| 64 Peace Monuments in Switzerland |
Click here for momuments related to the Red Cross.
| Click here for peacemakers in Switzerland.
N.B. This web page has two parts: (1)
Geneva and (2) the remainder of Switzerland.
(1) 40 Peace Monuments in Genève / Geneva (Switzerland) & Environs
Click here or click here for some stunning images made in & near the Palais des Nations /// Click here for website showing most secretariat buildings in Geneva (and some other monuments).
Right click image to enlarge.
1830 - In Geneva (Switzerland), the first continental European peace society (friedensgesellschaft) was set up in 1830 by Count Jean-Jacques de Sellon [1782-1839]. De Sellon took as his guiding principle the inviolability of the individual, which led him first of all to campaign for the abolition of slavery & of the death penalty, and later to devote his efforts to promoting peace & arbitration between nations. [André Durand, 1996]

| 1832 - Marble Obilisk, Cemetiere du Petit-Saconnex, chemin Moise-Duboule 12, Le Petit-Saconnex, near Geneva (Switzerland). Erected by Count Jean-Jaques de Sellon [1782-1839] on his estate La Fenêtre (which now belongs to the United Nations) in Pregny, but it was transferred in 1907 to the nearby cemetery where he is buried. Inscriptions: "Heureux ceux ui procurent la paix car ils seront appellés enfants de dieu."
"Dieu ne veut pas la mort du pecheur mais sa conversion et sa vie."
"La Societé de la Paix fut fondée le 1er Décembre 1830 par J.J. de Sellon, Citoyen de Geneve, Comte du St Empire. Il consacra ce monuent a l'inviolabilité de la vie de l'homme l'an 1832." Also bears the names of advocates of peace & of the abolition of the death penalty: William Penn, Casimir Perrier, Livingson, Nicholas de Flue, William Wilberforce, Elisabeth (the queen?), the US states of Maine & New Hampshire (ont aboli la peine de mort l'an 1837 [sic]), Duke Leopold of Tuscany, Victor de Tracy, Charles Lucas, Cesare Beccaria, Grohmann, Fredericc Guillaume of Prussia,
Henry IV of France, the Duke of Sully,
Fenelon & the Duke of Sussex. ALL information about this monument is from "Itinerary for Peace in the Streets of Geneva" (August 2002), pp. 102-3. Image shows the cemetery but NOT the monument.
 | 1832 - Château Allaman/Allaman Castle, Allaman, Vaud (Switzerland). Unintentional monument. Identified with peace about 1832. "Has its origins in the 11th Century but the main components were built by the Count of Vaud in 1253.
The wealthy Genevan philanthropist Jean-Jacques de Sellon [1782-1839], who owned the property until 1839, gave accommodation at the castle to, amongst many others, such political refugees as Napoleon's brother Joseph Bonaparte, Joséphine de Beauharnais, the Duke of Bassano, the Count Camille Cavour, Voltaire as well as to Franz Liszt & George Sand. In 1820 [sic], de Sellon founded the Society of Peace, forerunner of the League of Nations & the United Nations Organization (UN). Since then, the Castle has also been referred to 'The Castle of Peace,' & Sellon was also instrumental in the abolition of the death penalty in Switzerland.
One of the largest private properties of Switzerland, the private estate covers over 330,000 square metres (33 hectares; 82 acres) and offers some 6,000 m2 (65,000 sq ft) of living space. It is surrounded by private forests, parks, gardens & Grand Cru vineyards."

 | 1838 - Peace Column, Château Allaman/Allaman Castle (aka Peace Castle), Allaman, Vaud (Switzerland). On Lake Geneva. Column was discovered in 2013 hidden, perhaps deliberately, inside a plaster pillar.
