"Museums for Peace"
in 33 CategoriesN.B. Numbers in the following paragraphs need to be revised.
Click here for a selection of these museums which have on-line videos.
The Concept: The concept of "museums for peace" dates from May 2005 when the International Network of Peace Museums (INPM) changed its name to the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) "in order to further develop cooperation with a wider range of institutons such as museums, galleries, and libraries working for peace as well as other peace projects." Unfortunately, the INMP has subsequently done very little to define, identify, recruit, or support "museums for peace," and many such museums have still never heard of the INMP or even of the concept of "museums for peace."
The Definition: As the old name implied, the original members of the INPM were mostly "anti-war museums" or "peace museums," and they generally defined "peace" as the absense of war. But, even from the beginning of the INPM in 1992, many "peace museums" were adopting broader and broader meanings of the word "peace." The 2005 name change recognized (1) that "peace" has many meanings, (2) that the role of "peace museums" can and should be broader than just the absense of war, and (3) that many museums without the word "peace" their names also work "for peace" and are therefore like-minded institutions. The INMP statute adopted in October 2008 says that "museums, galleries, and libraries working for peace" are collectively called "museums for peace."
This List: The list at the bottom of this webpage is one person's effort and has no official status. Its objective is to indentify as many museums as possible which display and interpret a specific war (or range of wars) and/or other forms of violence (such as abuse, prejudice, and discrimination) which interfere with the realization of human potential. Such museums usually suggest ways in whch future wars can be prevented (or other forms of violence overcome) -- often by way of interpreting a specific historic example (or range of examples). This list identifies 493 such "museums for peace" worldwide. They are sorted into 33 mutually exclusive categories (averaging 14.9 museums per category) in order to explore different aspects of the "museums for peace" concept. Within each category, museums are identified with national flags -- to show how they are distributed geographically -- and with the year of their opening or dedication -- to show how they came into being over time.
Geographic Distribution: Of the 493 listed museums, 247 (50.1 percent) are in the USA and Canada, 133 (27.0 percent) are in Europe, 29 (5.9 percent) in Japan, 45 (9.1 percent) in other Asian countries, and 39 (7.9 percent) in all other countries. The list undoubtdly undercounts museums in non-Western countries -- and overcounts museums in the USA and Canada -- because of language, internet accessibility, and other data collection biases. But the list nevertheless also reflects the cultural and historic diversity of North America and corrects the gross underrepresentation of the USA and Canada on previous lists.
INMP "Membership:" The INMP decided in October 2008 to collect annual dues and to keep formal membership records, but there is no way for the public to know if this policy has been implemented or not, so there is still no way of identifying museums (or individuals) which actually "belong" to the INMP (despite language to the contrary on the INMP website). The INMP logo is used below to identify 60 museums (12.2 percent of the total) which are known to be associated with the INMP on the basis of their participation in INMP conferences and/or board meetings. Many, if not most, of the 433 other listed museums have probably never even heard of the INMP.
Other Lists: Since the INMP does not yet define "museums for peace" or identify its "member" institutions, all lists of "museums for peace" are unofficial, and most are the products of a small group or of a single individual using the internet as a primary source of information. Here are two examples: (1) For the most recent list (199 museums as of October 2009) compiled by Steve Fryburg, INMP website administrtor in Dayton, Ohio (USA), click here for the INMP website, then click "Members" [sic]. (2) For two lists (totaling 203 museums) published in October 2008 by Kazuyo Yamane in Kyoto/formerly Kochi (Japan), click here for her "List of [138] Museums for Peace in the World except Japan," and click here for her "List of [65] Museums for Peace in Japan." (See Bibliography for specific citations.)
Differences: Every list is compiled using different objective criteria and is subject to different personal prejudices. The list of 493 museums at the bottom of this webpage endeavors (1) to expand the number of museums listed within each of its 33 categories, (2) to screen out libraries, peace studies programs, and other institutions which do not offer museum-like exhibits to the public, and (3) to exclude virtual (on-line) museums (which are not physical and permanent), traveling "museums" (with no fixed location), and "want to be" museums (whose propects for actual realization appear to be problematic).
Symbols: Apart from flags, the following symbols ae used below to designate certain museums for peace.
= Concerns a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
= Historic site. (Not all so labeled.)
= Associated with International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP), The Hague (Netherlands). Created in 1992.
= Associated with International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC), New York City (USA). Created in 1999. Received ICOM-US Award in 2010.
= Associated with Federation of International Human Rights Museums (FIHRM), Liverpool (England). Created in 2010.
= Operated by the National Park Service (NPS) - 19 museums.
= Affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution - 18 museums.
= Connected to the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) - 4 museums.
(01) Anti-War & World Peace
1902-1920 - International Museum of War & Peace, Luzern/Lucerne (Switzerland). Setting Video | Article | First peace museum. Closed in 1920.
1925-1933, 1982 - Anti-Kriegs-Museum / Anti-War Museum, Berlin (Germany). Video | Website | Destroyed in 1933. Reopened in 1982.
1980 - Friedens Raeume, Lindau/Bodensee (Germany). Aug. 2010 visit notes | Called "Friedensmuseum Lindau" until about 2000.
1982 - Friedensmuseum der Kirchengemeinde / Peace Museum, Meeder (Germany)
1987 - Vredescentrum van de Provincie en de Stad Antwerpen, Antwerp (Belgium)
1986 - International Museum of Peace & Solidarity, Samarkand (Uzbekistan). Video | Website
1989 - Grass Roots House Peace Museum, Kochi (Japan)
1992 - Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan Univ., Kyoto (Japan). Article | Website | Oct. 2008 visit notes. | Co-host of 3rd & 6th Confs.
1993 - Peace Museum of Saitama, Saitama (Japan) See Oct. 2008 visit notes.
1993 - Erstes Österreichisches Friedensmuseum, Wolfsegg am Hausruck (Austria).
1998 - The Peace Museum, Bradford (England). Audios | Website | Host of 1st INMP Conference in 1992.
1999-2009 - Friedenshistorisches Museum / Peace History Museum, Bad Oberdorf, Bad Hindelang (Germany). Aug. 2010 visit notes | Closed in 2009.
2000 - Museo de la Paz en la Vall d'Uixó, Vall d'Uixó (Spain).
2001 - Europäische Museum für den Frieden, Stadtschlaining (Austria) Host of 2nd INMP Conference in 1995.
2003 - Museo para la Paz, Fundación Arias, San Juan (Costa Rica)
2003 - Föreningen Peace Museum, Uppsala (Sweden).
