168 Assassinated or Murdered Peacemakers
Click here for return to worldwide list of Notable Peacemakers (& for meaning of symbols).
In Birth OrderN.B.: This list does not include all Holocaust victims. Click here for Nazi resisters & Holocaust victims.
Click here for the names of 38 civil rights martyrs in the USA 1954-1968.
= Assassinated or murdered. |
= Burned. |
= Lynched. |
= Child or young adult.
Note #1: This web page is a sub-set of the master list of Notable Peacemakers. Normally the term "peacemaker" applies to persons who render significant services for "peace" during their lifetimes. The original intention of this web page was to list peacemakers who were assassinated or murdered by their enemies, and it was not intended to list mere victims or martyrs. But three "problems" became apparent: (1) Some persons are killed while they are still children or young adults and have therefore not actually rendered significant services for "peace" in their short lifetimes. (2) Unjust executions and state murder are not usually called "assassination" but also remove persons (peacemakers or other) who represent "peace" in one way or another. And (3) some peacemakers are not individually targeted but killed along with others, e.g. in a terorist bombing. Accordingly, this list includes some victims or martyrs who would not normally be classified as true "peacemakers" or whose murder is not an "assassination" in the strict sense of the word.
Note #2: This list -- like other lists of peacemakers on this website -- is in birth order (at least by year of birth). This is a rough indication of age cohorts which operate throughout the peacemakers' lifetimes. Click here for a list of the same assassinated peacemakers in death order which more accurately reflects how their assassinations are related in time. Most victims of assassination are cut down not in old age but in the prime of their lives (or, if children, as the innocent victims of forces over which they have no influence).
???-??? BCE - Abel - First human being to die (according to the Book of Genesis). Killed by his brother Cain.
c6 BCE-c35 AD - Jesus of Nazareth - The Christ. "Prince of Peace." Preached "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Crucified.
c370-415 AD - Hypatia - First notable female mathematician. Assassinated by Christian mob. A symbol of martryed Reason, feminism & Classical paganism.
c1118-1170 - Thomas Becket - Archbishop of Canterbury 1162-1170. Murdered in his cathedral. Venerated as a saint & martyr.
1412-1431 - Joan of Arc - Semi-legendary as a brave & active woman. Burned at the stake (age 19) but beatified in 1909 & canonized in 1920.
1489-1556 - Thomas Cranmer - Archbishop of Canterbury 1533-1555. Burned at the stake as a heretic to Roman Catholics & a martyr of the English Reformation.
1495-1527 - Michael Sattler - Benedictine Monk, then Anabaptist leader. Helped develop Schleitheim Confession. "Burned after severe torture." His wife Margareta & others were drowned.
1509-1539 - Anneke Esaiasdochter - Anabaptist martyr. Remembered letter to infant son Isaiah in "Martyr's Mirror." Drowned for heresy due to connection to David Joris. Also called Anna Jansz.
1511-1553 - Michael Servetus - Theologian, physician, cartographer & humanist. In Protestant Reformation. Nontrinitarian. Burned at the stake in Geneva.
c1530-1569 - Dirk Willems - Celebrated Anabaptist martyr. Escaping from prison but rescued his pursuer who fell through thin ice. Was then recaptured, tortured & killed for his faith.
1576-1628 - Roque González de Santa Cruz - Jesuit priest, doctor, engineer, architect, farmer & pastor. Protected indigenous Indians from the slave trade.
1607-1646 - Isaac Jogues, SJ - Jesuit priest & missionary. Traveled & worked among Native Americans. Martyred by Mohawks near present day Auriesville, NY.
1748-1793 - Olympe de Gouges - Playwright, political activist & early feminist. Advocated for slaves in the colonies. Wrote Declaration of the Rights of Woman & the Female Citizen (1791). Executed.
1785-1830 - David Walker - Abolitionist. Wrote one of the first abilitionist texts ("To the Coloured Citizens of the World") c.1829. Died in Boston "possibly assassinated by the slaveocracy."
1802-1837 - Elijah Parish Lovejoy - Presbyterian minister & journalist. Edited abolitionist newspaper "Alton Observer." Killed by pro-slavery mob.
