A monument is the physical evidence of the feelings of an individual or group of individuals at some time in the past. What we see today depends on the creator's original feelings, on his or her choice of words and symbols, and on the ways in which the words and symbols of the past relate to the changed circumstances of today. (EWL)
I met a traveller from an antique land -
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone -
Stand in the desert.
Near them on the sand, -
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown -
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command -
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read -
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things, -
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed. -
And on the pedestal these words appear: -
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: -
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" -
Nothing beside remains.
Round the decay -
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, -
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
(Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias, 1818)
Click here for hands monuments (many of which are eccentric).
| Click here for stonehenge replicas.
| Click here for spheres. | Click here for pyramids.
Click here for problematical & controversial peace monuments. |
Click here for oldest & biggest peace monuments. | Click here for visionary peace monuments (folk art).
Right click image to enlarge.
| About 1783 -
"Peace of Paris, 1783", Diplomatic Reception Rooms (Top Floor), U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC (USA). "Painting by Benjamin West [1738-1820] of the American delegation at the Treaty of Paris: John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens [1724-1792], and William Temple Franklin [1760-1823]. The British delegation refused to pose, and the painting was never completed." (The preliminary articles signed in Paris on November 30, 1782, were only effective when a similar treaty was signed by Britain and France, which French Foreign Minister Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes [1717-1787], quickly negotiated. France signed preliminary articles of peace with Great Britain on January 20, 1783, which were followed by a formal Peace of Paris signed on September 3, 1783.)
 | 1850 - "Auto-Icon" of Jeremy Bentham, University College London (UCL), London (England). In glass-fronted cabinet. Jeremy Bentham [1748-1832] was a philosopher who campaigned for social and political reform. His utilitarian principles helped him to create the greatest happiness principle & calculus. He requested in his Will that his body should be preserved & in a wooden cabinet which he called his "Auto-Icon." UCL acquired his body in 1850 and have kept it on public display ever since.
The Auto-Icon has a wax head; the real head is in a mummified-state locked away in the university. Click here for video. Information courtesy of Hope May 08Feb13.
| 1871 - Apotheosis of War, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia). Crows picking a pile of skulls. Oil on canvas by Russian artist Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin [1842–1904]. Dedicated by the artist "to all conquerors, past, present and to come."
| 1881 - Grave of Caterina Campodonico, Cemetery of Staglieno, Genoa (Italy). "Campodonico was a pauper nuts-seller, who saved money for her whole life to afford a luxurious grave. However, the statue realistically portrays while she sells her humble merchandise. This is one of the most popoular statues in the cemetery." Inscription: "By selling my wares at the Sanctuaries of Acqucsanta Garbo and St. Cipriasso, defying wind, sun and ___ in order to provide an honest loaf for my old age, I have also put by enough to have myself placed later on, with this monument, which I Caterina Campodonico (called the Peasant) have erected while still alive. 1881. Oh, you who pass close to this, my tomb, if you will, pray for my peace."
| 1897 - Woman's Building, Tennessee Centennial Exposition (now Centennial Park), Nashville, Tennessee (USA). No longer exists. Site (near the fair's full-scale reproduction of the Parthenon) is marked by a subsequent monument with a sphere on top. Its plaque contains two quotations by Mrs. Van Leer (Kate) Kirkman, President, Woman's Department: "That that is round can be no rounder" and "Women's Work. Whatever may be necessary to preserve the sanctity of the home and ensure the freedom of the state." Lower image by EWL.
| About 1900 - Temple of Peace, International Theosophical Headquarters, Point Loma, San Diego, California (USA). "In 1896 Madame Katherine Tingley [1847-1929] became the leader of the Theosophical Society. In 1897 she purchased a sanitarium to found 'an Athens of the West' at Point Loma. She changed its name to the Academy (Homestead) and used it as a living quarters and as a schoolroom for the fine arts. In 1900 she completed the construction of this building by adding a stain-glass dome and then built the circular Temple of Peace next to the Academy." Image shows Raja-Yoga Academy (left) and Temple of Peace (right).
