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85 Quaker Peacemakers
Click here for peace monuments related to Quakers or Friends.
1611-1660 - Mary Dyer - Quaker martyr. Click here for her statues in at state house in Boston, AFSC in Philadelphia & Earlham College in Richmond, IN.
1624-1691 - George Fox - Religious dissenter. Founded Quakerism after climbing Hill of Vision.
1644-1718 - William Penn - Quaker. Champion of democracy & religious freedom. Founded Pennsylvania. Signed peace with Indians.
1654-1725 - John Bellers - Education & peace theorist. Wrote "Some Reasons for an European State..." Bought land for Hugenots in America. Friend of Wm Penn.
1715-1779 - Israel Pemberton, Jr. - A founder of Friendly Association for Regaining & Preserving Peace with the Indians in 1756.
1720-1772 - John Woolman - Merchant, tailor, journalist, itinerant preacher & early abolitionist. Wrote "A Plea for the Poor" & "Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes"
1760-1846 - Thomas Clarkson - Abolitionist. Helped found Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1787.
1766-1844 - John Dalton - Scientist. Atomic theory & colour blindness pioneer. Where he taught is now part of Manchester Peace Garden.
1770-1843 - William Allen - Scientist & philanthropist. Opposed slavery. Engaged in schemes of social & penal improvement. Founded London Peace Society.
1780-1845 - Elizabeth Fry - Helped make treatment of prisoners more humane. Depicted on £5 note since 2002.
1780-1849 - Edward Hicks - Painted many versions of "Peaceable Kingdom." Click here for peace art.
1789-1839 - Benjamin Lundy - Abolitionist. Established several anti-slavery newspapers. Started the abolutionist movement in 1815.
1793-1859 - Joseph Sturge - Abolitionist. Funded British & Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Helped found Free Villages in Jamaica.
1793-1880 - Lucretia Coffin Mott. - Abolitionist, social reformer & proponent of women's rights. Click here for Quaker monuments.
1799-1872 - Joseph Pease - Railway manager. First Quaker MP. President of the Peace Society 1860-1872.
1800-1889 - Erastus Hussey - Leading abolitionist. "Stationmaster" on Underground Railroad. A Republican Party founder.
1805-1879 - Angelina Grimké Weld - Abolitionist & suffragist. From slave-owning family in South Carolina. Sister of Sarah Grimké.
1815-1874 - Charles Gilpin - Orator, politician & railway director. Published proceedings of 1848 & 1850 peace conferences.
1820-1906 - Susan B. Anthony - Suffragist. Pivotal role in women's rights movement. Averaged 75-100 speeches per year.
1828-1912 - Albert K. Smiley - Owner of Mohonk Mountain House in Lake Mohonk, New York. Hosted Conference on International Arbitration in 1895 & Peace Conference in 1912.
1833-1931 - Priscilla Peckover - Peace campaigner. Founded & financed "Peace & Goodwill" in 1882 & edited it for 50 years.
1836-1926 - Joseph Rowntree - Chocolatier, businessman & philanthropist. Champion of social reform. Set up charitable trusts.
1842-1932 - Anna Elizabeth Dickinson - Orator, abolitionist & suffragist. First woman to speak before US Congress.
1860-1935 - Jane Addams - Pioneer settlement worker. Founded Hull House & WILPF.
1931 with Nicholas Murray Butler
1861-1916 - Will Price - Architect. Co-founded two utopian communities: Arden near Wilmington, DE, & Rose Valley near Philadelphia, PA.
1863-1948 - Rufus Jones - Founded American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) in 1917.
1865-1959 - Laurence Housman - "Grand Old Man" of pacifist movement. Opened Housmans Bookshop in 1945.
1867-1961 - Emily Greene Balch - Academic, writer & pacifist. P
1946 with John Raleigh Mott
1873-1945 - Alfred Salter - Doctor & Labour MP. Opposed RAF bombing. Wrote "The Religion of a CO." Statue on bench in Bermondsey. CO
1874-1964 - Herbert Hoover - Mining engineer. Chaired Commission for Relief in Belgium 1914-19. Fought Flood of 1927. US president 1929-33.
