26 Peace Monuments
Dedicated in 1988Right click image to enlarge.
April 1988 - Honkawa Elementary School Peace Museum, on right bank of Honkawa River, Hiroshima (Japan). Occupies portion of school building damaged by the A-bomb on August 6, 1945. #01 of 56 "cenotaphs & monuments" on the Virtual E-Tour. Click here for Wikipedia article.
April 1988 - Garden for Peace (GFP#1), Swan Woods Trail, Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). The first of several GFP's sponsored by Gardens for Peace, Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
April 1988 - - The Peace Tree, Garden for Peace #1, Swan Woods Trail, Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). 14-foot life-size bronze statue created by Gia (Georgi?) Japaridze, an artist from sister city Tbilisi (Republic of Georgia).
Mothers Day 1988 - Peace Abbey, 2 North Main Street, Sherborn, Massachusetts (USA). Three-acre "Multi-faith retreat center" founded by Lewis Randa & Dot Walsh. Includes "Peace Seeds" (prayers for peace of 12 different faiths), Memorial for Unknown Civilians Killed in War, Sacred Cow Animal Rights Memorial, and Conscientious Objectors Hill of Remembrance. Right image shows Pacifist Memorial with Gandhi statue. Makes annual Courgage of Conscience Award. Entry #472 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
June 1, 1988 - Nagasaki Peace Bell, Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery, St. Petersburg (Russia). Western style bell. "Gift from the Nagasaki people to Leningrad." In 1985, the USSR erected a "Statue of Peace" in Nagasaki's Peace Symbols Zone (qv).
June 18, 1988 - World Peace Bell #1, Peace Park, Soya Misaki / Cape Soya, Wakkanai, Hokkaido (Japan). Extreme north end of Japan. Adjacent to about ten other monuments, including memorial for Korea Airlines flight 007. Click here to see Roy Sinclair from New Zealand at the bell in February 2001.
December 10, 1988 - World Peace Bell #2, Peace Loving Citizens Park, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa (Japan). Extreme south end of Japan.
1988 - Gladdys Muir Peace Garden, Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana (USA). Commemorate the 50th anniversary of Manchester College's Peace Studies Program (the first in the US). Named for Gladdys Muir, founder of the Peace Studies Program. Entry #311 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1988 - Manchester Peace Group, St. Peter's Square, Manchester (England). Unveiled by the Lord Mayor. Composite, life-size and a third, by Philip Jackson.
1988-1990-2009 - Reichs[anti]kolonialehrendenkmal, Bremen (Germany). "This ten-meter high structure was completed in 1931 as a monument to the German colonies which then included Cameroon, Togo, Deutsch-Ostafrika [Tanzania], Deutsch-Südwestafrika [Namibia] & several islands. For decades the Reichskolonialehrendenkmal / ______ stood as a powerful symbol of German colonial ambition. The allied forces chiseled off the inscriptions on the outside, but the plaques on the inside of “der elefant” remained, including a list of 1,400 colonial soldiers & officials who died defending the German empire. In 1988, a metal sign was created next to the elephant by the youth wing of the Bremen metal workers union in support of the Anti-Apartheid movement. In 1990, with the celebration of Namibian independence from South Africa, the elephant itself was re-dedicated as the “Bremen anti colonial monument” thereby attempting to invert its historical meaning yet retaining the original design. And in 2009 a new monument was created next to the elephant to the victims of German genocide. /// This is "Monday's Monument" #69.
1988 - National Garden of Peace, behind the Temple of Peace, Cardiff, Wales (UK). Marks the 50th anniversary of the Temple of Peace. Home to a number of commemorative trees and plaques, including a colourful plaque to mark the 20th anniversary of the walk from Cardiff to Greenham Common. "The first ever Welsh monument to Conscientious Objection was unveiled in the National Garden of Peace on 15 May 2005" (shown in image).
1988 - Grave of Seán MacBride, Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin (Ireland). Also grave of his mother Maude Gonne MacBride [1865-1953]. Seán MacBride unveiled the statue of Reconciliation at the University of Bradford (England) in 1977 (qv). Seán MacBride [1904-1988] & Eisaku Sato [1901-1975] shared the 1974 Nobel Peace Prize.
1988 - International World Peace Rose Garden, Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Plaza de las Américas, Núm. 1, Col. Villa de Guadalupe. México, DF (Mexico). Theme: "Friendship between Mexico and the United States."