| October 30, 1913 - Peace Monument, SW corner, Courthouse Square, Decatur, Adams County, Indiana (USA). Designed by Charles T. Mulligan [1866-1916]. Statue of "Peace" 12 feet 3 inches tall modeled by Margaret McMasters Van Slyke, "said to be Chicago's most perfectly formed woman" (local winner of Bernarr Macfadden's 13-city "best and most perfectly formed woman" contest in 1903-1904?). Side panels bear names of 1,276 Adams County veterans: Five of the War of 1812, eight of the Mexican War, 1,152 of 1861-1865 [sic], and 111 of the Spanish-American War. "The world's first monument dedicated exclusively to peace" according to Wikipedia, though not true. Left photo by EWL 29Jul09. Right photo from 1935.
| Date? - "Blown up Tree," Saint Petersburg (Russia). Nobel monument on the bank of the River Neva. "Born in Stockholm, Alfred Nobel [1833-1896] went with his family in 1842 to Saint Petersburg, where his father (who had invented modern plywood) started a 'torpedo' works. When Alfred was 18, he went to the United States to study chemistry for four years."
 | 1918 - Stonehenge, Maryhill, Washington (USA). "A full-size replica of Stonehenge (England) built on a bluff overlooking the Columbia River by Sam Hill [1857-1931], a road builder, as a memorial to those who died in World War I. Not completed until 1930. Hill was buried in 1931 at the base of the bluff, but, because he wished to be left alone, there is no easy path to his resting place.
The project began when Hill was mistakenly informed that the original Stonehenge had been used as a sacrificial site. He thus constructed his replica as a reminder that 'humanity is still being sacrificed to the god of war.'" Hill also constructed the Peace Arch (qv) on the US/Canadian border.
| September 14, 1929 - Peace Fountain, Amsterdam Park, St. Clair Avenue W at Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario (Canada). Inscribed: "[Replica of] the fountain at [the Peace] Palace, The Hague. Presented by H.H. Williams... as a mark of his love [for peace]."
| 1913? - Peace Fountain, Peace Palace, The Hague (Netherlands).
| 1936 - Stone Bomb Anti-War Monument, NW of Mornington Road & the High Road, Woodford Green, London, (England). Created by Sylvia Pankhurst [1882-1960] as a protest against aerial warfare. One of 21 peace monuments named by the PPU website. Named in "A Peace Trail Through London" by Valerie Flessati (1998). See similar monument at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida (USA)
| November 11, 1938 - Peace Monument, in front of Lyman's Hall, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida (USA). German artillery shell made into a monument by Hamilton Holt [1872-1951], president of Rollins College.
Dedicated on Armistice Day 1938.
"Vandalized on Aug. 23, 1943. It was suspected that servicemen from the US Army STAR (Specialized Training and Reassignment) unit stationed on campus were responsible for the act, but investigation did not support that conclusion. The German shell on the stone pedestal was destroyed, but the plaque survived, was put in storage, and was rediscovered in the 1980's under President Thaddeus Seymour, who rededicated it in 1988 by the stairway of the Mills Memorial Building next to Holt’s statue. [Information courtesy of college archivist Wenxian Zhang 10Jan11]" The Plaque bears this inscription:
Pause, passerby and hang your head in shame.
This Engine of Destruction, Torture and Death Symbolizes:
The Prostitution of the Inventor,
The Avarice of the Manufacturer,
The Blood-guilt of the statesman,
The Savagery of the Soldier,
The Perverted Patriotism of the Citizen,
The Debasement of the Human Race.
That it can be Employed as an Instrument of Defense of Liberty, Justice and Right in Nowise Invalidates the Truth of the Words Here Graven.
—Hamilton Holt.
