37 Notable LGBT Peacemakers
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(Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender)
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1973 = Median birth year + 50 years
1825-1901 - Laura Matilda Towne - Abolitionist, educator & homeopathic physician. With Ellen Murray founded Penn School for freed slaves on St. Helena Island, SC, in 1862.
1842-1932 - Anna Elizabeth Dickinson - Orator, abolitionist & suffragist. First woman to speak before the US Congress.
1857-1943 - Anita Augspurg - Lawyer, actor, writer & feminist. Germany's first female jurist. Partner of Lida Gustava Heymann (qv). At Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom in 1915.
1862-1955 - Zonia Baber - Geographer, geologist & teacher. Mapped peace monuments. Wrote "Peace Symbols" for WILPF. Lifelong association w/Flora Juliette Cooke.
1868-1943 - Lida Gustava Heymann - Prominent in bourgeois women's movement. Partner of Anita Augspurg (qv). Attended Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom in 1915.
1880-1973 - Jeannette Rankin - Pacifist. First woman in US Congress. Voted against US entry into World Wars I and II. Statues in MT & DC.
1882-1972 - Rose Schneiderman - Labor union leader, socialist & feminist. Coined phrase "Bread and Roses." Friend of Eleanor Roosevelt. On 2007 mural in Augusta, ME.
1885-1973 - Tracy Mygatt - Prolific writer & absolute pacifist. Founder of War Resisters League. In Campaign for World Govt 1941-1973. Partner of Frances Witherspoon.
1886-1967 - Siegfried Sassoon - Author & soldier. A leading poet of WW-I. Described horrors of trenches. Satirised those responsible for a vainglorious war.
1886-1973 - Frances Witherspoon - Prolific writer & absolute pacifist. Founder of War Resisters League. Exec Sec of NY Bureau of Legal Advice. Partner of Tracy Mygatt.
1893-1918 - Wilfred Owen - Soldier. The leading poet of WW-I. Wrote on horrors of trenches & gas warfare. Depicted in novel & film "Regeneragion" (called "Behind the Lines" in USA).
1895-1970 - Lucía Sánchez Saornil - Poet, militant anarchist & feminist. A founder of Mujeres Libres in 1936. Partner of América Barroso.
1917-1984 - Barbara Deming - Writer. Gandhian. Open lesbian. "Created a body of non-violent theory centered on the women's movement."
1912-1987 - Bayard Rustin - Leader in social movements for civil rights, socialism, pacifism, non-violence & gay rights. Advised Martin Luther King, Jr.
1917-1984 - Barbara Deming - Writer. Gandhian. Open lesbian. "Created a body of non-violent theory centered on the women's movement."
1917-1994 - Heinz Heger - Pen name of Josef Kohout. Nazi concentration camp survivor. Author of "Die Männer mit dem rosa Winkel/The Men With the Pink Triangle" (1972).
1920-1997 - Benno Premsela - Designer. Helped form world's first gay rights organization (COC) in 1946. Came out on TV in 1964.
1921-2008 - Del Martin - Gay-rights activist. Lovers since 1952, she & Phyllis Lyon were first couple to wed after a court decision legalized same-sex marriage in California in 2008.
1925-2011 - Frank Kameny - Led "Herculean struggle" after being fired in 1957 for being gay. Filed first civil rights claim based on sexual orientation.
1930-1978 - Harvey Milk - Politician. First openly gay man to be elected to public office in California. Assassinated with San Francisco mayor George Moscone.
1936-1994 - James Stoll - First ordained minister of any religion in USA or Canada (& possibly the entire world) to come out as gay.
1936-Alive - Anthony Kennedy - Supreme Court Justice. Favored gays in 1996 & 2003 decisions. Could be swing vote in future cases.
1940-Alive - Barney Frank - US Representatives from Massachusetts 1981-2013. Considered the most prominent gay politician in the USA.
1947-2012 - Richard Adams - Gay rights activist. With partner Anthony Sullivan, one of the first gay couples to receive a marriage license (Boulder, CO, 1975).
1947-Alive - Gene Robinson - First openly gay Episcopal bishop.
1949-Alive - Holly Near - Singer song-writer & anti-war activist. Invited to sing her song Hay Una Mujer Decaparecida at Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi in Santiago (Chile).
1951-Alive - Gilbert Baker - Artist & civil rights activist. Designed the Rainbow Flag (often used as a symbol of gay pride in LGBT rights marches) in 1978.
c1954-Alive - Linda Stout - Activist. Created Piedmont Peace Project & Spirit in Action. Wrote "Bridging the Class Divide" in 1997.
1957-Alive - Evan Wolfson - Attorney. Leader of the same-sex marriage movement. President of Freedom to Marry. Author of "Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People's Right to Marry."
1961-Alive - Mary Bonauto - Lawyer & civil rights advocate. Worked to eradicate discrimination based on sexual orientation & gender identity.
1964-Alive - Dan Savage - Media pundit, journalist & editor. Writes sex advice column "Savage Love." Ran "It Gets Better" project to help prevent suicide by LGBT youth.
1967-Alive - Glenn Greenwald - Journalist, blogger & author. Columnist for Guardian US 2012-2013. Publicized security leaks by Edward Snowden (qv).
1968-2012 - Spencer Cox - AIDS activist. Co-founded Treatment Action Group (TAG). Helped push innovative antiretroviral drugs to market.
1969-Alive - Mary Cheney - Openly gay daughter of Republican vice president Dick Cheney. Supports same sex marriage.
1973-Alive - Rachel Maddow - Liberal TV host & author. First openly LGBT American to receive Rhodes scholarship. Wrote "Drift" in 2012. Lives with Susan Mikula.
1976-1998 - Matthew Shepard - Student at University of Wyoming. Tortured & murdered near Laramie in October 1998. Monument in Casper.
1987-Alive - Bradley Manning - US Army enlisted man. History's largest set of classified documents which he leaked to WikiLeaks was published April-November 2010.
Please email your comments & questions to geovisual @ comcast.net. Thank you.