| Other Example Inside the USA |
Note |
41 |
Stones, Rocks, Cairns & Slabs
| Ancient - Lion & Lamb Peak, Cumbria, England
| 1967 - All Nations Peace & Reconciliation Memorial, Friedland, Germany
| 1981 - Temple of Tolerance, 203 S Wood St, Wapakoneta, Ohio
41 |
Olive Trees & Branches
| Ancient - Olive Tree of Vouves, Greece
| 1991 - Park of Olives, near Ramat Rachel Kibbutz, Jerusalem, Israel
| 1911 - Old Guard Peace Mon, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, Georgia
57 |
Mosaics & Paintings
| 2600-2400 BCE - Standard of Ur, London, England
| 1648 - "Ratification of Treaty of Münster" by Gerard Ter Borch, London, England
| c1833 - "Peaceable Kingdom" by Edward Hicks, Worcester, MA
29 |
| c20 BC - Augustus of Prima Porta, Prima Porta, near Rome, Italy
| 1992 - "Hands Across the Divide," Craigavon Bridge, Londonderry, N. Ireland
| 1936 - "Vision of Peace," City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota
| Excluding Gandhi
34 |
Temples, Chapels & Churches
| AD 75 - Temple of Peace, Forum of Vespasian, Rome, Italy
| 1971 -
Capilla de la Paz, Acapulco, Mexico
| 1813 - Ahu'ena Heiau, Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawai'i
41 |
| 15th Century - Bao'ensi / Temple of Gratitude, Yangtze River, China
| 1930 - IJzertoren Museum of War, Peace & Flemish Emancipation, Diksmuide/Dixmude, Belgium
| 1910 - NY Peace Monument, Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, TN
9 |
Inuksuit (Arctic)
| Ancient - Inuksuit, Nunavut, Canada
| 2009 - Inuksuk, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
| >1989 - Inuksuk, Canadian Embassy, Washington, DC
27 |
Graves & Tombs
| c1536 - Tomb of Erasmus, Basler Münster, Basel, Switzerland
| 1910 - Grave of Henri Dunant, Friedhof Zürich-Sihlfeld, Switzerland
| 1852 - Grave of Frances Wright, Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio
24 |
| Date? - St. George's Castle, Elmina, Ghana
| 1993 - Robben Island Museum, Robben Island, South Africa
| 2008 - Tule Lake Segregation Center, Tule Lake, California
40 |
Bridges & Dams
| 1593 - Friendship Bridge, Hòa An, Vietnam
| 2004 - Passerelle des Deux Rives, Rhine River, Strasbourg/Kehl, France/Germany
| 1927 - Peace Bridge, Buffalo/Fort Erie, USA/Canada
35 |
Boats & Ships
| 1598 - "De Liefde/Love," Tokyo, Japan
| 1976 - Display House of the Fifth Lucky Dragon, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
| 2009 -
Vietnamese Boat People Monument, Westminster, California
17 |
Stained Glass Windows
| c1660 - "Dove of the Holy Spirit," Basilica of St. Peter, Vatican City
| 1918? - Edith Cavell Memorial Window, Swardeston, Norfolk, England
| 1964 - "Peace & Human Happiness," United Nations, NY
44 |
Trees & Groves
| 1682 - Treaty Elm, Sackamaxon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
| 1898 - Arbol de la Paz / Tree of Peace, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba | 1910 - Peace Tree, Organization of American States, Washington, DC
| See Gardens
33 |
Buildings & Houses
| 1722 - Fredensborg Slot Castle, near Copenhagen, Denmark
| 1925 - Beit el-Amani / Peace Memorial Museum, Mnazi Moja, Zanzibar, Tanzania
| 1914 - Merrill House, Church Peace Union (CPU),
New York, NY
61 |
| c1735 - "Allegory of Peace," Bolshoy Catherine Palace, Russia
| 2004 -
Peace Sculpture, Woodstock School, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, India
| 1959 - "Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares," United Nations, NY
| See Statues
27 |
| 1793 - "Goddess of Peace," Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany
| 1838 - Arco della Pace / Arch of Peace, Parco Sempione, Milan, Italy
| 1921 - International Peace Arch, Blaine/Douglas, WA/BC
10 |
Roads & Streets
| c1816 - Rue de la Paix, Paris, France
| Date? - Peace Avenue / Enkh Taivny Urgon Chuloo, Ulaanbaatar/Ulan Bator, Mongolia
| - Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard, many places
71 |
Parks (Small) | 1851 - Friendship Park, San Diego/Tijuana, USA/Mexico | 1914 - Morokulien, Norway/Sweden | c1908 - Peace Park, Hopkinsville, Kentucky |
See Parks (Transboundary)
391 |
"Museums for Peace"
| 1856 - Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau, Quebec
| 1988 - International Red Cross & Red Crescent Museum, Geneva, Switzerland
| 1991 - National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, Tennessee
| See Holocaust & Peace Museums
33 |
| 1865 - Buxton Memorial Fountain, London, England
| 1930 - Shrine Peace Memorial, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
| 2002 - World Peace Prayer Fountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas
32 |
| 1869 - Treaty Table, White House, Washington, DC, USA