"One of the most significant historical Castles (maybe in the whole of Europe, the heart of the Peace movement, initiated & inspired by Count J.J. de Sellon. It is in [this castle] that the first Congrès of Peace took place in 1832. So, you are, if I may say, and keeper of the Peace history. What does it represent for you to be the owner of the Peace Castle? ///
Markus Jerger: The honour, privilege & pleasure to own & live in a medieval estate is not comparable to any other form of 'home' or 'life' experience. You are inspired daily by a new historic discovery when surrounded by a rich past, like in Allaman Castle. This place emerges you into the evolution of the societies of the region in the 10th, 12th, 14th, 18th Century & the past owners life & contribution to our history. Sellon is such an exceptional example, but also Cavour or the Countess Margarite de Langallerie were outstanding contributors to the Castle's unique evolution." /// Translation of the column's inscriptions is unavailable. INCOMPLETE
October 1863 - "Geneva Congress," Geneva (Switzerland). Organized by a five-member committee (after its first meeting on February 17, 1863) to discuss the improvement of care for wounded soldiers. Attended by 14 states. "Speaking after General Guillaume-Henri Dufour [1787-1875], Gustave Moynier [1826-1910] explained the position of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)."
"Henry Dunant [1828-1910], however, was only a protocol leader because of Moynier's efforts to diminish his role."
September 9, 1867 - Pacifist Congress, Electoral Building, Geneva (Switzerland).
"On the initiative of the philosopher Charles Lemonnier, a follower of Henri de Saint-Simon [1760-1825], [a group of French pacifists] convene a pacifist congress in Geneva in September 1867, with objectives and means that differed substantially from those proposed by Frédéric Passy [1822-1912]: 'The aim of the Geneva Congress is to determine the political and economic conditions required for peace among peoples, and in particular for the establishment of the United States of Europe. It aspires to be the conference of European democracy, expressing through its most authorized spokesmen the elements of this great solution and sounding, in the name of the immortal principles of the French Revolution, the signal for consciences to awake: it is time for democracy to stand up and show itself.'" [André Durand, 1996] The International League of Peace & Liberty organised a series of international peace congresses: 1867 - 1st congress, Geneva (Switzerland). 1873 - 2nd congress. 1889 - 3rd congress.
1874 - The Congress for Peace and Liberty met again in Geneva (Switzerland). Victor Hugo, who was invited to attend, this time declined the invitation. He added new reservations to those he had already expressed in 1869. Meanwhile, there had been the Franco-Prussian war, the invasion of France, and the loss of two provinces. Reparation was required. Hence the prime issue was no longer peace, but justice. 'All fraternities are adjourned; where there was hope, there is now menace: we are faced with a whole series of disasters, each of which gives rise to another and must be seen through; there is no stopping now.'" [André Durand, 1996]
1889 - First meeting,
Inter-Parliamentary Union / Union Interparlementaire (IPU), Paris (France). "The forerunner of the League of Nations, the IPU was formed by peace activists William Randal Cremer [1828-1908] of the UK & Frédéric Passy [1822-1912] of France. Initially, the organization was for individual parliamentarians, but has since transformed into an international organization of the parliaments of sovereign states. The national parliaments of 143 countries are members, and seven regional parliamentary assemblies are associate members." "The 1889 meeting included representatives from eight nations. Cremer was elected vice-president of the Union and secretary of the British section." Did this happen DURING the 1st Universal Peace Congress? /// Image shows IPU secretariat builting in Geneva (Switzerland).
 | June 28, 1919 - The League of Nations is created by the Treaty of Versailles. The International Labour Organization (ILO) is also established in 1919 as an agency of the League of Nations. It will become the first specialized agency of the United Nations system after the demise of the League in 1946. The ILO has a tripartite governing structure – representing governments, employers & workers (usually with a ratio of 2:1:1). The rationale behind the tripartite structure is creation of free & open debate among governments & social partners. The ILO secretariat (staff) is referred to as the International Labour Office.
 | C O N F |
October 29-November, 1919 - First annual conference (referred to as the International Labour Conference, or ILC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) at the Pan-American Union, 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC (USA). Adopted the first six International Labour Conventions, which dealt with hours of work in industry, unemployment, maternity protection, night work for women, minimum age & night work for young persons in industry. Prominent French socialist Albert Thomas [1878-1932] (who did not attend the conference) became the ILO's first Director General. /// The ILO was esablished in 1919 an agency of the League of Nations. Because of its non-membership in the League, the USA did not join the ILO until 1934. /// Image shows the Secretarial Staff of the conference in front of the Pan American Building; it includes Ernest Greenwood, American Delegate, & Harold B. Butler, Secretary-General of ILC.