2003 - Center for Peace Museum, Seoul (South Korea)
2005 - Dayton International Peace Museum, Dayton, Ohio (USA) Video | Website
2006 - Casa per la Pace / House of Peace "La Filanda," Casalecchio di Reno, near Bologna (Italy) Website
2007 - Peace Exhibit, Goat Haunt Ranger Station, Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, Montana (USA)
2007 - Tehran Peace Museum, Tehran (Iran)
2008 - Peacelab-Museum, Collegno, Bologna (Italy)
2012 - Global Peacebuilding Center (GPC), ex-Public Education Center (PEC), US Institute of Peace (USIP), Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website
2013 - Envision Peace Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA). Video | Website
Future - Museo della Pace dei Piccoli Martiri di Gorla, Milan (Italy)
2011? - Centro Internacional de la Paz, Montjuic Castle, Barcelona (Spain). Video | Website | Website | Site of 7th INMP Conference in May 2011.
Future - United Nations Peace Museum, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (South Korea).
Future - Pasos Museum & Center for Peacebuilding, New York City, New York (USA).
Future - NYC Peace Museum, New York City, New York (USA). Website
Future - International Peace Museum, Weston Hospital (former Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum), Weston, West Virginia (USA)
(02) Atomic Bomb
1955 - Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima (Japan). Video | Website | Oct. 2008 visit notes | Co-host of 6th INMP Conference in 2008.
1955 - Atomic Bomb Museum, Nagasaki (Japan). Video | Website
1975 - Peace Resource Center, Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio (USA). "Stories of Hope" added in 2008. See July 2009 visit notes.
1976 - Display House of the Daigo Fukuryu Maru (Fifth Lucky Dragon), Tokyo (Japan). Image | Website | Oct. 2008 visit notes.
1978 - "Black Hole Museum of Nuclear Waste," North Mesa, Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA). Video | Website | One man museum & store.
1995 - Oka Masaharu Memorial Peace Museum, Nagasaki (Japan).
1999 - No More Hiroshima-No More Nagisaki-Peace Museum, Nagpur (India).
2002 - Fukuromachi Elementary School Peace Museum, Fukuromachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima (Japan).
2002 - National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims, Hiroshima (Japan). Video | Website | Oct. 2008 visit notes.
2002 - National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims, Nagasaki (Japan). Video | Website
2013? - Museum of Peace, Polkovnichiy Island, Semey (Kazakhstan).
Future - Washington Nuclear Discovery Center (WAND), University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (USA).
(03) Aerial Bombing (Non-Atomic)
1991 - Osaka International Peace Center, Osaka (Japan). Video | Website | Oct. 2008 visit notes | Co-host of 3rd INMP Conference in 2003.
1992 - Kawasaki Peace Museum, Nakahara Peace Park, Kawasaki (Japan). See Oct. 2008 visit notes.
1996 - Himeji Peace Museum, Himeji Castle, 475 Nishinobusue (Top of Tegarayama Mountain), Himeji City, Nyogo Prefecture (Japan)
1998 - Museo de la Paz de Gernika, Gernika (Spain). Video | Video | Website | Host of 5th INMP Conference in 2005.
2001 - Shizuoka Peace Museum, 6-20 Aioi-cho, Shizuoka City (Japan).
2002 - Centre of the Tokyo Raid & War Damage, Tokyo (Japan).
2007 - Centro de Interpretacion y Sensibilizacion para la Paz (CPAZ), Albacete (Spain). Video | Website
(04) Children, Museums for
1994-2005 - Prairie Peace Park, Seward, Nebraska (USA). Closed in 2005.
1995 - Children's Peace Pavilion, Community of Christ, 1001 West Walnut, Independence, Missouri (USA)
1995 - World Awareness Children's Museum, Glens Falls, New York (USA).
1998 - Kanagawa Plaza for Global Citizenship, Earth Plaza, Yokahama (Japan)
2001 - Children's Museum for Peace & Human Rights, Karachi (Pakistan). Video | Website
2003-2013 - Children's Peace Center, Acworth (39 miles from Atlanta), Georgia (USA). A traveling museum.
(05) Civil Rights, Human Rights & Women's Rights
1929 - Sewall-Belmont House & Museum, 144 Constitution Avenue, NE, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website
1946 - Susan B. Anthony House, Rochester, New York (USA). Video | Website | National Historic Landmark.
1977 - Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill (ERVK), Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, NPS, Val-Kill, New York (USA). Video | Website
1980 - Women's Rights National Historic Park, Seneca Falls, New York (USA). Video | Website | National Park Service (NPS).
1985 - Osaka Human Rights Museum, Osaka (Japan)
1985 - Schwules Museum (Gay Museum), Berlin (Germany)
1987 - National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA), Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website
1991 - National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, Tennessee (USA). Video | Website | Sept. 2009 visit notes | Site of MLK's assassination.
1992 - Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, Birmingham, Alabama (USA). Video | Website | A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
1993 - Ralph Mark Gilbert Civil Rights Museum, 460 Martin Luther King Jr. Bouleard, Savannah, Georgia (USA)
1993 - National Voting Rights Museum & Institute, Selma, Alabama (USA). Video | Website | Site of voting rights protests.
1994 - Sakai City Peace & Human Rights Museum, Sakai (Japan)
1994 - Centre Mondial de Paix, des Libertés et des Droits de l'Homme, Palais Épiscopal, Verdun (France). Video | Website
1997 - International Museum of Women (IMOW), 101 Howard Street (Suite 480), San Francisco, California (USA). Video | Website
2000 - Women's Museum-An Institute for the Future, Dallas, Texas (USA). Video | Website
2000 - Rosa Parks Library & Museum, Montgomery, Alabama (USA). Site of Parks' bus protest,
2002 - Núcleo de Preservação da Memória Política, Osorio, Sao Paulo (Brazil).
2009 - Women's Suffrage Museum, Harriet Taylor Upton Association, Warren, Ohio (USA)
2010 - International Civil Rights Center & Museum, Greensboro, North Carolina (USA). Video | Website | Site of original 1960 sit-in movement.
2010 - People's History Museum, Manchester (England). Video Video | Website
2014 - Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR), Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada). Video | Website
2014 - Center for Civil & Human Rights (CCHR), Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Video | Website
Future - Susan B. Anthony House, Rochester, New York (USA)
Future - National Women's History Museum (NWHM), Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website | "Founded" in 1996.
(06) Civil Strife & Reconciliation (e.g. Apartheid)
1994 - District Six Museum, Cape Town, Western Cape (South Africa). Video | Website |
1997 - Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi, Santiago (Chile).
1997 - Taipei 228 Memorial Museum, Taipei (Taiwan)
1999 - Pusan Democracy Park, Pusan (South Korea)
2001 - Apartheid Museum, Johannesburg (South Africa). Video | Website
Date? - Red Location Apartheid Museum-A Symbol of Our Freedom, Red Location, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape (South Africa)
Date? - Kwa-Muhle Apartheid Museum, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
Date? - Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen / Museum of the Word and Image, San Salvador (El Salvador).
Date? - Centro Cultural Museo de la Memoria, Montevideo (Uruguay).
