![]() ![]() | Notable Peacemakers by Year of Death |
18 Peacemakers Who Died in 2017:
1903-2017 - Yisrael Kristal. Holocaust survivor. World's oldest living man. Deported to Auschwitz. Born in Poland & died in Israel.
1917-2017 - Huub Ernst - Eighth bishop of the diocese of Breda. Vice President of Pax Christi International. Info courtesy of Gerard Lössbroek.
c1925-2017 - Mother Divine - Second wife of Father Divine [1876-1965], founder of Intl Peace Mission movement, a religious cult in New York & Pensylvania.
1925-2017 - Nat Hentoff - Historian, novelist & columnist. Jazz critic. Wrote on First Amendment issues, vigorously defending freedom of the press.
1925-2017 - Masahide Ota - Professor. Governor of Okinawa 1990-98. Initiated Peace Memorial Park & Cornerstone of Peace. Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
1926-2017 - Christopher Weeramantry - Barrister & prof. Ceylon Supreme Court 1967-72. World Court 1991-2000. Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
1928-2017 - Reuvan Moskovitch - Holocaust survivor. Cofounded Neve Shalom. Opposed occupation of Palestine. Info courtesy of Gerard Lössbroek.
1929-2017 - Glenn D. Paige - Pol science prof Univ of Hawai‘i. Governing Council chair of Center for Global Nonkilling (CGNK). Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
1929-2017 - Ahmed Kathrada - "Coloured" African National Congress leader. Arrested at Liliesleaf Farm in 1963. Emprisoned with Nelson Mandela.
1929-2017 - Sumiteru Taniguchi. Burned by Nagasaki bomb at age 16. Appealed for elimination of nuclear weapons throughout his life. Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
1932-2017 - Jonathan Moore - "Accomplished idealistic & compassionate ends" in Depts. of State, Defense & HEW. Directed John F Kennedy School of Govt.
1935-2017 - Jeremy Stone - Led arms control & human rights initiatives for Federation of American Scientists. Son of I.F. Stone. Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
1937-2017 - Richard H. Solomon - State Department official. President of US Institute of Peace 1993-2012.
1940-2017 - Bruno Barrillot - Priest. Foremost expert on nuclear weapons tests. Worked to rehab French sites on Moruroa & Hao. Info courtesy of C.Archer & P.vd Dungen.
1948-2017 - Hans Rosling - Medical doctor, academic & statistician. Acclaimed TED lecturer. Founded Gapminder Foundation.
1950-2017 - Martin McGuinness - Sinn Féin politician & Provisional IRA leader. Worked with US Special Envoy George Mitchell to create the Northern Ireland peace process.
1955-2017 - Liu Xiaobo - Human rights activist. Pres of Independent Chinese PEN Center. Sentenced to prison 2009-2020.
1986-2017 - Basil al-Araj - Arab protestor from al-Walaja (near Bethlehem). Killed at age 31 by Israeli Defense Forces (army) in Ramallah. Info courtesy Mazin Qumsiyeh.
17 Peacemakers Who Died in 2016:
1921-2016 - Daniel Berrigan - RC priest, peace activist & Christian anarchist. Baltimore Four & Catonsville Nine. Brother of Philip Berrigan (qv).
1922-2016 - Boutros Boutros-Ghali - UN Secretry General 1992-1997. Issued "An Agenda for Peace" in 1992.
1923-2016 - Robert Hinde - Leader of British Pugwash. Headed Movement for the Abolition of War (MAW) after Joseph Rotblat (qv). Info courtesy of Peter van den Dungen.
1923-2016 - Shimon Peres. Israel PM 3x. Supported Oslo Accords.
1994 with Yasser Arafat & Yitzhak Rabin
1924-2016 - Hedy Wachenheimer Epstein - Holocaust survivor. Peace activist. Founding member of St. Louis Instead of War Coalition.
1928-2016 - Abdul Sattar Edhi - Ran ambulance service, nursing homes, orphanages & women's shelters. Called "Angel of Mercy" & Pakistan's Mother Teresa.
1928-2016 - Larry Egbert - Anesthesiologist. Physicians for Social Responsibility. Final Exit Network. Acquited in Arizona. Husband of activist Ellen Barfield.
1928-2016 - Elie Weisel - Known as "Messenger to mankind." Professor & Holocaust survivor.
1930-2016 - Bob Adelman - Photographer of African-American Civil Rights Movement including "March on Washington" in 1963.
1933-2016 - Edward Daly - Bishop of Derry 1974-93. Tirelessly advocacated peace & reconciliation during decades of sectarian tension in Northern Ireland.
1934-2016 - Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd - Sculptor of "Non-Violence" (aka Knotted Gun) at UN Headquarters & many other places.