1809-1865 - Abraham Lincoln - 16th US president 1861-65. Led the USA through the Civil War. Preserved the Union while ending slavery.
1818-1881 - Alexander II - Emperor of Russia 1855-81. Emancipated the serfs in 1861, for which he was called Alexander the Liberator. His son Alexander III was called The Peacemaker.
1843-1901 - William McKinley - 25th US president. Considered a peacemaker. Shot & fatally wounded by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY.
1859-1914 - Jean Jaurčs - Pacifist & Socialist deputy. Defender of Alfred Dreyfus. Assassinated in a Parisian café at outbreak of World War-I. P
1863-1914 - Archduke Franz Ferdinand - Heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. His assassination in Sarajevo precipitated World War I. Wife also killed.
1863-1944 - Victor Basch - Professor & Zionist. President of Ligue des droits de l'homme 1926-1944. Assassinated by antisemitic Vichy French Milice Française. Wife also killed.
1865-1915 - Edith Cavell - Nurse. Executed in Belgium for allowing German prisoners to escape.
1867-1919 - Kurt Eisner - Politician & journalist. Declared Bavaria a free state & republic in 1918. Blamed Prussia for bringing about World War I.
1867-1922 - Walther Rathenau - Industrialist & statesman. Foreign Minister during Weimar Republic. Assassinated two months after signing Treaty of Rapallo.
1869-1948 - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - "The Great Soul." Leader of Indian independence movement. Pioneer of satyagraha.
1871-1919 - Rosa Luxemburg - Marxist theorist, philosopher, economist & revolutionary socialist.
1878-1942 - Janusz Korczak - Doctor & educator. Acccompanied Jewish orphans to Treblinka where he was murdered. Monument at Yad Vashem.
1879-1915 - Joe Hill - Labor activist (Industrial Workers of the World) & songwriter. Wrote "There'll be Pie in the Sky By-and-By." Executed after mysterious trial.
1879-1917 - Frank Little - Labor activist (Industrial Workers of the World). Lynched in Butte, Montana.
1879-1940 - Leon Trotsky - Marxist revolutionary & Soviet politician. Founder of the Red Army. Opposed Stalin. Exiled to Mexico. Affair with Frida Kahlo [1907-1954]. Assassinated.
1879-1943 - Carlo Tresca - Editor, orator & labor organizer. Led Industrial Workers of the World in 1910's. Opposed fascism, Stalinism & Mafia. Assassinated by Mafia gunman.
1881-1920 - Hans Paasche - Navy officer, politician, big game hunter & "combative pacifist." Attempted to change the Prussian Deutschland-über-alles military mindset. P
1881-1942 - Titus Brandsma - Catholic priest & philosophy professor. Called "Apostle of Peace." Vehemently opposed Nazi ideology. Killed at Dachau.
1881-1943 - Rosa Manus - Pacifist & activist for women's suffrage & women's rights in general. Executed at Ravensbrück Concentration Camp. P
Named by Gerard Lössbroek.
1882-1951 - Abdullah I - King of Jordan. Born in Mecca, Hejaz, Ottoman Empire. Allied w/UK in WW-I. Led Great Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule. Assassinated in Jerusalem.
1884-1915 - Leo Frank - Factory superintendent whose lynching by prominent citizens in Marietta, Georgia, drew attention to antisemitism in the USA.
1888-1942 - Emil Flusser - Pediatrician. His 1932 "War as Illness" (w/forward by Albert Einstein) said war is a physic epidemic.
1889-1938 - Carl von Ossietzky. Journalist. Exposed Germany's Treaty of Versailles violations. Opposed Hitler. Executed. P
1890-1922 - Michael Collins - Politician. "Sought to bring an incremental peace to his troubled native land. Killed by the Irish Republican Army (IRA)."
1895-1947 - Tan Ting-pho - Painter. His "Street of Chiayi" featured at 1926 Empire Art Expo in Japan. Devoted to education & creation. Murdered as a result of the 228 Incident.
1895-1948 - Folke Bernadotte - Middle East peace mediator. Assassinated by militant Zionist group Lehi.
