Peace Monuments in Belgium & Luxembourg
Click here for peace monuments in the Netherlands.
N.B. This web page has three parts: (1) Brussels, (2) the remainder of Belgium, and (3) Luxembourg.
(1) Peace Monuments in Brussels / Bruxelles / Brussel
Right click image to enlarge.
After 1900? - Statue de la Paix, Palais Royal / Royal Palace, Brussels (Belgium). "Official palace of the King of the Belgians in the centre of the nation's capital Brussels. However it is not used as a royal residence, as the king & his family live in the Royal Castle of Laeken on the outskirts of Brussels... The facade we see today was only built after 1900 on the initiative of King Leopold II."
EAbout 1909 - House of Auguste Beernaert, Place de Luxembourg/Luxemburg Plein, Brussels (Belgium). Unintentional monument. For sale (as of May 2012). Near the Parlamentarium (European Parliament Visitors Centre) & next to the Swiss mission to the EU. (See 3-bay house immediately to the right of the 6-bay building flying the Swiss flag.) Text of plaque: "En cet hotel vecut Auguste Beernaert, Homme d'etat, qui fut un des principaux artisans de la grandeur de son pays, 1829-1912." Auguste Beernaert [1829-1912] was a Belgian politician & prime minister. He & Paul d'Estournelles de Constant [1852-1924] received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1909 for their work at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), which in now located at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen 28&30May12. Peter adds, "A pity that the plaque says nothing about his internationalism & peace prize." See bust of Beernaert in Ostende. Upper image courtesy of Nadine & Michel Lubelski.
S1920-1932 - Arc de Triomphe, Cinquantenaire Park, Brussels (Belgium). "On both sides of the arch are 'galleries of the columns' with mosaics representing and glorifying the 'peace-loving nation of Belgium'. These mosaics were made between 1920 and 1932."
1930 - "La Brabançonne," Place Surlet de Chokier, Brussels (Belgium). "Monument by sculptor Charles Samuel [1862-1939]. Contains partial lyrics of both the French & Dutch versions of the Belgian national anthem. Like many elements in Belgian folklore, this is mainly based on the French La Marseillaise which is also both an anthem & the name of a monument - the sculptural group 'Departure of the Volunteers of 1792,' commonly called "La Marseillaise" at the base of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris."
1940 - "The Return," Musée René Magritte, Hotel Altenloh, Place Royale, Brussels (Belgium). By Belgian surrealist René Magritte [1898-1967].
1958 - "Atomium," Atomiumsquare, 1020 Laken, Brussels (Belgium). Theme structure of the 1958 Brussels Worlds Fair. Renovated in 2004-2006, and 50th anniversary celebrated in 2008. EWL visited in 1960.
M E M O R I A L Date? - Nationaal Gedenkteken der Joodse Martelaren van België / Mémorial National aux Martyrs Juifs de Belgique / National Monument to the Jewish Martyrs of Belgium, Square des Martyrs Juifs / Joodse Martelarensquare, Anderlecht district, Brussels (Belgium). A platform centering on a menorah made of chains & a wall bearing the names of 23,838 Belgian Jews who were killed in the Holocaust.
MBefore 1988 - Maison d'Erasme / House of Erasmus, Anderleht District, Brussels (Belgium). Where Erasmus of Rotterdam [1466-1536] stayed May-October 1521 after leaving Leuven. Renovated & reopened in 1988. "After the reception room, visitors can explore five further rooms. The Chamber of Rhetoric is dedicated to Erasmus’s visit and exudes a 16th-century ambience. The wooden floors give off an ancient, musty aroma and creak with every step. Glass cabinets contain letters and academic papers written by Erasmus, and stunning paintings line the walls."
EJune 4, 1991 - Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree, Beliardstraat, Leopoldpark, Brussels (Belgium). Plaque: "This tree is dedicated to humanity’s aspiration for World Peace. From man’s inner realisation of peace, World Peace will grow and mankind will become a Oneness-World Peace-Family. In this process the oneness of the European nations is a significant achievement, therefore this tree is also dedicated to the United Europe. This peace tree has been planted and inaugurated on the occasion on the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run on June 4 ,1991." Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose [1931-2007) was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher who emigrated to the USA in 1964. His teachings emphasize love for God, daily meditation on the heart, service to the world, and religious tolerance. (a view that "all faiths" are essentially divine).
S C U L P T U R E December 9, 2003 - Statue of Europe "Unity in Peace," Centre Erasmus, Jardin Van Maerlant. Brussels (Belgium). "Dedicated to Europe and offered to the European Commission by the French sculptor Bernard Romain. At the occasion of the year 2003 which was devoted to disabled people. Manufactured, modelled, polished and painted by children with challenged vision of different cultures under the supervision of Bernard Romain."