| 1938 - Peace Table, Tg-Jiu, Gorj, Romania
| 1986 - Peace Table, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, NY
42 |
Bells (Western)
| 1893 - Columbian Liberty Bell, Chicago, Illinois, USA |
1977 - Peace Bell, Hill of Yamazato, Nagasaki, Japan | 1999 - World Peace Bell, Newport, Kentucky |
66 |
| 1896 -
"Peace & War," Library of Congress, DC, USA
| 2004 - Bogside Peace Mural, Londonderry, Northern Ireland
| 1998 -
Peace Wall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
| See Walls
| Crosses
| 1898 - Peace Cross, Washington, DC, USA
| 1904 - Cristo Redentor de los Andes/Christ of the Andes,, Argentina/Chile
| 1956 - Peace Cross, Holy Land USA, Pine Hill, Waterbury, Connecticut
| See Churches
38 |
Peace Museums
| 1902-1920 - International Museum of War & Peace, Lucerne, Switzerland
| 1992 - Kyoto Musuem for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
| 2005 - Dayton International Peace Museum, Dayton, Ohio
| See Museums for Peace
101 |
Pagodas & Stupas
| 1908 - "The Pagoda," Mount Penn, Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
| 2010 - Global Vipassana Peace Pagoda, Gorai Creek, Mumbai, India
| 1993 - Grafton Peace Pagoda (Nipponzan Myohoji), Petersburg, NY
| 1 added 08Oct11
30 |
Flames & Beacons
| 1910 - Angel de la Independencia, Paseo de la Reforma, Mexico City, Mexico
| 2007 - John Lennon "Imagine Peace" Tower, Videy Island, Reykjavik, Iceland
| 2002 - Torch of Friendship, San Antonio, Texas
110 |
Gardens |
1910 - Japanese Garden of Peace, London, England | 1958 - Jardin Japonais de la Paix, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France |
1932 - International Peace Garden, ND/Manitoba, USA/Canada |
9 |
Parks (Trans- boundary) |
1914 - Fredsmonument, Morokulien, Norway/Sweden
| 1988 - Parque Internacional La Amistad, Costa Rica/Panama |
1932 - Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, Canada/USA |
See Parks (Small)
20 |
| 1926 - Great Frieze of War & Peace, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
| 2000 - Le Mur pour la Paix, Champs de Mars, Paris, France
| 1997 -
Peace Wall & Moon Gate, Bluffton University Ohio
| See Murals
7 |
| 1927 - Peace Tower of Victory & Peace, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| 1989 - Berlin Peace Clock, Juwelier Lorenz, Berlin, Germany
1966 - Floral Peace Clock, International Peace Garden, ND/Manitoba, USA/Canada |
28 |
Trails & Walks
| 1928 -
Madonna of the Trail, Springfield, Ohio, USA
| >1997 - Fridensglocken-Wanderweg, Mösern bei Seefeld, Austria
| 2008 - Atlanta Peace Trails (APT), Atlanta, Georgia
28 |
Markers & Plaques
| 1935 - Rush-Bagot Mem Tablet, 2425 L St, Washington, DC, USA | 2002 - Blue Plaque for Bertrand Russell, London, England | 1974 - Lucretia Mott marker, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania | Counted 07Sep11
62 |
Holocaust Museums
| 1947 - Memorial & Museum, Auschswitz, Poland
| 1953 - Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, Jerusalem, Israel
| 1993 - US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC
| See Museums for Peace
30 |
Statues of Gandhi
| <1948 - Before Gandhi's death? In India?
| Date? - "Gyarah Murti / Eleven Figures," Willingdon Crescent, New Delhi, India
| 1988 - Ferry Building, San Francico, California
| See other Statues
69 |
Bells (Asian)
| 1949 - Bell of Peace, Tamon-in Temple, Hiroshima, Japan |
1964 - Peace Bell, Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima, Japan |
1996 - International Friendship Bell, Oak Ridge, Tennessee |
See Bells (Western)
69 |
Peace Poles
| 1955 - World Peace Prayer Society founded by Masahisa Goi, Japan
| Date? - Allenby Bridge, Jordan River, Palestine/Jordan
| 2003 - 84 Peace Poles, International Peace Gardens, Jordan Park, Salt Lake City, Utah
15 |
CND Peace Symbol
| >1958 - Probably somewhere in the UK after CND's Aldermaston March.
| 2007 - Solar Peace Sculpture, University of Saarland, Saarbrüken, Germany
| 1984 - John Lennon Memorial, Strawberry Fields, Central Park, New York City, New York
12 |
Pink Triangle
| c1980 - Rosa Winkel/Pink Triangle, Germany
| 1987 - Homomonument, Keizersgracht Canal, Amsterdam, Netherlands
| 2003 - Pink Triangle Park & Memorial, Castro, San Francisco, CA
16 |
Peace Camps
| 1981 -
Concepcion Picciotto, Lafayette Square, White House, Washington, DC, USA
| 1982 - Faslane Peace Camp, Faslane Naval Base, Argyll & Bute, Scotland
| 1986 - Peace Farm, Pantex Plant, US Highway 60, Panhandle, Texas
| Counted 08Oct11
5 |
| c2003 - World Peace Gong, Jepara, Indonesia
| 2006 - World Peace Gong #2, Gandhi Smriti, Birla Bhavan / Birla House, New Delhi, India
| None in USA
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