462 Significant Human Tragedies
in descending order of number of lives lostExamples of human tragedy worldwide -- with links to their principal memorials.
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guns, Japan, Muslims, Native Americans, natural disasters, Nazis & police).Click here for Wikipedia article on pandemics.
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Click here for Wikipedia's list of wars at all times in all places.
Click here for Wikipedia's list of wars & disasters by death toll.
Click here for Wikipedia's list of deadliest natural disasters by death toll.
Click here for dates & approximate number of civilians killed by some US air raids over Japan in WW-II.
= Terrorism
= War & War Crimes (including torture & Geneva Convention violations)
= Inhumanity & Genocide (including the Holocaust)
= Safety or Public Health Violation (including improper maintenance)
= Design Error (including substandard constructon)
= Natural Disaster (pandemics, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.)
= Attrocity or Unwarrented Violence (including murder & serial killing)
= Mass Suicide
= Blank (not yet categorized)
= Gun violence in USA (not including shootings by police)
= Violence involving Native Americans
= Violence involving Muslims
= Excessive force by police
= Airplane vulnerability
Human Tragedy Deaths Place Date Cause Principal Memorial
(Some are unintentional.)More than 5,000,000 deaths Black Death (Plague) 100,000,000 Europe
1347-1351 Rats
Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic Great Pandemic (Flu) 50-100,000,000 Worldwide
1918-1920 Nature
Penny Hill Cemetery, Alexandria, Virginia, USA "Great Leap Forward" 30-45,000,000 China
1958-1962 CPC & Mao Zedong
? Holodomor (Famine) 10,000,000 Ukraine
1932-1933 USSR & Stalin
Kiev Memorial (+ Edmonton, Aberta, Canada) Belgian Rule of the Congo c.10,000,000 Belgian Congo
1885-1962 King Leopold II
Fallen statue of Henry Morton Stanley on Congo River Atlantic Slave Trade 8,000,000 West Africa & at sea
1500-1860's Europeans
Click here for many monuments Laki Volcanic Eruption >6,000,000 ![]()
Iceland + Europe
1783-1784 Nature
? Holocaust or Shoah (Genocide) 6,000,000 ![]()
Nazi Germany & Europe
1941-1945 Nazi Germany
US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, USA 1,000, 000-5,000,000 deaths Central China Floods 3.7-4,000,000 Central China
1931 Jul-Nov Nature
High watermark at Hankou (August 19) Asian Flu Pandemic 1-4,000,000 ![]()
China + World
1956-1958 Nature
? Partition of India
3,400,000 ![]()
India & Pakistan
1947 Hindus+Muslims
Memorial at Wagah (proposed) Bangadesh Genocide 3,000,000 Bangladesh
1971 Mar-Dec Pakistani military
Jatiyo Smriti Soudho (National Monument), Dhaka "Cultural Revolution" 1.5-3,000,000 China
1966-1976 Mao Zedong
Cultural Revolution Museum, Shantou, China North Korea Famine 2,000,000? North Korea
1995-1997 Floods+Mismanagement
Presumably none Cambodian Genocide 1,700,000 Cambodia
1975-1979 Khmer Rouge
Killing Fields Memorial, Choeung Ek, Cambodia Great Purge 950-1,200,000 USSR
1936-1939 NKVD & Stalin
Butovo Firing Range near Moscow Auschwitz Concentration Camp 1,100,000+ Auschwitz, Poland
1940/5-1945/1 Nazi Germany
Auschwitz Concentration Camp (unintentional monument) an Gorta Mor/Great Famine 1,000,000 Ireland
1845-1852 Phytophthora infestans
Famine Memorials, Dublin & elsewhere 100,000-1,000,000 deaths Iran-Iraq War
1,000,000 ![]()
Iran & Iraq
1980-1988 Opposing Armies
Al-Shaheed Monument, Baghdad+Tehran Peace Museum Tutsi Genocide 800,000 Rwanda
1994 Apr-Jul Hutus
Kigali Memorial Centre, Kigali, Rwanda Algerian Independence
700,000 Algeria
1954-1962 France+Guerrillas
Monument des Martyrs, Algiers, Algeria American Civil War 620,000 USA
1861-1865 Opposing Armies
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC Armenian Genocide 500,000+ Ottoman Empire, Turkey
World War I Ottoman Empire
Memorial, Tsitsernakaberd, Armenia Darfur Genocide
400,000 Darfur, Sudan
2003 Feb-Now Janjaweed
Warsaw Ghetto 3-400,000 Warsaw, Poland
1940/10-1943/5 Nazi Germany
___, Warsaw Ypres Salient 300,000 Flanders, Belgium
World War I Opposing Armies
IJzertoren Museum, Diksmuide Rape of Nanking 300,000 Nanjing, China
1937 Dec Imperial Japan
Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall Japanese Comfort Women 15-300,000 Japan & SE Asia
1932-1945 Japanese Imperial Army
Monuments in South Korea & USA Doolittle Raid Retaliation 250,000 Zhejiang & Jiangxi, China
1942 May-Sep Imperial Japan
? Battle of Okinawa 240,734 Okinawa, Japan
1945 Mar-Jun Opposing Armies
Cornerstone of Peace, Mabuni, Okinawa Indian Ocean Tsunami 230,210 Indonesia & other nations
2004 Dec 26 Nature
Khao-lak Lamru Nat Pk, Thailand Haiti Earthquake 7.0 230,000+ Port-au-Prince, Haiti
2010 Jan 12 Nature+Bad Buildings
"temporary" refugee tent camps Battle of Verdun 230,000 Lorraine, France
1916 Feb-Dec Opposing Armies
Douaumont Ossuary, Douaumont Conquest of Tenochtitlan 220,450+ Tenochtitlan, Mexico
1521 5/26-8/13 Cortés v. Aztec Empire
Temple site, Mexico City, Mexico Lebanese Civil War 200,000 Lebanon
1975-1990 Civil War
National Memorial, Beirut (future) Franco-Prussian War 167,079 France
1870-1871 2nd French Empire v. Prussia
Lion of Belfort, Belfort, France Pillage of Carthage 150,000 Carthage, Tunisia
146 BCE Roman Empire
Ruins of Carthage, Tunisia Great Kanto Earthquake 142,000 Tokyo, Japan
1923 Sep 1 Nature
Tokyo Earthquake Memorial Hiroshima Atom Bomb 140,000 Hiroshima, Japan
1945 Aug 6 USA
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Hall, Hiroshima Holocaust (Netherlands) 101,800 Netherlands
1942-1945 Nazi Germany
Memorial Center Camp Westerbork 25,000-100,000 deaths Tokyo Air Raids 100,000 Tokyo, Japan
1945 Feb-Aug USA
Center of Tokyo Raid+War Damages, Tokyo Murder of Prisoners 100,000 Delhi, India
1398 Timur (Tamerlane)
Gur-e Amir Tomb, Samarkand Battle of Gallipoli 98,758 Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey
1915-16 Opposing Armies
Gallipoli Peninsula Peace Park American Revolutionary War 96,774 Eastern USA
1775-1783 USA+France v. UK etc.
Washington Monument, Washington, DC Nagasaki Atom Bomb 80,000 Nagasaki, Japan
1945 Aug 9 USA
Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall, Nagasaki Great Pakistan Earthquake 79,000+ Kashmir, Pakistan
2005 Oct 8 Nature+Bad Bldgs.
Great Sichuan Earthquake 69,000+ Sichuan, China
2008 May 12 Nature+Bad Buildings
Beichuan National Earthquake Ruins Museum Herero/Nama Genocide 60,000 Namibia (ex-SW Africa)
1904-1907 German Empire
Herero & Nama prisoner skulls returned in 2011 US Military Deaths 58,256 Vietnam
1959-1975 Opposing Armies
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC, USA Second Boer War 58,169 South Africa
1899-1902 UK v. SA Republic
Boer War Mon., St. Kilda Rd., Melbourne, Australia Nicaraguan Revolution 53,000 Nicaragua
1978-1990 Sandinistas & Contras
? Nicaraguan Civil War 50,000 Nicaragua
1979-1990 Contras+CIA v Govt.