Compare 1936 monument of Sylvaia Pankhurst in London, England (UK). Did Holt know about Pankhurst's monument?
| September 4, 1938 - May 30, 1942 - Monument à la gloire des Américains / Monument to the Glory of the Americans, Point-de-Grave, Le Verdon, Mouth of Gironde River (France). Expressed gratitude for US help during World War I. 75 meters tall (vs. 45.5 meters for the Statue of Liberty). Cornerstone laid September 6, 1919, by French President Raymond Poincaré [1860-1934]. Dedication (lower left image) attended by John F. Kennedy [1917-1963] representing his father, the US Ambassador in London. Lower right image shows a stele (plaque) about 10 meters high which was erected in 1947 to mark the spot. Its inscription reads: "Ici s'élevait le monument érigé à la gloire des Américains - Aux soldats du général Pershing défenseurs du même idéal de droit et de liberté qui conduisit en Amérique La Fayette et ses volontaires partis de ce rivage en 1777 - Le monument symbolisait la fraternité d'armes et l'amitié franco-américaine - Il fut détruit le 30 mai 1942 par les troupes d'occupation allemandes - Il sera réédifié par le peuple français - They have destroyed it, we shall restore it." /// US/French ceremony was held here in 1987 celebrating both the 210th anniversary of LaFayette's departure & the 70th anniversary of Pershing's arrival.
 1940 - Peace Tower, Heiwadai Koen / Park, 6146 Koshigasako, Shimokitakatamachi, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki, Kyushu Island (Japan). 37-meter tower erected to promote "the unification of the eight corners of the world under one roof" (hakko ichiu) & celebrate 2,600th anniversary of the mythological foundation of Japan. "Purportedly contains artifacts that once belonged to the first emperor. Pedestal made with stones donated by Japanese expatriates from all over the world. Copper door created with coins donated by Japanese children. It may seem ironic that a peace tower was erected at a time when Japan was busy colonizing much of Asia; [but] the intention was to show that the world could live peaceably, albeit with Japan as leader. Figures on the tower depict the guardians of fishery, agriculture, self-defense, and commerce." Ten Yen note shows Imperial chrysanthemum (no longer used on currency after WW-II).

 | August 20, 1950 - Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial, Lake Shrine, Self-Realization Fellowship, Pacific Palisades, California (USA). The focal point of the memorial is a thousand-year-old stone sarcophagus from China, in which a portion of Gandhi's ashes are encased in a brass & silver coffer. The sarcophagus is flanked by two statues of Guan Yin. Plaque says "Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial. Dedicated to World Brotherhood on August 20, 1950, by Paramanhansa Yogananda and Lt. Gov. Goodwin Knight. The memorial contains a portion of the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi." These are the only ashes of Gandhi outside India & Africa.
1957 -
World Globe Gas Storage Tank, 73rd Street,
Savannah, Georgia (USA). Also known as "The Savannah Globe." 60 foot diameter. "Built by Savannah Gas Company with a world map adorned 'Savannah is here.' Painted two years later to resemble a globe. A to Z Coating & Sons purchased the structure in the early 1990's & repainted it for the year 2000 featuring simulated satellite imagery with a hurricane bound for Savannah! By September 2005, sold to Savannah Mortgage Co. at a cost of around $450,000."
1959 - Bust of Lenin, Pole of Inaccessibility (Antarctica). "You will probably never find a more perfect embodiment of Shelley's 'Ozymandias' than this story of a surprising discovery by a joint Norwegian-US antarctic expedition. The team traveled to 'Inaccessibility Pole,' which lays about 550 miles from the South Pole, at the furthest point from the ocean.
Scientists trekking across a little visited part of Antarctica have discovered a bizarre relic of the Soviet Union is dominating the South Pole of Inaccessibility.
In the middle of nowhere – literally the point on Antarctica furthest from the sea – an imposing bust of revolutionary Bolshevik Vladimir Lenin [1870-1924] peers out onto the polar emptiness...
