| 22 Peace Monuments Related to Sri Chinmoy |
Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose [August 27, 1931-October 11, 2007] was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher who emigrated to the U.S. in 1964. An author, composer, artist and athlete, he was perhaps best known for holding public events on the theme of inner peace and world harmony (such as concerts, meditations, and races). His teachings emphasize love for God, daily meditation on the heart, service to the world, and religious tolerance (a view that "all faiths" are essentially divine). [from Wikipedia]
Click here for Rick A. Ross Institute website debunking Sri Chinmoy.
Over 800 Sri Chinmoy Peace Markers dedicated to the goal of peace are said to be found in 50 nations around the world. "The Sri Chinmoy International Peace-Blossoms is a family of nearly 600 significant landmarks in fifty nations dedicated as daily reminders of the need for peace. The Peace-Blossoms family includes the capitals of Canada, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Scotland, Wales, Zimbabwe and Fiji; the Matterhorn and the highest mountains of eleven countries; Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls, Lake Baikal and the Great Barrier Reef; the entire border between Russia and Norway; hundreds of cities; bridges joining a dozen nations; the Sydney Opera House; and international airports." Click here for more examples.
Right click image to enlarge.
 | 1977 - U Thant Island, East River, New York City, New York (USA). Opposite UN Headquarters. Smallest island in Manhattan & sanctuary for a small colony of Double-crested Cormorants. Unofficially named to honor former UN Secretry General U Thant [1909-1974] by "Peace Meditation," a group of UN employees who were followers of the guru Sri Chinmoy [1931-2007].
| June 4, 1991 - Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree, Beliardstraat, Leopoldpark, Brussels (Belgium). Plaque: "This tree is dedicated to humanity’s aspiration
for World Peace. From man’s inner realisation
of peace, World Peace will grow and mankind
will become a Oneness-World Peace-Family.
In this process the oneness of the European
nations is a significant achievement, therefore
this tree is also dedicated to the United Europe.
This peace tree has been planted and
inaugurated on the occasion on the Sri Chinmoy
Oneness-Home Peace Run on June 4, 1991."
| October 7, 1992 - Sri Chinmoy Peace Plaque, City Hall, Ottawa, Ontario (Canada). A short distance from the Laurier Ave entrance. Text: "The peace-loving people of Ottawa are proud to dedicate their beautiful and gracious City as the world's first national SRI CHINMOY PEACE CAPITAL. In so-doing, they join countless peace-dreamers and peace-builders on earth who have been inspired by the tirelessly self-giving life of Sri Chinmoy, an ambassdor of peace and a brother-friend of humanity..."
 | April 27, 1993 - Sri Chinmoy Peace State Marker, grounds of the State Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida (USA). Plaque: "The State of Florida today joins the Sri Chinmoy Interntional Peace Blossoms, a family of over 800 landmarks in 50 nations dedicated to the universally cherished goal of peace. May we, the people of Florida, forever embrace this lofty goal in our own hearts, and thus spread peace to our communities, to our nation and to all humankind... 'Do not stop dreaming! One day your world-peace-dream will indundate the entire world.' -- Sri Chinmoy. Proclaimed April 27,1993. Lawton Chiles, Governor."
 | 1993 - Plaque, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, Queensland (Australia). "Affixed for the closing ceremony of the 1993 Peace Run, dedicating the Gardens as a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom, in honour of the Run's founder.
After one and a half decades, the plaque is still there [in 2008], slightly scratched, but clear and unfaded."

 | 1995 - Telstra Tower, Black Mountaian, Canberra, Australia Capital Territory (Australia). "A Sri Chinmoy Peace Tower." "'Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossoms' are focal points for peace, reminders from our everyday lives to keep the flame of peace constantly alive in our hearts and minds. Over 1200 parks, trees, monuments, buildings, natural wonders, cities and nations have been dedicated to join this global family. Here in Canberra there are several diverse 'Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossoms', which were joined together as a garland today with the World Harmony Run carrying the torch from one to the next. Not only are the Peace-Blossoms program and the World Harmony Run both inspired by Sri Chinmoy [1931-2007], they also share a common goal. So on this morning [May 13, 2008] with no formal commitments, it seemed appropriate to spend a few hours bringing the torch to each of the Peace-Blossom locations."
1995 -
Sri Chinmoy Peace Marker, Cuba Street, Wellington (New Zealand). Plaque: "Wellington. A Sri Chinmoy Peace Capital. A world of peace and harmony has been humanity’s dream since time immemorial. In this spirit the peace-loving people of Wellington are proud to dedicate their graceful city as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Capital and join the global family of Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms – significant and inspiring places around the world dedicated to world harmony. Such a dedication honours our city’s historic commiktment to peace… In dedicating Wellington as a Peace Capital may the spirit of peace spread from person to person and nation to nation and may the day dawn when all people live together as one.”" "Over 800 Sri Chinmoy Peace Markers are dedicated to the goal of peace and can be found in 50 nations around the world." Click here for list of 10 Sri Chinmoy peace cities in New Zealand.
Date? - Plaque associated with Sri Chinmoy, Statue of Liberty, New York City, New York (USA). "Was removed in 1996 by the National Park Service after several weeks of protests due to a call by American Atheists, who viewed this as a violation of the separation of church and state."