Parque de la Paz, Managua Operation Gomorrah 50,000 Hamburg, Germany
1943 Jul 24+ UK (Royal Air Force)
Nikolaikirche, Hamburg The Blitz 40-43,000 London, England
1940/9-1041/5 Nazi Germany
____, London Dresden Air Raid 24-40,000 Dresden, Germany
1945 Feb 13 UK+USA
Monument to Memory of WW-II, Dresden Reign of Terror 16-40,000 France
1793-1794 French Mobs
Bastille, Paris, France US Military Deaths 36,940 ![]()
1950-1953 Opposing Armies
Korean War Vets Memorial, DC Krakatoa Eruption 36,417 Sunda Strait, Indonesia
1883 Aug 26 Nature
Memorial, Bandar Lampung Persian Gulf War >20-35,000 Kuwait & vicinity
1990/8/2-1991/2/28 Saddam Hussein & Iraq
National Desert Storm & Desert Shield War Memorial (pending) 5,000-10,000 deaths Babi Yar Massacre 33,771 Kiev, Ukraine
1941 Sep 29-30 Nazi Germany
Babi Yar Monument, Kiev Guerra Sucia (Dirty War) 9-30,000 Argentina
1976-1983 Government (& Church?)
Villa Grimaldi, Buenos Aires, Argentina Mount Pelee Eruption 30,000 Sainte-Pierre, Martinique
1902 May 8 Nature
Volcano Museum St. Bartholomew's Massacre 5-30,000 Paris, France
1572 Aug-Sep Roman Catholic mobs
Various paintings Mexican-American War c.29,283 ![]()
Mexico & Texas
1846-1847 USA v. Mexico
Gadsden Purchase, Arizona & New Mexico, USA Tohoku Earthquake/Tsunami 27,786 Sendai, Japan
2011 Mar 14 Nature
Kobe "Light of Hope" Battle of Iwo Jima 24,666-25,196 Iwo Jima Island, Japan
1945 2/19-3/26 USA
US Marine Corps Memorial, Arlington, Virginia, USA 10,001-25,000 deaths Rumbula Massacre 25,000 Rumbula Forest, Latvia
1941 Nov-Dec Nazi Germany
"Soviet Era" Marker, Rumbula Battle of Britain 23,002+ Great Britain, UK
1940 Jul-Oct Nazi Germany
Kent Battle of Britain Museum Battle of Antietam 23,000 Sharpsburg, MD, USA
1862 Sep 17 Opposing Armies
Antietam National Cemetery Katyn Forest Massacre 21,768 Near Smolensk, USSR
1940 March Russia
National Katyn Memorial, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Partition of Palestine
16-21,000 ![]()
1947-1948 Haganah etc.
Museum of Underground Prisoners, Jerusalem Mau Mau Uprising 12,200-20,200 Kenya
1952-1960 Mau Mau v UK
td> Battle of Austerlitz 19,371 Prace, Czech Republic
1805 Dec 2 Opposing Armies
Cairn of Peace/Muzeum Brnenska Spanish-American War 17,165 ![]()
Cuba & Philippines
1898 USA v. Spain
Mast of Battleship "Maine," Arlington Cemetery, VA Anti-Sikh Riots 10-17,000 New Delhi, India
1984 Oct-Nov Hindus w/govt help
Sikh Heritage Centre & Holocaust Museum, Derby Bhopal Chemical Leak 16,000 Bhopal, India
1984 Dec 2 Union Carbibe
Memorial (future) Battle of Tours
c.13,100 Near Poitiers-Tours, France
732 Oct Franks v. Arabs
Tomb of Charles Martel, Saint-Denis, France Parsley Massacre 537-12,166 Dominican Republic
1937 Oct 2-8 Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina
Bataan Death March 6-11,000 Bataan Peninsula, Philippines
1942 Imperial Japan
Friendship Tower of Bagac Nepal-Bihar Earthquake 6,000-10,700 ![]()
Nepal &Bihar State, India
1934 Jan 15 Nature
Kesaria Stupa, East Champaran 228 Incident 10,000+ Taiwan
1947 Feb 28 Koumintang
National 228 Memorial Museum, Taipei Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda 10,000+ Phillipines
2013 Nov 6-8 Nature
"Highway of Death" >10,000 Highways 8 & 80, Kuwait
April 26-7, 1991 US & Canadian military
Osaka Air Raids 10,000+ Osaka, Japan
1945 Feb-Aug USA
Osaka International Peace Center, Osaka Tutsi Massacre 10,000? Rwanda
1963/12-1964/1 Hutus
Kigali Memorial Centre, Kigali, Rwanda Chemical Warfare
10,000 Iran
1981-1988 Iraq
Tehran Peace Monument, Tehran, Iran Great Calcutta Killing
5-10,000 Calcutta, Bengal, India
1946 Aug 16-19 Muslims & Hindus
"Conspicuously absent from official memory of Bengal" Second Intifada
7,908-9,046 ![]()
Palestine & Israel
2001/9-2005/2 Palestinians (PLO)
Various monuments Epuration sauvage 9,000 France
1944 France
? Nepal Earthquake 8,964 Kathmandu, Nepal
2015 Apr 25 Nature
Murders by Military Government 434+8,300 Brazil
1964-1985 Military Government
"Tortura Nunca Mais/Torture Never Again," Recife Srebrenica Massacre
8,000+ Bosnia & Herzegovina
1995 July Serbian Army
Genocide Memorial, Potocari Iranian Revolution
2,781-8,000 Iran
1978-79 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Shahyad Tower (later Azadi Tower), Tehran, Iran Unnamed Hurricane 8,000 Galveston, Texas, USA
1900 Sep 8 Nature
Galveston Hurricane Memorial Yokahama Air Raid 7-8,000 Yokohama, Japan
1945 May 29 USA
Kobe Earthquake 6,434 Kansai Region, Japan
1995 Jan 17 Nature
Kobe Earthquake Memorial Museum, Kobe, Japan War of 1812 6,421 ![]()
USA, Canada & Atlantic
1812-1815 USA v. UK
Monument to the War of 1812, Toronto, Ontario (2008) Chile Earthquake 9.5 6,000 Valdivia, Chile
1960 May 22 Nature
Pacific Tsunami Museum, Hilo, Hawaii, USA 3,001-5,000 deaths Yellow Fever Epidemic 4,000-5,000 Philadelphia, PA, USA
1793 Summer Nature
Philadelphia Lazaretto (1799) Poison Gas Attack
3,200-5,000 Halabja (Kurdistan), Iraq
1988 Mar 16-17 Saddam Hussein
Martyrs Monument & Museum Executions after July 20 Plot 4,980 Nazi Germany
1944 Gestapo
Memorial to German Resistance, Bendlerblock, Berlin US Military Deaths 4,295+ Iraq
2003-2009 Invaders v Disidents
Eyes Wide Open (AFSC) Suez Crisis 2,907-4,257 Suez Canal, Egypt
1956 10/29-11/7 Israel, UK & France
"Reconciliation" (Peacekeeping Monument), Ottawa, ON Okeechobee Hurricane 4,078 Florida & Elsewhere, USA
1928 Sep 6-20 Nature
Herbert Hoover Dike Nuclear Accident 4,000 Chernobyl, Ukraine
1986 Apr 26 Plant operators
Memorials in Kiev & elsewhere Cherokee Trail of Tears 4,000 Tennessee-Oklahoma, USA
