonia Perez - Activist for the rights of people of Haitian descent in the Dominican Republic.
1963-Alive - Julian Lennon - Musician. Son of John Lennon. Promotes co-existence thru White Feather Found & Whaledreamers Org. Unveiled Lennon monument in 2010.
1964-2001 - Digna Ochoa - Human rights lawyer. Defended peasant ecologists in Guerrero. Received post mortem International Human Rights Award from Global Exchange.
1964-2013 - Chokri Belaïd - Lawyer & politician. Opposed Ben Ali regime prior to Tunisian revolution & Islamist government. Assassinated February 6, 2013. Funeral attended by million people.
1964-Alive -
Omar Barghouti - A founder of Palestinian Campaign for Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI). Born in Qatar, raised in Egypt, moved to Ramallah.
1964-Alive - Sergeant Kevin Benderman - Court martialed in July 2005 for refusing to serve US Army in Iraq. CO
1964-Alive -
Melinda Gates - Wife of Bill Gates (qv). Co-founded Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 1994.
1964-Alive - John Kiriakou - CIA analyst & investigator for Senate Foreign Relations Committee. First official to confirm US used waterboarding to interrogate al-Qaeda prisoners.
1964-Alive -
Dan Savage - Media pundit, journalist & editor. Writes sex advice column "Savage Love." Ran "It Gets Better" project to help prevent suicide by LGBT youth.
1965-2012 - Rodney King - Beaten March 3, 1991, by Los Angeles police officers. A videotape of the beating aroused public anger, & he famously asked "Can we all get along?"
1965-Alive - Scott London - Journalist, interviewer & consultant. In Sweden 1970-1990. Photographer of Burning Man since 2004. Collector of peace stamps. Grandson of Irwin
Abrams (qv).
1965-Alive -
Jeffrey Skoll - Engineer. First employee & also first president of internet auction firm eBay. Noted philanthropist. Founded Skoll Foundation in 1999.
1966-Alive - Libby Lane - Suffragan Bishop of Stockport. First female bishop in Church of England. "Passion for social action."
1967-2015 - Stéphane Charbonnier - Called "Charb." Satirical caricaturist & journalist. Joined Charlie Hebdo in 1992 & became its editor in 2009. Murdered with 11 others.
1967-Alive -
Glenn Greenwald - Journalist, blogger & author. Columnist for Guardian US 2012-2013. Publicized security leaks by Edward Snowden (qv).
1967-Alive -
Sam Harris - Neuroscientist. Co-founded Project Reason. Wrote "The End of Faith" in 2004. One of the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism."
1967-Alive - Amr Khaled - Televangelist, activist & preacher in Cairo. Advocates moderation & women's rights.
1967-Alive - Pierre Omidyat - Iranian origin. Made billions by creating eBay in 1995. Started First Look Media in 2013 for "original, independent journalism."
c1967-Alive - Bassem al-Tamimi - Teacher. Convicted by Israeli military of "sending people to throw stones." Called "human rights defender" by EU & "prisoner of conscience" by Amnesty Intl.
1968-2004 - Iris Chang - Historian & journalist. Wrote "The Rape of Nanking" in 1997. Committed suicide at age 36. Her mother wrote "The Woman Who Could Not Forget" in 2011.
1968-2008 - Mellitus Mugabe Were - Politician. Voice for moderation in Kenya's escalating political crisis. Shuttled between ethnic groups. Organized a youth peace march.
1968-2012 - Spencer Cox - AIDS activist. Co-founded Treatment Action Group (TAG). Helped push innovative antiretroviral drugs to market.
1968-Alive - Malcolm Kendall-Smith - Royal Air Force officer. First British officer to face criminal charges for challenging legality of war against Iraq. CO
1968-Alive - Tim Wise - Anti-racist activist & writer. Has lectured at over 600 college campuses since 1995.
1969-Alive - Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Women's rights & atheist activist.