The group's website says Soviet scientists first visited the Pole in December 1958 and built a small cabin there.
After several weeks they left, putting the bust of Lenin on top of the chimney facing Moscow.
"Today the bust is clearly visible from many kilometres away, and remains as they left it on the chimney, although the cabin itself is buried under the snow," the explorers say...
They all speculated on what the bust might have been made out of; marble or concrete.
“You wouldn’t believe it. He’s plastic,” he said.
The accompanying photo is from the team's website.
As the chief architect of one of history's most genocidal regimes, a man responsible for the death of millions, it's fitting that his statue is made of plastic. And just like Shelley's Ozymandias, his memorial sits amidst a desolate wasteland."
| 1963 onwards - El Monumento a la Paz / Peace Monument, Fundación Planeta Libre, Calle Cabriales con Luis Roche, Colinas de Bello Monte,
Caracas (Venezuela). Built by Dr. Farid Mattar [born 1928]. "A temple of understanding that symbolizes the education for freedom and peace. It is an environmentally-friendly monument, made by recycling the filth of Caracas, each rock placed, in Dr. Mattar’s words, 'in the name of every Venezuelan child that will be born'
Dr. Mattar’s development of his model of a Culture of Peace corresponded to the on-going construction at the site. The model suggests that we are the forces behind continuing transformations and that we are united both in heaven and on earth. In these moments, we are entering the monument’s highest floor. One may observe that there are no ceilings or walls, and the arcs point toward the sky, indicating the need of a contemporary man to find sense in life and to be transcendental."
| 1963 - Bald Knob Cross of Peace, Bald Knob, Shawnee National Forest, Alto Pass, Illinois (USA). Largest cross in North America. "111 feet (34 m) tall and is visible, when lit at night, over an area of 7,500 square miles (19,000 km2). Base made of Illinois marble, and upper portion covered by reinforced steel porcelain panels. Use of interior stairway discontinued in 1982." Site of Easter sunrise services since 1937. "In 1963 when our relations with Russia took a turn for the better, [the foundation] thought the cross could have a good effect if known as The Cross Of Peace around which our prayers could center."
| S CU L P T | March 22, 1980 - Georgia Guidestones, Elberton, Georgia (USA). aka "The American Stonehenge." Four giant granite stones engraved with 10 "Guides" or commandments in 8 different languages setting forth the basic principles of the establishment of the governance of a one world order with a unified world court of law where populations and reproduction are controlled, a unified "living new" language, whose philosophical foundation is built on "spirituality" & man’s environmental responsibility to live in harmony with nature. Built by "R.C. Christian" whose true identity remains unknown.

 | G A R D E N | 1981 - Temple of Tolerance, 203 South Wood Street, Wapakoneta, Ohio (USA).
"I've seen many amazing visionary art sites, but none quite like the one James R. (Jim) Bowsher has created. His home is an incredible museum -- a Grand Central Terminal for the Underground Railroad, an invisible library of unwritten books on Freemasons, Harry Houdini & and Neil Armstrong.
Over several backyards are massive glacial boulders forming the central monument dedicated to tolerance, a stage for summer music performances, a Vietnam War memorial, and a Tree of Life. Throughout the grounds you'll also find the archeology of good and evil -- Boundary markers from a Shawnee Indian reservation, slab steps from a Klan meetinghouse, stone dragons from Ireland, fragments from the first baseball park in Cincinnati, even a marble countertop from a bank that John Dillinger robbed. Perhaps more than anything, the Temple stands to remind us, as well as future generations, to have compassion for others as we continue to explore our dreams, follow our spirit, and search for answers in the hope of scaling new heights." [Cathy J. Schreima, Wapakoneta Evening Ledger, April 7, 2001.] /// Bowsher's temple is further described & illustrated on NarrowLarry's World of the Outstanding & RareVisions Road Trip.com. For YouTube videos of the temple, click here for 11 minutes on a sunny day, and click here for 5 minutes in the snow. Also click to see Bowsher explaining why he believes in innate goodness and telling the story of rivets.