2005 - Cultural Revolution Museum, Shantou (China). Video | Website
2007 - National 228 Memorial Museum, Taipei (Taiwan). Video | Website
2007 - Cambodia Landmine Museum, Angkor, Siem Reap, (Cambodia). Video | Website
2008 - Interfaith Peace Museum of Pakistan, Interfaith League Against Poverty (I-LAP), Islamabad (Pakistan). Video | Website
2008 - Sahajeevana Center for Coexistence, Columbo (Sri-Lanka). Video | Website
2009 - Workers' Library and Museum, Newtown, Johannesburg, Gauteng (South Africa)
2010 - James E. Davis Multicultural Museum of Peace, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York City, New York (USA)
2010 - Humanity House (HH), Prinsegracht 8, The Hague (Netherlands). Video | Website
Future - Museo de la Memoria Abierta, Villa Grimaldi, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Video | Website
Future - Museum of National Peace, Amichi, Anambra (Nigeria)
Future - National Museum of Liberia, Monrovia (Liberia)
Future - Sierra Leone Peace Museum, Special Court for Sierra Leone, Jomo Kenyatta Road, New England, Freetown (Sierra Leone)
Future - Dom Pokoju / House of Peace, Fundacja Dom Pokoju / House of Peace Foundation, Wroclaw (Poland)
(07) Climate & Natural Environment
1967 - Visitors Center, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado (USA). Video | Website |
1967 - Environment Museum, Environment Canada, Biosphere, Montreal, Quebec (Canada). Image | Website
1991 - Biosphere 2, Oracle, Arizona (USA). Video | Website
1998 - Harvard Museum of Natural History (HMNH), Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA). Video | Website
2001 - Eden Project, St. Blazey, Cornwall (England). Video | Website
2008 - California Academy of Sciences (Green Museum), San Francisco, California (USA). Video | Website
2009 - David Brower Center, Berkeley, California (USA)
2009 - Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost, Bremerhaven (Germany). Video | Website
(08) Cold War, The
1962 - Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin (Germany). Video | Website
1998 - Alliierten Museum / Allied Museum, Berlin (Germany)
2011 - No Gun-Ri International Peace Park, Museum & Education Center, No Gun-Ri, Yongdong County (South Korea).
Future - Rocky Flats Cold War Museum, site of Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant, Arvada, Colorado (USA). Video | Website
Future - Cold War Museum, site of Lorton Nike Missile Base, Lorton, Virginia (USA)
(09) Colonialism & Imperialism
1897 - Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale (MRAC), Tervuren, near Brussels (Belgium)
1920 - Imperial War Museum, Southwark, London (England). Video | Website | Shows all "consequences of conflict."
Future - Grand Musée de l'Afrique (GMA), Union Africaine (UA), Algiers (Algeria)
(10) Crime & Gangs (including hate crimes & the Mafia)
Date? - Narcotics Museum, Mexico City (Mexico)
2005 - Civil Rights Memorial Center, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Montgomery, Alabama (USA). Video | Website | SPLC since 1971.
2008 - National Museum of Crime & Punishment (NMCP), 575-7th Street, NW, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website
Future - Floating Peace Museum, Bovalino, near Locri, Calabria (Italy). Against the Mafia.
(11) Food & Shelter
1942 - Koinonia Museum, Koinonia Partners, Koinonia Farm, 1324 Georgia Highway 49 South, Americus, Georgia (USA).
1971 - Discovery Museum, World Forestry Center (WFC), Washington Park, Portland, Oregon (USA). Video | Website
1986-2010 - Agropolis-Museum, Agropolis International, Montpelier (France). Has "Banquet de l'Humanité" display. Closed in 2010.
1988? - Grain Academy Museum, Calgary Stampede Park, Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
2003 - Global Village & Discovery Center, Habitat for Humanity, Americus, Georgia (USA). Video | Website
2009 - Heifer Village, Heifer International Center, Little Rock, Arkansas (USA). Video | Website
(12) The Holocaust / Shoah (also see National Occupation)
1947 - Muzeum Auschswitz-Birkenau, Auschswitz (Poland). Video | Website
1949 - Beit Lohamei Hagetaot/Ghetto Fighters' House Museum, between Acre & Nahariya, Western Galilee (Israel).
1953 - Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum, Jerusalem (Israel). Video | Website
1960 - Anne Frank Huis / Anne Frank House, Amsterdam (Netherlands). Video | Website
1961 - Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen, Strasse der Nationnen 22, Oranienburg, near Berlin (Germany).
1961 - Sobibor Memorial, Sobibor Concentration Camp, Sobibor (Poland).
1962? - Stutthof Museum, Stutthof Concentration Camp, Sztutowo (Poland).
1962? - Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust (LAMH), Pan Pacific Park, Los Angeles, California (USA).
1965 - Konzentrationslager Dachau / Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, Dachau (Germany). Video | Website | Aug. 2010 visit notes.
1965 - KL-Natzweiler / Natzweiler Concentration Camp, Natzweiler-Struthof, Alsace (France). Video | Video | Website | Aug 2010 visit notes.
1965? - Holocaust Awareness Museum & Education Center, Jewish Identity Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA).
1971 - Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation, Citadelle de Besançon, rue des Fusillés, Besançon, Franche-Comté (France).
1975 - Mauthausen-Gusen Concentration Camp, Mauthausen & Gusen (Austria). Video | Website
1976 - October 21 Memorial Museum, Kragujevac October / October 21 Memorial Park, Desankin venac, Kragujevac (Serbia).
1977 - Anne Frank Center USA, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website
1983 - Gross-Rosen Museum, Rogoznica (Poland).
1984 - Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education & Tolerance, Dallas, Texas (USA).
1984 - Holocaust Memorial Center (HMC), 28123 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills, near Detroit, Michigan (USA).
1987 - Topographie des Terrors / Topography of Terror, Niederkirchnerstrasse (former Prinz Albrecht Strasse), Berlin (Germany).
1991 - Ghetto Museum, Terezin-Memorial National Cultural Monument, Litomerice (Czech Republic). Video | Website
Early 1990's - Joods Museum van Deportatie en Verzet / Jewish Museum of Deportation & Resistance, Mechelen (Belgium).
Date? - Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork / Westerbork Concentration Camp, Middenveld, Drenthe (Netherlands). Video | Website
1992 - Steinwache Memorial Centre, Dortmund (Germany). Prison built in 1906 & operated by Gestapo after 1933.
1992 - House of the Wannsee Conference Memorial & Education Site, Berlin (Germany). Video | Website
1992 - Museum of Genocide Victims, Vilnius (Lithuania).
1992 - Florida Holocaust Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida (USA). Video | Website
1993 - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website
1993 - Museum of Tolerence, Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), Los Angeles, California (USA). Video | Website
1994 - El Paso Holocaust Museum & Study Center, El Paso, Texas (USA).
1994 - Maison d’Izieu, mémorial des enfants juifs exterminés, 70 route de Lambraz, Izieu, Ain Department (France).
1994 - Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre (VHEC), Jewish Cultural Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).