1877-1933 - Henry Hodgkin - Co-founded Fellowship of Reconciliation (England) in 1914. First director of Pendle Hill (USA) in 1930.
1878-1975 - Arthur Ernest Morgan - Civil engineer. Headed Antioch College 1920-36, TVA 1933-38 & intentional communities 1948.
1881-1953 - Lewis Fry Richardson - Scientist & pacifist. Used math to improve weather forecasting & to determine the causes of war.
1882-1944 - Arthur Stanley Eddington - Astrophysicist. Conscientious objector during WW-I. Validated Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
1882-1953 - Wilbur Kelsey Thomas - Pacifist. Exec Sec American Friends Service Committee 1918-29. Director Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation 1930-46.
1883-1974 - Henry Cadbury - Suspended from Haverford College after denouncing "orgy of hate" against Germans. Chaired AFSC 1928-34 & 1944-60. Accepted Nobel Peace Prize.
1884-1965 - Clarence E. Pickett - Exec Sec of Amer Friends Service Committee 1929-1950 (as it recd. Nobel Peace Prize). His best known lecture: "And having done all, to stand."
1884-1966 - Kees Boeke - Helped start FOR, SCI & WRI at his home in Bilthoven. Wrote "Cosmic View" in 1957.
1885-1967 - A. J. Muste - Clergyman & political activist. Worked in labor, pacifist & civil rights movements.
1885-1974 - Richard Gregg - Philosopher of nonviolence. Lived with Scott & Helen Nearing. Influenced MLK, Aldous Huxley, Bayard Rustin & Robert Swann.
1885-1977 - Alice Paul - Suffragist & women's rights activist. Wrote the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
1886-1954 - Ellen Starr Brinton - Feminist & internationalist. First curator of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection (USA).
1889-1982 - Philip Noel-Baker - Politician, diplomat & academic. Athlete. Renowned campaigner for disarmament. P
1895-2001 - Floyd Schmoe - Peace activist. Built houses in Hiroshima (1949-52) & Sadako Sasaki Peace Park in Seattle (1990). See Aki Kurose. P
1896-1984 - Ralph T. Templin - Missionary & teacher. Acquainted with Gandhi in India, Ralph Borsodi in New York & Arthur Morgan in Ohio.
1900-1992 - Mildred Jansen Loomis - Decentralist. Successor to Ralph Borsodi (qv). Operated School of Living (SOL) in OH, MD & PA.
1901-1978 - Margaret Mead - Cultural anthropologist. Featured writer & speaker. Wrote "Coming of Age in Samoa" in 1928.
1903-2004 - Josefina de Vasconcellos - Sculptor of "Reconciliation" Bradford, Coventry, Ireland, Berlin & Hiroshima. Quaker mother & Brazilian father.
1905-1984 - Dorothy Hewitt Hutchinson - AFSC published her "A Call to Peace Now: A Message to the Society of Friends" in l943. That summer, she helped start the Peace Now Movement.
1906-1993 - Albert Bigelow. Freedom rider in 1961. Click here for peace monuments related to boats.
1907-1990 - William R. Huntington. Architect. American Friends Service Committee activist. Sailed on "Golden Rule" to protest US nuclear tests.
1908-19?? - Lawrence Scott - "Radical Quaker." Co-founded CNVA in 1957, AQAG in 1966 & MNS in 1971.
1908-1993 - Sam Levering - Orchardist. See "Citizen Action for Global Change: Neptune Group & Law of the Sea." Husband of Miriam Levering (qv).
1910-1993 - Kenneth E. Boulding - Educator, peace activist & cofounder of General Systems Theory. Husband of Elise M. Boulding.
1910-1998 - Earle Reynolds - Constructed the "Phoenix of Hiroshima." Husband of Barbard Leonard Reynolds.
