110 Peacemakers for Women's Rights
= Suffragists (& other advocates of women's rights) | Chick here for other symbols.
Click here for women's rights monuments. | Click here for human rights monuments. | Click here for civil rights monuments.
Click here for Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF). | Click here for Nobel Peace Prize Women 2005.
c370-415 AD - Hypatia - First notable female mathematician. Assassinated by Christian mob. A symbol of martryed Reason, feminism & Classical paganism.
1591-1643 - Anne Hutchinson - Puritan spiritual adviser. "Courageous exponent of civil liberty & religious toleration." Click here for monuments in Massachusetts (USA).
c1738-c1822 - Nancy Ward - Nanyehi in Cherokee. Sat in councils & made decisions, along with chiefs & other "Beloved Women." Helped her people as peace negotiator & ambassador.
1748-1793 - Olympe de Gouges - Playwright, political activist & early feminist. Advocated for slaves in the colonies. Wrote Declaration of the Rights of Woman & the Female Citizen (1791). Executed.
1781-1869 - Rebecca Gratz - Educator & philanthropist. Established Female Association for the Relief of Women & Children in 1801.
1793-1880 - Lucretia Coffin Mott. - Abolitionist, social reformer & proponent of women's rights. Click here for Quaker monuments.
1795-1852 - Frances (Fanny) Wright - Freethinker & abolitionist. Lover of LaFayette. Founded interracial commune of Nashoba in Tennessee (USA) in 1825.
1796-1859 - Horace Mann - Advocate of educaton reform & women's rights. First president of Antioch College.
c1797-1883 - Sojourner Truth - Abolitionist & women's rights activist. Born into slavery. Delivered "Ain't I a Woman?" speech in 1851.
1800-1884 - Mary Ann McClintock. - Women's rights advocate. Attended Seneca Falls convention.
c1800-1889 - Jane Hunt. - Women's rights advocate. Attended Seneca Falls convention.
1802-1880 - Lydia Maria Child - Abolitionist, women's & Indian rights activist, novelist & journalist. Opposed male dominance & white supremacy. Wrote "Over the River and Through the Wood."
1802-1887 - Dorothea Dix - Activist on behalf of the indigent insane.
1802-1889 - Amy Post - Hicksite Quaker, freethinker & spiritualist. Active in abolition, woman suffrage & other causes. Co-founded Western NY Anti-Slavery Society in 1842.
1803-1844 - Flora Tristan - Socialist writer & activist. A founder of modern feminism. Grandmother of Paul Gauguin.
1805-1879 - Angelina Grimké Weld - Abolitionist & suffragist.
1806-1875 - Martha Coffin Wright. - Abolitionist & women's rights advocate. Sister of Lucretia Coffin Mott.
1806-1885 - Maria Weston Chapman - Abolitionist. On exec cte of American Anti-Slavery Society. Editted anti-slavery journal "Non-Resistant" & The Liberty Bell. Married to Henry Grafton Chapman.
1810-1850 - Margaret Fuller Ossoli - Transcendentalist. Wrote "Woman in the Nineteenth Century" in 1845.
1810-1892 - Ernestine Louise Polowsky Rose - Feminist, freethinker & atheist. Intellectual force behind women's rights movement.
1811-1996 - Harriet Beecher Stowe - Abolitionist. Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852. Sister of Henry Ward Beecher (qv).
1815-1902 - Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Suffragist. Presented "Declaration of Sentiments" to first women's rights convention in 1848.
1818-1893 - Lucy Stone - Abolitionist & suffragist. First Massachusetts woman to earn college degree. First recorded US woman to retain own last name after marriage.
1818-1894 - Amelia Bloomer - Women's rights & temperance advocate. Her name became associated with bloomers ("emancipation dress") because of her early & strong advocacy.
c1818-1895 - Frederick Douglass - Abolitionist. Former slave. Wrote "classic" autobiography in 1845. See slavery monuments.
1819-1897 - Julia Ward Howe - Abolitionist. Wrote "Battle Hymn of the Republic" 1862 & anti-war Mother's Day Proclamation 1870. Wife of Samuel Gridley Howe (qv).