1995 - The Holocaust Centre, near Laxton, Newark, Nottinghamshire (England).
1996 - Holocaust Museum Houston, Houston, Texas (USA). Video | Website
1996 - William Breman Jewish Heritage & Holocaust Museum, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Video | Video | Website
1997 - Museum of Jewish Heritage & Living Memorial to the Holocaust, Edmond J. Safra Plaza, New York, New York (USA). Video | Website
1999 - Centre de la mémoire d'Oradour / Memorial Center of Oradour, Oradour-sur-Glane, Haute-Seine (France).
1999 - Cape Town Holocaust Centre, Cape Town (South Africa).
1999? - Sugihara House-Museum, 30 Vaizganto Street, Kaunas/Kovnos (Lithuania).
2001 - Holocaust Museum & Education Center of Southwest Florida, Naples, Florida (USA).
2001 - Holocaust & Intolerance Museum of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA) See Sept. 2009 visit notes.
2002 - Museo e Centro di Documentazione della Deportazione e Resistenza, Prato (Italy).
2002 - Camp Vught National Memorial, Lunettenlaan 600, Vught (Netherlands).
2002 - Holokauszt Emlekkozpont / Holocaust Memorial Center, Budapest (Hungary).
2003 - Virginia Holocaust Museum, 2000 East Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia (USA).
2003 - Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre (MHMC), 5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine Road, Montréal, Québec (Canada).
2004 - New York Tolerance Center (NYTC), Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), New York City, New York (USA)
2004 - Galicia Jewish Museum, Kazimierz district, Kraków (Poland).
2005 - Konzentrationslager Hinzert / Hinzert Concentration Camp, Polert, Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany).
2005 - Memorial de la Shoah / The Shoah Memorial, 17 rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier, Quartier du Marais, Paris (France). Video | Website
2005 - Centre Européen du Résistant Déporté dans le System Concentrationnaire Nazi, Natzweiler-Struthof, Alsace (France).
2005 - Mémorial de l'Alsace Moselle, Schirmeck, Bas-Rhin, Alsace (France).
2006? - Museo de Holocausto de Buenos Aires / Buenos Aires Shoah Museum, Monteagudo 919, Recoleta, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2007 - Museum of History & Holocaust Education (MHHE), Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia (USA) | Video | Website Museum in a university.
2008 - Mémorial de l'Internement et de la Déportation - Camp de Royallieu, 2bis avenue des Martyrs de la Liberté, Compiègne (France).
Date? - Ulica Pomorska / Pomorska Street, Historical Museum, Krakow (Poland).
2009 - Fabryka Schindlera / Schindler's Factory, Historical Museum, Krakow (Poland).
2009 - Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, Skokie, Illinois (USA). | Video | Website | Replaced smaller museum open since 1981.
2009 - Holocaust Memorial, Bucharest (Romania).
2011 - Le musée mémorial des enfants du Vel d'Hiv, Orléans (France).
Future - Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Hollywood, Florida (USA). Video | Website | Received German railcar in 2007.
Future - Center for Tolerance & Human Dignity, Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), Mamilla Jerusalem Cemetery, Jerusalem (Israel). Video | Website
(13) Genocide (other than the Holocaust)
1980 - Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Video | Website
1988-2008 - America’s Black Holocaust Museum (ABHM), Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA). Closed in 2008.
1995 - Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute, Yerevan (Armenia). Video | Website
Date? - Cambodian Cultural Museum & Killing Fields Memoral, Seattle, Washington (USA)
2003 - Halabja Martyrs Monument & Museum, Halabja, Kurdistan (Iraq). Video | Website
2004 - Kigali Memorial Centre, Kigali (Rwanda). Video | Website Supported by The Holocaust Museum in England.
2008 - National Sikh Heritage Centre & Holocaust Museum, Derby (England). Video | Website
Future - Armenian Genocide Museum of America (AGMA), 615-14th Street, NW, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website
(14) Health Care & Clean Water
1887 - National Museum of of Health & Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC (USA)
1965 - Archives of the Hist of Amer Psychology (AHAP), University of Akron, Akron, Ohio (USA). A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
1969 - John P. McGovern Museum of Health & Medical Science, Houston, Texas (USA)
1975 - Clara Barton National Historic Site, 5801 Oxford Road (at MacArthur Boulevard), Glen Echo, Washington, DC (USA).
1985 - Public Hospital for Persons of Insane & Disordered Minds, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia (USA).
Date? - Global Health Odyssey Museum, Ctrs for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia (USA). A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
1994 - Glore Psychiatric Museum, St. Joseph, Missouri (USA)
1995 - Psychiatry The Industry of Death Museum, Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), Los Angeles, California (USA)
1996 - National Museum of Civil War Medicine, 48 East Patrick Street, Frederick, Maryland (USA)
2008 - Mental Health Museum, Provo, Utah (USA)
Future - National Health Museum (NHM), near Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Video | Website
Date? - Cambodian Cultural Museum & Killing Fields Memorial, 9809-16th Avenue SW, White Center, Seattle, Washington (USA)
(15) Immigration, Emigration & Ethnicity:
1856 - Musee Canadien des Civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau, Quebec (Canada)
1908 - Hispanic Society of America, Audubon Terrace, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website
1967 - Wing Luke Asian Museum, Seattle, WA (USA). Video | Website | Expanded in 2008. | A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
1971 - Japan Society, 333 East 47th Street, Midtown Manhattan, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website
1976 - Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, Historical Society of Philadelphia, 18 South 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA).
1980 - Doukhobor Village Museum, Verigin, Saskatchewan (Canada)
1984 - Margaret Mead Hall of Pacific Peoples, American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York, New York (USA)
1987 - Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia, 1290 Richmond Road, Staunton, Shennadoah Valley, Virginia (USA)
1987 - Doukhobor Village Museum, Castlegar, British Columbia (Canada)
Date? - Grosse Ile & Irish Memorial National Historic Site of Canada, Grosse Ile, Quebec (Canada)
Date? - Ulster American Folk Park (UAFP), National Museums Northern Ireland, Omagh (Northern Ireland)
1988 - Lower East Side Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard Street, New York, NY (USA). Video | Website | National Park Service (NPS).
1990 - Ellis Island National Monument, Ellis Island, New York City, NY (USA). Video | Video | Website National Park Service (NPS).
1992 - Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA (USA). Video | Website | Expanded 1999. | A Smithsonian Inst Affiliate.
1999 - Pier 21: Canada's Immigration Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada). Video | Website
1999 - Galeria Museum & Cultural Center, Mexican Heritage Plaza, San Jose, California (USA). A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
2000 - Scandinavia House, Nordic Center in America, 58 Park Avenue, New York City, New York (USA).
2002 - Irish Hunger Memorial, Battery Park City, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website
2004 - Canadian Museum of Hindu Civilization (CMOHC), Toronto, Ontario (Canada). "Dedicated to world peace."