1896-1948 - Thomas C. Wasson - US Consul General in Jerusalem.
1897-1937 - José Robles - Academic, translator & left-wing activist. Exiled to USA. Friend of John Dos Passos. Executed during Spainish Civil War (by Russian agents?).
1897-1939 - Paul Schneider - Evangelical pastor (old-Prussian Union). First Protestant minister to be martyred by the Nazis. Died at Buchenwald.
1897-1944 - Jane Haining - Missionary. Cared for Jewish children in Budapest. Killed at Auschwitz. One of only 10 Holocaust victims from Scotland.
1898-c1920 - Clayton Kratz - Mennonite relief worker in Ukraine. Disappeared from village of Halbstadt in the German Mennonite settlement of Molotschna during the Russian Civil War.
1904-1942 - Lidia Zamenhof - Youngest daughter of Ludwig (qv). Promoted Esperanto, Homaranismo & Bahá'í Faith. Taught in USA. Murdered at Treblinka.
1904-1974 - Alberta Williams King - Mother of Martin Luther King, Jr. (qv). Shot & killed at organ of Ebenezer Baptist Church 6 years after MLK. (A deacon also killed.)
1905-1935 - Gareth Jones - Journalist. Revealed Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33 (Holodomor) to Western world. Killed in Japanese-occupied Manchukuo (by Russian agents?).
1905-1961 - Dag Hammarskjöld - UN Sec Gen 1953-1961. Born as his father helped negotiate dissolution of union between Sweden & Norway. Shot down?
1906-1957 - Rudolf Kastner - Zionist leader. Negotiated the "Kastner Train" with the Nazis. Tried in Israel. Assassinated in Tel Aviv.
1906-1984 - Hilda Murrell - Rose grower. Campaigned against nuclear energy & weapons. Murdered mysteriously.
1907-1943 - Franz Jagerstatter - Conscientious objector. Executed by Nazis. Declared a martyr & beatified by Catholic Church. CO
1911-1930 - Abram Smith - Shoeshine boy. Lynched by white mob in Marion, Indiana. Photo of him & Thomas Shipp is an iconic document of US racism.
1912-1930 - Thomas Shipp - Foundry worker. Lynched by white mob in Marion, Indiana. Photo of him & Abram Smith is an iconic document of US racism.
1912-1963 - Greigoris Lambrakis - Politician, track & field athlete & medical school faculty member. Assassinated at anti-war meeting in Thessaloniki. P
1912-2002 - Sofian Boghiu - Monk & spiritual guide. Opposed the totalitarian Communist regime. A fost membru al "Rugului Aprins," detinut politic între 1958-1964.
1913-1980 - William Richard Tolbert, Jr. - 20th President of Liberia 1971-1980. Initiated some liberal & economic reforms. Killed in coup d'état of Samuel Doe.
1915-1977 - Charles E. Brooks - Labour union activist. First president of the United Auto Workers Local 444 in Windsor. Assassinated by an upset employee of Chrysler Motors.
1917-1963 - John F. Kennedy - US senator 1953-1960 & president 1961-1963. Created Peace Corps in 1961.
1917-1976 - Francis Edward Meloy, Jr. - American ambassdor to Lebanon. Assassinated by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
1917-1980 - Óscar Romero - Fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. Spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations & torture. Assassinated while offering Mass.
1917-1984 - Indira Nehru Gandhi - PM of India 1966-77 & 1980-84. Central figure of National Congress Party. Named "Woman of the Millennium" in a BBC poll in 1999.
1918-1973 - Cleo A. Noel, Jr. - US ambassador to Sudan. Murdered with 2 others by Black September Palestinian terrorist organization during attack on Saudi embassy in Khartoum.
1918-1981 - Anwar al-Sadat - President of Egypt 1970-81. Visited Israel in 1977. Signed Camp David Accords in 1978.
1978 w/Menachem Begin
1919-1995 - Madalyn Murray O'Hair - Atheist activist. Founded American Atheists. Sued to end official Bible-reading in public schools. Murdered.
1920-1969 - Eduardo Mondlane - Anthropologist. Sociology professor at Syracuse University. President of FRELIMO from 1962. Assassinated in Dar-es-Salaam.
