1862-1955 - Zonia Baber - Geographer, geologist & teacher. Mapped peace monuments. Wrote "Peace Symbols" for WILPF.
1886-1954 - Ellen Starr Brinton - Feminist & internationalist. First curator of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection (USA).
1888-1976 - Theodore Lentz - Wrote "Towards a Science of Peace" (1955) & "Towards A Technology of Peace" (1972).
1895-1967 - Gladdys Muir - Brethern. Founded world's first peace studies program at Manchester College, Indiana, leading to many others.
1902-1990 - Elizabeth Evans Baker - Subject of "Peace is Everybody's Business" by Marta Daniels (1999).
1904-1980 - Hans Morgenthau - Academic critic of US foreign policy. Wrote Politics Among Nations: Struggle for Power & Peace in 1948.
1906-1985 - Bert Röling - Jurist. Founder of Dutch polemology. On Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal 1946-1948. Helped found Intl Peace Research Assn in 1964.
1907-2007 - Ralph K.White Wrote "Fearful Warriors: A Psychological Profile of U.S.-Soviet Relations" in 1984.
1910-1993 - Kenneth E. Boulding - Educator, peace activist & cofounder of General Systems Theory. Husband of Elise M. Boulding.
1910-1998 - Earle Reynolds - Constructed the "Phoenix of Hiroshima." Husband of Barbard Leonard Reynolds.
1911-2007 - Anatol Rapoport - Mathematical psychologist. Contributed to general systems theory & social modeling.
1912-1992 - Karl Duetsch - Social & political scientist. Studied war & peace, nationalism, co-operation & communication.
1913-2010 -
Theodore (Ted) Herman - Geography professor. Founded Peace & Conflict Studies Program (P-Con) at Colgate Univ.
1914-2010 - Irwin Abrams - Professor of History, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Academic expert on Nobel Peace Prize. Click here for article.
1915-Alive - John Burton - Helped found International Peace Research Association (PRIO) in 1964.
1916-2006 - Adam Curle - Peace activist. First professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford (England).
1919-Alive - Walter Isard - Principal founder of Regional Science & a main founder of Peace Science.
c1920-c1998 - Harold Josephson - Prof of History, Univ of North Carolina Charlotte. Published "Biographical dictionary of modern peace leaders" in 1985.
1920-2010 - Elise M. Boulding - Important scholar & activist in multiple fields. Wife of Kenneth Boulding (qv).
1928-Alive - Gene Sharp - "The greatest theorist of nonviolence since Gandhi." Wrote "Waging Nonviolent Struggle" in 1973.
1929-Alive - Betty A. Reardon - Founded Peace Education Center at Teachers College (Columbia Univ) & Intl Institute on Peace Education.
1930-Alive - Johan Galtung - Called "Father of Peace Studies." Helped found the Intl Peace Research Inst (PRIO) in 1959. Click here for 2012 report.
c1930-Alive - Michael True. - Professor at Assumption College. President of International Peace Research Assn.
c1934-Alive - Mark Pilisuk - Academic. Expert on poverty. Co-edited 3-volume "Peace Movements Worldwide" with Michael Nagler (qv).
1935-2003 - Edward Said - Palestinian-American literary theorist & advocate for Palestinian rights. A founding figure in postcolonialism.
1935-2005 - Elmer Maas - Philosophy professor & anti-war activist. One of the Plowshares Eight in 1980.
1935-Alive - Rajmohan Gandhi - Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. Wrote "Mohandas: A True Story of a Man, His People..."
c1936-Alive - Anthony Bing - Professor of English & peace studies. Expert in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
1937-Alive - Michael Nagler - Academic & peace activist. Founded Peace & Conflict Studies (PACS) program at UC Berkeley. Brother of Eric Nagler (qv).
1938-1998 -
Paul Smoker - Scholar/activist. Analysed peace problems scientifically. Applied them in his own personal life & politics.
1938-Alive - Colman McCarthy - Journalist, teacher, lecturer, pacifist, anarchist & long-time peace activist. Directs Center for Teaching Peace in Washington, DC. P
1941-Alive - George Lakoff - Cognitive linguist. Famous for identifying underlying metaphors, e.g. argument is war; government is family.
1941-Alive - Lawrence S. Wittner - Peace historian, St Univ of New York Albany. Wrote "Peace Action," "Confronting the Bomb" & Memoirs.
1943-Alive - Paul Rogers - Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford (England).
1944-Alive - George Lakey - Professor of peace studies. Nonviolence organizer. Cofounded Movement for a New Society in 1971. Has Global Nonviolent Action Database.
1944-Alive - Howard Zehr - Codirects Ctr for Justice & Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite Univ, Harrisonburg, VA (USA).
c1945-Alive -
Tom Hastings - Director of peace & nonviolence, Portland State University.
c1947-Alive - David Cortright - Scholar & peace activist. Director of Policy Studies at the Kroc Inst for Intll Peace Studies at Univ of Notre Dame. Chair of Fourth Freedom Forum.
c1948-Alive - Nigel Young - Peace activist. Professor of peace studies. Editor of "Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace" (2010).
1948-Alive - Peter van den Dungen - Born in Haarlem. Peace historian. Founded Intl Network of Museums for Peace 1992. See bibliography.
c1950-Alive - Tom Juravich - Professor of Labor Studies at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Also a musician & labor movement activist.
c1950-Alive - Harry Targ - Director of peace studies program at Purdue University.
1953-Alive - Douglas P. Fry - Anthropologist. Leading authority on aggression, conflict & conflict resolution.
c1960-Alive - Wendy Chmielewski - Curator of Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania (USA).
1966-Alive - Randall Amster - Attorney, activist & educator in peace, ecology, homelessness & anarchism. Prof of Peace Studies at Prescott College. Executive Director of PJSA.
c1980-Alive - Erica Chenoweth - Professor of government. Authority on terrorism & nonviolence. Wrote "Why Civil Resistance Works" & "Rethinking Violence."