Critical of genital mutilation & Islam. Dutch asylum in 1992. Wrote screenplay with Theo van Gogh.
1969-Alive - Jeremy Gilley - Actor & filmmaker. Founded charity Peace One Day in September 1999. Recd Wateler Peace Prize in 2010. TED lecture.
1969-Alive - Cordula Wohlmuther - UN World Tourism Organization researcher. Co-editor of "UN International Handbook of Peace & Toursm" (2014).
1970-Alive - Gabrielle Giffords - Member of US House of Representatives. Shot in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, 2011.
1970-Alive - Shahriar Khateri - Doctor who studied Iraq chemical attacks. Founded Tehran Peace Museum in 2007.
1970-Alive - Naomi Klein - Author & social activist. Known for criticism of corporate globalization. Wrote No Logo & The Shock Doctrine.
1970-Alive -
Renu Mehta - Model & philanthropist. Daughter of Vijay Metha (qv). Founder of Fortune Forum charity which held summits in London in 2006, 2007 & 2008.
1970-Alive - Daoud Nassar - Farmer near Bethlehem. Founded "Tent of Nations" with brother Daher & sister Almer to resist Israeli takeover of their family's land.
1970-Alive - Eric Whitacre - Composer, conductor & lecturer. Known "Virtual Choirs" on YouTube, bringing together individual voices from around the globe. Click here for TED presentation.
1971-2009 - Oscar Kamau Kingara - Human rights activist. Killed with John Paul Oulo.
1971-2010 - Chidi Nwosu - Anti-corruption activist. Founded Human Rights, Justice & Peace Foundation. Assassinated at age 39. P
1971-Alive - Julian Assange - Journalist. Co-founded WikiLeaks in 2006. Published US military & diplomatic documents leaked by Chelsea Manning (qv). Now living at Ecuador Embassy in London.
1971-Alive - Chen Guangcheng - Civil rights activist. Self-taught lawyer. Blind. Advocates for women's rights, land rights & welfare of the poor. Escaped house arrest in 2012 & went to USA.
1971-Alive - Sergei Guriev - Economist. Criticized trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Fled Russia in 2013 & went to France.
1972-1985 - Samantha Reed Smith - Schoolgirl. Made good will visit to Soviet Union during Cold War at age 11. Accidential death at age 13.
1972-Alive - Leymah Gbowee - Social worker. Organized Liberian Mass Action for Peace.
2011 with Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf & Tawakel Karman
1972-Alive - Jeff Sharlet - Journalist, author & academic. Best known for writing about religious subcultures in USA.
1973-2012 - Rebecca Tarbotton - Environmental, human rights & food activist. Executive Director of Rainforest Action Network (RAN).
1973-2014 - James Foley - Journalist & video reporter. Abducted during Syrian Civil War. Beheaded by Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS). See Steven Sotloff.
1973-Alive - Rula Jebreal - Physiotherapist, journalist, novelist, screenwriter & commentator for MSNBC. Wrote the semi-autobiographical film Miral in 2010.
1973-Alive - Rachel Maddow - Liberal TV host & author. First openly LGBT American to receive Rhodes scholarship. Wrote "Drift" in 2012. Lives with Susan Mikula.
1973-Alive - Orly Noy - Spokesperson of Ir Amim. Worked for All For Peace radio (with Israelis & Palestinians) until shut down in 2011. Translates Farsi literature into Hebrew.
1973-Alive - Ragia Omran - Human rights lawyer in Cairo. Defends "Arab Spring" activists. Received Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Award for 2013.
1974-2009 - Stanislav Markelov - Human rights lawyer. Participated in publicized cases, including those of police violence victims & journalists.
1974-Alive - Banksy - Graffiti artist, political activist, film director & painter. Known for satirical murals in slums, Palestine, etc. Click here for his website.
c1974-Alive - Frida Berrigan - Peace activist. Associate for arms trade, World Policy Inst. Columnist for Waging Nonviolence. Daughter of Philip Berrigan & Liz McAlister (qv). Sister of Jerry & Kate.