1920-1979 - Adolph Dubs - US Ambassador to Afghanistan. Killed in an exchange of gunfire after a kidnapping attempt.
1921-1976 - Zuzu Angel - Fashion designer. Famous for opposing Brazilian military dictatorship after forced disappearance of her son Stuart. Killed in suspicious car crash.
1921-1974 - Rodger Davies - US abassador to Cyprus. Killed at the emabasy by Greek Cypriots demonstrating against US "failure" to stop the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.
1922-1995 - Yitzhak Rabin. - Israel PM 1974-77 & 1992-95. Signed Oslo Accords in 1993.
1994 with Yasser Arafat & Shimon Peres
1923-1947 - Willie Earle - Armed-robbery suspect. Lynched by 31 white men acquited by an all-white jury in Greenville, SC. Case received national press coverage.
1925-1963 - Medgar Evers - Civil rights worker. Shot & killed in his driveway in Jackson, Mississippi, on June 12, 1963, by a member of the White Citizens' Council.
1925-1965 - Viola Liuzzo - Civil rights volunteer. Murdered just after voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. Monument on highway. See James Reeb.
1925-1968 - Robert F. Kennedy - US attorney general 1961-1964 & senator 1965-1968. Assassinated (2 months after MLK) in Los Angeles while running for president.
1925-1989 - Malcolm X - Muslim minister & militant human rights activist. Gunned down at meeting in NY City.
1926-1960 - María Argentina Minerva Mirabal Reyes - Opposed dictator Rafael Trujillo. Assassinated by his henchmen along with two of her three sisters.
1926-1993 - Posadas Ocampo - Cardinal. Killed by drug traffickers in parking lot Guadalajara International Airport with six others.
1927-1965 - James Reeb - UU minister. Killed in Selma, Alabama, while supporting Black voting rights. Two monuments in Selma. See Viola Liuzzo.
1927-1986 - Olof Palme - Two-term prime minister. UN mediator in Iran–Iraq War. Steadfast in non-alignment & against apartheid in South Africa. Assassinated.
1928-1944 - Petr Ginz - Wrote an Esperanto-Czech dictionary. Gassed at Auschwitz age 16. His moon drawing carried aboard Space Shuttle Columbia.
1928-1967 - Ernesto (Che) Guevara - Marxist revolutionary, physician, & guerrilla. Fought in Cuba, Congo & Bolivia. A ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion in popular culture.
1929-1968 - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights.
1930-1978 - Harvey Milk - Politician. First openly gay man to be elected to public office in California. Assassinated by another San Francisco city supervisor.
1931-2005 - Dorothy Stang - Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. Outspoken on behalf of the poor & environment. Received death threats & murdered in Amazon Basin.
1932-1983 - Benigno Aquino, Jr. - Senator 1967-72 & Governor of Tarlac. Led opposition to President Ferdinand Marcos. Assassinated at Manila Intl Airport upon returning from USA.
1932-1976 - Orlando Letelier - Economist, politician & diplomat under Socialist Pres. Salvador Allende. Assassinated in Washington, DC, w/his assistant by Pinochet agents.
1932-1985 - Diane Fossey - Primatologist. Studied mountain gorillas of Rwanda for 18 years. Murdered in Ruhengeri by unknown assailants.
1936-1972 - Ghassan Kanafani - Writer & leading member of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Assassinated in Beirut by the Mossad of Israel using car bomb.
1937-1994 - Juvénal Habyarimana - President of Rwanda 1973-94. Killed with Burundi president when their plane was shot down near Kigali airport (leading to Rwandan Genocide).
1937-2011 - Facundo Cabral - Argentine folksinger & peace activist. UN Messenger of Peace. Assassinated in Guatemala City.
1938-1965 - Jimmie Lee Jackson - Civil rights activist & a Baptist deacon in Alabama. Beaten & shot by state troopers 13 days before James Reeb (qv). His death inspired the Selma to Montgomery marches.
1939-1964 - Michael (Mickey) Schwerner - Civil rights worker. Murdered by Klu Klux Klan near Philadelphia, Mississippi, with James Chaney & Andrew Goodman.
