Click here for "12 Monuments Dedicated to Amazing Women: From Joan of Arc to the Working Women of Amsterdam."
Click here for Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (IWLPF).
Click here for motherhood & children's monuments.
Click here for monuments about human rights.
Click here for monuments about the Red Cross.
Also click the following women for their monuments:
Jane Addams |
Clara Barton |
Edith Cavell |
Rachel Corrie |
Anne Frank |
Käthe Kollwitz |
Lola Maverick Lloyd |
Mildred Loomis |
Florence Nightengale |
Yoko Ono |
Emmeline/Christabel/Silvia/Adela Pankhurst |
Peace Pilgrim |
Jeannette Rankin |
Barbara Leonard Reynolds |
Eleanor Roosevelt |
Sadako Sasaki |
Rosika Schwimmer |
Samantha Reed Smith |
Mother Teresa |
Sojourner Truth |
Harriet Tubman |
Bertha von Suttner |
Frances Wright.
Right click image to enlarge.
| June 12-23, 1840 - World Anti-Slavery Convention, Exeter (or Fremasons) Hall, London (England). "The first international conference [sic], as well as the first convention devoted to abolition. Organized by Joseph Sturge [1793-1859]. Attracted delegates from Europe, North America & Caribbean countries, as well as the British dominions of Australia & Ireland, though no delegates from Africa attended. Included African-Caribbean delegates from Haiti & Jamaica (then representing Britain), women activists from the USA & many Nonconformists." "Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton traveled with their husbands to London for the convention, but the women were not allowed to participate." Later conferences held in 1843 (Brussels) & 1849 (Paris). Left image is a contempory engraging. Middle image is 'The Anti-Slavery Society Convention, 1840' by Benjamin Robert Haydon [1786-1846]. "Inset shows from left to right: Vice Admiral Constantine Richard Moorsom [1792-1861], Sturge, American delegate John Keep [1781-1870], Joseph Eaton. Top left G.K.Prince & top right, James Dean (another American)."

 | July 19-20, 1848 - First Women's Rights Convention, Wesleyn Chapel, 136 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, New York (USA).
On the second day, 100 women & men signed the "Declaration of Rights & Sentiments." Left image shows "First Wave" sculpture group by Lloyd Lillie depicting 20 conventiona attendees including
Mary Ann & Thomas M’Clintock, Lucretia & James Mott, Jane & Richard Hunt,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frederick Douglass, Martha Wright & 11 anonymous participants representing men & women who attended the convention but did
not sign the declaration. Right image shows remains of Wesleyan Chapel, now part of the
Women's Rights National Historic Park (see 1980 below). Video | Website |
| 1873 - "Angel of the Waters," Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, New York City, New York (USA). Sculpted by Emma Stebbins [1815-1882], the first woman to receive a commission for a major work of art in New York City. "The definitive crown jewel of Central Park. One of the most famous & universally loved fountains in the world. The only sculpture commissioned as part of the original design of Central Park. Symbolizes & celebrates the purifying of the city’s water supply when the Croton Aqueduct opened in 1842 bringing fresh water to all New Yorkers. For this reason, she carries a lily, the symbol of purity, in one hand while her other hand extends outward as she blesses the water below. The idea comes from the Gospel of Saint John, Chapter 5, the story of an angel bestowing healing powers on the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem. Beneath the eight-foot gilded bronze statue are four smaller four-foot figures symbolizing Temperance, Purity, Health & Peace."
| F A I R | 1893 - Women's Building, World's Columbian Exposition [Chicago World's Fair], Chicago, Illinois (USA). "Sophia Hayden [1968-1953], one of the few women architects in 19th-century America, graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and, as her first project, designed the 80,000 square-foot, two-story building called the Woman's Building. A young woman, Hayden evidently suffered some kind of breakdown by the end of the project & never again designed a building."
| F A I R | 1895 - Women's Building, Cotton States Exposition (now Piedmont Park), Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
 | F A I R | 1897 - Woman's Building, Tennessee Centennial Exposition (now Centennial Park), Nashville, Tennessee (USA). Building moved to Knoxville after the fair & burned down years later. Original site (near the fair's full-scale reproduction of the Parthenon) is marked by a subsequent monument with a sphere on top. Its plaque contains two quotations by Mrs. Van Leer (Kate) Kirkman, President, Woman's Department: "That that is round can be no rounder" and "Women's Work. Whatever may be necessary to preserve the sanctity of the home and ensure the freedom of the state." Right image by EWL.
| 1907 - Women’s Monument, Moores Creek National Battlefield, Pender County, North Carolina (USA). "Commemorates the actions of Mary (Polly) Slocum [1760-1836], the wife of Lt. Ezekiel Slocum, who fought in the battle. According to legend, she rode 65 miles alone at night to tend to the Patriot wounded.
The monument was built in 1907, and Ezekiel and Mary Slocum were re-interred at its base.
 | 1911 - "The Suffragist Trying to Arouse Her Sisters," the most well-known sculpture of Ella Buchanan [1869-1951]. Sculpted when she was at the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois (USA), but present location unknown. This "statuette" was widely reproduced in small scale, and on posters, banners & post cards [as shown by the images] in the final decade of the American women’s suffrage movement. Caption on one post card: "Central figure - Suffragist. To right – Vanity at her feet lies Prostitution. To left is dozing Conventionality. Behind Conventionality is Wage-earner."
Ella Buchanan grew up in Springfield, Illinois, & Pittsburgh, Kansas, where her father was a newspaper editor. She became a sculptor whose themes included slavery, women’s rights, poverty & early settlement of the California frontier. Information courtesy of Louise Bernikow.
See "Young Western Woman Symbolizes the 'Cause'" from the Sault Ste. Marie Evening News, October 20, 1911.

