Peace Monuments in Israel
(excluding Jerusalem)
Since 1948
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1940's (after 1948)
November 1947-July 1949 - War of Israel Independence (1st of Israel's 7 wars). Also called the War of 1948 and the Arab-Israeli War. Exodus -- also called Nakba or Holocaust -- created an estimated 711,000 Palestinian refugees.
ESince 1948 - Al-Ghabisiyya, near Nahariya (Israel). Unintentional monument. Close to the Lebanese border. Village (also called Samniyya?) was ethnically cleansed during the War of 1948. All houses were later destroyed. Ruined mosque (left image) is the village's only remaining building. Village land now used for forestry & a Jewish cemetery. This is representative of more than 500 Palestinian villages in what is now Israel that were ethnicly cleased during the 1948 war & Palestinian Exodus (Nakba). Right image shows Daoud Bader (Arab citizen of Israel), Committee of Displaced Palestinians, showing visitors his former village. Both photos were made on June 21, 2011. Click here for Wikipedia article. Click here for a list of Arab villages & towns that were depopulated.
September 17, 1948 - Lehi (Stern Group) assassinates UN mediator Folke Bernadotte [1895-1948] in Jerusalem & is banned by the Israeli government.
October 28, 1948 - The flag of Israel is adopted five months after the country's establishment. It was designed for the Zionist Movement in 1891. The basic design recalls the Tallit, the Jewish prayer shawl, which is white with blue stripes.
M1949 - Beit Lohamei Hagetaot / Ghetto Fighters' House Museum, Coastal Highway (#4) between Acre (Akko) & Nahariya, Western Galilee (Israel). "Founded by members of Kibbutz Lohamei Hagetaot, a community of Holocaust survivors, among them fighters of the ghetto undergrounds and partisan units. The museum is named after Itzhak Katzenelson [1886-1944], a Jewish poet who died at Auschwitz. The world’s first museum commemorating the Holocaust & Jewish heroism. Represents the highest expression of its founders’ commitment to Holocaust education in Israel & the world. The museum tells the story of the Jewish people in the 20th century, and particularly during WW-II and the Holocaust. At the center of the narrative is the individual, and the many expressions of Jewish resistance in ghettos, concentration camps, and partisan combat." (One of only two Holocaust museums located on a kibbutz (the other being at Kibbutz Yad Mordechai.)
M1951 - Statue of Mordechai Anilevich, Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, 10 km south of Ashkelon (Israel). "A giant statue of Anilewicz by Nathan Rapoport [1911-1887] clutching a grenade, set on a hilltop next to the kibbutz's water tower (which was preserved after being destroyed by the Egyptians in 1948). The kibbutz also has a museum devoted to Anielewicz & his fighting in the ghetto, as well as the Battle of Yad Mordechai, one of only two Holocaust museums located on a kibbutz (the other being at Lohamey HaGeta'ot). Anilevich Mardechai [1919-1943] was commander of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943. "The place never changes at all, the hero is still entangled in the seige thicket, and I still learn from this experience. [Avraham Burg]"
M E M O R I A L 1951 - "Pilots Memorial," Independence Park, Tel Aviv (Israel). Near Hilton Beach Hotel along the Tel-Aviv Promenade. "A stylized bird soaring toward the sea. Sculpted by Benjamin Tammuz [1919-1989]." Plaque reads, "In memory of the pilots sacrificing their life defending Tel Aviv." For "David Sprinzak Matitiahu pilots Sukenik their plane fell into the sea with a battle during the War of Independence. [Google translation]" Resembles origami crane of peace from Japan.
October 29-November 6, 1956 - Sinai War (2nd of Israel's 7 wars). Also called the Suez Crisis. See Memorial & Museum of the Martyrs in Kafr Quasim below (October 29, 2006).
December 13, 1960 - Israeli nuclear program revealed publicly in a small Time article. On December 16, the Daily Express revealed this country to be Israel, and on December 18, AEC chairman John McCone appeared on Meet the Press to officially confirm the Israeli construction of a nuclear reactor & announce his resignation. The following day the NY Times, with the help of McCone, revealed that France was assisting Israel.
May 31, 1962 - Former SS officer Adolf Eichmann [1906-1962] is hanged in Ramla prison (Israel).
June 2, 1964 - Creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
June 5-10, 1967 - Six Day War (3rd of Israel's 7 wars). On Ammunition Hill, there is a museum, an auditorium (where an excellent documentary tells the full story of the Six Day War in Jerusalem) & a model of Jerusalem as it was in 1967 (different segments are illuminated during the film).
November 22, 1967 - Resolution 242 (S/RES/242) unanimously adopted by UN Security Council proclaiming the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war & the need to work for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East in which every State in the area can live in security."
1968 - Yasir Arafat becomes head of the PLO, uniting a number of factions and creating the Palistinian National Council (government in exile).
S C U L P T U R E 1968 - Mitzpe Mo'av / Mo'av Lookout, Arad (Israel). Environmental sculpture by Israeli artist Yigal Tumarkin. On the outskirts of Arad, near the hotel area. Offers a view of the Judean Desert. Left photo by Michael Jacobson.
March 8, 1969-August 1970 - War of Attrition (4th of Israel's 7 wars). PLO, with passive support from Jordan, fights a war of attrition with Israel. Artillery attacks on the moshavim & kibbutzim of Bet Shean Valley Regional Council. Numerous attacks by fedayeen on Israeli forces. Israel raids PLO camps in Jordan.
E1970 - Neve Shalom / Wahat al-Salam / Oasis of Peace (NS/WAS), south of Latrun (Israel). Equidistant from Jerusalem & Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Founded by Father Bruno Hussar [1911-1996] & Reuven Moskovitz. Name from Book of Isaiah 32:18: "My people shall dwell in an oasis of peace." "A cooperative village of Jews & Palestinian Arabs of Israeli citizenship." /// "Its bougainvillea-splashed lanes a mishmash of stone Arab-style houses & boxy, modern Jewish homes. Schoolchildren learn Hebrew & Arabic together (a rarity in Israel) & play at one another's homes. Residents enjoy an equal say in running affairs & have elected Jews & Arabs as mayor, & share management of the 120-pupil elementary school." See Peace Garden, School for Peace (1979) & Peace Tree.
NDate? - Peace Garden, Neve Shalom / Wahat-al-Salaam (qv), south of Latrun (Israel).
September 1970 - The War of attrition culminates in Jordan's expulsion of the PLO to Lebanon (Black September).
TMay 1971 - "Scroll of Fire," Martyrs Forest, near Moshav Kisalon (Israel). "Created by Nathan Rapoport [1911-1987] on the initiative of B'nei B'rith & the Jewish National Fund. Consists of two joined cylinders, resembling an open Torah scroll. The first cylinder bears reliefs depicting the Jewish People during the Holocaust - the ghettos, the extermination camps, an uprising - and survivors arriving on the shores of Israel. The second cylinder portrays the early years of the State, ending with IDF soldiers praying at the Western Wall after the reunification of Jerusalem." /// "One of the most beautiful sculptures in Israel. Located in what is the single largest memorial to the Holocaust in the world, the Martyrs Forest, it is an imposing work rich in detail & history - it tells the story of the rebirth of the nation from the Holocaust up to the Six Day War. The sculpture commands a spectacular view of its surroundings. The Martyrs Forest is comprised of six million trees - truly, a living memorial. Four and half million pine trees represent the adults who perished in the Holocaust while a million and (one) half cypress trees account for the children who perished."
1971? - Grave of Ralph Bunche, Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York City (USA). Ralph Bunche [1903-1971] was acting UN mediator on Palestine. After eleven months of virtually ceaseless negotiating, he obtained signatures on armistice agreements between Israel & the Arab States. Bunche returned home to a hero's welcome. New York City gave him a 'ticker tape' parade up Broadway; Los Angeles declared a 'Ralph Bunche Day." He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950 & died December 10, 1971, at age 68. Only inscription on headstone is "BUNCHE" & two olive branches.
1975 - Isaiah Wall, Ralph Bunch Park, East 43rd Street & First Avenue, New York City, New York (USA). Quotes Isaiah 2:4: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares." Shadow in image is cast by adjacent "Peace Form One." Entry #718 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
September 1972 - Munich Olympics (Germany). Terrorists kill 11 Israeli athletes & coaches, plus one West German police officer. Five of the eight members of Black September are killed by police during a failed rescue attempt.