1974-Alive - Jeremy Scahill - Investigative journalist & film maker. Worked for Amy Goodman at Democracy Now!. Wrote "Blackwater" (2008) & "Dirty Wars" (2013).
1975-2011 - Vitorrio Arrigoni - Reporter, pacifist & activist. Worked with Intl Solidarity Movement (ISM) in Gaza Strip from 2008. Kidnapped & killed. P
1975-Alive - Abduwali Ayup - Linguist & poet. Masters from Univ of Kansas. Operates Uighur-language schools in Xinjiang. Emprisoned for collecting "illegal donations."
c1975-Alive - Deogratias Niyizonkiza - Graduate of Columbia University. Founded Village Health Works (VHW) in Kigutu, Burundi.
1975-Alive - Yoani Sanchez - Blogger. Has received multiple international awards for her critical portrayal of life in Cuba.
1975-Alive - Nick Turse - Journalist & historian. Exposed US attrocities in Vietnam. Wrote "The Complex: How the Military Invades Our Everyday Lives" & "Kill Anything That Moves."
1976-1998 - Matthew Shepard - Student at University of Wyoming.
Tortured & murdered near Laramie in October 1998. Monument in Casper.
1976-Alive - Huwaida Arraf - Lawyer in Ramallah, West Bank. Human rights activist. Co-founder of nonviolent International Solidarity Movement (ISM).
1976-Alive - Mohammad Othman - Nonviolent peace activist. Works against the Israeli wall.
1978-2007 - Andrea Parhamovich - Employee of National Democratic Institute (NDI). Killed in Baghdad (Iraq) after teaching a class on democracy.
1978-Alive - Mehmet Tarham - CO sentenced to 4 years in military prison. Released in March 2006 after spending several months in prison. CO
1979-2003 - Rachel Corrie - Member of International Solidarity Movement (ISM). Killed by Israeli bulldozer while protecting a Palestinian home.
1979-2014 - Tomas Young - Soldier. Enlisted right after 9/11. Paralyzed by bullet in Iraq. One of first vets to oppose the War in Iraq. Subject of documentary "Body of War."
1979-Alive - Tawakul Karman - Journalist. Called her Nobel Prize "a victory for the Arab Spring."
2011 with Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf & Leymah Gbowee
1979-Alive - Anna Baltzer - Activist for Palestinian human rights. Opposes Israeli occupation. Depicted in "Palestinian Pietà."
1979-Alive - Samer Tariq Issawi - Prisoner of conscience. Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine. Captured by Israel in 2002, released in 2011, rearrested in 2012. Now on hunger strike.
1979-Alive - Ryan Spencer Reed - Photojournalist. Has covered the Sudanese Diaspora since 2002.
c1979-Alive - Anderson Sa - Musician & activist. Led Brazilian youth away from drug cartels. Received Reebok Human Rights Award in 2007.
1979-Alive - Metta World Peace - Basketball player. Was Ron Artest until Sept. 2001.
"Changing my name was meant to inspire & bring youth together all around the world."
1980-Alive - Paul K. Chappell - Peace advocate. US Army officer 2002-09. Wrote "Will War Ever End?" & "The End of War."
c1980-Alive - Erica Chenoweth - Professor of government. Authority on terrorism & nonviolence. Wrote "Why Civil Resistance Works" & "Rethinking Violence."
1981-2005 - Shaima Rezayee - Journalist & first female TV presenter in Afghanistan. Adopted western dress. Shot dead at her home in Kabul.
1981-Alive - Omar bin Laden - 4th son of Osama bin Laden. Promotes "Horse Race for Peace" across North Africa.
c1982-Alive - Kimberly Rivera - Iraq War resister. First female US military deserter to flee to Canada. Deported in 2012. Designated a Prisoner of Conscience by Amnesty International.