2005 - Arab American National Museum (AANM), Dearborn, Michigan (USA). Video | Website | A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
2008 - Italian American Museum, 155 Mulberry Street, Litle Italy, Chinatown, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website
2009 - Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA), 215 Centre Street, Chinatown/Soho, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website
2013 - Red Star Line Museum, Montevideostraat 3, Antwerp (Belgium). Video | Website
(16) Indigenous Peoples (e.g. Native Americans)
1936 - Ocmulgee National Monument, National Park Service (NPS), Macon, Georgia (USA)
1948 - Museum of the Cherokee Indian, Cherokee, North Carolina (USA). Video | Website
Date? - Taos Pueblo, Taos, New Mexico (USA). UNESCO World Heritage Site. National Historic Landmark.
1962 - New Echota State Park, Calhoun, Georgia (USA)
1967 - Marin Museum of the American Indian, 2200 Novato Boulevard, Novato, Marin County, California (USA)
1972? - James F. Corn Interpretive Center, Red Clay State Historic Park, Bradley County, Tennessee (USA)
1974 - Cherokee National Museum, Park Hill, Telequah, Oklahoma (USA). Video | Website | Sept 2009 visit notes.
1977 - Mitchell Museum of the American Indian, Evanston, Illinois (USA)
1977 - Museum of Indian Arts & Culture/Laboratory of Antropology (MIAC), Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA)
1981 - Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Interpretive Centre & Museum, Highway 785, Fort Macleod, Alberta (Canada). Video | Website
1982 - Red Cloud Museum, Red Cloud Indian School, Pine Ridge, South Dakota (USA)
1986 - Sequoyah Birthplace Museum, Vonore, Tennessee (USA). Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
Date? - Museum of the Cumberland County Historical Society (CCHS), Carlisle, Pennslyvania (USA). Shows Carlisle Indian School.
Date? - Aboriginal Museum & Cultural Centre, Whistler, British Columbia (Canada)
Date? - Australian Aboriginal Cultures Gallery, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, South Australa (Australia)
Date? - Museum of Aboriginal Cultures, Cuenca (Ecuador)
Date? - Museum of the Indian, between Rua Sao Clemente & Sao Joao Batista Cemetery, Botafogo Quarter, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
1987 - Memorial dos Povos Indígenas / Memorial Museum of the Indian People, Braslia (Brazil). Video | Website
1987 - Frisco Native American Museum & Natural History Center, Frisco, Outer Banks, North Carolina (USA)
1989 - Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians & Western Art, Indianapolis, Indiana (USA)
1991 - Akta Lakota Sioux Museum & Cultural Center, St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, South Dakota (USA)
1999 - Alaska Native Heritage Center (ANHC), Anchorage, Alaska (USA). Video | Website
2004 - National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website
Future - California Indian Heritage Center, West Sacramento, California (USA)
(17) International Friendship
Date? - International Friendship Exhibition, Myohyangsan / Mt. Myohyang (North Korea). Video | Website
2007 - Quanzhou Taiwan Friendship Museum, North section of Bei Qing Lu Quanzhou, Fujian Province (China)
(18) International Organizations
1913 - Vredespaleis / Peace Palace (World Court), The Hague (Netherlands). Video | Website | Site of 8th INMP Conference in 2013?
1927 - Esperantomuseum / Esperanto Museum, Austrian National Library, Vienna (Austria). Video | Website
1946 - League of Nations Museum, Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland). Video | Website
1950 - United Nations Headquarters, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website
1959 - Museo Internazionale Della Croce Rossa, Castiglione della Stiviere (Italy). Video | Website
1988 - International Red Cross & Red Crescent Museum, Geneva (Switzerland). Video | Website
1993 - Musee olympique & Olympic Studies Center, Lausanne (Switzerland). Video | Website
2012 - Visitors Centre, Vredespaleis / Peace Palace, The Hague (Netherlands). Website
(19) Jewish History (also see Holocaust)
1904 - The Jewish Museum, New York City, New York (USA)
1932 - Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
1949 - Ghetto Fighters' House Museum, West Galilee (Israel).
1960 - Jewish Museum of Maryland (JMM), Baltimore, Maryland (USA)
1976 - National Museum of American Jewish History (NMAJH), Philadelphia, PA (USA), Video | Website A Smithsonian Affiliate. New bldg. in 2010.
1984 - Contemporary Jewish Museum, Yerba Buena Gardens district, San Francisco, California (USA)
1984 - Manchester Jewish Museum, Manchester (England). Video | Website
1993? - Jewish Museum of Greece, Athens (Greece).
2000 - Center for Jewish History (CJH), New York, NY (USA). Five Jewish historical societies. A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
2001 - Judisches Museum Berlin / Berlin Jewish Museum, Berlin (Germany). Video | Video | Website
Date? - Judisches Museum der Stadt Frankfurt / City of Frankfurt Jewish Museum, Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Website
2004 - Danish Jewish Museum, Copenhagen (Denmark). Video | Website
2004 - Galicia Jewish Museum, Krakow (Poland)
2007 - Museum at Eldridge Street, 12 Eldridge Street, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website | First great synagogue in America.
2010 - Judisches Museum Munchen / Munich Jewish Museum, Munich, Bravaria (Germany). Video | Website
2012 - Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw (Poland)
(20) National Occupation, Deportation & Resistance (also see the Holocaust)
1869 - Yushukan Museum, Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo (Japan) See Oct. 2008 visit notes.
Date? - Showakan / National Showa Memorial Museum, Showa Hall, Tokyo (Japan)
1946 - National War & Resistance Museum, Overloon (The Netherlands)
1966 - Norway's Resistance Museum, Oslo (Norway).
1968 - German Resistance Memorial Center, Berlin (Germany)
1971 - Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation, Citadelle de Besançon, rue des Fusillés, Besançon, Franche-Comté (France).
1975 - War Remnants Museum, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). Video |
1985 - Dutch Resistance Museum, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Video | Website
Date? - Dutch Resistance Museum-South Holland, Gouda (The Netherlands). Website
1985 - Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders, Nanjing (China). Video | Website | Expanded 7x in 2007.
1987 - Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Beijng (China). Video | Website
1992 - Musée de la Résistance, Lyon (France). Video | Website
1993 - Museum of the Occupation of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
1996 - Liberation War Museum, 5 Segun Bagicha, Dhaka (Bangladesh).
2001 - Changi Chapel & Museum (Singapore)
2001 - Bethlehem Peace Center, Bethlehem (Palestine)
2004 - Jeju Peace Museum, Jeju Island (South Korea). Video | Website
2005 - Women's Active Museum on War & Peace (WAM), Tokyo (Japan)
2005 - Centre Européen du Résistant Déporté dans le System Concentrationnaire Nazi, Struthof, Alsace (France). Video | Video | Website | Aug 2010 visit notes.
2008 - Mémorial de l'Internement et de la Déportation - Camp de Royallieu, 2bis avenue des Martyrs de la Liberté, Compiègne (France). Video | Website
Date? - Musée national de la résistance, Place de la Résistance, Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg).