1936-2016 - Concepcion Picciotto - Lived in a peace camp opposite the White House since 1981. Longest protest in US history.
1939-2016 - Tom Hayden - Activist in animal rights, anti-war & civil rights movements. Chicago Eight in 1968. Husband of actress Jane Fonda (qv).
1942-2016 - Mohamed Ali - Olympic & World Champion heavyweight professional boxer. Peace activist. Opposed Vietnam War. Museum in Louisville.
1949-2016 - Lawrence Colburn. US Army Specialist. Member of helicopter crew which reported the My Lai Massacre in 1968.
1949-2016 - Tengku Dato Abd Ghafar Tengku Mohamed [1949-2016]. Diplomat. Negotiated successfully with Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in the Philippines.
1974-2016 - Jo Leadbeater Cox - Oxfam worker & Labour Party MP from Yorkshire. Assassinated at age 42 by white supremicist.
28 Peacemakers Who Died in 2015:
1909-2015 - Nicholoas Winton - Rescued 669 children (Czech Kindertransport). Called "The British Schindler." Recd highest Czech honour in 2014. See "Nicky's Family."
1916-2015 - Ruth Sivard - Economist at Arms Control & Disarmament Agency (ACDA). Published annual data (starting in 1964) to show disparity between social & military spending around the globe.
1916-2015 - George Houser - Minister. Activist for civil rights & independence in Africa. Worked for Fellowship of Reconciliation. Co-founded Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in 1942.
1920-2015 - Richard von Weizsäcker - President of West Germany 1984-90 & of reunited Germany 1990-94. First democratically elected president since 1934. On many international commissions.
1920-2015 - Jerome (Jerry) Berrigan - Roman Catholic priest & activist. Arrested frequently. Lesser known brother of priests Philip & Daniel Berrigan [qv].
1922-2015 - Shunsuke Tsurumi - Peace activist. Founded the Article 9 Association in 2004 (with Kenzaburo Oe, Makoto Oda & Hisashi Ihnoue). [Info fm Peter van den Dungen]
1927-2015 - Guy Carawan - Folk musician, Highlander Center. Popularized "We Shall Overcome." Wife is Candie Carawan. Honored at National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis.
1931-2015 - Dean Smith - Basketball coach at Univ of NC 1961-1997. Promoted desegregation. Opposed Vietnam & Iraq Wars, nuclear weapons & death penalty. Spokesperson for "Devout Democrats."
1932-2015 - Khaled al-Asaad - Archaeologist. Head of antiquities in ancient city of Palmyra for more than 40 years. Murdered by Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant (ISIL).
1932-2015 - Mario Cuomo - Governor of New York 1983-1994. Strongly liberal. Noted speechmaker. Opposed Ronald Reagan. Called "Hamlet on the Hudson."
1934-2015 - Charles Chatfield - History prof at Wittenberg Univ, Springfield, OH, 1961-99. First recipient of Peace History Society Lifetime Achievement Award.
[Added by Peter van den Dungen]
1934-2015 - Margaret (Maggie) Glover - Artist & peace activist. "Quaker radical." PhD thesis in 2002 = "Images of peace in Britain fm late 19th century to 2nd World War."
[Info fm Peter van den Dungen]
c1935-2015 - George Farebrother - History teacher. UK Secretary of World Court Project. Got advisory opinion in July 1996 against nuclear weapons.
[Added by Peter van den Dungen]
1936-2015 - Richard McBrien - Priest & Catholic theologian at Univ of Notre Dame. TV commentator. Argued for ordination of women, optional celibacy, birth control, etc.
c1936-2015 - Anthony Bing - English & peace studies prof at Earlham College 1970-2001. Expert on Israel/Palestine. Exec Director of Peace Studies Assn (PSA) 1994-2001.
1940-2015 - David Barr - Sculptor. Made "Sun Sweep" in 3 places on US/Canadian border & "Arctic Arc" on both sides of the Bering Strait.
1940-2015 - Julian Bond - Civil rights leader, professor & writer. Helped establish Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Served 20 years in Georgia legislature.
1940-2015 - Eduardo Galeano - Prolific writer. Concerned with poverty & political opression. Wrote "Open Veins of Latin America" in 1971.
c1945-2015 - Louise Diamond - Psychotherapist. Founded Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, The Peace Company & Global Systems Initiatives. End of life educator.
1949-2015 - Praful Bidwai - Journalist, political analyst & activist on issues of peace, global justice, human rights & environmental protection.
1959-2015 - Boris Nemtsov - Scientist & liberal politician. Outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin. Opposed "Putin's war" in Ukraine & Russian financial crisis. Shot to death near Kremlin.