October 6-25, 1973 - Yom Kippur War (5th of Israel's 7 wars). A coalition of Arab states led by Egypt & Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, which coincided with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Egyptian & Syrian forces cross ceasefire lines to enter the Israeli-held Sinai Peninsula & Golan Heights.
P1973-1993 - Bateau de la Paix, 3 miles offshore Tel Aviv (Israel). "Conscient de la difficulté de diffuser ses convictions, Abie Nathan [1927-2008] décide d’émettre de manière illégale, dans les eaux internationales, à quelques kilomètres de Tel Aviv. « Shalom, salaam, paix à tous nos auditeurs », lança-t-il lors de la première diffusion sur les ondes de La Voix de la Paix, en 1973, ajoutant : « nous espérons qu’avec cette radio nous aiderons à soulager la douleur et guérir les blessures de nombreuses années de souffrance pour les peuples du Proche-Orient ». Une des émissions phares était le rendez-vous quotidien présidé par Abie Nathan : le forum « Ma laassot » (en hébreu : « Que faire ? ») : une ligne téléphonique à plusieurs canaux qui permettait à des individus sans distinction de race, de religion ou de géographie de simplement se parler, se rencontrer et se découvrir."
EJune 10, 2007 - Voice of Peace Memorial, Gordon Beach (below the Renaissance Hotel), Tel Aviv (Israel). Plaque with a speaker that plays segments of broadcasts by Abie Nathan [1927-2008] from the private floating radio station "MV Peace" which was anchored 3 miles off the coast of Tel-Aviv. Inscription: "The Voice of Peace - 1993-1973. 5 km off this shore Abie Nathan's peace ship was anchored broadcasting messages of peace, love and understanding." "On October 1, 1993, the mayor of Tel Aviv, Shlomo Lahat, went out to the ship and took part in the [last] broadcast at 13:00, he stated he would promise an anchorage for the MV Peace in Tel Aviv harbour and the ship would be rebuilt as a peace museum. The station closed with Pete Seeger's 'We shall Overcome' instead of the usual station theme... On November 28, the MV Peace set sail on her final voyage, 15 miles off the Israeli coast. The hull plugs were removed and the pumps switched on, to pump water into the ship. At 19:33 the ship sank... Now the plaque and speaker are all that remain from the Voice of Peace."
After 1973 - Peace Sculptures, Washington, DC (USA). "Noam (Naim) Basson was a prominent, world renowned Israeli artist. His sculptures, drawings, jewelries & medals have been presented by the Israeli government & other public organizations, as official gifts to various people around the world. Basson’s 'Peace Sculpture' was presented to Dr. Henry Kissinger by defense minister Shimon Peres after the Yom Kippur war. Another 'Peace Sculpture' was presented to US president Jimmy Carter after the Camp David peace agreement was signed [in 1979]."
1974 - UN General Assembly recognizes the PLO as "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people."
LAfter October 9, 1974 - Oscar Schindler's Grave, Catholic Franciscans' Cemetery, Mount Zion, Jerusalem (Israel). "Oscar Schindler [1908-1974] wanted to be buried in Jerusalem, as he said, 'My children are here.' After a Requiem Mass, Schindler was buried at on Mount Zion, the only member of the Nazi Party to be honoured in this way. The grave is located on the mountainside below Zion Gate and the Old City walls. Stones placed on top of the grave are a sign of gratitude from Jewish visitors, according to Jewish tradition. On his grave, the Hebrew inscription reads: "Righteous among the Nations," an honorific used by the State of Israel to describe non-Jews who risked their lives during the Holocaust to save Jews from extermination by the Nazis. The German inscription reads: "The Unforgettable Lifesaver of 1200 Persecuted Jews."
K1975 - Canada Park, Highway 1 (Tel Aviv-Jerusalem), between Latrun & Sha'ar HaGai interchanges (Israel). A national park established & maintained by the Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF) in the Latrun Salient, a portion No Man's Land from which Arab forces cut land communications between Jerusalem & Tel Aviv during the 1948 war & which was incorporated into Israel in 1967. The park occupies "land formerly occupied by four Palestinian villages: Dayr Ayyub, Imwas, Yalo & Bayt Nuba. Israeli forces demolished these villages immediately after the Six-Day War as part of the Israeli strategy to widen the Jerusalem Corridor. Historical ruins include a Roman bathhouse, a Hasmonean cemetery & a Crusader fortress (Castellum Arnaldi). Right image overlooks Ayalon Valley & site of Beit Nuba, now occupied by Mevo Horon settlement. Click here for article by Zochrot ("Remembering") in Tel Aviv.
1975-1990 - Lebanese Civil War. Post-war occupation by Syria is particularly politically disadvantageous to the Christian population. In 1978, Israel invades & takes over a strip of southern Lebanon in defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 425.
July 4, 1976 - Operation Entebbe. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) rescues Jewish hostages at Entebbe Airport (Uganda).
November 19, 1977 - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat [1918-1981] is first Arab leader to visit Israel officially. He meets with PM Menachem Begin, speaks before the Knesset & visits Ramallah.
S C U L P T U R E 1977 - "Ahava / Love," Art Garden, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (Israel). "Known for his graphic paintings as well as his sculptures, Robert Indiana has reconfigured his arresting piece called LOVE in many different incarnations, such as a US postage stamp and several other versions installed both nationally and internationally. Here the word "love" has been translated into "Ahava," its Hebrew counterpart."
L1977 - Peace Center, Mar Elias Educational Institutions, I'billin, Northern District (Israel). Founded by Archbishop Elias Chacour, author of "Blood Brothers" (which contains this date). Arab students from all over the Galilee gather at the institutions regardless of their origins, ethical & political views. "Father Chacour began with a kindergarten founded in 1970, an elementary school in 1997 (a new elementary school is currently under construction), a high school in 1982, a two-year technical college in 1994, a regional teacher training center in 1996, & in 2003, the Mar Elias University Campus opened. Mar Elias Peace Center is now a reality on the campus. Initially the Center will bring academics in the field of Peace Studies to campus for support of cooperative programs between Arab and Jewish schools and teachers' centers."
SDate? - Peace Murals, Mar Elias School, I'billin, Northern District (Israel). School founded by Archbishop Elias Chacour, author of "Blood Brothers."
SMarch 11, 1978 - Egged Coach, Egged Museum, Moshe Dyan Street, Ben Gurion neighborhood, Holon (Israel). Unintentional monument. Charred remains of the bus attacked & burned on Highway 2 in the Coastal Road Massacre which killed 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, and wounded 71. The attack was planned by Abu Jihad & carried out by the PLO faction Fatah in order to scuttle peace talks between Menachem Begin & Anwar Sadat. Time magazine characterized it as "the worst terrorist attack in Israel's history."
Date? - Memorial, Glilot Interchange, Coastal Highway (#2) (Israel). By Ein Hod artist Itzhak Shmueli [1941-1994]. Honors victims of the Coastal Road Massacre on March 11, 1978.
M E M O R I A L March 30, 1978 - Land Day Monument, Sakhnin, Galilee (Israel). By Abed Abdi & Gershon Knispel. "First time that a symbol of Palestinian nationality appeared in the public sphere [in Israel]. From 1978 to this day, on every March 30 the monument is a central marking point of remembrance ceremonies for the Land Day events in Galilee." Land Day is an annual day of commemoration for Palestinians of events on March 30, 1976, when the Israeli government announced a plan to expropriate thousands of dunams of land for "security & settlement purposes," a general strike & marches were organized in Arab towns, & in ensuing confrontations with the Israeli army and police, six Arab citizens were killed, about one hundred were wounded & hundreds of others arrested.
OApril 1, 1978 - Logo, Peace Now (Israel). "Emerged from a poster created by David Tartakover for a mass rally, held in what is now Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on April 1, 1978, titled 'Peace Now.' It became the name of the organization, the first political bumper sticker in Israel, and it is still one of Israel's most popular stickers. Tartakover, commenting in 2006, said 'The movement activists liked the logo, [b]ut they thought there should also be a symbol. I told them it wasn't needed - this is the symbol. It took time until they understood that this was the first political sticker in Israel.' The logo combines two typefaces, 'Shalom' (peace) in black traditional Koren Bible Type (designed by Eliyahu Koren) & "Achshav" (now) in the red headline-style Haim Type (designed by Yaakov Haim Levitt)."