June 15-20, 1913 - International Woman Suffrage Congress, Redoute Building, Budapest (Hungary). Left image shows Carrie Chapman Catt [1859-1947], Millicent Fawcett [1847-1929] & other board members of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance (IWSA) at the congress. "The IWSA was formally constituted in Berlin in 1904. Subsequent congresses were held in Copenhagen (1906), Amsterdam (1908), London (1909), Stockholm (June 1911) & and Budapest (June 1913). The IWSA had its own monthly journal, the Jus Suffragii. Influenced by Millicent Fawcett against the militancy of suffragettes in the style of Emily Pankhurst [1882-1960], the IWSA initially refused membership to the Women's Social & Political Union (WSPU) at their 1906 Copenhagen meeting."
| December 16, 1913 - Nasionale Vrouemonument / National Women’s Monument, Bloemfontein (South Africa). "Dedicated to more than 27,000 martyr women who died in British concentration camps during the Second Boer War [1899-1902]. A 115 foot obelisk and a central bronze group of two sorrowing women and a dying child in the Springfontein camp (based on sketches by English social activist Emily Hobhouse [1860-1926] and depicting her own experience of 15 May 1901). Hobhouse's ashes were distributed here. "For 80 years the only monument in the world dedicated solely to women and children." (I wonder what monument the author of this sentence thinks came along in 1993, the Vietnam Women's Memorial in Washington, DC?)
| October 30, 1913 - Peace Monument, SW corner, Courthouse Square, Decatur, Adams County, Indiana (USA). Designed by Charles T. Mulligan [1866-1916]. Statue of "Peace" 12 feet 3 inches tall modeled by Margaret McMasters Van Slyke, "said to be Chicago's most perfectly formed woman" (local winner of Bernarr Macfadden's 13-city "best and most perfectly formed woman" contest in 1903-1904?). Side panels bear names of 1,276 Adams County veterans: Five of the War of 1812, eight of the Mexican War, 1,152 of 1861-1865 [sic], and 111 of the Spanish-American War. "The world's first monument dedicated exclusively to peace" (according to Wikipedia). Middle image by EWL 29Jul09. Rededicated August 24, 2013 (qv).
| October 30, 1913 - Tribute to Women, back side of Peace Monument (qv), SW corner, Courthouse Square, Decatur, Adams County, Indiana (USA). Bas relief sculpture of a nurse bandaging a wounded soldier, above a fountain (waterfall) behind which was mounted a fragment of the USS Maine (sunk in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898). Inscription: "To the women of our nation, as a tribute to their courage, devotion and sacrifice." May be restored for the monument's centennial in 2013. Left image by EWL 29Jul09.
| 1917 - Headquarters Building, American Red Cross (ARC), 430-17th Street, Washington, DC (USA). Dedicated "in memory of the heroic women of the Civil War." The building still contains Red Cross offices and a museum. The ARC was established in Washington, DC, on May 21, 1881, by Clara Barton [1821-1912] who became its first president. See Clara Barton National Historic Site (1975).

![]() | August 18, 1920 - 19th Amendment ratified by Tennessee Legislature, thus extending women's suffrage to all parts of the USA. "On August 18, 1920, it appeared that Tennessee had ratified the amendment - the result of a change of vote by 24 year-old legislator Harry Burn [1895-1977] after receiving a request from his elderly mother [right image] - but those against the amendment managed to delay official ratification. Anti-suffrage legislators fled the state to avoid a quorum, & their associates held massive anti-suffrage rallies & attempted to convince pro-suffrage legislators to oppose ratification. However, Tennessee reaffirmed its vote & delivered the crucial 36th ratification necessary for final adoption." Comment: Suffrage was finally achieved 72 years after the First Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York (qv).
 | February 15, 1921 - Group Portrait Monument to the pioneers of the women's suffrage movement, Rotunda, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC (USA). Depicts Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony. Sculpted by Adelaide Johnson [1859-1955] from an 8-ton block of marble in Carrara (Italy). Copies of individual busts she carved for the Court of Honor of the Woman's Building at the World's Columbian Exposition [Chicago World's Fair] in 1893. A gift from the National Woman's Party (NWP). Unveiled on the 101st anniversary of the birth of Susan B. Anthony [1820-1906] less than seven months after ratification of the 19th Amendment on August 26, 1920.
| 1921 -
"Victory With Peace" Statue, Freedom Square, Bushwick, Myrtle & Willoughby Avenues, Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York City, New York (USA). Square named in 1919. Monument depicts Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory, leaning forward with an olive branch, the symbol of peace.
Memorializes Brooklyn’s losses during World War I. Sculpted by Pietro Montana [1890-1978]. The face of Nike was modeled after Claudia Deloney, a
Hollywood actress and friend of film star Gloria Swanson [1899-1983]. "Montana wrote about his dissatisfying experiences making the memorial in Sicily, and reveals his class antagonisms by accusing the Italian town official of being an illiterate uncultured peasant." Pietro Montana, Autobiography, 1977, p. 95.

| June 26, 1923 - "Peace," behind the State Capitol, Columbus, Ohio (USA). 13 foot bronze winged angel of peace holding an olive branch aloft. SculptedBruce Wilder Saville [b.1893]. An inscription says the monument commemorates “the sacrifice of Ohio’s heroes of 1861-65 and the brave women of the period.” It includes two bronze plaques -- one for soldiers & one for those on the home front: "Men win glory in the fierce heat of conflict but the glory of woman is more hardly won. Upon her falls the burden of maintaining the family and the home, nursing the sick and wounded, and restoring the courage of the broken. She endures the suspense of battle without its exaltation. The memorial is erected in grateful tribute to the loyal women of 61-65, without whose help no victory or lasting peace could ever have been won." /// "The dedication was the high point of that year’s Grand Army of the Republic [GAR] encampment, a reunion of about 1,500 Ohio veterans of the Civil War & capped 15 years of work by the Women’s Relief Corps [WRC] of Ohio, a GAR auxiliary. "This peace memorial is but another evidence of the patriotic devotion and self-sacrifice of womanhood," Gov. A. Victor Donahey declared at the dedication. “It shall ever remain a continuing influence of the good women of ’61 to ’65, and the influence of good women is always the fair test & measure of civilization.”