 | B E L L | 1920? - Cloche / Bell, Salle de l'Alabama / Hall of the Alabama, Hotel de Ville / City Hall, Geneva (Switzerland). "Une réplique en miniature de la Liberty Bell de Philadelphie. Cette cloche sonna l'ouverture de la première assemblée de la Société des Nations le 15 novembre 1920 à Genève, siège voulu par le Président américain Thomas Woodrow Wilson.."
| 1926 - Secretariat Building, International Labour Organization (ILO), on shore of Lake Geneva (Lac Leman), Geneva (Switzerland). Served the ILO until 1974. Now the office of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
| 1925 - “Le Puddleur,” at an entrance to the International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva (Switzerland). The sculpture, by Constantin Meunier [1831-1905], is a gift of Belgium to the ILO. A puddleur is a metalworker.
 | Date? - Statue of Guillaume Henri Dufour, Geneva (Switzerland). Guillaume Henri Dufour [1787-1875] was a general, pioneer cartographer, and co-founder of the Red Cross in 1863.
August 28-September 3, 1926 - 25th Universal Peace Congress, Geneva (Switzerland).
Spring 1927 - First Geneva Naval Conference, Geneva (Switzerland). Held to discuss naval arms limitation.
| C O N F | February 1932 to May 1937 - Conference for the Reduction & Limitation of Armaments of 1932-34, Geneva (Switzerland). Sometimes called World Disarmament Conference or Geneva Disarmament Conference. "An effort by member states of the League of Nations, together with the USA and the Soviet Union, to actualize the ideology of disarmament. Ostensibly it took place between 1932 and 1934, but more correctly until May 1937." Some progress was made, but when Hitler came into power in 1933 he took Germany out of the Geneva Conference and the League of Nations, which was questionable but nothing was done about it." Iimages show members of the Women's International League for Peace & Friendship (WILPF) delivering Petition for Universal Disarmament, Peace & Freedom with 6,000,000 signatures. Click here for video. How does this conference differ from the Second Geneva Naval Conference (qv)?
 | 1936 - Murals, Council Chamber, Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). On the ceiling & walls. Painted by the Catalan artist José María Sert & a gift from the Government of Spain. Depict human grogress through health, technology, freedom & peace – all united by five colossal Dantesque figures (representing the world’s five continents) grasping each other’s hands in apocalyptical triumph at the dome of the ceiling." Right image shows the Assembly Hall.

 | 1938 - "The Creation of Adam," Palais des Nations/Palace of Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). Three bas-reliefs in stone by British sculptor & printmaker Eric Gill [1882-1940]. Inspired by Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam.” /// Covered in October 2013 (as shown in right image) to avoid offending the Iranian delegation visiting Geneva for talks about nuclear weapons.
| 1939 - Statue, ILO Headquarters, International Labour Organization, Geneva (Switzerland). Gift from the Government of Yugoslavia.

 | Date? - Woodrow Wilson Memorial, Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). Inscription: "A la memorie de WOODROW WILSON, Président des Etats Unis, Fondatevr de la Société des Nations. Ville de Geneve."
| August 1939 - "Armillary Sphere," Ariana Park, Palais des Nations / Palace of Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). 410 cm in diameter. Weighs some 5,800 kg. Also called Celestial Sphere. By Paul Manship [1885-1966]. Presented by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation in memory of the founder of the League of Nations.
June 1, 1950 - "Aero Memorial World War I 1917-18," Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA). By Paul Manship [1885-1966]. "Proposed during WW-I by the Aero Club of Pennsylvania. Commissioned by Fairmount Park Art Association."
| 1946 - League of Nations Museum, Palais des Nations, B.328, Geneva (Switerland). Operated by the Library of the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG), the League of Nations Archives (LON) & Historical Collections Unit. Illustrates the history & work of the League of Nations [1919-1946].
| 1946 - Headquarters Building, Comité International de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) / International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Geneva (Switzerland). Building constructed in 1876 and used for various purposes before becoming ICRC headquarters in 1946.