1940-1962? - Daniel Amstutz Gerber - Mennonite Central Committee missionary in Vietnam. One of 3 abducted from leprosarium by Viet Cong in 1962 & mssing ever since.
1940-1980 - John Lennon - Singer-songwriter. Original Beatle 1960. Married Yoko Ono (qv) 1969. Wrote "Give Peace a Chance" & "Imagine."
1940-2011 - Burhanuddin Rabbani - President of Afghanistan 1992-1996. Assassinated by suicide bomber at home in Kabul. President Hamid Karzai gave him title of "Martyr of Peace".
1941-1955 - Emmett Till - African-American boy from Chicago. Murdered in Mississippi at age 14 after allegedly flirting with a white woman.
1941-1984 - André Jarlan - Sacerdote católico. Missionary among the poor. Asesinado por Carabineros de Chile durante una manifestación contra Augusto Pinochet.
1941-1995 - Ken Saro-Wiwa - Writer, TV producer & environmental activist. Received Right Livelihood Award. Hanged by the military government.
1941-2009 - George Tiller - Physician. Gained national attention as director of a clinic providing late-term abortions. Killed by anti-abortion activist at his church in Wichita, Kansas.
1943-1964 - James Earl Chaney - Civil rights worker. Murdered by Klu Klux Klan near Philadelphia, Mississippi, with Andrew Goodman & Michael (Mickey) Schwerner.
1943-1964 - Andrew Goodman - Civil rights worker. Murdered by Klu Klux Klan near Philadelphia, Mississippi, with James Chaney & Michael (Mickey) Schwerner.
1944-1985 - Alex Odeh - Regional director of American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC). Killed by bomb as he opened his office door in Santa Ana, California.
1944-1988 - Chico Mendes - Rubber tapper, trade unionist & environmentalist. Fought for Amazon rainforest & advocated for indigenous peoples. Assassinated by a rancher.
1944-1991 - Rajiv Gandhi - 7th Prime Minister of India 1984-89 (succeeding his mother Indira Gandhi). Married Italian waitress Antonia Maino. Assassinated in a village near Chennai.
1945-1971 - Ted Studebaker - Brethren, pacifist & conscientious objector. Agricultural worker during the Vietnam War. Executed by North Vietnam. P CO
1945-1975 - Anna Mae Aquash - Mi'kmaq from Nova Scotia. Highest-ranking woman in American Indian Movement (AIM). Killed on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
1945-1990 - Joseph Doucé - Psychologist & Baptist pastor in Paris. Among founders of Intl Lesbian & Gay Association. Killed by French secret police?
1945-2006 - Andrea Santoro - Roman Catholic priest. Part of Fidei donum missionary program. Murdered in Santa Maria Church, Trabzon, Turkey.
1945-2007 - Iccho Itoh - Mayor of Nagasaki from 1995. Testified at World Court against nuclear weapons. Killed by a senior member of Yamaguchi-gumi, an organized crime group.
1946-1974 - Karen Silkwood - Plutonium worker & labor union activist. Raised health & safety concerns at Kerr-McGee plant in California. Died mysteriously at age 28.
1946-1977 - Stephen Biko - Founder & leader of Black Consciousness Movement. Died in police custody.
1946-1993 - David Gunn - Abortion doctor. Killed in Pensacola. FL. One of 8 abortion murders in the USA.
1946-2013 - Narendra Dabholkar - Atheist doctor. Exposed religious charlatans, quacks, frauds & purveyors of "miracle cures." Killed by "right-wing Hindu organization" Sanatan Sanstha.
1947-1983 - Emil Grunzweig - Peace activist. Member of Peace Now. Killed by grenade thown at a peace rally in Jerusalem.
1947-1985 - Matthew Goniwe - Teacher. Anti-apartheid activist. One of the "Cradock Four" murdered by police. "A turning point in the strugle."
1947-1992 - Petra Kelly - Helped found German Green Party after living in USA 1959-70. Murdered at age 44.