MMay 1978 - Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora (Beth Hatefutsoth), Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv (Israel). "At opening was regarded by many museum experts as one of the most innovative museums in the world. Uses modern techniques & audio-visual displays to trace the history of communities of the Jewish diaspora through the ages and throughout the world and to convey the story of the Jewish people from the time of their expulsion from the Land of Israel 2,600 years ago to the present. A 'non-artifact museum,' the exhibitions are arranged thematically, with a study area on each floor."
K1978 - Mitzpor Shalom / Vista of Peace Park, between : Zionism Avenue 112 & 2nd November Road, Haifa (Israel). "A beautiful, serene, and peaceful park with a fantastic view of Haifa and the bay. The first public sculpture garden in the world dedicated solely to the works of a woman sculptor. Sculptress Ursula Malbin [b.1917] created all 29 of the statues in the Peace Park as well as some in the Ein Hod artist village. Sculptures include ______, Cat Lady, Trilli & Susi galloping to Mongolia, Guitarist Anonymous, Trillian & boy-friend Anonymous (because his clothes are off).
September 17, 1978 - Camp David Accords signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat & Israeli PM Menachem Begin after 13 days of secret negotiations at Camp David, Maryland (USA).
December 10, 1978 - Nobel Peace Prize is awarded jointly to Anwar al-Sadat & Menachem Begin "for their contribution to the two frame agreements on peace in the Middle East, and on peace between Egypt and Israel, which were signed at Camp David on September 17, 1978."
E S T1978 - Peace Forest, Neve Shalom / Wahat al-Salam / Oasis of Peace (Israel). "In 1978, Israeli Ruth Dayan & Palestinian Raymonda Tawil planted a 'peace forest' in Neve Shalom. On January 11, 2007, Mrs. Dayan was awarded the Partner of Peace Award by the Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam community, where the peace forest was planted. Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam is a cooperative village of Jews & Palestinian Arabs of Israeli citizenship. The village is situated equidistant from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv - Jaffa." No image of the forest has been found on-line.
S C H O O L 1979 - School for Peace (SFP), Neve Shalom / Wahat-al-Salaam (NSWAS) (Israel). A unique educational institution offering Jewish-Arab encounter programs. Equidistant from Jerusalem & Tel Aviv-Jaffa. NSWAS is "a cooperative village, jointly established by Jewish & Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, engaged in educational work for peace, equality & understanding between the two peoples."
March 26, 1979 - Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty signed in Washington, DC (USA), by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat & Israeli PM Menachem Begin, as witnessed by US President Jimmy Carter. Called for complete withdrawal by Israel of its armed forces & civilians from the Sinai Peninsula which Israel had captured during the Six-Day War in 1967.
S C U L P T U R E ![]()
November 18, 1979 - Peace Sculpture, Saint Peter's College, Jersey City, New Jersey (USA). "Created by Jasha Green [1923-2006], a renowned sculptor and painter, to commemorate the signing of the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. Using two rust-red, Cor-ten steel pieces to construct the abstract, 8-foot high sculpture, he created a “V” shape to represent a dove’s wings. A smaller model of the 12-foot sculpture located in Jerusalem at the International Cultural Center for Youth. A third Peace sculpture is displayed at the Beth Shalom Home in Eastern Virginia. According to Dianne Green, the artist’s wife, the Peace sculptures were placed at these three sites because each one serves a different age group."
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1980 - Peace Anniversary Coin (Israel). Front: An olive branch with "Peace" in Hebrew, Arabic & English. Reverse: Inscribed "Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty - March 26, 1979" in Hebrew, Arabic & English. The denomination "5000" or "200" Lirot. Around the rim, "Israel" in Hebrew, Arabic and English. The date "1980" and in Hebrew "5740." The State emblem at the upper right. The Proof coins struck with a Hebrew 'mem' mintmark at the bottom. The uncirculated coins with a six pointed star.
MAbout 1980 - Bet Ha-t'fusot / Museum of the Jewish People, Tel Aviv University, Klausner Street, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv (Israel). Also known as the Museum of the Diaspora. Designed by British museum designer James Gardner [1907-1995]. Gardner also designed the Evoluon Museum [sic] for Philips in Eindhoven (1966), the Museum of the Diaspora in Tel Aviv (1978), the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan (1988), and the Museum of Intolerance [sic], Los Angeles (1993).
June 7, 1981 - A surprise Israeli air strike destroys a nuclear reactor under construction at Osirak, 17 kilometers (10.5 miles) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq.
October 6, 1981 - Assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat [1918-1981] by fundamentalist army officers in Cairo.
June 6-September, 1982 - First Lebanon War (6th of Israel's 7 wars). Also called "Operation Peace for Galilee." PLO leads joint Lebanese-Palestinian resistance to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon & weeks-long bombardment of Beirut. PLO is driven out of Lebanon by Isreal and moves to Tunis (Tunisia).
M E M O R I A L 1984 - Monument to Holocaust Survivors, Carmiel, Galilee (Israel). "Niki Imber, Sculptor. b. 1920, Vienna. Immigrated 1978. Studied: 1935-38 Academy, Vienna. He came to Israel on "illegal" ship, was caught by British and sent to Mauritius. After the war, lived in Kenya, Venezuela & New York. Now lives in in Carmiel."
S T A M P 1984 - Israeli postage stamp commemorating the Los Angeles Olympics. Shows dove of peace with olive branch taking first place.
October 1, 1985 - Israeli planes bomb Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) headquarters in Hammam al-Shatt, Tunisia, 12 miles from the capital of Tunis.
October 16, 1986 - Memorial to Lt. Col. Jonathan Netanyahu, National Museum of American Jewish History, between 4th & 5th Streets north of Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA). Donated by Muriel & Philip Berman. Four white marble monoliths (each about 7' high & 2' wide & deep) cut from one block of stone. Yonatan (Yoni) Netanyahu or Jonathan Netanyahu was a member of the Israel Defense Forces elite Sayeret Matkal unit. He was awarded the Medal of Distinguished Service for his conduct in the Yom Kippur War & killed in action during Operation Entebbe at Entebbe airport on July 4, 1976, by Ugandan soldiers, when the IDF rescued hostages after an aircraft hijacking. He was the leader of the assault and the only Israeli military casualty of the raid. His younger brother Benjamin Netanyahu was Prime Minister of Israel from 1996-1999 & again from 2009.
1987-1993 - First Intifada (Palestinian Uprising). Hamas is created in Gaza immediaely after the beginning of the Intifada. "While Israeli forces killed an estimated 1,100 Palestinians & Palestinians killed 164 Israelis, Palestinians killed an estimated 1,000 other Palestinians as alleged collaborators, although fewer than half had any proven contact with Israeli authorities."
TJune 5, 1988 - Peace Quilt, Jerusalem (Israel). "Women from all over Israel decorated squares of material expressing the desire for peace & an end to the occupation. Four thousand pieces were sewn together to form the quilt. This project culminated on June 5, 1988, when about 400 Israeli Jewish & Palestinian women, carrying the quilt, marched around the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) protesting the occupation." Where is this quilt now?
N1988 - Kikar Levana / White Square, Edith Wolfson Park, Tel Aviv (Israel). At the highest point in Tel Aviv. By Dani Karavan. Constructed between 1977 & 1988. "Spans an area of 30 x 50 meters. Features many of the elements that are familiar in Karavan’s other works -- a pyramid, a water channel, a tower (with wind flutes), and a dome with an olive tree in its center."
November 1988 - Palestinian National Council (PLO parliament meeting in Algiers) unilaterally declares the independence of the Arab State of Palestine, thus accepting a two-state solution that would return to Palestinians only 22% of their land which had been occupied in 1967, but Hamas rejects the two-state solution.
December 15, 1988 - "President Reagan today authorized the start of a 'substantive dialogue' with the PLO, which he said had finally met the American conditions for direct talks after more than a decade."
N1989 - Peace Garden, Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba (Israel). "Before the actual Peace process in the Middle East started, Yaël Artsi (a resident of Kibbutz Sdot-Yam) came up with the idea to create a park in Eilat to attribute to a situation of peace. She was the curator and organised the complete project herself. She chose four sculptors from all over the world, arranged the materials needed, found the sponsors. Together they created five marble sculptures which have been placed in honour of the city of Eilat, sitting on the borders of Israel, Egypt & Jordan."