1967-2015 - Stéphane (Charb) Charbonnier - Satirical caricaturist & journalist. Joined Charlie Hebdo in 1992 & became its editor in 2009. Murdered with 11 others by two Islamist terrorists.
1972-2015 - Avijit Roy - Atheist activist. Founded Mukto-Mona for freethinkers, rationalists, skeptics, atheists & humanists. Hacked to death in Dhaka by Muslim extremists.
1973-2015 - Clementa Carlos (Clem) Pinckney - Pastor & State Senator. Murdered with 8 others by 21-year old Dylann Roof at his AME church in Charleston, South Carolina.
1975-2015 - Sabeen Mahmud - Human rts activist. Founded The Second Floor (T2F) in Karachi. Sought to "change the world for the better through the Internet." Shot after program on Balochistan's "disappeared."
1988-2015 - Kayla Mueller - Humanitarian aid worker from Prescott, AZ. Captured Aug 2013 in Aleppo (Syria) at a Doctors Without Borders hospital. In Feb 2015 ISIS said she killed by Jordanian air strike.
1983-2015 - Ananta Bijoy Ras - Atheist blogger. Hacked to death in Sylhet, Bangladesh, by Muslim extremists.
1988-2015 - Washiqur Rahman - Atheist blogger. Assassinated in Dhaka.
31 Peacemakers Who Died in 2014:
1919-2014 - Pete Seeger - Iconic folk singer & social activist. Rang Japanese Peace Bell at United Nations headquarters in 2003 & 2009.
1920-2014 - Stormé DeLarverie - Drag "king." Scuffled with police during Stonewall riots in 1969. Called "the gay community’s Rosa Parks."
1921-2014 - Leonard Beerman - Rabbi at Leo Baeck Temple in Los Angeles. Liberal activist. Supported interfaith dialogue & two-state solution in the Middle East.
[Added by Jerry Rubin]
1921-2014 - Yuri Kochiyama - Human rights advocate. Japanese origin. Interned in Jerome, Arkansas, during WW-II. Held Malcolm X in her arms when he died in 1965.
1921-2014 - Marjorie Swann Edwin - Nuclear resister. Co-founded Committee for Nonviolent Action in 1957. Wife of Robert Swann (qv).
1921-2014 - Otis Pike. Congressman & columnist. Promoted govt. economy & led first probe into privacy abuses of US intelligence agencies. Princeton 1943.
1922-2014 - Hitoshi Motoshima - Mayor of Nagasaki 1979-95. Said Emperor Hirohito bore some responsibility for WW-II & Japan deserved atomic bombings.
1923-2014 - Chung Eun-yong - Policeman & activist. Investigated the July 1950 massacre by the 7th Cavalry Regiment at No Gun Ri. (His 4-year old son & 2-year old daughter were among the victims.)
1923-2014 - Nadine Gordimer - Writer & political activist. Active in anti-apartheid & HIV/AIDS causes. Received 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature.
1923-2014 - Carlos Paez Vilaró - Muralist. Painted 200-foot "Raíces de la Paz"/"Roots of Peace" at Org of American States in Washington, DC. World's widest mural?
1924-2014 - Chadwick Fairfax Alger - Ohio State Univ prof & Intl Studies Assn pres. Wrote about UN System, peace building & conflict resolution.
1924-2014 - Irvin J. Borowsky - Publisher & philanthropist. Founded National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia in 2000.
1925-2014 - Howard Baker - US Senator 1967-85. Questioned Watergate in 1973-74. US Ambassador to Japan 2001-05.
1927-2014 - John Seigenthaler - Journalist & political figure. Editor & publisher of The Tennesseen. Founded USA Today (1982) & First Amendment Center (1991).
1928-2014 - Shirley Temple Black - Child movie star from 1932. US ambassador to Ghana 1974-1976 & Czechoslovakia 1989-1992.
1928-2014 - Maya Angelou - Poet. Wrote "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" (1969) & 6 other autobiographies.
1929-2014 - Luis Nieves Falcón - Sociologist, scholar, writer, lawyer & activist for human & civil rights. Campaigned to release Puerto Rican political prisoners in USA.
1930-2014 - Juan Gelman - Poet. Opposed Argentine military. Lost many family members.
1930-2014 - Samuel W. Lewis - Asst Sec of State for Intl Org Afs 75-77, US amb to Israel 77-85, head of US Inst of Peace 87-93, Dir of Policy Planning 93-94. Princeton 1964.
1931-2014 - Vincent Harding - Historian, professor of religion & social activist. Knew & wrote about Martin Luther King, Jr.
1932-2014 - Casey Kasem - Disc jockey & actor. Lebanese Druze origin. Supported animal rights, environmental & Arab-American causes.