1983-2000 - Asel Asleh - Arab Israeli. Member of Seeds of Peace (SOP) since 1997. Killed by Israeli forces at onset of Second Intifada while wearing SOP t-shirt.
1983-Alive - Edward Snowden - Computer expert for CIA & NSA. Disclosed top secret US & UK mass surveillance programs in 2013. Fled to Russia.
1983-2014 - Steven Sotloff - Journalist & video reporter. Abducted during Syrian Civil War. Beheaded by Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS). See James Foley.
1984-2009 - Catherine (Kate) Puzey - Peace Corps Volunteer in Benin. Murdered at age 25 after exposing sexual abuse of young girls.
1985-Alive - Jeremy Hammond - Political activist, web developer & musician. Publicized internal files of private spy agency Stratfor through Wikileaks.
1986-2013 -
Anne Smedinghoff - Foreign Service Officer. Killed at age 25 with 8 others by car bomb while delivering books to school in Afghanistan.
1986-2013 -
Aaron Swartz - Computer programmer, writer, archivist, political organizer & Internet activist. Campaigned for freedom of information. Suicide at age 26.
1986-2017 - Basil al-Araj - Palestinian protestor from al-Walaja (near Bethlehem). Killed at age 31 by Israeli Defense Forces (army) in Ramallah.
1987-Alive -
Carl Gibson - Investigative reporter for Occupy.com. Contributing editor for ReaderSupportedNews.org. Co-founder of US Uncut (which mobilized ized thousands against corporate tax dodging & budget cuts in over 100 cities during the months leading up to Occupy Wall Street).
1987-Alive - Chelsea Manning - US Army. Né Bradley. Leaked largest ever set of classified documents to WikiLeaks (pub. Apr-Nov 2010). Received IPB & USPM peace prizes in 2013.
1988-2000 - Muhammad al-Durrah - Killed by Israeli forces on 2nd day of Second Intifada while cowering with his father. Photographed by Abu Rahma. Monument in Bamako (Mali).
1988-2014 - Peter Kassig - Humanitarian. Founded Special Emergency Response & Assistance (SERA). Converted to Islam. Beheaded by ISIS.
1988-Alive - Carl Gibson - Co-founder of US Uncut. Mobilized activists against corporate tax avoidance. Featured in documentary "We're Not Broke" at 2012 Sundance Film Festival.
1988-Alive - Clemantine Wamariya - Yale student. Survived Rwanda genocide in 1994. Named to US Holocaust Memorial Museum board in 2011.
1989-Alive - Ghoncheh Ghavami - Law graduate of University of London. Emprisoned for Protesting ban on women in sports stadia.
1995-Alive -
Jessica Ahlquist - Student at Cranston High School West. With the ACLU settled Ahlquist v. Cranston in 2012 to remove a religious prayer from her school auditorium.
1997-Alive - Malala Yousafzai - Student. Blogged to BBC in 2009. Shot by Taliban in 2012. To UK for treatment.
2014 with Kailash Satyarthi.
Date?-Alive -
Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou - Author, documentary filmmaker, public intellectual, organizer, pastor & theologian. "One of the foremost religious leaders of his generation." Click here for his FOR blog.
2004-Alive -
Spencer Turner - Student artist at Fame Primary School in Newcastle. Won UK-wide competition to design monument for centennial of the Christmas Truce during WW-I.
List of peace activists from Wikipedia. "Includes people who proactively advocate diplomatic, non-military resolution of political disputes, usually through nonviolent means. A peace activist is an activist of the peace movement."