| 1986-1991 - Arctic Arc,
Cape Dezhnev, Naukan (Russia) & Cape Prince of Wales, Wales, Alaska (USA). A joint project by Michigan sculptor David Barr and Alaskan artist Joe Senungetuk. Two "sculpture installations" evoking a bird, a boat, and a hand extended in friendship. About 60 miles (97 km) apart on each side of the Bering Sea at sites of the first human migrations into North America. According to Barr, "the two sculptures are a peaceful symbol for a border of international tension."
| October 10, 1986-November 10, 1993 - "Mahnmal gegen Faschismus, Krieg, Gewalt - Fur Frieden und Menschenrechte / Memorial Against Fascism, War and Violence - For Peace and Human Rights," Rathaus Train Station, Harburger Ring, Hamburg (Germany). By Esther Shalev-Gerz & Jochen Gerz. "Started out as a pillar [12 meter stele] in 1986 and was gradually lowered into the ground over eight [or ten?] steps until 1993. Since then it has just been a plaque in the ground." Text on plaque quoted differently by different sources: "Denn nichts kann auf Dauer an unserer Stelle sich gegen das Unrecht erheben / Because nothing can permanently at our place to rise against injustice." "We invite the citizens of Harburg and visitors to the town to add their names here to ours. In doing so we commit ourselves to remain vigilant. As more and more names cover the 12-meter-tall lead column, it will gradually be lowered into the ground. One day it will have disappeared completely and the site of the Harburg monument against fascism will be empty. In the end it is only we ourselves who can rise up against injustice."
 | 1990 - "The Missing House," Gedenkstätte Große Hamburger Straße, Scheunenviertel, Berlin (Germany).
At 15-16 Große Hamburger Straße. "This apartment house was destroyed by aerial bombardment in February 1945. In 1990, French artist Christian Boltanski & his students found that all the former residents were Jews & constructed a memorial space dedicated to 'absence.' The signs indicate the names of the residents & approximate place where they lived in the building, their dates of birth & death, and occupations, which went across class lines.
Plaques indicate the approximate space occupied by Jewish and non-Jewish residents, testifying to a diversity that was lost with Nazi decrees against the Jews and removal of the Jewish population from Berlin."
| 1991 - "Chain Reaction," Santa Monica Civic Center, Santa Monica, California (USA). 26-foot mushroom cloud made from links of a massive chain. Text of plaque: "This is a statement of peace. May it never become an epitaph. Paul Conrad 1991." Designed by Paul Conrad [1924-2010], chief editorial cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times 1964-1993 (& syndicated to 100's of newspapers worldwide). See video. "Gifted to the
City of Santa Monica through a $250,000 anonymous donation..." Said to be structurally weak in 2011. "Save Our Sculpture" (SOS) campaign organized by Jerry Peace Activist Rubin.
| Date? - El Hombre de la Paz Universal / Man of Universal Peace, Av. Insurgentes, Mazatlan, Nayarit (Mexico).
A towering golden figure holding a bell over his head. The plaque at his feet reads: "Hacer el bien produce buena suerte / To do good produces good luck." Visited by EWL.

| September 8, 1995 -
"Gud Fader på Himmelsbågen" / "God the Father of the Rainbow" (The Lord placing new stars in heaven), Nacka Strand, Stockholm (Sweden). Sculpted by Swedist pacifist Carl Milles [1875-1955] & his American student, Marshall M. Fredericks [1908-1998]. Milles also sculpted "Vision of Peace" in St. Paul, Minnesota (1936). Fredericks also sculped "Freedom of the Human Spirit" in Queens, New York (1964), & Birmingham, Michigan (1986). Compare "Man Walking to the Sky" by American Johnthan Borofsky [b. 1942] in Kassel, Strasborug, Pittsburgh & Seoul (1992-2008).
| February 16, 1998 - Angel of the North, Gateshead (England). Steel sculpture of an angel, standing 66 feet (20 m) tall, with wings measuring 178 feet (54 m) across — making it wider than the Statue of Liberty's height. Designed by Antony Gormley.