1947-2008 - Linda Kraeger - Co-authored "Trust & Treachery: A Historical Novel of Roger Williams in America." One of 2 UU's randomly killed at UU church in Knoxville, TN.
1948-1969 - Fred Hampton - African-American activist in Black Panther Party (BPP). Murdered at his apartment during a raid by a "law enforcement."
1948-2003 - Sérgio Vieira de Mello - Special Rep of UN Sec General in Iraq. Killed by al-Qaeda with 21 in Canal Hotel bombing. Click here for UN peace monuments.
1949-1963 - Addie Mae Collins - Child. Killed with 3 other Black children by white supremicist bomb at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
1950-1970 - Jeffrey Glenn Miller - Student at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. One of four students shot & killed by Ohio National Guardsmen during Vietnam war protest.
1951-1983 - Janet Lee Stevens - Journalist in Beirut (Lebanon). Proved Israel responsible for Sabra & Shatila massacre. Pregnant when killed w/63 others in US embassy bombing.
1951-1998 - Marsha Gómez - Sculptor, potter & activist. Sculpted "Madre del Mundo" statue in Texas & Nevada. Killed by her schizophrenic son.
1951-2006 - Tom Fox - Member of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). Killed in Iraq in 2006.
1952-2012 - Oswaldo Payá - Political activist. Founded Christian Liberation Movement in 1987 to oppose Cuban Communist Party. Organized Varela Project for freedoms of speech & assembly.
1953-1980 - Jean Donovan - Maryknoll lay missionary. Raped & killed with 3 American nuns by Salvadorian army.
1953-2005 - Stanley Tookie Williams - Gang member conviced of four murders in 1979. Executed by California despite writing many anti-gang & anti-violence books during 26 years in prison.
1953-2007 - Benazir Bhutto - 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan. In 1988, she became 1st woman to be elected head of an Islamic state.
1954-1995 - Jon Garth Murray - Son of Madalyn Murray O'Hair (qv). President of Am Atheists 1986-1995.Murdered with his mother & niece Robin Murray O'Hair by David Waters.
1956-1979 - Solomon Mahlangu - ANC member. Trained as “The Spear of the Nation” soldier. Wrongfully accused of murder & terrorism. Executed by hanging at age 23.
1957-2004 - Theo van Gogh - Film director, writer & critic. Opposed Muslim treatment of women. Murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri.
1958-2006 - Anna Politkovskaya - Journalist, writer & human rights activist. Known for opposition to the Chechen conflict. (Born in NYC while father was Ukranian diplomat)
1958-2009 - Natalia Estemirova - Human rights activist. On board of Russian human rights organisation Memorial. Abducted from her home in Grozny, Chechnya.
1958-2011 - Juliano Mer-Khamis - Actor & political activist. Murdered in Janin (Occupied West Bank) at Freedom Theatre which he founded in 2006.
1959-2015 - Boris Nemtsov - Scientist & liberal politician. Outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin. Opposed "Putin's war" in Ukraine & Russian financial crisis.
1960-2012 - J. Christopher Stevens - US Ambassador to Libya. Killed with 3 others during terrorist raid on US consulate in Benghazi.
1960-2014 - Pierre Korkie - Teacher. Shot dead with Luke Somers (qv) in Yemen during rescue attempt by US commandos. Husband of Yolande Korkie (also captured but released earlier).
1963-1976 - Hector Pieterson - Student killed during the 1976 Soweto uprising. Became icon when his photo was published around the world.
1963-2002 - Daniel Pearl - Journalist. Dual citizenship (US & Israel). Decapitated by Al-Qaeda member Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Pakistan.
1963-2004 - Paul Khlebnikov - Journalist & historian of Russian history. Editor of Russian edition of Forbes magazine. His murder in Moscow seen as a blow against investigative journalism.
1964-2001 - Digna Ochoa - Human rights lawyer. Defended peasant ecologists in Guerrero. Received post mortem International Human Rights Award from Global Exchange.
1964-2013 - Chokri Belaďd - Lawyer & politician. Opposed Ben Ali regime prior to the 2011 Tunisian revolution & subsequent Islamist government. Funeral attended by million people.