[Added by Jerry Rubin]
1935-2014 - Stephen Gaskin - Hippie icon in San Francisco. Drove 60 vehicles to Tennessee & founded The Farm commune near Summertown. Husband of midwife Ina May Gaskin.
1936-2014 - Marion Barry - Civil rights leader in Nashville & Knoxville. First chair of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Later disgraced when mayor of Washington, DC.
1940-2014 - James Brady - White House Press Secretary. An ardent supporter of gun control after being shot during attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan in 1981.
1960-2014 - Pierre Korkie - Teacher. Shot dead with Luke Somers (qv) in Libya during rescue attempt by US commandos. Husband of Yolande Korkie (also captured but released earlier).
1970-2014 - David Haines - Aid worker. Beheaded by Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS).
1972-2014 - Khaled Al-Junaidi - Separatist activist. Assassinated by Yemeni security agents after release from prison.
1973-2014 - James Foley - Journalist & video reporter. Abducted during Syrian Civil War. Beheaded by Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS). See Steven Sotloff.
1979-2014 - Tomas Young - Soldier. Enlisted right after 9/11. Paralyzed by bullet in Iraq. One of first vets to oppose the War in Iraq. Subject of documentary "Body of War."
1981-2014 - Luke Somers - Freelance photojournalist. Shot dead with Pierre Korkie (qv) in Yemen during rescue attempt by US commandos.
1983-2014 - Steven Sotloff - Journalist & video reporter. Abducted during Syrian Civil War. Beheaded by Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS). See James Foley.
1988-2014 - Peter Kassig - Humanitarian. Founded Special Emergency Response & Assistance (SERA). Converted to Islam. Beheaded by ISIS.
24 Peacemakers Who Died in 2013:
1916-2013 - Lindy Boggs - US Congressperson 1973-1991. Widow of Hale Boggs [1914-1972]. Mother of Cokie Roberts.
1917-2013 - Stephane Hessel - Diplomat. Holocaust survivor. Helped UN Declaration of Human Rights. Opposed Palestine occupation. Wrote "Time for Outrage!".
1917-2013 - Gordon Maham - Engineer & organic farmer in Ohio. Anti-nuclear activist. Quit Manhattan Project during WW-II. CO
1918-2013 - Nelson Mandela - Anti-apartheid activist. President of South Africa 1994-99.
1993 w/F.W.de Klerk
1919-2013 - Doris Lessing - Novelist, poet, playwright, librettist, biographer & short story writer. Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature.
1921-2013 - Garry Davis - Peace activist. Gave up US citizenship in 1948 to become a "citizen of the world." Promoted human rights & world citizenship.
1921-2013 - Gene Glick. Real estate "mogul." With wife Marilyn built Glick Peace Walk in Indianapolis ("a homage to peace in a city whose icon is Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Monument").
1923-2013 - Eugene Patterson - Journalist & civil rights activist. Pulitzer Prize in 1967. Inducted International Civil Rights Walk of Fame in 2010.
1925-2013 - James O'Connell - Missionary in Nigeria 1957-75. Second head of peace studies at Univ of Bradford 1978-93. Pressured by Thatcher govt in 1980's.
1927-2013 - Evelyn Gibson Lowery - Civil rights activist. Wife of Joseph Lowery (qv). Erected many civil rights monuments.
1929-2013 - Alton T. Lemon - Civil rights activist whose objection to state aid to religious schools gave rise to a watershed 1971 Supreme Court decision (the "Lemon test").
1930-2013 - Chinua Achebe - Novelist. Best known for "Things Fall Apart" (1959). Supported Occupy Nigeria in 2012.
1931-2013 - Ronald Dworkin - Philosopher & scholar of constitutional law. His theory of "law as integrity" encourages judges to use consistent & communal moral principles.
1931-2013 - David Hartman - Rabbi & philosopher. Moved to Israel in 1971 & founded Shalom Hartman Institute. Tried make Israel more pluralistic & tolerant.
1931-2013 - Senji Yamaguchi - Injured by Nagasaki A-bomb. Co-founded Nihon Hidankyo (Confed. of A- & H-Bomb Survivors' Organizations). Addressed UNGA 1982.
1938-2013 - Aleksander Gudzowaty - Businessman. Gave $4 million for Tolerance Park & Monument on Haas Promenade, Jerusalem (Israel).
1940-2013 - Malcolm Harper - Peace activist. Worked 18 years for Oxfam. Directed United Nations Association-UK 1982-2004.
1944-2013 - Eyad al-Sarraj - Psychiatrist & HR activist. Founded Gaza Mental Health Program. Forced from Beersheba in 1948. Told about Palestinians under Israeli occupation.
