c350–415 - Hypatia - Neoplatonist philosopher & the first notable woman in mathematics. Murdered by a Christian mob in Alexandria.
c1510-1579 - Ferenc Dávid - Nontrinitarian & Unitarian preacher. Founded Unitarian Church of Transylvania in 1568.
1511-1553 - Michael Servetus - Theologian, physician, cartographer & humanist. In Protestant Reformation. Nontrinitarian. Burned at stake in Geneva (Switzerland).
1723-1808 - Theophilus Lindsey - Theologian & clergyman. Founded the first avowedly Unitarian congregation in England, at Essex Street Chapel in London.
1733-1804 - Joseph Priestley - Minister & scientist. Discovered oxygen. Moved from Birmingham to Northumberland, Pennsylvania (USA).
1741-1815 - John Murray - Universalist minister. Founder of Universalism in America. Husband of Judith Sargent Murray (qv).
1743-1826 - Thomas Jefferson - Wrote the US Declaration of Independence in 1776. 3rd US president 1801-09.
1745-1813 - Benjamin Rush - Doctor. Proposed US Department of Peace. Click here for monuments in Pennsylvania (USA).
1751-1820 - Judith Sargent Stevens Murray. "Most prominent woman essayist." Wife of John Murray (qv). Letters discovered 1984 in Natchez, MS, by Gordon Gibson.
1769-1811 - William Emerson - Unitarian pastor. Founded Philosophical Society & Boston Athenaeum. Father of Ralph Waldo Emerson (qv).
1771-1852 - Hosea Ballou - Universalist clergyman & theological writer. "Father of American Universalism." In Boston after 1817.
1794-1865 - Edward Everett -Pastor, educator & orator. US Rep & Senator, Governor of Massachusetts, Minister to UK, Secretary of State & President of Harvard.
1796-1859 - Horace Mann - Advocate of educaton reform & women's rights. First president of Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
1801-1876 - Samuel Gridley Howe - Educator of the blind. Husband of Julia Ward Howe (qv).
1802-1887 - Dorothea Dix - Activist on behalf of the indigent insane.
1803-1880 - Adin Ballou - Universalist then Unitarian minister, pacifist & socialist. Founded the Hopedale Community in 1842.
1803-1882 - Ralph Waldo Emerson - Lecturer, essayist & poet. Leader of Transcendentalist movement. Champion of individualism.
1804-1865 - William Gaskell - Education reformer. Husband of novelist Elizabeth Gaskell.
1810-1850 - Margaret Fuller Ossoli - Transcendentalist. Wrote "Woman in the Nineteenth Century" in 1845. Lost in shipwreck while returning from Italy.
1810-1860 - Theodore Parker - Preacher, abolitionist & Transcendentalist. Supported John Brown (qv).
1810-1865 -
Elizabeth Gaskell - Novelist & short story writer. Wrote about the lives of many strata of society, including the very poor.
1814-1882 - Henry Whitney Bellows - Unitarian minister. Planner & only president of US Sanitary Commission 1861-1878.
1817-1862 - Henry David Thoreau - Transcendentalist. Wrote "Resistance to Civil Government" in 1849 & "Walden" in 1854.
1818-1893 - Lucy Stone - Abolitionist & suffragist. First Massachusetts woman to earn a college degree. First recorded American woman to retain her own last name after marriage.
1819-1897 - Julia Ward Howe - Abolitionist. Wrote "Battle Hymn of the Republic" 1862 & anti-war Mother's Day Proclamation 1870. Wife of Samuel Gridley Howe (qv).
1820-1871 - Alice Cary - Sister of Phoebe Cary (qv). Poet. First president of Sorosis, first professional women's club in USA. See Jane Cunningham Croly.
1820-1906 - Susan B. Anthony - Suffragist. Pivotal role in women's rights movement. Averaged 75-100 speeches per year.
1820-1910 - Florence Nightengale - Nurse. Dubbed "The Lady with the Lamp" during Crimean War.
1821-1912 - Clara Barton - Teacher, nurse & humanitarian. Organized American Red Cross in 1881.
1823-1911 - Thomas Wentworth Higginson - Minister, author & militant abolitionist. Colonel in 1st federal African-American regiment.
1823-1912 - Robert Collyer - Clergyman. Opposed slavery. Worked for US Sanitary Commission during Civil War.
1824-1864 - Thomas Starr King - Minister & orator. Helped keep California in USA. Helped organize US Sanitary Commission.
1824-1871 - Phoebe Cary - Sister of Alice Cary (qv). Poet & champion of women's rights.
1825-1901 - Laura Matilda Towne - Abolitionist, educator & homeopathic physician. With Ellen Murray founded Penn School for freed slaves on St. Helena Island, SC, in 1862.
1825-1921 - Antoinette Louisa Brown -
1829-1901 - Jane Cunningham Croly - Born in England. Organized Sorosis, 1st professional women's club in USA, New York City, 1868.
1832-1907 - Moncure Daniel Conway - Abolitionist & author. Minister of South Place Ethical Society in London (England).
1835-1926 - Olympia Brown - Suffragist. First ordained woman minister in USA (Universalist). Voted in 1920 at age 85.
1839-1917 - Emma Miller - Trade unionist, suffragist, freethinker & founder of the Australian Labor Party. Statue in Brisbane.
1843-1918 - Jenkin Lloyd Jones - Organized 1st Parliament of the World's Religions (Chicago 1893) & Abraham Lincoln Centre (1905).
1851-1926 - Lizzie Crozier French - Suffragist in Tennessee (last state to ratify 19th Amendment in 1920). See Tennessee monuments.