1838 Winter Pres Andrew Jackson
New Echota Historic Site, Georgia "The Troubles" 3,530 ![]()
Northern Ireland & Ireland
1968-1998 IRA v. UK
Peace Walls, Belfast & Londonderry Sabra & Shatila Massacres
700-3,500 South Beirut, Lebanon
1982 Sep 16-8 Phalangists & Israel
Martyrs Square of Sabra & Shatila Massacres Battle of Attu 3,399+ Attu, Aleutian Islands, AK, USA
1943 May 11-30 USA
Japanese Peace Monument (titanium) Hungarian Revolution 3,222-3,722 Hungary
1956 10/23-11/10 Soviet Union
Stalin's empty boots, Memento Park near Budapest td> Ebola Epidemic 3,000+++ ![]()
West Africa
2013 Dec-2014 Nature
None so far Earthquake & Fire 3,000+ San Francisco, CA, USA
1906 Apr 18 Nature
San Francisco Fire Dept Museum 2,001-3,000 deaths Unjust Nazi Executions 3,000 Plöetzensee Prison, Berlin
1933-1945 Nazi Germany
Plöetzensee Memorial Balangiga Retalliation 2-3,000 Balangiga, Samar, Philippines
1901 Aug-Sep US Army
Balangiga Bells, Cheyenne, WY (booty) td> Tel al-Zaatar Massacre
2-3,000 UNRWA Refugee Camp, Lebanon
1976 Aug 12 Lebanese militia
? 9/11 World Trade Center
2,823 New York City, New York, USA
2001 Sep 11 Al-Qaeda
9/11 Memorial & Museum, New York City, NY td> Kragujevac Massacre 2,796 Kragujevac, Serbia
1941 Oct 21 Nazi Germany
October 21 Memorial Park, Kragujevac td> Tiananmen Square Protests 2,600 Beijing, China
1989 Jun 4 People's Republic of China
Goddess of Democracy, Beijing td> 823 Artillery Bombardment 2,600 Kinmen Island (Quemoy), Taiwan
1958 People's Republic of China
Kinmen Bell (2011) td> Pearl Harbor Air Raid 2,452 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
1941 Dec 7 Imperial Japan
USS Arizona Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Six Day War 12,276-17,683 Israel v Egypt+Syria+Jordan
1967 Jun 5-10 Opposing armies
Memorial, Ammunition Hill, Jerusalem Mina Stampede during Hajj
c.2,420 Mina, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
2015 Sep 24 Panic & bad public safety
Peshtigo Forest Fires 1,200-2,400 Wisconsin & Michigan, USA
1871 Oct 8 Nature
Peshtigo Fire Museum, Peshtigo, WI First Intifada
2,204 ![]()
Palestine & Israel
1987/12-1993/9 Palestinians (PUNLU)
Various monuments Johnstown Flood 2,200+ Johnstown, PA, USA
1889 May 1 South Fork Club
Johnstown Flood Museum, Johnstown, PA Gaza War
c2,200 Gaza Strip, Palestine
2014 Jul-Aug Israel & Hamas
Rocket debris sculpture in Sderot, Israel Sinking of batteship "Bismarck" c2,086 North Atlantic Ocean
1941 May 27 Royal Navy
Wreck about 650 km (400 mi) west of Brest, France Battle of Culloden 1,550-2,050 Near Inverness, Scotland
1746 Apr 16 Jacobites v. UK
Memorial cairn (1881), Culloden Moor Battle of Cajamarca >2,005 Cajamarca, Inca Empire, Peru
1532 Nov 16 Pizarro v. Inca Empire
Ransom Room of Emperor Atahualpa, Cajamarca, Peru Halifax Explosion 2,000 Halifax Harbour, Canada
1917 Dec 6 Mont-Blanc (French ship)
Memorial Bell Tower, Halifax, NS Gwangju Uprising 1-2,000 Gwangju, South Korea
1980 May 18-27 Korean & US military
Mangwol-dong Cemetery, Gwangju 1,000-2,000 deaths Baga massacre
150-2,000 Baga, Borno State, Nigeria
2015 Jan 3 Boko Haram
Pontiac's Rebellion c.650-1,950 ![]()
Great Lakes region
1763 British v. Chief Pontiac
Council Point Park, Lincoln Park, Michigan, USA Hurricane Katrina 1,836 New Orleans etc., USA
2005 Aug 29 Nature
Katrina Memorial, Biloxi, MS "Sultana" Explosion 1,800 Mississippi River, TN, USA
1865 Apr 27 Boiler misuse
Memorials in TN & 5 other states Minamata Disease 1,784 Minamata, Kumamoto Japan
1932-1968 Mercury poisoning
Minamata Disease Municipal Museum Texas Revolution 1,700 Texas, USA
1835-1836 Mexico v. Texians
San Jacinto Monument (1939), Houston, Texas, USA Guernica Air Raid 1,654 Guernica, Spain
1937 Apr 26 Germany & Italy
Museo de la Paz de Guernika "Titanic" Sinking 1,517 West Atlantic Ocean
1912 Apr 14-5 White Star Lines
Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, NS, Canada Jallianwala Bagh massacre 379-1,500 Jallianwala Garden, Amritsar, Inda
1919 Apr 13 British Army
Jallianwala Bagh memorial, Amritsar, India Chemical Weapons Attack
1,429 Ghouta, Damascus, Syria
2013 Aug 21 Syrian Army?
French Fleet Sinking 1,297 Mers-el-Kébir, Algeria
1940 Jul 3 Royal Navy
Memorial, Coastal Path, Toulon, France Basque Terrorism c.1,229 ![]()
Spain & France
1959-2011 Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
Republican mural, Belfast, Northern Ireland Sinking of batteship "Tirpitz" 950-1,204 Håkøya Island, Tromsø, Norway
1944 Nov 12 Royal Air Force
Memorial on Håkøya Island Migrant Shipwrecks
>1,200 Mediterranean Sea
2015 Apr 13-20 Migrant Smugglers
"Lusitania" Sinking 1,198 Off Cobh, Ireland
1915 May 7 German Sub U-20
Lusitania Peace Memorial, Cobh Rana Plaza Collapse 1,127 Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2013 Apr 24 Safety Negligence
Gugerat Riots
1,044 Gugerat State, India
2002 Feb-Mar Hindus v. Muslims
Gulberg Society, Ahmedabad (unintentional monument) "General Slocum" Fire 1,021 East River, NY City, USA
1904 Jun 15 Capt. Van Schaick
Tompkins Square Memorial "Empress of Ireland" Sinking 1,012 St. Lawrence River, Canada
1914 May 29 Collision with "SS Storstad"
Site historique maritime de la Pointe-au-Père td> Anti-Islamist Crackdown
1,000+ Cairo, Egypt
2013 Aug 14+ Egyptian Army
Berlin Wall Escapees 1,000 Berlin, Germany
1961-1989 EastGermany+USSR
Checkpoint Charlie Museum, Berlin, Germany Kawasaki Air Raid 1,000 Kawasaki, Japan
1945 Apr 15 USA
Kawasaki Peace Museum 500-1,000 deaths US Invasion of Dominican Republic <1,000 Santo Domingo, Dominican Rep.