1946-2013 - Narendra Dabholkar - Atheist doctor. Exposed religious charlatans, quacks, frauds & purveyors of "miracle cures." Killed by "right-wing Hindu organization" Sanatan Sanstha.
1950-2013 - Howard Clark - Co-editor of Peace News from 1971. Coordinator of War Resisters International (WRI) from 1985. P CO
c1963-2013 - Mohammad Idrees Kamal - Activist. A founder of Amn Tehreek (Peace Movement). Exec dir of Citizen Rights & Sustainable Development (CRSD).
1964-2013 - Chokri Belaïd - Lawyer & politician. Opposed Ben Ali regime before 2011 Tunisian revolution & subsequent Islamist govt. Assassinated. Million attended funeral.
1986-2013 - Anne Smedinghoff - US Foreign Service Officer. Killed at age 25 with 8 others by car bomb while delivering books to school in Afghanistan.
1986-2013 - Aaron Swartz - Computer programmer, writer, archivist, political organizer & Internet activist. Campaigned for freedom of information. Suicide at age 26.
24 Peacemakers Who Died in 2012:
1904-2012 - Atonio Dobrowolski - Teacher. Taught defiance of Nazi occupation. Oldest known survivor of Auschwitz death camp.
1915-2012 - John McConnell - Founded Earth Day, the Earth Day Proclamation, the Earth Day Flag & International Day of Peace (Sept. 21).
1915-2012 - Albert Otto Hirschman - Economist. Wrote "Exit, Voice, and Loyalty" & "The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy."
1916-2012 - John R. Ewbank - World federalist & decentralist. Wrote "A History of the World Government Movement" about 2001.
1917-2012 - Barry Commoner - Professor & environmentalist. Wrote "The Closing Circle" & "The Poverty of Power." Ran for president in 1980.
1920-2012 - Sun Myung Moon - Religious leader, businessperson, political activist & media mogul. Self-proclaimed messiah. Founder of the Unification Church.
1921-2012 - Young Seek Choue - Founding chancellor of Kyung Hee University (1949). Founded the university's Graduate Institute of Peace Studies (1984).
1922-2012 - James Gower - Catholic priest & peace activist. Active in Pax Christi. Co-founded College of the Atlantic (1969) which teaches"human ecology."
1922-2012 - George McGovern - Historian, US Senator & Democratic Party presidential nominee in 1972. "Exemplar of modern American liberalism." Opposed US involvement in Vietnam War.
1923-2012 - Jozef Goldblat - Diplomat. Preeminent authority on law of arms control & disarmament. On staff of Stockholm Intl Peace Research Inst (SIPRI).
1923-2012 - Amy Swerdlow - Historian & peace activist. Director of Women’s Studies at Sarah Lawrence College. A founder of Women Strike for Peace (WSP).
1924-2012 - Robert S. Yasui - Japanese-American physician. Interned during WW-II. Erected Peace Tower in Williamsport, PA. Subject of "The Stubborn Twig" by Lauren Kessler.
1924-2012 - Paul Fussell - Cultural & literary historian, author & professor. Wrote "The Great War & Modern Memory" (1975) & other books about World Wars I & II.
1925-2012 - Paul Kurtz - Philosophy professor & skeptic. "Father of secular humanism." Founded Council for Secular Humanism. Edited Free Inquiry magazine. See Tom Flynn.
1926-2012 - Jerine Newhouse Bird - Activist for Arab-Israeli reconciliation. Wife of FSO Eugene H. Bird. Mother of Kai Bird, author of "Crossing Mandlebaum Gate" & other books.
1926-2012 - Sr. Anne Montgomery, RSCJ - Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), original Plowshares 8 at King of Prussia 1980 & Disarm Now Plowshares at Trident sub base 2009.
1926-2012 - Jesse Hill, Jr. - Cvil rights leader, business executive & actuary. Confidant of Martin Luther King, Jr. Helped desegregate Georgia University System.
1927-2012 - Larry Ross - Founded NZ Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Cte in 1981, achieving 105 nuclear free zones & leading to the Nuclear Free Zone Act of 1987.
1929-2012 - Sr. Rosalie Bertell - Nun. "Raised public awareness about destruction of biosphere & human gene pool, especially by low-level radiation."
1929-2012 - Thomas Wechs, Jr. - Founded Peace Museum-Lindau 1980, Peace History Museum-Bad Hindelang 1999 & on-line Friedenshistorisches Museum-Augsburg 2009.
1929-2012 - Adrienne Rich - Poet, essayist & feminist. Credited with bringing "the oppression of women & lesbians to the forefront of poetic discourse."
1931-2012 - Marv Davidov - Activst & professor of nonviolence. Founded the Honeywell Project c.1968.