1820-1871 - Alice Cary - Sister of Phoebe Cary (qv). Poet. First president of Sorosis, 1st professional women's club in USA. See Jane Cunningham Croly.
1820-1906 - Susan B. Anthony - Suffragist. Pivotal role in women's rights movement. Averaged 75-100 speeches per year.
1820-1913 - Harriet Tubman - African-American abolitionist & humanitarian. Helped run Underground Railroad. See slavery monuments.
1821-1912 - Clara Barton - Teacher, nurse & humanitarian. Organized American Red Cross in 1881.
1824-1916 - Elizabeth Avery Meriwether - Suffragist in West Tennessee (last state to ratify 19th Amendment in 1920). One of 3 on statue in Knoxville.
1824-1871 - Phoebe Cary - Sister of Alice Cary (qv). Poet & champion of women's rights.
1829-1901 - Jane Cunningham Croly - Born in England. Organized Sorosis, 1st professional women's club in USA, New York City, 1868.
1835-1926 - Olympia Brown - Suffragist. First ordained woman minister in USA (Universalist). Voted in 1920 at age 85.
1837-1930 - Mary Harris "Mother" Jones - Labor & community organizer. Co-founded Industrial Workers of the World.
1838-1927 - Victoria Chaflin Woodull - Suffragist. Colorful & notorious symbol for women's rights. Exposed Henry Ward Beecher (qv).
1842-1932 - Anna Elizabeth Dickinson - Orator, abolitionist & suffragist. First woman to speak before the US Congress.
1844-1920 - May Wright Sewell - Teacher, suffrigist & art patron. Chair of International Council of Women. Proposed "Peace Day." Lived in Indianapolis.
1847-1919 - Anna Howard Shaw - Physician. Leader of suffrage movement & League to Enforce Peace. First female Methodist minister in USA.
1847-1929 - Dame Milicent Fawcett - Suffragist & early feminist. Worked with Emily Hobhouse (qv).
1847-1934 - Kate Sheppard - Most prominent member of suffrage movement in New Zealand (first country to introduce universal suffrage).
1850-1937 - Johanna Waszklewicz-van Schilfgaarde - Baroness. Peace organizer. Founded Alliance of Women for Peace in 1899. "Pupil" of Bertha von Suttner. Spent last 35 years in Rome.
1851-1926 - Lizzie Crozier French - Suffragist in East Tennessee (last to ratify 19th Amendment in 1920). Plaque in Nashville. One of 3 on statue in Knoxville. Room at TVUUC.
1854-1929 - Aletta Jacobs - Organized Women's Peace Congress in 1915. Helped found Women's International League for Peace & Freedom.
1856-1936 - Lucia Ames Mead - Reformer. Leader of Woman's Peace Party, Nat Council for Prevention of War, Nat Council of Women & WILPF. Married to Edwin D. Mead (qv). p Conf
1856-1940 - Harriot Stanton Blatch - Suffragist. Daughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton (qv).
1857-1943 - Anita Augspurg - Lawyer, actor & feminist. Germany's 1st female jurist. Partner of Lida Gustava Heymann (qv). At Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom (1915).
1858-1919 - Rachel Foster Avery - Suffragist. Organized the International Council of Women in 1888.
1858-1928 - Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst - Suffragist. "One of 100 Most Important People of 20th Century." Mother of Christabel, Sylvia & Adele (qv).
1859-1947 - Carrie Chapman Catt - Suffragist & peace activist. Founded League of Women Voters & International Alliance of Women.
1860-1935 - Jane Addams - Pioneer settlement worker. Founded Hull House & WILPF.
1931 with Nicholas Murray Butler
1860-1935 - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Sociologist, writer, utopian feminist & advocate of euthanasia. "Chose chloroform over cancer" for herself.
1862-1931 - Ida Bell Wells-Barnett - Journalist & anti-lynching activist. Edited "Memphis Free Speech." A founder of the NAACP in 1909.
