1810-1879 - Elihu Burritt - Opposed slavery, worked for temperance & tried to achieve world peace. Burritt College named for him in Spencer, Tennessee, in 1848.
1822-1907 - Baron de Staal - aka Georg Friedrich Karl von Staal. Head of Russian delegation & President of 1st Hague Peace Conference in 1899. Conf
1822-1912 - Frédéric Passy -
Economist. Co-founded the Interparliamentary Union in 1889. Conf
1901 with Henry Dunant
1824-1907 - Hodgson Pratt - Pacifist. Founded the Intl Arbitration & Peace Association in 1880. Painted by ter Kate (qv). P Conf
1828-1902 - Julian Pauncefote - Baron. Perm Under-Sec of State for Foreign Affairs 1882-89. Head of British delegation to 1st Hague Peace Conf in 1899. Conf
1828-1907 - Costantino Nigra - Classical scholar. Created count in 1882 & senator in 1890. Served in Paris, St Petersburg, London & Vienna. Headed delegation at 1st Hague Peace Conf in 1899. Conf
1828-1908 - William Randal Cremer - MP & pacifist. Co-founded the Interparliamentary Union in 1889.
1828-1910 - Henry Dunant - Businessman. Organized ICRC in 1863. Received first Nobel Peace Prize. Painted by ter Kate.
1901 with Frédéric Passy
1828-1912 - Albert K. Smiley - Owner of Mohonk Mountain House in Lake Mohonk, New York. Hosted Conference on International Arbitration in 1895 &
Peace Conference in 1912.
1829-1912 - Auguste Beernaert - Attended Hague Peace Conferences in 1899 & 1907. Helped found Permanent Court of Arbitration. Conf
1830-1913 - Alfred H. Love - Helped found Universal Peace Union (UPU) in 1866 & headed it until his death. Conf
1832-1907 - Moncure Daniel Conway - Abolitionist & author. Minister of South Place Ethical Society in London (England).
1832-1913 - Jacobus Catharinus Cornelis den Beer Poortugael - General & statesman. Authority on laws of war. Attended many conferences including 1st Hague Peace Conf in 1899. Conf
1832-1918 - Andrew Dickson White - Diplomat, historian & educator. Co-founded Cornell University. Led US delegation to First Hague Peace Conference in 1899.
1833-1906 - Elie Ducommun - First director of International Peace Bureau (IPB) in 1891.
1902 with Albert Gobat
1833-1917 - Felix Stone Moscheles - Painter & peace activist. Named for Felix Mendelssohn. Painted H.Pratt & H.Dunant (qv). Pres of London Esperanto Club & Intl Arbitration & Peace Assn. Known as "The Grelix's," he & wife Grete were friends of Bertha von Suttner (qv). P
1836-1902 - Jan Bloch - Banker. Wrote "La Guerre Future" in 1898. Opened world's first peace museum in Lucerne (Switzerland) in 1902.
1836-1910 - Alexandre Ivanovitch de Nelidoff - Diplomat. Ambassador to France. President of 2nd Hague Peace Conference in 1907. Laid cornerstone of Peace Palace. Conf
1836-1925 - Abraham Pieter Cornelis van Karnebeek, Sr. - Politician. Minister of Foreign Afs. Pres Carnegie Foundation 1904-1923. Honored by fountain near Peace Palace. Father of Herman (qv). Conf
1837-1922 - Fredrik Bajer - A founder & 1st president of International Peace Bureau. Conf
1908 with Klas Pontus Arnoldson
1838-1913 - Tobias M. C. Asser - Jurist. Dutch Moses." Created Permanent Court of Arbitration at 1st Hague Peace Conference in 1899. Conf
1911 with Alfred Fried
1843-1914 - Baroness Bertha von Suttner - Radical pacifist. First woman to receive Nobel Peace Prize. Wrote "Lay Down Your Arms!" in 1889. P
1843-1914 - Albert Gobat - First secretary general of Interparliamentary Union. Conf
1902 with Élie Ducommun
1843-1918 - Louis Renault - Jurist & educator. Famous international arbitrator. Conf
1907 with Ernesto Teodoro Moneta.
1843-1918 - Jenkin Lloyd Jones - Organized 1st Parliament of the World's Religions (Chicago 1893) & Abraham Lincoln Centre (1905).