1935-2012 - Walter Wink - Theologian. Coined "Myth of redemptive violence." Contributed to discourse on homosexuality & religion, pacifism, psychology & Biblical studies.
1938-2012 - Juan Valdez - Land grant activist in New Mexico. Helped spark the Chicano Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's.
1939-2012 - Russell Means - Oglala Sioux activist. Leader of American Indian Movement (AIM). Helped lead uprising at Wounded Knee in 1973.
1947-2012 - Richard Adams - Gay rights activist. With partner Anthony Sullivan, one of the first gay couples to receive a marriage license (Boulder, CO, 1975).
1949-2012 - Gerd Greune - Teacher & peace activist. Key figure in Inst for Intl Assistance & Solidarity (IFIAS) & European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO). CO
1950-2012 - Carlos Vargas - Professor. VP of Intl Assn of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms. Helped draft "Model Nuclear Weapons Convention" for UN Gen Asby in 1997.
1965-2012 - Rodney King - Beaten March 3, 1991, by Los Angeles police officers. A videotape of the beating aroused public anger, & he famously asked "Can we all get along?"
1968-2012 - Spencer Cox - AIDS activist. Co-founded Treatment Action Group (TAG). Helped push innovative antiretroviral drugs to market.
1973-2012 - Rebecca Tarbotton - Environmental, human rights & food activist. Executive Director of Rainforest Action Network (RAN).
26 Peacemakers Who Died in 2011:
1909-2011 - Milton Rogovin - "Social documentary photographer." Father of Mark Rogovin (qv). Click here for Rogovin website.
1912-2011 - Sayadaw U Thila Wunta - Buddhist monk. Constructed Peace Pagodas on all continents. Also click here.
1915-2011 - Sargent Shriver - Statesman & activist. Founded Peace Corps, Job Corps & Head Start. Architect of War on Poverty. US Amb to France.
1921-2011 - Matthew J. Perry - First Black from Deep South to be Federal judge. (Born in Columbia, SC. Appointed by Jimmy Carter.)
1922-2011 - Fred L. Shuttlesworth - Minister & civil rights leader. Co-founded Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
1923-2011 - Yelena Bonner - Nurse. Human rights advocate. Exiled to Gorky. Wife of Andrei Sakharov (qv).
1924-2011 - Samuel Ruiz - Catholic liberation theologian. Bishop & peacemaker in Chiapas (Mexico).
1925-2011 - Frank Kameny - Led "Herculean struggle" after being fired in 1957 for being gay. Filed first civil rights claim based on sexual orientation.
1925-2011 - Jean Ridoux - Jailed during Nazi occupation. Member of Mouvement pour la Paix. Founded a world peace education organization.
1929-2011 - Vang Pao - General. Ended forced repatriation of Laotian refugees. Opposed human rights abuses in Laos.
1931-2011 - Jean-Claude Bajeux - Professor of Caribbean literature. Political activist. Director of Ecumenical Center for Human Rights.
1931-2011 - Clive Rosher - Political activist. A founder of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).
1935-2011 - Jackie Hudson - Dominican Sister. Missioned to Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action near Bangor Trident Naval Base. Arrested at Y-12 in 2010.
1936-2011 - Václav Havel - Playwright, essayist, poet, dissident & politician. Czech president 1989-2003. Chair Human Rights Foundation. Pres Medal of Freedom 2003.
1937-2011 - Facundo Cabral - Argentine folksinger & peace activist. UN Messenger of Peace. Assassinated in Guatemala City.
1940-2011 - Wangari Maathai - Environmental & political activist. Founded the Green Belt Movement.
1940-2011 - Paul Prebys - Speech Therapist. A founder of Alaskans for Peace & Justice (AKPJ) in Anchorage, Alaska (USA).
1940-2011 - Burhanuddin Rabbani - Pres of Afghanistan 1992-1996. Assassinated at home by suicide bomber. Pres Hamid Karzai gave him title of "Martyr of Peace".
1942-2011 - Carolyna Marks - Artist, teacher & peace activist. Founded World Wall for Peace 1983 - walls in 6 states, Russia, Israel, Japan & S.Africa. See obit.
1948-2011 - R. Scott Kennedy - Co-founder of Witness for Peace (WFP), the Resource Center for Nonviolence & Interfaith Peacebuilders.
1948-2011 - Laura Inés Pollán Toledo - Teacher & opposition leader. Founded the dissident group Damas de Blanco.
1949-2011 - Brian Haw - Peace campaigner & "Symbol of anti-war movement." Lived almost 10 years in peace camp in Parliament Square protesting UK & US foreign policy.