Date? - Ecumenical Centre, World Council of Churches (WCC), Geneva (Switzerland). Located near the ILO, ICRC & WHO. Serves as the base for the following Church organisations:
* Action by Churches Together
* Conference of European Churches
* Ecumenical Church Loan Fund
* Ecumenical News International
* Lutheran World Federation
* World Alliance of Reformed Churches
* World Student Christian Federation
* World Council of Churches
April 26-July 21, 1954 - Geneva Conference, Geneva (Switzerland). "A conference with two tasks. The first was to try to find a way to unify Korea. The second task was to discuss the possibility of restoring peace in Indochina."
July 18, 1955 - Geneva Summit, Geneva (Switzerland). "July 18th, 1955 in Geneva, Switzerland. "A meeting of 'The Big Four:' President Dwight D. Eisenhower of the United States, Prime Minister Anthony Eden of Britain, Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin of the Soviet Union, and Prime Minister Edgar Faure of France."

| August 1955 - First International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva (Switzerland). Often called the Atoms for Peace conference. Left image shows Atoms For Peace symbol used by the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). It was was mounted over the door to the American swimming pool reactor building during the 1955 conference. Around a representation of an atom are symbolised four areas civil atomic energy: scientific research, medicine, industry & agriculture. Two olive branches symbolise peaceful use. Right image shows physicist Tom Cole who conceived the reactor and then helped construct it at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Additional conferences were held in 1958, 1964 & 1971.
1958 - Geneva Conference, Geneva (Switzerland). No Wikipedia article on this conference.
 | 1970 - "La paix / Peace," Place de la Metropole, Geneva (Switzerland). By Jean-Pierre Pérusset. "A rather large piece of art, set in a fountain (with many spouts). It
is attractive & in a little spot for pedestrians, between two busy roads.
Next to the imposing Swissôtel Genève Métropole with the Place des
Florentins on the other side." Information courtesy of Peter van den Dungen 06Nov12.
| 1973 - E Building, Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). "In 1973, UNOG completed the giant 10-storey E building, mainly as a headquarters for the new UNCTAD organisation, but also to add a number of new assembly halls and meeting rooms – it is still called the 'new building.'"
Late 1973 - Geneva Conference, Geneva (Switzerland). "An attempt to negotiate a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict as envisioned in UN Security Council Resolution 338 following the called-for cease-fire to end the Yom Kippur War [October 6-25, 1973]."
| June 1987 - Statue, ILO Headquarters, International Labour Organization, Geneva (Switzerland). Gift from the Government of India. Same as the "Triumph of Labour" by Roy Chowdury in Chennai?
 | 1959 - "Triumph of Labour," Anna Square, Marina Beach, Chennai (India). Also known as the Labour statue. Opposite University of Madras. "An important landmark of Chennai. Shows four men toiling to move a rock, depicting the hard work of the labouring class. Bears a semblance to the famed World War II photograph of the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima by American Marines. Sculpted by Devi Prasad Roy Choudhary [1899-1975]. The statue is the earliest one to be erected on the beach & is installed close to the site where the country's first commemoration of May Day was held. Installed on the eve of the Republic Day in 1959, as part of the Kamaraj government's drive to beautify the beach. It remains the focal point of May Day celebrations in the city."
 | Date? - Headquarters building, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva (Switzerland). WHO was founded on April 7, 1948, but when was its headquarters constructed?
| B O O K
| 1991 - "Red Cross Historical Walk in the Footsteps of Henry Dunant / Itineraire Croix-Rouge dans la Vielle de Geneve sur les pas d'Henry Dunant, Geneva (Switzerland). 83-page book in English & French by Roger Durand published by the Société Henry Dunant. "Cette promenade dans la Vieille Ville vous montre les lieux liés au mouvement de la Croix-Rouge, fondée en 1863 à Genève. En cheminant, nous passons entre autres par la maison natale d'Henry Dunant [1828-1910], par l'ancien Casino de Genève, par le palais de l'Athénée et par la maison qui avait appartenu à Henry Dunant à la rue du Puits-Saint-Pierre où il écrivit « Un souvenir de Solferino ». En 1864, douze Etats adopteront à l'Hôtel de Ville la Première Convention de Genève pour l'amélioration du sort des militaires blessés dans les armées en campagne. La promenade peut se terminer en passant par la Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, le CICR et le Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge."