* Jane Addams
* Martti Ahtisaari
* Vittorio Arrigoni
* Joan Baez
* Ernesto Balducci
* Daniel Berrigan
* Frida Berrigan
* Philip Berrigan
* Vera Brittain
* Elihu Burritt
* Noam Chomsky
* Rachel Corrie
* David Cortright
* Frances Crowe
* Godfried Danneels
* Dorothy Day
* Élie Ducommun
* Mel Duncan
* Shirin Ebadi
* Albert Einstein
* Daniel Ellsberg
* Tom Fox
* Comfort Freeman
* Mahatma Gandhi
* William Lloyd Garrison
* Arthur Gish
* G. Simon Harak
* Keir Hardie
* George Harrison
* Sidney Hinkes
* Emily Hobhouse
* Abbie Hoffman
* Aldous Huxley
* Khawaja Zafar Iqbal
* Michael Jackson
* Kathy Kelly
* Robert F. Kennedy
* Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
* Martin Luther King Jr.
* George Lansbury
* John Lennon
* Julian Lennon
* Charles Lindbergh
* Staughton Lynd
* Paul McCartney
* David McTaggart
* Mairead Corrigan Maguire
* Bob Marley
* Rigoberta Menchú
* Thomas Merton
* Barry Mitcalfe
* Macy Morse
* A.J. Muste
* Abie Nathan
* Huey Newton
* Alfred Nobel
* Linus Pauling
* Geshe Thubten Phelgye
* Lindis Percy
* Jeannette Rankin
* Dahlia Ravikovitch
* Henry Richard
* Oscar Romero
* Jerry Rubin
* Sophie Scholl
* Colin Scott
* Bobby Seale
* Martin Sheen
* Dick Sheppard
* Toma Sik
* Jeanmarie Simpson
* Samantha Smith
* C. Maxwell Stanley
* Richard Starkey
* Olaf Stapledon
* Cat Stevens
* Tenzin Gyatso (Dalai Lama)
* Eve Tetaz
* Thich Nhat Hanh
* Leo Tolstoy
* Jo Vallentine
* Mordechai Vanunu
* Sérgio Vieira de Mello
* Kurt Vonnegut
* Jody Williams
* Brian Willson
* John Howard Yoder
* Yoko Ono
* Neil Young
* Howard Zinn
 | Freedom Award from National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, Tennessee (USA). "The Freedom Award is an annual event & the Museum’s largest fundraiser. Held each year in the fall since 1991, the award honors individuals who have made significant contributions in civil rights & who have laid the foundation for present & future leaders in the battle for human rights." Click here for information about award recipients.
 | US Peace Registry, "an electronic publication of the US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc., Palm Harbor, Florida (USA). "Recognizes & documents the activities of US citizens & permanent residents who have publicly opposed military solutions (including invasion, occupation, production of weapons of mass destruction, use of weapons & threats of war), rather than diplomacy & global cooperation, to solve international problems... Will be published as a reference book in 2013 & eventually be displayed for public viewing at the US Peace Memorial in Washington, DC." Currently contains information for approximately 90 indivduals & 30 organizaions. The foundation awards an annual Peace Prize. Past recipients are Cindy Sheehan (2009), Dennis Kucinich (2010), Noam Chomsky (2011) & Media Benjamin (2012).
 | UN Messengers of Peace. "Distinguished individuals, carefully selected from the fields of art, literature, music & sports, who have agreed to help focus worldwide attention on the work of the United Nations. Backed by the highest honour bestowed by the Secretary-General on a global citizen for an initial period of two years."
Click here for partial list.
 | Right Livelihood Award. "Established in 1980 by Jakob von Uexkull to honour & support those 'offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today.' It has become widely known as the 'Alternative Nobel Prize,' and there are now 145 Laureates from 61 countries. Presented annually in Stockholm at a ceremony in the Swedish Parliament, the Right Livelihood Award is usually shared by four Recipients." Click here for partial list of laureates.
 | International Peace Award from Community of Christ, Independence, Missouri (USA). "Has been given annually (except for 1996) since 1993. Ranks high in the lists of non-governmental international & USA peace awards." Click here for partial list of laureates. Click here for all laureates.