At the dedication, Brunella Miesse, the president of the corps’ Ohio department, said, “The womanhood of America is crying for peace. Let there be no more wars.”
She closed by quoting assassinated President William McKinley, an Ohioan who also had served in the Civil War: “Let us remember our interest is in concord, not conquest, and our real eminence rests in the victories of peace, not those of war.” Donahey responded, 'Let there be peace,' as a string of flags that had covered the monument fell away & doves of peace were released. The doves circled above the monument while the crowd sang Hallelujah." Click here for Civil War monuments of Ohio.
| 1924 - Civil War Nurses, M Street & Rhode Island Avenue, Washington, DC (USA). Bas relief flanked by statues of Patriotism (with shield) & Peace (with wings). Sculpted by Irish sculptor Jerome Connor [1874-1943]. Also called 'The Nuns of the Battlefield.' Inscribed, 'They comforted the dying, nursed the wounded, carried hope to the imprisoned, gave in His name a drink of water to the thirsty.' Raised by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), the memorial was originally designed for Arlington Cemetery, until the War Department objected. It was then proposed for location behind the 1910 Pan American Union building ... but the Fine Arts Commission objected to that. Finally, Connor downscaled the size of the memorial & got permission to build it at its present site. Then he had to sue the Ancient Order for payment."
| March 6, 1930 - Statue of Emmeline Pankhurst, Victoria Tower Gardens, London (England). Emmiline Pankhurst [1858-1928] was a political activist & leader of the Women's Social & Political Union (WSPU) which helped women win the right to vote [in 1918 & 1928]. "Shortly after her funeral, one of Pankhurst's bodyguards from her WSPU days, Katherine Marshall, began raising funds for a memorial statue. In spring 1930 her efforts bore fruit, and on 6 March her statue in Victoria Tower Gardens was unveiled. A crowd of radicals, former suffragettes & national dignitaries gathered as former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin [1867-1947] presented the memorial to the public... As noted by the New York Times: 'While the transition from martyrdom to sculptured memorials is familiar, the process in Mrs Pankhurst's case has been unusually brief.'"
| About 1930? - Statue of Emily Hobhouse, Parish Church, St. Ive, Cornwall (England). There are many memorials for social activist & Second Boer War relief worker Emily Hobhouse [1860-1926]. Click for
plaque (June 8, 1994),
scenic lounge,
hotel suite,
street, and
old age home. Also see the 1913 National Women's Monument in Bloemfontein (South Africa) where her ashes are distributed.
She & her brother, liberal politician Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse [1864-1929], were both born in St Ive. Photo taken 26 January 2010 courtesy of Lisa Heeley, Paddy Long & Gerard Lossbroek.

1943-1968 - Dorothy Hewitt Hutchinson [l905-l984] began to gain influence in the peace movement when her pamphlet "A Call to Peace Now: A Message to the Society of Friends" was printed by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) in l943. That summer, Hutchinson and a small group of people started the Peace Now Movement, using her pamphlet to rally support for the principle of a negotiated settlement rather than unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. This group included George Wilfried Hartmann [1904-1955], a psychology professor at Columbia, & John Collett. Hutchinson also worked to promote the United Nations and helped organize a local chapter of the United World Federalists [UWF]. Hutchinson was active in the Women's International League for Peace & Freedom [WILPF] & became president of the US Section of WILPF in l96l, serving until l965. She then served as chairman of International WILPF from l965 until l968. Hutchinson was an activist in civil rights & civil liberties as well as in the peace movement.
1946 - Susan B. Anthony House, Rochester, New York (USA). Video | Website | National Historic Landmark.
 | 1948 - US stamp commemorating "100 years of progress of women, 1848-1948." Depicts Elizabeth Stanton, Carrie C. Catt & Lucretia Mott.
| May 10, 1949 - Monumento a la Madre / Monument to the Mother, Parque Sullivan, Mexico City (Mexico). "A campaign by the Excelsior newspaper in the 1920's led to the creation of [the] widely celebrated Mexican holiday Dia de las madres / Mothers’ Day (May 10). The newspaper raised the money for the monumento. This is a very Mexican mamí -- she is wearing a rebozo, & her features are decidedly indigenous.
| 1954 - Horsewoman (Monument of Peace), United Nations, New York, NY (USA). "One of the symbols of the United Nations that everybody knows is... a sculpture created by Antun Augustincic [1900-1979]. It was given as a gift to the UN and it is situated in front of the main building in New York. The basement of the monument is made of the marble from the Croatian island of Brac. The equestrian statue was cast in the city of Zagreb, capital of Croatia." // "Correction" received 18Apr11 from Valentino More in Germany: "...was a present of the Complete-Yugoslav-Nation, the Golden-Middle between the two blocks of East-West/Cold-War conflict.
Since Anti-Hitler-Coalition, Yugoslavia honourable United Nation-Founding-Member.