1949-2011 - Christopher Hitchens - Author, columnist & literary critic. World's 5th top public intellectual. One of "Four Horsemen of New Atheism."
1958-2011 - Juliano Mer-Khamis - Actor & political activist. Murdered in Janin (Palestine) at Freedom Theatre which he founded in 2006.
1963-2011 - Sonia Perez - Activist for the rights of people of Haitian descent in the Dominican Republic.
1975-2011 - Vitorrio Arrigoni - Reporter, pacifist & activist. Worked with Intl Solidarity Movement (ISM) in Gaza Strip from 2008. P
21 Peacemakers Who Died in 2010:
1910-2010 - Doris "Granny D" Haddock - Politician & liberal political activist. Walked over 3,200 miles to advocate for campaign finance reform.
1911-2010 - Lucile Longview - "Liberation feminist, futurist & change agent." UU Women & Religion Resolution in 1977.
1912-2010 - Dorothy I. Height - African-American civil rights activist. Received Congressional Gold Medal.
1913-2010 - Michael Foot - Labour Party politician, journalist & author. Led first march by Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in 1958.
1913-2010 - Theodore (Ted) Herman - Geography professor. Founded Peace & Conflict Studies Program (P-Con) at Colgate Univ.
1914-2010 - George Willoughby. Advocate for world peace. Click here for peace monuments related to boats. CO
1914-2010 - Theodore W. Kheel - Lawyer in New York City. Labor negotiator & arbitrator. See video
1914-2010 - Irwin Abrams. Academic expert on Nobel Peace Prize; click here for article.
1917-2010 - Lloyd Morain - Businessman, philanthropist, writer, environmentalist & film producer. Pres of Am Humanist Assn.
1994 w/Mary Morain
1919-2010 - Gene Knudsen Hoffman - Counselor, poet, actress, writer & international peacemaker. Founded Compassionate Listening.
1919-2010 - Walter Isard - Principal founder of Regional Science & a main founder of Peace Science.
1919-2010 - Bill Sutherland - Pacifist & liberation advocate. "Unofficial ambassador between Africa & the Americas for over 50 years."
1920-2010 - Elise M. Boulding - Important scholar & activist in multiple fields. Wife of Kenneth Boulding (qv).
1922-2010 - Howard Zinn - History professor & activist. Wrote "A People's History of the US" in 1980. Worked two days before he died.
1924-2010 - Paul Conrad - LA Times political cartoonist. Syndicated worldwide. See video. Designed "Chain Reaction" (anti-nuclear mushroom cloud).
1930-2010 - Lucius Walker - Baptist minister. ExecDir of Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization in 1960's. Persistent advocate for ending the US embargo against Cuba.
1939-2010 - Arthur Gish - Peace activist, writer & preacher. Opposed Vietnam & Iraq Wars. Served on Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron & At-tuwani (West Bank). CO
1941-2010 - Richard Holbrooke - Diplomat. Negotiated Dayton Peace Accords ending war in Bosnia. Helped Dayton Intl Peace Museum.
1946-2010 - Chief Jack Swamp - Mohawk. Founded Tree of Peace Society "to promote universal peace through the planting of trees throughout the world."
1948-2010 - Tony Judt - Historian. Public Intellectual. Founded Erich Maria Remarque Institute in 1995.
1971-2010 - Chidi Nwosu - Anti-corruption activist. Founded Human Rights, Justice & Peace Foundation. Assassinated at age 39. P
11 Peacemakers Who Died in 2009:
1914-2009 - Norman Borlaug - "Father of the Green Revolution." Video | Museum
1920-2009 - Janet Rosenburg Jagen - American from Chicago. Wife of Cheddi Jagen (qv). President of Guyana 1997-1999.
c1920-2009 - Kimani Maruge - Mau Mau freedom fighter. Holds Guinness World Record as oldest person to start primary school (at age 84). Spoke to United Nations.
1923-2009 - Ed Grothus - Machinist. Protested US atomic bombs. See monuments in Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA).
1925-2009 - Kim Dae-jung - President of South Korea 1998-2003. First to meet with North Korean leaders. Called "Nelson Mandela of Asia."
1929-2009 - Franz Deutsch - Founded the First Austrian Peace Museum, Wolfsegg (Austria), in 1993.
1935-2009 - Millard Fuller - Disciples of Christ missionary in Zaire in 1973. Founded Habitat for Humanity, Americus, Georgia (USA), in 1976.
1935-2009 - Marilyn Clement - Executive Director of Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) 1976-1989. Founder of Healthcare NOW!
1947-2009 - William Thomas Hallenback Jr. - Known as Thomas. Anti-nuclear activist & simple living adherent. Maintained 27-year vigil at White House from 1981.