(21) Nobel Prize & Nobel Laureates (e.g. MLK)
1923 - Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Hist Site, New York, NY (USA). Video | Website | National Park Service (NPS).
Date? - Sagamore Hill National Hist Site, Long Island, NY (USA). National Park Service (NPS).
Date? - House Museum & Memorial to Charles G. Dawes, Evanston Hist Society, Evanston, Illinois (USA).
Date? - Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Chicago, Illinois (USA). Video | Website
Date? - Pearl S. Buck Birthplace & Museum, Hillsboro, Pocahontas County, West Virginia (USA)
Date? - Pearl S. Buck House, Pearl S. Buck International, Perkasie, Pennsylvania (USA). Video>/a> | Website
1961 - Woodrow Wilson House, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Webpage | National Trust.
1964 - George C. Marshall Museum & Research Library, Lexington, Virginia (USA). Video | Website
1966 - T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague (Netherlands)
1967 - Musée Albert Schwietzer, Gunsbach (France).
1968 - Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Video | Website |
1969 - Henry Dunant Museum, Heiden (Switzerland). Video | Website | Aug. 2010 visit notes
1974 - Frank B. Kellogg House, St. Paul, Minnesota (USA).
1970's - Nobelmuseet / Nobel Museum, Björkborn Manor, Karlskoga, Örebro County (Sweden). Website Video
1976 - Ralph Bunche Peace & Heritage Center, South Los Angeles, California (USA). Video | Website
1980 - Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Video | Website | National Park Service (NPS).
1983 - Albert Einstein Institution, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA). Video | Video | Website
1981 - Musée Albert Schweitzer, Kaysersberg (France). Video | Website
1981 - Dag Hammarskjöld Memorial & Museum, Ndola/Kitwe road, 10 kilometers from Ndola (Zambia). Website
Date? - Ancien Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, Lambaréné (Gabon).
1988 - Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, Plains, Georgia (USA). Video | Website | National Park Service (NPS).
1990 - Cordell Hull Museum, Cordell Hull Birthplace & Museum State Park, Byrdstown, Tennessee (USA). Video | Website
1997 - Nelson Mandela National Museum & House, Soweto, Johannesburg (South Africa).
2000 - Nelson Mandela Museum, Qunu & Mthatha (South Africa).
2001 - Nobelmuseet / Nobel Museum, Stockholm (Sweden). Video | Website
2004 - Albert Luthuli Museum & House, Groutville, Natal (South Africa).
2005 - Nobels Fredssenter / Nobel Peace Center, Vestbanestasjon, Oslo (Norway). Video | Website
2009? - Memorial Museum of Mother Teresa, Skopje (Macedonia). Video | Website
2011 - Linus Pauling Science Center, Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis, Oregon (USA). Video | Website
2013 - Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, Houghton (South Africa).
Future - Desmond Tutu Peace Centre, Cape Town (South Africa). Video | Website |
Future - Bertha von Suttner Museum, Vienna (Austria). Video | Webpage | Proposed by Peter van den Dungen (July 2010).
Future - Norman Borlaug Historic Preservation Project, Cresco, Iowa (USA). Video | Website
Future - Pugwash Peace Exchange, Pugwash, Nova Scotia (Canada). Video | Website
(22) Organized Labor & Labor Leaders
1982? - American Labor Museum, Botto House National Landmark, Borough of Haledon, Paterson, New Jersey (USA). Video } Website
1986? - John L. Lewis Memorial Museum of Mining & Labor, Lucas, Iowa (USA)
1993 - Thai Labour Museum, Bangkok (Thailand). Video | Website
1995 - A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum, Chicago, Illinois (USA). | Website
2000 - Solidarity Museum, Gdansk (Poland). Video | Website
(23) Pacifism, Quakers & Conscientious Objection
1974 - Friends Center, 15th & Cherry Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA).
Date? - Non-Combatant Corps Exhibition Centre, Richmond Castle, Richmond, North Yorkshire (England).
1988 - Pacifist Living History Museum, Peace Abbey Multi-Faith Retreat Center, Sherborn, Massachusetts (USA). Video | Website
1989 - Quaker Tapestry, Friends Meeting House, Kendal, Cumbria (England)
1998 - Friedensmuseum Nurnberg, Nurnberg (Germany)
Future - National Peace Museum of Conscientious Objection & Anti-war Activism, Presidio, San Francisco, California (USA)
(24) Peace Art & Artists
1924 - Nicholas Roerich Museum, 319 West 107th Street, New York City, NY (USA). Video | Video | Website | Restablished in 1929 & 1949.
1928 - Institute of Himalayan Studies, Internatioanl Roerich Memorial Trust (IRMT), Naggar, Himachal Pradesh (India). Video | Website
1967 - Maruki Gallery for the Hiroshima Panels, Saitama (Japan).
1971 - Rothko Chapel, University of St. Thomas, 1409 Sul Ross, Houston, Texas (USA)
1981 - The Peace Museum, Chicago, Illinois (USA). Video | Website | No longer has building, exhibits elsewhere.
1981 - National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum, Chicago, Illinois (USA). Video | Website
1986 - Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center & Gallery, Central United Methodist Church, Detroit, Michigan (USA)
1987 - Lion & Lamb Peace Arts Center, Bluffton University, Bluffton, Ohio (USA)
1990 - Zora Neale Hurston National Museum of Fine Arts, 227 East Kennedy Bouleard, Eatonville, Florida (USA)
1990? - Museum by Name of Nicholas Roerich, International Centre of the Roerichs (ICR), 3\5 Maly Znamensky, Moscow (Russia). Video | Website
1998 - Felix Nussbaum Haus, Osnabruck (Germany)
2000 - National Liberty Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA). Video | Website | A true peace museum except named for liberty.
2003 - Art, War & Peace Museum, Jansen Beach and/or Miami, Florida (USA).
2007 - Nicholas Roerich Museum, Novosibirsk, Siberia (Russia).
2007?-2009 - Natural World Museum (NWM), San Francisco, California (USA). Video | Website | Mobile art museum. Partner of UNEP. Closed in 2009.
2009 - Missing Peace Art Space, Dayton, Ohio (USA). Video | Website
(25) Peace Documentation Centers
1930 - Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania (USA)
1945 - Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD), Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
1969 - Centre for Historical Research & Documentation on War & Contemporary Society (CEGES-SOMA), Brussels (Belgium). Video | Website
1970 - Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, Dharamsala (India). Video | Website
1981 - Antikriegshaus Sievershausen (Dokumentationsstätte zu Kriegsgeschehen & über Friedensarbeit), Sievershausen (Germany). Video | Website |
1984 - Friedensbibliothek & Antikriegsmuseum, Berlin (Germany)
1993 - Centro Documentazione Manifesto Pacifista, Bologne (Italy)
1995 - Documentation Center of Cambodia, Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Video | Website
2000 - Traces Center for History & Culture, St. Paul, Minnesota (USA). Video | Website
2006 - Chukiren Peace Memorial Museum, Saitama Prefecture (Japan)
(26) Peacemakers other than Nobel Laureates
1865 - Ford's Theater, Ford's Theater National Nistoric Site, Washington, DC (USA). National Park Service (NPS).