2012 Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba | 2011 Terry Tempest Williams | 2010 Greg Mortenson | 2009 Dr. Halima Bashir | 2008 Koinonia Community | 2007 Dolores Huerta & Father Virgilio Elizondo | 2006 Howard Zehr | 2005 Craig Kielburger | 2004 Rev. James Lawson |
2003 Dr. Jean Vanier | 2002 Ms. Ela Gandhi | 2001 Dr. Swanee Hunt | 2000 Dr. John Paul Lederach | 1999 Dr. Jane Goodall |
1998 Dr. Marie Fortune | 1997 Senator Juan M. Flavier | 1995 Marian Wright Edelman | 1994 Dr. M. Scott Peck & Lily Ho Peck | 1993 Dr. Jehan Sadat
 | TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design). Past TED presenters include Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Malcolm Gladwell, Al Gore, Gordon Brown, educator Salman Khan, Google founders Larry Page & Sergey Brin & many Nobel Prize winners. | Click here for all TED talks. | Click here for selected TED presenters. | TED Prizes awarded:
In 2005 to Bono, Edward Burtynsky & Robert Fischell .
In 2006 to Larry Brilliant, Jehane Noujaim & Cameron Sinclair.
In 2007 to Bill Clinton, Edward O. Wilson & James Nachtwey.
In 2008 to Neil Turok, Dave Eggers & Karen Armstrong.
In 2009 to Sylvia Earle, Jill Tarter & José Antonio Abreu.
In 2010 to Jamie Oliver.
In 2011 to JR.
In 2012 to City 2.0.

Social change artists. Selected by Holly Near.
U.S. & Canada:
Bernice Johnson Reagon
| Pete Seeger
| Buffy Sainte-Marie
| Nobuko
| Sweet Honey in The Rock
| Ulali
| Toshi Reagon
| Ember Swift
Pamela Means
Copper Wimmin
Joe Jencks
emma's revolution (Pat Humphries/Sandy O)
Wishing Chair
Nedra Johnson
Melanie deMoore
Cris Williamson
| John McCutcheon
| Linda Tillery & Cultural Heritage Choir
| Tao Rodriguez-Seeger & The Mammals
| Arlo Guthrie & family
Liche Fuentes
Ronnie Gilbert
Cheryl Wheeler
Peggy Seeger
Laura Love
Deidre McCalla
Jennifer Berezan
MUSE (women's chorus in Cincinnati, Ohio)
| Peter Paul & Mary
| Steve Earle
Tish Hinojosa
Larry Long
Alice Gerrard
Bill Staines
David Roth
Peter Alsop
Mary Watkins
Rafael Manriquez
Elise Witt
Betsy Rose
Gary Lapow
Gerry Tenney
Bonnie Lockhart
Jon Fromer
Tom Chapin
Guy Davis
Cosy Sharidan
Bob Franke
Dar Williams
Ani DiFranco
Eliza Gilkyson
Lowen & Navarro
The Kennedys
Keb' Mo'
Kim & Reggie Harris
Zoe Lewis
Beverly Grant
Rosalli Sorrels
Sloan Wainwright
Tret Fure
The Klezmatics
| Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer
Faith Petric
Lil' Rev
Greg Brown
Tom Waits
Anne Hills
Hazel Dickens
Indigo Girls
Janis Ian
Joan Baez
Amy Carol Webb
Amy Speace
| Mary Chapin Carpenter
| Robin Flower & Libby McClaren
Kate Campbell
Libby Roderick
Jaimie Anderson
Ubaka Hill
John Trudell (spoken word)
Ellis Paul
Vance Gilbert
Christine Lavin
Catie Curtis
The Dance Brigade
Leonard Cohen
Bill Steele
Jackson Browne
Judy Collins
Lucy Kaplansky
Sara Thomsen
Amy Martin
Tracy Grammer
Garnet Rogers
David Rovics
Richie Havens
Peter Donnelly
Dangerous Folk
Radio Free Earth
Mary Wheelan
Kate Long
James Durst
The Work o' the Weavers
Ron Romanovsky
Four Bitchin' Babes
Dave Lippman