1844-1916 - Klas Pontus Arnoldson - Author, politician & pacifist. First head of Swedish Peace & Arbitration Society in 1883. P Conf
1908 w/Fredric Bajer
1844-1920 - May Wright Sewell - Teacher, suffrigist & art patron. Chair of International Council of Women. Proposed "Peace Day." Lived in Indianapolis Conf
1845-1909 - Feodor Martens - Diplomat & jurist. Represented Russia at the Hague Peace Conferences in 1899 & 1907 (during which he drafted the Martens Clause).
1845-1927 - William O. McDowell - Financier. Founded SAR in 1889. Initiated Columbian Liberty Bell in 1893. Conf Nobel Peace Prize nominee in 1913.
1845-1937 - Elihu Root - Senator from New York. Prototype of the 20th century "wise man." President of Carnegie Endowment for Intl Peace 1910-1925.
1847-1916 - Benjamin Franklin Trueblood - Gen. Sec. of American Peace Society 1892-1915. Wrote The Federation of the World in 1899. Conf
1849-1912 - William Thomas Stead - Journalist. Same peace monument in London (Victoria Embankment) & New York City (Central Park).
1849-1923 - Rui Barbosa - Senator, Minister of Finance & diplomat. Earned the nickname "Eagle of The Hague" at the 2nd Hague Peace Conference in 1899. Conf
1849-1937 - Edwin D. Mead - Reformer.
Leader of World Peace Found, Intl Peace Bureau, School Peace League & Amer Peace League. Married to Lucia Ames Mead (qv). p
1850-1929 - Jan ten Kate - Artist. "The Dutch Vereshchagin." Painted "Guerre a la Guerre / War on War" (showing Bertha von Suttner, Emile Zola , Leo Tolstoy & Henry Dunant) which hung in Jan Bloch's Museum of War and Peace in Luzern (Switzerland).
1851-1925 - Léon Bourgeois - Statesman. President of the Council of the League of Nations after WW-I. Conf
1852-1924 - Paul Henri d'Estournelles de Constant - Diplomat & politician. Advocate of international arbitration. Conf
1854-1929 - Aletta Jacobs - Organized Women's Peace Congress in 1915. Helped found Women's International League for Peace & Freedom.
1856-1936 - Lucia Ames Mead - Reformer. Leader of Woman's Peace Party, Nat Council for Prevention of War, Nat Council of Women & WILPF. Married to Edwin D. Mead (qv). p Conf
1857-1903 - Frederick Holls - Diplomat. Convinced Pres McKinley to attend 1st Hague Peace Conf in 1899. "Father of the Permanent Court of Arbitration."
1857-1943 - Anita Augspurg - Lawyer, actor, writer & feminist. Germany's first female jurist. Partner of Lida Gustava Heymann (qv). At Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom in 1915.
1860-1935 - Jane Addams - Pioneer settlement worker. Founded Hull House & WILPF.
1931 with Nicholas Murray Butler
1864-1921 - Alfred Hermann Fried - Pacifist, publicist & journalist. Co-founded German peace movement.
P Conf
1911 with Tobias Asser
1867-1961 - Emily Greene Balch - Academic, writer & pacifist. P
1946 with John Raleigh Mott
1868-1943 - Lida Gustava Heymann - Prominent in bourgeois women's movement. Partner of Anita Augspurg (qv). Attended Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom in 1915.
1868-1947 -
Anna B. Eckstein - Teacher & pacifist. Sponsored by Edwin Ginn (qv). Attended many peace conferences. Born & died in Germany. P Conf
1870-1926 - Hendrik Coenraad Dresselhuys - Politician. Chaired Nederlandsche Anti-Oorlog Raad (NAOR) & tried to stop WW-I. Conf
1871-1949 - Lou Tseng-Tsiang - Diplomat & Roman Catholic monk. Twice premier of Republic of China. Led Chinese delegation to Paris Peace Conf of 1919.
1871-1955 - Cordell Hull - Longest serving US Secretary of State. "Father of the United Nations" per FDR
1874-1942 - Herman Adriaan van Karnebeek, Jr. - Politician. Minister of Foreign Afs 1918-27. President League of Nations 1921-22. Pres Carnegie Foundation 1935-42. Son of Abraham (qv). Conf