T1990 - "Wings of Peace," Levi & Fortuna Eskenazi Sculpture Garden, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (Israel). ceramic casting by Carlo Zauli [1926-2002]. Height 160. "The sculpture garden, which was dedicated on 23 May 1989 in the presence of Mr. Matatia & his family, is a direct continuation of the university gallery, & holds a permanent exhibition of sculpture, separate sculpture exhibits & those connected with the gallery itself."
EOctober 1991 - Open House of Ramle, Ramla (Israel). Built in 1936 by a Palestinian family. Occupied in 1948 by an Israeli family. Turned into "a preschool & daycare center for Arab & Jewish children in 1991. Runs extracurricular coexistence programs for Jewish, Christian & Muslim children in the afternoons." Described in "The Lemon Tree: An Abab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East" by Sandy Tolan (2006). Click here for 7-minute video by Sandy Tolan. /// Right image shows peace pole of unknown date.
EAfter March 9, 1992 - Grave of Menachem Begin, Mount of Olives. East Jerusalem (Israel). "Menachem Begin [1913-1992] asked to be buried here instead of Mount Herzl (Mount of Memory), where most Israeli leaders are laid to rest, because he wanted to be buried beside Meir Feinstein [1927-1947] of Irgun and Moshe Barazani [1928-1947] of Lehi, who committed suicide in jail while awaiting execution by the British."
1993 - Doves, Sea Promenade, Rishon LeZion (Israel). Four stylized doves forming arches, cast in polymeric substances by sculptor Eliezer Weishoff.
Date? - Holocaust Memorial, Rishon LeZion (Israel). Sign reads "Holocaust of European Jewry, 1933-1945." Note map of Europe on lawn at foot of the sculpture.
September 13, 1993 - Oslo Accords signed in Washington, DC (USA), in the presence of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin & US President Bill Clinton. Officially called "Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements" or "Declaration of Principles" (DOP). The first direct, face-to-face agreement between the government of Israel & the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Negotiations conducted secretly in Oslo (Norway), hosted by the Fafo Institute & completed on August 20, 1993. ![]()
February 25, 1994 - Cave of the Patriarchs massacre, Hebron (Palestine). Baruch Goldstein, an American-born Israeli settler & member of the far-right Israeli Kach movement, opened fire on unarmed Palestinian Muslims praying inside the Ibrahim Mosque (or Mosque of Abraham) during the overlapping religious holidays of Purim & Ramadan. Twenty-nine worshippers were killed and 125 wounded. The attack ended when Goldstein had expended his ammunition. He was subdued & beaten to death by survivors.
May 4, 1994 - Palestinian Authority (PA) established pursuant to the Oslo Accords to govern parts of the West Bank & Gaza Strip. (However, since then it has named itself Palestinian National Authority.) Was to be a 5-year interim body (during which final status negotiations between the two parties were to take place), but more than 16 years later, a final status has yet to be reached. According to the Oslo Accords, the PA was to control both security-related & civilian issues in Palestinian urban areas ("Area A") & only civilian control over Palestinian rural areas ("Area B"). The remainder of the territories (including Israeli settlements, the Jordan Valley region & bypass roads between Palestinian communities) was to remain under exclusive Israeli control ("Area C"). East Jerusalem was excluded from the Accords.
October 26, 1994 - Israel–Jordan Treaty of Peace is signed by King Hussein I & PM Yitzhak Rabin, accompanied by US President Bill Clinton, at the southern border crossing in the Arabah valley, normalizing relations between the two countries, resolving territorial disputes & making Jordan only the second Arab country, after Egypt, to normalize relations with Israel. December 10, 1994 - Nobel Peace Prize is awarded jointly to Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres & Yitzhak Rabin "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East."
L1995 - Yad Layeled / Children's Holocaust Memorial, Kibbutz Lohamei Hageta'ot, Western Galilee (Israel). "Built by Ran Carmi. The enclosed monument comprises a central cylinder containing three round halls. The first is the hall of commemoration, with a large stained glass window in its ceiling and fifteen stained glass windows around the walls (created by Roman and Ardyn Halter), all based on pictures drawn by children in the Theresienstadt ghetto. The second hall is dedicated to Janusz Korczak [1879-1942], the Polish author, educator and social worker who worked tirelessly to protect Jewish orphans, and was eventually murdered, together with his charges, in Treblinka. The third hall has a floor with six concentric sunken levels, and an eternal light burning at the center."
RJuly 15, 1995 - The Surreal Peace Chair, Village Entrance, Ein Hod (Israel). South of Haifa. Bronze 320 cm high. By American artist Dorothy Robbins [1920-1999]. "Great Travel Moment: During our visit to Ein Hod, my sister took a brief rest in the 'Surreal Peace Chair,' which was so enormous her feet didn't touch the ground. The village was chock-full of statues, sculptures, murals, studios & galleries. We couldn't afford anything except the photos we took, but it was a beautiful September day, and we felt like Alice in Wonderland as we ambled along and discovered unusual pieces around every bend of this hilly town." (After a failed attempt to create a moshav on the site, Ein Hod became an artists' colony in 1953. It's not to be confused with nearby Ein Hawd. See road signs at far right. For many years, Ein Hawd was an "unrecognized village" -- as other Palestinian villages still are. "In 1988 Ein Hawd joined the Association of Unrecognized Arab Villages in Israel & was recognized by the state in 1992. In 2005, it achieved full recognition, including connection to the Israeli electric grid.") On June 23, 2011, we visited Ein Hawd & drove past Ein Hod (seeing only some of its statues on the side of the road).
BAfter November 4, 1995 - Tomb of Yitzhak & Léa Rabin, Mount Herzl (Mount of Memory, Jerusalem (Israel). Designed by Moshe Safdie. Yitzhak Rabin [1922-1995] received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.
2000 - Rabin Memorial, Harris Street, Wellington (New Zealand). "An olive tree and a granite memorial to Nobel Peace Prize winner Yitzhak Rabin."
About 1996 - Rabin Memorial, Rabin Square (former Kings of Israel Square), Tel Aviv (Israel). Sculpture by Yaël Artsi (a resident of kibbutz Sdot-Yam). Stone inscribed, "Peace Shall Be His Legacy." "Âgé de 73 ans, Yitzhak Rabin [1922-1995] est assassiné de trois balles le 4 novembre 1995 juste après avoir prononcé un discours lors d'une manifestation pour la paix sur la Place des Rois de Tel Aviv... Dix ans après son assassinat, deux cent mille Israéliens se sont rassemblés le 5 novembre 2005 à Tel Aviv sur la place, rebaptisée à son nom désormais symbole de paix, où il avait été abattu en 1995." Click here for protest on Jan. 6, 2008. "Near the north end of the square is Holocaust memorial by Israeli artist Yigal Tumarkin (qv)."
October 2011 -"Defaced by Shvuel Schijveschuurder, 27. He was caught pouring paint over the square memorial & daubing it with graffiti demanding the release of Mr Rabin's assassin, Yigal Amir. He told police he was protesting against the release of a woman involved in the bombing of a Jerusalem pizzeria in 2001 that killed his parents & three of his siblings. Ahlam Tamimi, who drove the suicide bomber to the restaurant, is one of the 27 female Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody being released as part of the deal that will see Mr. Gilad Shalit freed. She was serving 15 life sentences – one for each of those killed in the attack."
1996-2000 - Path of Peace, on Israel/Egypt border near Nitzana Settlement, Negev Desert (Israel). "Environmental sculpture" by Israeli sculptor Danny Karavan. Nitzana is a border crossing between Israel & Egypt. See similar "Way of Human Rights" by Karaan in Nuremburg (Germany) & Jerusalem City of Peace wall relief, Plenary Hall, Knesset (Israel parliament), Givat Ram, Jerusalem. Left image copyright by
EAbout 1997 - Open-air Theatre, Mount of Precipice, Nazareth (Israel). "On the less steep side of the hill facing northwards is a TV aerial shaped thing at the front with a series of concrete steps to sit on which looks like a pleasant place to watch a concert or (small) sports event. It looks unfinished and rushed to be honest. If I remember correctly this project was a gift for peace to the people of Nazareth from the Pope & the Vatican in circa 1997." /// "No visitor to Nazareth should miss the breath-taking panorama from the city’s highest point, about 2 km to the southeast of the city. The Mount of Precipice, also known as the Mount of The Leap of the Lord & Jabal Kufsi in Arabic, is traditionally the place in the Bible where the people of Nazareth took Jesus to hurl him into the abyss below. The Mount has been developed into a tourist area, with a viewing platform, which overlooks the whole of the Jezreel Valley, from Jordan and the Gilad Mountains in the east, past Mount Tabor (the site of Jesus’ Transfiguration) to Mount Carmel, Haifa & the Mediterranean Sea in the west."