1965 Apr 24-Sep 3 Constitutionalists
Seige of Masada 936 Judean Desert, Israel
73 CE Israel v. Rome
Masada National Park People's Temple Suicide 918 Jonestown, Guyana
1978 Nov 18 Jim Jones
Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, California, USA Falklands War 907 Falkland Islands
1982 Apr-Jun Argentina
Argentine & British Military Cemeteries on East Falkland Sinking of "USS Indianapolis" 879 Philippine Sea (Guam to Leyte)
1945 Jul 30 Japan & US Navy incompetence
USS Indianapolis Museum, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Battle of the Alamo 582-857 San Antonio, Texas, USA
1836 2/23-3/6 Mexico v. Texians
Alamo Mission, San Antonio (unintentional monument) "Eastland" Collapse 844 Chicago River, Illinois, USA
1915 July 24 Bad design
Historical marker (1989, stolen & replaced) td> El Mozote Massacre 800+ El Mozote, El Salvador
1981 Dec 11 Salvadorean Army
Memorial, El Mozote, El Salvador Cauquenes Earthquake 8.8 800 Concepción, Chile
2010 Feb 27 Nature
Great New England Hurricane 682-800 New England, USA
1938 Sep 21 Nature
? Sioux Uprising 300-800 Minnesota, USA
1862 Aug-Sep Sioux Indians
Reconciliation Park, Mankato, MN Sinking of the "Struma" 791 Black Sea, Turkey
1942 Feb 24 Soviet submarine
Monument to "Struma" & "Mefkura," Ashdod, Israel SARS Epidemic 774 ![]()
2002-2003 Nature
SARS Animal Monument, Beijing, China Marzabotto Massacre 770 Monte Sole, Italy
1944 Oct Waffen SS
Peace School Foundation, Monte Sole, Italy US Army "Exercise Tiger" 749 Lyme Bay, Devon, England
1944 Apr 28 German E-Boats
Tank Memorial, Torcross, England Oradour Massacre 642 Oradour-sur-Glane, France
1944 Jun 10 Waffen SS
Centre de la mémoire d'Oradour, France Khojali Massacre 613 Khojali, Azerbaijan
1992 Feb 25 Armenian+Russian military
Khojaly Massacre Memorial, The Hague, Netherlands KLM/PanAm Collision
583 Tenerife, Canary Islands
1977 Mar 27 Runway confusion
Intl Memorial, Mount Mesa Mota JAL flight 123
520 Mount Takamagahara, Japan
1985 Aug 12 Mechanical failure
JAL Safety Promotion Center, Tokyo Battle of Mogadishu
220-520 Mogadishu, Somalia
1993 Oct 3-4 Somali militiamen
Airborne & Special Operations Museum, Fort Bragg, NC Sinking of "HMS Repulse" 508 Off Singapore
1941 Dec 10 Japanese bombers
"Protected Place" My Lai massacre 347-504 My Lai, Vietnam
1968 Mar 16 USA (US Army)
My Lai Peace Park (Madison Quakers) Fort Mims Massacre 500+ Fort Mims, Alabama, USA
1813 Aug 30 Creek Indians
Ft Mims State Hist Site, Tensaw, AL 300-500 deaths "HMS Birkenhead" Wreck 450 Gansbaai, South Africa
1852 Feb 28 Rusty lifeboats
Plaque, Danger Point Lighthouse First Boer War 449 South Africa
1880-1881 UK v. SA Republic
? Gainesville Tornado 436+ Gainesville, GA, USA
1936, Apr 6 Nature
Roosevelt Monument, Gainesville Paoli Massacre 400+ Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA
1777 Sep 20-1 British Army
Granite Monument (1877) No Gun Ri massacre 400? No Gun Ri, South Korea
1950 Jul 26–9 US Army
No Gun Ri International Peace Park Sand Creek Massacre 400 Kiowa County, CO, USA
1864 Nov 29 Colorado Territorial Militia
Sand Creek Massacre NH Site Massacre of Pioneers 400 less Great Plains, USA
1842-1859 Plains Indians
Massacre Rocks State Park, Idaho Hindu Kush Earthquake 398 ![]()
Afghanistan & Pakistan
2015 Oct 26 Nature
Lidice Massacre c.340 Lidice, Czech Republic
1942 Jun 10 Nazi Germany
Phillips, Wisconsin (1944) & Lidice (c.1995) Beslan School seige
334 plus Beslan, Russia
2004 Sep 1-4 Ingust+Chechen militants
Tree of Grief, N.Ossetia, & monument nr Moscow Air India flight 182 bombing
329 Atlantic in Irish air space
1985 Jun 23 Sikh Inderjit Singh Reyat
Sundial, Humber Bay East Park, Toronto, Canada "Prince of Wales" Sinking 327 Off Singapore
1941 Dec 10 Japanese bombers
??? Wounded Knee Massacre c.325 Pine Ridge IR, SD, USA
1890 Dec 29 US Army
National Historic Landmark School Explosion 296-319 New London, Texas, USA
1937 Mar 18 Natural gas buildup
Cenotaph, New London, Texas Sinking of the MV "Sewol" 304 En route to Jeju, South Korea
2014 Apr 16 Captain Lee Jun-seok
Memorial wall near Danwon HS, Ansan City 250-300 deaths Jedwabne Pogrom 300 plus Jedwabne, Poland
1941 Jul 10 Polish Gentiles
Jedwabne Memorial, Poland Tlatelolco massacre 30-300 Tlatelolco, Mexico City, Mexico
1968 Oct 2 ![]()
Jardin de la Paz/Peace Garden, Tlatelolco, Mexico City Sinking of the "Mefkura" >300 Black Sea, Turkey
1944 Aug 5 Soviet submarine
Monument to "Struma" & "Mefkura," Ashdod, Israel Deir Yassin Massacre
300? Near Jerusalem, Israel
1948 Apr 9 Irgun + Stern Group
"Deir Yassin Remembered," Geneva, New York, USA Great Chicago Fire 200-300 Chicago, Illinois, USA
1871 Oct 8-10 Mrs.O'Leary's cow?
Chicago Water Tower Fort Caroline Massacre Hundreds Jacksonville, Florida, USA
1565 Sep 29 Spanish v. French
US Marine Barracks bombing
299 Beirut, Lebanon
1983 Oct 23 Hezbollah
Beirut Memorial, Jacksonville, North Carolina, USA Malaysia Airways Flight 17
298 Hrabove, Donetsk, Ukraine
2014 Jul 17 Pro-Russian militants?
Bay of Pigs invasion 294 Playa Girón, Cuba
1961 Apr 17-9 USA (CIA) Museo municipal de Playa Girón, Cuba Super Storm Sandy 285 NJ, NY, 6 other countries
2012 Oct 22-31 Nature
Lampedusa Boat Disaster 274+ Lampedusa Island, Italy
2013 Oct 3 Captain Khaled Bensalam?
Pan Am flight 103
270 Lockerbie, Scotland, UK
1988 Dec 22 Libya with A. al-Megrahi
Dryfesdale Cemetery, Lockerbie, Scotland Korean Airlines flight 007
269 Sea of Japan
1983 Sep 1 Russian Air Force
Tower of Prayer, Cape Soya, Japan Battle of Little Big Horn 263 Crow Agency, MT, USA
1876 Jun 25-6 USA v. Indians
Little Big Horn Battlefield Nat Mon Cherry Mine Disaster 259 Cherry, Illinois, USA
1909 Nov 13 Kerosene lanterns
UMW Monument "USS Maine" Sinking 258 Havana Harbor, Cuba
1898 Feb 15 Spain or accident Maine Memorial, New York City Arrow Air flight 1285
256 Gander, Newfoundland, Canada
1985 Dec 12 Ice on wings?
"Silent Witness," Gander Lake (also in Kentucky) Voyage of the "MS St. Louis" 254 ![]()
Atlantic Ocean
1939 5/13-6/17 Nazis, Cuba, USA
Florida Holocaust Museum, St Petersburg, FL, USA 150-250 deaths Malaysia Airways flight 370
239 Indian Ocean
2014 Mar 8 Pilot or co-pilot?
Fort Pillow Massacre 231 Henning, Tennessee, USA
1864 Apr 4 Confederate Army
Fort Pillow State Park Invasion of Panama 228+ Panama
1989 Dec-1990 Jan USA
La Comandancia (unintentional monument) Air France flight 447
228 Atlantic Ocean
2009 Jun 1 Aerodynamic stall
"Air France 447: Vanished" (2013 TV documentary) Metrojet Flight 9268
224 Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
2015 Oct 31 Islamic State
Bombing of US embassies
223 plus ![]()
Nairobi + Dar-es-Salaam
1998 Aug 7 Islamic Jihad
August 7 Memorial Park, Nairobi, Kenya EgyptAir flight 990
217 Atlantic off Nantucket, USA
1999 Oct 31 First Officer's suicide
Granite memorial, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Fraterville Mine Disaster 216 Fraterville, Tennessee, USA