You can't change The Enduring Truth."
 | 1954 - Women of Kassope, Zalongo (Greece). "A grandiose monument representing the 'Dance of Zalogos.' By sculptor Zogolopoulos. Erected on the rocks where the Souliot women & their children committed suicide [in 1803], not letting the men of the Turk Ali Pasha catch them."
| Date? - Liberated Woman Monument, Izmir (Turkey).
| 1955 - Statue of Esther Hobart Morris, State Capitol Building, Cheyenne, Wyoming (USA). "The Western suffrage story began when Wyoming transformed a dream into reality in 1869. That year, the 20-member Territorial Legislature approved a revolutionary measure stating: 'That every woman of the age of twenty-one years, residing in this Territory, may at every election to be holden under the law thereof, cast her vote.'" /// Esther Hobart Morris [1902] was "the first female Justice of the Peace in the USA. A mother of three boys, she began her tenure as justice in South Pass City, Wyoming, on February 14, 1870, & served a term of less than nine months... Popular stories & historical accounts, buttressed by state & federal public monuments, point to Morris as a leader in the passage of Wyoming's suffrage amendment. However, Morris' leadership role in the legislation is disputed." /// "State officials in 1960 presented a copy of this 1953 bronze statue for display at the US Capitol's National Statuary Hall Collection in Washington, DC."
 | 1965 - Susan B. Anthony House, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, New York (USA). Access to the house is through the Susan B. Anthony Museum entrance at 19 Madison Street. Declared a National Historic Landmark in 1965. "Preserves the National Historic Landmark where Susan B. Anthony [] lived for 40 of her most politically active years, collects & exhibits artifacts related to her life & work, & offers programs through its Learning Center that challenge individuals to make a positive difference in their lives & communities."
 | January 14, 1968 - Pioneer Women's Memorial, King's Park, Perth, Western Australia (Australia). By sculptor Margaret Priest & architect Geoffrey Summerhayes. Inscription: "This fountain plays to honour the pioneer women of Western Australia. The figure symbolises their courage, strength and tenderness. Mother & child move through the bushland of surging jets towards their destiny."

 | 1969 - National Women's Hall of Fame, Helen Mosher Barben Building, 76 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, New York (USA). "The nation’s oldest membership organization recognizing the achievements of great American women. Inductees are selected every two years based on their lasting contributions to society through the arts, athletics, business, education, government, humanities, philanthropy & science." Moved from Eisenhower College to an historic bank building in 1979.

1970 - Suffragette Memorial, Christchurch Gardens, London (England). Opposite New Scotland Yard in Victoria Street, St. James. /// Unveiled by former campaigner & hunger-striker Lillian Lenton [1891-1972]. Inscription: "This tribute is erected by the Suffragette Fellowship to commemorate the courage and perseverance of all those men and woman who in the long struggle for votes for women selflessly braved dersion, opposition and ostracism, many enduring violence and suffering. (Nearby Caxton Hall was historically associated with women’s suffrage meeetings & deputations to Parliament.)"
A bronzed glass fibre sculpture designed by Edwin Russell to resemble an uncurling scroll. The Suffragette Fellowship was founded in 1926 to commemorate the suffrage movement of the early 20th century. Caxton Hall is a now-listed building which opened as the Westminster Town Hall in 1883.
1970 - Woman suffrage 50th Anniversary, 6-cent commemorative postate stamp, US Post Office. Wording says "1920-1970," "Right to Vote," & "Votes for Women." /// "Stamp collectors likely often refer to the stamp as U.S. Scott 1406."
| 1975 - Clara Barton National Historic Site, National Park
Service (NPS), 5801 Oxford Road (at MacArthur Boulevard), Glen Echo, Washington, DC (USA). "The first National Historic Site dedicated to the accomplishments of a woman." Clara Barton [1821-1912] founded the American Red Cross on May 21, 1881. This bulding is a former Red Cross field hospital used by Barton for relief following the Johnstown Flood on May 31, 1889. After being moved to Washington, the building became ARC headquarters, and Barton lived here the last 15 years of her life (1897-1912).
1977 - Grave of Fannie Lou Hamer, Ruleville, Mississippi (USA). Fannie Lou Hamer [1917-1977] was was an American voting rights activist and civil rights leader. Tombstone engraved "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired."
1977 - Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill (ERVK), Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, NPS, Val-Kill, New York (USA). Video | Website

 | 1980 - Women's Rights National Historic Park, 136 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, New York (USA). Upper left image is visitor center. Upper right is "First Wave" sculpture group by Lloyd Lillie. Lower left is Declaration Park. Lower right image shows remains of Wesleyan Chapel, site of the First Women's Rights Convention on July 19-20, 1848. On the second day, 100 women & men signed the "Declaration of Rights & Sentiments." The sculpture includes statues of 20 people:
Mary Ann & Thomas M’Clintock, Lucretia & James Mott, Jane & Richard Hunt,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frederick Douglass, Martha Wright & 11 anonymous participants representing men & women who attended the convention but did
not sign the declaration. Video | Website |
| 1980 - Elizabeth Cady Stanton House, Women's Rights National Historic Park, 32 Washington Street, Seneca Falls, New York (USA). Restored. "Elizabeth Cady Stanton [1815-1902] lived here 15 years. She was 31 years old when she moved here in 1847 with her husband, a lawyer & abolitionist lecturer, & 3 boys."
 | 1985 - Tubman African American Museum, 340 Walnut Street, Macon, Georgia (USA). Named in honor of Harriet Tubman [c1820-1913], "the courageous African American woman, known as the 'Black Moses,' who led hundreds of other slaves to freedom and served as Union spy, scout, and nurse during the Civil War." Formerly named "Harriet Tubman Center for Spiritual & Cultural Awareness." Mentioned by Tom Flores (2008). Click here for other monuments for Harriet Tubman.
 | 1980 - Statue of Jennette Rankin, Second Floor, State Capitol, Helena, Monana (USA). Original of statue by Terry Mimnaugh honoring Jennette Rankin [1880-1973] in Statuary Hall, US Capitol, Washington, DC (USA). Entry #576 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
| 1985 - Statue of Jennette Rankin, Statuary Hall, US Capitol, Washington, DC (USA). Duplicate of statue by Terry Mimnaugh honoring Jennette Rankin [1880-1973] in state capitol, Helena, Montana (USA). Entry #1117 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
| 1986 - Madre del Mundo Sculpture, Peace Farm, US Highway 60, Panhandle, Texas (USA). Sculpted by Marsha Anne Gomez [1951-1998]. When visited on September 11, 2009, four arches (of which two seen in image) remained, but the encircled sculpture (also seen in image) had been removed. According to a Peace Farm website, "Our Madre Sculpture is being kept safe and sound by one of our most trusted supporters." There is an identical sculpture near the Nevada Test Site at the "Temple of the Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet" at Cactus Springs, Indian Springs, Nevada.