M1988 - Lower East Side Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard Street, New York, NY (USA). "Built on Manhattan's Lower East Side in 1863, this tenement apartment building was home to nearly 7000 working class immigrants. They faced challenges we understand today -- making a new life, working for a better future, starting a family with limited means. In recognizing the importance of this seemingly ordinary building, the Tenement Museum has re-imagined the role that museums can play in our lives." Video | Website | National Park Service (NPS).
1988 - Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, National Park Service (NPS) & Jimmy Carter National Preservation District, Georgia (USA). The site includes President Carter’s residence, boyhood farm, school, and the railroad depot which served as his campaign headquarters during the 1976 election. The Plains High School serves as the site’s museum and visitor center.
D E N K M A L 1988 - Denkmal für den unbekannten Deserteur / Monument to the Unknown Deserter, Trammplatz, Hannover (Germany). "Since 1988 there has been at Trammplatz in front of the New Town Hall in Hanover, a memorial to deserters. It is located on the edge of the square on the wall to the cycle. About the victim group of deserters little is known. About a dozen of them were buried in the former garrison cemetery, the Fössefeldfriedhof in Linden (Cemetery Road). Deserters were shot in Vahrenheide in the ball catching drift on the barracks. [Google translation]" Info courtesy of Gerard Lössbroek.
1988 - Peace Monument, Bicentennial Park (north of the distinctive water feature), Sydney, New South Wales (Australia). Metal sculpture by artist Michael Kitching. Commissioned by the NSW government in 1986 to commemorate the UN International Year of Peace (qv).
1988 - Memorial Stone, Riga (Latvia). "The Great Choral Synagogue in German occupied Riga was burnt on July 4, 1938, with 300 Jews locked in the basement. The memorial stone was place a few feet from the burned foundation in 1988." /// NB: This information from the San Antonio Peace Center is seemingly inconsistent with the Wikipedia article linked above.
1988 - World Wall For Peace (WWFP), Peace Plaza, Between City Hall & City Library, Salem, Oregon (USA). Click here for annual tree photos. Entry #848 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
1988 - World Peace Gate, Olympic Park, Seoul (South Korea). "Imposing steel frame and reinforced iron structure 24 meters high, 37 meters wide, and 62 meters in length" built for the 1988 Summer Olympic Games.
1988? - World Peace Flame, Olympic Park, Seoul (South Korea). Apparently near Olympic Peace Gate (qv) which was constructed for the 1988 Olympic Games.
1988 - The Arch, New Harmony, Indiana (USA) . Coil-built stoneware arch in front of the Roofless Church. Executed in 1971 by East Coast artist Bruno La Verdiere & installed in New Harmony in 1988. It was moved to its current location in 1993. The inscription at the base of the sculpture reads: "This gateway is for all the innocent victims of war and oppression throughout the ages and particularly for all the young who died too soon in this century." /// On-line caption for left image is "Bruno La Verdiere, Arch, 1970, 8 ft." (location unknown).
1988 - Memorial pour la Paix de Caen / Caen Peace Museum, Esplanade General Eisenhower, Caen, Normandy (France). Principally about World War II but includes other themes, including a galley of Nobel Peace Prize winners.
1988 - Musee International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge / International Red Cross & Red Crescent Museum, 17 avenue de la Paix, Geneva (Switzerland). Click here for Wikipedia article. Right image shows "The Petrified" at museum entrance.
July 1988 - Freedom Quilt Mural, Southeast Regional Office, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), 92 Piedmont Avenue, NE, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Mural by David Fichter. Features Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and 14 other famous peacemakers. Created as part of Rainbow Coalition events during the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Click here for further information. Entry #240 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
November 15, 1988 - German-American Friendship Garden, Constitution Avenue between 15th & 17th Streets, Washington, DC (USA). "Commemorates the 300th anniversary of German immigration to America. Symbolizes the positive & cooperative relations between the USA & the Federal Republic of Germany. Features plants native to both countries."
December 10, 1988 - "Sun Crane of Peace," Peace Symbols Zone, Nagasaki Peace Park, Nagasaki (Japan). From the Republic of Cuba. "The faces of the atomic bomb victims contained within the sun form a paper crane and symbolize the vital importance of peace."
December 17, 1988 - "Monument of Peace," Peace Symbols Zone, Nagasaki Peace Park, Nagasaki (Japan). From Santos, Brazil (Nagasaki's sister city). "An expression of the aspiration for perpetual world peace embranced by the people of Brazil."
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