1902 May 19 Negligence
Miners' Circle, Leach Cemetery, Lake City, TN Mumbai train bombings
209 Western Railroad, Mumbai, India
2006 Jul 11 Lashkar-e-Taiba?
Obilisk in one of the 7 bombed stations Bali nightclub bombings
202 Kuta, Bali, Indonesia
2002 Oct 12 Jemaah Islamiyah
Bali Bombing Memorial Long Walk of the Navajo 200 plus Arizona & N.Mexico, USA
1864 Jan US Army
Bosque Redondo Memorial, Fort Sumner, NM Massacre of Algerians
40-200 Paris, France
1961 Oct 17 ![]()
Parisian Police
Worlds Fair murders 27-200 Chicago, Illinois, USA
1893 Serial killer H.H. Holmes
Site of Holmes' "Worlds Fair Hotel" Madrid train bombings
199 Madrid, Spain
2004 Mar 11 Al-Qaeda inspired
Atocha Train Station Memorial, Madrid 2nd San Fernando massacre 193 San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico
2011 4/6-6/7 Los Zetas drug cartel
9/11 Pentagon
184 Arlington, Virginia, USA
2001 Sep 11 Al-Qaeda
Pentagon Memorial, Arlington, VA Christchurch Earthquake 181 Christchurch, New Zealand
2011 Feb 22 Nature
Christchurch Cathedral (unintentional monument) Battle of the Plains of Abraham 174 Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
1759 Sep 13 British v. French
Plains of Abraham, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada UTA flight 772
170 Niger (Brazzaville-Paris)
1989 Sep 19 Islamic Jihad
Desert memorial of victims' families, Ténéré Desert, Niger (2007) Oklahoma City bombing 168 Oklahoma City, OK, USA
1995 Apr 19 Timothy McVeigh
Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum Mumbai terrorist attack
165 Mumbai, India
2008 Nov 26 Lashkar-e-Taiba
26/11 tablet in lobby of long distance trains section Earthquake & Tsunami 165 Aleutian Islands, AK, USA
1966 Apr 1 Nature
Pacific Tsunami Museum, Hilo, HI, USA AirAsia Flight 8501
162 Java Sea near Borneo
2014 Dec 28 Bad weather?
"Scandinavian Star" Fire 158 ![]()
1990 Apr 7 Arson & bad design
Scandinavian Star Monument, Oslo, Norway Protest Massacre 157 Conakry, Guinea
2009 Sep 29 Guinean Army
Peaceful transition of power Colfax Massacre 83-153 Colfax, Louisiana USA
1873 Apr 13 Rioting Whites
Liberty Monument, New Orleans, LA 100-150 deaths Germanwings Flight 9525
150 French Alps
2015 Mar 24 Andreas Lubitz's suicide
Attack on Army School
148 Peshawar, Pakistan
2014 Dec 16 Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
Garissa Univ College attack
147 Garissa, Kenya
2015 Apr 2 Al-Shabaab
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire 146 New York City, NY, USA
1911 Mar 25 Smoking & bad exits
Mt Richmond Cem, Staten Is, NY ISIS attacks
130 +7 Bataclan Theatre etc, Paris, France
2015 Nov 13 Islamic State
Bataclan Theatre (unintentional monument) "Morro Castle" Fire 137 Off Asbury Park, NJ, USA
1934 Sep 8 Safety deficiencies
Outside Convention Hall, Asbury Park td> "Rio de Janeiro" Sinking 135 San Francisco Bay, CA, USA
1901 Feb 22 Navigation error
Underwater wreck td> Battle of Tippecanoe 113-128 Near Lafayette, Indiana, USA
1811 Nov 7 Indiana Terr. v. Tecumseh
Battlefield monument Chiapas Conflict 118-126 Chiapas, Mexico
1994-2014 Zapatista Nat. Lib. Army
"A Place Called Chiapas" (1998 documentary) 2nd Riel Rebellion 125 Saskatchewan, Canada
1885 Spring Province vs. Métis
Bell of Batoche (taken to Ontario) "Kielland Rig" Collapse 123 North Sea, Norway
1980 Mar 27 Undected crack
"Brutte Lenke/Broken Chain" "Vestris" Sinking 111 Off Hampton Roads, USA
1928 Nov 12 Shifting cargo
? td> Ankara bombings
102 +2 Central RR Sta, Ankara, Turkey
2015 Oct 10 Islamic State?
ISIS Beheadings
100+ Syria
2014 Jul-2015 Islamic State
Swine Flu (H1N1) 100+ ![]()
2009 Apr Nature
? Muhammad Cartoons
100 plus Jyullands-Posten, Denmark
2005 Sep 30 Various Muslims
Office of Jylands-Posten Daily, Copenhagen "Saluda" Explosion 100 plus Lexington, MO, USA
1852 Apr 9 Boiler explosion
Saluda Steamboat Memorial Ammunition Explosion 100 plus Perth Amboy, NJ, USA
1918 Oct 4 Accident?
? Landslide at jade mine >100 Hpakant, Kachin State, Myanmar
2015 Nov 21 Minimal safety measures
75-100 deaths Louisiana Slave Revolt 97 Near LaPlace, LA, USA
1811 Jan 8-10 Slaves & Masters
Mentioned on Woodland Plantation marker "2nd Katyn Massacre"
96 Smolensk, Russia
2010 Apr 10 Fog. Also pilot error?
Burials in Poland Gnadenhütten Massacre 96 Gnadenhütten, OH, USA
1782 Mar 8 Pennsylvania Militia
Gnadenhütten Memorial (1872) Wellington Avalanche 96 Wellington (Tye), WA, USA
1910 Mar 01 Nature
Iron Goat Trail on US-2, Stevens Pass SSKM Hospital fire 94 Kolkata, India
2011 Dec 9 Ineptitude & poor equip
Kristallnacht 91 ![]()
1938 Nov 9-10 Nazi Germany
Kristallnacht Memorial, Austria Green River murders 49-90+ Washington State, USA
1982-1998 Serial killer Gary Ridgway
Invasion of Granada 89 Granada
1983 10/25-12/15 USA
Prime Minister Maurice Bishop Airport Random murders 87+ Usumbura, Burundi
2015 Dec 11 ?
Happy Land Club Fire 87 Bronx, New York City, NY, USA
1990 Mar 25 Arson by Julio González
Plaza of the Eighty-Seven (renamed street) Great Chatsworth Wreak 85 Chatsworth, Illinois, USA
1887 Aug 10 Careless workers
Roadside Marker & Folksong Cross Mtn. Mine Explosion 84 Briceville, Tennessee, USA
1911 Dec 9 Dust & Gas Ignition
Miners' Circle, Circle Cemetery, Briceville, TN Massacre of Vassy 80+ Wassy, Haute-Marne, France
1562 Mar 1 Francis, Duc de Guise
Huguenot Memorial Museum, South Africa Hadassah Convoy Massacre
79 East Jerusalem, Palestine
1948 Apr 13 Arab forces
Plaques on street & Mt. Scopus Air Florida Flight 90
78 Potomac River, Wash, DC, USA
1982 Aug 13 Improper deicing
Arland D Williams Jr Memorial Bridge Utøya Island Massacre 77 Utøya Island & Oslo, Norway
2011 Jul 22 Anders Behring Breivik
AUF Camp, Utøya Island, Norway US air raid on Lybia
62-77 Tripoli & Benghazi, Lybia
1986 Apr 15 Retaliation for Berlin bombing
Lybian postage stamps Branch Davidian Raid 76 Waco, Texas, USA
1993 Apr 19 David Koresh & FBI
Branch Davidian Memorial, Waco, Texas 50-75 deaths Tay Rail Bridge Disaster 75 Dundee, Scotland, UK
1879 Dec 28 Bridge failure
Tay Bridge Disaster Song Shenzhen landslide c.75 Shenzhen, China
2015 Dec 20 Faulty disposal of debris
Jenin Massacre
c.75 Refugee Camp, Jenin, Palestine
2002 Apr 1-11 Israel vs. Refugees
Museum in Old Hijaz Railway building. Battle of Fallen Timbers 52-73 Maumee, Ohio, USA
1794, Aug 20 US v. Indian Tribes
Battle of Fallen Timbers Monument Westgate Shopping Mall
72+ Nairobi, Kenya
2013 Sep 21-24 Al-Shabaab
Damaged mall (unintentional monument) td> 1st San Fernando massacre 72 San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico
2010 Aug 24 Los Zetas drug cartel
"Roses can be sent to a 'virtual altar' online." Turtle Mountain Slide c.70 Frank, Alberta, Canada
1903 Apr 29 Bad mining
Frank Slide Interpretive Centre In Amenas hostage crisis
69 Tigantourine, In Amenas, Algeria
2013 Jan 16-19 Al-Mourabitoun
Sandy Hook Shooting
28 Newtown, Connecticut, USA
2012 Dec 14 Adam Lanza
Makeshift memorial, Berkshire Road in Sandy Hook Sharpeville massacre 69 Sharpeville, Transvaal, South Africa
1960 Mar 21 ![]()
South African Police
Memorial in Sharpeville Human Rights Precinct (2002) Hurricane Andrew 65 Miami etc., Florida, USA
1992 Aug Nature
Plaque, Biscayne National Park, Florida Gandamak Massacre 64 Gandamak, Afghanistan
1842 Jan 13 UK vs. Insurgents
Doolittle Air Raid 61 Tokyo & 5 other cities, Japan
1944 Apr 18 US Army Air Corps
National Museum of the US Air Force, Dayton, Ohio Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion 60 Southampton County, VA, USA
1831 Aug 21-22 Slave Nat Turner
Rebecca Vaughan house, Courtland, Virginia, USA Dalit Massacre 58 Laxmanput Bathe, Bihar, India
1997 Dec 1 Ranvir Sena landlord militia
Operation Entebbe
58 Entebbe Airport, Uganda
1976 Jul 4 Palestinian terrorists
Entebbe Memorial, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Suicide bombings
53 +3 N'Djamena, Chad
2015 Jun-Jul Boko Haram
7/7 London Bombings
56 London, England
2005 Jul 7 4 British Muslims
7/7 Memorial, Hyde Park, London Cincinnati Courthouse Riots 56 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
1884 Mar 28-30 Corruption & race
Cincinnati Music Hall (unintentional monument) Boko Haram attack
52 Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
2015 Dec 28 Boko Haram
"SS Andrea Doria" Collision 52 Off Nantucket, MA, USA
1956 Jul 25 Human error
Underwater Wreck (unintentional monument) Powder Explosion 51 Kenvil, New Jersey, USA