| Autumn 1991 - Cloche de Shinagawa / Shinagawa Bell, Parc du Ariana Museum, Geneva (Switzerland). Cast in 1990 by the Oigo workshop in Takaoka (Japan) and offered to the city of Geneva by the community of the Honsen-Ji temple in Shinagawa, Tokyo (Japan). Replaces original bell obained by a Swiss art collector and returned to Japan. "Disparue de son temple au XIXe siècle, découverte puis acquisition en 1873 par le collectionneur genevois Gustave Revilliod à la fonderie Rüetschi d'Aarau, et installée dans le parc du Musée Ariana à Genève, la cloche du temple Honsen-ji de Shinagawa a été restituée au Japon par les autorités de la Ville de Genève en 1930. Soixante ans plus tard, en signe de reconnaissance, le temple offre à Genève une réplique de cette fameuse cloche."
 | September 1997 - Broken Chair, Square of Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). At Palais des Nations. "Handicap International unveiled the 12 meter high wooden sculpture made by Swiss artist Daniel Berset, in support of the global movement to eradicate landmines. A daily reminder of the governments' commitment to fully universalize and adhere to the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, including providing assistance to landmine victims and clearance of mine-affected land."
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines and Jody Williams received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997.
|  | October 8, 2014 - Broken Chair, Square of Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). From TASS: "A European art group has selected a very unusual way to send birthday greetings to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is 62 today.
A group of Geneva peace activists made a three-metre tall statue of the Russian leader & used it to prop up the world-famous anti-war monument known as the Broken Chair... Putin was the one who helped negotiate the recent ceasefire in the southeast of Ukraine, warded off the looming threat of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan by bringing their presidents to the negotiating table and also saved Syria from external military aggression."
|  | Date? - Anti-War Monument, International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva (Switzerland). Constructed from old artillery? Who made this monument & when?
| October 24, 1999 - Appel spirituel de Genève / Geneva Spiritual Appeal. "Proclaimed from the Geneva Cathedral on United Nations Day 1999 & signed by people from all over the world.
The representatives of all the religious & civil communities in Geneva call on all world leaders, whatever their influence, to adhere to these three principles:
> To not justify violence in any form by invoking religious or spiritual reasons.
> To not justify any discrimination on the basis of religious and spiritual reasons.
> To not exploit or dominate another by using force, or by using intellectual or spiritual means, or by using their wealth or social status.
This Appeal, which is based on the Genevan tradition of welcome, asylum & compassion, is open to all people whose beliefs are in accord with the terms of this appeal.
On United Nations Day 2004, Mr. Cornelio Sommaruga, Vice-president of the Geneva Spiritual Appeal, reminded us of the pertinence of this Appeal, and the necessity of promoting it by those who signed it originally, or who signed later." Information courtesy of Roger Durand 25Nov13.
| Date? - Canon avec Noeud/Twishted cannon, Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). "Une pièce d’artillerie avec son canon tordu est pointée sur le Palais des Nations.
Quand tous les canons du monde auront cette allure, l’humanité ira mieux."
| September 18, 2003 - Jardin de la Paix / Peace Garden, Domaine de Trembley, rue Moillebeau, Geneva (Switzerland). Jardin impressionniste de Moillebeau renamed in memory of Brazilian Sergio Vieira de Mello [1948-2003] & 21 other Untied Nations employees who were killed in Baghdad (Iraq) on August 19, 2003.

 | November 14, 2007 - Statue of Mahatma Gandhi sitting & reading a book, Ariana Park, Geneva (Switzerland). A gift of the Indian Government to the City of Geneva commemorating the 60th anniversary of Indo-Swiss friendship (Treaty of Amity, August 14, 1948). Inscribed "Ma vie est mon message. My life is my message."  |  | Another such statue. Where is it? Eucalyptus trees in background?

 | 2008 - Ceiling Sculpture, Human Rights & Alliance of Civilizations Room, Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). "By the prominent contemporary Spanish artist Miquel Barceló, a gift from the Government of Spain. The Consists of many layers of paint of different colors, composed of pigments from across the globe & sprayed onto the ceiling to generate stalactites."