|  | 1986 - Peace Farm, US Highway 60, Panhandle, Texas (USA). East of Amarillo. Sculpted by Marsha Anne Gomez [1951-1998]. On 20 acres of land at the southern boundary of the Pantex Plant, US Department of Energy. "Established as an information source about the Pantex Plant & to stand as a visible witness against the weapons of mass destruction being assembled there." The Peace Farm was abandoned when visited in September 2009, & both houses were standing wide open. This photo shows debris in one of the bath tubs. Entry #982 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
| 1991 - "Great Petition" (Women's Suffrage Memorial), Burston Reserve, Melbourne, Victoria (Australia). "To celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote in Victoria, the State Government and City of Melbourne partnered to commission a major public artwork to be located in Melbourne’s CBD. The work, Great Petition, references the Monster Petition signed by 30,000 Victorian women in just six weeks in 1891 calling for the right to vote. The original petition is now housed at the Public Record Office, Victoria, while the sculpture is sited in Burston Reserve, in close proximity to Parliament House, where the original petition was delivered."
 | 1992 - Monument to the Unknown Woman Worker, Great Victoria Street, Belfast (Northern Ireland). "Outside the Europa Buscentre. Dedicated to all women who work. The city’s small tribute to those who worked hard to build the largest & most famous linen industry in the world. Two women statues stand directly on the sidewalk & have a lot of utensils attached to them, representing the various activities women have or had. A shopping basket, clothe pegs instead of fingers, a telephone, or hairbrushes instead of hair to name a few things." /// "The Department of the Environment's original commission was to reflect the nearby Amelia Street’s history as a Red-light district. However sculptor Louise Walsh disagreed with this & changed the focus to women's rights issues of low-paid jobs & unpaid housework."
| 1992 - Murdered Women's Memorial, Minto Park (at Elgin & Gilmour), Ottawa, Ontario, (Canada). "For all women abused or murdered by men. Erected after Ottawa lawyer Patricia Allen was shot dead [in 1991] by her crossbow-wielding husband. The murder took place in broad daylight, right beside this busy downtown park. Every time another woman in Ottawa is murdered by a man, another stone is added to the monument. It’s getting crowded." "Has been the centre of some controversy, because it seems to divide victims of violence into two gender-based camps, rather than unite them in a common cause."
| 1993 - Women's Suffrage Memorial, Auckland (New Zealand).
| 1993 - "The Women's Table," Rose Walk, by Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (USA). By Maya Ying Lin. Click here for other monuments by May Lin.
November 11, 1993 - Vietnam Women's Memorial, National Mall, Washington, DC (USA). Part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial"Dedicated to US women who served in the Vietnam War, most of whom were nurses. Depicts 3 uniformed women. The woman looking up is named Hope, the woman praying is named Faith, & the woman tending to a wounded soldier is named Charity. Designed by Glenna Goodacre who also designed the obverse of the Sacagawea coin that entered circulation in the USA in 2000.
Date? - Vietnam Women's Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial State Park, Angel Fire, New Mexico (USA). A scale model of the statue at Washington, DC.
| M U R A L | 1994 - The Maestra Peace Mural, Women's Building / Casa de las mujeres, Lapidge & 18th Streets (between Valencia & Mission Streets), Mission District, San Francisco, California (USA). "Designed & painted by Juana Alicia, Miranda Bergman, Edythe Boone, Susan Kelk Cervantes, Meera Desai, Yvonne Littleton & Irene Perez. A multicultural homage to iconic women & women’s history, & its scale is incredible." "Has many messages: The healing power of women's wisdom over time, the contributions of women throughout history & the making of history by women from all corners of the earth. A few of the famous women included are Audre Lorde, Georgia O'Keefe & Rigoberta Menchu. In addition, female icons such as Quan Yin, Yemeyah & Coyoxauqui lend a timeless and spiritual element to the design. Additional elements used in the overall design are fabric patterns from throughout the world."
| S T A T U E | Date? - Monument to women's liberation, Nizami Station, Central Baku (Azerbaijan). "Displays a woman removing her headscarf. Is she still Muslim? In the Azeri sense, she is... The bronze lady at Nizami station is freeing herself of Islamist oppression, not of Islam itself. The truly spiritual know that Allah is not to be found in a piece of cloth. Symbols such as the headscarf only count for so much and can also be misleading. On one Azeri train an old lady demanded to know why I wear a full beard, an uncommon sight in this country. I asked an English speaking passenger in our compartment why she seems so bothered by it. 'She’s worried that you are an Al Qaeda terrorist,' he replied."
1995 - "Votes for Women," Tennessee historical marker NHC 94, Capitol Boulevard at Union Street, Nashville, Tennessee (USA). Text: " VOTES FOR WOMEN. On August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th [& last]state to ratify the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, thereby giving all American women the right to vote. After weeks of intense lobbying by national leaders, Tennessee passed the measure by one vote. The headquarters for both suffragists, wearing yellow roses, & anti-suffragists, wearing red roses, were in the Hermitage Hotel. Donamed in mrmory of Carleen B. Waller. The Historical Commission of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County. No. 94. Erected 1995." /// PS: Carleen Batson Waller was a Nashville leader interested in public housing. She died in 1991. Commemorative plaque at right is probably at the Carleen Batson Waller Manor home for the elderly. |
 | 1995 - Rosenstrasse Monument, in a park on Rosenstrasse, old Jewish quarter, Berlin (Germany). "A group of sculptures commemorating the German women who successfully freed their husbands [during WW-II] through non-violent protests. More than 1,700 Jewish men were rescued after being held by the Gestapo to be deported. Sculpted in the mid-1980's by Ingeborg Hunzinger who named it Block der Frauen / Block of Women. Moved to the park in 1995." Click here for an essay about this monument.
