| 26 Notable Peacemaker Missionaries
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c1484-1566 - Bartolome de las Casas - Historian, social reformer & Dominican friar. First officially appointed "Protector of the Indians."
1506-1552 - Francis Xavier - Jesuit missionary. Worked two years in Japan. Called "Apostle of the Indies" & "Apostle of Japan.”
1607-1646 - Isaac Jogues, SJ - Jesuit priest & missionary. Traveled & worked among Native Americans. Martyred by Mohawks near present day Auriesville, NY.
1637-1675 - Jacques Marquette, SJ - Jesuit priest & missionary. Known as Pčre Marquette. Founded Sault Ste. Marie & St. Ignace, MI. First European (with Louis Jolilliet) to explore northern Mississippi River.
1788-1850 - Adoniram Judson - Congregationalist & later Baptist missionary. Served in Burma almost 40 years. Church named for him in New York City.
1789-1869 - Hiram Bingham - Missionary from New England. Led first group of American Protestant missionaries to the Hawaiian islands.
1813-1873 - David Livingstone - Scottish Congregationalist pioneer medical missionary & explorer in Africa. Met H.M. Stanley on 10 November 1871 ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume?").
1856-1963 - Arthur Judson Brown - Presbyterian clergyman, missionary & prolific author. Attended world conferences in 1910 & 1925. Died at age 106.
1860-1945 - Sidney Gulick - Missionary. Caused US & Japan to exchange friendship dolls. Click here for Japanese-American monuments.
1875-1965 - Albert Schweitzer - Theologian, organist & physician. Missionary in Lambaréné (Gabon). Promoted "Reverance for Life."
1879-1951 - Ralph Eugene Diffendorfer - Clergyman. Secretary of Methodist Young People's Missionary Movement. Helped design & promote the Christian flag.
1877-1933 - Henry Hodgkin - Co-founded Fellowship of Reconciliation (England) in 1914. First director of Pendle Hill (USA) in 1930.
1886-1941 - Minnie Vautrin - UCMS missionary. Saved many at Ginling Girls College during the Nanking Massacre in 1937-38. Suicide in Indianapolis. Monument in Illinois.
1896-1984 - Ralph T. Templin - Missionary & teacher. Acquainted with Gandhi in India, Ralph Borsodi in New York & Arthur Morgan in Ohio. P
1897-1944 - Jane Haining - Missionary. Cared for Jewish children in Budapest. Killed at Auschwitz. One of only 10 Holocaust victims from Scotland.
1898-1990 - Hugo Enomiya Lassalle - Missionary. Built Memorial Cathedral for World Peace in Hiroshima in 1954.
1903-1974 - George Friedrich Vicedom - Pioneer Luthern missionary in central New Guinea highlands. Wrote over 400 books & papers including a massive ethnological survey of the Mbowamb tribe.
1910-1989 - William Larimer (Larry) Mellon - Philanthropist & physician. Became doctor at age 44. Ran Hôpital Albert Schweitzer in Deschapelles, Haiti, with wife Gwen Grant.
1910-1997 - Mother Teresa - Albanian nun. Founded Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta. Click here for Wikipedia biography.
1925-2013 -
James O'Connell - Missionary in Nigeria 1957-75. Second head of peace studies at Univ of Bradford 1978-93. Pressured by Thatcher govt in 1980's.
1931-2005 - Dorothy Stang - Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. Outspoken on behalf of the poor & environment. Received death threats & murdered in Amazon Basin.
1935-2009 - Millard Fuller - Disciples of Christ missionary in Zaire in 1973. Founded Habitat for Humanity, Americus, Georgia (USA), in 1976.
1935-2011 - Jackie Hudson - Dominican Sister. Missioned to Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action near Bangor Trident Naval Base. Arrested at Y-12 in 2010.
1940-1962? -
Daniel Amstutz Gerber - Mennonite Central Committee missionary in Vietnam. One of 3 abducted from leprosarium by Viet Cong in 1962 & missing ever since.
1941-1984 - André Jarlan - Sacerdote católico. Missionary among the poor. Asesinado por Carabineros de Chile durante una manifestación contra Augusto Pinochet.
1945-2006 - Andrea Santoro - Roman Catholic priest. Part of Fidei donum missionary program. Murdered in Santa Maria Church, Trabzon, Turkey.
1953-1980 - Jean Donovan - Maryknoll lay missionary. Raped & killed with 3 American nuns by Salvadorian army.
Please email your comments & questions to geovisual @ comcast.net.
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