December 10, 2013 - Amphithéâtre Henri La Fontaine, Université de Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels (Belgium). "A l'occasion du centenaire du Prix Nobel de la Paix qui lui fut décerné le 10 décembre 1913, l'Université a décidé d'attribuer le nom d'Henri La Fontaine à l'amphithéâtre K1, suivant une proposition de l'Union des anciens étudiants (UAE). Docteur en droit de l'ULB, fondateur du Mundaneum, initiateur du premier Congrès national de la Paix à Bruxelles en 1913, Président du Bureau international de la Paix de 1907 à 1943, Henri La Fontaine avait mis ses idéaux progressistes au service de la Paix et de la Connaissance, ce qui lui valut le Prix Nobel de la Paix en 1913." /// "A handsome volume about him (in French) was published earlier this year by the Mundaneum in Mons. IPB and the Mundaeum, with the University of Mons, co-organised a symposium about LaFontaine in May 2013. To round off the centenary year, another conference in his honour is being organised by Wallonia Brussels International at the Uppsala University, Sweden, on 11 Dec." Info courtesy of Gerard Lössbroek.
May 25, 2017 - Berlin Wall Memorial, NATO Headquarters, Brussels (Belgium). Made of 2 sections of the Berlin Wall. "Ahead of the meeting of the NATO leaders today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel dedicated the Berlin Wall Memorial, and US President Donald Trump [dedicated] the 9/11 & Article 5 Memorial, at NATO’s new headquarters in Brussels. Addressing Allied leaders, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the memorials showed 'NATO will always defend the values on which our Alliance is founded.'"
May 25, 2017 - 9/11 & Article 5 Memorial, NATO Headquarters, Brussels (Belgium). Made of 2 sections from World Trade Center. "Ahead of the meeting of the NATO leaders today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel dedicated the Berlin Wall Memorial, and US President Donald Trump [dedicated] the 9/11 & Article 5 Memorial, at NATO’s new headquarters in Brussels. Addressing Allied leaders, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the memorials showed 'NATO will always defend the values on which our Alliance is founded.'" /// Affirming that an attack on any member is an attack on all members, Article 5 is the key principal of NATO. 9/11 is the only time Article 5 has been invoked. Trump did not reaffirm US commitment to Article 5 during his dedicatory speech but criticized 23 of 28 NATO members for failing to spend 2% of GDP on national defense. /// On May 28, Merkel said, “The times in which we could rely fully on others - they are somewhat over [and the result is that] we Europeans must really take our fate into our own hands.”
(2) Peace Monuments in the Remainder of Belgium (excluding Brussels)
Right click image to enlarge.
Circa 1618 - ''The Union of Earth & Water (Antwerp and the Scheldt)" by Peter Paul Rubens [1577-1640], Hermitge Museum, St Petersburg (Russia). "The alliance of Cybele, Goddess of Earth, and Neptune, God of Victory, as the important alliance of Flanders and the sea, the River Scheldt and the city of Antwerp."
1628 - The Reconcilation of King Henry III & Henry of Navarre, Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (USA). By Peter Paul Rubens [1577-1640].
1648 - "Peace of Münster," British Museum, London (England). "View of the square in front of Antwerp Town Hall, with crowds gathered to listen to the proclamation. Etching by the Czech-English artist & printmaker Wenceslaus Hollar [1607-1777], 220 mm x 338 mm. "The Peace of Münster was a treaty between the Dutch Republic & Spain signed in 1648. It was a landmark treaty for the Dutch republic & one of the key events in Dutch history. With it, the United Netherlands finally became independent from the Spanish Crown. The treaty was a part of the Peace of Westphalia which ended both the Thirty Years' War & the Eighty Years' War."
1815 - Chateau de la Paix / Castle of Peace, Ville de Fleurus (Belgium). Plaque in front reads: "Dans ce chateau dit Chateau de la Paix, NAPOLEON a établi son quartier géneral dans la nuit du 16 au 17 juin 1815 apres la victoire de LIGNY sous FLEURUS. Société Belge d'Etudes Napoleoniennes." /// N.B.: "La Bataille de Ligny se déroula le 16 juin 1815, soit deux jours avant la bataille de Waterloo. Ligny fut la dernière victoire de Napoléon."
1866 - Statue de la Paix & Escaliers de la Paix, Verviers (Belgium). "Dominant la ville."
TDate? - Bust of Juan Luis Vives, Bruges (Belgium). Juan Luis Vives [1492–1540] was a Valencian Spanish scholar & humanist. See statue in Madrid (Spain).
TDate? - Bust of Auguste Beernaert, Ostende (Belgium). Auguste Beernaert [1829-1912] was a Belgian politician & prime minister. He & Paul d'Estournelles de Constant [1852-1924] received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1909 for their work at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), which in now located at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Bust sculpted by Louis Mascré [1871-1929]. See house of Beernaert in Brussels. Info courtesy of Gerard Lössbroek.