1998 - Count Folke Bernadotte Memorial, United Nations, New York City, New York (USA). Entry #748 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). Count Folke Bernadotte [1895-1948] was a Swedish diplomaet who was assassinated in Jerusalem.
1998 - "A shenere un besere velt / A more beautiful & better world," Workmen’s Circle building, 1525 South Robertson Boulevard, Los Angeles, California (USA). "Mural by Eliseo Silva (an immigrant from the Philippines) explores numerous themes including Jewish holidays, culture, education, traditional Jewish support for labor & social justice, universal healthcare, immigrant rights & the Yiddish language, as well as the historic struggles against fascism & totalitarianism. Depicts great Yiddish writers, such as Mendele, Sholem Aleichem & Peretz, cultural leaders such as Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King & Sugi Hara, and the Jewish holidays are celebrated in bigger than life size. Speaks not only to the Jewish community, but to other immigrant communities in Los Angeles."
EApril 22, 1999 - Peace Pole, Hill of Megiddo Megiddo (Israel). With "May peace prevail on earth" in Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic & English. Planted by Megiddo Project/Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). Har Megiddo (Armageddon) is an ancient crossroads of Egypt, Europe & Persia, a tell (hill or mound) made of 26 layers of the ruins of ancient cities at the head of a pass through the Carmel Ridge, which overlooks the Valley of Jezreel. In 1964, Pope Paul VI met with President Zalman Shazar, PM Levi Eshkol & other Israeli dignitaries in Megiddo.
EDate? - Peace Pole, Capernaum, Sea of Galilee (Israel). "The town is cited in the Gospel of Luke where it was reported to have been the home of the apostles Peter, Andrew, James and John, as well as the tax collector Matthew. In Matthew 4:13 the town was reported to have been the home of Jesus. According to Luke 4:31-44, Jesus taught in the synagogue in Capernaum on Sabbath... In March 2000, John Paul II visited the ruins of Capernaum during his visit to Israel."
EDate? - Peace Pole, Givat Haviva Educational Institute, Menashe, Northern Sharon Valley (Israel). "The leadership of Hashomer Hatzair movement from the USA & Canada, in Israel on a seminar with the World Movement leadership & Israeli counterparts, & accompanied by Israeli movement emissaries Yaniv Sagee & Doron Erez, spent some time visiting a few interesting corners of the Givat Haviva campus with Lydia & chance for a photo around the pole for peace planted by the library by members of a Japanese peace organization some years ago."
Late 1990's - "Subsequent to the Israel-Jordan peace treaty [on October 26, 1994], a new modern paved crossing was constructed adjacent to the older wooden one with the aid of the Japanese Government. This new structure is currently used exclusively" as the designated exit/entry point for Palestinians residing in the West Bank traveling to and from Jordan to the West Bank & Israel. /// Peace Pole visible in air photo behind the bus?
August 23, 1999 - Peace Bridge / Seeikh Hussein Bridge, across Jordan River, near Bet She'an (Israel) on highway between Haifa & Amman (Israel/Jordan). "Jordan & Israel officially opened the Japanese-funded border crossing facility at Sheikh Hussein Bridge linking the two countries, describing it as a key pillar of their peace treaty... Jordanian Foreign Minister Abdul Ilah Khatib walked the short distance to the Israeli side to shake hands with Israeli counterpart David Levy, and then both linked up with Japanese Ambassador to Jordan Koichi Matsumoto for the cutting of the ribbon in the middle of the bridge... According to Chuma the 90-metre-long & 12-metre-wide bridge cost JD 4.2 million. It is considered a major route through which Jordan can export goods to Israel & its port in Haifa for shipment to the US and European markets."
February 15, 2005 - "Voices from Two Sides of the Bridge." A day-long literary event bringing together Israeli & Palestinian writers & film makers, along with prominent world publishing leaders. Click here for a critique of the conference.
L1991 - Monument to the 'Struma' and 'Mefkura,' Ashdod (Israel). Text of marker: "This monument commemorates the two illegal immigrant ships that the British refused to allow to enter the country. The 'Struma' was sunk in the Black Sea in February, 1942 with 770 illegal immigrants from Romania on board. Only one of the passengers survived. The 'Mafkura' sailed from the Romanian port of Constanze in August, 1944. During its passage it was damaged by gunfire from an unidentified vessel - evidently a German submarine - and quickly sank. Of the 310 passengers on board, only 5 survived. The monument pays tribute to the entire illegal immigration operation to Palestine, and to the bravery of these illegal immigrants, many of whom paid with their lives for the desire to reach the Holy Land."
July 11-25, 2000 - Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Catoctin Mountains, Maryland (USA). Between US President Bill Clinton, Israeli PM Ehud Barak & PA Chairman Yasser Arafat. Ultimately, unsuccessful attempt to negotiate a "final status settlement" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Barak claimed that he offered Arafat an eventual 91% of the West Bank & all of the Gaza Strip, with Palestinian control over Eastern Jerusalem as the capital of the new Palestinian state; in addition, all refugees could apply for compensation of property from an international fund to which Israel would contribute along with other countries.![]()
MAbout 2000 - Memorial monument, on the external wall of the cemetery, 'Ailabun, North District (Israel). "Created by a young artist from the village of Naif Sam’an, trained at the Jewish-Arab club of Beit ha-Gefen in Haifa. According to Sam’an, in Beit ha-Gefen he assisted a Jewish artist in creating a memorial monument for Holocaust victims, after which he was determined to create a similar monument for the ‘Ailabun victims." /// Author's photo. /// "After the town surrendered on October 30, 1948, the commander of the Golani troops selected 14 young Arab men & had them executed, in what became known as the Eilabun massacre. The village was then looted." /// Described in Sorek, Tamir (2008), "Cautious Commemoration: Localism, Communalism, and Nationalism in Palestinian Memorial Monuments in Israel," Society for Comparative Study of Society & History, 50(2), pp. 337-368. /// "By the end of September 2000, on the eve of the second Palestinian uprising that reshuffled the political cards of Arab-Jewish relations in Israel, only three [Arab] municipalities had built monuments. Today only one of those three monuments, that in Kafr Kana, still stands and has gained public recognition as a commemorative site. The other two, in Shefa’amer & ‘Ailabun, failed to become pilgrimage sites or gathering points for political rallies. Indeed, local residents soon destroyed them, through a process that reflected the complicated relations between national, local & communal allegiances in these towns."
MSeptember 2000 - Memorial monument, village entrance, Kafr Kana, Galilee (Israel). "Uunveiled a few days before the eruption of the al-Aqsa Intifada. The Kafr Kana municipality, headed by the secular NDA party, decided to build the monument at the main entrance of the village near the new mosque. Since its foundation, it has functioned as a gathering point for events with national significance: Land Day ceremonies, ceremonies to memorialize the events of October 2000 & political demonstrations like that held against the American invasion of Iraq in 2003." It still stands. /// Described in Sorek, Tamir (2008), "Cautious Commemoration: Localism, Communalism, and Nationalism in Palestinian Memorial Monuments in Israel," Society for Comparative Study of Society & History, 50(2), pp. 337-368. /// Upper image may not be correct. Lower image shows Arabs demonstrating in Kafr Kana on October 3, 2010 (3rd anniversary of the 2nd intifada).
September 28, 2000 - During his campaign to become PM of Israel, Ariel Sharon provokes Arab anger by walking, accompanied by about 1,000 armed troops, on the Temple Mount (Haram al-Shjarif) in Jerusalem.
September 29, 2000-November 26, 2006 - Second Intifada (Palestinian Uprising). According to Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1,196 people have been killed by Palestinian violence & terrorism since September 2000.
January 31-27, 2001 - Taba summit in the Sanai Peninsula. Talks between Israel & the Palestinian Authority aimed at reaching the "final status" negotiations to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Came closer to reaching a final settlement than any previous or subsequent peace talks.
YMarch 2001 - Sarah & Yaacov Eshel Peace Library, Givat Haviva Educational Institute, Menashe, Northern Sharon Valley (Israel). "Run by professional Jewish & Arab co-directors." "Dedicated in in the presence of its donors, Marilyn & Harry Cagin from Cleveland, Ohio (USA). The Reading Room of the Peace Library was established with the assistance of a contribution from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, which supports institutions dealing with research, documentation and education on the Holocaust. Image shows visit of the American Ambassador.