1887 - Home of Abraham & Mary Todd Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois (USA). National Park Service (NPS).
1902 - Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House (MFNH), Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA). Video | Website
Date? - Clara Barton Birthplace Museum, Barton Ctr for Diabetes Education, 66 Clara Barton Rd, North Oxford, Massachusetts (USA)
Date? - Walden Pond State Reservation (including Thoreau cabin reconstruction), Concord & Lincoln, Massachusetts (USA).
1921 - Robert G. Ingersoll Birthplace Museum, Council for Secular Humanism, Dresden, NY (USA). Video | Website | Closed twice. Reopened 1993.
1922 - Comenius Museum, Kloosterstraat 33, Naarden (Netherlands)
1927 - Hauteville House, 38 rue Hauteville, St. Peter Port (Guernsey). Website Video | Where Victor Hugo lived in exile.
Date? - Jan Amos Comenius Museum, Uherský Brod (Czech Republic)
1955 - Gandhi Memorial Museum, Tammukkam, Madurai (India)
1961 - National Gandhi Museum & Library, New Delhi (India). Video | Website
Date? - Ghandi Sangaralaya, Mani Bhavan, Mumbai, Maharashtra (India). Video | Website | Dec. 2006 visit notes.
Date? - Gandhi Mandapam, Kanniyakumari (Cape Comorin), Tamil Nadu (India)
1963 - Gandhi Memorial Museum, Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya, Ahmedabad, Gugerat (India). Video | Website | Jan. 2007 visit notes.
1969 - Aga Kahn Palace (Gandhi prison), Yerwada, Pune, Maharashtra (India). Video | Website
1969? - Gandhi Darshan or Samadhi, Rajghat, New Delhi (India).
1969 - Winston Churchill Memorial & Library, Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri (USA). Video | Website
1988 - Maison d'Erasme / House of Erasmus, Anderleht District, Brussels (Belgium).
1973 - Birla House, Gandhi Smriti, New Delhi (India). Video | Website | Jan. 2007 visit notes.
1977 - Abraham Lincoln Library & Museum, Lincoln Memorial University (LMU), Harrogate, Tennessee (USA). Video | Website
1978 - Alex Haley Boyhood Home & Museum, 200 South Church Street, Henning, Tennessee (USA). Video | Website
1987 - Florence Nightengale Museum, London (England). Video | Website
1990 - E.F. Schumacher Society Library, South Egremont, Massachusetts (USA). Video | Website
1995 - Yi Jun Peace Museum, The Hague (Netherlands). Video | Website
1996 - Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum, Osnabruck (Germany)
1996 - Mary Todd Lincoln House & Beula C. Nunn Garden, 578 West Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky (USA).
1999? - Chiune Sugihara House-Museum, Kaunas (Lithuania). Video | Website
2000 - Chiune Sugihara Memorial Hall & Museum, Gifu (Japan). Video | Website
2000 - John Lennon Museum, Saitama Super Arena, Saitama City, Saitama (Japan).
2000? - Phoenix Settlement & Mahatma Gandhi Museum, Bambayi, Inanda, near Durban (South Africa). Video | Website
Date? - Apteka pod Orlem / Eagle Pharmacy, Historical Museum, Krakow (Poland).
2005 - Huis van Erasmus / House of Erasmus, St. Huis van Erasmus, Bergweg 279-B, Rotterdam (Netherlands).
2005 - Erasmushuis Rotterdam / Erasmus House, Grotekerkplein 5, 3011 GC, Rotterdam (Netherlands).
2005 - Muhammad Ali Center, Louisville, Kentucky (USA). Video | Website
2008 - President Lincoln's Cottage, Soldiers' Home, Washington, DC (USA).
(27) Selected Presidential Libraries
1941 - Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum, Hyde Park, New York (USA). Video | Website
1943 - Theodore Roosevelt Collection & Gallery, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).
1957 - Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum, Independence, Missouri (USA). Video | Website
1982 - Jimmy Carter Library & Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Video | Website
1990 - Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia (USA). Video | Website
2004 - Bill Clinton Presidential Library & Museum, Little Rock, Arkansas (USA). Video | Website
2005 - Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum, Springfield, Illinois (USA). Video | Website
Future - Barak Obama Presidential Library, City?, Illinois (USA).
(28) Prisons & Prisoner Abuse (including Japanese Internment in USA)
1952 - Plötzensee [Prison] Memorial Center, Berlin (Germany). Video | Website
1972 - Manzanar [War Relocation Center] National Historic Site, Lone Pine, California (USA). Video | Website National Park Service (NPS).
1984 - Central Museum of Prisoners of War, Lambinowice (Poland).
Video | Website
1992 - Steinwache [Prison] Memorial Centre, Dortmund (Germany).
1993 - Robben Island [Prison] Museum, Robben Island (South Africa). Video | Website
1994 - Gulag Museum at Perm-36, 10 Gagarina Boulevard, Perm, Popova, Siberia (Russia). Video | Website
1995 - Constitution Hill, Old Fort Prison Complex, Braamfontein, Johannesburg (South Africa).
1996 - Mednoye State Memorial Complex, State Museum of Political History, Mednoye (Russia).
1998 - National Prisoner of War Museum, Andersonville, Georgia (USA). Video | Website
1999 - The Workhouse, National Trust, Upton Road, Southwell, Nottinghamshire (England). Video | Website
2002 - Green Island Human Rights Memorial Park, Green Island (Taiwan)
2007 - Taipei Human Rights Culture Park, Jingmei (Taiwan)
2010 - Museo de la Memoria / Museum of Memory, Rosario (Argentina). Video | Website
Future - Amache Japanese Internment Camp, Granada, Colorado (USA). Video | Website
Future - Topaz Museum, c/o Great Basin Museum, Delta, Utah (USA).
Future - "Global Peace Center," Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California (USA).
(29) Racism (e.g. African-American History)
1893 - Atlanta Cyclorama & Civil War Museum, Grants Park, Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
1926 - Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, NY Public Library, 515 Malcom X Boulevard, Harlem, New York City, NY (USA). Video | Website
1961 - DuSable Museum of African American History, Chicago, Illinois (USA). Video | Website
1965 - Charles Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit, Michigan (USA). Video | Website
1974 - African American Museum (AAM), Fair Park, Dallas, Texas (USA). Video | Website A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
1974 - Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site, 1212 West Montgomery Road, Tuskegee, Alabama (USA). Video | Website
1974 - Penn School District & Museum (Penn Center), Land's End Road, Frogmore, St. Helena Island, South Carolina (USA).