1928 - Liberty Bell of Louvain, Leuven/Louvain (Belgium). In the tower of the Central University Library. The 7-ton Bourdon also strikes the hours. The instrument bears a message of peace... Bell no. 4 bears the following inscription (translated from Latin): 'My sounds reveal the changes of life. I sing about fortune in good and bad days. Let there be peace and understanding on earth. This is my wish to you all from this tower.' Inscription on front (in English): "THE LIBERTY BELL OF LOUVAIN. This Carillon in Memory of the engineers of the United States of America Who gave their Lives In the Service of their Country and its Allies in the Great War 1914-1918" /// "One of the most beautiful carillons in the world. It was erected together with the library building in 1928 & was donated by American engineers as a war memorial. Thanks to the efforts of American carillonneur Margo Halsted, the instrument was renovated & enlarged to 63 bells in 1983. The total bell weight is 35 tons. During the academic year until mid-May, the carillon is played twice weekly, on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7:00 to 7:45 pm."
M1930 - IJzertoren Museum of War, Peace & Flemish Emancipation, IJzerdijk 49, Diksmuide / Dixmude, Flanders (Belgium). IJzertoren / Yser Tower is is named after the Yser River which formed the frontline during most of World War I. The 84-meter tower was illegally demolished the night of March 15-16, 1946. Perpetrators were never caught but were thought to involve Belgian military & former resistance fighters in an atmosphere of post WW-II repression. 1 of 40 monuments in "Peace Symbols" by Zonia Baber (1948), pp. 38-39. Site of 4th International Conference of the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP). Images show the rebuilt tower. Right image is brochure for the INMP conference in 2003.
1969 - Monument de La Paix, Place Communale, La Louvière (Belgium). "L’oeuvre du sculpteur sonégien Michel Stiévenart (1910-1991). Pèse 8 tonnes et est réalisée en petit granit. Représente deux hommes unis fraternellement par une même pensée pacifiste. Les personnages sont massifs et les détails quasi inexistants vu le respect de la forme initiale du bloc. La géométrisation des volumes donne une force d’expression supplémentaire. Erigé à l’occasion de la célébration du centenaire de La Louvière, consacrée première ville belge de la paix."
M1987 - Vredescentrum van de Provincie en de Stad Antwerpen / Peace Centre of the Province & City of Antwerp, Unolaan 1, Deurne-Antwerpen (Belgium). Four permanent exhibitions: Middle Ages, World War I, inter-war period, and World War II. Associated with International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP).
R1992 - De Käthe Kollwitz-toren / Käthe Kollwitz Tower, Koekelare, West Flanders (Belgium). "As in the old brewery was Christiaen Käthe Kollwitz-decorated tower. A number of graphic works by the renowned German artist Kathe Kollwitz [1867=1945] are viewable here. The Grieving Parents statue of the German Military Cemetery in Vladslo ([near Diksmuide] about 4 km from the Käthe Kollwitz Tower) where Käthe's son [Peter] is buried. The graphic art of Käthe Kollwitz is world famous, not only from a purely artistic standpoint, but also because her art expresses her concern with the fate and future of mankind. Through her art she stood on the side of those who were deprived of their rights, reduce poverty and exploitation were members. But she gave her work also expresses its pacifist attitude and her disapproval for the war. Käthe Kollwitz The tower holds a unique collection, an ideal opportunity to use this universal artist acquainted." [Dutch to English translation by Google] Information courtesy of Gerard Lössbroek.
MEarly 1990's - Joods Museum van Deportatie en Verzet / Jewish Museum of Deportation & Resistance, Mechelen (Belgium). 25 km south of Antwerp & 31 km north of Brussels. "In building previously known as the Kazerne Dossin where the Nazis established SS-Sammellager Mecheln / SS-Collection Camp Mechelen in 1942. In 1942-1944, 24,916 Jews and 351 Gypsies were transported [from here] to camps in the east. Two thirds were gassed upon arrival. At the time of the liberation, only 1.221 people had survived. Kazerne Dossin was therefore, literally, 'the waiting room for death.' The underlying theme of the Museum is to cover this dark period in our history." Click here for visit notes. Information courtesy of Robert DeRycke. "[As of 2010] a new museum is being built after the example of other Holocaust museums in Europe (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris)."
M1998 - "In Flanders Fields" Museum, City of Ieper, Lakenhallen Grote Markt 34, Ieper / Ypres (Belgium). In historic Lakenhallen / Cloth Hall. Depicts World War I. Associated with International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP).
KNovember 11, 1998 - Páirc Síochána d'Oileán na h'Éireann / Island of Ireland Peace Park, Mesen / Messines, near Ypres, Flanders (Belgium). A war memorial to the soldiers of the island of Ireland who died, were wounded or are missing from World War I.Includes the Irish Peace Tower, a symbolic Irish round tower.