1997 - International Museum of Women (IMOW), 101 Howard Street (Suite 480), San Francisco, California (USA). Video | Website

 | 1998 - Women's Rights 150th Anniversary sculpture, Seneca Falls, New York (USA). On the Ludovico Sculpture Trail (an abandoned railway bed). "Trumansburg artist Betty Boggs created the trail’s first sculpture "The Status of Women." On two large tablets, a carved chain links six symbols, representing the right to vote, the right to hold property, the first Women’s Rights Convention, the right to higher education, equal pay for equal work and fair & equitable divorce laws."
| Date? - Women's Peace Mural, Pentonville Road, London N1 (England). "The design shows aspects of women, peace & Greenham Common in a format reminiscent of medieval paintings. The backward looking Sankofa Bird reminds people not to be afraid to rectify past mistakes."
2000 - Women's Museum-An Institute for the Future, Dallas, Texas (USA).
Video | Website
2000 - Rosa Parks Library & Museum, Montgomery, Alabama (USA). Site of Parks' bus protest,

October 18, 2000 - "Women are Persons!" Monument, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario (Canada). "Commemorates the Persons Case & the 'Famous Five' women involved. Until this monument was installed, the only people honoured by statues [in Ottawa] were dead prime ministers, monarchs & fathers of confederation. The Famous Five Foundation lobbied for about five years to have the Famous Five commemorated on the Hill.
Five Alberta women fought to have Canadian women recognized constitutionally as 'persons' who were eligible to be named to the Senate. Emily Murphy led the battle, and she was supported by Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney, Henrietta Muir Edwards & Nellie Mcclung. The Supreme Court of Canada rejected their case in 1928, but the Judicial Committee of the British Privy Council decided in favour of the women on October 18, 1929. These courageous ladies came to be known as the 'Famous Five,' and October 18 is now known as Persons Day in Canada."
| October 25, 2003 - Boston Women's Memorial, Commonwealth Avenue Mall (between Fairfield & Gloucester Streets), Boston, Massachusetts (USA). Honors Abigail Adams, Lucy Stone & Phillis Wheatley "Each of these women had progressive ideas that were ahead of her time, was committed to social change, and left a legacy through her writings that had a significant impact on history." By artist Meredith Bergmann.
| 2004 - Minnesota Woman’s Suffrage Memorial Garden, Minnesota State Capitol mall, St. Paul, Minnesota (USA). "In 1999 & 2000, a memorial garden took shape that honors the woman’s suffrage movement. Created by Raveevarn Choksombatchai & Ralph Nelson, the garden includes a woven metal trellis & plaques that tell the story of the woman’s suffrage movement. The original garden didn’t function as intended & was redesigned in 2004 by Roger Grothe."
| 2005 - "Faith in Women," Intermedia Arts, 2822 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA). Mural by Lady Pink of New York City. "Depicts anti-war symbolism and the horrors of war experienced by the innocent. Painted for the 2005 b-girl be Summit."
 | 2006 - Peace Garden, Charlton House, Charlton Road, London (England). "Just south of Greenwich. A walled garden opened as a 'Peace Garden' in support of two major programs supported by Amnesty International – the campaign to stop violence against women & to control arms. Has a central sculpture & offers a quiet place for contemplation. Designed by Andrew Fisher-Tomlin. Contains a sculpture by Margaret Higginson, titled 'Portage' & a Japanese Peace pole donated from an artist in Tokyo.
Portage statue [depicts] a woman carrying a boat above her head, and is designed to portray the strength & spirit of women worldwide as it portrays how indigenous women travelled between the lakes of Canada. The peace pole has the quote 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' in both English & Japanese." /// FYI: This "house was built between 1607 & 1612 for Sir Adam Newton, Dean of Durham & tutor to Prince Henry Frederick Stuart, heir to the throne, and son of King James I (VI in Scotland)." /// Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
| S T A T U E | August 26, 2006 - "Tennessee Woman Suffrage Memorial," Market Square, Knoxville, Tennessee (USA). Statues of Elizabeth Avery Meriwether [1824-1916] from Memphis, Lizzie Crozier French [1851-1926] from Knoxville & Anne Dallas Dudley [1876-1955] from Nashville. Sculpted by Alan LeQuire of Nashville, TN.
On August 26, 1920, the Tennessee legislature ratified the 19th Amendment by a single vote, thus bringing suffrage to all women in the USA after many years' struggle by "suffragettes" such as the 3 leaders in this memorial. See 1997 plaque & 2016 monument in Nashville, TN.
| P L A Q U E | 1997 -
Women Suffrage Memorial, Nashville, Tennessee (USA). At Tennessee statehouse? Depicts Lizzy Crozier French of Knoxville, TN (speaking from a car, surrounded by inattentive men) with Tenneesee statehouse on hill in background. See 2006 monument in Knoxville & 2016 monument in Nashville, TN. 1997 Also by Alan LeQuire.
| December 2006 - Women's Monument in Memory, Santiago (Chile). Memorializes female victims of political repression. "The mixed-use, arrangement & composition of materials – stone, glass & light, give an architectural talk that making an eloquent appeal, which is about metaphor in location, reinstates & replaces, a latent space. It has become an emblems of the struggle for truth & justice."
| February 11, 2007 - Monumento a la Dama Ibérica, Plaza de la Constitución, Valencia, (Spain). "A woman's head about 20 meters high consisting of 22,000 pieces, which are themselves small ceramic heads of intense blue." By Valencian artist Manolo Valdés who works in New York City.
| 2007- "Women's Monument in Memory" (Female Victims of Political Repression), Santiago (Chile). "This project was the first Prize won by Chile architect Oficina De Arquitectura in Sep 2004 and has been constructed in 2006/07. Public tender was called by the Ministry of Public Works, in conjunction with the Commission Nemesio Antunez, Human Rights Program of the Ministry of the Interior Committee Monument to Pro Women Victims of Repression, Salvador Allende Foundation and the Corporation for Peace Villa Park Grimaldi.