1940 Sep 12 Accident?
Memorial Plaque (2005) 38-50 deaths Kafr Qasim Massacre
49 Kafr Qasim, Israel
1956 Oct 29 ![]()
Israel Border Police
Kafr Qasim Memorial & Museum Lac-Mégantic Derailment 47 Lac-Mégantic, QC, Canada
2013 July 6 Montréal,ME &Atlantic RR
Great Colonial Hurricane 46+ New England, USA
1635 August Nature
Antony Thacher's Monument, Thacher Island, MA Silver Bridge Collapse 46 Point Pleasant, WV, USA
1967 Dec 15 Bridge failure
Silver Memorial Bridge, Point Pleasant, WV, USA ISIS bombings
43 +2 Bourj el-Barajneh, Beirut, Lebanon
2015 Nov 12 Islamic State
9/11 Flight 93 Crash
44 Shanksville, Pennsylvania, USA
2001 Sep 11 Al-Qaeda
Flight 93 National Memorial, Shanksville, PA Attica Prison Riot 44 Attica, New York, USA
1971 Sep 13 Racist prison guards
Bath School Disaster 44 Bath, Michigan, USA
1927 May 18 Andrew Kehoe
Bath School Memorial Park TransAsia Airways Flight 235
43 Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Feb 4 Human error?
Oso Mudslide 43 Oso, Washington, USA
2014 Mar 22 Nature
Memorial mailed to tree by rescue workers Sousse attacks 40 Hotel near Sousse, Tunisia
2015 Jun 26 Terrorists
Civil Rights Movement 40 Southern USA
1954-1968 Segregationists
Civil Rights Memorial, Montgomery, Alabama, USA Heaven's Gate Cult Suicide 39 San Diego, California, USA
1997 Mar 26 Marshall Applewhite
Site of suicide house (unintentional monument) Donner Party 39 Donner Pass, California, USA
1846-47 Winter Snow+Canibalism
Donner Memorial State Park, Truckee, CA Tulsa Race Riot 39 Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
1921 May 31 Rioting Whites
Greenwood Cultural Center Coastal Road Massacre
38 Coastal Highway, Israel
1978 Mar 11 Fatah & Abu Jihad
Egged Bus, Egged Museum, Holon, Israel Massacre of Glencoe 38 Glencoe, Scotland
1692 Feb 13 Govt troops (Campbells)
Glencoe Monument (McDonalds) Wall Street Bombing 38 New York, NY, USA
1920 Sep 16 Anarchists
Scared stone at 23 Wall Street 26-37 deaths Burning of the "Hindenburg"
36 Lakehurst NAS, New Jersey, USA
1937 May 6 Various theories
Marker at disaster site Domodedovo Airport bomb
35 Intl Airport, Moscow, Russia
2011 Jan 24 Suicide bomber
Crash of USAF Boeing CT-43
35 Dubrovnik, Croatia
1996 Apr 3 Pilot error
Graves of Ron Brown & Charles Meissner Désastre d'Escuminac 35 Miramichi Bay, NB, Canada
1959 Jun 19 Tropical storm
Fisherman's Monument, Escuminac, NB, Canada Legionnaires' Disease 34 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1976 Jul 27 Unidentified disease
Ma'alot massacre
31 +3 Ma'alot, Israel
1974 May Dem. Front for Lib.of Palestine
Netiv Meir Elementary School Attack on "USS Liberty" 34 Mediterranean Sea near Sinai
1967 Jun 8 Israel
Memorial Plaque, Mt. Soledad, La Jolla, California, USA Detroit Race Riot 34 Detroit, Michigan, USA
1943 Jun 20-22 Blacks v. Whites
Belle Isle Bridge (Douglas McArthur Bridge), Detroit Suruc bombing
33 Sanliurfa Province, Turkey
2015 Jul 20 Islamic State?
"Costa Concordia" Sinking 33 Isola del Giglio, Italy
2012 Jan 13 Capt. Francesco Schettino
? Virginia Tech Massacre
33 Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
2007 Apr 16 Seung-Hui Cho
Hokie Stone Semicircle, Blacksburg, VA Boko Haram attack
32+ Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
2015 Nov 17 Boko Haram
Koulfoua massacre
>30 Koulfoua Island, Lake Chad, Chad
2015 Dec 5 Boko Haram
Doctors Without Borders airstrike >30 Hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan
2015 Oct 3 US Air Force
Bombed out hospital (unintentional monument) Passover Massacre
30 Park Hotel, Netanya, Israel
2002 Mar 27 Hamas
? Cave of the Patriarchs massacre
30 Hebron, Palestine (West Bank)
1994 Feb 25 Baruch Goldstein
Goldstein's tomb (a Jewish extremist pilgrimage site) Upper Big Branch Mine 29 Montcoal, West Virginia, USA
2010 Apr 5 Coal mine explosion
Football team uniforms 16-25 deaths Bamako hotel attack
22 +3? Radisson Blu Hotel, Bamako, Mali
2015 Nov 20 Al-Mourabitoun (&AQIM?)
Radisson Blu Hotel (unintentional monument) Moore Tornado 24 Moore, Oklahoma, USA
2013 May 20 Nature
Boko Haram attack
22 +1 Between Kano & Zaria, Nigeria
2015 Nov 26 Boko Haram
Bardo National Museum attack 22 Tunis, Tunisia
2015 Mar 18 Terrorists
Bardo National Museum (unintentional monument) Beit Lid Massacre
22 HaSharon Junction, Israel
1995 Jan 22 Islamic Jihad
Beit Lid Memorial, Sharon, Israel McDonald's Rest. Massacre
22 San Ysidro, California, USA
1984 Jul 18 James Oliver Huberty
Monument to Victims, San Diego, California, USA Lake Huron Tunnel Disaster 22 Port Huron, Michigan, USA
1971 Dec 11 Methane gas explosion
Miner Statue, Fort Gratiot County Park, MI, USA "Bloody Monday" Riot 22 Louisville, Kentucky, USA
1855 Aug 6 Anti-Catholic Know Nothings
St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church, Louisville, KY Dalit Massacre 21 Bathani Tola, Bhojpur, Bihar, India
1996 Jul 11 Ranvir Sena landlord militia
Birmingham Pub Bombings 21 Birmingham, England
1974 Nov 21 IRA
Memorial plaque to the 21 victims, St. Philip's Cathedral Bombing of Khobar Towers
20 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
1998 Jun 25 Hezbollah Al-Hejaz
Headstones, Arlington National Cemetery, VA, USA Pan Am flight 73
20 Karachi, Pakistan
1986 Sep 5 Abu Nidal Organization
Beer Hall Putsch 20 Bürgerbräukeller, Munich, Germ.