Date? - Tuskegee Human & Civil Rights Multicultural Center, 104 South Elm Street, Tuskegee, Alabama (USA)
Date? - Nachez Museum of African American History & Culture, 301 Main Street, Natchez, Mississippi (USA)
1976 - African American Museum in Philadelphia (AAMP), Philadelphia, PA (USA). Video | Website | A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
1981 - California African American Museum (CAAM), San Francisco, California (USA). Video | Website
1981 - African American Panoramic Experience (APEX Museum), Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
1985 - Harriet Tubman African American Museum, Macon, Georgia (USA). Video | Website
1987 - Charlotte Hawkns Brown Museum State Historic Site, Sedalia, North Carolina (USA).
1995 - Greenwood Cultural Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA). Video | Website | Site of race riot in 1921.
1998 - Robert Russa Moton Museum, Main Street & Griffin Boulevard, Farmville, Virginia (USA)
1998 - Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site, Moton Field, 1616 Chappie James Avenue, Tuskegee, Alabama (USA).
1998 - Albany Civil Rights Institute (ACRI), Old Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Albany, Georgia (USA). Video | Website | About 1961-62 movement.
1998 - Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, 2125 West Fourteenth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas (USA). Video | Website
Date? - Brown v. Board of Education Nat Hist Site, 15th & Monroe Streets, Topeka, Kansas (USA). National Park Service (NPS).
Date? - Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memoribilia, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan (USA). "A black holocaust museum."
2003 - Dunbar House State Memorial, Dayton, Ohio (USA).
2005 - Museum of the African Diaspora (MOAD), San Francisco, California (USA)
2005 - Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African Amer Hist, Baltimore, Maryland (USA). A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
2006 - Green McAdoo Cultural Center, Clinton, Tennessee (USA). Video | Video | Website | Site of school integration in 1956.
2015 - National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC), National Mall, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website
Future - World Against Racism Memorial Museum, Lincoln, Vermont (USA)
(30) Slavery & Bondage
c1896 - Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town (South Africa). Interprets slavery & colonialism.
1907 - Wilberforce House Museum, Hull (England). Video | Website Reopened in 2007.
1927 - Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia (USA).Video | Website | Interprets slavery.
1939 - Somerset Place State Historic Site, Lake Phelps, Creswell, North Carolina (USA).
1962? - Frederick Douglass National Historic Site, 1411 W Street, SE, Washngton, DC (USA). National Park Service (NPS).
Date? - Booker T. Washington National Monument, near Roanoke, Virginia (USA). National Park Service (NPS).
1966 - Slave Lodge, South African Cultural History Museum, Cape Town (South Africa).
1990s - Cape Coast Castle Museum, Cape Coast (Ghana).
Date? - St. George's Castle, Elmina (Ghana).
Date? - Maison des Esclaves / House of Slaves Museum, Ile de Goree (Senegal). Video | Website
2000 - Freedom Schooner Amistad, New Haven, Connecticut (USA). Sails to other ports.
2002 - Slavery & Civil War Museum, Selma, Alabama (USA)
2004 - National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati, Ohio (USA). Video | Website | A Smithsonian Institution Affiliate.
2007 - International Slavery Museum, Liverpool (England)
2014 - Whitney Plantation, 5099 Highway 18, Wallace, Louisiana (USA) Video | Website
Future - United States National Slavery Museum, Fredericksburg, Virginia (USA)
(31) Terrorism & Torture
Date? - Torture Museum, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Date? - Medieval Torture Museum, San Gimignano (Italy)
2000 - Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (USA). Video | Website National Park Service (NPS).
2001 - Bruderhof Peace Barn, Spring Valley Bruderhof, Farmington, Pennsylvania (USA). Opened after 9/11. Still exists?
2002 - House of Terror Museum, Budapest (Hungary). Video | Website
Date? - Historical Torture Museum, Presidio's Main Post, San Francisco, California (USA)
2008 - Center for Empowered Living & Learning (CELL), Denver, Colorado (USA). | Website |
Future - National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center (Ground Zero), New York, New York (USA)
(32) Unique & Unusual Museums
1932 - International Peace Garden, Dunseith, ND (USA) & Boissevain, MB (Canada). Video | Video | Website | In both countries.
1935 - Maparium & "World of Ideas," Mary Baker Eddy Library, Christian Scientist Hq, Boston, MA (USA). Video | Website | Walk-though globe.
1978 - Peace Pentagon (Muste Building), A.J. Muste Memorial Institute, 339 Lafayette Street, New York City, New York (USA). Video | Website
1983 - "Peace Boat" (SS Topaz), Yokohama (Japan). Video | Website |Makes world cruises.
1987 - Museum of Broadcast Communications (MBC), Chicago, Illinois (USA). Video | Website | New facility under construction.
1991 - World Peace Sanctuary, World Peace Prayer Society, Wassaic, New York (USA). Video | Website | Promotes World Peace Prayer.
1996 - Information Centre, Morokulien (Norway & Sweden) Video | Website | At 1914 Fredsmonumentet.
1997 - Newseum, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website | "Most interactive museum."
2004 - National Museum of Patriotism, Luckie Marietta District, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Video | Website | Includes 9/11, immigration & voting exhibits.
2008 - Millenium Gate & Museum, Atlantic Station, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Video | Website
(33) World Wars
1912 - Cairn of Peace & Museum Brnenska, Prace (Czech Republic). Video | Website
1926 - National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial, Kansas City, Missouri (USA). Video | Website | Sept. 2009 visit notes.
1930 - IJzertoren Museum of War, Peace & Flemish Emancipation, Diksmuide (Belgium). Video | Website | Host of 4th INMP Conference in 2003.
1962 - USS Arizona Memorial Museum, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA). National Park Service (NPS). Video | Website
1972 - Das Deutsche Haus (Bando), Naruto (Japan). Video | Website
1975 - Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum, Okinawa (Japan). Video | Website
1975 - Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots, Chiran (Japan). Video | Website
1977 - E. Stanley Wright Museum of World War II, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire (USA)
1980 - Friedensmuseum Brücke von Remagen / Bridge at Remagen Peace Museum, Remagen am Rhein (Germany) Video | Website
1988 - Memorial pour la Paix de Caen, Caen, Normandy (France). Video | Website
1990 - Musée de la Mémoire et de la Paix, Clerval (France)
1998 - In Flanders Fields Museum, Lakenhallen Grote Markt, Ieper/Ypres (Belgium). Video | Website
2002 - Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole / Peace School Foundation, Parco Storico, Monte Sole (Italy).
2005 - Mémorial de l'Alsace Moselle, Schirmeck, Bas-Rhin (France). Video | Website | Aug. 2010 visit notes.
2006 - John Rabe International Safety Zone Memorial Hall, Nanjing (China). Movie Trailer | Website
2011 - Museum, Maison forestière de l'Ermitage / Ermitage forester's house, Bois-l'Évêque, Ors, Nord (France). Website
Please email your comments & questions to geovisual at comcast.net. Thank you.