Right click image to enlarge.
| 1953 - Bridge of Europe, across Rhine River between Strasbourg (France) & Kehl (Germany). "Permanent artistic installation, a bond between two countries for which the border formerly seemed & wanted to be insuperable. According to Roland Ries, then mayor of Strasbourg, 'Here, it is indeed Europe, because this bridge connects two countries that have been torn apart for a long time; the reconciliation of these two countries is today one of the surest supports of the European construction.'"
| August 4, 1957 - "Unfortified Bountry" Monument, Mile 1223, International Border, (US & Canada). One of about 30 such monuments placed by Kiwanis International over a number of years. Inscription: "This unfortified boundary line between the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America should quicken the remembrance of the more than a century old friendship between these countries, a lesson of peace to all nations. Erected August 4 1957, Kiwanis International." Where is this monument?
July 17, 1958 - Peace Monument, Robert Moses-Robert H. Saunders Power House & Dam, St. Lawrence-Franklin Deleno Roosevelt Power Project, St. Lawrence River between Massena, New York (USA), & Cornwall, Ontario (Canada). The dam's 32 turbine-generators are divided equally by the international border, with the two sections operated independently by the New York Power Authorty (NYPA) & Ontario Power Generation (OPG). Queen Elizabeth II dedicated the peace monument on the international border inside the power house.
August 20, 1964 - Roosevelt Campobello International Park, Campobello Island, New Brunswick (Canada). Left image shows the 34-room Roosevelt Cottage in what is now the international park. The l,l58 hectare (2,800 acre) park also contains "Sunsweep," stone monument by sculptor David Barr (right image). NB: Only bridge to Campobello Island is from Maine (USA). Entry #1264 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
 | 1969 - Amistad Dam, between Del Rio, Texas (USA). & Cuidad Acuna (Mexico). Image shows both national emblems on the border in the middle of the dam.
 | February 4, 1974 - Chamizal National Memorial, El Paso, Texas (USA), & Parque Público Federal "El Chamizal," Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (Mexico). Corresponding parks in the US & Mexico. Both commemorate the peaceful settlement of the century-long Chamizal boundary dispute [1852-1963] and are located in the formerly disputed area.
| 1977 - 13-cent stamp commemorating "Peace Bridge 1927-77." Fiftieth anniversary of the Peace Bridge between Buffalo, New York (USA), and Port Erie, Ontario (Canada).
| 1977 - 12-cent stamp commemorating "Peace Bridge 1927-77." Fiftieth anniversary of the Peace Bridge between Buffalo, New York (USA), and Port Erie, Ontario (Canada).
| 1979 - Kluane-Wrangell-St. Elias-Glacier Bay-Tatshenshini-Alsek. This is a "transfrontalier park system" located at the borders of Yukon Territory (Canada), Alaska (USA) & British Columbia (Canada). It is declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for the spectacular glacier and icefield landscapes as well as for the importance of grizzly bears, caribou and Dall sheep habitat. The total area of the site is over 32,000,000 acres (130,000 km²). Entry #1212 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
| July 14, 1982 - 20-cent postage stamp commemorating the 50th anniversary of the International Peace Garden, Dunseith, North Dakota (USA) and Boissevain, Manitoba (Canada).
 | 1983 - Peace Tower, International Peace Garden, Dunseith, North Dakota (USA) and Boissevain, Manitoba (Canada). Actually two 120 foot (36.6 meter) towers with four columns representing people from the four corners of the world coming together to form two similar but distinct nations with a common base of democracy & beliefs. /// Determined in 2015 to be unsafe & in need of demolition (or replacement at great cost).
SunSweep by sculptor David Barr. Three stone monuments spanning 2,778 miles of the international border between the USA & Canada.
| 1985 - Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts, Washington (USA). In US but accessible by road only from Canada.
Entry #1049 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
|  | 1985 - American Point Island, Lake-of-the-Woods, Minnesota (USA). In lake between the two nations and acessible only by water.
Entry #512 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
| 1985 - Roosevelt Campobello International Park, Weshpool, New Brunswick (Canada). In Canada but accesible only by road from the US.
Entry #1265 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).


1986-1991 - Arctic Arc,
Cape Dezhnev, Naukan (Russia) & Cape Prince of Wales, Wales, Alaska (USA). A joint project by Michigan sculptor David Barr and Alaskan artist Joe Senungetuk. Two "sculpture installations" evoking a bird, a boat, and a hand extended in friendship. About 60 miles (97 km) apart on each side of the Bering Sea at sites of the first human migrations into North America. According to Barr, "the two sculptures are a peaceful symbol for a border of international tension."