March 28, 2002 - Beirut Summit. Arab League adopts Arab Peace Initiative, a Saudi-inspired peace plan for the Arab–Israeli conflict. The initiative will be reinforced at the Riyadh Summit in 2007.
April 1-11, 2002 - Battle of Jenin, Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin (Palestine). "In discussing how to properly honor those who had fallen, one proposal suggested leaving the destruction, at least in the Hawashin neighborhood, exactly as it was, as a memorial and testament to struggle & sacrifice. Camp residents, however, insisted that the camp be rebuilt almost exactly as it had been, while also establishing a museum of memory in the Old Hijaz Railway building. They rejected the proposal of the Israeli housing minister to rebuild the camp at a nearby site with enlarged roads, viewing it as an attempt to erase the political reality of the camps whose existence they see as living testaments to the Nakba/Exodus of 1948." A new heritage museum opened in Jenin (Haddad) in 2010, but apparently this is not the "museum of memory" envisoned above.
April 2-May 10, 2002 - Siege of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem (Palestine).
June 24, 2002 - "Road Map for Peace" outlined by US President George W. Bush calling for an independent Palestinian state living side by side with Israel in peace guided by a "quartet" of international entities: USA, the European Union, Russia & the United Nations.
T O T E M 2002 - Tree of Peace, Palmach Grove, Kibbutz Ginosar (Israel). On the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Carved by Amir Baumfeld. Kibbutz Ginosar was the home base for Yigal Allon [1918-1980], commander of the "Syrian Department" of the Palmach during the War of 1948. Today the Yigal Allon Museum displays the "Jesus Boat" (right image) discovered in 1986.
July 27, 2002 - "The People's Voice, an Israeli-Palestinian civil initiative, is signed by co-founders Ami Ayalon (former head of the Shin Bet) & Sari Nusseibeh (president of Al-Quds University in Jerusalem). Its key proposals are: * Two states for two peoples. * Borders based upon the June 4, 1967, lines. * Jerusalem will be an open city, the capital of two states. * Palestinian refugees will return only to the Palestinian state. * Palestine will be demilitarized. Upon the full implementation of these principles, all claims on both sides & the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will end. No phased or interim steps are envisioned. The initiative seeks to affect the political process by petition!--, seeking the signatures of enough residents of the area on all sides of the conflict to drive the leaders of the various sides to concluding a peace agreement-->. The People's Voice website reported on 26 January 2004, 156,000 Israelis & 100,000 Palestinians having signed the initiative. In late 2007 the website went off-line. The Hebrew part went back on-line in 2008, & on 11 October 2008 reported 251,000 Israelis and 160,000 Palestinians having signed."
P R O J E C T 2002-2004 - Centri Rousseau, Shu'fat refugee camp, 4 km from Jerusalem (Israel). An international cooperation project with the aim of promoting a network of Palestinian, Israeli & Italian associations that can work together to implement social and educational programmes for children. Three groups: A women’s group, a people’s community group & a group for disabled persons. Centri Rousseau is an Italian NGO with headquarters in Milan. Shufat is 1 square kilometre, surrounded by Jewish settlements & home to around 22,000 people. It was originally founded in 1965-66 by the UN Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). After the war in 1967 many new refugees came to the camp putting added pressure on the already precarious social & sanitary conditions." Inam Wahidi is a programme coordinator for Centri Rousseau.
March 20, 2003 - War in Iraq started by US President George W. Bush.
June 4, 2003 - Red Sea Summit in Aqaba (Jordan) to begin implementing the "Road Map for Peace." Hosted by King Abdullah & attended by Palestinian PM Mahmoud Abbas, US President George W. Bush & Israeli PM Ariel Sharon.
July 2003 to Date - Construction of the Separation Barrier, West Bank (Palestine).
N2003 - Sign, Lod/Lydda (Israel). "Eitan Bronstein, director of Zochrot ('Remembering'), posts a sign in Hebrew & Arabic on the former Arab ghetto in Lod/Lydda, which reads: 'Here were concentrated and placed under military rule approx. 1000 men and women who remained in Al Lydd after the expulsion from the city & its environs of 45,000 Palestinians...' [Anglican] Father Oudeh Rantisi, a former mayor of Ramallah who was expelled from Lydda in 1948, visited his family's former home for the first time in 1967: 'As the bus drew up in front of the house, I saw a young boy playing in the yard. I got off the bus and went over to him. "How long have you lived in this house?" I asked. "I was born here," he replied. "Me too," I said.'"
E2003 - "Table of Peace," Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv (Israel). Bronze sculpture by Italian artist Sandro Chia.
R E S T A U R A N T October 4, 2003 - Maxim Restaurant, Beachfront, Haifa (Israel). Unintentional monument. Site of the Maxim Restaurant suicide bombing in which 21 people were killed & 51 injured. The Palestinian Islamist militant organization Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. Although the interior of the restaurant was completely destroyed in the attack, it was quickly rebuilt and reopened within several months.
After 2003 - Haifa (Israel). A monument was erected near the Maxim Restaurant in memory of the innocent victims killed in the 2003 attack.
October 23, 2003 - Middle East Peace Sculpture, Peace Park, Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington (USA). "A graceful twist of Italian marble about 30 x 8 inches standing atop a natural column of black basalt, approximately 62 x 14 inches. Depicts two rectangular leaves, very much alike yet different in texture. They are intertwining and reaching toward the sky--interdependent. Peace is engraved in Arabic, English & Hebrew along with the names of Arabic & Jewish participating children." Sculpted by Iraqi Sabah Al-Dhaher. "Intiated, designed & directed by Palestinian-American Amineh Ayyad... The children of the Arab Center of Washington, the Middle East Peace Camp, Kadima, & the Iraqi Community Center worked together to create this sculpture." Dedicated on Children's Peace Day.
December 1, 2003 - Geneva Accord. Also known as the Geneva Initiative. "A model permanent status agreement to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on previous official negotiations, international resolutions, the Quartet Roadmap, the Clinton Parameters & the Arab Peace Initiative. Would give Palestinians almost all of the West Bank & Gaza Strip drawing Israel's borders close to [the Green Line]. Jerusalem would be divided administratively with East Jerusalem serving as the capital for the Palestinian state & West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In return for removing most of the Israeli settlements in those areas, the Palestinians would limit their 'right of return' of refugees to Israel to a number specified by the Israeli government & will end any further claims & demands from Israel. Parameters of the Accord were negotiated in secret for over 2 years before the 50-page document was officially launched at a ceremony in Geneva (Switzerland)... The government of Israel headed by Ariel Sharon criticized the accord. Palestinian support was not universal. Some strongly opposed the plan & its apparent trade-off of the Palestinian right of return in exchange for statehood."
K2004 - Jewish Nobel Laureates Promenade, West Rishon Lezion (Israel). "Along the promenade, pages with names of winners are arranged by year of winning, their countries of origin & details about the reasons for winning." (In 2003 biochemist Israel Hanukoglu was appointed as the scientific adviser to the Mayor of Rishon-Lezion for establishing the Jewish Nobel Prize Laureate Boulevard Outdoor Museum.)
MAbout 2004 - Holocaust Memorial., Rabin Square (former Kings of Israel Square), Tel Aviv (Israel). "Near the north end of the square is a memorial sculpture designed by the Israeli artist Yigal Tumarkin commemorating the Holocaust."
Date? - IMAX Theatre, Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba (Israel).
July 9, 2004 - International Court of Justice (ICJ) rules that the Israeli Separation Wall is illegal & that Israel must stop construction & dismantle any part of the wall inside the occupied territories, including Arab East Jerusalem.
October 30, 2004 - Mordechai Vanunu House, headquarters of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 162 Holloway Road, Islington, London (England). Named for Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli nuclear technician who revealed the Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.
EAbout 2005 - Peace Tree, Central Lawn, Givat Haviva Educational Institute, Menashe, Northern Sharon Valley (Israel). "Hewn 4 years ago by Jewish, Arab & Druze youth participating in yet another of the Art Center's innovative and extremely creative coexistence projects." /// "Givat Haviva is conveniently situated between central & northern Israel: 20 minutes from Caesaria, 40 minutes from Nazareth, 60 minutes from Tiberias, 40 minutes from Haifa."