| June 6, 2009 - Peace Fresco "Tu panta rei", Entrance, Palais des Nations/Palace of Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). 60 meter ceramic mural by Swiss painter Hans Erni (who celebrated his 100th birthday in February 2009). "With the theme of peace (tu panta rei). Commissioned in 2008 by the city of Geneva." /// Covers what has been a plain concrete wall that was erected when security was tightened around the building after September 2001. /// "Ta Panta Rei [sic], the words of 6th-century BC Greek philosopher Heraclitus, evoke the permanent flow, or flux, of all things and underpin the philosophy of artist Hans Erni."

| November 1, 2012 - Plaque Jules-Guillaume Fick et Guillaume Henri Dufour, 14 rue Etienne Dumont, Geneva (Switzerland). Celebrating "Les 150 ans de la publication d'''Un Souvenir de Solferino [Italy]'" by Henry Dunant [1828-1910]. At the site of the Jules-Guillaume Fick printshop which published the first edition of "Un Souvenir de Solferino" in 1862. Guillaume Henri Dufour [1787-1875] lived 20 years in the same house. Dunant & Dufour were both founders of the Red Cross in 1863. Information courtesy of Peter van den Dungen 06Nov2012. Images courtesy of Trond Heide Henningsen 18Jul2013.

October 3, 2016 - Hiroshima Tree, on grounds of United Nations, Ariana Park, Geneva (Switzerland). "Gingko sapling was planted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Master gardener Chikara Horiguchi represented Green Legacy Hiroshima (GLH) at the ceremony... GLH has been established to safeguard & spread worldwide the seeds & saplings of Hiroshima’s A-Bomb survivor trees. It is hoped that many partners will join this initiative & become active ambassadors in their countries of Hiroshima, its peace message & its green legacy."
(2) 24 Peace Monuments in the Remainder of Switzerland (i.e. Everywhere but Geneva)
Right click image to enlarge.
| 1536? - Tomb of Erasmus, Basler Münster / Basel Minster, Münsterplatz, Basel (Switzerland). Desiderius Erasmus [1466/1469-1536] was a Dutch Renaissance humanist. "He spent several years in Basel and died here in 1536. Although he stayed a Roman Catholic, he was buried in the Minster that was by then the main church of the Protestants in Basel. His bones were lost following changes to the church during the 19th century. They were only positively re-identified in 1974 and now rest under his epitaph."
Information courtesy of Gerard Lössbroek.
 | M U S E U M
| 1902-WWI - International Museum of War & Peace, Lucerne (Switzerland). Opened by Ivan Bloch, aka Jean de Bloch [1836-1902], a Polish-Russian entrepreneur and author of the 6-volume master work, La Guerre Future / Is War Now Impossible? (1898). Original opened in Shooting Festival Hall building near Lucerne railroad station. Moved in 1910 to purpose-built building in Musegg Street. Closed in 1919/1920 after attendance dropped during World War I. See "The International Museum of War and Peace at Lucerne" by Peter van den Dungen, Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Geschichte, vol, 31, pp, 185-202 (1981). Click here for "Preventing Catastrophe: The World's first peace museum" by Peter van den Dungen, Ritsumeikan Kokusai Kenkyu / The Ritsumeikan Journal of International Studies, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 23-36 (March 2006). Site now occupied by Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern (KKL) / Culture and Congress Centre in Lucerne designed by French architect Jean Nouvel.
| 1899? - "Guerre à la guerre / War Against War" by Dutch painter Jan ten Kate [1850-1929], "The Dutch Vereshchagin" (qv). Canvas about 4x5 meters. Fried, Zola, Tolstoy, Czar Nicholas II, Dunant & other famous peacemakers are depicted in the foreground, including Bertha von Suttner [1843-1914] who is raising a Cross to ward off Death. One of three large ten Kate paintings which hung in Jean Bloch's International Museum of War & Peace, Lucerne (Switzerland), from 1902 until 1919/1920. (The other two were "La Garde à Mort/The Death Guard" & "Der Friedensengel/The Angel of Peace.") From Prof Peter van den Dungen 18Oct2013: "I researched [ten Kate's] peace paintings as part of my study of the history of the Bloch museum (published in 1981 in the Swiss Historical Journal), and was not successful in tracing any of the large paintings of his which were in the museum. More recently, colleagues in Lucerne also drew a blank. Arthur [Eyffinger] has reproductions in his books, but is unlikely to know more. I was first approached by a Dutch colleague about the Ten Kate paintings in Lucerne in the late 1970's, and it is frustrating that we are as ignorant now as then. One of the things I have never done is to pursue this matter via the professional art world, where there must exist various registers with the whereabouts of paintings."