Lynn Frances Anderson
Colleen Kattau
José "Pepo" Saavedra
Carrrie Newcomer
Neil Young
Prince Myshkins
Chestnut Brothers
Kuumba Lynx
Charlie King & Karen Brandow
Francisco Herrera
Andrew McKnight
Big Wide Grin
Bruce Kunkel
Rod MacDonald
John Batdorf
Randall Williams
Ted Warmbrand
Georges Lammam
Karl Anthony
Michael Franti & Spearhead
Arjuna Griest
Melissa Crabtree
Rachael Kilgour
Green & Root
Eileen Hazel
Tracy Chapman
Bill Miller
Joanne Shenandoah
Bright Eyes
Faith Nolan
Joe Glazer
Si Kahn
Fred Small
Anne Feeney
Mark Erelli
| Nanci Griffith
Bonnie Raitt
John Flynn
Country Joe McDonald
Len Chandler
Joe Uehlein
Richard Shindell
Roy Zimmerman
Evie Ladin & Stairwell Sisters
Inti Illimani
Eduardo Peralta (Chile)
Ladysmith Black Mombaza (South Africa)
Youssou N'dour (Senegal)
Roy Brown (Puerto Rico)
Quilapayun (Europe/Chile)
Silvio Rodgriquez (Cuba)
Judy Small (Australia)
Tom Robinson (England)
Bruce Cockburn (Canada)
Billy Bragg (England)
Eric Bogle (Australia)
Yungchen Lhamo (Tibet)
The No Shit Shirleys (Vancouver, BC)
Sara Gonzales (Cuba)
Simone Shaheen (USA/Near East)
Marcel Khalife (Lebanon)
Tommy Sands (Ireland)
Comic & Spoken Word:
Kate Clinton
Lily Tomlin
Dick Gregory
Alix Olson
| Josephson, Harold, ed. by (1985), "The biographical dictionary of modern peace leaders," Greenwood Press, pp. 1133. ""Covering the period 1800-1980, this is a remarkable compilation of 750 biographical essays on the world's most prominent peace advocates and activists... It is at once an invaluable reference tool & a splendid point of entry into the otherwise lost world of modern peace heroes." Josephson was professor of history, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Click here for more information.
Click here for an interactive list and sketches of more than 1,000 "Heroes for a Culture of Peace." | Click here for a similar list of "Heroes for a Better World."
Click here for the "My Hero" list of 103 peacemakers with photos & interactive links. From The MY HERO Project, 1278 Glenneyre, #286, Laguna Beach, Calornia (USA).
Photographs of peacemakers. "Blessed are the peacemakers. How many do you know?"
Jane Addams,
Muhammad Ali,
Joan Baez,
Judi Bari,
Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
Fr. Roy Bourgois,
Helen Caldicott,
Cesar Chavez,
Ernesto Cortes,
The Dalai Lama,
Dorothy Day,
Adolfo Perez Esquivel,
Mahatma Gandhi,
Thich Nhat Hanh,
Gordon Kiyoshi Hirabayashi,
The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Ron Kovic,
Aung San Suu Kyi,
Nelson Mandela,
Thomas Merton,
A. J. Muste, Fridtjof Nansen,
Linus Pauling,
Peace Pilgrim,
Sr. Helen Prejean,
Jeanette Rankin,
Bishop Oscar Romero,
Bertrand Russell,
Albert Schweitzer,
Chief Seattle,
Pete Seeger,
Tom Slick,
Samantha Smith,
The Rev. Leon Sullivan,
Emma Tenayuca,
Mother Teresa,
Henry David Thoreau,
Bishop Desmond Tutu,
Lech Walesa,
Elie Wiesel,
Jody Williams, and
Leyla Zana.
Please email your comments & questions to geovisual @ comcast.net. Thank you.
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