The mixed-use, arrangement and composition of materials -- stone, glass and light -- give an architectural talk that making an eloquent appeal, which is about metaphor in location, reinstates and replaces, a latent space. It has become an emblems of the struggle for truth and justice."
| 2008 - "Great Petition" for women's suffrage, Melbourne, Victoria (Australia). "In the late 19th century, woman's suffrage activists sought support from both men & women throughout Victoria. A giant petition with 30,000 signatures & carried by several attendants, was claimed to be the largest petition presented to the Victorian parliament to that date (1891). Women had to wait another 17 years before they were given voting rights in Victoria. Most Indigenous women would be denied rights until 1962." This is "Monday's Monument" #49.
| 2009 - Women's Suffrage Museum, Harriet Taylor Upton Association, Warren, Ohio (USA). "The newly restored room contains both static & revolving exhibits on the life of Harriet Taylor Upton [1853-1945] & other local women in the suffrage movement. These include Phebe Sutliff, Elizabeth Hauser & Zell Draz."
 | M E M O R I A L
| June 12, 2011 - Barbara Reynolds Monument, Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima (Japan). Adjacent to the Norman Cousins & Marcel Junod monuments (qv). Inscription: I, too, am a Hibakusha. Hibakusha -- they are the inspiration for all my peace efforts. My heart is always with Hiroshima. [signed] Barbara Reynolds. Special Honorary Citizen of Hiroshima. Founder of World Friendship Center, Hiroshima. World Friendship Center, 2011." Barbara Leonard Reynolds [1915-1990] founded the World Friendship Center (WFC) in Hiroshima & Peace Resource Center (PRC) in Wilmington, Ohio (USA). See web pages about boats & ships & about peace monuments in Hiroshima for the sailboat "Phoenix of Hiroshima" which Reynolds & her family built in Hiroshima in 1954. Click here for additional information. Left image shows Jessica Reynolds Renshaw bowing to her mother's monument. Right image shows (left to right) Tony Reynolds, Larry & JoAnn Sims (WFC), Jessica Reynolds Renshaw, Jerry Renshaw & Steve Leeper (chair of Peace Culture Foundation).
 | August 22, 2011 - "Votes for Women!," Mile End Park, close to Meath Bridge, near Bow Borough of Tower Hamlets, London (England). One of three steel statues depicting Tottenham Hotspur & England footballer Ledley King, suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst [1882-1960] & a towpath horse. "Suffagettes fought for voting rights for British Women, and were very active in nearby Bow. The vote was extended to British Women over the age of 30 in 1918 & to all women of voting age (then 21, now 18) in 1928."
 | December 14, 2011 - Peace Monument, near the Japanese Embassy, Seoul (South Korea). Inscription: "This peace monument reflects people's genuine desire to learn from history and remember the past on the occasion of the 1,000th weekly protest against Japan's atrocities by comfort woman forced into sexual slavery." "Marks the 1,000th demonstration of the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan which has staged rallies in front of the Japanese embassy on Wednesday of every week.
The council demands that the Japanese government apologise for & pay direct compensation to the victims, euphemistically called 'comfort women.' Japan has acknowledged that its wartime military used sex slaves but refuses to directly compensate the victims individually, arguing that the issue was settled by a 1965 normalisation treaty with South Korea."
July 30, 2013 - Peace Monument, Glendale Central Park, Glendale, California (USA). "Over the objections of dozens of Japanese-Americans who crowded City Hall chambers, the Glendale City Council voted Tuesday [July 9, 2013] to install a controversial memorial at Glendale Central Park honoring 'comfort women' -- a euphemism for the mostly Korean women & girls forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during World War II...The memorial will be unveiled July 30, and a surviving comfort woman will attend the ceremony. It will be a replica of the famous 'peace monument' that Korean civic leaders erected across the street from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul in 2001 [sic], near where surviving comfort women have held a protest every Wednesday for more than 20 years..."
| October 30, 1913 & Rededicated August 24, 2013 - Peace Monument, SW corner, Courthouse Square, Decatur, Adams County, Indiana (USA). Designed by Charles T. Mulligan [1866-1916]. Statue of "Peace" 12 feet 3 inches tall modeled by Margaret McMasters Van Slyke, "said to be Chicago's most perfectly formed woman" (local winner of Bernarr Macfadden's 13-city "best and most perfectly formed woman" contest in 1903-1904?). Side panels bear names of 1,276 Adams County veterans: Five of the War of 1812, eight of the Mexican War, 1,152 of 1861-1865 [sic], and 111 of the Spanish-American War. "The world's first monument dedicated exclusively to peace" (according to Wikipedia). Left photo by EWL 29Jul09. Right photo from 1935.

 | August 28, 2013 - Bust of Countess Bertha von Suttner, Main Hall, Peace Palace, The Hague (Netherlands). Unveiled on exact centennial of the Peace Palace by another female Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Leymah Gbowee of Liberia. Sculpted by Judith Pfaeltzer of Amsterdam. Left image by EWL shows Hope Elizabeth May with the bust on 3 September 2013. Middle image shows Edward W. Lollis, Hope Elizabeth May & Roy Tamashiro. Not to be confused with another bust of von Suttner unveiled 6 days later in The Hague city hall (qv).