1862-1955 - Zonia Baber - Geographer, geologist & teacher. Mapped peace monuments. Wrote "Peace Symbols" for WILPF. Lifelong association w/Flora Juliette Cooke.
1863-1947 - Mary Emma Woolley - Peace activist & suffragist. First female student at Brown University. President of Mount Holyoke College.
1865-1936 - Minnie J. Reynolds - Newspaper reporter & women's rights activist. Helped pass woman's suffrage in Colorado in 1893.
1868-1943 - Lida Gustava Heymann - Prominent in bourgeois women's movement. Partner of Anita Augspurg (qv). Attended Intl Women's Conf for Peace & Freedom in 1915.
1875-1955 - Mary McLeod Bethune - Educator & civil rights leader. Started what became Bethune-Cookman Univ. Advised FDR.
1876-1955 - Anne Dallas Dudley - Suffragist in Middle Tennessee. One of 3 on statue in Knoxville. One of 11 in "The Pride of Tennessee." Marker in Nashville.
1876-1956 - Maude Royden. Founded the Society for the Ministry of Women.
1876-1958 - Mary Ritter Beard - Historian & suffragist. Friend of Rosika Schwimmer (qv).
1877-1964 - Jeanne Melin - Pacifist. Worked for peace & women's rights. "Conferenciere remarquable, organisatrice infatigable." P
1878-1916 - Francis Sheehy-Skeffington - Suffragist, pacifist & writer. Click here for monuments in Ireland. P
1879-1966 - Lucy Burns - Suffragist & women's rights advocate in USA & UK. Close friend of Alice Paul (qv) with whom she founded the National Woman's Party (NWP).
1879-1966 - Margaret Sanger - Suffrigist. Coined "birth control" in 1914. Founded American Birth Control League in 1921.
1880-1958 - Christabel Pankhurst - Daughter of Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst (qv). Suffragist. Buried in California.
1880-1973 - Jeannette Rankin - Pacifist. First woman in US Congress. Voted against US entry into World Wars I and II. Statues in MT & DC.
1881-1928 - Crystal Eastman - Co-founded Women's Peace Party in 1915 & American Civil Liberties Union in 1920.
1882-1960 - Sylvia Pankhurst - Daughter of Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst (qv). Suffragist. Communist, then devoted to anti-fascism. Buried in Ethiopia.
1885-1961 - Adele Pankhurst - Daughter of Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst (qv). Suffragist. Communist. Buried in Australia.
1885-1962 - Charles Francis Potter - Advocate of women’s rights, birth control, civil divorce laws, humanism, euthansia & end to capital punishment.
1885-1977 - Alice Paul - Suffragist & women's rights activist. Knew the Pankhursts in England (qv). Wrote the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
1886-1916 - Inez Milholland Boissevain - Suffragist, labor lawyer & opponent of World War I. P
1889-1977 - Gertrude Harding - Suffragette. Moved to London in 1912. Remained as one of the highest-ranking members of the Women's Social & Political Union.
1892-1973 - Pearl S. Buck - Writer. Lived in China until 1934. Her novel The Good Earth won Pulitzer Prize in 1932.
1895-1977 - Harry T. Burn - Cast deciding vote (at age 24) on August 18, 1920, to ratify Nineteenth Amendment (50 yes vs. 49 no votes), thus winning votes for women.
1897-1993 - Marian Anderson - Celebrated Contralto. Sang at Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after DAR refused use of Constitution Hall.
1897-2001 - Shidzue Kato - Feminist. One of first women elected to Diet. Pioneer in birth control movement & strong supporter of labour reform.
1901-1978 - Margaret Mead - Cultural anthropologist. Featured writer & speaker. Wrote "Coming of Age in Samoa" in 1928.
1905-1995 - Margaret E. Kuhn - Activist. Founded the Gray Panthers in 1970 to work for rights & welfare of the elderly.
1907-1964 - Rachel Carson - Marine biologist & nature writer. Wrote "The Sea Around Us" in 1951 & "Silent Spring" in 1962.
1911-2010 - Lucile Longview - "Liberation feminist, futurist & change agent." UU Women & Religion Resolution in 1977.
