26 Notable Peacemakers in Switzerland Click here for peace monuments in Switzrland. | Click here for Red Cross monuments. Click here for return to worldwide list of notable peacemakers (& for meaning of symbols).
1908 = Median birth year + 50 years
1466-1536 - Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam - Priest & humanist. "Inventor of peace." Wrote "Dulce Bellus Inexpertis." Spent time in Basel (Switzerland) & is entombed there.
1511-1553 - Michael Servetus - Theologian, physician, cartographer & humanist. In Protestant Reformation. Nontrinitarian. Burned at the stake in Geneva.
1712-1778 - Jean Jacques Rousseau - Philosopher. For religious toleration. Influenced French & Am. Revolutions.
Wrote "Emile" in 1762.
1782-1839 - Jean-Jaques de Sellon - Wealthy Geneva philanthropist. Ended death penalty.
Built Temple of Friendship & Peace in 1820. Founded Société de la Paix de Genève in 1830.
1787-1875 - Guillaume Henri Dufour - Army officer, engineer & topographer. Click here for monuments related to the Red Cross.
1817-1890 - Gustave-Philippe Revilliod - Archelogist, art collector, editor & doctor. Placed Japanese Cloche de Shinagawa/Shinagawa Bell in Parc du Ariana Museum, Geneva. Died in Cairo (Egypt).
1818-1898 - Louis Appia - Surgeon. Member of "Committee of Five" (precursor of Red Cross). Influenced Clara Barton. Proposed the Red Cross flag.
1826-1910 - Gustave Moynier - Jurist & social activist. Co-founded "Intl. Committee for Relief to the Wounded." Rival of Henry Dunant.
1828-1910 - Henri Dunant - Businessman. Organized ICRC in 1863. Received first Nobel Peace Prize. Painted by ter Kate.
1901 with Frédéric Passy
1833-1906 - Elie Ducommun - Peace activist. First director of International Peace Bureau (IPB) in 1891.
1902 with Albert Gobat
1836-1902 - Jan Bloch - Banker. Wrote "La Guerre Future" in 1898. Opened world's first peace museum in Lucerne (Switzerland) in 1902.
1843-1914 - Albert Gobat - Lawyer & politician. First secretary general of Interparliamentary Union.
1902 with Élie Ducommun
1857-1943 - Anita Augspurg - Lawyer, actor, writer & feminist. Germany's first female jurist. Partner of Lida Gustava Heymann (qv). At Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom in 1915.
1860-1904 - Theodor Herzl - Journalist & Georgist. Held First Zionist Congress in Basel (Switzerland) in 1897. Promoted Jewish migration to Palestine. Called "Visionary of the State" of Israel. Buried in Jerusalem.
1861-1925 - Rudolph Steiner - Literary critic & cultural philosopher. Founded Anthroposophy. Built First Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland).
1868-1943 - Lida Gustava Heymann - Prominent in bourgeois women's movement. Partner of Anita Augspurg (qv). Attended Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom in 1915.
1879-1945 - Pierre Creesole - Engineer. Founded Service Civil International or International Voluntary Service for Peace (IVSP) in 1920. P
1885-1966 - Paul Manship - Sculptor. Made 1939 Armillary Sphere honoring Woodrow Wilson at Palais des Nations in Geneva & Philadelphia (USA). Also "Prometheus" at Rockefeller Center in NY City.
1886-1982 - Karl Bickel - Artist. Postage stamp designer. Created Paxmal in Walenstadtberg (Switzerland).
1887-1920 - Hector Hodler - Journalist. Pursued social questions, pacifism & animal protection. Helped create World Esperanto Assn (UEA) in 1908. P
1904-1961 - Marcel Junod - Field delegate of International Committee of the Red Cross. See monument in Hiroshima (Japan).
1909-Alive - Hans Erni. Artist. Painted Peace Fresco "Tu panta rei" at Palais des Nations, Geneva.
1932-Alive - Cornelio Sommaruga - Humanitarian, lawyer & diplomat. Pres of the Intl Cte of Red Cross ICRC) 1987-99. Chair of Geneva Intl Ctr Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD).
1941-Alive - Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold - Anthropologist & MP. Named 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.
1954-Alive - Roger Mayou - Art historian. Was artistic advisor at UBS. Director of International Red Cross & Red Crescent Museum in Geneva since 1998.
c1960-Alive - Colin Archer - Secretary-General of the International Peace Bureau in Geneva since 1990.
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