1855-1944 - Fannie Barrier Williams - Addressed Parliament of the World's Religions in 1893 about the "Colored Race."
1863-1937 - Sir Austen Chamberlain - Architect of Locarno Treaties to preserve peace after WW-I.
1925 with Charles G. Dawes
1866-1943 - Beatrix Potter -
1867-1961 - Emily Greene Balch - Academic, writer & pacifist. P
1946 with John Raleigh Mott
1878-1975 - Arthur Ernest Morgan - Civil engineer. Headed Antioch College 1920-36, TVA 1933-38 & intentional communities 1948. Recruited CO's for Celo Community.
1879-1964 - John Haynes Holmes - Unitarian minister & social activist. Declared Gandhi "The Greatest Man in the World" in April 1921.
1882-1967 - Greenville Clark - Wrote "World Peace Through World Law" in 1958 with Louis B. Sohn.
1885-1962 - Charles Francis Potter - Advocate of women’s rights, birth control, civil divorce laws, humanism, euthansia & end to capital punishment.
1898-1993 -
Edwin H. Wilson - Unitarian minister. Helped write both the Humanist Manifesto I of 1933 & the Humanist Manifesto II of 1973.
1900-1965 - Adlai Stevenson - US representative to UN. Two-time Democratic candidate for president of the US.
1901-1994 - Linus Pauling - Chemist, biochemist, peace activist, author & educator. Recd 2 Nobel Prizes.
1902-1984 - Waitstill Sharp - Minister. Helped refugees in Czechoslovakia & France.
1905-1999 - Martha Ingham Dickie Sharp-Cogan - Social worker. Wife of Waitstill Sharp [qv]. Accompanied him to Czechoslovakia & France.
1908-1986 - Dana McLean Greeley - 1st pres. of UUA 1961. Helped found World Conf. of Religions for Peace in 1970.
1908-2003 - Edward Schempp - Sued in 1963 to end prayer in public schools. Father of Ellery Schempp.
1909-1990 - Lotta Hitschmanova - Journalist. Wanted by Nazis. Founded Unitarian Service Committee of Canada.
1911-2010 - Lucile Longview - "Liberation feminist, futurist & change agent." UU Women & Religion Resolution in 1977.
1915-2006 - Alvin Weinberg - Manhattan Project scientist. Proposed "Sanctification of Hiroshima" in 1985. Click here for Wikipedia bio.
1916-1993 -
Homer A. Jack - Secretary General of World Conference of Religions for Peace 1970-1983.
1922-2007 - Kurt Vonnegut - Writer.
1924-2010 -
Hedi Bak - Artist. Lived in Chicago & Oak Ridge, TN. Self-published WW-II autobiography "Mazel ("Luck"). Widow of artist Charles Counts.
1925-1965 - Viola Liuzzo - Civil rights volunteer. Murdered just after voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. See James Reeb.
1926-1987 - Margaret Laurence - Novelist. Outspoken supporter of peace, women's rights & other progressive causes.
1926-Alive -
Howard Box - UU minister. Signed the Humanist Manifesto II of 1973 & the Humanist Manifesto III of 2003. Member of Rationalists of East Tennessee.
1927-1965 - James Reeb - UU minister. Killed in Selma, Alabama, while supporting Black voting rights. Two monuments in Selma. See Viola Liuzzo.
1928-2010 - Ted Sorenson -
1928-Alive - Larry Egbert - Anesthesiologist. Physicians for Social Responsibility. Final Exit Network. Acquited in Arizona. Husband of Ellen Barfield.
1931-Alive - Shigeko Yoshino Uppuluri - Born Kyoto. In Shanghai 1936-45. Intl. Friendship Bell in Oak Ridge (USA).
c1935-Alive -
John A. Buehrens - UU minister & author. 6th president of the UUA 1993-2001. Now minister of First Parish in Needham, Massachusetts.
c1935-Alive -
Edd Doerr - President of American Humanist Association. Executive Director of Americans for Religious Liberty (ARL) since 1982.
1936-1994 - James Stoll - UU minister First ordained minister of any religion in USA or Canada (& possibly the entire world) to come out as gay.
1936-Alive - Morris Dees - Co-founded Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, Alabama (USA), in 1971.
1937-Alive - Robert Fulghum - UU minister. Wrote "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" in 1988.
1942-Alive - Bernice Johnson Reagon - Singer, composer, social activist & history professor. Founded a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock in 1973.
c1945-Alive - Miriam Levering - Prof of Asian Religions at UT Knoxville. Now working in Tokyo (Japan). Daughter of Law-of-the-Sea activists Sam & Miriam Levering.
1947-2008 - Linda Kraeger - Co-authored "Trust & Treachery: A Historical Novel of Roger Williams in America." One of 2 UU's randomly killed in 2008 at UU church in Knoxville, TN.
1949-Alive - William F. Schultz - UU minister. Headed UUA 1985-1993, Amnesty International 1994-2006 & UUSC from 2011.
c1950-Alive -
John Bohstedt - Professor of History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Expert on Ireland & European revolutions.
c1950-Alive - Walter Davis - Executive Director, National Organizers Alliance (NOA). Moved to Canada to avoid draft during Vietnam War. CO
c1950-Alive -
Jeff Kovak - Prof of Chemistry, Univ of Tennessee. Wrote "Refusing War, Affirming Peace: A History of Civilian Public Service Camp #21 at Cascade Locks" (2009). CO
1956-Alive - Ellen Barfield - Peace activist. US Army 1977-81. Peace Farm. In Veterans for Peace, WILPF, WRL, SOAW & NCNR. Wife of Larry Egbert.