 | Date? - Sri Chinmoy Harmony Bridge (between Austria and Slovenia). "On the bridge is a plaque in Austrian [sic] and Slovenian [saying] that this bridge is dedicated to harmony between the two countries."

| October 19, 1996 - Kingston Peace Park, 64 North Front Street (at Crown Street), Stockade Historic District, Kingston, Stockade Historic District, Ulster County, New York (USA). Apparently constructed on a small vacant lot (site of home of Jacobus S. Bruyn [1749-1823]) near historic center of town (which was fortified during the American Revolution). Connection to "peace" is unclear (except for a small, wooden plaque - right image - erected by supporters of Sri Chinmoy [1931-2007] to one side of the principle plaque designating this to be a "Peace Blossom Park"). /// Mural by Matthew Pleva on overlooking wall is entitled "The Hobgoblin of Old Dutch." /// Visited by EWL on April 20, 2017. /// FYI, Kingston became the first capital of New York state in 1777 but was almost immediately burned by British troops.
 | June 22, 1999 - Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom, Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington (USA). Text: "A Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom
Home to the Region's finest artistic, musical, educational and athletic offerings, the Seattle Center is the cultural and community heart of the Northwest. This plaque and dedication are made in the hope that each visitor will be enriched and inspired by the knowledge that world peace begins within the heart of each individual.
Seattle Center joins a worldwide family of natural wonders and significant landmarks that has dedicated itself to peace. 'How can I have peace? Not by talking about peace, but by walking along the road of peace.' -- Sri Chinmoy, June 22, 1999."
| | 2000 - Plaque entitled "Sri Chinmoy International Peace Falls," Iguazu Falls, Iguazu River (between Argentina & Brazil).
 | 2001 - Eternal Peace Flame, Aker Brygge Port, Oslo (Norway). "Dedicated by World Harmony Run founder Sri Chinmoy. This temporary installation was witnessed by more than 1500 persons including Ambassadors, National Politicians, Luminaries and Athletes. It was temporarily installed at the Pier of Honor on Oslo harbour. In 2002, the Eternal Peace Flame was installed permanently at Aker Brygge, a complex on the Oslo Harbor frequented by hundreds of thousands of people each year. A landmark on the port, the Eternal Peace Flame burns brightly and serves as a beacon of light and inspiration." Image shows Sri Chinmoy at the flame in 2003.
| | October 27, 2008 - Statue of Sri Chinmoy, Honnorbryggen, Aker Brygge Port, Oslo (Norway).

 | February 14, 2009 - Statue of Sri Chinmoy, Agung Rai Art Museum, Ubud, Bali (Indonesia). "After the first life-size sculpure of Sri Chinmoy has been placed in the harbor of Oslo in October 2008, a second statue has successfully been inaugurated in...Bali. On the full-moon day several high-ranking Hindu priests celebrated the event with a fire ceremoy. Several hundred of Sri Chinmoy’s students from all over the world were present. The bronze sculpture was created by British artist Kaivalya Torpy. More similar statues are planned worldwide to commemorate the life of spiritual teacher and harmony advocate Sri Chinmoy."
 | October 23, 2009 - Statue of Sri
Chinmoy, adjacent to the Museum Kampa, Sovovy Miyny, Praque (Czech Republic). Third statue of Sri Chinmoy (after Oslo & Bali).

 | November 27, 2009 - Sri
Chinmoy El Hombre Global del Siglo XX Monumento de Paz, Matzatlan, Sinaloa (Mexico). Fourth statue of Sri Chinmoy (after Oslo, Bali & Prague).
 | June 13, 2010 - Statue of Sri Chinmoy, Vassa (Finland). Holds the World Harmony Run Torch. In a park on the outskirts of the city of Vaasa on the west coast of Finland overlooking the Bothnian Bay. Vaasa is a bilingual city with street signs in Finnish and Swedish, and about 1/4 of the city’s residents speak Swedish rather than Finnish.

 | January 14, 2016 - Peace Monument, Sliema Promenade, Sliema (Malta). "The statue was unveiled during a ceremony which marked the end of an international peace initiative called the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run. The ceremony was attended by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca & Speaker of the House Anglu Farrugia... Sliema mayor Anthony Chircop [later] said that had he known that so much controversy would have erupted following the installation of the Sri Chinmoy statue on the promenade, he would have never accepted to have the monument in the locality... Many believe Sri Chinmoy [1931-2007] to have been a cult-leader, living off the tithe from his followers. A large number of accusations emerged later in Chinmoy’s life relating to fraud & sexual abuse."