LNovember 11, 1998 - Northern Ireland Peace Bell, Páirc Síochána d'Oileán na h'Éireann / Island of Ireland Peace Park, Mesen / Messines, near Ypres, Flanders (Belgium).
1998 - Mundaneum, Fondation Henri La Fontaine, 76 de la rue de Nimy, Mons (Belgium). "Un centre d'archives de la Communauté française. Bénéficie d'une salle d'exposition dont la scénographie a été réalisée par François Schuiten et Benoît Peeters... L'origine du Mundaneum remonte à la fin du XIXème siècle. Créé à l’initiative de deux juristes belges, Paul Otlet et Henri La Fontaine, le projet visait à rassembler l’ensemble des connaissances du monde et à les classer selon le système de Classification Décimale Universelle (CDU) qu’ils avaient mis au point." Henri La Fontaine [1854-1943] was a Belgian international lawyer & president of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) & received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1913.
S1999 - Christmas Truce Cross, Ploegstreert Wood, Ypres (Belgium). The text reads, "1914 The Khaki Chum's Christmas Truce." In 1999, the Christmas Truce of 1914 was commemorated by a small group of re-enactors who, after spending a few nights in makeshift trenches in the area near Ploegstreert Wood, left behind a wooden cross. That cross has since been fortified with a cement base by some of the local people and now stands as the only monument to the Christmas Truce of 1914. This is a sad commentary on how governments build many monuments supposedly to honor military veterans, but somehow seem to do so in ways that glorify war."
TMay 2003 - 4th International Conference of the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) at the IJzertoren Museum of War, Peace & Flemish Emancipation, Diksmuide, Flanders (Belgium). Theme: ""From memories of war to education for peace." "IJzertoren" = "Yser tower" is named after the Yser River which formed the frontline during most of World War I. Image is the brochure for the 4th conference. Click here for paper by Terence Duffy, University of Ulster, Magee College.
K2005 - Parc Hibakusha, Université de Mons-Hainaut, Plaine de Nimy Chaussée de Bruxelles, Mons (Belgium). Text of sign: "In memory of the victims of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and nuclear tests." Park created by botanist Pierre Piérart [19___-2010], member of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear Weapons (IPPNW). Park contains a stone for each nuclear weapons test. Information courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
KJuly 7, 2006 - First Mayors for Peace Peace Pillar, Ypres (Belgium). Marked the opening of the international 2020 Vision campaign secretariat in the Ypres City Hall. Inaugurated by the mayors of Hiroshima and Ypres. Correct image?
August 17, 2008 - Youth Library, Chateau Park, Zonnebeke, Flanders (Belgium). The words on the side of the library are the poessay "Tyne Cot" by artist Jan Theuninck. A "poessay" is a combination of the poem and essay forms. The title refers to Tyne Cot Cemetery, the largest cemetery for Commonwealth forces on the continent. English translation: " Tyne Cot. When you left for the front you were living heroes and now you are on top of the hill where only poppies blow.........."
(3) Peace Monuments in Luxembourg
Right click image to enlarge.
L1944 or later - Chapel, Luxembourg American Cemetery & Memorial, Hamm (Luxembourg). Three miles east of downtown Luxembourg City. "Au-dessus de la porte de la chapelle, une sculpture haute de 7 mètres représente l'ange de la paix, sa main droite levée en signe de bénédiction, la gauche tenant une branche de laurier. Au sommet, une colombe planant sur un nuage, autre signe de paix."
1973 - Justice and Peace Panels, Main Courtroom, Court of Justice of the European Communities, Palais building, Kirchberg district (Luxembourg). By André Hambourg.
After 1985 - "Schengen Agreement" monument, near Moselle bridge, Schengen (Luxembourg). "Three steel pillars, each with a star represent the first participant countries of the Schengen Agreement, being France, Germany and the Benelux countries, who met here in the triangle where the borders of Germany, France, and Luxembourg meet... This is a treaty signed in 1985, on the river-boat "Princesse Marie-Astrid," providing for the removal of systematic border controls between the participating countries."
S C U L P T U R E Date? - "Non-Violence," Jean Monnet Building, Kirchberg (Luxembourg). Third in a series of nearly identical sculptures by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd. ("The Jean Monnet Building was home to the ECSC Consultative Committee until it ceased to exist in July 2002. The building now houses some of the departments of the European Commission.")
1988 - "Non-Violence" by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd ("the knotted gun"), United Nations, New York City, New York (USA). Gift from Luxembourg. Entry #753 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1988 - "Non-Violence" by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd (oil painting on canvas), Conventional Arms Branch, Dept. for Disarmament Affairs (DDA), United Nations, New York (USA).
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