1923 Nov 8-9 Adolf Hitler et al
Georg Elser plaque on GEMA building (site of the putsch) td> Ludlow Massacre 20 Ludlow, Colorado, USA
1914 Apr 20 Colorado State Militia
Ludlow Monument, Ludlow, CO Bible Riots c.20 Philadelphia, PA, USA
1844 May-Jul Nativists
St Augustine Catholic Church, Philadelphia Conestoga Massacre 20 Lancaster County, PA, USA
1763 Dec 14/27 Paxton Boys (mob)
"Indian Burial Ground" (no remains) Yarnell Hill Forest Fire 19 Near Yarnell, Arizona, USA
2013 Jun 30 Forest Fire
Prescott Fire Department, Prescott, Arizona Soufrière Hills Volcano 19 Plymouth, Monserrat
1997 Jun 25 Nature
Montserrat Volcano Observatory Lattimer Massacre 19 Mine near Hazelton, PA, USA
1897 Sep 10 Luzerne County sheriff
Small memorial on the site (1972) Salem Witch Hangings 19 Massachusetts, USA
1692-1693 Public histeria
Salem Witch Museum, Salem, MA Megiddo Junction Bombing
17 Megiddo Junction, Israel
2002 Jun 5 Islamic Jihad
Memorial near the site of the attack Bombing of "USS Cole"
17 Aden, Yemen
2000 Oct 12 Sudan Government?
Memorial, Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, USA Munich Olympics Massacre
17 Munich, Germany
1972 Sep Black September
Tablet at Olympic Stadium, Munich John Brown's Raid 17 Harper's Ferry, WV, USA
1859 Oct 16-9 John Brown
John Brown's Fort, Harper's Ferry, WV Holiday party shootings
14 +2 San Bernadino, CA, USA
2015 Dec 2 Syed Farook+Tashfeen Malik
Inland Regional Center (unintentional monument) Crash of United Nations DC-6
16 Ndola, Zambia
1961 Sep 18 Congolese factions Dag Hammarskjöld Memorial 11-15 deaths Village attack
15 Village of Gogone, Diffa, Niger
2015 Nov 26 Boko Haram
Columbine HS Massacre
15 Littleton, Colorado, USA
1993 Apr 19 E.Harris+D.Klebold
Columbine Memorial, Littleton, Colorado École Polytechnique Massacre
15 Montréal, Québec, Canada
1989 Dec 6 Marc Lépine
Place du 6-Décembre-1989 Karkur Junction Bombing
14 Karkur Junc., Wadi Ada, Israel
2002 Oct 21 al-Quds Brigades
? Eilabun Massacre
14 Eilabun, Israel
1948 Oct 30 Israel Defense Forces
Documentary film "The Sons of Eilaboun" Military bus attack 13 +2 Tunis, Tunisia
2015 Nov 24 Terrorists
US Consulate Attack 9/11
14 Benghazi, Libya
2012 Sep 11 Terrorists
University of Texas Shooting
14 UT, Austin, Texas, USA
1996 Aug 1 Charles Whitman
Admin Building Tower (unintentional monument) "Bloody Sunday" 14 Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK
1972 Jan 30 British Army
Mural by Bogside Artists Navy Yard Shooting
13 Washington, DC, USA
2013 Sep 16 Aaron Alexis
Fort Hood Shooting
13 Fort Hood, Texas, USA
2009 Nov 5 Major Nidal Malik Hasan
Memorial by Troy Kelley (donations being sought) I-35W Bridge Collapse 13 St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
2007 Aug 1 Bridge failure
Bridge Memorial Wall, St. Paul, MN Pullman Strike 13 Pullman, Illinois, USA
1894 May 11 US Army
Randolph/Pullman Museum/Gallery Charlie Hebdo Shooting
12 Paris, France
2015 Jan 7 Muslim Terrorists
"Je suis Charlie." Aurora movie Shooting
12 Aurora, Colorado, USA
2012 July 20 James Holmes
Century 16 Theater, Aurora, CO (unintentional) Washington Race Riots 12 Washington, DC, USA
1968 Apr 4-8 Blacks after MLK's death
Landmark for Peace, Indianapolis, Indiana Deepwater Horizon 11 Gulf of Mexico, USA
2010 Apr 20 Company shortcuts
Underwater wreak (unintentional monument) London Bombings
11 Hyde & Regents Parks, London
1982 Jul 20 Provisional IRA
Two memorials 10 deaths Umpqua ComCollege shooting
10 Roseburg, Oregon, USA
2015 Oct 1 Christopher Harper-Mercer
Grand Haven Seiche 10 Grand Haven, Michigan, USA
1929 Jul 4 Nature
Matewan Massacre 10 Matewan, West Virginia, USA
1920 May 19 Coal companies
Matewan Historic District 9 deaths AME Church shooting
9 Charleston, South Carolina, USA
2015 June 17 Dylann Roof
Confederate flag removal at SC State House Waco Shootout
9 Twin Peaks Rest., Waco, TX, USA
2015 May 17 Motorcycle gangs
Twin Peaks Restaurant (unintentional monument) "Mavi Marmara" Attack
9 Mediterranean Sea near Gaza
2010 May 31 Israel
"Mavi Marmara" in Turkey Iranian Hostage Crisis
9 American Embassy Tehran, Iran
1979/11-1981/1 Students+Government
Avenue of 444 Flags, Hermitage, Pensylvania, USA 8 deaths San Bruno Pipeline explosion 8 San Francisco, California USA
2010 Sep 9 Defective welds
Murder of 8 Nurses 8 Chicago, Illinois, USA
1966 Jul 14 Richard Speck
Graves in Holy Cross Cemetery, Chicago, IL, USA Rosewood Massacre 8 Rosewood, Florida, USA
1923 January Rioting Whites
Ghost Town & Marker Haymarket Massacre 7 plus Chicago, Illinois, USA
1886 May 4 ![]()
Strikers & police
Haymarket Martyrs Monument Murders by Billy the Kid 8 Arizona, USA
1877-1881 Billy the Kid
Gravestone, Fort Sumner, New Mexico, USA 7 deaths Isla Vista shootings
6 +1 Isla Vista, California, USA
2014 May 23 Elliot Rodger
Sihk Temple Shooting
6 +1 Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA
2012 Aug 5 Michael Page
Space Shuttle Columbia 7 Over Texas, USA
2003 Feb 1 Loose insulation foam
Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, USA Space Shuttle Challenger 7 Cape Kennedy, Florida, USA
1986 Jan 28 Failure of O-ring
Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, USA Iranian Embassy siege
7 Princess Gate, London, England
1980 Apr-May Dem Rev Front for Lib of Arabistan
Bombed out Iranian Embassy (unintentional monument) Manson Murders 7 10050 Cielo Drive, CA, USA
1969 Jul-Aug Charles Manson
Grave of Sharon Tate, Los Angeles, California, USA Valentine Day massacre 7 Chicago, Illinois, USA
1929 Feb 14 Al Capone's gang
Grave of Al Capone, Chicago, Illinois, USA Hatfield-McCoy Feud 7 WestVa./Kentucky, USA
1878-1891 Both families
Floodwall, Matewan, West Virginia, USA Great Fire of London 6 plus London, England
1666 Sep 2-5 Tho. Farriner Bakery
Monument by Christopher Wren 6 deaths Marine Corps shootings
6 Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
2015 July 16 Muhammad Y. Abdulazeez
Gabrielle Giffords shooting
6 Tucson, Arizona, USA
2011 Jan 8 Jared Lee Loughner
Safeway Supermarket, Casas Adobes, Arizona Bat Mitzvah Massacre
6 Hadera, Israel
2002 Jan Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
? World Trade Center bomb
6 New York City, New York, USA
1993 Feb 26 Al-Qaeda
9/11 Memorial & Museum, New York City, NY td> Jack the Ripper 5 plus Whitechapel, London
1888 Late Unidentified
Jack the Ripper Walking Tour, London 5 deaths Boston Marathon Bombs
5 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
2013 Apr 15 Tsarnaev Brothers
Spontaneous memorial, Copley Square, Boston, MA Killing of Osama bin Laden
5 Compound, Abbottabad, Pakistan
2011 May 2 US Navy Seals
Itamar Massacre
5 Itamar Settlement, West Bank
2011 Mar 11 Two Palestinians