Global Stone, near the Lawengruppe / Lions’ Group, Tiergarten Park, Berlin (Germany). Five stones, each weighing between 10 and 40 tons and corresponding to a “sister stone” on one of the five continents. The pairs of stones represent the five steps towards peace. Once a year on 21st June the light of the sun connects all ten stones by reflection. Wolfgang von Schwarzenfeld, sculptor and around the world navigator, began the Global Stone Project in 1997 in Venezuela.
February 1999 - America (Love).
1st of 5 stones. Resembles a whale. From Gran Sabana National Park (Venezuela).
January 4, 2001 - Australia (Peace).
2nd of 5 stones. From Mount Magnet sheep station (Australia).
April 25, 2007 - Europe (Awakening).
3rd of 5 stones. From Ekaterinen (Russia).
December 3, 2007 - Africa (Hope).
4th of 5 stones. From Bertanie Quarry (South Africa). Placed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Future? - Asia (Forgiveness).
5th of 5 stones.
| 2002 - Gospodor Monument Park, Camus Road, Toledo-Winlock (near Olympia), Washington (USA). "Four towering memorials commemorating Jesus, Chief Seattle, Mother Teresa & the Holocaust with statues or symbols atop 100-foot-plus steel-pipe towers. Visible for miles, especially at night. Dominic Gospodor had planned five more monuments: Two large ones to honor African-American history & the 17,000 people killed each year by drunken driving. Three statues to commemorate Jonas Salk, Susan B. Anthony & William Seward.
He said his monument cost him about $500,000.
Gospodor is horrified by the Holocaust. Raised Catholic, he is especially concerned about the church's inaction during WW-II: "They all remained silent. Everybody remained silent."
| Date? - Monumento de la Paz / Peace Monument, Sayalonga, Málaga, Andalucia (Spain). By Carmen Ocaña. "This monument is on the road to the pretty village of Sayalonga. Its structure and
roses that surround it are worth visiting."
Date? - Globe Mobile Home Trailer, Rainbow Sheikh's Car Museum, Dubai (United Arab Emirates). Exactly 1 millionth the size of the actual earth. Contains 8 bedrooms. In the Guiness Book of Records for the largest operable mobile home in the world. Belongs to Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan, nicknamed the Rainbow Sheikh for the rainbow he puts on the many vehicles in his collection.
| November 9, 2001 - Holocaust Maenmal der Kinder / Children's Holocaust Memorial, Whitwell, Tennessee (USA). "An authentic German railcar filled with 11 million paper clips (6 million for murdered Jews & 5 million for Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses & other groups). Dedicated on the anniversary of Kristallnacht. A sculpture designed by an artist from Ooltewah, TN, stands next to the car, memorializing the 1.5 million children murdered by the Nazis and incorporating another 11 million paper clips." Click here for the Wikipedia article.

 | October 2004 - July 5, 2005 - Checkpoint Charlie Monument, Berlin (Germany). Commemorated the 15th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Consisted of over 1,000 crosses adorned with the names of those murdered attempting to escape Communist East Germany for freedom during the Cold War. Torn down on July 5, 2005: "Berlin's Shame: We Will Never Forget!