1912-1987 - Bayard Rustin - Leader in social movements for civil rights, socialism, pacifism, non-violence & gay rights. Advised Martin Luther King, Jr.
1913-1991 - Miriam Levering - Orchardist. See "Citizen Action for Global Change: Neptune Group & Law of the Sea." Wife of Sam Levering (qv).
1914-1993 - James Peck. Click here for peace monuments related to boats.
1914-2010 - George Willoughby. Advocate for world peace. Click here for peace monuments related to boats. CO
1914-2010 - Irwin Abrams. Academic expert on Nobel Peace Prize; click here for article.
1915-1968 - Thomas Merton - Catholic writer, social activist & student of comparative religion.
1916-2002 - Stephen G. Cary - American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) administrator. Ran CO camps & European relief.
1916-2006 - Adam Curle - Peace activist. First professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford (England).
1916-2012 - John R. Ewbank - Lawyer, communitarian, world federalist & decentralist. Wrote "A History of the World Government Movement" about 2001.
1917-1984 - Barbara Deming - Writer. Gandhian. Open lesbian. "Created a body of non-violent theory centered on the women's movement."
1919-2010 - Gene Knudsen Hoffman - Counselor, poet, actress, writer & international peacemaker. Founded Compassionate Listening.
1919-Alive - Walter Isard - Principal founder of Regional Science & a main founder of Peace Science.
1920-2010 - Elise M. Boulding - Important scholar & activist in multiple fields. Wife of Kenneth Boulding (qv).
1921-2014 - Marjorie Swann Edwin - Nuclear resister. Co-founded Cte for Nonviolent Action in 1957. Wife of Robert Swann (qv).
1926-Alive - Jim Bohlen. Engineer. Peace activist in British Columbia (Canada). Helped found Greenpeace.
1928-Alive - Gene Sharp - "The greatest theorist of nonviolence since Gandhi."
1929-Alive - Staughton Lynd - Radical & author. Subject of "The Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd & Cold War Dissent, 1945-1970."
1933-1965 - Norman R. Morrison - Commited suicide at Pentagon to protest Vietnam War.
1934-2015 - Margaret (Maggie) Glover - Artist & peace activist. "Quaker radical." PhD thesis in 2002 = "Images of peace in Britain fm late 19th century to 2nd World War."
[Info fm Peter van den Dungen]
c1935-2015 - George Farebrother - History teacher. UK Secretary of World Court Project (got advisory opinion in July 1996 against use of nuclear weapons).
[Added by Peter van den Dungen]
c1936-Alive - Anthony Bing - Professor of English & peace studies at Earlham College. Expert on Israel/Palestine conflict. Exec Director of Peace Studies Assn (PSA) 1994-2001.
1941-Alive - Joan Baez - Folk singer. Civil rights activist. Married to David Harris (qv) 1968-1973. Relationships with Bob Dylan (qv) & Steve Jobs.
1941-Alive - David Hartsough - Anti-war activist. Co-founded Gandhi-like Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) in 2002 after attending Hague Appeal for Peace.
1942-2011 - Carolyna Marks - Artist, teacher & peace activist. Founded World Wall for Peace 1983 - walls in 6 states, Russia, Israel, Japan & S.Africa. See obit.
1943-Alive - Scilla Elworthy - Political scientist. Founded the Oxford Research Group in 1982.
1944-Alive - George Lakey - Professor of peace studies. Nonviolence organizer. Cofounded Movement for a New Society in 1971.
1948-Alive - Lewis M. Randa - Founded the Peace Abbey, Sherborn, Massachusetts (USA), in 1988.
1951-2006 - Tom Fox - Member of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). Killed in Iraq in 2006.
c1954-Alive - Linda Stout - Activist. Created Piedmont Peace Project & Spirit in Action. Wrote "Bridging the Class Divide" in 1997.
c1975-Alive - Jennifer Bing - Organizer with American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) since 1990. Daughter of Prof. Anthony Bing.
Please email your comments & questions to geovisual @ comcast.net. Thank you.