 | September 1988 - Parque Internacional La Amistad (PILA) / La Amistad International Peace Park (Costa Rica & Panama).
"Lies along the Talamanca mountain range. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990. ...a little less than half of it is in Costa Rica. That leaves 207,000 hectares on the Panama side. Nearly all of this land is in the province of Bocas del Toro, but the 3 percent of it that pokes into Chiriquí province is far more accessible."
| About 1991 - Monuments celebrating the Pan-European Picnic, Sopron (Austria/Hungary). "The Pan-European Picnic / Paneuropäisches Picknick / páneurópai piknik was a peace demonstration held on the Austrian-Hungarian border near the town of Sopron on 19 August 1989, an important event during the Revolutions of 1989 that led to the fall of the Iron Curtain & the reunification of Germany... The place of the picnic is marked by a monument of Miklós Melocco [left image], by a bell presented from the city of Debrecen (Hungary) from where the idea of the Picnic emerged, a pagoda presented by the Association of the Japanese–Hungarian Friendship and by a wooden monument unveiled by the organisors [sic] in 1991. A large artwork made by Gabriela von Habsburg, a daughter of Otto von Habsburg, & symbolizing a Cross & a barbed wire [right image] can be found at the Cave Theatre of Fertorakos (Hungary), a few kilometres from the site. Hungarian President László Sólyom unveiled a white marble monument in memory of those who had risked their life to cross the Iron Curtain."
 | April 1, 1999 - George Mitchell Bridge, between Cavan (Republic of Ireland) & Enniskillin (Northern Ireland). Aghalane Bridge rebuilt & newly named for US Senator George J. Mitchell. "Forms the border between North & South of Ireland. For 150 years this bridge served as a liaison to businesses and municipalities, which were located in the hinterland, as well as the main transport route between Donegal & Dublin and the shortest connection between the provincial towns of Enniskillen & Cavan."
 | April 1, 1999 - Peace Monument, between Cavan (Republic of Ireland) & Enniskillin (Northern Ireland). "After the ribbons were cut at the opening of the bridge, Lord Dubs, Minister Dempsey unveiled a sculpture with the name 'PEACE FOR ALL' by the sculptor Derek A. Fitz Simons from Newbridge, County Kildare. [It] represents a life-size warrior who is both tired of war, and the futility of further slaughter of conscious and is gently embraced by his partner, who is the mother of Ireland and has the strength to catch him and to comfort...
The sculpture is to send out this statement:
"Do we want to continue the way we are going or look at ourselves and try to resolve the situation?"The female figure represents peace, the male figure is naked to highlight the equality of all people, Protestants and Catholics, blacks and whites."
| April 15, 2000 - World Trade Bridge, between Laredo, Texas (USA), & Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas (Mexico).

| October 20, 2001
- Gateway to Freedom, Hart Plaza, Detroit, Michigan (USA). Depicts a group of slaves on US soil looking towards Canada and freedom. Detroit was on the central route to freedom, the "underground railroad." Sculpted by Ed Dwight. A collaboration of "Detroit 300" & the International Underground Railroad Monument Collaborative.

| October 20, 2001
- Tower of Freedom, 100 Pitt Street East, Windsor, Ontario (Canada). "Faces the Gateway to Freedom monument across the Detroit River and together are called the International Memorial to the Underground Railroad. A 22 foot tower with a bronze Flame of Freedom created by Denver based sculptor Ed Dwight. The monument honours the harrowing journey made by thousands in search of freedom and pays tribute to Ontario’s role in the Underground Railroad."
Date? - Friendship Gate, Torugart Pass, Border between Naryn Province (Kyrgyzstan) & Xinjiang Autonomous Region (China). Gate demolished in 2002?
September 2002 - Friendship Gate, between Chaman (Pakistan) & Spin Boldak (Afghanistan). "Two large ochre arches covered in blue tiles, overlooking scores of ramshackle Afghan & Pakistani traders' stalls in a one-kilometer no-man's land....completed in September, but its official inauguration has been postponed back several times. Shah blames the Kabul administration. 'The local Afghan authorities want this,' he said, 'but it's the people in Kabul who are making problems.'" "One of nearly 1,000 posts on the Afghan-Pakistani border. At night, the border is largely unguarded, allowing Taliban fighters, weapons & drugs to pass through."
| 2006? - "Rock of Peace" & Cairn, Bumla Pass, Tawang Lhasa Highway, between Arunachal Pradesh (India) & Tibet (China). At remote outpost on the disputed border (McMahon Line) north of Tawang Monastery. "A tin board hung over the place aptly reads, 'Heap of stones for Sino-Indian friendship.' Another signpost nearby hails India & China as 'two old neighbouring civilisations.'" "In 2006 Bumla pass in Tawang was opened to traders for the first time in 44 years. Traders from both sides of the pass were permitted to enter each other's territories, in addition to postal workers from each country." "The jawans (soldiers of the Indian army) at the outpost treat everybody passing through with tea."

July 2015 -
Hito Tres Fronteras / Three Frontiers Monument, Tres Fronteras Avenue, Puerto Iguazu, Misiones (Argentina). A shiny metal fountain surrounded by modern benches. Second image shows Schera Chadwick at one of several pillars which are inscribed "3 nations, 3 identities, 3 cultures, 3 frontiers" & speak about regional features in 3 languages (Spanish, Portuguese & English). Third image is view from the monument showing Brazil at right across the Iguazu River & Paraguay at left across the Paraná River. The Espaço das Américas / Space of the Americas conference center, is seen on the Brazilian bank in Foz do Iguacu, Parana State; it was constructed in 1997 & is now virtually abandoned. Iguazu Falls are just upstream to the right. /// Photos by EWL October 2015.
 | Future - International Peace Park, (China/Pakistan). Park proposed for both sides of the border, including Khunjerab National Park in Pakistan which is one of the highest altitude parks in the world.
| Future - Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (Mozambique, South Africa &
Zimbabwe). The three Ministers for the Environment signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to initiate the park on November 10, 2000. This is one
of several projects of the Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) of Stellenbosch (South Africa).
Please email your comments & questions to geovisual at comcast.net. Thank you.
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