| About 1910 - "Pax Defeating the Warrior," International Museum of War & Peace, Musegg Street, Lucerne (Switzerland). Near the main entrance of the building. "Facade painting by Hans Zürcher [1880-1958]... Expresses hopes of the late 19th / early 20th century peace movement that peace should win over war like day over night. World War I terminated the high expectations shortly after the museum was built in 1910, however." /// N.B.: The museum closed in 1919/1920. From Peter van den Dungen: "The building is [now] home to a pedagogical academy. [The] large painting...can still be seen today."
| 1909 - Weltpostdenkmal / Universal Postal Union Monument, Bern (Switzerland). Bronze & granite. By René de Saint-Marceaux. The five continents join to transmit messages around the globe. 1 of 40 monuments in "Peace Symbols" by Zonia Baber (1948), pp. 30-31.
 | 1910 - Grave of Henry Dunant, Friedhof Zürich-Sihlfeld (Switzerland). Henry Dunant [1828-1910] founded the Red Cross in June 1859 and received the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.
| 1911 - Hotel de la Paix, Luzern / Lucerne (Switzerland). "The [39-room] hotel is located in the heart of Lucerne, near the lion monument, at the entrance of the old quarter and 200 metres from the famous Vierwaldstätter lake." (PvdD: "You might consider staying [here]. This will be 100
years old next year [2011], and was named because of the new Bloch peace museum
that opened in 1910, almost next to it. This is where I have stayed a couple
of times, also recently. The Bourbaki Panorama is opposite the hotel.")

 | C O N F |
May 12-17, 1919 - 2nd International WILPF Congress, Zürich (Switzerland). "Because the French government refused permission to the German women delegates, the women's conference was held in Zürich." "ICWPP denounced the final terms of the peace treaty ending World War I as a scheme of revenge of the victors over the vanquished that would sow the seeds of another world war. They decided to make their committee permanent and renamed it the Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF). The WILPF moved its headquarters to Geneva to be near the proposed site of the League of Nations, although WILPF did not endorse empowering that organization to conduct food blockades or to use military pressure to enforce its resolutions." Right image is US delegation.

1919-1922 - First Goetheanum, Dornach, Solothurn (Switzerland). Near Basel. A timber & concrete structure designed by Rudolf Steiner [1861-1925]. Intended as a Gesamtkunstwerk (the synthesis of diverse artistic media & sensory effects) & infused with spiritual significance. Built to house the annual summer theater events of the Anthroposophical Society, it became the center of a small colony of spiritual seekers. Architects created the unusual double-dome wooden structure over a curving concrete base, stained glass windows added color into the space, painters decorated the ceiling with motifs depicting the whole of human evolution, & sculptors carved huge column bases, capitals, and architraves with images of metamorphoses. Already during the construction, musicians, actors & movement artists began performing a wide variety of pieces in a neighboring workshop. Destroyed by arson on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1922–January 1, 1923." /// Lower image is "The Representative of Humanity," a 9-meter high wood sculpture executed by Rudolf Steiner in 1922 as a joint project with sculptor Edith Maryon [1872-1924] & "now on permanent display at the Goetheanum."
| 1924-1949 - Pax Mal / Peace Monument, Walenstadtberg, St. Gallen Canton (Switzerland). "A unique place of contemplation built & adorned with big mosaic murals by
one single man, Karl Bickel, Sr. [1886-1982]. To shoot a photo of the entire monument, you need either a fish-eye
lens or a helicopter." /// "The left wall represents nature-oriented life: A human couple in various aspects of its evolution, symbolizing love & procreation. The right wall is dedicated to spiritual life: The awakening, toiling, seeing & evolving humankind."