August 2005 - Israel unilaterally disengages from the Gaza Strip. The pullout removes approximately 9,000 Jewish settlers from 21 settlements in Gaza and a further four in the northern West Bank. Israel remains in complete control of Gaza's borders.
January 25, 2006 - Hamas wins Palestinian legislative election with 74 seats to the ruling-Fatah's 45, providing Hamas with the majority of the 132 available seats & the ability to form a majority government on their own. The USA & Israel coordinate a global ecnomic boycott. By the summer of 2006, Israel has arrested more than 40 members of PA legislature & 8 cabinet members.
April 14, 2006 - Ehud Olmert becomes Israeli PM. The plan to give up Gaza settlement in order to annex West Bank land becomes known as the "convergence plan."
SMay 17-25, 2006 - Les Tentes de la Paix / Tents of Peace, Abu Tor Hill, Sherover Promenade, Jerusalem (Israel). "Une vingtaine de tentes (et une toile de 160 mètres de longueur sur 70 mètres de largeur) imprimées du mot 'paix' calligraphié par l’artiste Clara Halter dans plus de 50 langues et 18 alphabets." Halter previously created permanent peace monuments in Paris (France), St. Petersburg (Russia), and Hiroshima (Japan).
N2006? - Garden of Peace, Shfaram (Israel). "Olive seedlings were donated by Simon right seat for lemon Shfaram attack victims." [Google translation from Hebrew] "Shefa-'Amr, also Shfar'am, is a predominantly Arab city in the North District of Israel.... On August 4, 2005, an AWOL Israeli Defense Force soldier, Eden Natan-Zada, opened fire while aboard a bus in the city, killing four Israeli Arab citizens and wounding twenty-two others. After the shooting, Natan-Zada was overcome by nearby crowds, lynched and beaten with rocks."
June 2006 - Israel attacks Gaza Strip, bombs only power plant on June 26.
July 12-August 14, 2006 - Israel is defeated in the Second Lebanon War (7th of Israel's 7 wars). Also called the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War.
MOctober 29, 2006 - Memorial & Museum of the Martyrs, Kafr Quasim (Israel). Also spelled Kafr Kassem. About 20 km east of Tel Aviv, near the Green Line between Israel & the West Bank, in the southern portion of the "Little Triangle" of Arab-Israeli towns & villages. They interpret the Kafr Qasim Massacre, in which the Israel Border Police killed 49 civilians on October 29, 1956... [Muslim residents] of Kafr Qasim annually observe the massacre, and the commemorative memorial was raised in the village. The Museum of the Martyrs was opened on [the 50th anniversary] October 29, 2006 [but apparently has no website]. In December 2007, Israel President Shimon Peres formally apologised for the massacre" which happened at the beginning of the 10-day Suez Crisis. News of the massacre was suppressed for weeks, then considered by Palestinians to be another Deir Yassin.
EDate? - Peace Pole?, Kafr Quasim, (Israel). Airview shows what appears to be a Peace Pole on top of some kind of mound or tell.
June 7-15, 2007 - Battle of Gaza between Hamas & Fatah in the Gaza Strip.
S C U L P T U R E 2007 - Leon Blum memorial, Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Hula Valley, Upper Galilee (Israel). Founded in November 1943 primarily by Jews from the UK, South Africa, the USA & Baltic countries, the kibbutz was named for Leon Blum [1872-1950], socialist theoritician & 3-time prime minister of France who was tried during World War II & imprisioned in Germany.
November 27, 2007 - Annapolis Summit, US Naval Academy, Maryland (USA). First time a two-state solution is articulated as the mutually agreed-upon outline for addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. US Secretary of State Condoleezza hosts. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli PM Ehud Olmert & US President George W. Bush attend, as do representatives of China, the Arab League, Russia, the European Union & the United Nations. Olmert agrees to stop settlements in occupied territories, but within 48 hours, Israel approves additional settlements in the West Bank.
MMay 27, 2008 -Memorial to the victims of the Beit Lid Massacre, HaSharon Junction, Plain of Sharon (Israel). "Dedicated after 13 years of efforts towards its completion. On January 22, 1995, two suicide bombers dressed as IDF soldiers mingled in the crowded hitchhiking post in the Sharon area, & blew themselves up. At about 9:30 am, the first terrorist fell to the ground as if he was ill, prompting soldiers to run to assist him. He then detonated the bomb he was carrying. After the arrival of emergency responders, the second terrorist entered the crowd & detonated his bomb. 22 people were murdered & many others wounded. 21 of the victims were IDF soldiers. The memorial depicts a ladder heading heavenward with the victims climbing on it."
ESeptember 15, 2008 - Tolerance Monument, Tolerance Park, near Goldman Promenade, Jerusalem (Israel). 15-meter monument "funded by Polish businessman Aleksander Gudzowaty as a symbol to promote peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Sculpted by Czeslaw Dzwigaj with Michal Kubiak. On a hill between Jewish Armon Hanatziv & Arab Jabal Mukaber and just outside the UN headquarters in Jerusalem's "Government House." Inscription says: "The monument is in the form of two halves of a broken column, which stand divided but still linked, on the ruins of a nameless and ageless temple. An olive tree grows in the middle of the split column and with its leaves seeks to encompass and shade both halves. The tree enables the two parts of the column to link together in symbolic coexistence. It cannot be known when the break will heal, when the two sides will grow back together but it can be seen that between the branches of the olive tree a new seed is sprouting, a golden grain of tolerance."
EDate? - Wind Chime Memorial, where exactly?, near Gaza (Israel). Said to be for a dead Inraeli soldier. From Brit in Jerusalem (3rd image): "In Sderot, I went with my friend Daniel from work with one of his community projects to a small town that most of you will know gets used as target practice for terrorists in Gaza. These poor people live with worry of being next hit by Katusha rockets. Next to some fields & an army base on a hill I can see directly into Gaza less than 1.5km away. Up here is a giant musical instrument, with some chime bars & a hammer thing on a piece of rope you can use to ring as a 'peace' gift for Israelis & Gazans. I don’t remember who made this thing, but it a novelty chime instrument doesn’t help people having to rush into bomb shelters especially when they happen when their kids go to school."
TOctober 27 or 28, 2008 - Peres Peace House, Jaffa, Tel Aviv (Israel). "A magnificent building of huge green blocks, which cost $15 million, three times the original estimate. The building is windowless & air-conditioned throughout & blocked off from its surroundings, which are home to a poor Arab population. Its faces the sea, as though its builders were hinting that the chance for peace lies in the West, beyond the sea, & not in the East, where neighbor enemies dwell." Named for Shimon Peres & dedicated on 10th anniversary of the Peres Center for Peace.
December 27, 2008-January 2009 - 22-Day War,Gaza Strip (Palestine).
September 2, 2010 - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (L) shakes hands with PA President Mahmoud Abbas (R) as US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (C) looks on during the opening of the re-launch of direct negotiations for peace at the State Department Washington, DC (USA), the first round of peace talks in more than 18 months.
Date? - "Stop the Violence" sculpture, St. Ein Ganim, Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv (Israel). "A sculpture of a padlock on the front of a gun, with the inscription 'stop violence!' in Hebrew." "In memory of Tal Reichman, a 17-year old boy who worked as an usher at work in taxis & was murdered 29/10/99 by a driver who fell out with him." Photo by Dr. Avishai Teicher.
Date? - Four mothers sculpture, City Hall, Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv (Israel). Must be related to the "Four Mothers Movement." Photo by Dr. Avishai Teicher.
April 3, 2011 - Peace Wall, Kedem Street, Jaffa, Tel Aviv (Israel). A CITYarts mosaic. Fact sheet says, "To connect Arab & Jewish Israeli youth to each other & to their peers around the world, including 40 countries that have already been engaged in the Pieces for Peace project, through the process of creating a mosaic Peace Wall." Sign says, "A collaboration of Jewish & Arab youth from Jaffa, Tel Aviv. Supported by the UN Office for Partnerships." Photo by Dr. Avishai Teicher.