We really don't have much left to say about this outrage. The anger inside all of us right now is simply too much. Even we believed that the city government and the bank would have the good sense to seek a compromise...but they didn't."
| In Progress - "Big Book: Pages for Peace Project", Groton-Dunstable Regional School District, Groton, Massachusetts (USA). "In October 2004, eight fifth grade students started making a book filled with student literary offerings that would be accepted into the Guinness Book of World Records. Today, members of the "Bookmakers and Dreamers Club" ae well on their way to creating the world's largest book - and to focus its subject on world peace. Each page will be 12 feet tall by 10 feet wide. Hundreds of liters of ink will be required to cover 90-square feet on each of 500-double sided pages." The students recently received letters from Blase Bonpane, Howard Zinn, Danny Schechter, Leslie Cagan, Dahr Jamail, Lucinda Marshall, Kathy Kelly, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, Cathy Hoffman, Sayre Sheldon, Helen Caldicott & Desmond Tutu. They have also heard from Jimmy Carter, the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou & Martin Sheen, along with hundreds of everyday people.
| May 31, 2008 - "Million Penny Project," Groton-Dunstable Middle School, Groton, Massachusetts (USA). Clear acrylic 5x6 foot container filled 2 feet deep with 1,500,000 US pennies, representing each of the 1,500,000 Jewish children killed during the Holocaust. Inspired by the paper clip project in Whitwell, Tennessee (qv), students of teacher Niki Rockwell began collecting pennies in 2006. Donations were received from Polish Holocaust survivor Norman Salsitz, Russian Jewish descendent A. Raymond Tye, and many others. Info & image courtesy of Jayme Kulesz.
| November 2009 - Global Peace Ring, Amin & Co., Suha Bazaar, Lahore (Pakistan). "World's biggest ring." Seven goldsmiths toiled for 577 days to create the 50 x 57 inch ring weighing 74 kilograms. From owner Muhammad Amin Saleem: " 210 FLAGS on the surface of my Ring are an indication of Global Unity & Integrity which is the dream of every eye in this complex modern world... By the grace of Allah, the ceaseless labour of my team & the prayers of my nearest and dearest ones, I feel pride of having the honour in accomplishing the dream of my late father (may God bless his soul rest of eternal heaven) who longed for such a marvellous ring as a token of Love and Peace for the whole world. Global peace has been in constant threat for many years. The only way out is the establishment of Peace Free from territorial bias & prejudice. Peace has its own victories no less renowned than war." Info courtesy of Julie Obermeyer.

| P A L A C E | January 28, 2012 - Shanthi Mahal / Global Peace Palace, Thumboli, near Alappuzha, Kerala State (India). "Chief minister Oommen Chandy will inaugurate Global Peace Palace, a monument for war heroes and victims of terror attacks built by AKB Kumar, an ex-service man, at Thumboli on January 27. The construction of the monument, a replica of Agra's Taj Mahal, started on January 28, 2008.
'I have spent Rs1.25 crore for constructing this monument dedicated to India's war heroes who sacrificed their lives for the nation,' said 61-year-old Kumar at a press conference here on Friday.
Kumar was a chief petty officer in the Indian Navy. He had joined the Navy at the age of 15. During his 18 years of service, he participated in the Indo-Pak war in 1971.
'During that war, I lost some of my friends. It was then that I decided to set up a monument for war heroes. But then I did not have enough money for the purpose. Later, I joined as fire and safety engineer at Kochi Refineries and spent all my savings for constructing this monument. I even had to take a bank loan for completing the structure,' he said. Kumar retired from Kochi Refineries last April.
The Global Peace Palace has four minarets representing the Army, Navy, Air Force and other forces. The central portion of the structure is dedicated to the victims of terror attacks. Kumar said people could visit the monument free of cost, and that he had sought government help for its protection." /// Click here for more informtion.
| Future - World Peace Monument, on top of Mount Ora, eight kilometres southwest of Jerusalem and over looking Bethlehem.
By French architect Jean Nouvel. "Association for a World Peace Monument [WPM] is a Swiss based institution... Monument will include a congress and communications centre. With a height of 100 meters and a diameter of 40 meters, this unique peace tower is not to overlook [sic]."
 | Future -
Khalifa Olympic Peace Tower, Doha (Qatar). Projected 300-meter tower.