1912-2010 - Dorothy I. Height - African-American civil rights activist. Received Congressional Gold Medal.
1913-2005 - Rosa Parks. "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement." Sparked bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama.
1916-1994 - Hind al-Husseini - Educator & feminist. Rescued 55 orphans of Deir Yassin massacre in 1948. Started orphanage & women's college.
1917-1977 - Fannie Lou Hamer. Civil rights activist. Democratic delegate. Click here for peace monuments in Alabama (USA).
1917-1984 - Barbara Deming - Writer. Gandhian. Open lesbian. "Created a body of non-violent theory centered on the women's movement."
1920-1998 - Bella Savitsky Abzug - Lawyer, Congresswoman, social activist. Founded National Women's Political Caucus w/Gloria Steinem & Betty Friedan in 1971.
1921-2006 - Betty Friedan - Feminist activist. Wrote "The Feminine Mystique." Founded NOW & Women's Strike for Equality.
1975 w/Henry Morgentaler
1923-2012 - Amy Swerdlow - Historian & peace activist. Director of Women’s Studies at Sarah Lawrence College. A founder of Women Strike for Peace (WSP).
1923-2014 - Nadine Gordimer - Writer & political activist. Active in anti-apartheid & HIV/AIDS causes. Received 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature.
1926-1987 - Margaret Laurence - Novelist. Outspoken supporter of peace, women's rights & other progressive causes.
1929-2012 - Adrienne Rich - Poet, essayist & feminist. Credited with bringing "the oppression of women & lesbians to the forefront of poetic discourse."
1933-Alive - Ela Ramesh Bhatt - Founded Self-Employed Women's Assn (SEWA) in 1972. Recd Niwano Peace Prize in 2010.
1934-2002 - Yayori Matsui - Journalist & women's rights activist. Founded Women’s Active Museum of War and Peace in Tokyo in 2005.
1934-Alive - Gloria Steinem - Feminist & journalist. Social & political activist. Leader of women's liberation movement in the late 1960's & 1970's.
1937-Alive - Jane Fonda - Actress. Opposed Wars in Vietnam & Iraq. Co-founded Women's Media Center in 2005. Wife of Tom Hayden (qv).
1938-Alive - Helen Caldicott - Founded Women's Action for New Directions in 1982.
1938-Alive - Lilly Ledbetter - Plaintiff in employment discrimination case Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Later became women's equality activist.
1939-Alive - Marian Wright Edelman - Founded Childrens Defense Fund in 1973.
1940-1994 - Wilma Rudolph - Athlete in 1956 & 1950 Olympic Games. "Fastest woman in the world." Civil rights & women's rights pioneer.
1943-Alive - Faye Wattleton - President of Planned Parenthood 1978–1992. President of Center for the Advancement of Women.
1945-Alive - Graça Machel - Advocate for children's & women's rights. Widow of Samora Machel & 3rd wife of Nelson Mandela.
1952-Alive - Medea Benjamin - Political activist. Co-founded Code Pink & fair trade advocacy group Global Exchange. Received US Peace Memorial Foundation prize in 2012.
1956-Alive - Anita Hill - Attorney & academic. Advocate of women's rights. Accused Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991.
1962-Alive - Taslima Nasrin - Physician. Author of 33 books. Supports human rights & criticizes religion. "All religions are antiwomen." In exile since 1994. Has received many intl awards.
1967-Alive - Amr Khaled - Televangelist, activist & preacher in Cairo. Advocates moderation & women's rights.
1969-Alive - Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Women's rights & atheist activist. Critical of genital mutilation & Islam. Dutch asylum in 1992. Wrote screenplay with Theo van Gogh.
1971-Alive - Chen Guangcheng - Civil rights activist. Self-taught lawyer. Blind. Advocates for women's rights, land rights & welfare of the poor. Escaped house arrest in 2012 & went to USA.
1989-Alive - Ghoncheh Ghavami - Law graduate of University of London. Emprisoned for Protesting ban on women in sports stadia.
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