Comment: It took 100 years for von Suttner -- the woman most importantly identified with the Peace Palace and the first female to receive a Nobel Peace Prize -- to be memorialized in the Peace Palace.
 | September 3, 2013 - Release of the book "The Stars of Eternal Truth and Right: Bertha von Suttner's Campaign for Peace, Social Justice, and Womanhood," City Hall, The Hague (Netherlands). By Arthur C.G.M. Eyffinger, Wolf Legal Publishers, Oisterwijk (Netherlands), 216 pages. "The substance of this book captures the gist of her views & ideals by way of hundreds of citations gathered from her Memoirs, Diaries & Correspondence, and handpicked from the tracts, novels & papers that constitute the rich yield of her unstoppable scholarly, literary & journalistic endeavours. The sum total is a fascinating portrait of an intriguing woman & public figure, a steadfast advocate of Women`s Lib & the Cassandra of Peace on the eve of the Guns of August. Dr. Arthur Eyffinger (The Hague, 1947) is classicist & law historian."

 | September 3, 2013 - Unveiling bust of Bertha von Suttner, City Hall, The Hague (Netherlands). "As part of our Centennial celebrations we are honored to [welcome] the beautiful bust of Bertha von Suttner [1843-1914] lovingly sculpted by Ingrid Rollema. On the June 21, 2013, we celebrated the 99th anniversary of von Suttner's death." /// Left image by EWL shows Roy Tamashiro & Fumi Hoshino with the bust. Right image by Hope Elizabeth May shows the artist in her studio; apparently she permitted no in-focus photo of the bust before its unveiling. /// Not to be confused with another bust of von Suttner unveiled 6 days earlier in the Peace Palace (qv).
June 30, 2016 -
Memorial to Mary Seacole, Garden of St Thomas’ Hospital,
London (England). On banks of the River Thames.
Mary Seacole [1805-1881] was "the Jamaican-born nurse [who] set up the British Hotel near Balaclava to provide soldiers with food and care during the Crimean War. More than £500,000 was raised for the bronze statue, created by sculptor Martin Jennings, which is the first statue to a named black woman in the UK." Information courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
August 26, 2016 - Suffrage Monument, Centennial Park, Nashville, Tennessee (USA).
Dedicated as part of Women's Equality Day. By Nashville sculptor Alan LeQuire. "Features five women who were actually in Nashville during the final ratification effort: Anne Dallas Dudley [1876-1955] of Nashville; Frankie Pierce [1864-1954] of Nashville; Sue Shelton White [1887-1943] of Jackson; Abby Crawford Milton [1881-1991] of Chattanooga, and Carrie Chapman Catt [1859-1947] -- the national suffrage leader who came to Nashville during the summer of 1920 to direct the pro-suffrage forces & stayed at the Hermitage Hotel... Tennessee was the last state of the then 48 states that could possibly ratify the 19th Amendment which granted all American women the right to vote in 1920. Editorial cartoonists called the state 'The Perfect 36' since three-quarters of the states were necessary for ratification."
 | March 7, 2017 - "Fearless Girl," Bowling Green Park, New York City, New York (USA). "In Manhattan's Financial District. A a bronze sculpture of a defiant girl by Kristen Visbal. Installed by State Street Global Advisors across from "Charging Bull" [aka the Wall Street Bull] another bronze, on the eve of International Women's Day.
Meant to 'send a message' about workplace gender diversity & encourage companies to recruit women to their boards. The sculpture's installation is temporary [but] is expected to stay in place at least several weeks. It was initially given a New York City Hall permit for one week, later extended to 30 days. A petition on asking for the statue to be made permanent gathered 2,500 signatures in its first 48 hours."
Late 2013? - Womens Suffrage Monument, Nashville, Tennessee (USA). "Alan LeQuire has been hired to do the Nashville one, and I want him to do Memphis' also." Information courtesy of Paula Casey, Memphis, TN, 21July 2013.
Late 2013? - Womens Suffrage Monument, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee (USA). "I am spearheading a monument in Memphis also. The 19th Amendment passed in Nashville due to a united Shelby County delegation." Information courtesy of Paula Casey, Memphis, TN, 21July 2013.
Late 2013? - Womens Suffrage Monument, Krutch Park, Knoxville, Tennessee (USA). Information courtesy of Paula Casey, Memphis, TN, 21 July 2013: "Wanda Sobieski has been responsible for the first one in Knoxville [see August 26, 2006] and is working to get another one by Alan LeQuire of Harry Burn [1895-1977] and his mother, Febb Ensminger Burn. Knoxville will [then] have two." /// On 03Nov2013, Sobieski said that Alan LeQuire has completed a design, that Krutch Park (adjacent to Market Square) had been selected as the location & that the monument will cost about $350,000. /// Photo shows Feminist Majority Foundation leader Eleanor Smeal, center, speaking with Lillian Mashburn, left, & Suffrage Coalition coordinator Wanda Sobieski, in Knoxville on July 31, 2013.
Late 2013? - Womens Suffrage Monument, Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA). "We are hoping to get a monument in Chattanooga." Information courtesy of Paula Casey, Memphis, TN, 21 July 2013.
Future - National Women's History Museum (NWHM), National Mall, Washington, DC (USA). Video | Website | "Founded" in 1996. "Our mission is to build the first ever national museum in Washington, DC, dedicated exclusively to women’s history. It will be centrally located near the world’s most prestigious museums & monuments in our Nation’s Capital. On March 25, 2009, Representative Carolyn Maloney introduced HR 6548 that identifies a different site at 12th Street & Independence Avenue as the museum’s home... NWHM plans to hire a female architect. The Museum will be the first museum on the Mall designed by a woman."
Please email your comments & questions to geovisual @ Thank you.
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