? Boston Massacre 5 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1770 Mar 5 British troops
Crispus Attucks Monument, Boston, MA Battle of Ticonderoga 5 Fort Carillon, New York, USA
1759 Jul 26-7 British v. French
Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, New York, USA 4 deaths Kent State massacre 4 Kent St Univ, Kent, Ohio, USA
1970 May 4 Ohio National Guard
May 4 Memorial, Kent St Univ, Kent, Ohio, USA Altamont Free Concert 4 Altamont Track, CA, USA
1969 Dec 6 Hells Angels et al
? 16th St Baptist Church bombing 4 Birmingham, Alabama, USA
1963 Sep 15 White supremacists
"That Which Might Have Been," Phoenix, AZ Murder of the Mirabal sisters 4 Dominican Republic
1960 Nov 25 Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina
Mirabal home (now a museum), Salcedo, DR July 20 Plot against Adolf Hitler 4 Rastenburg, Nazi Germany
1944 Jul 20 Claus von Stauffenberg
Memorial to German Resistance, Bendlerblock, Berlin 3 deaths Planned Parenthood shootings
3 Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
2015 Nov 27 Robert Lewis Dear
Planned Parenthood Clinic (unintentional monument) Lafayette theater shooting
2 +1 Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
2015 Jul 23 John Russell Houser
Grand 16 Movie Theater (unintentional monument) Sydney Hostage Crisis 3 Lindt Chocolate Cafe, Sydney
2014 Dec 15 Man Haron Monis
Lindt Chocolate Cafe (unintentional monument) Discothèque bombing
3 Berlin, Germany
1986 Apr 5 Libya
Memorial plaque on La Belle discothèque "Unabomber" Mail Bombs 3 Lincoln, Montana, USA
1978-1995 Ted Kaczynski
"Pause," New York City, New York, USA OPEC Siege 3 OPEC headqrts, Vienna, Austria
1975 Dec 21 Carlos the Jackal
OPEC headquarters (unintenional monument) Pine Ridge Indian Res. Shootout 3 Pine Ridge IR, South Dakota, USA
1975 Jun 26 AIM v. FBI
"The Leonard Peltier Story" (1992 documentary) Civil Rights Murders 3 Near Philadelphia, MS, USA
1964 June 21-22 Klu Klux Klan
Memorial at Mt. Nebo Baptist Church Adolf Hitler & Eva Braun suicides 2 Führerbunker, Berlin, Germany
1945 Apr 30 Adolf Hitler & Eva Braun
Information board at Führerbunker site Gunfight at OK Corral 3 Tombstone, Arizona, USA
1881 Oct 26 Earps vs. Clantons
Boot Hill Cemetery, Tombstone, AZ Crucifixion of Jesus+2 thieves 3 Golgotha, Jerusalem, Israel
33 Apr 3? Romans
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem 2 deaths Shooting of Q.LeGrier+Bettie Jones 2 Chicago, Illinois, USA
2015 Dec 26 ![]()
Chicago police
Shooting of Police Ofcrs
2 Brooklyn, NY City, NY, USA
2014 Dec 20 Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley
Unitarian Church shooting
2 TVUUC, Knoxville, TN, USA
2008 Jul 27 Jim David Adkisson
McKendry Fellowship Hall, TVUUC, Knoxville, TN Nicole Brown Simpson Murder
2 Brentwood, Los Angeles, CA
1994 Jun 12 O. J. Simpson
Nicole's grave, Ascension Cemetery Lake Forest, CA Wounded Knee Incident 2 Pine Ridge IR, South Dakota, USA
1973 2/27-5/8 AIM v. US Marshalls
"Thurderheart" (1992 film) Amelia Earhart's Disapearance
2 Pacific Ocean near Howland Island
1937 Jul 2 Unknown "Earhart Light" on Howland Island 1 death Shooting of Mario Woods 1 San Francisco, California, USA
2015 Dec 2 ![]()
5 San Francisco policemen?
Shooting of Jamar ONeal Clark 1 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
2015 Nov 15 ![]()
"Suicide" of Sandra Bland 1 Waller County, Texas, USA
2015 July 13 ![]()
State &/or county police
Death of Freddy Gray 1 Baltimore, Maryland, USA
2015 Apr 19 ![]()
Baltimore Police
Shooting of Tamir Rice (age 12) 1 Cleveland, Ohio, USA
2014 Nov 22 ![]()
Cleveland Police
Memorial on picnic table, Cudell Recreation Center Shooting of Laquan McDonald 1 Chicago, Illinois, USA
2014 Oct 20 ![]()
Police Ofcr Jason VanDyke
Shooting of Michael Brown (age 18) 1 Ferguson, St.Louis Cty, MO
2014 Aug 9 ![]()
Police Ofcr Darren Wilson
Choaking of Eric Garner 1 Staten Island, NY City, NY
2014 Jul 17 ![]()
Police Ofcr Daniel Pantaleo
Shooting of Jordan Davis
1 Jacksonville, Florida, USA
2012 Nov 23 Michael Dunn
"3-1/2 minutes, 10 bullets" (2015 documentary) Shooting of Trayvon Martin
1 Sanford, Florida, USA
2012 Feb 26 George Zimmerman
Murder of Theo van Gogh
1 Amsterdam, Netherlands
2004 Nov 2 Mohammed Bouyeri
Murder of Yvonne Fletcher
1 St. James Square, London, Englad
1984 Apr 17 Libya
Memorial in St. James Square Capture of "USS Pueblo" 1 Tsushima Strait
1968 Jan 23 North Korea
Fire & sinking of "Normandie" 1 New York Harbor, NY, USA
1942 Feb 9 Welding torch
"La Paix" statue, Pinelawn Mem Park, Long Island, NY No death Chibok schoolgirl kidnapping
None Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria
2014 Apr 14-5 Boko Haram
Govt. Secondary School (unintentional monument) Copiapó mining accident None Mina S.Jose, Copiapó, Chile
2010 Aug 5 ? Fénix 2 capsule & Camp Hope Underwear Bomber
None NW flt 253 (Amsterdam-Detroit)
2009 Dec 25 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
Shoe Bomber
None AA flight 63 (Paris-Miami/NYC)
2001 Dec 22 Richard Reid
"Exxon Valdez" Oil Spill None Prince William Sound, AK, USA
1989 Mar 24 Improper navigation
Shiip renamed "Dong Fang Ocean" Nuclear Accident None Three Mile Island, PA, USA
1979 Mar 28 Many entities
Roadside Marker, Dauphin Cty, Pennsylvania, USA Stonewall Riots None New York City, NY, USA
1969 Jun 28 Gays v NYC Police Stonewall Inn, New York City, New York Santa Barbara oil spill None Santa Barbara Channel, CA, USA
1969 Jan 28 Blowout
Platforms A, B & C remain in the Santa Barbara Channel "Bloody Sunday" None Selma, Alabama, USA
1965 Mar 7 Alabama State Police National Voting Rights Museum, Selma, AL, USA Cuban Missile Crisis None Cuba & Straits of Florida
1962 Oct Soviet Union Museo de la Revolution, Havana Japanese-American Internment None Western States, USA
World War II US Government Japanese American Memorial, Washington, DC Bridge Collapse None Tacoma Narrows, WA, USA
1940 Nov 7 Bad design
Two replacement bridges "Arabia" Sinking None Parkville, Missouri, USA
1856 Sep 5 Snag in Missouri River
Arabia Museum, Kansas City, MO Whisky Rebellion None West. Pennsylvania, USA
1791-1794 Federal Whisky Tax Bradford House, Washington, PA Unknown Tet Offensive xxxx? Vietnam
1968 Jan 30 North Vietnam
Burning of the Reichstag ? Berlin, Germany
1933 Feb 27 ?
Highland Potato Famine No record Scotland, UK
1846-1856 Phytophthora infestans
? Slavery in USA Unknown Southern States, USA
Before 1865 Southern States National Slavery Museum, Washington, DC American Indian Wars (in the West) ? West of Mississippi, USA
1811-1924 US Army
American Indian Wars (in the East) ? East of Mississippi, USA
1775-1842 US Army
Massacres of Jews Unknown Rhineland, Germany
1096 Crusaders
? Please email your comments & questions to geovisual at comcast.net. Thank you.