July 2011 - Tent City, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv (Israel). "A young woman called Daphne Liff, with an improbable man’s hat perched on her flowing hair, said to herself: 'Enough!' She had been evicted by her landlady because she couldn’t afford the rent. She set up a tent in Rothschild Boulevard, a long, tree-lined thoroughfare in the center of Tel Aviv. The news spread through facebook, and within an hour, dozens of tents had sprung up. Within a week, there were some 400 tents, spread out in a double line more than a mile long. Similar tent-cities sprang up in Jerusalem, Haifa and a dozen smaller towns. The next Saturday, tens of thousands joined protest marches in Tel Aviv and elsewhere. Last Saturday, they numbered more than 150,000. This has now become the center of Israeli life. The Rothschild tent city has assumed a life of its own –a cross between Tahrir Square and Woodstock, with a touch of Hyde Park corner thrown in for good measure. The mood is indescribably upbeat, masses of people come to visit and return home full of enthusiasm and hope. Everybody can feel that something momentous is happening."
September 2011 - Campaign to make Palestine (West Bank, Gaza & East Jerusalem) a member of the United Nations.
August 24, 2011 - Aqsa Parvez Memorial Grove, JNF Wall of Eternal Life, American Independence Park, near Bet Shemesh, Jerusalem District (Israel). Aqsa Parvez [1991-2007] was the victim of an honour killing in Mississauga, Ontario (Canada). Inscription on wall: "Grove. Atlas Shrugs Readers, New York, NY. In memory of Aqsa Parvez. 55909." Wording on certificate: "A grove of trees has been planted in Israel in loving memory of Aqsa Parvez and all victims of honor killings worldwide." /// Description from Atlas Shrugs (blog of Pamela Geller): "Honors killing victims worldwide. The first initiative of its kind. Dedicated to calling attention to this enforcement of the most savage elements of Islamic law against women: wives, daughters & sisters. One can't even begin to fathom the lost dreams & ideals & promises & hopes for a full life extinguished by the tyrannical, hatemongering macho culture of Islamic supremacism. Demand the world's condemnation of Islamic misogyny, gender apartheid & the dehumanization of women. Should be the first of tens of thousands of memorials, but the point of the memorials does not end simply with the memorials themselves. The memorials show that we have not forgotten & will not forget these girls. And the memorials are just a part of a larger determination to show the Islamic world that we simply will not allow this barbaric practice of Islamic honor killing to stand in the West. We will plant millions of groves." /// Click here for video of dedication speeches by Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer. /// Click here for blog opposing this memorial. /// FYI: American Independence Park is on land owened by the Jewish National Fund (JNF or KKL). "The JNF has established the Wall of Eternal provide people around the world with the opportunity to forever memorialize loved ones in Israel... Your $1,800 donation will include the permanent inscription, the planting of a garden of 360 trees in Israel & an attractive Garden Certificate of Jerusalem mounted on a striking beveled plaque, illustrated by artist and friend of Israel, Leif Nelson." Photos: Upper right is Pamela Geller during dedication with flags of Israel, USA & JNF. Middle right is Spencer, Geller & JNF representative fnu Liat.
June 25, 2012 - Victory Monument, Netanya, Northern Centre District, Israel. "Marks the victory of the Red Army over Nazi Germany in World War II. Established by decision of the Government of Israel & with the consent of the Russian government. Consists of two elements symbolizing the transition from darkness to light & over the relationship between Russian military victory made to stop the Holocaust of the Jewish people, & followed the establishment of the Jewish people in his country. WW-II as described in black bunker. On the right describes the Holocaust, & on the left describes the war between Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union since the war began on 22 June 1941 to end at 1945. The second part is constructed from two high white wings symbolizing the victory, hope & peace. Inaugurated with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin." (Netanya was named in honor of Nathan Straus, a prominent Jewish American merchant & philanthropist in the early 20th century. Its 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) of beaches have made the city a very popular tourist resort. Today the city houses a notably large population of English-speaking immigrants from the UK, USA & Canada.)
August 29, 2012 - Memorial to Munich Massacre, Nazareth Illit (Israel). Commomorates massacre of 11 Israeli atheletes at the Munich Olympic Games on September 5, 1972. Photo by Dr. Avishai Teicher.
Date? - Munich Massacre Memorial, Tel Aviv (Israel). Commomorates massacre of 11 Israeli atheletes at the Munich Olympic Games on September 5, 1972.
January 24, 2014 - German Rail Car, Netanya Memorial Site, Netanya (Israel). At a memorial near Tel Aviv. The result of a search by Tatjana Ruge (Berlin) & Ronny Dotan (Tel Aviv) "surrounded by the assistance of world known experts from Israel & abroad (Dr. Gottwaldt and Dipl-Ing Diener from Germany) [for for a "Covered Freight Car G 10" constructed in Germany before May 1945]... After the Wagon (Munchen 12 2-46) was found in Germany [and] brought to Israel...we found some unbelievable finding engraved on the chassis of the Wagon next to the door wheel. After more deep searches we identified other symbols in two different places. It comes in a total number of three Stars of David embedded in the chassis in different places, by using a chisel by no doubt a professionally Jewish locksmith worker. This finding is of global and unique importance, since as far as we know never found before on any other wagons. Visitors passing by those authentic signs are deeply moved looking at them, as a souvenir made some 70 years ago. Apparently the markings were sunk by a Jewish locksmith during forced labor and his souvenir remains forever as a sign for eternal memory." Information courtesy of Tatjana Ruge.
Future - Ariel Sharon Eco Park, Hiriya, near Tel Aviv (Israel). "Over the years, the garbage pile at Hiriya dump site in Israel grew so big that the birds it attracted became a danger to the jets taking off & landing at Ben Gurion Airport. From 1952 until it was closed nine years ago, Hiriya accumulated greater Tel Aviv’s trash for a total of roughly 565 million cubic feet (16 million cubic meters) & attained a height of 261 ft (80m). Recycling plants have been working there ever since to reuse the refuse and capture the gases released by the mound. Soon the area will be renamed the Ariel Sharon Park after the Prime Minister who worked to keep the area out of the hands of developers & insure that it will [be] a unique ecological park."
Future - World Peace Monument, on top of Mount Ora, eight kilometres southwest of Jerusalem and over looking Bethlehem. By French architect Jean Nouvel. "Association for a World Peace Monument [WPM] is a Swiss based institution... Monument will include a congress and communications centre. With a height of 100 meters and a diameter of 40 meters, this unique peace tower is not to overlook [sic]."
Future - "Valley of Peace" (Israel, Jordan & Palestine). "A Red-to-Dead Sea canal project that would solve the area's water crisis. Can it bring Israelis & Arabs together? Itzhak Tshuva (Isaac Sharon) has set his sights on the Arava, an arid valley along the southern portion of the border between Israel & Jordan. If his vision comes to pass, the private sector will build a $3 billion canal that not only connects the Red Sea to the Dead Sea but also links Israelis, Jordanians & Palestinians - possibly helping bring about peace through greater economic integration. This so-called "Valley of Peace" is part of a 520-kilometer (323-mile) corridor being proposed by Israeli President Shimon Peres for regional economic development. About 420 km of the corridor runs along the Jordanian border - with no fences, walls or minefields - and another 100 km touches on the Palestinian territories. Other projects envisioned by Peres involving the German, Japanese & Turkish governments are meant to create up to a million new jobs in Israel & the West Bank."
Future - Peace Road (Syria & Israel?). "A highway that will eventually link Syria to Jerusalem. Has unofficially been called the Peace Road. Forward planning or wishful thinking? On the outskirts of the village of Qatana (16 miles SW of Damascus), construction is well underway. The highway's planned route passes into Israel through the town of Quneitra [right image] in the Golan Heights, perhaps back in Syrian hands by the time the highway is completed. When contacted, Syrian transport officials declined to comment on where the highway was actually leading. If recent comments from senior politicians are anything to go by, peace between Syria & Israel would appear far off... -- Los Angeles Times, April 22, 2010."
Date? - Brazen Serpent Monument, Mount Nebo, Madaba (Jordan). Also called "Staff of Moses" & "Serpent of Moses" (Numbers 21:4-9). On mountaintop (about 2680 feet above sea level) where Moses was given a view of the promised land that God was giving to the Israelites: "And Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, the top of Pisgah, which is opposite Jericho." (Deuteronomy 34:1). Serpentine cross sculpture created by Italian artist Giovanni Fantoni. Symbolic of the bronze serpent created by Moses in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9) & the cross upon which Jesus was crucified (John 3:14). /// "27 km in front of the Brazen Serpent is Jericho (Palestine). Jerusalem (Israel) is west of Jericho & 46 km from the Brazen Serpent. On a clear day, it is said that a clear view of the promised land can be seen from this vantage point."
Please email your comments & questions to geovisual @ Thank you.