1958-2009 - Natalia Estemirova - Human rights activist. On board of Russian human rights organisation Memorial. Abducted from her home in Grozny, Chechnya.
1984-2009 - Catherine (Kate) Puzey - Peace Corps Volunteer in Benin. Murdered after exposing sexual abuse of young girls.
4 Peacemakers Who Died in 2008:
1910-2008 - Irena Sendler - Smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto.
1914-2008 - Ralph DiGia - Lifelong pacifist & social justice activist. Staffer at War Resisters League for 52 years. P
1924-2008 - Pierre Weil - Psychologist, author & educator. Founded City of Peace Foundation in Brazil in 1986.
1927-2008 - Abie Nathan - Humanitarian & peace activist. Operated Voice of Peace radio station offshore Tel Aviv 1973-1993.
7 Peacemakers Who Died in 2007:
1907-2007 - Ralph K.White Wrote "Fearful Warriors: A Psychological Profile of U.S.-Soviet Relations" in 1984.
1911-2007 - Anatol Rapoport - Mathematical psychologist. Contributed to general systems theory & social modeling.
1913-2007 - Albert Ellis - Psychologist. Developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in 1955.
1922-2007 - Kurt Vonnegut - Writer. Wrote "Slaughterhouse-Five" in 1969. Honorary president of American Humanist Association.
1928-2007 - Sherwin T. Wine - Rabbi. Founded first congregation of Humanistic Judaism in 1963 & Society for Humanistic Judaism in 1969.
1931-2007 - Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose - Spiritual teacher, philosopher, poet, artist & athlete. Many monuments.
1978-2007 - Andrea Parhamovich - Employee of National Democratic Institute (NDI). Killed in Baghdad (Iraq) after teaching a class on democracy.
17 Peacemakers Who Died in 2006:
1908-2006 - John Kenneth Galbraith - Keynesian economist. public intellectural. Author & bureaucrat. US ambassador to India 1961-63.
1912-2006 - Vashti McCollum - Atheist or Humanist. Sued to end religious instruction in public schools. Son is John Terry McCollum.
1914-2006 - Harry Mister - Helped run Peace News 1936-71. Managed Housmans Bookshop in London 1945-76.
1914-2006 - Louis B. Sohn - Law Professor. Wrote "World PeaceThrough World Law" in 1958 with Greenville Clark.
1915-2006 - Alvin Weinberg - Physicist & administrator. Manhattan Project scientist. Proposed "Sanctification of Hiroshima" in 1985. Click here for Wikipedia bio.
1916-2006 - Adam Curle - Peace activist. Traveled widely in US, Africa, etc. First head of peace studies at Univ of Bradford 1973-78. See James O'Connell [1925-2013].
1916-2006 - Anton Rupert - Billionaire entrepreneur. Founded Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) to promote transfrontier conservation areas (peace parks) in Southern Africa.
1919-2006 - Desmond Doss - Seventh Day Adventist. First US conscientious objector to receive Medal of Honor & one of only three so honored. CO
1920-2006 - Peter Brock - Peace historian at University of Toronto. Specialized in history of pacifism & Eastern Europe.
1921-2006 - Betty Friedan - Feminist activist. Wrote "The Feminine Mystique." Founded NOW & Women's Strike for Equality.
1975 w/Henry Morgentaler
1924-2006 - Anne Braden - Civil rights advocate in Kentucky. Worked to desegregate hospitals & housing.
1924-2006 - Wiliam Sloane Coffin - Chaplain at Yale University. President of SANE/FREEZE (now Peace Action).
1925-2006 - Sidney Hinkes - Priest & peace campaigner. Became pacifist during 1956 Suez War in 1956. In first Aldermaston March (1958). Became chair of Christian CND in 1964.
1927-2006 - Coretta Scott King - Wife of Martin Luther King, Jr. (qv).
1930-2006 - Norma Becker - Chaired War Resisters League 1977-83. Founded 5th Avenue Vietnam Peace Parade Cte & Mobilization for Survival coalition. Click for photos.
1951-2006 - Tom Fox - Member of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). Killed in Iraq in 2006.
1958-2006 - Anna Politkovskaya - Journalist, writer & human rights activist. Known for opposition to the Chechen conflict. (Born in NYC while father was Ukranian diplomat)
___ Peacemakers Who Died in 2005:
1919-2005 - Fred Korematsu - Civil rights activist. Objected to internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. January 30 is Fred Korematsu Day in California.
___Peacemakers Who Died in 2004:
___ Peacemakers Who Died in 2003:
1918-2003 - Robert Swann - Anti-nuclear communitarian. Created EF Schumacher Society & Voluntown Peace Trust. See autobiography & wife Marjorie Swann Edwin. CO