1967-2015 - Stéphane Charbonnier - Called "Charb." Satirical caricaturist & journalist. Joined Charlie Hebdo in 1992 & became its editor in 2009. Murdered with 11 others by two Islamist terrorists.
1968-2008 - Mellitus Mugabe Were - Politician. Voice for moderation in Kenya's escalating political crisis. Shuttled between ethnic groups. Organized a youth peace march.
1970-2014 - David Haines - Aid worker. Beheaded by Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS).
1971-2009 - Oscar Kamau Kingara - Human rights activist. Killed with John Paul Oulo.
1971-2010 - Chidi Nwosu - Anti-corruption activist. Founded Human Rights, Justice & Peace Foundation. Assassinated at age 39.
1972-2015 - Avijit Roy - Atheist activist. Founded Mukto-Mona for freethinkers, rationalists, skeptics, atheists & humanists. Hacked to death in Dhaka by Muslim extremists.
1973-2014 - James Foley - Journalist & video reporter. Abducted during Syrian Civil War. Beheaded by Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS). See Steven Sotloff.
1974-2009 - Stanislav Markelov - Human rights lawyer. Participated in publicized cases, including those of police violence victims & journalists.
1974-2016 - Jo Leadbeater Cox - Oxfam worker & Labour Party MP from Yorkshire. Assassinated at age 42 by white supremicist.
1975-2011 - Vitorrio Arrigoni - Reporter, pacifist & activist. Worked with International Solidarity Movement (ISM) in Gaza Strip from 2008. Kidnapped & killed. P
1975-2015 - Sabeen Mahmud - Human rights activist. Founded The Second Floor (T2F) in Karachi. Wanted to "change the world for the better through the Internet." Shot after program on Balochistan's "disappeared."
1976-1998 - Matthew Shepard - Student at University of Wyoming. Tortured & murdered near Laramie in October 1998. Monument in Casper.
1978-2007 - Andrea Parhamovich - Employee of National Democratic Institute (NDI). Killed in Baghdad (Iraq) after teaching a class on democracy.
1979-2003 - Rachel Corrie - Member of International Solidarity Movement (ISM). Killed by Israeli bulldozer while protecting a Palestinian home in Gaza Strip.
1981-2004 - Tom Hurndall - Photography student. Intl Solidarity Movement volunteer. Shot in Gaza Strip by an Israeli sniper who was emprisoned for his crime.
1981-2005 - Shaima Rezayee - Journalist & first female TV presenter in Afghanistan. Adopted western dress. Shot dead at her home in Kabul.
1981-2014 - Luke Somers - Freelance photojournalist. Shot dead with Pierre Korkie (qv) in Yemen during rescue attempt by US commandos.
1983-2000 - Asel Asleh - Arab Israeli. Member of Seeds of Peace (SOP) since 1997. Killed by Israeli forces at onset of Second Intifada while wearing SOP t-shirt.
1983-2014 - Steven Sotloff - Journalist & video reporter. Abducted during Syrian Civil War. Beheaded by Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS). See James Foley.
1983-2015 - Ananta Bijoy Ras - Atheist blogger. Hacked to death in Sylhet, Bangladesh, by Muslim extremists.
1984-2009 - Catherine (Kate) Puzey - Peace Corps Volunteer in Benin. Murdered after exposing sexual abuse of young girls.
1988-2000 - Muhammad al-Durrah - Killed by Israeli forces on 2nd day of Second Intifada while cowering with his father. Photographed by Abu Rahma. Monument in Bamako (Mali).
1988-2014 - Peter Kassig - Humanitarian. Founded Special Emergency Response & Assistance (SERA). Converted to Islam. Beheaded by ISIS.
1988-2015 - Kayla Mueller - Humanitarian aid worker from Prescott, AZ. Captured Aug 2013 in Aleppo (Syria) at a Doctors Without Borders hospital. In Feb 2015 ISIS said she killed by Jordanian air strike.
1988-2015 - Washiqur Rahman - Atheist blogger. Assassinated in Dhaka.
1991-2007 - Aqsa (Axa) Parvez - Pakistani origin. Victim of "honour killing" by her father & brother in Mississauga, Ontario (Canada).
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