 | Various Dates - Henri Dunant Monuments in Heiden (Switzerland), Geneva (Switzerland), Nobel Peace Walk, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales (Australia), Vienna (Austria), and Nagoya (Japan).
 | June 1940 - Peace Monument, Founex (Switzerland). "Les anciens combattants suisses de la Grande Guerre se félicitent d'être encore en paix en Juin 1940."
| October 2, 1976 - "Europa-Union" plaque, near boat landing, Hertenstein on Lake Lucerne near Weggis (Switzerland). Final paragraph (in German): "May every visitor to Herteinstein dedicate himself to the idea of a united Europe." Partly hidden by bushes. Erected on 30th anniversry of the 1946 European federalist conference. The idea of a Union of European Federalists, and also the concept for a Swiss "Europapolitik" (the Herteinstein Programme) were born at the historic conference. Information from Prof. Peter van den Dungen 07Aug09.
August 19, 1999 - Plaque, Caux Conference Center, Caux (Switzerland). At foot of an oak tree planted in 1997. Inscription: "In remembrance of the Jewish refugees who stayed here, and of those who were not admitted to enter Switzerland during World War II. We shall not forget." Towards the end of WW-II, the former Caux-Palace, then the Esplanade Refugee Camp, housed some 1,600 Jews.
After 1999 - Globe atop Breitling Orbiter Monument, Arleshiem, Canton of Basel (Switzerland). "Breitling Orbiter was the name of three different Rozière balloons made by Cameron Balloons to circumnavigate the globe. The first two balloons never made it, while the third was successful in 1999." The Orbiter is in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (USA).
| May 29, 2006 - Outdoor Adverstising campaign, Amnesty International (Switzerland). Using the tagline "It's not happening here but it's happening now" in various languages and transparent billboards. Aims to show people what is going on in the world, even if it's not happening in front of them at the bus stop. The ads portray issues in countries like Iraq, China, and Sudan." Amnesty International (AI), London (UK), received the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize.
| October 3, 2008 - Friedens-Ei / Peace Egg, Grossmünster place, Zurich (Switzerland). Made by Peace Brigades International (PBI). "The 2.5 meters wide and 80 kilo anniversary egg was at the University of Berne under the direction of Dr. Stefan Stankowski, professor of physics and director Fachschaftssitzung physics, science and research and Giorgio Insom, Researcher, University of Applied Sciences Berne planned and assembled. The interplay between technology and peace is unique and illustrates the fragility and vulnerability of human rights."
 | 2010? - Friedensglocke aus Nagasaki/Nagasaki Peace Bell, Henri Dunant Museum, Asylstrasse 2, Heiden (Switzerland).
"The Henry Dunant Museum Gentiles obtained after many years of contact with the Red Cross Japan and the authorities of the city of Nagasaki given a copy of the Angelus bell. The famous original is in one of the oldest Christian churches in Japan. The bell was during the atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki on 9 August 1945, with very few damages recovered in the rubble. Since 1988, duplicates are cast away and to places which were the victims of war or natural disasters, such as Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Leningrad or Honolulu.
As a major exception receives Gentiles, in honor of Red Cross founder Henry Dunant such a peace bell. Gentiles to take out the spirit of peace further into the world. On 13 October 2009 was the 100-pound bell from a delegation of the Henry Dunant Museum (Böhi John and Marlis Hörler Böhi), the Red Cross both Appenzell (Jessica Kehl) and the hospital Gentiles (Othmar Deputy throat. Director, chief physician medicine), to be taken at a ceremony in the Faculty of Medicine Nagasaki, reception. The necessary funds were made available to the city by members of the medical faculty of the University of Nagasaki and residents.
Over six weeks took the sea voyage of the Peace Bell on the freighter 'Louise Schulte' Nagasaki to Hamburg by train via Rorschach to Heiden. Since Monday 29 March 2010 is the Peace Bell of Nagasaki, Japan, in the entrance hall of the hospital Gentiles. At a later stage the Peace Bell will receive its final location at the Henry Dunant Museum and there solemnly inaugurated. [Google translation]"